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Missions Edition

Dorothy Uhlig's Report from Thailand

October 2008

The Lord

Work in Chiangkam

i first became acquainted with Joop, a man from the

Netherlands married to KamPaen, a Thai, 10 years ago.

Joop came asking ifthere was a church cemetery where he

could be buried If he died. Village graveyards are usually

Buddhist In this country and Ihey won't allow Christians to be

buried therethey say the spirits wouldn't like It. So larger churches have purchased land or in some cases the village
has agreed to divide the graveyard.
Kampaen said she believed in Jesus, but not
openly. Recently she had a severe headache and went to a

condition was too serious to allow moving to Bangkok so the surgeon in Chiangmai operated. The doctor warned she might be blind, unable to speak or paralyzed. Many Christians in Chiangkam and Chiangmai as well as the Netherlands prayed. KamPaen came through
surgery beautifully and was out of fCU after one day!

Tests revealed that KamPaen had a leaking blood vessel (aneurism) in the brain. Her

hospital in Chiangrai. After 2 3 days of no improvement the hospital sent them to the Chiangmai University Hospital.

told us she had accepted the Lord and now had great peace and joy and wants to be baptized Praise the Lord! She has a grown son and 2daughters who have been greatly impressed by
the Lord's power and the love of the Christians.

After KamPaen returned home, the Chiangkam dorm housefather and Iwent to visit her. She

The Lord is working in Pepper Village Mr. Green, a Thai elder from Sope Waan, has been preaching at Pepper Village once a month
21 he was very excited at how the Lord is working.
the Mien. When he came to see me September

on the floor In the church and sleep there. The folks seemed surprised and pleased so he
plans to do that next month.

Two or three months ago Mr. Green asked the people about having a potluck meal together the Sunday he preaches. (He and his wife contribute food too.) They agreed. Tliis Sunday the people were asking his advice on some issues and he told them he and his wife would be glad to come up on Saturdays, visit in homes and spend the nightthey could just put a mat

to burn the church down and destroy the car that took his wife to church. Mr. Green told her
not to be afraid; God would care for her and the church.

Fam Jiem. a woman he baptized last month, said her husband was very angry and threatened

The Lord raised up a young woman, Fam, to take the leadership of this church. She is studying in Bangkok Bible College by correspondence. She has completed 2 years of a 4
year course. She is greatly encouraged by the new life and interest in the church.
Liu, a young woman who believed last year, has led a cousin to the Lord.

Pray that the Christians will grow in love, in knowledge of the Word and obedience to it and in
sharing the Good News with others.

Tlie Lord is worl^Ing in Development Village

At Development Village the Mong church is eagerly looking forward to having their own land
and building a new church. The final payment of 40,000 Baht ($1,176.00) is due the last of November. If not paid on time the price will go up 10,000 Baht more. Pray the Lord will provide. Two Christian families have moved into the area which will strengthen the church.

The 3worrien whose husbands deserted them have been attending regularly. One of them
rhnrrh in in R T and her employer encourage cnurch Bangkok goes with Bee her!in
^ companion to a woman in Uangkok. My housekeeper got the job for

her Christian life. Bee Is attending





Don White, Pastor

Dorothy Uhlig, Missionary to Thailand

Mission Services Asso
POBox 13111

Knoxville,TN 37920-0111



111 /11111 rHifiTu/i Iffiri ttri 111 i"/frrrtf rjif1111 ffMI fIh
Tom & Robin Collins

other News

Mike Phillips, a fellow missionary, went on furlough in July. He and his family will be gone for a year as his 2nd boy, Mathew, entered college in Kansas along with his older brother Aaron. Mike returned on October 7th for a couple of
weeks to take care of business. Tom and Robin Collins

from the Macomb Christian Church in Michigan came with

him. Tom and Robin will live with me until next February.
They will be teaching English at the Home of Blessing, a
nearby high school, and to some of our leaders.

' ,
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I went to Chiangmai to meet them and they stayed in Chiangmai 3 days while I had my final check-up following cataract surgery. Then I went for an eye exam for glasses, but the
specialist said couldn't be made in Thailand. So I have written to Bangkok to see if they have equipment for testing and can make my prescription. (! have a slight deviation of one eye and see double without prisms.) Pray that I will find a place in Thailand or Singapore where I can ^el glasses.-Ldon't want to have to go to-the U.S. -

School is out October 10-20 so the house parents; from^the Chiangkam dorm (CYDC) and Home of Refuge have gone to Chiangkong for 5 days of rest and spiritual renewal.

Prayer Requests
Pray for the house parents as they return and minister to the young people and their families.

In Kean and Mali of the Chiangkam dorm are counseling several families. Some have come to

the Lord and need discipling. Pray too for the necessary funds for the domris. Pray for Tom and Robin Collins as they adjust to life in Thailand and prepare to teach the children and some leaders. May their lives be a blessing. Pray for Mike Phillips as he returns to Kansas and for Naomi and the 4 boys.

Pray for the Mike Avrit family. They will finish their work in Laos the end of this year and are seeking the Lord's guidance for coming and working with us. Pray for Dorothy as she continues to minister to those the Lord brings to her home and at the churches at Pepper village and Development village. Pray for glasses. Pray for Jerry and Becky Uhlig and Vivian Uhlig (my nephew and his wife, and my sister-inlaw) who will visit in November.

Pray for Arlene Lundgren, Dorothy's forwarding agent, who is caring for her mother who is
104 years old and in failing health. Pray for revival in America and Thailand. How much we need God.


Mrs. Arlene Lundgren

3500 Summers Lane #28

Dorothy Uhlig
P.O. Box 5

Klamath Falls, OR 97603 ALundqren51(a)aol.com

Chiangkam, Phayao 56110


This Cliristmiis time as I was liiinking of the life ofJosepli anJ Mary anil the birth of Christ, I was impressed by what may have appeared to them to be detours
in llieir lives that showed Ibrtli the IMan of (iod.

I'or Mary and Josepii (here was an unexpeeled pregnancy ol"a virgin by the Spirit of (iotl.
Ihere was an unexpected trip to Helhlehem because the work! ruler had decided (o lake a

census ol the countries under his rule. Iledidn't know the idea had been given to him by
(iod in order to airange the biiUt of Jesus in the little town oi" Bethlehem, it took months

ti> arrange the details and line tuiiing to time the birtli and thus fulllll (he propliecy of Ilis
birlh in Uethlehem.

When (here was no room in a home or the iim, Joseph may have feh God had forgotten
iheni, but when the Angels sang and the shepherds came to visit, he must have been reassuretl that this tt)o was a part ol Ciod s |:)ianHis Son, oui' Savior, was born a common
man but was to be a king and rule the World.

Ihe Slat that appeared at 1Ms birtii led the wise men to seek a King In Jerusalem. Their arrival caused a stir and planted a desire in (he hear! ofKingllerod lo destroy (he child.

Ihe slar led ihetn h) Ik-lhlehem, and adream warned them (o return home ano(her way. Ihen came another delour in Joseph's life as he received a warning in a dream lo (lee. 1his detour was God's plan to fulllll (he prophecy "Out oi'lTgypt Icalled my Son". I.altt in another dieani he was told to go back to Israel and lear caused him to change
Irom Jerusalem lo Nazareth thus again fullllliiig prophecy "Me shall be callcd a


All of (hese things may have appeared lo be de(ours in the life of Joseph, but they were lullllhng (Jod\s purpose. So in our lives. V. emay n<)t understand why something has happened but can be re-assiired by God's "All ihings work together for
got)d....io ihose who h>ve the l.ord."

and Sukoihai and then they went to the beach at lukef, souih Ihailand while I relumed

Jerry and his wife. Becky and mother came to visit me Nov 12 We visited Chiangmai

ylas.ses. But they ct>uld not be made in C'hiangmat. After atrip to Bangkok, 1found they ct)uld not be made in 'fhailand as they can only fe.* NiV make glasses up to prism 6. fhere has never been any ^ ' \ J' Pi'oblem in the U.S. so Iasked the Lord, "Should 1go lo (he U.S.?'' Ariiv ing back in Chtengkam 1received an e-mail from my forwarding agent saying aperson had been movcil of the l.ord to give the Church al l^cvelt^pmenl village the remainder needed (o buy their properly400,{HK) liahl ($1,164.0{)). The balance was a personal gift (o me of$336. This was the assurance (hat the I.ord wtjuld have me come to the U.S. to obtain glasses. Conllrming this decision was the answer li'oin Smgapore saying ihey couldn't lest or make glas.ses i'or me. Ihe earliest plane reservadon out ofChiangmai was Dec. 4, so Filhecks arranged thai for me. My nephew

cataract surgery last August and in October was ready lo get

the U.S. on Nov. 29 but the airports in liangkok were taken over by dissidents and travel was imiJossible. Ihey llnally arranged lo go i.: Singapore by hit (a eomplicaled journev laking 1!/, days) and then Hew on their ticket t>n Korean airline lo the U.S. They llnally arrived Dee. 2. fhe Chiangmai airport was unaffeciod so I lefl as planned on Dee. 4 and arrived mS.1-. on the 4'spent 2days with my brother 1larold and family, went on to

home and began preparing to go lo the U.S. In (he meantime, Jerry's group was to (ly to

Visaha lor the weekend with C.W. C.diaway and the Goddards and gave areport U. Ihe Micn church on Sunday. Ihat night, Ilook ihe train to Klamath l-alls, spent 2nights Ihere with my forwarding agent and visiting frieiuls and then went by train to Vancouver,
Wa. (just across the river from Portland). 1will have an eye and other medical

Christmas and New Years holidays it is uncertain when the glasses will be llnished, but 1
plan lo return lo Thailand by (he middle ofJanuary, unless the l.ord has some oilier

exiimmations on Dec. 12. It usually lakes 2 or 3 weeks lo gel glasses made. With (he

detours. Iam reminded of the song: "My l.ord knows the way through the wilderness,

AM I Ikivc k> do is follow. Strength lor today, is mine all the way and all I need ibr
tomorrow. My l.ord knows the way Ihrougli the wilderness. Alt I have to do is rollow."

Join me in prayer ibrniy physical, spiritual and (Inancial needs. IN TIIAII.AND all the churchcs arc having special services before and after Christmas.
had a special celebration at Sanam Nua on Dec. 6 and

will have a ceiehnUion at San .lariin Dec. 20-21. 'fhey are planning an evangelistic outreach in March at Nam LakTai. The Mien are planning and fmancing this themselves.
I Lib CHURCH Al' DliVl'LOPMliNT VlLLAGIi (Moml!) will have their celebration

Dec. 21. Ihey are praising the Lord lor the funds provided lor ilnal payment (.)n their property. They plan to tear down the old church and move it to the new property in .January or February. Then when they have sufllcient money they will build a new and
larger building.

1HU HOMI- Ol- BLUSSINO (Mon^ boy's home Iare enjoying the visit and l-nglish

teaching by lorn and Robin Collins from Maconib Christian Church in Michigan. They
will be there through February.

I llh HOMb 01' RI,',ITJ(jli (girPs home) had to sent! 2 girls home after 3-4 years in the home becau.se of unwillingne.ss to conform to regulations including no drinking, no
overnight stays, and sharing <>f household duties.

II Ih C1 IIANGKAl !M DORM (CYDC) The house parents arc cuttijig Inick on the

handicraft projects due lo inability to iind sufficient markets for selling. The house mother will be overseeing a larger garden project to grow more food for tlie home to help with expenses. John and Jeni Goddard are in (he States and sending funding lo the home.
More help is needed.

MIKl- PHlLLll^S AND TAMILY arc in the States on furlough and plans to return in
June. I le will be in Thailand in January assisting a group from the States who are planning lo assist in building the church at Doi Lao Uu in Chijuigrai Province. 1lis son

Aaron is leading a team from his Kansas College to Thailand in mid-January and they will assist wilh an Hnglish camp. These trips JnJanuary all depend on the political
c<)iKlitions in Thailand .so pray for the Lord's guidance in this.

Merry Christmas

Happy New Year

While in the United States,

l)or(ihy Dhlig may be contacted at: 1413 N. L. 64"'Street

Vancouver. WA 98665-0215 360-694-7430


Mrs. Arlene I.undgren

3500 Summers Lane U2H

Klamath Falls, Or 97603

In Thailand:
P. (). Hox 5

ALundgren51 Tc/laoLcom

Chiangkan), Phayao 561 10






Don White, Pastor

Dorotliy Uhlig, Missionary lo Thailand

Mission Services Asso

POBox 13111

Knoxville, TN 37920-0111
'"SiOtOi i 1 B04G


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