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Northanger Road, SW16 5SL

Headteacher: Mr J Robinson MA Telephone: 020-8679 5005 Fax: 020-8679 7771

Mobile: 07988 096007

e mail: head@immanuel-st-andrew.lambeth.sch.uk

Friday 19th June 2009

Dear Parents/Carers,

Situation at Immanuel & St Andrew School

as at the end of today’s school day
In the light of events and recent media coverage, I wanted to be clear about the school’s
response to any swine flu cases that may be confirmed amongst our pupils or staff. To assist us
in writing this letter we refer you to the attached yellow leaflet, received today from the HPA.
In particular we refer you to the section: “There is a case in our school – why is it open?”
“If there has been a confirmed case of swine flu at your school, the HPA will perform a thorough risk
assessment. Every risk assessment is judged against the same principles but the HPA will also take into
account the local circumstances before making a recommendation. If your school is still open, it means that
the confirmed case is not considered to have posed a risk of further spread to other pupils. Another reason for
the school to remain open could be that if the virus is circulating within your community, closing the school
would not help to slow the spread of the virus as people could still be exposed outside the school.”

The HPA has assessed our situation and their current

advice is to keep the school OPEN.
Their advice is that we treat any new cases on a case by case basis but that unless you hear
otherwise we will remain open. The HPA reports that there is “an increasing number of ‘swine
flu’ cases in the wider community outside school (they are) not therefore advising closure of the
school or the issuing of preventative anti-virals for all children and staff at this stage.”
The HPA go onto to remind you that:
“If your child becomes unwell with fever (≥ 38oC) and flu like symptoms (cough, sore throat,
runny nose, limb/joint pain or headache) please contact your GP/ GP out of hours service for
advice. It is very important that your child stays at home if they have flu like symptoms until they
recover. Your child should not attend school and not mix with others outside the home while
symptomatic. Asymptomatic household contacts and pupils can carry on as usual.”

For further advice please contact NHS Direct on 0845 4647 or go to http://www.hpa.org.uk

We ask parents/carers to regularly check the website (over the weekend) as well as call on the
school mobile number if further clarification is needed. We look forward to seeing you all for a
different week on Monday!

Yours sincerely

James Robinson


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