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How to Treat Ringworm on Scalp at Home?


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How to Treat Ringworm on Scalp at Home?

Although ringworm is caused by a fungus, there are several different names for it according to where it appears on the body. Ringworm found in the scalp is called tinea capitis and it is one of the more challenging types of ringworm infections to treat. This type of ringworm affects males more than females and is prevalent in children 3 to 7 years old. Tinea thrives in warm moist areas and a person may contract this infection if he or she has scratches or injuries to the scalp, wet skin for a long period of time, or poor hygiene. It is easily spread from one person to another; usually through the sharing of personal items like hats, combs, or clothing. People of African heritage have a higher risk of getting this infection.

Symptoms of Tineas Capitis

Ringworm can permeate the entire scalp or just a small section. The common signs of this infection include: Bald areas filled small black dots Scaly skin that may be red or swollen Pus-filled sores Itching Low-grade fever or swollen neck lymph nodes The infection may take the signature round shape but not always. Usually a doctor can diagnose this infection by examining the area. However, he or she may use a special lamp called Woods lamp to confirm the diagnosis. A swap of the area may also be taken and sent to a lab for testing.

Treating Tineas Capitis or Scalp Ringworm

The doctor will usually prescribe or recommend a medicated shampoo that contains selenium sulfide or ketoconazole to treat the infection. In addition to removing the infection, this medication can prevent it from spreading. Typically, you will need to use the shampoo at least three times per week for a minimum of five minutes per application. It can take up to four weeks to see results. One in particular medication called Phytozine is an over-the-counter solution that has been proven to eradicate ringworm on the scalp in 2 to 4 weeks. This alternative medication uses all-natural compounds and minerals that are safe for everyone to use, including pregnant and nursing women. Its eliminates itching in short time and doesnt cause nasty side effects like other medications. Learn about best medications on the homepage. Since ringworm thrives in moist warm places, it is important to keep the scalp dry and clean. After washing your hair, use a blow dryer to get it as dry as possible. If you sweat a lot, it may be a good idea to keep a towel nearby or use a hand dryer to help remove the excess moisture. You should also avoid wearing hats and other head gear, especially in warm weather. Its important to avoid animals while treating tinea capitis. You can spread the disease to animals like cats and dogs as well as contract it from them. It can be more difficult to get rid of the infection if you are constantly exposed to the fungus that causes it. If you infection is severe enough or not responding to topical solutions, you may be prescribed an oral

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How to Treat Ringworm on Scalp at Home?


medication like griseofulvin. This medication works by penetrating the hair shaft. Although this medication has a high efficacy rate, it can take 6 to 8 weeks to see results. Additionally, it may interact poorly with other medications you are taking or even lead to liver toxicity among other side effects. Getting rid of tinea capitis may take some time and effort, but it is well worth it when you can get through the day itch free. Leave a Comment Name * E-mail * Website

Product Reviews:
Phytozine Reviews William Oliver's Ebook Reviews

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