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Grannys Guide To Greatness | Heir Holiness


A Thought from A Friend Neale Donald Walsch

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know... ...that as you start the New Year you should do no 'work' at all. The point of your activities throughout the day is not to make a living, but to make a life; not to 'work' but to create joy. If you are doing what you are doing merely To 'pay the bills,' you will have missed the major reason For All of Life. The purpose of life is to know and express Who You Are. If you do other than that during the days and times Of your life, you will have not used those days and times In a way that profits your soul. It is soul profit we are After here, not body profit. This Year is a good time to Contemplate that, yes?

Love, Your Friend....

Edited by Heir Holiness

Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater

Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness

Peace Be With You! I am Heir Holiness, founder of the International Alma Mater, also known as the I.A.M., Lead Life Strategist at SpiritualLifeStrategy.com and Your Spiritual Friend. Welcome, welcome

welcome!! I know that you recently put your sacred name and email in the boxes on the page and joined our community. I want you to know how much I appreciate your presence here and how PROUD I AM of YOU! It takes a little more than what the average person is willing to give, change and accept to get to REAL success, Real happiness and REALLY LIVE! You saying YES and joining us is definitely an energetic statement that says I am ready to invest in my SELF. I am willing to put my time and energy where my heart is and develop a new core understanding, be re-edified in what I know is true and or maintain what I have been able to shift in my life. I am truly honored to be a part of your journey and it is my most heart-felt intention to catalyze and inspire an up-leveling in; AWARENESS, Alignment, Allowing, Understanding and Utilization of Spiritual Principle and Universal Law as the eternal governing principles here in this reality. This is my way of GUARANTEEING that my gifts, talents and abilities are shared with eagerness, excitement and enthusiasm, in the most genuine heart-felt way AND offer the maximum benefit of my experience and considerable study. This is my idea of a career win-win using a few of the Spiritual Principles of Abundance . LOL And I LOVE IT!!! As I sat thinking about YOU, well meeting you and everything, I decided that I really wanted us to get off on the right foot and I immediately began to think about what I would like to give, (I AM a fierce giver of GOOD) what I could share with you, that I KNOW is valuable, that is eternal, so no matter when you get this, where you get this, no matter what situation youre in, how old you are, what race you are, whether youre male or female, I can be sure that what I am offering you, will withstand and be of benefit and real assistance to you No Matter where you are in your life at this moment. It is always my most heart-felt intention to share what I am POSITIVE about what I KNOW will assist you in getting to a more pleasant, more peaceful, more prosperous space. So, I thought about it and it came to mewhat better way to welcome
Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness

you to My Family than to offer you a few of the eternal, loving, words, perspective and knowing, I have been privy to?? Of course not every little drop, I dont want to drown you in the salad dressing after youve made such a healthy choice. going for the salad so to speak. But, there are a few core principles and a few Ancient Antidotes that have assisted me tremendously in clearing the cache, beginning the process of re-programming many limiting core beliefs and cultivating a mindset that has helped me up-level my ability to really focus on and pay attention to, the words, the thoughts and the beliefs in MY life that truly assist in creating REAL SUCCESS and HAPPINESS.literally the Keys to the Kingdom. This has led to amazing personal relationships full of love and incredible support, unbelievable financial blessings and feelings of security, not to mention a relationship with my Mind, Body and Body of Affairs that reflects my Truest Self Magnificent! Granny always said that the best way to get it Juicy and T asty is to follow the recipe. She would always laugh and say that once you knew what you were doing and you understood your oven and your stove you could go off and create a whole new worldbut until then, better keep a recipe AND a manual handy, just in case .. Everybody knows if you can stick to a basic recipe, youll make sure your makinggets made and thats what this special report is all about. Grannys Greatness is all about a few of the basics that give you a peek at the amazingness of the Life Arena youre in and offers you a different strategy maybe than youre used to, to get what YOU say you want. This includes a few basic introductions to new ways of thinking about things, you already think about and in ways you may not have considered thus far. Kind of a taste of where were going and how well arrive there so to speak! Hows that sound?? Well if youre still with me Yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!! ( Ummm I do that a lot!! ) Lets see what Granny left Us!!

Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater

Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness

Some ingredients, she used to say, you need for every single thing you cook and her life recipes were the same. There were a few things that Granny believed EVERY Life required and no matter what the problem was or who it was the answers would be the same. Something she would say often was.. theres a few tings you have to KNOW to see that Life is Goodcv and that Greatness finds you. She said you gotta Believe, you gotta Live in a Bubble that you Blow yourself and make it thick cause everybody gotta kid in em and kids like to burst bubbles. She was sure that no ONE could have a REAL prosperous, peaceful life without going to the well often and my favorite, the best way to cook up the BEST life is to have a good recipe from a great cook! Her name was Hattie Mae Holiness, but she was much more than thatShe was Granny! LOL A REAL woman, strong, sure and wise, whose LOVE was so strong and so full of genuine affection that I can still feel her in my day to day life. She was an amazing lady with the spirit of real fire and substance and taught me a lot in my young life. Granny was really the only person who spoke to me in a way that I could truly understand. As you may have guessed, I love her very much and have always, all-ways been partial to her guidance, her perspective and overall outlook. Although my love and respect for her is apparent, for many years after leaving her service it was as if I had lived in a dream and my then reality, living in one of the murder capitals of this country, going to inner city schools and navigating the Bay Area streets in the 80s and 90s was the ONLY reality. As I think about that time in my young life, I wonder why or how it was so easy to dis-regard and or forget everything I was taught and thought I believed. But it was I was scared, young, in a new environment and already under a lot of stress. Like most people, I began to look for The Answers albeit young and like most I was told to go to school, get a job and if I was lucky

Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater

Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness

someone would marry me and I could buy a house, get a car and pay for both of them, for the next 30 years. Life went on and I assimilated more and more into the urban life I had been thrown into. I had my son, I went to college and I worked full time. And in that order! At six weeks old my baby was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, a chronic-terminal illness and shortly thereafter his father decided abandonment would be his parenting style so I was on my own. A typical ABC Afterschool Special Event! Anyone re-member those specials that came on channel 7 before Donahue, on ABC?? LOL Anyway, so it went and as I moved forward like most people who have been programmed to believe in the American Way and to get into the pursuit of happiness, I slowly but surely began to unravel. As I fast tracked; going to school full time, working full time and taking care of my son, I literally sped towards a brick wall.. and crashed! That was my first heavy life blow (crash, Ive had a few). Not unlike driving a car, as you take your life in your own hands and attempt to keep it on the road and in the best condition, there will be accidents and hiccups in the road and there were. As I hit the speed bumps, had the fender benders and was even sideswiped a few times in my LIFE CAR my recipe, the map that I was driving according to, slowly became obsolete. As my wants and desires for my life changed, it became increasingly clear that the way I was going, would never offer me a real sense of security, real wealth or happiness and a great relationship seemed like an audition for the lead in Cirque du Sole... not happening! LOL It was then that the wheels began to turn and I began to re-member my old life. I started to notice how anxious and scared I was, that I didnt smile, I clenched my jaw when I drove and gripped the steering wheel way too hard. I saw my SELF rushing constantly and it seemed like no matter what I did, no matter how hard I pursued happiness nothing I did or achieved was enough. Then it happened, a faulty stair at work, one I knew about and had even reported to security, tripped me up and I crashedhard! That was the beginning of the shift in my life. It was scary and a lot happened but THIS day (2 new rotator cuffs, elbow transpositions and carpal tunnel releases later) I AM sooo Grateful!!
Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness

Without those major life happenings you probably wouldnt be reading this and I would be a totally different person. It was at THIS time that Grannys Recipes became my refuge. Her life recipes (some call em regimens ) are formulas that TRULY assist in the activation of deep spiritual wells of sustenance. Once activated, and awakened, these recipes will have you cooking up a life so good, so grand, so full of magic and wonder with such amazing beautiful people, great prosperity and amazing opportunities that you wont recognize your life! I cant believe that there was a day and time in my life where I didnt believe, didnt heed what My Grand said, I thought she was old and from a different place, and didnt understand. Its heart breaking to see how m uch she truly did understand NOW, and how young and annoying I was!! How I wish I had her for just one day, to tell her all that I have come to understand from what she gave me and left me with. I know she knows though, shes (been here the whole time) walked the whole way Belief, You got to BELIEVE Chile! Theres just a few things that you really need to get greatness to come looking for you, in life. My Grandmere would say. Grand would talk about the good life, the greatness and the good IN life, as if it were a person, like us. Granny believed that it was the relationship with The Unseen (The Source, God/ Goddess, The Force,) that really supported and carried people through the life. She spoke of the Unseen, The Lord and The LAW as if they were interchangeable and challenged me constantly to strive and work to be in HARMONY with it. She often spoke of the honor it was to be in companionship with The Most High, this Unseen Energy and re-minded everyone of their duty to re-main in earnest listening for the word, following its direction and speaking and thinking as a consequence of the INTERACTION between it and YOU, rather than of your own device or mediocre thought. To get that juicy, tasty life girl, its only a few things you gotta do, one, you got to believe! You got to believe you can have it, you got to believe its there, you got to believe its happening, and if you cant believe that yet, then you cant have it yet! You must work on it, every day and one day it will be there for you. but you got to believe it.FIRST. Grand would always, all ways re-mind .Like all things you can attract the good
Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness

or repel it by the way you think, speak and feel about it but most of all by your ability to BELIEVE in it. Belief is everything! It is the very way that you bring forth situations, circumstances, people, abundance and prosperity all of these things into your life. As YOU ask with a level of belief that you have it, that it is done as you ask, it becomes.
The way it was often run by me was like this The Holy Mother (GOD) has asked no -thing of us except that we re-main in peace, loving and supporting each other as ONE Family, the Mandate of our Hearts. We have also been re-minded/told/taught/ in every way, from every ONE that has traveled to the deep space of SELF and listened with the intention of relaying that message to us that ALL things are forever working together for our good and that the Energy that creates and maintains us Eternally asks only. that we Ask BELIEVING and Allow The Energetic Spirit of Creation to guide, support and sustain US, believing we are worthy and LOVED. ~Heir Holiness

Belief that there is a good life, that youre worthy of it, that you can have it and that its good, is what begins it taking shape and form in your life. Granny was adamant that anyone believing in the things of this world more than the promises of the LAW would come to a reckoning one way or another and advised against it religiously. She would tell us, its not seeing is believing, its believing is seeing! She would laugh and say when you know this Law girl, when you understand how the Lord sees and has seen fit to govern and create and manifest and maintain and once youre in love with it and understand the intimacy between you and it, then you will respect this LAW! You will see that it is belief, it is thought, it is feeling, the vibration but very little action, very little. It is the priors (thought, belief, feeling and vibration) that have the major stake in creation and manifestation, if you want the life that you say you want Chile, you have to be willing to believe you can have it, that you already do have it and that you are in line for it. You have to FEEL it, as if it is so, even now, before there is any physical evidence. This is the way of true manifestation; so whatever you require to feel it, to call it forth, and anything you want and can believe and have created an environment to believe, can and will manifest, that is the law. The Universal Law of Manifestation, the law of this place, in itself. Belief is your friend. It is that that is supporting you here and creating and maintaining a life of power with a revelation and a realization of your own divinity. It has been

Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater

Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness

identified in every holy book as a law of creation, however, it is still a virtual unknown aspect to true greatness, ultimate happiness, success, peace and knowing. Find a way to stay in Peace Another ingredient Granny would say was always necessary for a Life Recipe is, If you cant see it in a way where you have peace with it all the time, then it is the work of your life right now. Its where you gotta grow and let go! Your job in life is to find a way to see things where it doesnt vex you. You have to learn to think about things so there is peace with everything that comes across your plate, no matter what, that is your job! She would say look for it, sometimes you gotta turn an apple around a few times before you find a good place to bite into it. This is the work of your life, finding perspectives that bring peace, that allow all the chaotic, scary things that have happened to be explained with no victim and no malice. To accept ALL happenings birth, death, calamity, destruction, poverty and prosperity with grace and love, no judgment, no fear, like the Christ taught. So many a day I thought and asked her point blank, how am I supposed to do that with all these things going on around me?? The dope, the police, the whores the drug dealers, its too much I thought, it cant be done. Grand would get quiet then, she would catch a softer tone, she would talk about how when there was slavery and Even after slavery, until the good Dr. King came there was no rights even. Just like back then, you have to believe in things you cant see and expect great things to happen no matter what it looks like and no matter what people say. All you have to do is believe it in here and here (pointing to her head and chest) and dont look at nothing else. There was no reason for any slave to believe they would ever be free, it was a terrible time for anyone with brown skin so if they could and you KNOW they did, (thats the LAW she would ALWAYS SAY, it COULDNT OF HAPPENED IF THEY DIDNT SOMEWHERE IN THEMSELVES, desire it, want it and believe it ) cause we free Be willing!!

Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater

Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness


Looking for the peaceful perspective I must say, is one of them hard to find ingredients that you make a point to pick up when you see it in the store! LOL The challenge in seeing things with no victim and no malice seems impossible. When a child dies, senseless violent crimes and terrible calamity striking good people are just a few examples of the situations that lead us away from the Peace and are the very times we must re-member our work here and the TRUTH of our lives.. My Granny would chastise me as I got older saying things like, You mean to tell me you got all that stuff and education they gave you and something you got control of and actually creates yo life like yo OWN BELIEF you done gave away?? It was questions like these that she would leave me with (before she inadvertently hung up in my face without so much as a goodbye) that haunted me and set my SELF to re-membering what my SOUL wouldnt let me forget; the True Course of My Eternal Life!! yesGranny was a hoot!! She really was!! She never did get her phone manner together though, she said all de extra words just cheapen what you say girl

Blow a Bubble they cant Burst Baby Girl! Definition of Blowing a Bubble Working to create an environment where you can vision, believe and achieve the best of what your alignment, and awareness offer. That means creating clarity, speaking your word, believing in your vision and then surrounding your Self with the people, places, experiences and ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that assists you in re-maining in THE MOST pleasant, peaceful, loving, compassionate, thoughtful, powerful, divine space possibleat ALL times!! This Bubble is where youre safe to cultivate new perspectives, where you can change programmed beliefs and have true, absolute goodness, greatness, love, excitement and eagerness, come forth from YOU spontaneously, consistently, continuously, and in a balance that is most beneficial to YOU and YOUR life.

Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater

Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness


Whenever I would feel bored or fed up and I would start complaining about my life, my environment or my friends my Grand would always tell me Youve got to create your own world Chica, where youre ok, where its good!! She would tell me often that the secret to staying happy in life is to blow a big bubble, like with my Hubba Bubba Bubblegum. Chew up your life she would say laughing and blow a big bubble and live in it!! I heard it sooo many times growing up and still it took many years before I understood how to blow a bubble or how it was going to save me.. and or assist me when everything was becoming too much. As I got older I began to understand Grand telling me to Blow A Bubble and live in it was her way of explaining the POWER of surrounding your SELF with people, going places, eating food, reading books, watching films, creating experiences and settings, etc. that evoke a pleasant response from within. She spoke of a pleasant feeling as your Ultimate Accessory in creating a world where you can Believe, where youre supported and loved, where you can have whatever you want and youre not afraid of all the things you may not have control over. Like I said before, this was a concept that took many years for me to understand and if you ask me, was one of the processes that required the most work on my behalf. You see, I didnt grow up in a calm, pleasant, happy, home. I was raised in an atmosphere where there was lots of fear and an overall feeling of walking on eggshells. My Father and then once he was gone my brothers, were very aggressive and incredibly disruptive most of the time, of any harmonious environment or peace and calm you could create. Sufficed to say a lot of my childhood programming was not in a light, happy bubbly tone and I was very surprised to learn just how much POWER my disposition, my vibration had in attracting the things I really wanted with equal power to bring into my reality my most vivid fears. It was in the process of procuring this ingredient that I realized I had no real idea what my feelings were about, how to use them for my benefit or what created or assisted me in feeling good, let alone great! I had spent many years in ignorance, not cultivating a sense of peace, prosperity and steadying my gaze on the promises or training my Self to call forth and expect the best. I had been hoodwinked, led astray. run amuck. I believed in the chaos and calamity that surrounded me and was chronically thrown off balance. I believed to ensure my safety I had to assimilate, learn the ways of the environment I was in and speak the language of anger, aggression and unrest. I thought I had to pursue happiness, stay up and watch the news and just accept the violence that had begun to seep into
Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness


my life on all sides. I believed I had to work a job whether I liked the job or not and no matter what the bills came first. I picked up sarcasm, resistance and fear (as anger) as my running buddies; while slowly beginning my descent into lightweight despair and depression. I felt (at that time) not unlike a lot of young people.that this was the only way to be safe, to be cool and to get by. I unfortunately tucked my SELF, (again not unlike most of us) in the most deadly mental and emotional environment that exists, creating realities full of limitation, insufficiency and struggle That was then, and now I can happily say that not only do I understand this ingredient and its imperativeness to the recipe but it is an ingredient I PERSONALLY believe is a make it or break it ingredient to ANY life recipe. I even teach this very principle in my signature program Moving Forward Fearlessly in a module called Respect The Happy where we deepen our understanding of what emotion is and what its for, in addition to building a greater awareness of the POWER and strength of good, pleasant, happy, joy-filled, eager, excited and expectant feelings. Yayyyy!!! Re-mind me to tell you more about that program later! Go To The Well.Often Okay this is one of my favorite ingredients; again I use it for everything and most undoubtedly understanding its importance and POWER is more than a little helpful when youre cooking up that Juicy, Tasty LIFE!! LOL Granny was a funny lady and she was always working, always, all ways helping people and had a soft place in her heart for anyone who was sincerely doing their best to get into alignment with the ONE who Governs and Guides. You could always catch the tail end of a conversation or when she first sat down and hear her say, Whens the last time you went to the well?? If you took too long answering she was Pure Positive that it had been just a hair too long and she would advise with a lil smile maybe that should be the first move we make, hmmmm?? I loved that woman!! She had a way of re-minding you of the path you were on and your choices without in-censing or ruffling ya feathers. You knowing that she saw YOU and cared for you so much I thought was the blessing but as I grew, I came to understand the importance of her remembrance of the LAW. Her ability to see your mind, the body and the body of your affairs as one map, re-presenting one system and with her helicopter view.. priceless. Not to mention it
Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness


was as if she knew The Holy Mother personally and when she said it was done in the Mind of GOD you believed her. Granny was always telling people, go to the well. She would tell anyone and everyone that came to her that she was not the WELL, she was but a weigh station for The Most High and that to really get it doneYou got to go on IN ya Self!! Granny was positively sure that the LORD gave us ALL a cup and that cup is an Eternal Cup, with an ETERNAL SOURCE. Fill your cup at the well, she was always saying, learn to go and be calmed and satiated at the well with the Promises, with the Living Water that weve been given just for that purpose. It is this that will sustain and support YOU not the remedies and band aids of the world. They lack the Eternal Core and grounding which is the indication you are being lured and led away from the well being that is your birthright!! Just like you dont give a baby fruits, then vegetables (because they wont want the vegetables after they get the sweet fruit) do your best to always offer your SELF, The Promises, The Communions and Prayer FIRST! As these powerful allies are Ones that assist YOU in putting out the fires in your life with the greatest ease and grace, rendering all things in balance and more often than not, with a quicker turn-around time. Starting with some of the sweeter, seemingly quicker or more comfortable, better tasting or feeling remedies for the moment can and usually does work to an extent but in the long run they contribute to the resistance you feel and experience when you DO decide; to become prosperous (beyond paying the bills), healthy (beyond a yoga class here and there) and a part of a healthy functional intimate relationship.

Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater

Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness


A few of Grannys Ancient Antidotes regarding The Well..

Fill up your cup at The Well and go back often to rejuvenate, replenish and refresh Create your life where you go to the well every day, its a sure fire way to guarantee your greatness. Last One.. This cup she would say laughing is magnificent; It is what connects us to The ONE, The Force, God/Goddess and allows us to drink of the living water so hallelujah and be careful It holds any and everything (be careful what you put it in it) so hallelujah and be careful, It is what you have been given, to hold onto that, that you are able to carry with you from the well. so hallelujah and be careful, It is strong and able to hold enough to keep you satiated through the hardest times . so hallelujah and be careful, And it is YOURS so hallelujah and be carefulcause YOU only get ONE!!

Like I said, Granny believed we were ALL created with a cup, A MIGHTY CUP One given to you to keep satiated, re-minded, re-membered and hydrated, for it is all that is required. She would go on to say how the cup was everything, like the battery for the soul and the only way to keep the cup intact and in good shape was To Go to the Well. Of course this analogy went through a few mental metamorphoses, especially in my younger years when all my thoughts were still so fluid and malleable but once I understood; I had a cup, everyone had a cup, the best way to stay hydrated was NOT to fill it up with stuff from the TV, the streets or the conversation in front of the corner store and that no one on the street or anywhere else for that matter could fill your cup and help you out better, faster or with more ease and grace then just walking to the well your SELF to fill it up.I was a jet set, spiritual, ninja!! LOL And Ummmin that order!! You, your mind, your body and the body of your affairs require consistent calibration and remembering of its Truest Vibration to maintain a life of ease, grace, simplicity and success. This can be done in a myriad of ways but the path I enjoy most to catalyze my growth and deepen the intimacy between my Self and the Divine is Meditation.

Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater

Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness


Meditation is defined as contemplation or extended thought reflection. I like to think of it as the time I take every day to sit and allow the celestial energies to assist me in quieting my SELF to the point of hearing the intimate guidance of The One. I believe it is in meditation that I have found the most enjoyable walk, the fullest cup and the most sustainable substance to drink. I can tell you that there is magic in the time you dedicate to silence and incredible situations, visions and opportunities are literally dropped into your life as you allow the Unseen its way with your Mind, Body and Body of Affairs. As you allow this Energetic Presence that IS, to whisper the truth of YOUR life and being to You, this High Vibrational Aspect of your Self literally changes your mind! It calms and soothes you while simultaneously re-minding YOU of your Divine and Powerful beginnings. This is the key to moving past negative circumstances and situations, there is a place in you that is met with an incredible remembering of who and what you are in that silenceenough to change your mind forever about.everything! If youre like I was; youve heard about meditation, you want to meditate, you plan on meditating or making it a part of your life soon but as of yet you havent. Because I know (from experience) that no matter how much you hear about meditation, no matter how many aha moments you have in regards to the subject; until youre ready to weave quiet, reflective, time into your life with the belief that there is guidance and sustenance there, with an intention to empower, calm and call forth peace into your environment it just isnt time But what you can do is just sit in some nice spot thats quiet and beautiful and breath for 5 minutes. This will allow you to begin your ascent into relaxation and rejuvenation.. its all it takes, promise!! And please know it is A-OKAY whenever you get to this point in your life!!! Cause like Granny Say Oh the Lord is gonna getcha, one way or another, Shes gonna show YOU your greatness, all you gotta do is wait for it!!

Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater

Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness


Get a Good Recipe from a GREAT Cook! Last but not least, an ingredient I personally think is a must have in a life recipethe actual recipe! Let me tell you I am a great cook. Ive been in the kitchen cooking since I was a young one, 6 or 7 years at the most and I learned to cook basically on my own. I didnt have a Mother to emulate or anyone who thought it was fun or nice to do, I cooked because I had to and that was it. Because my Mother was a single parent and I was the only girl (not the oldest) in her mind she believed it was my responsibility to pick up the slack and get it done. This was very challenging for me, I was very young, inexperienced and unsure of my Self so my sense of confidence and self esteem wasnt very high but I was willing, receptive and eager to please and I did my best. Sound familiar? As you may have guessed, my best wasnt always good enough and I made lots of mistakes but one thing I had been offered by Granny that I used and still use to this day was my ability to Follow the Recipe. Granny told me when I was very young that following directions was the magic to ending up somewhere really good! No matter she would say, if its food, going somewhere you never been or just dropping the arguing and doing what your parent says, you gotta be able to follow if you ever expect to lead Mija! Not only did I listen to this particular rule of hers but I believed her. She always said things like better to be safe and follow the recipe than let your Self get lost in unfamiliar territory. Things like safety were a big thing for me for when I was young so for years I equated being safe with following directions, and having a general plan of action. The older Ive gotten and the more situations Ive had to navigate where I was totally unfamiliar and more than a little scared, it has been this ingredient that has assisted me in re-maining confident and at ease under incredible pressure. And boy was I surprised when I began to study business and I heard my first mentor speak about the imperativeness of utilizing the services of a business coach.

Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater

Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness

17 She explained that a good effective coach is someone who is where you want to be and lives the type of lifestyle you are choosing to have for your SELF. They not only journeyed for their dream, theyve realized it to some degree and now offer you assistance on the road to realization! Just like a Great Cook, a great coach develops a clear step by step program/recipe, based on the strategies and tools (ingredients) they have used and have had experience with during their continuing journey. A Great Coach has an ease, an unmistakable style and a way of speaking and offering you information that resonates with you on some level. A great coach or cook is also one that you BELIEVE and allows you to feel the confidence and affinity necessary to take a leap of faithto give your Self a chance.

A Great Cook right?? Thats when I KNEW, once again that Granny was everything and I was

a very silly girl like she used to say Youll see what I say is All There IS!! Laughing and taunting me. One thing a recipe really teaches you is the steps to create something great. Regardless of how much experience you have with the dish in general, the recipe offers you precise instruction and land marks so to speak so you dont lose your way. Landmarks like, the bread is ready when it appears risen and the top is brown. This step by step allows you to feel enough confidence and savvy to create something you are totally unfamiliar with and all with a better than average chance at it turning out great!! A win-win if I ever heard one! This is a philosophy that I believe in so strongly it has even become a part of my business! As you can see I offer Grannys Recipe not Grannys Rule Book, (although that does have a ring to it) because again my intention is to offer what I KNOW will assist you in getting the RESULTS that youve been looking for GUARANTEED!!. Even the most novice cooks have gotten an easy simple recipe for a great dish and wowed the in-laws or the new boyfriend enough to smile over the dinner table. There is nothing like a framework so long standing, so strong and supportive that you are able to create a Master Piece (Master Peace) and re-member Peace is the operative word here. With this mindset it becomes all about Following the Recipe, not the rules, getting comfortable reading and understanding the directions and then executing, putting the steps into action to get the outcome YOU desire soooo badlyor goodly!! LOL

Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater

Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness


The ability to create at a heightened level (such as this) is an indication of a level of ease and flow with the tools (tools, ingredients, etc.) we have been given as beings on this planet to create and build our lives so that consciousness, the casual attentive observer, can continue to become in the most magnificent way possible. ~ Heir Holiness

And Thats Grannys Guide!! What did YOU think of all the Ancient Antidotes she left us to ponder and play with?? It is my intention that this report serve as an answer to any question, a confirmation of any thought youve had or just a new ole way of looking at Life. Was it enough for you to re-think something or look at a situation differently?? If so, do me a favor! Come over to my Facebook Fan Page at http://www.facebook.com/yourspiritualfriend LIKE the PAGE and let me know what stood out the most for YOU or what struck you the most and be entered for our weekly give away!! The prizes change every week but its Always, All Ways something Amazing!! Believe you me, in this day, at this moment, these types of ingredients, I keep on hand! LOL I use them daily and have created the Juiciest, Tastiest, Life Ever, complete with amazing prosperity, an incredible sense of peace and an ever deepening belief in wellbeing as the very nature of my being and my health perfectly balanced. It is truly a blessing to understand these Ancient Antidotes and utilizing them has brought nothing but clarity, prosperity and an ever deepening level of peace into my life. It is my deepest, most heartfelt intention that you feel the love and support for YOU that is the catalyst for this work, utilize these principles in whatever way you can to up-level, uplift and enliven your SELF and re-member in any way possible how important it is for you to re-main in the best frame possible; if youre going to create/allow Greatness into your life. I am so happy we met and I cant wait to hear what you think about Grannys Guide and our community so far! I am excited!! So. favor?? Go to our Facebook Fan Page at

Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater

Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness



LIKE the PAGE and let me know which

Ingredient in the guide resonated with you the most and why! Also include any suggestions or comments You feel will help US in continuing to offer the best, most helpful information possible. Yes?? Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Speak to YOU Soon!! Heir Holiness Founder of The International Alma Mater Lead Spiritual Life Strategist & Your Spiritual Friend

Heir Holiness, Founder of The International Alma Mater (I.A.M.) is an intuitive healer, speaker and teacher devoted to serving The One Source by teaching, inspiring and assisting those on the path to selfrealization by giving from the overflow... Heir loves and enjoys dedicating her time and energy to educating spiritually and holistically focused women entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and mom-preneurs around the world on how to build the life and business of their dreams; by deepening their understanding of and utilizing Universal laws and Spiritual Principals with edutaining guidance in the form of Ancient Antidotes from Granny!! Heirs unique ability to foster women from all walks of life, who choose to have real success as themselves and in their business, is unsurpassed. Her dedication to teaching and awakening the divine feminine through The Triumvirate Energy of Self-love~Self ~Growth~Self Realization is phenomenal. Heirs key message that, we are ALL having an experience that is reflective of our consistent, repetitive, focused thought (belief) and our habitual emotional response has changed thousands of lives around the world. She passionately believes in the capacity of each and every one of us to become the full expression of our Divine Self and believes growing one-Self from within is an Awe-filled way to begin.. Hence the Vision, the Walk, the Love and Passion that is Heir Holiness, Your Spiritual Friend!

Copyright 2013 The International Alma Mater

Special Report: Grannys Guide To Greatness

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