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Reflections: The Obama Administration and New World Order

After eight years of turmoil and warfare, America was demanding for change. The
American society is tired of waging an endless, perpetual war and sick of George W Bush’s
blatant lies. They were sick of the Neo-Cons and their objectives of world domination. Finally,
America was waiting and calling for real political and financial economic change.
That change appeared in the form of an inexperienced, groomed, black man who had the
entire media follow after him without delay. This black man had barely enough political
experience on Capitol Hill, but the masses, now seeing a new face with a new color, cheered on
without reflection. This is the so-called, “change” that has arrived. Obama, who called himself
the saviour of the world, and a man of, “hope” came into the wings of American politics, and
galvanized the world for what was to come.
Obama, like Bush, is just another puppet. Obama is a puppet of Wall Street, the City of
London, and Washington D.C. He serves the bankers and financial oligarchs who bought him to
power in the first place. His mentors include the Rockefellers, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, the
Carter Administration’s National Security Advisor. He was also groomed by Henry Kissinger and
his gang of warlords. The Neo Cons and the Neo Liberalists definitely support Obama, because
there is little distinction between either McCain or Obama. Both supported the bailouts that led
up to this current crisis of massive proportions that is worse than the Great Depression. Both
candidates continue to support the unjustified wars on Iraq and Afghanistan and are still talking
about bombing Iran, or, were, at the time of the elections. Both of these candidates have no real
understanding of how economics work, or the hardships of the struggling middle class
Americans. Basically, neither of these candidates really understands anything that has nothing to
do with how much political points they are going to score.
Both are just as idiotic as the other, because both political parties have been sold out to
Wall Street a long time ago when the Federal Reserve Act came into effect in 1913, an act that is
illegal under the Constitution.
Obama is simply a puppet of, for, and by Wall Street. He is a new mask to the same old
policies of imperialism by the Anglo-American gang of bankers and investors. Sure, you can say
he is so eloquent, he is graceful, so peaceful, so understanding. “He is such a man of peace” – all
dictators, I am sure, looked peaceful before they murdered your children to go to war for them.
Alas, at the end of the day, it is not about the appearances or the color of the skin of the
politician, what matters is the fruit that is borne by this politician. It is the agenda that counts, not
who is in office. You can have a Martian as the President of the United States, and sure he might
look a little out of our comfort zone, but at the end of the day, he, she, or it must always follow
the Agenda. If they did not, they would be there. Get this equality through your skull you die-
hard Obama fans: Presidency = Puppet.
From the moment that Obama got into office, he appointed lobbyists, Wall Street investors,
the military-industrial complex, and private interests from Wall Street into his administration. It
is by far, the most Wall Street friendly administration since Roosevelt. The wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan are continuing without end in sight. Israel is still imposing its holocaust measures on
the Palestinian people who did no wrong to Israel and were not the ones who murdered Jews
during the alleged, questionable, “Holocaust.” The economy continues its inevitable downward
spiral. Banks and corporations too big to fall are bailed out, while the middle class suffers as
unemployment rises. America continues to go into perpetual debt to the Wall Street bankers.
Pakistan is proceeding to becoming a failed state as America is attacking that country to
destabilize Eurasia and to conquer Africa to take down China. The torture of war prisoners and
people who did no wrong continues to take place. The PATRIOT Acts are enforced and further
justified. Bush and his Neo-con gang still has not been impeached or put to trial. Cheney and his
mafia are still walking freely throughout the streets of Capitol Hill, wreaking whatever chaos
they want to pave the way for their own totalitarian state.
If Obama had really meant change, by now he would have called back the troops, not
appointed a gang of Wall Street, Zionist, and Socialist financiers. He would have repealed the
PATRIOT Acts, ended the private Federal Reserve, and stopped the relentless bailing out of
banks and corporations. If he had really meant change, he would have forced Congress to stop
abiding by the rules of the Israel lobby, and called an end to Israel’s war crimes in Palestine
(whom they are occupying). If Obama had really meant change, he would have stopped the
torture of prisoners who are unjustly imprisoned and without trial. He would have shut down
Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, and ceased the attacks on Pakistan, destabilization of Africa, the war
games around the dangerous, fragile borders of the former Soviet Union. If Obama had really
meant change, he would not have appointed Wall Street and serve Wall Street in the name of
Wall Street.
Obama is a liar, a cheater, a deceiver, and a mask to the same old face of imperial rhetoric.
He is a sadistic murderer and fraud. He even spoke of ushering in a New World Order at Sun
Valley, in Germany. He spoke of, “global citizenship,” and the people of Germany cheered for
him blindly like sheep. Even in America, Obama’s Zionist advisor, Rahm Emmanuel even stated
on the air that they consider having youths join the civilian army to police America. Even older
people will be forced to join to serve the American Dictatorship at Home. Forced draft and such
is the signs of the approaching Obama dystopia. Even critics have been silenced, as is the case on
the infamous, unreliable, and censored Wikipedia. It describes the entire Obama phenomenon as
something that came from God or something, with most all praises, and very little criticism.
Even those who criticize or question Obama’s policies are forced to concede to self-appointed
thought police who back up Obama with so-called, “Truth.” What truth? The man and his lies are
based on so many lies that this whole thing is FUBB (fucked up beyond belief). Any moral
person with the rational and emotional understanding of how gullible and stupid humanity is,
would wake up to the illusion that Obama is a, “savior” from “Krypton.” He is neither a savior
nor a messiah, he a liar and an actor.
His mission as Presidential Puppet is to pull the strings of the American populace who are
currently docile, upset China and Russia, use Iran to destabilize the former Soviet Union, launch
the world into Phase who knows what of the New World Order, proceed with his illusion of false
hope and more-of-the-same, and destroy whatever is left of the American Constitution and Bill
of Rights, and to forge America into a modern Police State with himself and his puppeteers at the
top of the pyramid. He also has to ensure that when the people begin to wake up again, they will
be ready for the next, “savior.” He must also be ready to relinquish his puppet post when the time
comes. Obama is the devil of the 21st Century, as he is held only accountable to his puppet
masters and those who pull his strings. He has no concern for the common person on Main
Street, as he has proven over and over again with his lies and frustrations that he is serving Wall
If America really wants change, it will not come from within the halls of Congress and the
streets of Washington D.C. Ultimately, it will have to come from within. The country needs a
revolution, a wake-up call. It is not the president that counts; it is the agenda that is paramount.
This requires a spiritual illumination of the average American and world population to the fact
that Obama is no more different than Bush other than his color. If color does not matter, then
policy must. Policy is the fruit of all politics, because without policy, there would be no need for
politicians. Yes, you can.
The color of the cat may change, but it does not change the fact that the cat is still a cat.

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