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CrossFit Travel Workout Resource

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

Foreword ! Gymnastic Skills and Progression.! Overall exercise progression and skill development. Classic CrossFit Benchmark Workouts.! OfcialCrossFitnamedbenchmark WODs that may be performed in Hotels or resorts. Gymnastic Metabolic conditioning WODs (without equipments).! Gymnastic based MetabolicConditioningWODswithout training equipments. Metabolic conditioning with a Pull Up Bar.! MetabolicconditioningworkoutswithaPull-upbar. Metabolic conditioning with gymnastic Rings.! Metabolicconditioningworkoutsthatrequiregymnastic Ringsand/orperhapsaPull-upbar. Metabolic conditioning with jump rope.! MetabolicconditioningworkoutsthatrequireajumpropealongwithRingsand/oraPull-upbar. Running workouts.! If all else fails Or the gift of scenic nature befalls... Scalingsuggestions.! Suggestionsformodifyingworkoutsforthoseunabletodothemasprescribed. List ofbodyweight exercises.! Alistofthemostcommonmovementsyoucoulddowithlittleornoequipment. 3 4







CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

Foreword Humans are the most intelligent species on earth! We know what we need to do, and what we should not be doing. The draw back is that we dont take action until we really have to. All of us know the benets of regular exercising and we also know the risk of not exercising regularly. However, our modern lifestyle and other commitments can sometimes act as a huge distraction. This resource has been produced to give you lots of ideas for maintaining your exercise regimes whilst traveling and away from your usual routine. We suggest that you plan for the unexpected! Please use this resource in times when your lifestyle does not permit you to attend your usual CrossFit classes. The routines are meant to supplement training whilst you are traveling. As such these routines are isolated workouts and not programed or designed in any order to produce any specic training results overtime. They cannot take the place of your usual CrossFit training program but will help you maintain whilst you are away from us. Your usual training program is made of a well balanced regime, progressive structuring and sound knowledge of movement technique. One cannot go without the other. Please note that this resource has been produced considering the limitation of availability of weights for the Olympic and Power lifting element in CrossFit training methodology.This resource is categorized into CrossFits respective training elements whilst considering the accessibility to training equipment such as pull up bars, running area, Jump ropes etc. Happy training!

We would like to acknowledge CrossFit.com and CrossFit afliates for their contribution to this valuable resource. This resource is not intended for sale, may not be reproduced without consent or sold for any other purposes.

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

Gymnastic Skills and Progression.

Overall exercise progression and skill development.

The information in the table is not conclusive. Some individuals may possess skills from higher levels but not from the lower levels. Also note that the level of progress may not be suitable for some individuals. Please assess your own individual abilities and/or capacities before progressing or seek suitable progression before attempting the suggested more advanced progressions.
Basic Full-arm length Plank Ab Crunch Hanging Knee raise L-Sit on Ground Push-Up Bench Dip Wall Climb Incline Row Pull-up Rings Pull-up Air Squat Static Lunges Box Jump Jumping Jack Level 1 Progression Half-arm length Plank Floor Sit-up Hanging Knee to Chest L-Sit on Paralette Chest to Floor Push-up Rings Push Up Handstand Hold Decline Row Chest to Bar Pull-up Rings Kipping Pull-up 2-for-1 Air Squats Walking Lunges Jump Rope Tuck Jump Level 2 Progression Feet-on-Wall Plank Knees to Elbows Crunch Hanging Knee to Elbow L-Sit on Rings Decline Push-up Rings Dip Handstand Traverse Wall Walk Jumping Pull-up Buttery Kipping Pull-up Bar Muscle Up Pistol Squat Alternate jumping Lunges Double Under Burpee Level 3 Progression Extended limbs Plank V-up Hanging Toes to Bar Hanging L-Sit Handstand Push-up Weighted Rings Dip Handstand Walk Kipping Pull-up Bar Muscle up Rings Muscle up 2-for-1 Pistol Squat Split Squats Triple Unders Bar facing Burpees

The most effective method of progression can be achieved when you understand your own physical capacity. Whilst some exercises may seem easier to execute, please take time to understand the basis of the movement before attempting to quicken or introduce overloading to your musculature system.

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

Classic CrossFit Benchmark Workouts.

OfcialCrossFitnamedbenchmark WODs that may be performed in Hotels or resorts.

You may require one or more of the following equipment to perform these routines: Running route, Pull-up bar, Gymnastic Rings, Jump Rope, Barbell/Dumbbell weights up to 60kg The prescript weights in the benchmarks are dened for adult men. Prescribed adult women are 75% of the prescribed mens weight. You are also reminded to always scale the weights according to your skill level and load capacity.
Angie Completeinorder: 100Pull-ups 100Push-ups 100Sit-ups 100Squats Annie (compromised) 5040302010repsof: Doubleunders Sit-ups Barbara Complete5rounds,resting3:00betweeneachround: 20Pull-ups 30Push-ups 40Sit-ups 50Squats Candy 5 rounds of: 20 Pull-ups 40 Push-ups 60 Squats Chelsea Eachminuteontheminutefor30minutesof: 5Pull-ups 10Push-ups 15Squats Cindy Completeasmanyroundsaspossiblein20minutesof: 5Pull-ups 10Push-ups 15Squats Daniel Complete: 50 Pull-ups 400 meters run 21 Thruster 95lbs/ 40kg 800 meters run 21 Thruster 95lbs/40kg 400 meters run 50 Pull-ups DeathbyPull-ups With a continuously running clock, do one Pull-up the rst minute, 2 Pull-ups the second minute, 3 Pull-ups the third minute continue as long as you are able to. Use as many sets each minute as needed (pull ups can be broken). Diane 21-15-9 reps of: Deadlift 225lbs/ 100kg Handstand push-ups (Add a giant training band if weight is insufcient)
CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

Elizabeth 21-15-9 reps of: Clean 135lbs/ 60kg Ring Dips Fran 21-15-9 reps of: Thruster 95lbs/40kg Pull-ups Grace 30 reps of: Clean and Jerk 135lbs/ 60kg Griff Run800m Run400mbackward Run800m Run400mbackward Helton 3 rounds of: 800m Run 30 Dumbbell Squat Cleans 50lbs/23kg 30 Burpees Isabel 30 reps of: Snatch 135lbs/ 60kg Jason 100Squats 5muscleups 75Squats 10muscleups 50Squats 15muscleups 25Squats 20muscleups Jerry 1.6km Run 2km Row (Substitute with SumoDeadlift HighPull 40kg=10m) 1.6km Run JT 21159repsof: HandstandPush-ups Ringdips Push-ups Maggie 5 rounds of: 20 Handstand Push-ups 40 Pull-ups 60 1-legged Squats Mary Completeasmanyroundsaspossiblein20minutesof: 5HandstandPush-ups 10Pistols 15Pull-ups

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

Michael 3 rounds of: 800 meters run 50 Back Extensions 50 Sit-ups Murph Run1mile 100Pull-ups 200Push-ups 300Squats Run1mile Nancy 5 rounds of: 400 meter run 15 Overhead Squat 95lbs/ 40kg Nasty Girls 3 rounds of: 50 Squats 7 Muscle-ups 10 Hang power cleans 135lbs/ 60kg Nicole AMRAPin20minutesof: Run400m MaxrepsofPull-ups Randy 75 reps of: Power snatch 75 pounds Ryan 5roundsof: 7Muscleups 21Burpees Eachjump in the Burpee must be12abovemaxreach Snellen 3 rounds of: 400 meters run 12 Snatch 65lbs/ 30kg 21 Pull-ups TabataSomethingElse Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest where the, rst 8 intervals are Pull-ups, second 8 intervals are Push ups, third 8 intervals are Sit ups, and nal 8 intervals are Air Squats. There is no rest between exercises.

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

Gymnastic Metabolic conditioning WODs (without equipments).

Gymnastic based MetabolicConditioningWODswithout training equipments.

You are reminded to scale the WODs according to your level of skill and personal threshold.
400m WalkingLunges 150Burpees for time. 4roundsof: Run400m 50Air Squats 50Squats 25Push-ups 50Pistols 25Push-ups 50Split Squats 25Push-ups 50StaticLunges 25Push-ups 50Flutter kicks 50Sit-ups Run400m 100Flutter kicks 100Sit-ups Run400m 20161284repsof: OnearmPush-ups Pistols Tabatasprints Tabatabottomtobottom (2-fer-1)Squats Asmanyroundsaspossiblein12minutesof: 10Push-ups 15Sit-ups 20mWalkingLunges 21159repsof: Lunges(Eachstep=rep) Sit-ups Burpees 5roundsof: 50Mountainclimbers 25Sit-ups 5roundsof: 100Jumpingjacks 100Mountainclimbers 50Jumpingjacks 50Push-ups 50Tuckjumps 50Sit-ups 50Mountainclimbers(Eachstep=rep) 50Squats 50Jumpingjacks

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

10roundsof: 30secondsHandstand Push-ups 30secondsSquat PlayingwithPush-ups Run100m 20Push-ups 5Burpees 15ClapPush-ups 5Burpees 10ChestslapPush-ups 5Burpees 5FingertipPush-ups Run100m 15Push-ups 5Burpees 10ClapPush-ups 5Burpees 10ChestslapPush-ups 5Burpees 5FingertipPush-ups Run100m 10Push-ups 5Burpees 10ClapPush-ups 5Burpees 10ChestslapPush-ups 5Burpees 5FingertipPush-ups Run400m 25m BurpeeBroadJump 25m WalkingLunges 25m BurpeeBroadJump 25m BearCrawl 25m BurpeeBroadJump 25m WalkingLunges 25m BurpeeBroadJump 25m BearCrawl Run400m 100Sit-ups 100Flutterkicks(4count) 100Leglevers DeckofCards(CoreVariation) Take a deck of cards, shufe. Face cards are 10, Aces are 11, numbered cards as valued. Flip each card and perform the movement andthenumberofrepsspecied. Cyclewholedeck. HeartsBurpees Diamondsmountainclimbers(4count) SpadesFlutter kicks(4count) ClubsSit-ups JokersRun400m 50Burpees 75Flutter kicks(4count) 100Push-ups 150Sit-ups 5roundsof: 10Burpees 20Box jumps 30Push-ups 40Squats 50Lunges
CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

4roundsof: 50WalkingLunges 50Squats Run400m Run5k,do20Push-upsand20Squats at every 2:00. 3roundsof: 50Push-ups 50Sit-ups 50Squats 5roundsof: 50WalkingLunges 15HandstandPush-ups 80Squats 10HandstandPush-ups 60Squats 20HandstandPush-ups 40Squats 30HandstandPush-ups 20Squats 4roundsof: 25Lunges 50Squats 5roundsof: 100Squats 20Lunges 35Push-ups 5roundsof: 50Squats 30HandstandPush-ups 2rounds: MaxPush-ups2:00 MaxSit-ups2:00 MaxFlutter kicks2:00 MaxSquats2:00 3roundsof: 30ydBearcrawl 30ydinchwormPush-up 30ydBurpeejumps

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

Metabolic conditioning with a Pull Up Bar.


Unless mentioned, you should try to perform the pull ups in various techniques, grip or width to challenge the WODs.
GIJane 100BurpeePull-ups Asmanyroundsaspossiblein20minutesof: 15Pull-ups 30Push-ups 45Squats HandstandPush-ups:15131197531 LPull-ups:13579111315 3roundsof: Run800m 50Pull-ups 10roundsof: 12Burpees 12Pull-ups 5roundsof: 15LPull-ups 30Push-ups 45Sit-ups 5roundsof: 25InvertedBurpees 25Pull-ups 25Burpees (InvertedBurpee:Startingsupine,kip(orsitupandroll)tostanding,kickuptoHandstand) 30HandstandPush-ups 10Pull-ups 20HandstandPush-ups 20Pull-ups 10HandstandPush-ups 30Pull-ups Run800meters 40LPull-ups Run800meters 40StrictPull-ups Run800meters 40KippingPull-ups 5roundsof: 50Squats 30Pull-ups 15HandstandPush-ups 100Squats 100Pull-ups 200Push-ups 300Squats 100Lunges BodyweightFran 21159repsof: Burpees Pull-ups

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

21159repsof: Pull-ups Push-ups Squatjumpsto12abovemaxreach 503520reproundsof: HandstandPush-ups Pull-ups Repeatfor15minutes: 20secondsofPull-ups 20secondsofSit-ups 20secondsofSquats Complete: 100Pull-ups 200Push-ups 300Squats 50Sit-ups Asmanyroundsaspossiblein20minutesof: 25Pull-ups 50Push-ups 75Squats Asmanyroundsaspossiblein20minutesof: 25HandstandPush-ups 50Pistols 75Pull-ups Asmanyroundsaspossiblein20minutesof: 10LPull-ups 20Squats TheReckoning Run1mile 100bodyblasters(BurpeePull-upsKneestoelbows) Run1mile RunningTabataSomethingElse TabataPull-ups,1round Run1mile TabataPush-ups,1round Run1mile TabataSit-ups,1round Run1mile TabataSquats,1round Run1mile Forbesttime. 102030repsof: Squat HandstandPush-ups Squat Pull-ups RunningwithAngie 100Pull-ups Run1mile 100Push-ups Run1mile 100Sit-ups Run1mile 100Squats Run1mile

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

MurphTribute Run1mile 50Pull-ups 100Push-ups 150Sit-ups 200Squats Run1mile 50Pull-ups 100Push-ups 150Sit-ups 200Squats Run1mile Nopartitioning. 5roundsof: 30HandstandPush-ups 30Pull-ups 100Squats 20HandstandPush-ups 30Pull-ups 100Squats 9HandstandPush-ups 200Squats 15HandstandPush-ups 100Squats 21HandstandPush-ups 100LPull-ups 100Squats 40Pull-ups 80Squats 32Pull-ups 60Squats 24Pull-ups 40Squats 16Pull-ups 20Squats 8Pull-ups 10roundsof: 10Pull-ups 20Push-ups 30Squats Asmanyroundsaspossiblein20minutesof: 7HandstandPush-ups 12LPull-ups 50Squats 50Pull-ups 50WalkingLunges 50Kneestoelbows 5HandstandPush-ups 50Sit-ups 5HandstandPush-ups 50Squats 50Pull-ups 100Squats 25Sit-ups 100Squats 25Sit-ups 100Squats 25Kneestoelbows 100Squats 25HandstandPush-ups
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2roundsof: 35Squats 35Kneestoelbows 35Squats 35Sit-ups 35Lunges 35Squats 21181512963of: Squats LPull-ups Kneestoelbows 7roundsof: 35Squats 25Push-ups 15Pull-ups 21159repsof: Bodyblasters(BurpeePull-upKneestoelbows) BoxjumpBurpees BelushiBurpees(onjumpturn180degrees) BurpeeJacks(plankjacktojumpingjack) 3roundsof: 100Squats 25LPull-ups 30HandstandPush-ups 5roundsof: 9HandstandPush-ups 9Pull-ups 3roundswith2:00restsbetweeneachround: 50Squats 30Pull-ups 40Push-ups 50Squats 21Pull-ups 50Squats 21Kneestoelbows 18Pull-ups 50Squats 18Kneestoelbows 15Pull-ups 50Squats 15Kneestoelbows 12Pull-ups 50Squats 12Kneestoelbows 20roundsof: 5Pull-ups 5Push-ups 5Sit-ups 5Squats 100Squats 21HandstandPush-ups 30Pull-ups 100Squats 30Pull-ups 21HandstandPush-ups 100Squats
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5roundsof: 20Squats 20Push-ups 20Pull-ups 5040302010reps: Pull-ups Squatjumps Run1mile 30Pull-ups(chesttobar) 60Push-ups 15roundsformaxreps: Pull-ups,30secondson/30secondsoff 100Squats 20HandstandPush-ups 30Pull-ups 100Squats 30Pull-ups 20HandstandPush-ups 100Squats FracturedRunnyAngie Run400meters 25Pull-ups 25Push-ups 25Sit-ups 25Squats 150Squats 50Push-ups 21Pull-ups Run800meters 21Pull-ups 50Push-ups 150Squats 50LPull-ups 50HandstandPush-ups 50Pistols 50Kneestoelbows 3roundsof: Run800m 30Burpees 30Kneestoelbows 21159repsof: HandstandPush-ups InvertedPull-ups 20BurpeePull-ups 800mRun 20BurpeePull-ups 800mRun 20BurpeePull-ups

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

Metabolic conditioning with gymnastic Rings.

Metabolicconditioningworkoutsthatrequiregymnastic Ringsand/orperhapsaPull-upbar.

The Gymnastic Rings have benecial advantages over the regular pull up bars. Rings may also be more convenient and versatile in outdoor terrains.
5040302010repsof: Pull-ups Ringdips 7roundsof: 10Pistols,alternating 12Ringdips 15Pull-ups 30muscleups 50Ringdips Run400meters 50Push-ups Run400meters 50HandstandPush-ups Run400meters Withacontinuouslyrunningclockdo 1Muscle uptherstminute, 2Muscle upsthesecondminute, 3Muscle upsthethirdminute,aslongasyoucan. Run400m. RepeatladderfordeadhangPull-ups. Run400m. RepeatladderforkippingPull-ups. Run400m. Withacontinuouslyrunningclockdo 1Ringdiptherstminute, 2Ringdipsthesecondminute, 3Ringdip thethirdminute continuingaslongasyouareable.Useasmanysetseachminuteasneeded.Youmaykip. 50Ringdips 100Squats 50Ringdips 100Squats 50Ringdips 5roundsof: 21Pull-ups 21Ringdips 21159repsof: RingPush-ups Ringdips 5roundsof: MaxRingdipsin1:00 Rest1:00 MaxRingPush-upsin1:00 Rest1:00 BodyweightLynne 5roundsof: MaxrepRingdips(nokipping) MaxrepPull-ups(kipping)
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4roundsof: 50Squats 5muscleups 100Squats 30muscleups 100Squats 3roundsof: 100Squats 50Ringdips 30LPull-ups 3roundsof: 100Squats 20RingPush-ups 12Pull-ups 5roundsof: 50Squats 15RingPush-ups 10987654321 Pull-ups RingPush-ups HandstandPush-ups 2roundsof: 21Lunges 21Pull-ups 21Squats 21Ringdips 21HandstandPush-ups Asmanyroundsaspossiblein20minutes: 10FalsegripRingPull-ups(Ringstochest) 10Ringdips(goasdeepaspossible) 5roundsof: 50Squats 21Ringdips 21HandstandPush-ups 7roundsof: 20Ringdips 20Pull-ups 20Lunges Seppuku 10roundsof: 10Lpullups 10RingPush-ups 10Kneestoelbows BurningRingsofFire 10RingPush-ups 10ArcherPush-ups(5eachside) 10RingFlies 10WideGripRingPush-ups 10SinglelegRingPush-ups(5eachled) 10PseudoplancheRingPush-ups 10JackknifeRingPush-ups 10DiveBomberRingPush-ups 10ElevatedRingPush-ups 10RingPush-ups

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25HandstandPush-ups 25Squats 25Pull-ups 25Pistols 25muscleups 3roundsof: 100Squats 50Ringdips 4roundsof: 5muscleups 50straightlegliftsonRings Asmanyroundsaspossiblein20minutesof: 10Pull-ups 10Ringdips 10WalkingLunges 5roundsof: 5HandstandPush-ups 5muscleups 3roundsof: 7muscleups 100Squats 120Pull-upsand120Ringdips.Breakupanywayyoucan. 5roundsof: 10Ringdips 15Pull-ups 20HandstandPush-ups 25Squats 25Sit-ups 25Lunges 25HandstandPush-ups 25Push-ups 25Kneestoelbows 25Ringdips 25Pull-ups 50Squats 50jumpingPull-ups 50stepsWalkingLunge 50Kneestoelbows 50HandstandPush-ups 50Sit-ups 50Ringdips 50Squats 50Push-ups Run1mile 60pushups 40Ringdips 20HandstandPush-ups 10Pistols(eachlegrep) 20HandstandPush-ups 40Ringdips 60pushups Run1mile

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Ladderfor45minutes: Pull-upsby1 Ringdipsby2 Push-upsby3 Sit-upsby3 100Burpees 100HandstandPush-ups 100Pull-ups 100Ringdips 100Ringrows 100Push-ups 100windshieldwipers 100Sit-ups 100Kneestoelbows 100Flutter kicks

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

Metabolic conditioning with jump rope.


Jump ropes are one of the best investment amongst other training equipment. A high quality jump rope that is altered to appropriate length may be used to aid improvement in speed, agility and coordination.
Ash 3rounds,90secondsperstationof: Burpees Push-ups box/benchjumps Pull-ups DoubleUnders Squats IvantheTerrible 90secondsofjumpingrope 50Lunges 50Push-ups 50Sit-ups 90secondsofjumpingrope 40Lunges 40Push-ups 40Sit-ups 90secondsofjumpingrope 30Lunges 30Push-ups 30Sit-ups 90secondsofjumpingrope 20Lunges 20Push-ups 20Sit-ups 90secondsofjumpingrope 10Lunges 10Push-ups 10Sit-ups 5roundsof: 50Squats 100ropejumps BadSnake 100ropejumps 21Kneestoelbows 50Pushups 15LPullups 100ropejumps 15Kneestoelbows 35Pushups 12LPullups 100ropejumps 12Kneestoelbows 20Pushups 9LPullups Balboa 4roundsof: 100jumpropes Run400meters 10Bodyblasters(BurpeePull-upKneestoelbows)

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

50Sit-ups 50Doubleunders 50Sit-ups 50WalkingLunges 50Sit-ups 50Burpees 50Sit-ups 503020repsof: Doubleunders Push-ups Pull-ups 3roundsof: 50Doubleunders 75Squats

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

Running workouts.
If all else fails Or the gift of scenic nature befalls... CrossFit methodology is dened as a combination of High Intensity Functional Training in a Constantly Varied training program and routine. Consequently, it is important to participate in routines that include more functional exercises, raised intensity and variability in the workouts. Tabatarun Sprint 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds, repeat for a total of 8 times. If you have a treadmill, set it to 12% incline and to 30 seconds per mileslowerthanyour5kpace. Forvariations,do10:5x16,30:20x8,and40:20x6. Hillrepeats 2 x 3/4 1 mile hill repeats holding fastest possible pace without deviating more then 1 minute and recovering 1 min before descending hilleasy.Repeatafter1minrecoveryatbottomofhill.Ontreadmilluse7%grade,recover2minandrepeat Run10kwitha1:00negativesplit(second5k1:00fasterthantherst). Run5k,butevery2:00dropfor20Push-upsand20Squats. Taskpriorityworkouts: Yasso800's Complete10x800msprints,tryingtomaintainthesametimeforeach.Inbetweeneachinterval,joglightlyforthesameamountoftime ittookyoutoruntheinterval. Tosh 3roundsof:200m+400m+600m Aftereachinterval,restthesamedurationittookyoutorunthelastinterval. 10x100mwith90secondof recovery 6x400mwith120secondof recovery Don'tdeviatemorethan3secondsontime. 2x1000mwith120secondof recovery. 3roundsof:100m+200m+400m Aftereachinterval,restthesamedurationittookyoutorunthelastinterval. Timepriorityworkouts: 3roundsof:(20secon/60secoff,20secon/50secoff,20secon/40secoff,20secon/30secoff,20secon/20secoff,20secon/10secoff) 4x5:00on,3:00off TwoMinuteLactateFlood 120:60x6or2minon1minuteoffx6 OneMinuteHell 1min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on, 40 sec off, 1 min on, 30 sec off, 1 min on 20 sec off, 1 min on, 10 sec off, then go backuptheladder...1minon,20secoff,untilyounishwith1minon,50secoff,1minon. 3 r o u n d s o f : 3 0 s e c o n , 3 0 o f f , 3 0 s e c o n 2 5 o f f 3 0 s e c o n 2 0 o f f , 3 0 s e c o n , 1 5 o f f 30secon,10off,30secon,5off,30secon,rest2:00. 3roundsof:1minon,1minoff,2minon,2minoff,3minon3minoff. 8roundsof:80secondson,40secondsoff 3 rounds of: 5 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 10 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 30 seconds on, 10 secondsoff,15secondson,10secondsoff,25secondson,10secondsoff. 90SecondLadder 90secon,1minoff,90secon,45secoff,90secon,30secoff,90secon,15secoff,90secon,30secoff,90secon,
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45secoff,90secon. LactateShuttle 5:00on,2:30off,6:00on,3:00off,7:00on. Taskpriorityworkouts: 8minof100mon30sec,Rest4minthen.4minof100msprintson30sec,Rest2minthen,2minof100msprintson30sec. 10x200mwith5timestherecovery(ifittakes40secondstorunthe200mthenyourecover3:20) 2 x 800m holding best possible pace. Not slowing more then 3 sec. 2 min recoveries + 2 x 1k holding best possible pace. Not slowing morethen4sec.2minrecoveries 1miletimetrial,rest2:00,2x400mattimetrialpace,rest1:00inbetween 4x800mwith2:00rests 2x1000mwith2:00rests 4x400mwith5:00rests 8x200mwith2:00rests 8roundsof:100yardsprints.Thefocusistorunatmaximalspeedforall8sprints. Rest45secondsbetweensprints. 10roundsof50yardsprints.Thefocusistorunatmaximalspeedforall10sprints. Rest3045secondsbetweensprint.Runat 90100%effortonallsprints Endurancechallenges Longworkoutsdesignedtotestandbuildmentalstrength.Onlyrecommendedforanathletewhoislookingforanendurancechallenge andcanhandlehighvolume. BurpeeMile Cover 1600m through Burpees. Your chest must touch the ground on each Burpee, and you may jump as far forward as you wish on eachjump.ThenextBurpeemustbecompletedpreciselywhereyourfeetland.Ihaveheardittakesabout700-800Burpeesand 75 to 100 minutes for a reasonably t male. Some have suggested wearing gloves. Scaling to 400m or 800m can be a challenge for those notreadyforthefullmile. TripleMurph Complete3Murphsinonesession(1mile,100Pull-ups,200Push-ups,300Squats,1mile.) FirstMurphiscompletedwithweightedbackpackorakvest,partitioned5/10/15. SecondMurphiscompletedwithoutpartitions. ThirdMurphispartitioned5/10/15. The500Challenge 500Pull-ups 500Push-ups 500Sit-ups 500Flutter kicks 500Squats Completeinonesession.Youmaybreakitupanywayyouwish. 1,500RepWOD 10roundsof: 100jumpropes 10Burpees 10Sit-ups 10Push-ups 10Squats 10Pull-ups TheLongestMile 400mofBurpees 400mWalkingLunges 400mbearcrawl 400mreversestraightleggedbearcrawl

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Run100m 50Burpees Run200m 100Push-ups Run300m 150WalkingLunges Run400m 200Squats Run300m 150WalkingLunges Run200m 100Push-ups Run100m 50Burpees 5roundsof: MaxBurpees1:00 MaxPull-ups1:00 Maxtuckjumps1:00 Maxjumpingjacks1:00 Maxdistancerunning2:00

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

Suggestionsformodifyingworkoutsforthoseunabletodothemasprescribed. Itisbettertoreducenumbersthanrangeofmotion.Ifaworkoutcallsformultiplerounds,cutoutthenumberswithintherounds, n o t t h e n u m b e r o f r o u n d s s o t h a t i t w i l l p r o v i d e a s i m i l a r m e t a b o l i c e f f e c t . I f i t i s a t i m e priorityworkout,itisgoodtoreducethetotaltimeallotted. AirSquats:Thereisnosub.WorkonyourAirSquat. Doubleunders:OnesubistodosingleswithDoublethenumbers,thoughthisdoesnothingtoactuallydeveloptheDoubleunder. (Ideallyyouwanttopractice your double undersafterthesubstitution.) Hand StandPushups: Static Handstand holds for a specied number of seconds is a decent sub if you don't have the strength to do a HSPU. Another goodsubisinclinePush-ups,donewithfeetproppedhighonawall,sideofpool,orpieceoffurniture. Kneestoelbows:BringKneestoarmpits,chest,orashighasyoucan.Alternativelyif youdon'thaveaPull-upbar,youcandostrictV UpsorabmatSit-ups. LPull-up:DoastrictPull-upfollowedbyastraighthanginglegraise. Lunges:Thereisnosub.WorkonyourLunges. Muscleups: Sub is 3 Pull-ups + 3 dips. In order to develop the strength needed to complete a muscleup, a better sub is 3 chestto barfalsegripRingPull-ups+3deepRingdips. Pistols: Use a wall for balance. Hold a counter weight in your hand if it helps. If you cannot do a Pistol, do Air Squats with a jump as highasyoucanoneachone. Pushups: Can be done on Knees. It is better to lower the numbers and do them full range of motion rather than reduce the range of motiontogetinthefullnumber. P u l l u p s : A p p r o p r i a t e s u b i n a metabolic conditioning is body rows on rings or a bar. Choose an appropriate height so that doing more than a few body rows difcult. This w i l l h e l p y o u t o b u i l d u p t o t h e p r e r e q u i s i t e s t r e n g t h n e e d e d t o p e r f o r m f u l l p u l l ups.Ifyouhavebodybands,hookthemonthebarandunderyourfoot.JumpingPullups(standingonaboxabout9inchesunderthe bar) can be effective. Doing slow negatives will also build up prerequisite strength. Stand on a chair that allows you to have your chin overthebar,holdontothebar,liftyourlegsup,andslowlyreleaseasfardownasyoucan. R i n g d i p s : A g o o d s u b s t i t u t i o n i s 3 b a r d i p s f o r e v e r y 1 r i n g d i p . I f y o u d o n ' t h a v e d i p p i n g b a r s , y o u c a n u s e t w o a d j a c e n t c h a i r s , o r y o u c a n g e t o n a c h a i r t o a P u l l upbaranddobardipswithapronatedgrip.Staticholdsonringscanalsobeeffective. R u n n i n g : N o t h i n g s u b s t i t u t e s r u n n i n g . H o w e v e r B u r p e e s , b o x j u m p s , s i n g l e u n d e r s , a n d D o u b l e underscanprovideasimilarmetaboliceffect. Toestobar:Seekneestoelbows.

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

List ofbodyweight exercises.


AirSquat - Single/ 2-for-1 Broadjump(akafroghop) Burpee -forward/backward/rotate180jump Dip - Bar/ Rings - Strict/ Kipping Handstand - Hold/ switch hands - Push-up/ Walks Humanag Inchworms Lsit - Floor/ Paralettes/ Rings/ Bar Lunge - Static/ Walking/ Alternate/ Jumping Muscleup - Bar/ Rings - Strict/ Kipping Pistol(OneleggedSquats) - Single/ Alternate - Hopping/ Box Jump Plank - Wall Climb Pull-up - Strict/ Kipping/ Buttery - Chest to bar/ Clap/ False grip/ Finger grip/ Supinated/ Pronated/ Alternated grip - Wide/ Narrow Push-up - Chest Slap/ Clap/ Diamond/ Bomber - Incline/ Decline/ Wall hold Jump Rope - Single/ Double Unders - Cross Sit-up - Anchored/ Unanchored - V-up Hanging - Toestobar - Knees to Chest/ Elbows/ Bar

CrossFit Travel Workout Resource CompiledandeditedbyCrossFit Fire City Singapore.Version1.0,November 2011

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