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A Acceptance.n./ acceptans/: aceptacin Account.n./ acount/: Cuenta Accountant.n./ countant/: Contador Accounting .n./ counting/: Contabilidad Accounts payablen.

n/ Count peibel/: Cuentas por pagar Accrued.n./ crued /: Causado Acquisition costs.n./ adquisishon cost/: Costos de adquisicin Actives.a./ activs/: activos Amount.n./ amont/: monto de una deuda Analysis.n./ anlisis/: anlisis Article.n./ articul/: artculo Assembly.n./ asembly/: asamblea Auction.n./ aucshion/: subasta pblica Auditory.n./ aunditori/: auditora Automatic cash.n./ automatic cash/: cajero automtico Automatic cashing.n./ automating cashing/: cobro automatizado Average Price.a./ averash prais/: precio promedio AWL: airway lading.n./ eirwey leiding/: conocimiento de embarque areo B B/L bill of lading.n./ bill of leiding/: conocimiento de embarque Balance of payments.n./ balans of peiments/: balanza de pagos Balance of trade.n./ baland of treid/: balanza comercial Balance.n./ balans/: saldo Ballopn payment.n./ baiond peiment/: pago al final Bankind.n./ Banking/: banca Barter.n./ verter/: trueque Basis of assessment.n./ baisis of asement/: base gravable Be in debt.n./ be in debt/: estar en deuda, adeudar Bear Market.n./ bir market/: Mercado burstil en declinacin Bench mark.n./ bench marke/: punto de comparacin Bench marking.n./ bench marking/: proceso de comprar continuamente una organizacin con lderes del mundo Bias.n./ bias/: sesgo, tendencia Bid.n./ bid/: oferta Bill of changue.n./ bill of cheing/: letra de cambio Bill.n./ bil/: cuenta Bonus.m./ bonus/: Bono Borrowing.n./ borrouwing/: prstamo Bottom Prince/ buton prais/: precio mnimo Brand.n./ brend/: marca de fbrica Break Even Point.n./ breik iven point/: punto de equilibrio Breakage.n./ breikeg/: rotura Budget.n./ budget/: presupuesto Bulk.n./ bolk/: masa, volumen

Bull Market.n./ bull market/: mercado burztil en alza Business card.n./ bisnes card/:... [continua]

ACCOUNTING PERIOD A period of time, (month, quarter, year), for which a financial statement is produced. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE This represents what a business owes to its suppliers and other creditors at a given point in time. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE This represents the amount due to a business by its customers at a given point in time. ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING A method of bookkeeping in which income and expenses are allocated to periods to which they apply, regardless of when actually received or paid. For example, when an invoice is rendered, its value is added to income immediately, even though it has not been paid. (Also see CASH ACCOUNTING) AUDIT Verification of financial records and accounting procedures generally conducted by a CPA or accounting firm or if you're really unlucky, the IRS. BALANCE SHEET Financial statement showing assets and liabilities at a specific time. BOND A third party obligation promising to pay if a vendor does not fulfill its valid obligations under a contract. BREAK-EVEN POINT The point at which sales equal total costs. BM WORLD BANK Created to promote development projects and social and economic empowerment for applicants countries through low-interest loans BENCHMARKING Management model that seeks continuous improvement of best business practices through learning methodologies other companies.

CAPITAL ASSET An asset that is purchased for long-term use such as machinery and equipment. CASH ACCOUNTING The simplest form of accounting in which income is considered earned when received and expenses are not taken into account until paid. CAVEAT EMPTOR "Let the buyer beware" CERTIFIED LENDERS Banks that participate in the SBA's guaranteed loan program. COLLATERAL An asset that can be sold for cash and which has been pledged to a creditor to secure a future obligation. (For example, if you finance a car it is the collateral for the loan).

DEBT FINANCING This is financing in which you get a loan from someone or somewhere and go into debt! You are obligated to repay the money at some predetermined interest rate. DEPRECIATION Decrease in the value of equipment over time. Depreciation of equipment used for business is a taxdeductible expense. DROP SHIPMENT A shipment directly from the manufacturer to the end user. DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) A database maintained by Dun and Bradstreet that is used by the Government to identify each contractor and their location(s). DIVIDEND

Share of net profits of a company that will be distributed among the partners and shareholders of the same

EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN) A number obtained by a business from the IRS by filing form SS-4. If you are a sole proprietorship, your EIN is your social security number. ENTREPRENEUR Someone who is willing to assume the responsibility, risk and rewards of starting and operating a business. EQUITY FINANCING This involves "selling" a portion of your company to an outside investor. You have no obligation to repay the funds. In general, venture capital firms provide this type of funding. ESCROW Temporary monetary deposit with an independent third party by agreement between two parties. The escrow money is released when certain agreed conditions have been met. ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). A plan where employees have a vested interest (stock ownership) in the company FACTORING The buying and selling of invoices or accounts receivables. FIDUCIARY A person or company entrusted with assets owned by another party (beneficiary), and responsible for investing the assets until they are turned over to the beneficiary. FISCAL YEAR Any 12-month period used by a company or government as an accounting period. FIXED COST A production cost which does not vary significantly with the volume of output. An example would be administrative costs. (Also see VARIABLE COST). FREE ON BOARD (FOB) Commercial term in which the seller's obligations are fulfilled when the goods reach a point specified in the contract.

GRACE PERIOD Time allowed a debtor in which legal action will not be undertaken by the creditor when payment is late. GUARANTEE Pledge by a third party to repay a loan in the event that the borrower cannot. A special case is a PERSONAL guarantee in which you personally guarantee an obligation. GUARANTEED/INSURED LOANS Programs in which the federal government makes an arrangement to indemnify a lender against part or all of any defaults by those responsible for repayment of loans. GDP GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Monetary data obtained from the sum of goods and services produced in a country, whether by natives or residents by foreign residents. GIRO Operation in which a person directs another amount of money to a certain date, directly to a person or to the bearer of the obligation.

HOLDING Management organization where the parent company is the owner of the shares of its subsidiaries. Management controls and usually turn to other firms in the business group.

INDEMNITY Obligation of one party to reimburse another party for losses which have occurred or which may occur.

INTEREST Is the value of money. It is an average that measures the appreciation or depreciation of income same local currency. illiquidity When assets are difficult to convert to cash. INTERNATIONAL RESERVES Foreign assets financial or other control with which imbalances in the balance of payments of a country. They are managed by the Central Bank. INTEREST RATE Value of Money. Unlike a margin amount borrowed or captured, that means profitability of the operation.

JOB SHARING Arrangement in which the responsibilities and hours of one job position are carried out by two people. JOBBER As is known to the commercial agent of the London Stock Exchange that handles titles operate as wholesalers and actions in favor of brokers, who in turn work on behalf of third party investors . JOINT VENTURES Covenant concluded between two or more companies in which you create a new company together with a specific goal . JOB SPECIFICATIONS Related to the job description , is responsible for describing the ideal profile of the staff responsible for carrying out a special set .

LIEN Legal right to hold property of another party or to have it sold or applied in payment of a claim. LIQUIDATION Sale of the assets of a business to pay off debts. LIVING Measuring the wealth of a country with levels of income per capita. Is directly related to quality of life and purchasing power LABOUR MARKET Term used to describe the environment in which it is the supply and demand of jobs and jobs. LEASING Rental property and assets to service companies or legal entities that may benefit from obtaining low real income and real estate assets for its operation.

MARGINAL COST Additional cost associated with producing one more unit of output. MINORITY BUSINESSES The Small Business Administration defines minorities as those who are "socially and economically disadvantaged." The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) contains the specific requirements. MLM (Multi Level Marketing) Multilevel marketing (MLM) plans, are a way of selling goods or services through distributors. These plans promise that if you sign up as a distributor, you will receive commissions -- for both your sales of the plan's goods or services and those of other people you recruit to join the distributors. Be careful of plans that offer to pay commissions for recruiting new distributors. This is called "pyramiding" and is illegeal in most states. MONOPOLY Company or company in the market is only bidder for a good or service without competition , controlling all variables related to it (price, quantities produced, quantities supplied ) . MULTINATIONAL

Companies operating in more than one country , making their operations input , process and output internationally.

NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE ACT NAFTA Free Trade Area of North America created between Canada , the U.S. and Mexico

OSDBU (Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization) These offices offer small business information on procurement opportunities, guidance on procurement procedures, and identification of both prime and subcontracting opportunities with the United States Government. OVERHEAD Business expenses not directly related to a particular good or service produced. An example would be utilities. OPEN MARKET OPERATIONS OMAS Operations supply and demand of financial instruments by the Central Bank to the public market - open that provides liquidity to it by means of the purchase of securities, increasing the circulating liquid cash. OECD Spanish acronym of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development . Composed by developed countries of the North Atlantic integration . ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES Created in 1948 to replace the Commercial Bureau of the American Republics and works as a regional body , provided by the United Nations created the International American Conference.

PASS This is the Procurement Automated Source System managed by the Small Business Administration. Registering with this central referral system of small businesses interested in selling to the government can bring you business with almost no effort. Registration is free. Call 1 800 231 7277. POWER OF ATTORNEY An agreement authorizing someone (generally an attorney) to act as your agent. This agreement may be general (complete authority) or special (limited authority). PREFERRED LENDERS Banks which have a special written agreement with the SBA which allows them to make a guaranteed SBA loan without prior SBA approval. PROFIT & LOSS (P & L) STATEMENT A listing of income, expenses, and the resulting net profit or loss. This is also called an income statement. PROMPT PAYMENT ACT A federal law that requires federal agencies to pay interest to companies on bills not paid within 30 days of invoice or completion of work.

Qualification shares Mandatory deposit shares. Qualified acceptance

Acceptance conditional, limited acceptance.

Qualified endorsement

Endorsement limited, qualified endorsement. Endorsement that contains some kind of limitation on the liability of the endorser.
Qualified opinin

Auditor's report indicating the professional in charge of the audit could not verify in-depth accounting records for a number of omissions in the books.
Qualifying shares

Shares in escrow. Shares to be deposited by board members of society throughout their management. these actions serve to cover potential liabilities attributable to the directory.

ROYALTIES Consideration for the use or exploitation of property of others in exchange for payment of a percentage of the profits obtained by the product of such an exercise REINSURANCE New insurance to support the risks that a first contract of insurance. REPOS Financial mode of supply and demand of securities in which the applicant undertakes to transfer back to the offeror acquired securities or equivalent to those at the end of a defined period of time under the replacement contract specifications. Credit is made for short-term liquidity. Required return: return on investment Return on assets Return on Assets

SBIC (Small Business Investment Corporation) SBICs are licensed by the SBA as federally funded private venture capital firms. Money is available to small businesses under a variety of agreements. SIMPLE INTEREST Interest paid only on the principal of a loan. SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP The simpliest (and most popular) form of business organization. The individual is personally liable for all debts of the business to the full extent of his or her property. On the other hand, the owner has complete control of the business. SURETY BONDS

Surety bonds provide reimbursement to an individual, company or the government if a firm fails to complete a contract. SBA guarantees surety bonds in a program much like SBA's guaranteed loan program. SWEAT EQUITY A common form of "investment." This refers to the investment in time owners make, with no salary, to a new business. TAX NUMBER A number assigned to a business that enables the business to buy wholesale without paying sales tax on goods and products. Contact your local court house for additional information. TRIPLE NET Rental type in which the tenant pays rent to the landlord and additionally assumes all costs regarding the operation, taxes and maintenance of the premises and building. TRM REPRESENTATIVE MARKET RATE Representative value of the exchange of two currencies: a local one and a foreign currency. TERM DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE CDT Title usually traded value to a bank that ensures the performance of a particular principal amount at an interest rate fixed income at the end of a defined period . TREASURY SECURITIES TES The securities are debt securities issued by the Government under modality debt to finance treasury operations, support other debts or other activities.

UNEMPLOYMENT LEVELS The percentage of the working age population is unemployed or direct revenue. The remainder is taken immediately as working age population economically active (employed).

Uncollected funds Funds collect Unconsolidated financial statements

Consolidated financial statements

Uncollectable accounts

Bad debts, bad debts, debtors

Uncertain price outlook

Uncertain outlook for price developments

VARIABLE COST Any costs which change significantly with the level of output. The obvious example is cost of materials. VENTURE CAPITAL Money used to support new or unusual undertakings; equity, risk or speculative investment capital. This funding is provided to new or existing firms which exhibit potential for above-average growth.

VALUE ADDED That part of the total value of a process that is added to it and gives advantages and positive results for both parties involved. VALUE CHAIN Organized combination of basic and aggregated activities of a company for the supply of their goods and services to generate higher profit margins.

Value added network

has facilities for sending, receiving, storing, tracking, processing, routing, reports of all messages handled

WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION WTO Agency created by the countries enrolled in the Uruguay Round, April 15, 1994, in order to formalize the operation of various treaties, where the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT, for its acronym in English) was the most important , practically the latter became the WTO.

WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION Created with the aim of steering control policies and rules the world tourism industry, creating strategies for promoting himself and sectors converging on him. WEATHER BUSINESS OR ECONOMIC CLIMATE Level of risk associated with investments in domestic and foreign markets for financial products.

Working capital
a company's ability to carry out their normal activities in the short term.

trade is one that sells, buys or hires wholesale.

Year-end adjustment

Hard currency: moneda dura Harvesting strategy: sacar el efectivo producido Hard currency: moneda dura Harvesting strategy: sacar el efectivo producido National income: ingreso nacional Net cash flow: flujos netos de efectivo Net present value: valor presente neto Non profit corporation: empresa no lucrativa

Year activities: Actividad del ejercicio.

Year-end: Cierre de ejercicio Year-end adjustment: Ajuste de cierre de ejercicio Year-end exchange rate: Tipo de cambio al cierre del ejercicio Yield: Rendimiento, rentabilidad Yield to maturity: Rendimiento al vencimiento Yield variance: Ver Production yield variance

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

uno, una dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez once doce trece catorce quince diecisis diecisiete dieciocho diecinueve veinte



veintin, veintiuno, veintiuna veintids veintitrs veinticuatro veinticinco veintisis veintisiete veintiocho veintinueve treinta treinta y un, treinta y uno, treinta y una cuarenta cincuenta sesenta setenta ochenta noventa cien ciento un, ciento uno, ciento una ciento dos doscientos, doscientas trescientos, trescientas cuatrocientos, cuatrocientas quinientos, quinientas seiscientos, seiscientas setecientos, setecientas ochocientos, ochocientas novecientos, novecientas

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-one

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 101

forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred, a hundred one hundred (and) one

102 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

one hundred (and) two two hundred three hundred four hundred five hundred six hundred seven hundred eight hundred nine hundred

1000 one thousand, a thousand 1001 a thousand (and) one 1002 a thousand (and) two 1100 a thousand one hundred

mil mil uno, mil una mil dos mil cien

1101 a thousand one hundred (and) one mil ciento uno 2000 two thousand dos mil

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