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1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Folder 6 Folder 7 Folder 8 Folder 9 Folder 10


Consumer Paradise Manipulation





Masters and Slaves Teens in Revolt Civil Rights







Hard to Quit!



Children at Work



United We Stand! Of Guns and Arms South Africa








Consumer Paradise

INFLUENCE : synonyme de persuasion, de manipulation, de sduction, mais aussi reflet de pratiques culturelles plus ou moins volontairement acceptes . OPPOSITION : expression dune contestation non violente, pouvant se traduire dans des structures politiques et sociales institutionnalises. (BO n 7 du 28 aot 2003.)
Ce folder aborde linfluence de la socit de consommation dans nos choix quotidiens, notamment par le biais de la publicit. Il explore, parfois avec humour, les mcanismes qui poussent notre socit vers une consommation immdiate, presque compulsive. La publicit en est larme la plus vidente. Nous invitons les lves en analyser les ressorts et prendre une certaine distance par rapport ce phnomne omniprsent.

CULTURE BLOG Its an Ad, Ad World
Deux thmes se rpondent et se compltent : la publicit et les enfants, dune part, les techniques publicitaires, dautre part.


Une chanson de Shania Twain, sorte de manifeste contre la consommation abusive.


Document 1 : Buy Nothing Day Document 2 : A Whim?

Un message de lassociation organisatrice de la journe sans achats, Adbusters. Une publicit trs courte et facile pour aborder le thme de la consommation compulsive.

WORD BANK Champ lexical : la consommation TEXT FILE 1 The Power of Advertising
Un extrait du livre de Morgan Spurlock, Dont Eat This Book.


Un extrait de Friends, une srie tlvise populaire.


Une analyse des procds publicitaires


Loccasion pour les lves de profiter de ce quils ont appris dans le folder.

PRACTICAL FILE In the Street STRATEGY FILE Comprendre les mots inconnus Folder 1 Consumer Paradise


La composante culturelle est un lment fondamental des programmes de lyce et dImpact, mais elle ne constitue pas un objet denseignement isoler de lapprentissage linguistique. linverse, elle justifie lapprentissage de la langue en lui donnant du contenu. Lobjectif du Culture Blog est damener les lves construire eux-mmes des repres culturels et se familiariser avec les outils langagiers fondamentaux qui vont leur faciliter lentre dans la thmatique et lapprhension des documents proposs. Les documents courts et faciles font appel la lecture et lcoute. Les textes ne dpassent pas 150 mots et ne prsentent pas de difficult syntaxique. Le professeur pourra, au choix, les faire lire la maison pour une exploitation en classe, les faire lire en classe par groupes de deux ou trois pour faciliter lentraide et amliorer lefficacit, faire lire seulement lun des textes par la moiti de la classe et lautre par lautre moiti pour donner lieu des changes. Les tches proposes sont simples, essentiellement de reprage, et conues pour tre ralises dans des dlais trs courts. Elles ciblent les points essentiels. Le Pod lecture est une mini-confrence, document facile et court, lu vitesse mesure, pour un premier contact avec la comprhension de loral. Ici aussi, les tches sont destines cibler la comprhension des points essentiels. LAction propose la fin du blog permet llve de synthtiser les informations et ainsi de se les approprier dans une dmarche personnelle. Cette tche correspond lapproche de type actionnel prconise dans le CECR : llve doit accomplir des tches dans des circonstances et un environnement donns. Les actes de parole se ralisent dans un contexte social qui leur donne leur pleine signification. Il y a tche dans la mesure o les lves mobilisent stratgiquement leurs comptences en vue de parvenir un rsultat dtermin.

Le professeur peut choisir de : faire lire les textes aux lves la maison et de leur faire faire lAction en classe; faire travailler les lves en groupes en classe de faon encourager le travail en quipe pour ce qui concerne la comprhension et ensuite crer une situation dchange dinformation entre les groupes; faire faire le travail individuellement pour entraner les lves la lecture en temps limit en vue des preuves du baccalaurat et, plus long terme, une comptence qui leur sera utile dans leur vie professionnelle.

CULTURE BLOG Its an Ad, Ad World

1 Children and Advertising


Manuel p. 12/13

Ce premier texte montre comment les publicitaires se servent des enfants non seulement pour leur propre consommation mais aussi pour linfluence quils ont auprs de leurs parents. Notons que le texte donn en comprhension de loral pour lentranement lexamen (Exam File p. 22) traite le sujet plus fond. 1. Find the words: propre own dpenser spend moyenne average achat purchase. 2. Advertisers are more interested in children now because they have money or they influence their parents. 3. Consequences : advertisers spend a lot of money on advertising aimed at kids (bombarded) and find new ideas all the time to attract children; advertising has come into schools. 4. The situation in France. Rponse personnelle mais on peut dire : Children probably do not spend as much time in front of the TV and the number of commercials is more limited but children really are influenced by commercials that they often learn by heart. 5. Advertisers give away toys or various items in order to get children to want their products. 6

Folder 1 Consumer Paradise

2 Ads You Want to Read

Ce texte est une approche plus pragmatique et technique de la publicit. On pourra inviter les lves le relire quand ils auront pour tche de raliser des publicits (Prepare an awareness campaign, la page 15 ou Make a TV commercial, la page 19). 1. Words that go with the verbs: an ad should catch peoples imagination, eye, attention; an ad should be intriguing, interesting, exciting, personalized. 2. Two verbs that go with crime : burgle and steal. One noun : burglaries.

POD LECTURE Ads that Go Wrong

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document sonore. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.

Le professeur demandera aux lves de prendre connaissance des questions avant lcoute de faon les aider cibler leur effort de comprhension. Aprs la premire coute, le professeur laissera un temps suffisant pour permettre aux lves de rpondre aux questions puis passera lenregistrement autant de fois que ncessaire selon la demande. La mise en commun sera loccasion dchanges oraux authentiques (entranement linteraction). 1. The slogans : Just do it! Im worth it! Flies all over Africa Drink Australian, think Australian. 2. Nikes and LOreals slogans were successful. The other two were not (double entente + cultural mistake). 3. When advertising global products, it is essential to be careful about pronunciation; words with double entente; local sensibilities; social habits. 4. In a Muslim country, advertisers should not show a male actors chest or somebody using their left hand to handle food.

Weve looked at successful advertising slogans slogans like Nikes Just do it or LOreals Im worth it. This week we are going to look at slogans that went wrong. Sometimes, pronunciation can ruin a product. Lets take the ad for the Toyota MR2 car. In France, MR2 is pronounced emm-er-deux obviously not a great name for a car! Words with double entente can be tricky too. One of my favourite flops was an African airlines slogan Flies all over Africa. Everybody had the impression that there were flies inside the plane! Local sensibilities can be offended. For example, the Drink Australian, think Australian slogan for a famous Australian beer didnt go down too well in New Zealand because New Zealanders just do not want to be Australian! And social habits can be a problem too. In some Muslim nations, ads can upset people if the male actor shows too much of his chest or if someone uses their left hand to handle food. It is of the greatest importance when advertising global products to take local people into account. You cannot expect to sell them something if they dont like your slogan or feel insulted by it or understand it wrongly. Action Make up a quiz
CECR niveau B1 Poser des questions sur un problme. Demander ou transmettre des informations. Me servir avec une correction suffisante de tournures et dexpressions. Collationner des lments dinformation de sources diverses et les rsumer pour quelquun dautre.

Folder 1 Consumer Paradise

La tche propose ici, la rdaction dun questionnaire puis lchange dinformations, met llve en situation de communication et dacteur social. Le professeur circulera pendant ce travail pour apporter les aides ncessaires. Nous insistons sur lintrt de faire travailler les lves par groupes de deux ou trois. Lobjectif est de favoriser les changes afin de parvenir une plus grande rapidit dexcution. Cette activit devrait tre conduite en temps limit, le temps lui-mme tant un levier de motivation. Si, au bout de 10 minutes, les lves nont rdig que cinq ou six questions, on pourra regrouper les mini-groupes et procder la mise en commun sous forme de jeu.


Lentranement comprendre loral est essentiel de par limportance de cette activit langagire au quotidien mais aussi dans le cadre des nouvelles preuves du baccalaurat qui devraient intgrer lvaluation de cette comptence. Selon les recommandations du programme de Premire, nous proposons aux lves une varit de documents enregistrs accessibles et courts. Llve devra tre entran comprendre lessentiel dun message oral, dans un anglais authentique et dont la dure nexcdera pas une minute et demie. Lenseignant graduera la difficult des enregistrements en fonction du nombre de locuteurs, de leur accent ou des thmes abords. (BO, hors srie n 7 du 28 aot 2003.) Lutilisation de documents authentiques implique une langue soumise lalatoire de la langue orale : accents divers, registres de langue divers, rythme du flot sonore vari. Nous proposons dans le Workbook un guidage qui tient compte des difficults spcifiques de chaque document. Nous entranons les lves fragmenter la chane sonore, reprer les lments porteurs de sens, les intonations et le ton, de faon construire du sens. Pronounce Les exercices ont pour objectif de prparer les lves lcoute et de leur faire reprer certaines spcificits de la langue anglaise reproduire en phase de production. Comme le suggrent les programmes, nous utilisons lalphabet phontique pour faire rflchir les lves aux phonmes de langlais et les entraner bien les raliser (on continuera utiliser en classe de Premire lalphabet phontique pour rflchir sur les sons de langlais). Les instructions officielles nous invitent galement faire remarquer limportance en anglais de laccentuation et de lintonation, tant pour la comprhension que pour la production de loral . Cest pourquoi nous proposons aux lves des exercices visant leur faire reprer et imiter le rythme de langlais avec sa particularit de stress-timed language : ils lisent et rptent des courts extraits du document quils viennent dtudier. Le programme de Premire stipule quil convient dentraner les lves reproduire un nonc ou un message en respectant les schmas accentuels et intonatifs et en ralisant correctement les phonmes. Avec ce travail de prononciation, nous aidons les lves non seulement mieux sexprimer et tre rellement comprhensibles mais surtout mieux reprer les mots dans la chane sonore de langlais oral. Before You Listen Grce aux documents iconographiques et aux tches donnes dans cette rubrique, le professeur fait mettre des hypothses aux lves, leur fait anticiper le contenu du document et cre des attentes et un cadre de rfrence qui aident les lves mieux accder au sens du document. Cette phase doit tre courte mais le professeur cherchera nanmoins faire produire des noncs complets et encouragera la classe les complexifier. Le professeur anticipera les rponses des lves pour les aider rsoudre leurs difficults linguistiques, lexicales en particulier. On pourra le plus souvent introduire du vocabulaire indispensable partir des images. Now Listen Le guidage, qui figure dans le Workbook, tient compte des caractristiques spcifiques de chaque document. Il est conu pour un travail en classe, avec des pauses et des changes, mais il peut aussi tre utilis en autonomie si ltablissement dispose dune salle multimdia. Action Comme dans le Culture Blog, nous proposons une Action la fin de lactivit de comprhension dans le but non seulement dintgrer les nouvelles comptences acquises, mais aussi de mettre les lves en situation dacteurs sociaux ayant des tches accomplir .


Folder 1 Consumer Paradise


Manuel p. 14

The sound of money dominates the single from the Canadian super star Shania Twains Hit Album Up. Shania Twain epitomizes the country crossover phenomenon doing both pop and country music at the same time. About Ka-Ching she says: it is one of my favourite songs, because it does have the Shania cheekiness to it. I also think its a pretty fair observation of where were at, in terms of how commercial society has become, almost globally. This is of course why we thought this song was perfect to illustrate the instant gratification society we live in at the moment, where consumption has become so important.
CECR niveau B1 Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document portant sur un thme qui mintresse et dans une langue standard. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.


1. Avant dexploiter les photos, on fera travailler les lves sur les mots. Cest lobjectif des questions 1 et 2. On

pourra inviter les lves se reporter au Strategy File, p. 54, pour observer les phnomnes de drivation et de composition. On fera trouver au minimum : consume consumption consumer. 2. Liste ouverte; on pensera utiliser le tableau pour valoriser les suggestions de la classe. Cette tape sera un moyen dharmoniser les connaissances lexicales des lves. Exemples: buy sell borrow lend spend waste bank money spend. 3. The photo on the left shows a girl with a choice of credit cards. The idea is that she can spend as much as she likes on credit with these cards. There is no limit to her spending possibility. The photo on the right shows girls who look happy because they have bought things that they carry in their bags. 4. Cette question est loccasion dintroduire le mot register qui sera reprer dans la chanson. When you pronounce the title, it makes you think of the noise a register does (or used to do!).

Comprehension Transcription

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Youll live like a king With lots of money and things When youre broke go and get a loan Take out another mortgage on your home Consolidate so you can afford To go and spend some more when you get bored All we ever want is more A lot more than we had before So take me to the nearest store Repeat Chorus Dig deeper in your pocket Come on I know youve got it Dig deeper in your wallet All we ever want is more A lot more than we had before So take me to the nearest store Shania Twain

We live in a greedy little world That teaches every little boy and girl To earn as much as they can possibly Then turn around and spend it foolishly Weve created us a credit card mess We spend the money we dont possess Our religion is to go and blow it all So its shoppin every Sunday at the mall All we ever want is more A lot more than we had before So take me to the nearest store Chorus Can you hear it ring It makes you wanna sing Its such a beautiful thing Ka-ching! Lots of diamond rings The happiness it brings

Aprs le travail de comprhension, nous recommandons vivement au professeur dutiliser la version karaok qui figure sur le DVD.

Folder 1 Consumer Paradise


Recite the lyrics

CECR niveau A2 Faire de brves annonces prpares et apprises de telle sorte quelles soient intelligibles pour un auditeur attentif. La prononciation est en gnral suffisamment claire pour tre comprise malgr un accent nettement franais.

La tche de niveau A2 propose la suite de la comprhension orale permet aux lves de sapproprier le contenu de la chanson. La version karaok figure sur le DVD. Gageons que les lves la rclameront! Ce support permettra un travail prcis sur le rythme et sur laccentuation.


Le programme de Premire fait explicitement rfrence au support vido : On introduira avantageusement le support vido dont la comprhension est facilite par limage et le contexte. En effet, les avantages de la vido sont grands. Nous apprcions sa richesse au plan culturel en raison de limmdiatet du contact quelle offre avec la ralit quotidienne, son authenticit linguistique qui tient au fait quelle prsente des situations de communication dans lesquelles les individus interagissent. Comme le voyage ltranger, la vido est une source irremplaable dinformations car elle expose nos lves la ralit quotidienne des pays. Nous apprcions aussi la complmentarit entre limage et le son, outil pdagogique que nous exploitons. Before You Watch Lanticipation partir de lillustration suit les mmes principes que pour les documents oraux. Now Watch Le guidage qui figure dans le Workbook tient compte des caractristiques spcifiques de chaque document avec, par exemple, une part plus ou moins grande de comprhension ou dexpression. Les documents vido sont prdcoups en squences (ou steps) pour faciliter la tche du professeur. Le guidage est conu pour pouvoir tre utilis en autonomie si ltablissement dispose dune salle multimdia. Action Enfin, et pour les mmes raisons que cites prcdemment, nous invitons les lves raliser lAction figurant dans le cadre color. Sur la mme page, la Word Bank est une liste du vocabulaire minimal dont les lves auront besoin pour comprendre les diffrents documents du folder ou en parler. Les exercices visent aider les lves sapproprier le lexique ou construire des savoir-faire. Le programme officiel aborde clairement la ncessit de travailler le lexique : La varit des supports abords mobilise une grande richesse lexicale, principalement en reconnaissance. Lacquisition du vocabulaire ne consiste pas en lapprentissage de mots isols. Le vocabulaire est tudi en contexte, ce qui permet llve de comprendre comment les mots sinsrent syntaxiquement dans lnonc. En outre, ce vocabulaire est mis en rseaux par le moyen de la drivation morphologique, et par le recours aux champs smantiques que le programme culturel fournit.

MOVIE FILE Buy Nothing Day



Manuel p. 15

1. This is an advertisement for Buy Nothing Day. The scene is a city. There is a man frantically running after his

credit card which seems to be flying away from him. On the ground, a can of coke, which symbolizes the consumption of global products. 10 Folder 1 Consumer Paradise

2 et 3. Les lves auront sans doute entendu parler de la journe sans achats qui a t introduite en France

depuis quelques annes.

4. Whats the use of buying so much? You will not be happier if you consume more. If you consume too much,

our planet will be affected. Why buy another pair of shoes? Do you really need all that?

Comprehension Document 1 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Buy Nothing Day Son

Cochon sur la carte des tats-Unis. Dcharge gante. Fort abattue. Autoroute amricaine. Cochon qui sort des tats-Unis. Dcharge gante. Fort abattue. Autoroute amricaine. November 26th is Buy Nothing Day.

[No sound.]

Step 2

The average North American consumes five times more than a Mexican, ten times more than a Chinese person and thirty times more than a person from India. We are the most voracious consumers in the world. A world that could die because of the way we North Americans live. Give it a rest. November 26th is Buy Nothing Day.
A Whim?

Document 2 lcran Step 1


[Sound only. No pictures.]

I dont want to go, I want to stay! Please dont make me leave! You never let me do anything fun I want to stay! I like it here! I dont want to go, I want to stay! Please dont make me leave! You never let me do anything I want to stay! I like it here! Those shoes are pretty! Please! I dont want to go, I want to stay! Please dont make me leave! You never let me do anything I want to stay! I like it here! Those shoes are pretty! Please! Want great bargains? Its all in the City.

Step 2

Mre tire pas ses enfants dans un magasin.

Step 3

Mre tire pas ses enfants dans un magasin. Tickets de caisse. Value City.


Prepare an awareness campaign

CECR niveau B1 Prvoir et prparer la faon de communiquer les points importants que je veux transmettre en exploitant toutes les ressources disponibles et en limitant le message que je trouve et dont je se souviens. Rsumer avec une certaine assurance une source dinformations factuelles.

Folder 1 Consumer Paradise 11


Sur la mme page que le Movie File mais non rattache particulirement lui, la Word Bank donne une liste du vocabulaire indispensable dont les lves auront besoin pour comprendre les diffrents documents du folder ou en parler. Les exercices visent non seulement aider dfinir le contexte dusage des mots donns mais ils aident aussi les lves sapproprier ces mots ou construire un savoir-faire. Les programmes officiels mentionnent la ncessit de faire travailler le lexique en fonction du contexte : La varit des supports abords mobilise une grande richesse lexicale, principalement en reconnaissance. Lacquisition du vocabulaire ne consiste pas en lapprentissage de mots isols. Le vocabulaire est tudi en contexte, ce qui permet llve de comprendre comment les mots sinsrent syntaxiquement dans lnonc. En outre, ce vocabulaire est mis en rseaux par le moyen de la drivation morphologique, et par le recours aux champs smantiques que le programme culturel fournit.

1. a. pay cash; b. need a coin; c. save money; d. take out a loan; e. purchase cars. 2. a. on the lottery; b. lent me; c. a good bargain; d. earn money; e. any change. 3. You can borrow, loan, save, spend, earn, win, need, lose, find, invest money. 4. a. cash a cheque; b. open an account; c. borrow money; d. get a loan; e. invest money.


Lire est, parmi les cinq activits langagires fondamentales, celle que lon peut dvelopper le plus rapidement condition de rendre les lves conscients des stratgies mettre en uvre. Cette capacit, dont le dveloppement est capital pour tous les lves, ncessite un entranement systmatique. Le prambule commun aux programmes de Premire dcrit la dmarche : On engagera une initiation la lecture en veillant mettre en place des stratgies de comprhension qui soient transfrables de document en document. La dcouverte de chaque nouveau document mobilise toutes les capacits ncessaires, dans un premier temps, une comprhension des lments les plus immdiats. Lcrit permet le retour en arrire, la relecture, ce que loral ne permet pas. Il offre donc la possibilit dun travail en profondeur o mmoire et logique sont fortement sollicites. Toutes les stratgies de dcouverte du sens sont mises contribution pour construire une comprhension globale, affine progressivement pour donner accs limplicite. La lecture analytique permet dentrer dans la complexit dun texte, den analyser et den interprter les significations explicites et implicites. Elle est applique principalement des textes courts, sans vouloir mobiliser toutes les ressources de lexplication littraire, en se gardant dune technicit excessive qui naurait pas sa place dans un cours de langue vivante trangre, et en se gardant galement de toute exploitation exhaustive. Before you read Nous introduisons le thme et proposons des activits danticipation qui crent des attentes chez les lves et un cadre de rfrence leur permettant de mieux entrer dans la lecture. Read Les tches de reprage permettent aux lves de construire le sens du document et de parvenir percevoir limplicite (ce qui est lobjet de la dernire tche ou question). Words Nous dveloppons leurs capacits dinfrence et de dduction, capacits minemment transfrables qui se rvleront utiles pour dvelopper leur autonomie. Nous mettons les lves sur la voie mais ne faisons jamais le travail leur place. Compo-dicto Cet exercice est une articulation entre la comprhension de loral et une premire approche de lcrit. Il consiste demander aux lves de reproduire un rsum entendu en utilisant les mots-cls qui lui sont donns. Nous conseillons de passer lenregistrement autant de fois que les lves le demandent pour permettre au plus grand nombre de russir.

12 Folder 1 Consumer Paradise

Action Cette tche permet aux lves de sapproprier le contenu du document en le transposant dans une tche dordre social. Lenregistrement Nous avons enregistr les textes car ils contiennent presque tous un point de vue mis en relief par linterprtation des acteurs. Ceci ne signifie pas quune approche audio-orale soit toujours souhaitable mais lcoute peut favoriser la comprhension. Les enregistrements pourront tre exploits de manires diverses. Par exemple, on pourra faire entendre un court passage pour faire deviner la suite ou ce qui prcde; ou bien faire couter un extrait pour faire sentir limplicite. Lenregistrement sera toujours utile pour le travail de lecture haute voix en fin de squence. Nous conseillons de faire travailler les lves sur un court passage, et de les inviter obtenir un rsultat aussi proche que possible du modle propos, plutt que de faire lire lensemble du texte.

TEXT FILE 1 The Power of Advertising

Manuel p. 16/17

Morgan V. Spurlock (born in 1970) is an American independent documentary film director, TV producer, and screenwriter. His most famous movie is Super Size Me, in which he demonstrated the negative health effects of McDonalds food by eating nothing but McDonalds food three times a day, every day, for one month. He got an Academy Award nomination for this movie and broke box-office records worldwide. In Dont Eat This Book, Spurlock looks at why fast food is so tasty, cheap, and ultimately seductive and interviews experts from surgeons general and kids to marketing gurus and lawmakers. Spurlock currently lives in New York City.

Before you read
1. This document is an advertisement aimed at children which fits the very subject of Dont Eat This Book.

On pourra faire commenter le style de la publicit, et limportance du mot cool qui a des rsonances attirantes auprs de enfants. On pourra faire relire ou rappeler le texte 1 du Culture Blog (p. 12). 2. The text is going to deal with the way advertising influences people and promotes consumption. 3. Ad, advertisement, advertise, advertiser. Consume, consumer, consumerism, consumption. Ce travail a dj t abord dans la Word Bank. Il correspond ce qui est requis dans le programme de Premire : Le vocabulaire est mis en rseaux par le moyen de la drivation morphologique, et par le recours aux champs smantiques que le programme culturel fournit.
Read the text
4. $18.2 billion : amount of money spent on advertising by the car industry in one year.

$15 billion a year: amount of money spent on advertising by the retail industry. $33 billion a year: amount of money spent on advertising by the food industry. 5. There are more cars than drivers in the US. The number of cars in France has increased in the last 20 years but the proportion is much smaller. A few figures, for reference: there are 36,3 million car in France. For a comparison, there are 794 car for 1,000 inhabitants in the US, compared with 21 for 1,000 inhabitants in China (figures for 2006). 6. Advertisers try to convince us that if we buy bigger cars, eat more food, use more drugs, we will be happier. On pourra faire faire des comparaisons avec la chanson de Shania Twain, Ka-Ching (p. 14), qui porte le mme message sous une autre forme. 7. People are no longer able to walk (no exercise), they buy lots of useless things (waste), they eat far too much (health problems), they take lots of medicine (addiction). 8. Advertising and marketing now whisper and shout and wink at us from every corner of our lives at home,

Folder 1 Consumer Paradise 13

at work, at school. They are omnipresent and we cant help being brainwashed. In the rest of the text, Spurlock shows that we all exactly follow what we are being told. And we must have been listening, because we buy almost twice as much crap as our nearest competitor, Japan. Also see lines 16 to 19: So we all climb back into our giant vehicles 9. Rponse personnelle.

1. a. consumption; b. consumer; c. consumables; d. consume; e. consumerism. 2. a. car/vehicle; b. vagrant; c. retail; d. competitor; e. famished; f. match; g. drug;

h. heart/liver; i. whisper;

j. shout; k. wink.


The message we are bombarded with is always the same: consume, and consume some more. In the USA, the retail industry spends nearly $15 billion a year telling people what to buy. They get us to buy more cars, more food, more drugs, etc. They tell us what we want, what we need and what we should do to feel happy. Our desires are manipulated by advertising and marketing, everywhere at home, at work, at school. Action Make a speech
CECR niveau B1 Dvelopper une argumentation suffisamment bien pour tre compris sans difficult la plupart du temps. Donner brivement les raisons et explications relatives des opinions, projets et actions.

La tche demande invite les lves reformuler le contenu du texte. On pourra faire quelques remarques sur la diffrence entre le langage oral et le langage crit. Bien entendu, on encouragera les lves faire part de leur propres ides.


Les programmes de Premire excluent le cours de grammaire en tant que tel mais invitent les professeurs toujours aborder la grammaire partir des documents proposs et en contexte dutilisation. Les avances sont accompagnes de rvisions et de rcapitulations rgulires dont les lves garderont la trace sous forme de notes dans leur cahier; les nouvelles connaissances sont intgres aux connaissances antrieures. Cest grce cette approche que llve chappe au sentiment de redite et limpression de stagnation. Les structures mises en place sont retravailles dans le cadre de lexploitation des documents. (BO n 7 du 28 aot 2003.) Dans chaque unit, nous avons choisi un fait de langue que nous faisons observer dans son contexte selon une dmarche dobservation raisonne de la langue. Le professeur pourra enrichir ce corpus par dautres noncs, si possible produits en situation au cours de lexploration du document, pour mettre en vidence les invariants dans le fonctionnement de la langue et montrer comment tout nonc est en relation dtroite dpendance avec la situation dnonciation. On sefforcera de toujours relier intimement la forme au sens et dviter les explications abstraites auxquelles on prfrera toujours des mises en situation concrtes. Observe Cette phase dobservation de la langue est mener en classe aprs la lecture du texte et avant les exercices qui permettent des remplois destins fixer les rgles pralablement dcouvertes.

14 Folder 1 Consumer Paradise

Notre objectif est de dlimiter les concepts clairement par contraste avec dautres structures de la langue anglaise ou les structures du franais. Nous avons utilis les apports de la grammaire nonciative lorsque nous avons pens quelle contribuait rendre la grammaire plus comprhensible. Son principe essentiel est que tout nonc se justifie par le choix de lnonciateur. Il est donc important de faire comprendre aux lves les valeurs des structures afin que leurs propres choix soient le mieux informs possible. Practise Les exercices en contexte permettent une mise en uvre systmatique du point de langue observ dans des phrases en contexte. Ces exercices sont destins principalement au travail la maison. La traduction aide parfois llve prendre conscience des spcificits de la langue quil tudie. Il est aid en cela par une approche contrastive qui lui a permis de reprer ressemblances et diffrences avec le franais. Un travail de traduction permet den affiner les donnes. Il est un moyen efficace pour assurer les connaissances et dissuader llve de calquer une langue sur lautre. Ce dernier comprend que grammaire et lexique sont les deux facettes dun systme de reprsentation et que chaque langue utilise des moyens grammaticaux et lexicaux propres pour exprimer telle ou telle notion. Cette activit mrite rigueur et rflexion; elle est loin de lapproximation bcle dont les lves se satisfont volontiers la fin du cours puisquils ont compris . Cela nous permet aussi de mieux cerner certains aspects de la grammaire en contrastant les deux langues. Action Le jeu propos la fin de la dmarche permet de mettre le point de langue en action, dans une situation de communication ludique.



Manuel p. 18

1. Les noncs a, b, c, d, f, j sont au prsent simple. Les noncs e, g, h, i sont au prsent be V-ing. 2. Les noncs b, d et f comportent tous loprateur do/does qui sert former la forme interrogative et la forme

ngative. Si ncessaire, on fera redire le rle jou par do qui prend en charge la marque de personne et ventuellement de temps. 3. Dans les exemples a, b, c, d, f, le prsent renvoie une caractristique comportementale du sujet grammatical (prsent dhabitude). 4. e : description (ancrage en situation hypothtique). g : description (ancrage en situation prsente). h : irritation (valeur modale, jugement apprciatif). 5. Les exemples i et j se rfrent lavenir, comme le prouve le marqueur temporel. Le prsent simple (closes) montre que lvnement ne dpend pas de lnonciateur.

1. a. My god! Look at the speed limit! You are driving too fast.

b. If you drive too fast, youll get a ticket! c. I know you love big cars. But I think people drive too fast with SUVs like that. d. How can I see the road signs? You are driving too fast. 2. a. Marketers incite us to buy b. Why do you want another $50? What are you planning to buy again? c. Why are you complaining?

Folder 1 Consumer Paradise 15

d. This supermarket does not close at night. e. What time does she go shopping today? f. I am not feeling too well today, I think I had too much to eat last night. g. Is it true that the Americans consume nearly twice as much as the Japanese? 3. a. Today, we consume more and more. b. He spends money more what than he earns. c. Now, stop buying things. Do you realize how much money you are wasting? d. In Great Britain, shops close early. e. John is reading a book about pick-up trucks. He is dreaming of buying one. f. Mary is trying on a dress. And yet, she has dozens of them. Action Speak in chains
CECR niveau A2 Dcrire des habitudes et occupations journalires. Dcrire des conditions de vie ou des activits quotidiennes par de courtes sries dexpressions ou de phrases non articules.

La tche demande doit se faire sur un rythme rapide et ne pas prendre plus de 10 minutes. Le professeur tirera parti de son aspect ludique pour rviser la conjugaison du prsent sans lasser les lves. Elle a pour objectif de permettre tous les lves, mme les plus faibles, de participer.


Lobjectif de cette page est dentraner les lves sexprimer loral et lcrit. Actions Pour loral, auquel les lves sont entrans tous les stades du cours, nous proposons ici un entranement plus spcifique et plus exigeant grce des activits varies et stimulantes permettant de cibler soit la prise de parole en continu, soit linteraction orale : problem-solving tasks, dbats, jeux de rle, rcitation dun pome, flash publicitaire, histoire conter, discours, reportage radio, prsentation dun document visuel, court expos Toutes visent, comme le stipulent les programmes, rendre llve capable de : utiliser bon escient les noncs dclaratifs, interrogatifs, injonctifs, avec une bonne correction phontique et morpho-syntaxique, et produire un discours structur fonction descriptive, narrative, explicative, argumentative; prendre et garder la parole en produisant un discours structur en raction une sollicitation; prendre la parole en continu pour exposer, en temps limit, un sujet prpar; participer une conversation sur un sujet connu, en ragissant rapidement; demander linterlocuteur de fournir aide, explications ou prcisions; reformuler ce que dit linterlocuteur de faon assurer la comprhension mutuelle et lever toute ambigut; mettre des points de vue et apprciations personnels, exprimer des ides complexes, en apportant dtails et justifications, rfuter le point de vue de linterlocuteur; contrler son expression a posteriori en se reprenant; recourir des stratgies de compensation efficaces (reformulations, dfinitions, paraphrase). Le guidage propos dans le manuel permet aux lves dorganiser leurs actes de parole et le travail de groupe. Rappelons que la mtalangue ncessaire la gestion du travail fait partie intgrante des objectifs poursuivre, comme le signale le CECR. Les lves pourront tirer le meilleur profit de ce travail en se rfrant aux grilles dvaluation qui se trouvent dans le rabat de la couverture.

16 Folder 1 Consumer Paradise


Action La tche de production crite est articule avec lune des activits orales : loral prpare lcrit. Les activits proposes (rdaction dun scnario pour une publicit, dun rglement, dun article de presse, dune affiche, dun journal intime, dun essai, dune narration) sont en troite complmentarit avec celles de production orale. Elles visent faire dcouvrir aux lves divers types dcrit et leur permettre den cerner sa spcificit. Comme le rappelle le Prambule commun aux langues des programmes de Premire, elle suppose un temps de rflexion plus long et une organisation plus labore des noncs. Ceux-ci se complexifient en incorporant les outils propres lorganisation chronologique et argumentative (par exemple, avant que, aprs que, bien que) qui ncessitent selon les langues des ramnagements temporels, modaux. Ils sorganisent en paragraphes, puis en brefs textes autour dun thme de rflexion. Les enchanements sont plus cohrents, le vocabulaire le plus prcis possible. Dans le Workbook, on trouvera le guidage qui indique clairement les tapes du travail. Nous invitons les lves observer un modle pour y reprer les lments significatifs (Observe), organiser leurs ides et effectuer les choix linguistiques qui simposent en fonction du sujet (Think), puis rdiger (Write up). Notre objectif est que les lves acquirent graduellement une plus grande autonomie.

Action Give a lecture

Manuel p. 19

CECR niveau B1 Dvelopper une argumentation pour tre compris sans difficult la plupart du temps. Donner brivement les raisons et explications relatives des opinions, des projets et des actions.

Cette activit sera loccasion de rebrasser tout le contenu du folder. On incitera les lves sappuyer sur les lments quils ont acquis en travaillant les divers documents (ides et lexique). On les encouragera scouter mutuellement (nous suggrons de choisir le discours le plus russi), se chronomtrer et svaluer avec les critres indiqus dans la grille qui figure dans le rabat de la couverture. Action Make a TV commercial
CECR niveau B2 Dvelopper mthodiquement une argumentation en mettant en vidence les points significatifs et les lments pertinents. Expliquer un point de vue en donnant les avantages et les inconvnients doptions diverses.

Cette tche est articule avec le sujet dcriture. On pourra commencer le travail en groupe, comme indiqu, afin que les changes dides donnent corps au projet; puis le moment dcriture individuel viendra avant la ralisation du spot publicitaire. Action Write a scenario for a TV commercial
CECR niveau B1 crire des textes articuls simplement sur une gamme de sujets varis en liant une srie dlments en une squence linaire. Planifier ce quil faut dire et les moyens de le dire en tenant compte de leffet produire sur les destinataires.

Le guidage est dans le Workbook.

Folder 1 Consumer Paradise 17



Le texte qui figure sur cette page a un statut quivalent celui qui est intitul Text File 1. Il offre au professeur la possibilit de faire un choix : il peut soit faire le texte 1 puis faire lire le texte 2 en autonomie, soit choisir ce texte au lieu du texte 1. Grammar (in Workbook) Il peut servir de support ltude du point de grammaire puisque, dans le Workbook, nous proposons une page avec des exercices correspondant aux deux tapes de la grammaire : Observe (exercice 1 et ventuellement 2) et Practise (les autres exercices).

TEXT FILE 2 Monicas Boots

Manuel p. 20

Friends is an American sitcom (situation comedy) about a group of six friends living New York City. It was created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman and was originally broadcast from 1994 to 2004. Friends was one of the most popular and longest-running sitcoms in television history, gaining tens of millions of fans all over the globe. The show won many awards during its run, including an Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series, and six consecutive Peoples Choice Awards for Favorite Television Comedy Series. The six friends in the series include: Monica, who struggled for success until she became a respected chef; Chandler, who worked in data processing and then advertising; Rachel, a rich spoiled girl who got her first job as a waitress in Central Perk, a coffee house; Phoebe, a strange New Age masseuse and folk/acoustic singer-songwriter; Joey, a soap opera actor who appreciates ladies; Ross, a nerdy but romantic palaeontology professor. 1. This text is the script of a scene from Friends, an American sitcom. Il est probable que certains lves connatront la srie. On les invitera partager leurs informations. 2. SCENE 1. Details concerning the cost of Monicas boots: they are more expensive than the rent she pays/the attitude of the saleswoman shows that they are very expensive. 3. The two reasons why Monica bought these boots: they looked so good and she was irritated by the attitude of the saleswoman. 4. Chandlers reactions: Oh my God! We wont be able to afford food! Yeah well, too bad were gonna have to return them. Chandler is furious and thinks Monica has wasted the money they need for food and rent. Thats why he wants her to return them. 5. SCENE 2. Chandlers remark: You can wear them with shorts on a street corner and earn the money to pay for them. He thinks that the boots make her look like a prostitute. He has probably not forgiven Monica for her extravagance. 6. Monica does not feel comfortable in her boots: she says They hurt so much! and is almost crying with pain. 7. She refuses to give away the boots because she has spent so much on them. 8. SCENE 3. Not to let Chandler know her boots hurt, Monica pretends she is just yawning, then she tries to persuade him not to go to the party without mentioning her pain, finally she finds a false justification for not wearing the boots while she actually suffers. 9. An alternative title: Monica is paying for her sins. On pourra dans un premier temps justifier le titre (She is punished for a silly purchase) puis on orientera la discussion vers lexprience des lves : quels lments interviennent dans leurs propres choix de vtements. 18 Folder 1 Consumer Paradise


Act out a scene

CECR niveau A2 La prononciation est en gnral suffisamment claire pour tre comprise malgr un net accent franais. Rapporter oralement et de faon simple de courts passages dun texte crit.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Le prsent

1. a. Theyre a little more than I normally spend on boots. > Expression dune habitude.

b. Im not returning them. > Commentaire de lnonciateur qui exprime un refus catgorique. c. Nothing, Im just yawning. > Description dune action en cours. d. Im going to wear them all the time. > Expression dune intention de lnonciateur. e. The party starts 7:30 pm tomorrow night. > Renvoi un avenir qui ne dpend pas de lnonciateur. f. Your feet hurt when you wear too small boots. > Expression dune vrit gnrale. g. Chandler! Youre always criticising my clothes! > Commentaire de lnonciateur qui exprime de la dsapprobation. 2. a. Whenever Rachel goes shopping, she buys new clothes. b. Why do you want to go shopping? What are you planning to buy again? c. Look! Chandler is trying to take Monica out of the shop! d. The shop opens at 9, well come back later. e. She does not earn enough money to afford such boots. 3. a. Ross is always complaining. b. I dont like the dress she is wearing. I dont like green. c. Look at Phoebe; she is telling Joey the story about Monicas boots and he is listening to her attentively. d. Where does Phoebe buy her clothes? They are always very uncommon. e. Where is Joey? He is talking to the salesgirl again. Every time he goes somewhere, he always finds a girl to flirt with.



Manuel p. 21

Lobjectif des questions est de guider la prsentation du document. On invitera les lves se reporter la page 145 (Stategy File) pour y puiser les mots ncessaires aux rponses.
1. This picture is an advertisement for Fitnesse, a brand of cereal. It cant be a poster that you can see in the

street because theres a too much text in small print. It must be a magazine advert.
2. The first thing you see is the name of the product, in dark blue print. Immediately under the title, there is a

slogan, the perfect fit. Then you see a young woman with her hands held upward. Flakes of cereal seem to be springing from her hands. On the right hand-side, the text is rather long but a catch phrase comes in red and white: 99% fat free. At the bottom of the text, a box of Fitnesse comes as a sort of signature. There is no setting, but only a white and blue background.
3. The name of the product immediately evokes fitness, which is the general message of the ad. 4. The woman is sitting in an attitude that reminds us of yoga postures. She is smiling and looks serene, happy

and healthy. She is perfectly fit, in her brassiere and white pants. Its almost as if she is levitating.

Folder 1 Consumer Paradise 19

5. The cereal seems to be blown up in the air, as light as snow flakes. 6. The colours are cool and not aggressive. White symbolizes purity and blue reminds us of the sky or the sea,

both natural elements.

7. The text: the message is that this cereal is healthy, easy and simple. 8. The advertisers message is that this cereal can help you be perfectly fit and happy. The target audience is

young women who want to keep an eye on their shape. The figure on the box (a dancing woman with her arms up) also calls up an image of airy lightness.
Give your opinion
9. This document is effective because all the elements contribute to giving this idea of lightness and fitness

that is announced in the name of the product. Action Comment on an advertisement

CECR niveau B2 Faire une description claire et dtaille dune gamme tendue de sujets en relation avec son domaine dintrt. Dvelopper mthodiquement une argumentation en mettant en vidence les points significatifs et les lments pertinents.



Nous avons inclus dans ce manuel un entranement la comprhension de loral qui devrait faire partie des preuves du baccalaurat partir de la session 2009. Mme si les lves ny taient pas soumis, cet lment nous semble indispensable et dcoule naturellement la fois des recommandations qui figurent dans le programme de Premire et dans les indications du CECR. Les questions poses sont uniquement des questions de reprage et ne donnent pas lieu des interprtations pour que lon ne confonde pas la comprhension et lexpression.



Manuel p. 22

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif.

1. Children start consuming from the age of three or four. 2. Children spend most of their money on: junk food. 3. Three foods they particularly consume: cereals, candy, and salty snack foods. 4. These foods are bad because: they are high in calories, cholesterol, sugar and salt, but low in nutrients. 5. What causes children to consume more and more food is: what is advertised on television. 6. Childrens obesity has been called: an epidemic. 7. The causes of childrens inactivity are: computers and video games. 8. Surf the Internet, playing computer games online, and chat with friends electronically. 9. The need for identification with others and the need to look stylish. 10. Girls buy more clothes, while boys buy more food and entertainment. 11. Physical and mental health; their eating, smoking, and drinking habits; mounting debts; suicide rates.

20 Folder 1 Consumer Paradise



Au-del des savoirs linguistiques et culturels indispensables lapprentissage de la langue, llve doit dvelopper ses comptences socio-linguistiques et pragmatiques. La langue est un phnomne social. Parler ne consiste pas uniquement faire des phrases, mais galement prendre en compte les traits relatifs lusage de la langue : marqueurs de relations sociales, rgles de politesse, comportements acceptables , etc. Lobjectif des Practical Files est de proposer llve de sinterroger sur les comportements ou le langage adopter dans des situations sociales, tout en lui apportant des outils linguistiques utiles pour se comporter dans ces situations. LAction lui permet de mettre en uvre cette comptence.


Action Give instructions

Manuel p. 23

CECR niveau A2 Faire de trs brves annonces prpares avec un contenu prvisible et appris. Faire un bref expos prpar sur un sujet relatif la vie quotidienne, donner des justifications et des explications.

L'objectif est de prparer les lves aux tches sociales et authentiques qui leur incomberont lors d'un voyage, d'un stage ou d'un change avec un anglophone.



Les outils mthodologiques font de plus en plus partie de lapprentissage des langues. Communiquer efficacement implique de mettre en uvre des stratgies et des savoir-faire relevant dune matrise des procdures qui doivent tre intgres. Cette matrise passe par une phase de prise de conscience de la procdure, puis par un entranement systmatique. Cette prise de conscience des stratgies et savoir-faire est lobjectif des Strategy Files.

STRATEGY FILE Comprendre les mots inconnus

Manuel p. 24

Les mots transparents Affection, participants, protest, group, activists, magazine, message, pair, note, concerts, zones, dance, table, police, environment, vegetarian, society, sandwich, extremism. thymologie Promote : promotion (promouvoir) consume : consommateur (consommer) event : ventuel (vnement) produce : produit (produire) labour : laborieux (travail) banners : bannires. Les familles de mots Consume : consumption, consumerism, anticonsumerist handing out : hand + vers lextrieur > tendre. Les affixes Anti/consum/erist aware/ness. Les indices grammaticaux Her buzzful (adjectif) buzzes (nom) were buzzingly (adverbe) buzzing (verbe). > Her little sisters were only watching. Le contexte a. Novembre 30 : Nol approche; b. consumption : acheter; c. around the globe : se rpandre; d. the shoe : chaussures, tennis; e. une contravention; f. flasque; g. viter. Les faux amis Refrain : un refrain > sempcher de labour : les labours > travail rest : rester > se reposer habits : les habits > les habitudes.

Folder 1 Consumer Paradise 21



DOMINATION : synonyme de contrainte, de violence, de cruaut, mais aussi reflet dune soumission dlibrment accepte dans le cadre dun contrat social . INFLUENCE : synonyme de persuasion, de manipulation, de sduction, mais aussi reflet de pratiques culturelles plus ou moins volontairement acceptes . (BO n 7 du 28 aot 2003.)
Ce folder prsente diffrentes formes de manipulation que lhomme du XXIe sicle peut tre amen subir : manipulation par les sectes, mais aussi parfois par les tres qui leur sont proches. Les documents proposs tendent faire rflchir les lves sur les techniques utilises et montrer les implications de ces pratiques. Le dveloppement de certains modes de vie dans les sectes est source dambigut. Tantt expression dune volont de contester le modle social dominant, ils peuvent, sous leur forme la plus radicale, mettre en pril la libert et lthique individuelles. (BO n 7 du 28 aot 2003.)

Sectes : un texte dment certaines ides reues, lautre analyse les techniques de manipulation.

SOUND FILE The Other Woman

Une mini-pice montrant comment une femme manipule son amie pour la dtruire et vivre avec son mari.

MOVIE FILE A Hard Choice

Un extrait du film Little Miss Sunshine : Olive, manipule par son pre, renonce sa glace.

WORD BANK Le lexique des sectes et de la manipulation TEXT FILE 1 A Spaceship to Heaven
Cet article prsente la secte Heavens Gate et relate le suicide collectif de 39 de ses membres.


Des activits de production orale et crite en relation avec la manipulation.

TEXT FILE 2 My Name Is Not Esther

Un extrait du roman de Fleur Beale montrant larrive dune jeune adolescente chez un oncle et une tante appartenant une secte coupe du monde contemporain.

FUN FILE Crosswords

Des mots croiss pour rinvestir le lexique tudi dans le folder et des plaisanteries.


Loccasion pour les lves de profiter de ce quils ont appris dans le folder et de commencer se prparer au bac.


22 Folder 2 Manipulation



Manuel p. 28/29
p. 6

Selon sa classe, le professeur choisira de faire travailler ces textes la maison et de faire faire laction en classe; ou rpartira les tches de lecture pour mnager un change dinformations entre les lves; ou fera lire individuellement en temps limit pour entraner les lves leur preuve de comprhension crite.

1 What Is a Cult?
Le texte essaie de dfinir ce que sont les sectes et de mettre en garde contre lide rpandue quune personne normale est labri de leur influence. 1. devious manipulate calculated (methods of persuasion) brainwash mental slavery. 2. reprer spot shabillent dress qualifis skilled communauts communes faibles weak impliqus involved 3. It is important to know about the common misconceptions about cults not to be recruited by one of them/to avoid being recruited and forced to do what a cult leader might tell us to do.

2 Mind Control Techniques

Ce texte apporte des informations sur les pratiques des sectes et en particulier sur les techniques auxquelles elles recourent pour influencer et dominer leurs membres. 1. friends or colleagues: peer present but invisible or inaudible: subliminal bad words: abusive language not eating: fast nourishing ingredients in a food: nutrients make stronger: increase. 2. Cet exercice permettra aux lves de raliser laction qui suit et denrichir leur expression. On pourra les renvoyer au prcis grammatical n 40. Possible sentences: In order to make their members vulnerable, cults use hypnosis, disguised as relaxation or meditation. In order to make their members confused, cults communicate subliminal messages in long, complicated lectures/remove clocks and watches to suppress a sense of time. In order to make their members obedient, cults use abusive language/use peer pressure. In order to make their members dependent, cults make members donate money. In order to make their members physically weak, cults make people fast or follow special diets. In order to prevent their members from being independent, cults isolate people from families, friends and society. In order to prevent their members from being curious, cults use peer pressure. In order to prevent their members from being individualistic, cults enforce dress codes. In order to prevent their members from being self-assured, cults use confession to destroy ego and reinforce the need for salvation. In order to prevent their members from being free, cults encourage child-like obedience. In order to prevent their members from being resistant, cults deprive them of necessary nutrients. In order to prevent their members from being financially independent, cults make them donate money.

POD LECTURE Fanatics are Nothing New

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.

Cette mini-confrence montre que les puritains de Salem ont, certains gards, utilis les mmes techniques que les sectes daujourdhui. Pour rendre la correction plus dynamique et rduire le temps de parole du professeur au profit de celui des lves, on pourra mener la correction en faisant interagir les lves : llve A pose la question et B lui rpond.

Folder 2 Manipulation 23

1. True. 2. True. 3. False: they were coming from England. 4. True. 5. True. Transcription

6. True. 7. False: theatre plays were illegal/forbidden/prohibited. 8. True. 9. True. 10. False: they were hanged.

Lecturer We have been looking closely at cults that use mind control techniques. I feel it is important to

point out that extreme religions also manipulate believers. For example, lets look at the Puritans who escaped to America in the 17th Century because they were persecuted by the Protestants in England. Student The Pilgrim Fathers? Lecturer Right. They were called the Pilgrim Fathers. They were religious fundamentalists who believed they had direct communication with God. Once they were in New England, they began to enforce their rules very strictly. They declared lots of things illegal: card playing, festivals, theatre no one could have fun. They were a bit like the Spanish Inquisition. When they thought women did something wrong, they accused them of being witches. Student The witches of Salem. Lecturer Yes, the witches of Salem (Salem is in New England). The Puritans just burned these poor women. They were fanatic, intolerant and manipulators just like cults today. Action Make a one-minute speech
CECR niveau B1 Rapporter oralement et de faon simple de courts passages dun texte, en utilisant si besoin est la formulation et lordre du texte original. Parler de manire comprhensible et sans trop dhsitations, mais en faisant des pauses pour planifier ce que je dis.

Cette activit rutilise de faon plus personnelle les connaissances qui viennent dtre acquises et donc permet aux lves de se les approprier dans une tche sociale. On incitera les lves rutiliser certaines des phrases produites dans lexercice 2 du document intitul Mind Control Techniques (cf. ci-dessus).

SOUND FILE The Other Woman


Manuel p. 30
p. 8

Cette mini-pice prsente un vrai suspense. Deux amies sont runies. Jane informe Sally de linfidlit de son ami et aide Sally trouver un stratagme pour que John regrette son comportement. Jane et John vont ainsi liminer Sally qui sest laisse manipuler.


Le professeur fera travailler les lves par deux en demandant quun seul lve regarde les documents (comme cela est suggr) de faon rendre lactivit plus authentique, stimulante et attrayante. On pensera donner des dlais pour les activits 1 et 3. On pourra proposer aux lves de travailler par deux ou en groupe pour lactivit 3 de faon favoriser lentraide et permettre une plus grande richesse des ides. On anticipera les besoins langagiers et on introduira, en particulier, des lments lexicaux comme : have an affair, be in love with, be married, get married, have an argument, have a row, quarrel, argue, leave, split, etc.


Guidage dans le Workbook.

24 Folder 2 Manipulation

CECR niveau B1 Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts. Comprendre le dtail dun rcit.

La fiche qui figure dans le Workbook est une fiche daide. Elle vise entraner les lves reprer le ton des personnages, les lments priphriques au message lui-mme et les mots ou expressions porteurs de sens puis les mettre en relation pour btir le sens du document. Ce travail mthodique et progressif est ncessaire pour donner des techniques aux lves et les mener graduellement vers une plus grande autonomie et une meilleure comprhension des messages oraux. Le professeur encouragera les lves utiliser lexpression de la supposition, de la probabilit grce aux modaux, lors de la restitution orale tout spcialement. Il acceptera les hypothses des lves partir du moment o elles sont pertinentes par rapport ce qui a dj t compris. Faire mettre des hypothses na pas pour objectif que les lves trouvent la solution mais quils aient des attentes et un cadre de rfrence qui les aident dcrypter le message sonore quils vont couter.
Transcription Act 1 Jane Sally, its true. John is in love with another Sally Thats a good idea. I will write the note. But what how shall I do it? Jane Ive got some sleeping pills here in my bag. You can pretend to take them. Act 3 Jane Do you want some more wine? Sally Oh no, no thanks. Ive drunk so much. Jane Oh, come on. Just a little more. Sally Hum, it really is good. Its really good. But

Sally But I love him Jane! He he said he loved me. Jane Look, Sally I have proof that he is with

another woman. They were both in this restaurant I went to the other day. I took this photo of them with my mobile phone. Its not a very good photo but you can see Sally Its John and yes he is with another woman the pictures fuzzy but shes blond and beautiful and sexy oh no! Jane I am so sorry Sally. Sally I cant believe it Jane I hate him for hurting you like this Sally What can I do Jane? Hell be home soon. I dont want to see him I dont.
Act 2 Jane

Jane, hell walk in, hell turn on the light, and see me breathing. Jane Hell see the note first, and hell get a huge shock! The light isnt very bright. He wont realize youre alive. Sally No, more wine. I really am sleepy. Ill lie down here. Jane Go to sleep Sally! Itll do you good.
Act 4

Why dont you make him feel guilty? Frighten him. Sally How? Jane Pretend to commit suicide. Sally Oh yes, hell think its his fault. Hell feel guilty. Jane You can write a note, saying you know he is going out with another woman. Action Act out a scene

An hour later Key in lock as John comes in. John Where are you? Howd it go? Jane Look, shes dead. John Fantastic. Was it difficult? Jane It was so easy. She didnt recognise me in the photo. She didnt taste the poison in the wine. She was so stupid. Now we can live together darling. John And we will be rich thanks to her money.

CECR niveau A2 Poser des questions et rpondre sur des thmes familiers quand ces rponses nexigent pas des interventions longues ni des prises de position personnelles. Inviter quelquun et ragir si on minvite.

Cette tche permet aux lves de sentraner parler en interaction. Les lves sapproprieront lhistoire et les outils linguistiques contenus en jouant la scne. Le professeur les renverra aux exercices du Pronounce pour obtenir les intonations et les accents de phrase appropris.

Folder 2 Manipulation 25

MOVIE FILE A Hard Choice for Little Miss Sunshine


Manuel p. 31
p. 10

Little Miss Sunshine is an American family road comedy that shatters the mold. Brazenly satirical and yet deeply human, the film introduces audiences to one of the most endearingly fractured families in recent cinema history, the Hoovers, whose trip with 7-year-old Olive to a little miss beauty pageant results in comic mayhem in a winning-crazed culture. In this excerpt, the father manipulates the little girl into giving up her delicious huge ice cream.


Les questions crent des attentes et un cadre de rfrence qui vont aider les lves entrer dans le document et mieux en percevoir le sens ds le premier visionnage.


Guidage dans le Workbook.

CECR niveau B2 Comprendre lessentiel des dialogues dun film quand il sagit dune langue standard.

Comme pour la comprhension orale, le guidage se veut une aide. Grce ce guidage, les lves pourront acqurir des mthodes dapprhension dun document. La vido, par la complmentarit des images et du son, permet un accs plus facile linformation, au message.
A Hard Choice lcran Step 1 Son

Step 2

Toute la famille regarde le menu. Arrive de la serveuse. La serveuse prend la commande de la fille. Confirmation de commande et dpart de la serveuse. Gros plan sur loncle et question du pre. Explications du pre.

Hi. You ready? Can I get the waffles and uh I dont What does alamode mean? Oh! that means it comes with ice cream. Okay. Alamode then. Okay. Be right back. Olive can I tell you a little something about ice cream? Yeah. Well ice cream is made from cream which comes from cows milk and cream has a lot of fat in it. Richard. What? Shes gonna find out anyway. Remember? What? Find out what? Well, when you eat ice cream, the fat in the ice cream becomes fat in your body. Richard! I swear to God! Its true. What? Whats wrong? Nothing, honey. Nothings wrong. So, if you eat a lot of ice cream, you might become fat. And if you dont, youre gonna stay nice and skinny, sweetie. Mom?

26 Folder 2 Manipulation



Intervention de la mre. Gros plan du pre.

Step 3

Question du pre. Gros plan sur Olive, le reste de la famille, le pre nouveau et fin sur la serveuse. La glace puis regard dOlive. Tout le monde se sert de la glace, fin juste avant WAIT!

Step 4

Step 5

[Document entier]

I just want you to understand Its okay to be skinny and its okay to be fat if thats what you want to be. Whatever you want, its okay. Okay. But, Olive, let me ask you this Those women in Miss America, are they skinny or are they fat? Honey? Well, theyre skinny, I guess. Yeah. I guess they dont eat a lot of ice cream. Okay. Coffee. Heres your ice cream Alamode, right? Does anyone want my ice cream? Yeah Id like a little. Dwayne? Frank? Olives not gonna have her ice cream. Do you mind if I have a little? Yeah lets dig in here. That looks really good. Boy I feel sorry for anybody that doesnt want to enjoy their ice cream so early in the morning. Boy! That looks good. You sure you dont wanna have some, Olive? Those waffles are gonna be awful lonely in there. Mmm! Mmm! Watch this. Wait! Stop! Dont eat it all. All right, Olive. Richard!


Manuel p. 31
p. 12

1. a. banned/condemned; b. praying/worshipping; c. They believed pleasure was evil. They said it was a sin. 2. Nouns (people): recruiter, preacher, leader, manipulator, believer, follower, worshipper. Nouns (abstract):

persuasion, religion, fanaticism, heaven, leadership, manipulation, belief, faith. Verbs: persuade, recruit, preach, lead, manipulate, believe, follow, worship. Adjectives: persuasive, religious, fanatic, leading, faithful. Adverbs: persuasively, fanatically, heavenly, faithfully. 3. a. -er/-or; b. - sion/- tion/- ism/- ship; c. -ive/-ous/-ly/-ing/-ful; d. -ly

TEXT FILE 1 A Spaceship to Heaven


Manuel p. 32
p. 12

CECR niveaux B1-B2 Comprendre, dans un texte rdig dans une langue standard, les descriptions de sentiments ou de souhaits. [B1] Comprendre dans un texte narratif ce qui est dit des raisons des personnages et des consquences de leurs actes. [B2]

Folder 2 Manipulation 27

Before you read

1. The story might be about a cult whose members believe that they will get to heaven in a spaceship.

Read lines 1 to 11
2. The text is about a cult whose members committed suicide because they thought they were going to meet a

UFO that was going to take them to heaven. Comme pour la comprhension orale, ce travail prliminaire cre un cadre de rfrence qui facilite laccs au document.
Read the whole text
3. The cult was called Heavens Gate and had been founded by Marshall Applewhite and his girl friend Bonnie

Nettles. 39 members committed suicide in 1997.

4. In 1974, Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles were imprisoned because they were accused of/charged with

possessing stolen credit cards/they were accused of being dishonest/they were charged with being crooks.
5. On their release they resumed their preaching, they started preaching again, they went back to their previous

6. The cult members were computer programmers by trade. They were not married, they were single (celibate).

They did not smoke and did not drink either. They called themselves monks and also thought they were angels (l. 18-19). 7. These cult members poisoned themselves (they had barbiturate and vodka). They planned their suicide very methodically and two of them remained alive longer (did not kill themselves at the same time) to drape their friends bodies in purple shrouds and clean, tidy up the house. 8. Joyously believing (l.6): it seems they were hopeful and happy to die. They were not afraid of dying/did not fear death/they were looking forward to dying/they could not wait to meet the UFO. They believed they were going to meet a UFO to travel to heaven. 9. Preachers and cult leaders recruit not only nave people but also gullible Internet users. It seems that nave and gullible people are easy preys because they believe everything and anything, they are easily influenced and impressed. They are not able to exert their critical mind/to be critical. 10. Cult leaders are described as charismatic messiahs which means that they know how to impress, persuade and charm people. Their special charm (charisma) enables them to persuade people that they will bring them happiness/offer them a better life. They know how to make people believe them/how to make people trust them/how to make people break from their families to adopt their lifestyle and beliefs. They are so friendly that they make people accept to donate their money/they are so charming that they persuade people to join their groups/they sound so kind and innocent that people accept to go to their meetings They are very good at talking/coaxing/potential members or members into believing they are going to save them, to bring them happiness on earth and in heaven. They know how to lure people into doing what they want, into donating their money to the cult, into joining their communities and leaving their families and friends Le professeur pourra amener les lves utiliser lexpression de la pression sur autrui ou de la persuasion laide des tournures causatives ou des tournures rsultatives (prcis grammatical n 40).

1. a. lace; b. monks; c. a reward; d. your faith; e. you resume your work; f. gullible. 2. a. to cause to happen faster; b. reserved for rich people; c. invent; d. not to produce the desired result; e. a risk.

CECR niveau A2 Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe. Rdiger un texte simple relatant un vnement entendu ou lu racontant la succession des vnements, leurs causes et leurs effets.

28 Folder 2 Manipulation


Thirty-nine members of a cult were found dead in a mansion outside San Diego. They had committed mass suicide with their leader. Believing they were angels, they thought they were going to be picked by a UFO to go to heaven. These men and women were the victims of a messiah who claimed that group suicide leads to heaven. Today nave people are victims, not only of preachers but also of cult-leaders using the Internet. Action Record a radio news item
CECR niveau B1 Raconter une histoire avec un rythme suffisant pour maintenir lattention de mes auditeurs. Parler de manire comprhensible et sans trop dhsitations, mais en faisant des pauses pour planifier ce que je dis.

Cette tche permet aux lves de sentraner la prise de parole en continu et, ce faisant, de sapproprier le texte en en rapportant les ides principales.

GRAMMAR FILE Les articles


Manuel p. 34
p. 14

1. Objet unique. 2. Larticle devant bags pour la non-dtermination et devant death pour la notion. 3. The devant plastic bags car ils sont dtermins (phrase b). 4. The devant le mot death car il est dtermin par of + groupe nominal. 5. Larticle devant experts, preachers, nave people, cult recruiters et gullible people car ces noms renvoient

des catgories. The devant Internet : il est unique.

1. a. Gnralisation dans les deux cas.

b. The Heavens Gate cyber-cult (dnombrable dsignant un lment connu), monks (dnombrable pluriel, gnralit). c. A cult is a group (renvoie lensemble dune classe), mind control (indnombrable qui renvoie la notion), devious recruiting techniques (dnombrables pluriels, gnralit). d. The French government (unique, identifi, connu de tous) has listed the cults they find the most dangerous (nom dtermin par une proposition relative). 2. a. cult leaders want power and money. b. Cults resort to mind manipulation to recruit their members. c. The Moonies are quite popular in the USA. d. Gurus resort to peer pressure to suppress resistance among their new members. e. Cult members give the money they earn to their gurus. 3. a. The Church of Scientology is present all over the world. b. Cults use well calculated persuasion techniques. c. The persuasion techniques used by cults are varied and efficient. d. Hypnosis, disguised as a sort of relaxation or meditation, is one of the techniques used to manipulate cults members. e. Gurus expect a blind obedience from their followers. f. Leaders deprive the members of their sects of food to make them more vulnerable.

Folder 2 Manipulation 29


Play the hangman game

CECR niveau A2 Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe.

Le but du jeu est de faire produire des phrases partir de mots donns et dintroduire les articles appropris.

Action Choose your survival kit

Manuel p. 35
p. 16

CECR niveau B2 Participer activement une conversation dans des situations familires, prsenter et dfendre mes opinions. Corriger rapidement mes erreurs de langue si elles ont conduit un malentendu.

Cette activit met les lves en situation de rsoudre un problme, dargumenter et de ngocier. Lorganisation du groupe constitue aussi lun des objectifs du CECR et lon peut observer que la procdure propose permet aux lves de sorganiser et de participer activement la ngociation, acte minemment social. Action Manipulate your friends
CECR niveau B1 Expliquer mon opinion donnant des arguments. Justifier ou expliquer brivement mes opinions, plans ou actes. Parler de manire comprhensible et sans trop dhsitations, mais en faisant des pauses pour planifier ce que je dis. Faire un expos sur un thme familier en mettant en relief les points qui me semblent essentiels, quand je peux me prparer.

Cette activit donne loccasion aux lves de sentraner prendre la parole en continu et construire un texte logique, cohrent et articul. Action Write rules
CECR niveau B1 Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe. Supprimer facilement, en me relisant, les erreurs de langue les plus importantes.

Guidage dans le Workbook. Les lves ont reprer les diffrentes formulations de lobligation, de la permission et de linterdiction. Ils sont ensuite guids pas pas vers la production de rgles.

TEXT FILE 2 My Name Is not Esther


Manuel p. 36
p. 18

Fleur Beale, New Zealand teenage fiction writer, is best known for her novel I am not Esther, which has been published worldwide. Fourteen-year-old Kirby Greenlands mother leaves her with unfamiliar relatives in a strange city and leaves New Zealand for two years to help refugees. Her new guardians and their six children belong to a strict fundamentalist Christian sect called the Children of the Faith. They abhor all recreation and any immodesty, devoting themselves to Bible study. They insist that Kirby must leave her old self behind. Kirby soon becomes aware that she is losing her identity and determines to escape. The title I am not Esther comes 30 Folder 2 Manipulation

from Kirbys catchphrase I am not Esther, as this is what her aunt and uncle insist on calling her. Beale is hostile to the behavior of the cultists, not to the people. Though, the cultists appear brutal, largely as a consequence of using Kirbys perspective.
CECR niveau B1 Comprendre les vnements principaux dans un texte narratif. Comprendre, dans un texte rdig dans une langue standard, les descriptions de sentiments ou de souhaits. Comprendre un texte littraire contemporain en prose. 1. She thinks somebody may have misunderstood her name/somebody may have called her a wrong name/she

may have a twin sister and may have been called the wrong name/somebody may have made a mistake.
2. A girl is staying with her uncles family and they have decided to call her Esther instead of Kirby the name

her mother gave her at birth.

3. L. 5/6: A lot of religion on the walls.

L. 13-14: her blond hair scraped back into the hideous plait all the girls wore. L. 16-17: The women of our faith all have biblical names. L. 18- 21: Her aunts face looked polished, no makeup. Her clothes were unbelievable. A long skirt. Dark brown. A blouse, long-sleeved and white, done up to the neck and down to the wrists. Big white apron. Shoes and stockings. My cousins, Rachel and Rebecca, wore stuff exactly like their mother, but their skirts were blue and they wore socks instead of stockings. They all had braids. The family seems deeply religious and dress differently from the people Kirby usually meets/mixes with/is used to. 4. We keep our thoughts turned to the Lord says Kirbys aunt, which means they dont want to be disturbed by worldly things or the world around them or petty things/they want their attention and thoughts to remain focused on God/they dont want to be distracted/they dont want their spirit to wander. 5. L. 8-9: My aunt Naomi put her hands on my shoulders, leaned forward, and kissed me on both cheeks. We welcome you to our family, niece. L. 15 & 27: She smiled at me. L. 23: Aunt Naomi took no notice. Aunt Naomi is very nice to Kirby, she acts in an affectionate way and wants to make her niece feel at ease. She is welcoming yet she does not listen to Kirby/she does not care what Kirby says/She does not pay attention to Kirbys remarks/She ignores what Kirby says. She seems to be determined, stubborn, to be one track-minded. She sticks to her ideas and principles, she does not want to change her mind. She is inflexible, adamant, strong-minded, strong-willed. 6. L. 3-4: I had a name. Why couldnt he use it? Hed never once called me by my name. L. 10: I swallowed and tried to say something. L. 13: the hideous plait. L. 15: I gasped. Esther? I am not Esther, I said. My name is Kirby. L. 18: I stared at her. L. 22: I am not Esther, I repeated. Im Kirby. L. 24: I hugged my arms around my T-shirt. It was my favorite one, black and shabby. Wait! I cried. L. 26: The radio, then, I said desperately. Let me listen to the news! At first Kirby is surprised because her uncle doesnt use her name. She seems to find it somewhat shocking/she resents the fact that her uncle doesnt use her name/she resents her uncle not calling her by her name. As time passes she gets more and more upset because she realizes her relatives lifestyle is extremely different from hers. She finds her cousins and aunt ugly/unattractive. When she realizes they are determined to make her adopt their ways and dress like them she is desperate. She doesnt want to end up being like them. She is attached to her clothes and what they mean to her (her way of life and her previous life with her mum). She gets worried and sad when she realizes she wont be able to know whether her mother is safe where she has gone/she is worried about her mother and her mothers safety and she is mad at the idea of not being able to check if everything is OK where her mother is.

Folder 2 Manipulation 31

7. Kirby must be a modern, trendy girl who wants to look fashionable and cant understand why her aunt and

cousins are dressed in such an old-fashioned way. Her clothes may be part of her identity/may reflect her identity/she wants to dress like other youngsters and to feel at ease in her clothes. 8. Kirby must have had a free, carefree, easy-going life with her mother. We can suppose she used to enjoy a certain amount of freedom and that she was used to going out with her friends. Kirby and her mother were probably not very religious because she was struck by all the religious items she could see on the walls when she entered her uncles house. From the comparison she makes we can deduce that Kirbys mother probably dresses in a fashionable way and wears make up. Theres a world of difference between her previous lifestyle and her uncle and aunts. Action Role play
CECR niveau B1 Exprimer des sentiments tels que la surprise, la joie, la tristesse, la curiosit et lindiffrence. Exprimer mon opinion pour trouver une solution un problme ou pour prendre une dcision pratique.

Cette tche vise demander aux lves de transposer le texte dans une situation de la vie relle : une conversation tlphonique. Les lves pourront saider de la fiche Practical File, p. 39, dans laquelle ils trouveront des informations et des expressions utiles.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Les articles

1. a. 4; b. 7; c. 6; d. 2; e. 5; f. 3; g. 1. 2. the one; the house; the bills; the shopping; an uncle; a member; a strict religious cult; the rules; the cult; the

past; prayers; obedience; the children; the Faith.

3. a. My aunt had blond hair and a scarf on her head.

b. The woman she introduced to me looked tired. c. Wisdom has to be learned, like obedience and respect. d. The children of the community have names from the Bible. e. Today, Kirby is a student and lives in a big house with her mother.

FUN FILE Crosswords

Manuel p. 37

Le professeur pensera renvoyer les lves la page 31 du livre (Word Bank). Across. 2. doubt. 4. sin. 6. solace. 7. angel. 9. brainwash. 14. believer. 15. religious. 16. prophet. 17. evil. Down. 1. guru. 2. devil. 3. fanatic. 4. soul. 5. heaven. 6. sect. 8. salvation. 10. persecute. 11. hell. 12. worship. 13. faith. Action Make your own crossword puzzle
CECR niveau A2 Rdiger un texte simple. Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs.

Cette tche pourrait tre utilement mise en uvre en salle informatique en utilisant un logiciel comme Hot Potatoes qui construit la grille partir des mots choisis par les lves. La rdaction des dfinitions est un exercice qui permet de dvelopper la concision et la rigueur. Cette tche permet de crer une vraie situation de communication puisque les lves pourront schanger leurs grilles. On pourra envisager de mettre ces grilles sur le site de ltablissement ou sur un blog de la classe.

32 Folder 2 Manipulation



Il est indispensable que les lves puissent valuer leurs comptences dans chacune des activits langagires. Lire Les textes proposs ici renvoient aux notions du programme culturel. Les tches demandes au candidat sont identifies en fonction du CECR : niveau A2 : identifier le sujet ou la thmatique gnrale du texte, reprer dans le texte une information importante concernant un thme ou une problmatique donns, comprendre les vnements ou informations essentiels prsents dans le texte; niveau B1 : comprendre les conclusions dune argumentation, comprendre les liens logiques ou chronologiques entre des informations ou vnements relats dans le texte, comprendre les motivations et ractions des personnages, du narrateur ou de lauteur quand elles sont clairement exprimes. Nous navons pas propos de tches de niveau B2, qui nest attendu quen fin de Terminale. crire Est value laptitude du candidat rdiger, dans une langue correcte et directement comprhensible, un texte cohrent et clairement articul de faon simple (niveau B1).



Manuel p. 38

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif.

Grce aux niveaux du CECR indiqus, les lves et le professeur pourront valuer le niveau de comptence atteint en comprhension crite. 1. c/d/e. 2. a. False (lines 1 and 2); b. False (lines 3 and 4); c. False (lines 13 and 14); d. False (lines 21 to 23); e. False (lines 29 and 30); f. True (lines 40 to 43). 3. GB (England); Queen Victoria London; Whitechapel Road. 4. a. No (lines 24 to 26); b. No (lines 27 and 28); c. she had pigtails (Porky) and, as her dad owned a bakery and must have had a lot of money, she most probably had/wore smart (posh) clothes. 5. a. my old man, my dad; b. Grandpa, Grandpa Charlie. 6. a. trader; b. costermonger. 7. a. he was reckoned to be; b. I couldnt wait to

Les lves auront t prpars par les activits proposes tout au long du folder. 1. Se rfrer la tche de la page 36. 2. Laction de la page 35 (Manipulate your friends) aura entran les lves laborer et prsenter une argumentation.


Action Record a message
CECR niveau A2 Mexcuser ou accepter des excuses. peler efficacement un nom ou un numro de tlphone.

Manuel p. 39
p. 21

Lobjectif est de prparer les lves aux tches sociales et authentiques qui leur incomberont lors dun voyage, dun stage ou dun change tlphonique (ou par Internet) avec un anglophone.

Folder 2 Manipulation 33


Masters and Slaves

DOMINATION : synonyme de contrainte, de violence, de cruaut, mais aussi reflet dune soumission dlibrment accepte dans le cadre dun contrat social . REBELLION : expression dune contestation plus radicale, voire violente, mais aussi reflet des engagements humains au cours de lhistoire. (BO n 7 du 28 aot 2003.)
Ce folder traite de lesclavage, en particulier sous langle des rapports entre matres et esclaves.

CULTURE BLOG A Shameful Past
Le phnomne de lesclavage est remis dans son contexte historique au sens large.

SOUND FILE Living on a Plantation

La vie quotidienne des esclaves dans le Sud des tats-Unis avec la mise en scne dun tmoignage desclave.

MOVIE FILE Compensation

Un documentaire sur la demande dindemnisation, et surtout de reconnaissance, de quelques descendants desclaves.

WORD BANK Champ lexical : lesclavage TEXT FILE 1 I Couldnt Help It!
Un extrait du livre dAnn Petry sur Tituba, clbre sorcire de Salem.

GRAMMAR FILE Les formes have V-en EXPRESSION FILE TEXT FILE 2 Is Slavery Behind Us?
Mende Nazer relate sa propre exprience de lesclavage moderne.

CULTURE QUIZ Black Peoples of America ORAL EXAM FILE An Interview with a Former Slave
Les lves sont valus sur ce quils ont acquis dans le folder.

PRACTICAL FILE In the Queue STRATEGY FILE Du mot la phrase

Drivation, composition, phrase simple et phrase complexe.

34 Folder 3 Masters and Slaves

CULTURE BLOG A Shameful Past


Manuel p. 42/43
p. 6

Les textes sont un rapide tableau historique : ils ne prsentent pas de relle difficult de langue. Ils pourront tre lus et traits rapidement. On pourra : les faire lire en classe par groupes de faon encourager le travail en quipe pour ce qui concerne la comprhension et ensuite crer une situation dchange dinformation entre les groupes; faire faire le travail individuellement pour entraner les lves la lecture en temps limit en vue des preuves du baccalaurat et, plus long terme, une comptence qui leur sera utile dans leur vie professionnelle. Le Pod Lecture pourra tre travaill en grand groupe grce au questionnaire qui cible les informations recueillir.

1 Slavery, an Age-old Practice

Ce premier texte replace lesclavage dans un contexte historique et gographique large. Attention, dans la question 2, remplacer a definition of what a slave is par which peoples were used as slaves. 1. Le questionnement induit un effort de lecture rapide puis de mmoire et entrane donc la mmorisation court terme. 2. Conquered peoples were used as slaves. Slave traders: Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, Romans, and various African nations; then came the Europeans: the Spanish and Portuguese, then the English and Denmark, France and the Netherlands. Number of deported Africans: 25 to 30 million. Dates when slavery was abolished: 1833 in Britain, 1848 in France, 1865 in the USA, 1980 in Mauritania. 3. The slave trade flourished because it provided robust and cheap labour.

2 The Slave Trade

Les lves auront sans doute entendu parler du commerce triangulaire, trait en histoire au collge, et pourront ainsi faire merger des connaissances parfois oublies. 1. Cette question demande un simple reprage des tapes. Ships left British or French ports with goods for African chiefs. These goods were exchanged for slaves. The slaves were packed into slave ships across the Atlantic and sold to plantation owners. The slave-produced goods were shipped back to Britain where they were manufactured or refined and then sold or re-exported. 2. On fera reprer litinraire des bateaux sur une carte du monde. 3. Conditions were terrible. The slaves packed so tightly into the slave ships that they could hardly move. Often they were chained down and allowed little exercise.

POD LECTURE The Underground Railroad

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.

Le professeur demandera aux lves de prendre connaissance des questions avant lcoute de faon aider les lves cibler leur effort de comprhension. Aprs la premire coute, le professeur laissera un temps suffisant pour permettre aux lves de rpondre aux questions puis passera lenregistrement autant de fois que ncessaire selon la demande. La mise en commun sera loccasion dchanges oraux authentiques (entranement linteraction). 1. Right. 2. Right : at the age of 12, she started fighting for what she believed in.

Folder 3 Masters and Slaves 35

3. Wrong: every time she did something her master considered wrong, she got hit. 4. Wrong: she married a free African American. 5. Right. 6. Wrong: she escaped to Canada because, there, slavery had been abolished. 7. Wrong: it was not a system of roads or train tracks but it was a network of people. 8. Wrong: she saved over 300 people. Transcription

Today our lecture is all about Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in Maryland around 1820. She was very strong, physically and mentally. Even at the age of 12, she started fighting for what she believed in. Harriet had horrible marks on her body because every time she did something her master considered wrong, she got hit. Yet, she dreamed about freedom. She believed every man and woman had the right to be free whatever their color. At the age of 25, she married a free African American, John Tubman. She then escaped to Canada because, there, slavery had been abolished. But Harriet did not forget her people. She decided to help other slaves escape. Her route to freedom was called the Underground Railroad. It was not a system of roads or train tracks but it was a network of people. The refugee slaves walked many, many miles at night not to be detected and, thanks to Harriets organization, they found people to look after them along the way. Harriet saved over 300 people before she died at the age of 90. Action Prepare a quiz
CECR niveau B1 Poser des questions sur un problme. Demander ou transmettre des informations. Me servir avec une correction suffisante de tournures et dexpressions. Collationner des lments dinformation de sources diverses et les rsumer pour quelquun dautre.

La tche propose ici, la rdaction dun questionnaire puis lchange dinformations, met llve en situation de communication et dacteur social. Le professeur circulera pendant ce travail pour apporter les aides ncessaires. Nous insistons sur lintrt de faire travailler les lves par groupes de deux ou trois. Lobjectif est de favoriser les changes afin de parvenir une plus grande rapidit dexcution. Cette activit devrait tre conduite en temps limit, le temps lui-mme tant un levier de motivation. Si, au bout de 10 minutes, les lves nont rdig que cinq ou six questions, on pourra regrouper les mini-groupes et procder la mise en commun sous forme de jeu.

SOUND FILE Living on a Plantation


Manuel p. 44
p. 8

The document starts with Steal Away, a song of the Underground Railway. Like many other gospel songs, it is beautiful, rich in spirit and reveals the hope and power of an enslaved people who used their traditions, passion and resources to strengthen their relationships and communicate important information that led many of them to freedom! The testimony that follows is adapted from the story of Francis Hendersons life. More detail can be found on this site: www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/black_voices/voices_display.cfm?id=46

On fera observer que la lettre <i> ne se prononce [a] que lorsquelle est suivie dun groupe consonne + <e> . 36 Folder 3 Masters and Slaves


On commencera par faire dcrire et commenter les gravures. Lobjectif est de crer des attentes et de familiariser les lves avec ce quils vont entendre. Ils ont certainement dj entendu parler des conditions de vie des esclaves et devraient pouvoir dire des choses trs simples. These peoples living conditions must be very hard like: they probably do not have any money, they live in small wooden huts. They probably do not get very good food. They are very poor. They work hard. They do not have many clothes. 2. Lobjectif des questions 2 et 3 est de prsenter les mots overseer et whip. Overseer : over + see, surveillant. The overseers role is to make sure that all the slaves work hard. 3. The White man uses his whip because he thinks the slave does not work hard enough.


Guidage dans le Workbook.

CECR niveau B1 Mettre en relation les lieux cits avec les informations donnes. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document portant sur un thme qui mintresse et dans une langue standard. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts. Transcription (Chanson Steal Away)

Chorus Steal away, steal away, steal away to Jesus, Steal away, steal away home I aint got long to stay here. My Lord calls me, He calls me by the thunder, Trumpet sounds within-a my soul, I aint got long to stay here. Green trees are a-bending, Poor sinners stand a-trembling. The trumpet sounds within-a my soul, I aint got long to stay here. Chorus * Our houses were made of wood and rain would come through the roofs. When it rained, we had to move our bedclothes from one part of the house to the other everything was dirty and muddy. My bed consisted of a board. My pillow consisted of my jacket and my covering was anything I could get. * Every week, we were given some corn, a dozen herrings and two pounds of pork. Some of the boys would eat this up in three days then they had to steal. I do not remember one slave who did not steal some things it was a matter of necessity. I myself did it, to have something to eat I would go along eating a piece of bread and meat, or herring I never sat down at a table to eat. In the summer we got one pair of cotton trousers given us nothing else; every fall, one pair of woollen pantaloons, one woollen jacket, and two cotton shirts. * One of my masters sons remained on the plantation to be an overseer. He would often accuse slaves of having taken so and so. If we denied it, he would whip us. He would be sitting there, looking down upon us, and if he found one of us didnt work enough, he would beat him. I have seen him kick my aunt, an old woman who had raised and nursed him.

Folder 3 Masters and Slaves 37


CECR niveau A2 Faire un bref expos prpar sur un sujet familier. Dcrire quelque chose par une simple liste de points. Faire une description brve et lmentaire dun vnement ou dune activit, dcrire des habitudes et occupations journalires, des activits passes, des gens, des conditions de vie, des activits quotidiennes.

On pourra conduire cette activit rapidement, ventuellement en guise dinterrogation au dbut de la sance qui suit ltude du document.

MOVIE FILE Compensation


Manuel p. 45
p. 10

1. Judging from the bus, the picture was obviously taken in the USA. Considering the topic of the folder, we

could imagine the great-grand father of the White boy was a slave owner, and the great-grand father of the Black boy was a slave. It is reassuring to see that today these children are friends. 2. Personal answer. 3. Personal answer.


Guidage dans le Workbook.

Compensation lcran Son

Step 1

Maison dans la pnombre. Interview de Juanita Scott. Vieil homme. Groupe desclaves. Esclaves sur un chantier. Btiment. Magasin desclaves. Enfant. Esclave avec cicatrices. Faade de maison avec torche qui brle.

This was Americas breathtaking hypocrisy: the land of the free depended on the labour of slaves. Black Americans now want compensation. Try to imagine that you were a member of the Black race. Wouldnt you, at some point, think that somebody owed you something for some of this? When America made its independence, slaves made up almost 20% of the population. The Southern economy depended on their labour. Slaves were seen not as human beings, but as property to be traded, and if necessary whipped into submission. But who wants to pay for generations of Black pain?

38 Folder 3 Masters and Slaves

lcran Step 2


Blanc lunettes assis sous un porche. Studio radio. Interview prsentateur.

Step 3

Interview Juanita Scott.

Im not accountable for what my great-great-grand father did! Just because I dont see how I am responsible for what happened 150 years ago. Not all African Americans support reparations. If the president of the United States said today Guys, on behalf of the US, I apologize for what our great great grand fathers did OK And what? Theres no question slavery was wrong. Theres no question these people were given a rough shot in life, theres no question about that. But its over, guys, its over. I cannot allow people to just keep saying that what happened long ago. It happened for another 100 years after we supposedly were free. Anita Scott runs a nursery in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Having traced her own ancestors, Scott sees reparation as a precondition for racial reconciliation.



CECR niveau B2 Participer activement une conversation dans des situations familires, prsenter et dfendre mes opinions. Corriger rapidement mes erreurs de langue si elles ont conduit un malentendu. Commencer, soutenir et terminer une conversation tout en distribuant la parole. changer avec une certaine assurance un grand nombre dinformations dans des domaines familiers.


Manuel p. 45
p. 12

1. a. traders; b. ships; c. owners; d. runaway; e. hunters. 2. a. denied; b. held in bondage; c. run away/steal away; d. hunted down; e. abolished; f. emancipated/set free. 3. a. exploited; b. plundered; c. surrender; d. setting free; e. trading.

TEXT FILE 1 I Couldnt Help It!


Manuel p. 46
p. 12

This text is an extract from a book for juveniles by Ann Petry (1908-1997), a Black writer whose first book, The Street (1946), was the first novel by an African American to sell more than a million copies. Her main interest was to pay a tribute to Black historic figures, like Harriet Tubman or Tituba. She said, Look at them and remember them. Remember for what a long, long time Black people have been a part of America. These women were slaves. I hoped that I had made them come alive, turned them into real people. I tried to make history speak across the centuries in the voices of peopleyoung, old, good, evil, beautiful, ugly. Many historians, though, think that Tituba, who had often been incorrectly portrayed as a Black slave, was in fact an Indian from South America. What everybody agrees on is that Tituba was sold to Samuel Parris, and that her stories and fortune telling were key to the beginnings of the Salem Village hysteria.

Folder 3 Masters and Slaves 39

Before you read
1. The painting shows an auction: the slaves standing on the box are being sold to the client who offers the

highest price. Here it is a family (woman, man and baby). They may or may not be sold together. On invitera les lves identifier la situation pour introduire le mot auction et on encouragera les prises de parole propos de cette pratique. 2. Rponse libre. These peoples lives were very hard. Some of them came from Africa, but many were born into slavery, etc.
Read the text
3. The scene takes place in Bridgetown, Barbados, in November, probably at the beginning of the 19th Century. 4. The four peoples names: Tituba, a young slave; John, her husband, also a slave; Mistress Endicott, the

slaves owner; the Reverend Samuel Parris; the man who has bought Tituba; and John, who is not present.
5. Tituba had been bought by Mistress Endicott at the age of 14. She works around the house and has also learnt

to tell fortunes with cards. She married John, whose master had died, at the age of 19. The couple has been married for ten years. They have just been sold and are going to move to Boston, away from the place where they have always lived. 6. Susanna Endicott is a widow. She likes having parties and having her fortune told. She has dark hair. 7. She is very sad: she has been crying a lot (her eyelids were reddened). She is not at all happy about what she has done: she paused and sighed when breaking the news; she speaks in a muffled voice. She is probably nice to her slaves as they like her very much. 8. Tituba thinks her island is like a jewel in the sea; John and Tituba are a happy young couple until they hear the news. He is a fisherman and she does the housework. 9. The relationships are obviously very good. Mistress Endicott let herself be persuaded by Tituba to buy John. Tituba tells her mistress fortunes. Mistress Endicott finds it very hard to break the news. 10. Lots of testimonies show that most slaves had very hard lives. But it was not uncommon to see some slaves who were brought up with their masters children and shared the life of the family, almost as if they were a member of this family. This situation is not uncommon but only concerns a minority.

1. a. I couldnt help it; b. This belongs to me; c. She is a widow; d. She can tell fortunes; e. She averted her eyes. 2. a. jewel; b. startled; c. sigh; d. frown; e. muffled.


One morning, Tituba and her husband, John, were in the kitchen when their mistress came in. She looked sad and embarrassed. She told Tituba and John that she had sold them because she needed money. So they would have to leave to follow their new master, a minister who was going to live in Boston. They felt very sad because they had been happy with their mistress and they were going to an unknown country. Action Role play
CECR niveau B1 Exprimer des sentiments tels que la surprise, la joie, la tristesse, la curiosit et lindiffrence. Exprimer mon opinion pour trouver une solution un problme ou pour prendre une dcision pratique Participer sans trop de difficults une conversation, mme propos de thme auxquels je ne mtais pas prpar(e), mais je dois parfois chercher mes mots et demander de laide.

40 Folder 3 Masters and Slaves

GRAMMAR FILE Les formes have V-en


Manuel p. 48
p. 14

Les formes have V-en comportent le present perfect, le past perfect et linfinitif (non abord ici).

1. Le past perfect : had + V-en (le participe pass, rgulier en -ed ou irrgulier). 2. Deux formes qui ne sont pas au past perfect : I had to have money (prtrit de have lexical suivi de to qui

exprime lobligation) : I have sold you (present perfect).

3. Si on remplace was par is, she had known devient she has known.

Her eyelids are reddened, suggesting that she has been crying. Avec le present perfect, lnonciateur voque un vnement rvolu (she/cry) en considrant ses rapports avec le moment dnonciation (eyes/reddened). Il permet dexpliquer la situation prsente en sappuyant sur le rvolu. 4. Avec la forme have been V-ing, on sintresse davantage au sujet (Titubas husband). Lvnement est envisag comme une activit et on se focalise sur le sujet grammatical qui sest livr cette activit. Avec la forme have V-en, on sintresse davantage au complment (red snappers). Lvnement est considr comme une action et on se focalise sur le changement dtat du complment dobjet direct. 5. Trois repres temporels : for years (prposition); ever since she was fourteen (conjonction); during the ten years (prposition). For est suivi dun nom indiquant une dure. Since est suivi dune indication concernant le point de dpart (groupe nominal ou proposition). During est suivi dun groupe nominal indiquant une priode de rfrence. Since sert dater un vnement.

1. a. has been cleaning; b. has cleaned; c. has fished; d. has been fishing. 2. a. had never been inhabited; b. had already discovered; c. had been abolished; d. have remained; e. have

been introduced; f. has been independent; g. has diversified.

3. a. for; b. since; c. during; e. during; f. since; g. for.


Find someone who

CECR niveau A2 Poser des questions et rpondre sur des thmes familiers quand ces rponses nexigent pas des interventions longues ni des prises de position personnelles. Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe.

Action Act out a trial

Manuel p. 49
p. 16

CECR niveau B2 Participer activement une conversation dans des situations familires, prsenter et dfendre mes opinions. Corriger rapidement mes erreurs de langue si elles ont conduit un malentendu. Commencer, soutenir et terminer une conversation tout en distribuant la parole.

Les lves sont amens se dcentrer pour adopter des points de vue qui ne sont pas les leurs.

Folder 3 Masters and Slaves 41


Record a story
CECR niveau B1 Faire un expos sur un thme familier en mettant en relief les points qui me semblent essentiels, quand je peux me prparer. Parler de manire comprhensible et sans trop dhsitations, mais en faisant des pauses pour planifier ce qui est dit. Raconter une histoire avec un rythme suffisant pour maintenir lattention de mes auditeurs.

Llve est amen rutiliser les connaissances et points de vue qui ont t dvelopps dans lensemble du folder et se les approprier pour ensuite les rinvestir dans cette tche. Action Write a report
CECR niveau B2 crire des textes clairs sur une gamme tendue de sujets relatifs son domaine dintrt et faisant la synthse et lvaluation dinformations et darguments emprunts des sources diverses. Apporter de linformation et exprimer des points de vue par crit . crire des descriptions claires et dtailles sur des sujets en rapport avec ses centres dintrt. Faire une description ou un rcit clair en dveloppant et en argumentant les points importants laide de dtails et dexemples significatifs.

Guidage dans le Workbook.

TEXT FILE 2 Is Slavery Behind Us?


Manuel p. 50
p. 18

Mende Nazers happy childhood in the remote Nuba Mountains of Sudan was cruelly cut short when raiders on horseback swept into her village. In this introduction to her book, Slave, she sums up her experience as a slave who has managed to escape to freedom thanks to the help of British journalist and filmmaker Damien Lewis. 1. The picture shows a book cover with a photo of a Black woman, probably the author, Mende Nazer, who tells the true story of a girls lost childhood and her fight for survival. The title shows that the text is a modernday slave story. 2. The narrator is a Black woman born in Sudan and taken into slavery at the age of 12. On fera reprer les tapes de sa vie. 3. The narrator lived first in Sudan and then in Great Britain. 4. The scene takes place in the Nuba mountains one night. There was a raid and the 12-year-old girl ran to the mountain and then was caught by a man who promised to protect her in fact, she was abducted. The purpose of the raiders was to catch young slaves. 5. The man was probably someone who trafficked slaves. 6. The four main steps in the narrators life: a happy childhood in a village, followed by the raid and a while spent waiting in a Khartoum house with other children who were taken away one by one; a long period of six or seven years in another Khartoum house where she was a slave: the mistress made her do the housework and treated her badly, often beating her; one year in a London house where she worked as a domestic she was also a slave, never had a day off and did not speak English; the rest of her life; she is free and studying to become a nurse. 7. Now she is free. She is full of hope and looks forward to the future. Until then, she had been a slave. 42 Folder 3 Masters and Slaves

8. She met some people who helped her by putting pressure on the authorities. We can assume that some people

helped her (she could not even speak English). The pressure mentioned could be that of her masters and their colleagues.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Les formes have V-en

1. a. I had to clean > Forme qui nest pas une forme had + V-en.

b. I had cleaned > Forme antrieure au moment du rcit. c. The man took me/they had set up > Antriorit par rapport un moment pass. d. took me/we set up > Succession dactions raconte dans un ordre chronologique. e. They prepared > Action qui fait partie dun rcit sans lien avec le prsent. f. They have prepared > Pass immdiat, sans rupture entre le pass et le prsent. g. Mende has been doing > Focalisation sur le complment de la phrase. h. Mende has done > Focalisation sur le processus (laction). i. She has been crying since > Action repre par son point de dpart. j. She has been crying for > Action repre par sa dure. 2. a. had broken; b. has decided; c. has existed; d. had been captured; e. has worked. 3. a. The United Nations have denounced slavery for years. b. Abuk Cater was a slave in Sudan for twenty years. c. She told us her son had been sold to a rich Khartoum family. d. Since last week, Abuk has been in the United States where she tells her story. e. Since she has been free, Abuk has worked for the United Nations. Action Role play
CECR niveau B1 changer, vrifier et confirmer des informations. Fournir des renseignements concrets dans un entretien avec une prcision limite. Exprimer sa pense sur un sujet abstrait.

CULTURE QUIZ Black Peoples of America

Action Make up a poster

Manuel p. 51

1. Right. 2. Right. 3. Wrong. 4. Right. 5. Right. 6. Right. 7. Wrong. 8. Right. 9. Wrong. 10. Right. 11. 12. Right. 13. Right. 14. Right. 15. Right. 16. Right. 17. Right. 18. Right. 19. Wrong. 20. Right.

CECR niveau B1 crire des rapports trs brefs qui transmettent des informations courantes. crire des textes clairs en faisant la synthse dinformations empruntes des sources diverses. Adapter son expression pour faire face des situations peu courantes.


1. Each year up to 50,000 women and children are brought to the United States. 2. These people are mainly women and children.

Manuel p. 52
p. 20

Folder 3 Masters and Slaves 43

3. His definition of slavery: Working for rich people for no pay. 4. Francis Bok survived thanks to: a. his dream of becoming somebody; b. his belief in God. 5. Francis Boks two main problems when he arrived in North Dakota were the cold weather and the language. 6. Francis Bok admires the freedom people have. 7. When he looks at some young people in the States, he sees a lot of kids using drugs and getting involved with

bad stuff.


Action Act out a mystery conversation
CECR niveau B1 Communiquer avec une certaine assurance sur des sujets familiers. Aborder sans prparation une conversation sur un sujet familier. Lancer, poursuivre et clore une conversation simple sur un sujet familier.

Manuel p. 53
p. 21

STRATEGY FILE Du mot la phrase

Les prfixes

Manuel p. 54
p. 21

unpaid undernourished overload unprecedented unnoticed illegal

Les suffixes

un- + paid under- + nourished over- + load un- + precedented un- + noticed il- + legal pain + -ful employ + -er home + -less money + -less weak + -ness remar + -able large + -ly

(contraire) (insuffisance) (excs) (contraire) (contraire) (contraire)

non pay mal nourri surcharge sans prcdent pas remarqu illgal

painful employer homeless moneyless weakness remarkable largely

pnible (-ful transforme un nom en adjectif) employeur (-er transforme un verbe en nom) sans abri (-less transforme un nom en adjectif) sans argent (-less transforme un nom en adjectif) faiblesse (-ness transforme un adjectif en nom) remarquable (-able transforme un verbe en adjectif) largement (-ly transforme un adjectif en adverbe)

LES NOMS COMPOSS modern day slavery: esclavage des temps modernes. slave trade: traffic des esclaves. work overload: surcharge de travail. the 21st Century business capital of the world: la capitale mondiale des affaires du XXIe sicle. media coverage: couverture mdiatique. information technology explosion: explosion des technologies de linformation. abolitionist movements: mouvements abolitionnistes. 44 Folder 3 Masters and Slaves

underground business transactions: transactions daffaires illicites. slave trafficking: trafic desclaves. LA PHRASE SIMPLE a painful fact: un fait douloureux. legitimate commerce: le commerce licite. European colonial countries: les socits coloniales europennes. Nobody really notices them. Le pronom complment est aprs le verbe. Ladverbe, en revanche, est plac avant le verbe. LA PHRASE COMPLEXE > Le noyau dans les phrases complexes : They often end up homeless and moneyless. La phrase comporte aussi une subordonne dhypothse introduite par if, et un groupe nominal complment de lieu (in the streets of). The victims were Africans. Le reste de la phrase est une proposition relative, dont lantcdent, who, reprend le nom Africans. lintrieur de cette relative, trois propositions coordonnes (were captured/were sold/and transported) et un infinitif exprimant le but (to work in). The modern slave trade is illegal. Le reste de la phrase est une proposition conjonctive indiquant une restriction introduite par while. > On incitera les lves explorer plusieurs possibilits. Mende Nazer, an African former slave, who now lives in London, lived in a village in Sudan until the day when raiders caught her and took her away.

Folder 3 Masters and Slaves 45


Teens in Revolt

OPPOSITION : expression dune contestation non violente, pouvant se traduire dans des structures politiques et sociales institutionnalises. REBELLION : expression dune contestation plus radicale, voire violente, mais aussi reflet des engagements humains au cours de lhistoire. (BO n 7 du 28 aot 2003.) Ce folder aborde lopposition et la rvolte des adolescents vis--vis de la famille et des valeurs de la socit : quelle rvolte, comment sexprime-t-elle? Il explore, parfois avec humour, les aspects de cette rbellion au travers de tmoignages rels ou fictifs qui devraient toucher nos lves. La musique est un aspect important de cette rvolte. Le programme de Premire dit : La musique et le cinma semblent aujourdhui avoir hrit de lesprit de rsistance et de mobilisation. Avant que dtre un produit commercial, la musique punk et le rap (tout comme le jazz ou le rock en leur temps) ont dabord t des instruments de contestation radicale.

CULTURE BLOG Youth Cultures
Des documents qui bauchent un portrait de ces cultures adolescentes qui sont un phnomne relativement rcent.

SOUND FILE Papa, Dont Preach

Une chanson de Madonna qui met en scne un moment trs mouvant dans les relations entre un pre et sa fille.


Document 1 : Eat your Meal Document 2 : Mum, Dad, this is Steve

Deux publicits courtes et faciles pour aborder des exemples de rbellion dadolescents.

WORD BANK Champ lexical : les relations sociales TEXT FILE 1 Nicks Diary
Un extrait du livre de C.D. Payne, Youth in Revolt.

Une nouvelle pour entraner les lves la lecture cursive.


Loccasion pour les lves de profiter de ce quils ont appris dans le folder.


46 Folder 4 Teens in Revolt

CULTURE BLOG Youth Cultures

CECR niveau B1 Deviner, laide du contexte, le sens des mots inconnus. Comprendre les vnements principaux dans un texte narratif.

Manuel p. 58/59
p. 6

Les deux textes proposs visent montrer que les jeunes nont pas toujours t considrs comme un groupe social bien identifi et reconnu. Cest lorsque les adolescents sont devenus des consommateurs quils ont trouv leur place dans la socit. De nos jours, ils sexpriment en tant quentit travers les diffrents mdias, dont la musique. Le professeur peut choisir de : faire lire les textes aux lves la maison (et de leur faire faire lAction en classe); faire travailler les lves en groupes en classe de faon ce que lentraide puisse jouer tant sur le plan de la comprhension que de la recherche des informations prlever; faire faire le travail individuellement pour entraner les lves la lecture en temps limit en vue des preuves du baccalaurat et plus long terme des impratifs du monde professionnel lheure de la mondialisation. Au cas o les lves rencontreraient trop de difficults, le professeur peut envisager de diviser les tches et de ne faire lire quun texte chaque partie de la classe. Les lves changeront les informations lors de lAction propose la fin du Culture Blog.

1 The Invention of the Teenager

1. Four words referring to people between 13 and 20: teenagers, kids, youths, the younger generation. 2. Teenagers started being important in the mid-20th Century, when they started having enough money to make

an economic impact, buying rock n roll records in exploding numbers/when they started consuming/when it became clear that they were consumers/when they joined the consumer society. 3. Todays young generation is the most interracial, cross-cultural, and inter-ethnic of history. 4. The accessories that are associated with Goths: black clothing, nail polish and eyeliner, black boots, studs, and zippers.

2 Rebellion in Music
1. Psychedelic music incorporates jazz, folk, and R&B.

Punk Rock is loud, has a particular rhythm and radical lyrics. Reggae has peaceful and anti-violent lyrics. It is a rhythmic form of Jamaican music. Techno is a form of electronic dance music. It incorporates electro, New Wave, Funk and futuristic fiction themes. 2. Teenagers want to look different, to stand out against mainstream society, to assert their personality and ideals. They also want to express their defiance toward authority and sometimes their discouragement. 3. Psychedelic fans adopt different attitudes, hair styles, and costumes, with bright colours, fabrics and patterns. The Punks wear T-shirts with swastikas and offensive slogans, sunglasses, leather jackets to make up the total grunge look. Reggae fans wear dreadlocks, wigs, big jewellery, and flashy clothing. 4. These musical genres all reflect the defiance of young people toward authority.

POD LECTURE Rave Parties

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document.

Folder 4 Teens in Revolt 47

Cette comprhension orale apporte des informations sur les rave parties qui rassemblent les jeunes autour de la musique et leur permettent de saffirmer par rapport la socit des adultes, la mainstream society. Le professeur demandera aux lves de prendre connaissance du questionnaire True or False et passera lenregistrement seulement aprs. Aprs la premire coute, on laissera un moment aux lves pour rpondre et crire les justifications demandes ou vrifier ce quils ont encore reprer comme informations. Aprs une seconde coute et pause pour fin de prise de notes, le professeur fera faire une mise en commun des informations repres en mettant les lves en interaction. En cas de litige, le professeur reviendra lenregistrement. 1. True. 2. False. They started in the late 80s/at the end of the 1980s. 3. False. They occurred outside cities. 4. True. 5. False. Of course not. They were organized to rebel against commercial radios, nightclubs and pop music/Their aim was to react against them. 6. False. Only a very small number of people was required/very few people were needed to organize a rave party. 7. True. 8. True. 9. True. 10. True.

As most of you probably know, a rave or rave party is an all-night dance event where DJs play electronic dance music and rave music. But how many of you know that the expression rave was originally used by Jamaican people in London during the 1960s? Raves as we think of them today began in the late 1980s. They were just weekend parties occurring outside cities, sometimes in old farm houses, sometimes in warehouses. They were signs of rebellion against commercial radios, nightclubs, and popular music. A very small number of people contributed to the production and promotion of the event. The organisers made and distributed fliers and posted online bulletins, but the promotion was mostly by word-of-mouth. Raves began to expand into a global phenomenon in the 1990s. And, by the mid-1990s, major corporations were sponsoring events, and recuperating the movements that were started by rebellious teens. Today, raves are making a comeback yet again. Action Prepare a one-minute presentation
CECR niveau B1 Rapporter oralement et de faon simple de courts passages dun texte crit. Parler de manire comprhensible et sans trop dhsitations, mais en faisant des pauses pour planifier ce que je dis. Justifier ou expliquer brivement mes opinions, plans ou actes.

La tche propose ici permet aux lves de faire la synthse de ce quils ont lu et entendu et ainsi de sentraner mettre en relation les lments apports, dutiliser leurs connaissances et de sexprimer en continu devant un auditoire. Plutt que de subir une dmarche passive de cours magistral, ils apprennent ainsi construire leurs savoirs et leurs rfrences culturelles et les communiquer. Ils sentranent la prise de parole en continu. Aprs ltude des trois documents, le professeur demandera aux lves de travailler par groupes et de faire leur prsentation tour de rle. Lenseignant circulera pendant ce travail pour apporter les aides ncessaires et reprer les difficults des lves pour y remdier. Le professeur pourra demander quelques lves de prsenter leur expos la classe.

SOUND FILE Papa, Dont Preach


Manuel p. 60
p. 8

CECR niveau B1 Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts. Comprendre linformation principale dun document sonore (radio, tlvision ou vido) portant sur un thme qui mintresse et dans une langue standard.

48 Folder 4 Teens in Revolt

Lobjectif est dentraner les lves fragmenter la chane sonore, reprer les lments porteurs de sens, les intonations et le ton de faon construire du sens. Le document propos dans ce folder est une chanson de Madonna dans laquelle une jeune femme annonce son pre quelle est enceinte.


Les lves vont mettre des hypothses, anticiper le contenu de la chanson. Une tool-box pourra tre envisage pour favoriser les rponses aux questions 2 et 3 surtout. Voici des suggestions de ce que les lves pourraient vouloir dire. Il nest pas question de les amener dire tout cela. 1. In the first picture theres a young couple leaning against a wall covered with graffiti. They seem very much in love (theres no doubt they are madly in love with each other/they cant do without each other). They look young, they may be teenagers. In the second picture we can see a young lady who is expecting a baby, who is pregnant. She looks very young, she may still be at school. 2. When she told her parents she was pregnant/when her parents found out she was expecting a baby, they may have felt cross/furious/stunned/worried They may have told her that they would not let her down/that they would help her out/that they loved her in spite of her irresponsible behaviour/that she was foolish and irresponsible/that she should have taken the pill/that she should either have an abortion or abandon her child. They must have asked who the father was/what he wanted her to do with the baby/if he was ready to support the child 3. The girl is faced with a dilemma: should she keep the baby or not? If she keeps the baby she will have to leave school for a while/to interrupt her studies/to start working to support the child/to stop going out/to give up discos or rave parties


Guidage dans le Workbook.

Lobjectif du guidage est dentraner les lves fragmenter la chane sonore, reprer les lments porteurs de sens, les intonations et le ton de faon construire du sens.

Papa I know youre going to be upset Cause I was always your little girl But you should know by now Im not a baby You always taught me right from wrong I need your help daddy please be strong I may be young at heart But I know what Im saying The one you told me all about The one you said I could do without Were in an awful mess, and I dont mean maybe please Chorus: Papa dont preach, Im in trouble deep Papa dont preach, Ive been losing sleep But I made up my mind, Im keeping my baby, oh Im gonna keep my baby, mmm

He says that hes going to marry me We can raise a little family Maybe well be all right Its a sacrifice But my friends keep telling me to give it up Saying Im too young, I ought to live it up What I need right now is some good advice, please Chorus Daddy, daddy if you could only see Just how good hes been treating me Youd give us your blessing right now Cause we are in love, we are in love, so please Chorus Brian Elliot, additional lyrics by Madonna

lissue du travail de comprhension, nous conseillons vivement au professeur dutiliser la version karaok qui figure sur le DVD.

Folder 4 Teens in Revolt 49


Turn a song into a dialogue

CECR niveau A2 Mexcuser ou accepter des excuses. Poser des questions et rpondre sur des thmes familiers quand ces rponses nexigent pas des interventions longues ni des prises de position personnelles. Inviter quelquun et ragir si on minvite.

La tche permet aux lves de sapproprier le contenu de la chanson dans une activit de transposition et de communication. Il sagit ici de transformer la chanson en dialogue, les lves devront savoir participer une conversation, respecter les codes de communication, trouver le registre adquat (programmes de Premire). La difficult consiste bien placer laccent de phrase et mettre le ton, ce quoi les exercices de prononciation ont entran les lves.


Manuel p. 61
p. 10

CECR niveau A2 Identifier le sujet dune discussion si lchange est men lentement et si lon articule clairement. Discuter simplement de questions quotidiennes.

Les deux documents sont courts et dun abord facile (peu de paroles, donc peu de travail de comprhension) mais ils fourniront loccasion de travailler la production orale.


Les questions ont pour objectif de familiariser les lves avec la situation.
Document 1 Eat your Meal

Ad for Churches Chicken. 1. Obviously this little boy doesnt like the food in his plate. He doesnt want to eat it. Probably his parents want him to eat his meal. 2. Personal answer. 3. Personal answer.
Document 2 Mum, Dad, this is Steve!

Ad for Anchor Butter.

Comprehension Document 1 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Eat your Meal Son

Step 2

table. La mre sert, vue sur les enfants lair sombre. Le garon regarde lassiette dun air mauvais. Le garon allume sa cigarette, le pre le renvoie de table. Le garon quitte la pice avec un grand sourire.

Mum Eat all your peas.

50 Folder 4 Teens in Revolt

lcran Step 3


Step 4

Le garon allume sa cigarette, le pre le renvoie de table. Le garon quitte la pice avec un grand sourire. Les parents lair afflig. Carton: Whats wrong with him? Fin de la publicit

Dad What are you doing? Gimme that. No dinner for you. Well talk about this later. Whats wrong with him? Try Churchs chicken. Its what made-from-scratch should taste like.

Step 5

[Document entier]
Mum, Dad, this is Steve lcran Son

Document 2

Step 1

Step 2

Une famille dans un bar. Tout le monde discute. Steve arrive, salue et sassoit. Les parents sinstallent. Une famille dans un bar. Tout le monde discute. Steve arrive, salue et sassoit. Les parents sinstallent.

[No sound]

Waitress Hi, you guys know what you want? Daughter Were just waiting for someone else. Father Excuse me, could we have some butter? Waitress Sure! Mother So What does he do, that boyfriend of yours? Daughter Just things, you know Daughter Mum, Dad, this is Steve. Steve Hello. Father Steve

Step 3

[Document entier]


Make a pamphlet
CECR niveau A2 crire de brves notes simples en rapport avec des besoins immdiats.

On insistera sur la rapidit de lexcution de la tche.


Manuel p. 61
p. 12

Lutilisation des mots dans des exercices en contexte permet aux lves de se les approprier. 1. a. their parents; b. get on well with; c. makes friends with everybody; d. arguments with their parents; e. rebel against family rules. 2. a. a bit cheeky; b. answer back; c. I have come of age; d. a caring father; e. an ill-tempered old man. 3. a. They get on well with each other. b. She confides in her. c. She spoils him. d. She is so touchy. e. She thinks its a tiresome thing to do.

Folder 4 Teens in Revolt 51

TEXT FILE 1 Nicks Diary


Manuel p. 62
p. 12

The text is an extract from C.D. Paynes Youth in Revolt series. C.D. Payne is an American author of absurdist fiction who is best known for his series of novels about fictional teenager Nick Twisp. Payne was born in Akron, Ohio in 1949. He graduated from Harvard College in 1971 and then moved to California. He has worked as a newspaper editor, cartoonist, typesetter, graphic artist, proofreader, photographer, advertising copywriter, trailer park handyman, and carpenter. He is married and lives in Sonoma County. For further information refer to www.nicktwisp.com/interview.html

CECR niveau B1 Deviner, laide du contexte, le sens des mots inconnus. Comprendre les vnements principaux dans un texte narratif. Comprendre dans un texte rdig dans une langue standard, les descriptions de sentiments ou de souhaits.

Before you read

Ces tches visent crer des attentes et un cadre de rfrence qui va permettre aux lves de mieux apprhender le texte. 1. The layout of the text shows it is a diary. 2. The boy can be revolted about his parents attitude: they may be too strict, too demanding, too nosy. They ask him to help, they make him cut the grass/mow the lawn, wash the car, tidy up his room, do some odd jobs round the house. They may spy on him and his friends, or they may prevent him from going out with his friends or from inviting them. They may criticize his way of dressing or the music he listens to.
Read the text
3. Nicks parents are divorced. Nick seems to spend the week with his mother and the week-end with his dad

who gives his mum an allowance amounting to $583 a month, which he complains about/he resents/he is cross about. His mum seems to be very authoritative and to boss her husband around. His dad seems to be unreliable and rash. Quotes: My mother gives people drivers tests at the Department of Motor Vehicles. She used to keep Dad up-to-date on all the rules he was violating as he drove along. I came back from two miserable days in my dads custody. Mom gave him one of her high-volume diatribes. He screeched into the driveway, blasting the horn. Why? said Dad, because, pal, Id like to have something to show for my $583 a month in child support. 4. Itll soon be his birthday. My birthday is coming up soon. One more week to my birthday. 5. Nick blames his mother for always criticizing her husband and being partly responsible for their divorce (l. 4 and 5). He criticizes her for ruining his room. He blames her for hinting he is mad/mentally ill. He criticizes her for making it impossible for him to invite his friends. He holds her responsible for cutting him off from his friends (l. 8 to 11). He criticizes her for her bad taste/not sharing his tastes (l. 14). He blames her for telling him he spends too much time at the computer/for suggesting he should go out instead of working or playing on his computer/for saying he should have some fun with his friends (l. 31 and 32). He criticizes her for shouting at him, for asking him to be polite/to stop arguing, to be more respectful. Nick blames his dad for not planning anything special for him, for asking him to work/to cut the grass/to help him with the gardening (l. 21 and 22). He criticizes his dad for not really loving him, for not caring for him, for being mean, for being an unpleasant person (l. 24). 52 Folder 4 Teens in Revolt

6. Demander aux lves de relever les phrases et dexpliciter les ides.

Pour gagner du temps et ne pas dcourager les lves, on pourra diviser la classe en autant de groupes que de jours et leur demander de ne sattacher qu un passage. La mise en commun permettra de dresser le portrait de Nick et de glisser sur la question 7. Le professeur pourra mettre au tableau les reformulations des groupes et associer ladjectif ou les adjectifs chaque aspect de la personnalit dcrit. a. He wants his room the way he likes. b. When he is angry, he stops talking to his mum/he sulks. c. He goes back to talking to her because his birthday is coming soon and he wants a birthday present. d. He wants his dad to plan special activities for him, he wants a lot of attention. e. He complains when he has to help. He asks his dad to pay him 5 for cutting the grass and remarks a gardener would charge far more. f. He loves his computer and knows the latest improvements in computer technology. g. He doesnt go out much. h. He answers back when his mum tells him hed better/he should go out and enjoy himself with his friends. 7. On justifiera les choix en utilisant les noncs ci-dessus qui auront t produits par les lves et inscrits au tableau. selfish (d et e) computer-literate (f) lonely (g) interested (c) ironical (h) cynical selfassertive (a et b) insolent (h). 8. He likes inviting his friends, having them round the house: Meanwhile, I am now embarrassed to invite my friends over. He wants to have the same things as other teenagers, he doesnt want to be different from them. He is influenced and wants to imitate them/to copy them/to fit in. He is under pressure from his peers: Most of the members of Byte Backers (St Vs computer club) have already upgraded. Some even have 586s. 9. Personal answer.

1. a. violating; b. custody; c. apply; d. blasting; e. mow; f. creep; g. replied; h. smart. 2. a. hideux; b. arriver dans un crissement de pneus; c. acheter une nouvelle version de

CECR niveau A2 Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe. Rdiger un texte simple relatant un vnement entendu ou lu racontant la succession des vnements, leurs causes et leurs effets.

Soulignons quil ne sagit pas dune dicte au sens o cet exercice est pratiqu en franais lcole, avec un objectif limit lorthographe, mais bien une premire tape dapprentissage de lcriture. Il sagit de recrer quelque chose que lon a entendu.

In his diary Nick reports about his conflicts with his divorced parents. He complains about his mother who has painted his room pink and about his dad who made him cut the grass. As he wants a new motherboard as a birthday present, he accepts a compromise with his mum. He seems to be highly sensitive to what his friends think and do. Besides he is particularly exacting, cynical and rebellious. A typical teenager! Action Act out a conversation
CECR niveau B1 Participer sans trop de difficults une conversation, mais je dois parfois chercher mes mots et demander de laide. Mexprimer, parfois avec des priphrases, sur la plupart des sujets relatifs ma vie quotidienne. Exprimer mon opinion pour trouver une solution un problme ou pour prendre une dcision pratique.

Folder 4 Teens in Revolt 53

Les lves pourront sapproprier le contenu du texte dans une activit de transposition et de communication : une conversation tlphonique entre deux adolescents. On les entrane ainsi participer une conversation, respecter les codes de communication, trouver le registre adquat (programmes de Premire). On pourra renvoyer les lves la fiche Practical File de la page 39.



Manuel p. 64
p. 14

1. nonc a : avec can, lnonciateur exprime son avis sur la capacit du sujet grammatical raliser quelque

chose (il est capable de). nonc b : avec must, lnonciateur exerce une pression sur autrui; il lui fait part dune obligation. nonc c : avec should, lnonciateur fait part dun conseil ou dune recommandation. 2. Dans les noncs d f, lnonciateur exprime son point de vue sur la probabilit de la ralisation : il est possible que (d, could), probable que (f et g, must), certain que (e, will). Degr de certitude : + could/might ; ++ can/may ; +++ should ; ++++ must/will/cant. 3. Les modaux sont suivis de la base verbale. 4. Dans lnonc g, le modal must est suivi de have + V-en (participe pass) car on se rfre un moment antrieur au moment de lnonciation.

On renverra les lves au Prcis grammatical n 14 pour faire les exercices. 1. a. must; b. cant; c. should; d. must; would not. 2. a. Nick cant be as miserable as he sounds. b. Nicks mum must do her best to make him happy. c. Nicks dad may be unreliable. d. It must (may) be difficult for Nicks mum to stand his bad mood. e. Nick must have felt furious when he found his room pink. f. It must be insulting for Nick to be compared to a mental patient. 3. a. Nick should stop complaining. b. Nicks mum must be tired of his bad mood. c. His dad cant be as mean as he says/would have us think he is. d. According to Nick, his dad must be a careless/reckless driver. e. Nicks dad should not have used financial arguments to force Nick to mow the lawn. f. In the 19th century, youngsters could not oppose their parents/stand up to their parents. g. Nicks parents cant have divorced only because his mother was always criticizing his fathers driving. Action Make suggestions
CECR niveau B1 Exposer poliment un dsaccord sur un avis formul par mon interlocuteur. Exprimer mon opinion pour trouver une solution un problme ou pour prendre une dcision pratique.

Le but du jeu est de faire pratiquer la modalit loral dans le cadre dune activit sociale. Les lves travaillent en groupes de quatre et sautorgulent. On peut prsenter ces situations sous forme de cartes, comme ci-contre, que le professeur pourra photocopier. 54 Folder 4 Teens in Revolt

Ive just met a wonderful girl or boy. Help!

Ive just damaged my parents car. Help!

Im craving for a new computer. Help!

I am lost in a foreign city. Help!

I am locked in the toilet. Help!

Ive just had a very bad mark. Help!

I am really short of pocket money. Help!

My mother has decided to accompany me to my best friends party. Help!

I have not learned my lesson and theres a surprise test! Help!

My parents have found a pack of cigarettes in my room. Help!

Ive fallen in love with my best friends girlfriend or boyfriend. Help!

Folder 4 Teens in Revolt 55

Action Decide how to spend your money

Manuel p. 65
p. 16

CECR niveau B2 Participer activement une conversation dans des situations familires, prsenter et dfendre mes opinions. Commencer, soutenir et terminer une conversation tout en distribuant la parole. changer avec une certaine assurance un grand nombre dinformations dans des domaines familiers.

Dans ce type dactivit, minemment sociale et stimulante car les lves sont en situation de ngociation, les membres des diffrents groupes doivent parvenir argumenter pour parvenir une dcision collective. Le professeur circulera dans la classe pour aider. Action Make an oral presentation
CECR niveau B1 Parler de manire comprhensible et sans trop dhsitations, mais en faisant des pauses pour planifier ce que je dis. Faire un expos sur un thme familier en mettant en relief les points qui me semblent essentiels, quand je peux me prparer.

Cette activit de prise de parole en continu prpare le sujet dcriture. Action Write a letter
CECR niveau B2 crire un essai ou un rapport en transmettant une information (ou en exposant des raisons pour ou contre une opinion donne). Mettre en vidence dans un texte ou un courrier ce qui est important. Prendre position par crit sur des vnements ou propos davis diffrents, en faisant apparatre clairement les prises de position. crire en faisant peu derreurs de syntaxe et les corriger en me relisant.

Guidage dans le Workbook.

TEXT FILE 2 Hail, Hail Rock n Roll


Manuel p. 66
p. 18

CECR niveau B2 Deviner, laide du contexte, le sens des mots inconnus. Comprendre les vnements principaux dans un texte narratif. Comprendre, dans un texte, les descriptions de sentiments ou de souhaits. Comprendre lessentiel de tout texte ( 30 lignes) traitant dune thmatique familire, rdig dans une langue courante, sans trop de phrases complexes. Comprendre un texte littraire contemporain en prose.

We have here an abridged version of the short story to be found on the following website : www.writing.com This short story was written on February 18th, 2006 by Andrew Crouch who wrote : My name is Andrew Crouch Hedglin. Im a 19-year-old freshman at Belhaven College in beautiful Jackson, MS, where I am currently 56 Folder 4 Teens in Revolt

majoring in creative writing and minoring in history. The heroine, Sammie, wants to become a rock star. Although her parents worry about her decision, they let her have her own way and try to become a professional rock musician. A few years later, she comes back home depressed because her dream has not come true. She decides to go back to the school where she studied music. Her ex-music teacher offers her a six-month contract and warns her that she had better not ruin the reputation of the school. She is both surprised and delighted when she realizes her first student is an admirer of one of her albums. It cheers her up and makes her look to the future more confidently. Lentranement la lecture cursive prconis par les programmes invite les lves une lecture moins analytique. 1. The girl in the picture must have chosen to become a musician. Her parents may have felt surprised or worried (it is a hard job and few people succeed and make a career of it). Her parents may have told her that they disapproved of her decision, that she should opt for a more secure job. They may have understood her and let her try, knowing that we learn through experience. They may have flown into a temper and said she was driving them mad. 2. She told her parents she intended to settle in California and become a rock star (l. 4). She argued that she was a good musician and that she had the business qualifications that would help her manage her career (l. 14 to 17). 3. Sammies father said with a laugh of suppressed panic. Sammies father was a high school principal. But he and Sammies mother were also a couple of old ex-hippies. Herbert, her father, glanced at his wife with a look of desperation. As any responsible parents should, he prayed that his only child would choose any other career more secure than that of a rock n roller. 4. They agree to let her go and have her own way provided she doesnt smoke, drink or get pregnant. 5. The scene takes place five years after Samantha left home to be a musician. She is back home after failing to become a pop star and to make a living out of her music. Her dream has not worked out. She is disappointed but she has grown up. She feels she has wasted five years of her life. 6. She may have recorded a few albums but sold very few of them. She may have found it hard to sell her albums, to get people to know her band. She must have tried to find places where to give concerts. She may have had very small audiences. It must have been difficult for her to make money. She may have slept on the streets, she may have slept rough. 7. She looks more strict, more conventional because she is looking for a job as a music teacher with Eastman Music School. Mrs Eastamn is her ex-music teacher (l. 58 to 62). 8. Now, she wants to get a job, to be hired by a music school. She doesnt want to be self-employed any more. 9. Mrs Eastman, who is going to retire, offers her a six-month contract if she does not ruin the reputation of the school (l. 82 to 87). 10. Sammie has lost her enthusiasm. She accepts the job knowing that Mrs Eastman cant stand rock music and that she will have to forget about it. She has lost her self-confidence and sounds very humble. 11. Her first pupil has registered with the school because she has heard of Sammie, she knows one of her albums and loves it. She is a fan of Sammies and she wants Sammie to teach her to play rock music. 12. Somebody knows her and appreciates her music. This cheers her up, gives her more confidence in herself: she is not the failure she thought she was, she can go back to her passion. The future looks brighter.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Les modaux

1. a.interdiction; b. autorisation; c. incapacit; d. degr de certitude; e. degr de certitude; f. absence dobli-

gation; g. autorisation; h. degr de certitude; i. conseil. Sammie may not be as talented as she thinks. b. Sammie may become a famous pop star very soon. c. Sammies parents must worry a lot about her. d. Sammie must come back to Kelso and earn a living. e. It must be difficult for Sammie to work as a guitar teacher f. Rita must have been very young when she first saw Sammie on TV. 3. a. Sammie should not move to California. b. Rita must be proud to have Sammie as a guitar teacher! c. Living in Californie cant be as difficult as what you say. d. You neednt tell her how to play the guitar. e. Mrs Eastman might advise you on how to be a good teacher.
2. a.

Folder 4 Teens in Revolt 57


Act out a dialogue

CECR niveau B2 Participer activement une conversation dans des situations familires, prsenter et dfendre mes opinions. changer avec une certaine assurance un grand nombre dinformations dans des domaines familiers.

La tche propose consiste amener les lves rutiliser le texte et les outils langagiers acquis dans une situation dinteraction mais en changeant de point de vue.



Manuel p. 68
p. 32

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document littraire. Comprendre les liens logiques ou chronologiques entre les vnements relats dans le texte. 1. A young man () home very late and ( ) worried that he had hurt himself and ( ) with delinquents; ()

he was special ().

2. a. Wrong: a pale, tentative light. (l. 1); b. Right: He walked as lightly as he could. (l. 2); c. Wrong: His

mothers voice drifted down. (l. 4); d. Right: He stood in his boots (), not looking at her. (l. 14); e. Wrong: He had blood on his face. (l. 16); f. Wrong: What have you been doing? Nothing. (l. 19); g. Right: He suspected he had lung cancer. (l. 29) 3. She tried to touch his forehead but he took a heavy-heeled step away from her. (l. 23) 4. This is no way for a Harvard man to act, his mother said with whis-pered cheerfulness. (l. 30) 5. Do you know how special you are? You know how much is going to happen to you? (l. 33) 6. Right, he said. Im somebody else. Im already gone. (l. 51) 7. a. forehead; b. managed; c. pulled in air; d. breathlessness; e. watch yourself. 8. a. the mother; b. these attacks of breathlessness; c. Bix and Larry; d. Bix and Larry.


Action Apologize

Manuel p. 69
p. 21

CECR niveau B1 Mexcuser ou accepter des excuses. M'exprimer, parfois avec des priphrases, sur la plupart des sujets relatifs ma vie quotidienne.

58 Folder 4 Teens in Revolt


Civil Rights

DOMINATION : synonyme de contrainte, de violence, de cruaut, mais aussi reflet dune soumission dlibrment accepte dans le cadre dun contrat social . REBELLION : expression dune contestation plus radicale, voire violente, mais aussi reflet des engagements humains au cours de lhistoire. (BO n 7 du 28 aot 2003.)

CULTURE BLOG The Civil Rights Movement
Quelle est la meilleure voie : le pacifisme ou la violence? Fallait-il un peu des deux pour que les Noirs puissent parvenir des fonctions de haute responsabilit?

SOUND FILE In the Ghetto

Dans cette chanson mouvante et forte, Elvis Presley souligne la fatalit dans laquelle se trouvent pris les habitants du ghetto.


Document 1 : Montgomery, 1955

Publicit qui illustre laffaire Rosa Parks, tape importante du mouvement noir pour les Civil Rights. Document 2 : One 2 One. Cette publicit montre limportance de Martin Luther King aux yeux des noirs amricains daujourdhui, comme le sportif Ian Wright. Document 3 : Colored. Cette publicit met en scne le pome populaire simple et touchant.

WORD BANK Champ lexical : droits et lgislation TEXT FILE 1 First Day at School
La journaliste Louise Elliot raconte larrive de Ruby Bridges, premire enfant noire dans une cole rserve aux blancs.


Le discours de Martin Luther King.

CULTURE QUIZ Civil Rights Quiz

Testez vos connaissances sur les droits civiques aux tats-Unis.

ORAL EXAM FILE An Interview with Rachel Robinson

Loccasion pour les lves de tirer parti de ce quils ont appris dans le folder.

PRACTICAL FILE At the Station STRATEGY FILE Prononcer langlais Folder 5 Civil Rights 59

Ce folder aborde le mouvement qui a prcd la priode prcdant lanne 1964, date laquelle le Civil Rights Act, sign par le prsident Lyndon Johnson, a rendu illgale toute discrimination fonde sur la race, la couleur, la religion, le sexe, ou lorigine nationale. Cette loi, conue lorigine pour protger les droits des Noirs, fut ensuite amende pour largir la protection tous, hommes et femmes. Les lois Jim Crow, qui autorisaient la sgrgation raciale dans les tats du sud, furent abolies. Nous coutons les voix de quelques-uns de ceux qui ont influenc le Civil Rights Movement : Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks et mme Elvis Presley. Les documents se rpondent et construisent une problmatique.

CULTURE BLOG The Civil Rights Movement

QUOI ? POURQUOI ? COMMENT ? 1 From Slavery to Freedom

Manuel p. 72/73
p. 6

Ce premier texte montre pour quelles raisons les mouvements pacifistes et les mouvements violents (Black Power et Black Panthers) sont ns. noter, le lien avec folder 3 qui traite de lesclavage. Ce texte en est la suite. 1. The Pacifist movement and the Black Power movement are very different but they have the same aim: to stop discrimination. The Pacifist Movement organised sit-ins and marches whereas the Black power movement resorted to violent actions. The leader of the Pacifist movement was Martin Luther King and Malcolm X was the leader of the Black Power. Both leaders were assassinated. 2. 1619 to 1863: Slavery was allowed. 1863: Emancipation Proclamation. 1950: Black people started to protest. 1955: Rosa Parks and the bus boycott. 1963: I have a Dream speech. 1965: Malcolm X was assassinated.

2 A Non-Violent Activist
Ce texte rsume la vie de Martin Luther King, dont les lves pourront lire et entendre le prestigieux discours, qui figure la page 80. Ils dcouvriront cet homme qui a tellement marqu la lutte contre la sgrgation. 1. ltranger : overseas de plus en plus : increasingly grve : strike on lui a attribu : he was awarded. 2. Martin Luther King was widely respected because he promoted non-violent actions and because he contributed to ending the legal segregation of Blacks.

POD LECTURE The Legacy of the 1960s

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.

Un professeur parle de lenfance de Condoleeza Rice dans les annes 60. Elle est la premire femme noire occuper une position importante la Maison-Blanche. On comprend quun vnement comme celui qui est relat a pu linfluencer dans sa vie. 1. False. 2. True. 3. False. 4. True. 5. False. 6. True. 7. False. 8. False.

Before starting todays lecture on the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement in the 60s, I want to take you back in time. Long ago, in a Birmingham, Alabama, department store, a Black woman was shopping for a nice party dress with her 7-year old little girl. A white saleslady told the mother that her daughter could use the regular changing room to try her dress she would have to use the storage room. The mother refused saying, My daughter will try on this dress in a dressing room, or I wont spend my money here. That little girl was Condoleeza Rice who went on to become the famous African-American politician she is today. 60 Folder 5 Civil Rights

Her success is a legacy of the militant actions in the 1960s. Blacks are definitely better off today than they were then. The Black middle-class is expanding, more and more Blacks own their houses or their firms. However, the battle is not won. The poverty rate among Blacks still is three times the rate for Whites and Black Americans earn 30% less than their White counterparts. There is still much work left to be done. Action Make a one-minute presentation
CECR niveau B1 Rapporter assez couramment une narration ou une description simples sous forme dune suite de points. Donner brivement des raisons et explications relatives des opinions, projets et actions.

On entrane les lves la prise de parole en continu. Nous insistons sur lintrt dinviter les lves prparer la prsentation par groupes de deux ou trois. Lobjectif est de favoriser les changes afin de parvenir une plus grande rapidit dexcution. Cette activit devrait tre conduite en temps limit, le temps lui-mme tant un levier de motivation.

SOUND FILE In the Ghetto


Manuel p. 74
p. 8

In the Ghetto is a song written by American singer/songwriter Mac Davis and made popular by rock and roll singer Elvis Presley. It is the narrative story of a young boy who grows up in the Chicago ghetto, steals and fights and who is eventually shot and killed. There were initial fears that the song would damage Elvis reputation for being politically unbiased, but Elvis loved the song and recorded it. After finally achieving a master take, Elvis claimed from then on, he would only do songs that he believed in.
CECR niveau B1 Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.


Lexploitation des photos permettra de faire anticiper le contenu de la chanson. 1. Students will try to define what life is like living in a place like this. They might say it is very hard to be so poor: people live close together; they fight and struggle to survive; perhaps they are forced steal money and food. 2. The man is probably dreaming about getting out of the ghetto. He might like to find a job and live in a nice house with a garden. 3. They might say that they associate places like this with violence and crime.

Comprehension Transcription

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Its another hungry mouth to feed In the ghetto People, dont you understand The child needs a helping hand Or hell grow to be an angry young man some day Take a look at you and me,

As the snow flies On a cold and gray Chicago mornin A poor little baby child is born In the ghetto And his mama cries cause if theres one thing that she dont need

Folder 5 Civil Rights 61

Then one night in desperation A young man breaks away He buys a gun, steals a car, Tries to run, but he dont get far And his mama cries As a crowd gathers round an angry young man Face down on the street with a gun in his hand In the ghetto As her young man dies, On a cold and gray Chicago mornin, Another little baby child is born In the ghetto Words and music by Scott Davis. Aprs le travail de comprhension, nous recommandons vivement au professeur dutiliser la version karaok qui figure sur le DVD. Are we too blind to see, Do we simply turn our heads And look the other way Well the world turns And a hungry little boy with a running nose Plays in the street as the cold wind blows In the ghetto And his hunger burns So he starts to roam the streets at night And he learns how to steal And he learns how to fight In the ghetto Action Write an news item
CECR niveau A2 Paraphraser simplement un court passage crit. Raconter une histoire avec une simple liste de points successifs.

La tche de niveau A2 propose la suite de la comprhension orale permet aux lves de rsumer par crit le contenu de la chanson. On ne recherchera pas un article construit mais on fera rsumer en deux ou trois phrases pertinentes. La version karaok figure sur le DVD. Gageons que les lves la rclameront! Ce support permettra un travail prcis sur le rythme et sur laccentuation.

Document 1 Montgomery, 1955

Manuel p. 75
p. 10

Ce document est une publicit ladresse des jeunes pour la journe ddie chaque anne Martin Luther King. Il illustre laffaire Rosa Parks, la couturire noire devenue clbre parce que, le 1er dcembre 1955 Montgomery (Alabama), elle refusa de cder sa place un passager blanc dans un autobus. Cette affaire dclancha le boycott des bus Montgomery et le mouvement des Droits Civiques dont M.L. King fut un des leaders. Ce document, dont la comprhension ne pose aucun problme, pourra ventuellement servir dentre dans le folder. 1. The picture shows a theatre where coloured people are allowed to go. This means that there are theatres for Whites only. The students can work in pairs and exchange information on what they know about the period. They can find information in the Culture Blog pages 58/59 and on the Internet. 2. Colored people could react by marching in the street, or going on strike. Some people might be tempted to react more violently. They could also complain to the Government.
Document 2 One 2 One

Cette publicit pour une compagnie de tlphone montre limportance de M.L. King aux yeux des Noirs amricains.
Document 3 Colored

Une publicit qui dnonce le racisme dans le monde du football. Elle met en scne un pome populaire anonyme, simple et touchant. 62 Folder 5 Civil Rights

Comprehension Document 1 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Montgomery, 1955 Son

Step 2 Step 3

Personnes qui montent dans le bus et paient. Homme noir qui va sasseoir au fond. Gros plan sur for colored race . changes de regards des blancs. Le chauffeur a lair surpris. Regards des autres passagers. Chauffeur qui se dirige vers le fond et parle. [Document entier]
One 2 One lcran

Bruit du moteur du bus.

Mam, I have to ask you to move to the rear of the bus. Please, move to the rear of the bus.

Document 2


Step 1

Step 2 Step 3

Ian Wright assis. Stade. Wright dans la salle de bains. De lapparition de M.L. King la fin du document. [Document entier]

Who would I most like to have a one-to-one with? A man who inspired a generation? Martin Luther King. Who would I most like most to have a one-to-one with? A man who inspired a generation. Martin Luther King. MLK I just want to do Gods will. Id ask him how he coped with being seen as second-class just because the color of his skin was different. MLK And Ive seen the promised land. And if there was one incident that drove him to become part of the civil rights movement. And was he ever frightened of those who opposed him? And did he realise how much he frightened them? Most of all, if I could have a one-to-one with him, Id ask him how he maintained his principle of peaceful protest. Weve got some difficulties over here. MLK In the face of such provocation. If it would ever matter with me I may not get there with you but I want you to know the night that we and our people will get to the promised land. Who would you like most to have a one-to-one with? Our mobile phone service gets people talking.

Folder 5 Civil Rights 63

Document 3 lcran Step 1

Colored Son

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Bb noir. [No sound] Gamin qui casse une vitre en jouant au foot. Joueur sous la douche. Adulte qui se fait bronzer. Joueur qui entre sur le stade. Joueur malade. Cendres verses sur le stade. [Mmes images] Dear White fellow, theres a couple of things that you should know. When I born, I black. When I grow up, I black. When I cold, I black. When I go in the sun, I black. When I scared, I black. When I sick, I black. When I die, I still black. Mmes images propos [No sound] du blanc. [Arrter avant le retour du bb noir.] Images de la vie du blanc You, White fellow, + bb noir. When you born, you pink. [Arrter avant le slogan.] When you grow up, you white. When you cold, you blue. When you go in the sun, you red. When you scared, you yellow. When you sick, you green. When you die, you grey. And you have the cheek to call me colored? [Document entier] Make a poster
CECR niveau B1 crire des textes clairs en faisant la synthse et lvaluation dinformations et darguments emprunts des sources diverses.



Manuel p. 75
p. 12

1. a. abusing; b. passed; c. fight for; d. benefit from; e. resort to. 2. a. justice, peoples rights, freedom, civil rights; b.violence, hatred, war, injustice; c. to strike, march, react,

3. a. biased; b. support; c. march; d. benefit; e. marching.

64 Folder 5 Civil Rights

TEXT FILE 1 First Day at School


Manuel p. 76
p. 12

This is an article about Ruby Bridges. Here is what she says on looking at a photo of herself going to school surrounded by armed marshals and a photo of herself 40 years later: The little girl on the left is me in November 1960, walking up the steps of William Frantz Public School in New Orleans, the first Black student at the formerly all-White elementary school. Thats me now, on the right, married, a mother of four. Forty years separate those pictures. Forty years that brought incredible change in our country, forged in the crucible of the civil rights movement and the battle to end segregation. Forty years that changed me as well. I was born in Mississippi in 1954, the oldest child of Abon and Lucille Bridges. That year the United States handed down its landmark decision ordering the integration of public schools. Not that I knew anything about school at the time. What I knew and loved was growing up on the farm my paternal grandparents sharecropped. It was a very hard life, though. My parents heard there were better opportunities in the city. We moved to New Orleans, where my father found work as a service station attendant, and my mother took night jobs to help support our growing family. As I got a bit older, my job was to keep an eye on my younger brothers and sister, which wasnt too difficult. Except for church and the long walk to the all-black school where I went to kindergarten, our world didnt extend beyond our block. But that was all about to change. Under federal court order, New Orleans public schools were finally forced to desegregate. In the spring of 1960 I took a test, along with other Black kindergarteners in the city, to see who would go to an integrated school come September. That summer my parents learned Id passed the test and had been selected to start first grade at William Frantz Public School. You can find out how hard it was for her in the article on page 77.

Before you read
1. The little girl is Black. She is very smartly dressed and, judging by the title of the text, this could be her first

day at school. She is surrounded by soldiers or policemen officials of some sort. We can see the word nigger written on the wall. There is also red on the wall it looks like someone has thrown a tomato. 2. She is perhaps going to a school for Whites only. They are afraid she might get attacked. 3. It means someone has been thrown something at her.
Read the text
4. The little girl is Ruby Bridges and it is her first day at a White school. 5. The Whites are angry, they dont want integration and are shouting and screaming their displeasure. 6. The unthinkable. 7. Isolation hurts Ruby more than anything else. She was supported by her teacher Barbara Henry. 8. She helped create the first desegregated school in the Deep South. 9. The strange thing is that her former school is now a mostly Black, poor school. 10. She is very realistic. She thinks we must always be careful it doesnt happen again. 11. It is a very poor school where the children fight.

1. a. gun-toting; b. marshals; c. screaming; d. mob; e. backed by; f. a placard; g. a coffin; h. alleviate;

i. riddled with.

Folder 5 Civil Rights 65

2. Word





unthinkable quietly threaten loneliness desegregate southern engagement



think quiet threat lonely segregate south engage

-able -ly -en -ness -ern -ment

impensable calmement menacer solitude abolir la sgrgation sudiste/du Sud intervention


Ruby Bridges was the first Black child to attend a White school in Louisiana in November1960. Four marshals carrying guns had to escort her to protect her from the families anger. The only person to support her was her White teacher. Bridges became the symbol of desegregation in the South. But ironically her former school is now mostly Black and it is plagued by inner-city problems. Ruby, now a volunteer and activist, warns that racism is still a threat in the US. Action Make a speech
CECR niveau B1 Faire un expos simple et direct, prpar, sur un sujet familier, qui soit assez clair pour tre suivi sans difficult la plupart du temps et dans lequel les points essentiels sont expliqus avec prcision. Donner brivement les raisons et explications relatives des opinions, projets et actions.

La tche demande invite les lves relater lexprience de Ruby Bridges, cest--dire transformer le texte narratif en discours personnel. On valorisera les lves qui sappliquent tre convaincants.



Manuel p. 78
p. 14

1. Les noncs a, c et d sont au prtrit simple. Dans les noncs b et e, le premier verbe est au prtrit et le

deuxime au prtrit be V-ing.

2. Le prtrit simple marque une rupture avec le moment dnonciation. Lnonciateur rapporte des faits sans

porter de jugement. Les marqueurs temporels confirment cette valeur : date, a very long time ago, proposition subordonne temporelle. 3. La seconde forme, au prtrit be + V-ing, marque une valeur dinaccompli. Lnonciateur dcrit sa perception des vnements entourant laction quil raconte. Elle a mont les marches devant des jeunes qui chantaient. M.L. King est mort le 4 avril, 1968. Il tait en train de prparer une marche pour les pauvres sur Washington. 4. Le marqueur temporel est a long time ago. Il indique aussi une rupture par rapport au prsent, donc son emploi ncessite le prtrit (traduction : il y a longtemps). On nutiliserait pas ago pour traduire il ny avait pas denfants noirs . On dirait There werent any Black children.

66 Folder 5 Civil Rights

1. a. learnt; b. was walking got scared; c. were shouting (were) shaking; d. was holding was screaming. 2. a. thought were asking for trouble; b. was sitting could see; c. were also rushing; d. drove. 3. a. Mrs Henry, the teacher at William Frantz School, helped Ruby a lot.

b. One day, Mrs Henry believed that Ruby was speaking to the demonstrators but, in fact, she was praying. c. Ruby found her teacher again 15 years ago. d. When Ruby returned to her school in 2000 she was astonished to see that there werent any White pupils. Action Speak in chains
CECR niveau A2 Faire de trs brves annonces prpares avec un contenu prvisible et appris de telle sorte quelles soient intelligibles pour des auditeurs attentifs.

La tche demande doit se faire sur un rythme rapide et ne pas prendre plus de 10 minutes. Le professeur tirera parti de son aspect ludique pour rviser lemploi du prtrit sans lasser les lves. Elle a pour objectif de permettre tous les lves, mme les plus faibles, de participer.

Action Record a radio report

Manuel p. 79
p. 16

CECR niveau B2 Dvelopper un expos de manire claire et mthodique en soulignant les points significatifs et les lments pertinents. Faire un expos clair, prpar, en avanant des raisons pour ou contre un point de vue particulier et en prsentant les avantages et les inconvnients doptions diverses. Planifier ce quil faut dire et les moyens de le dire en tenant compte de leffet produire sur le(s) destinataire(s).

Cette activit sera loccasion de rebrasser tout le contenu du folder. On incitera les lves sappuyer sur les lments quils ont acquis en travaillant les divers documents (ides et lexique). On les encouragera scouter mutuellement (cest pourquoi nous suggrons de choisir le discours le plus russi), se chronomtrer et svaluer avec les critres indiqus dans la grille qui figure dans le rabat de la couverture. Action Act out a scene
CECR niveau B2 Participer activement une discussion informelle dans un contexte familier, en faisant des commentaires, en exposant un point de vue clairement, en valuant dautres propositions, ainsi quen mettant et en ragissant des hypothses. Exprimer et exposer ses opinions dans une discussion et les dfendre avec pertinence en fournissant explications, arguments et commentaires. Communiquer spontanment avec un bon contrle grammatical sans donner limpression davoir restreindre ce quil/elle souhaite dire et avec le degr de formalisme adapt la circonstance.

Cette tche est articule avec le sujet dcriture. On pourra commencer le travail en groupe, comme indiqu, afin que les changes dides donnent corps au projet; puis le moment dcriture individuel viendra avant la ralisation du spot publicitaire.

Folder 5 Civil Rights 67


Write an article
CECR niveau B1 crire des textes articuls en liant une srie dlments discrets en une squence linaire. Faire la description dun vnement. Apporter de linformation, exposer un problme assez prcisment et contrler linformation.

Guidage dans le Workbook.

TEXT FILE 2 I Have a Dream


Manuel p. 80
p. 18

In 1950s America, the equality of man envisioned by the Declaration of Independence was far from a reality. People of color Blacks, Hispanics, Orientals were discriminated against in many ways, both overtly and covertly. The 1950s were a turbulent time in America, when racial barriers began to come down due to Supreme Court decisions and an increase in the activism of Blacks fighting for equal rights. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Baptist minister, was a driving force in the push for racial equality in the 1950s and the 1960s. In 1963, King and his staff focused on Birmingham, Alabama. They marched and protested nonviolently, raising the ire of local officials who used water cannons and police dogs on the marchers, whose ranks included teenagers and children. The bad publicity and break-down of business forced the white leaders of Birmingham to concede to some anti-segregation demands. Thrust into the national spotlight in Birmingham, where he was arrested and jailed, King organized a massive march on Washington, DC, on August 28, 1963. On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, he evoked the name of Lincoln in his I Have a Dream speech, which is credited with mobilizing supporters of desegregation and prompted the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The next year, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 1. Difficulties and frustrations relate to the situation of the Black community. 2. 2. He wants his people to rebel so they can live as equals. 3. He wants his children to live in a country where people will not judge them for the color of their skin. 4. He wants the state of Alabama to be a place where White and Black children will live together like brothers and sisters without noticing their color. 3. They are ready to pray together and to go to prison together if they know that one day they will be free. 4. They must do everything he suggested and grant equality to the people. 5. He includes other religions like Jews, Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics. 6. He talks a lot about Prayer, faith, Gods children, he thanks God, he quotes from the Bible. 7. He uses repetitions, rhymes, and a rhythmic pattern.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Le prtrit

1. a.

were brought (prtrit simple); b. were not equal (prtrit de be); c. gave a speech (prtrit simple); d. spoke (prtrit simple); e. were attending (prtrit be V-ing); f. were standing (prtrit be V-ing); g. interrupted (prtrit simple); was speaking (prtrit be V-ing); h. was killed (prtrit passif). 2. a. il y a trs longtemps; d. pendant plus dune heure; h. il y a plus de quarante ans. 3. a. accepted; b. lasted; c. was looking exploded; d. received. e. was standing was assassinated; f. was preparing. 4. a. There are twelve months in a year. b. He left twelve years ago./It is ten years since he left. c. Fifty years ago, the living condition of Blacks was still very difficult. d. The crowd was singing when M.L. King arrived. e. M.L. King was dreaming of a just and free nation when he decided to act. 68 Folder 5 Civil Rights


Share your experience

CECR niveau B1 Aborder sans prparation une conversation sur un sujet familier. Raconter un vnement en donnant son opinion. Ragir des sentiments tels que la surprise, la joie, la tristesse, la curiosit et lindiffrence et peut les exprimer. Commenter le point de vue dautrui.

1. a; 2. d; 3. d; 4. c; 5. b; 6. c; 7. a; 8. b; 9. b; 10. b.

Manuel p. 81


Make up a poster
CECR niveau B1 crire des descriptions dtailles simples. Expliquer les points principaux dune ide ou dun problme avec une prcision suffisante. Transmettre une information simple en mettant en vidence quel point lui semble le plus important.



Manuel p. 82
p. 20

1. Rachel was born in northern California; Jackie was born in southern California (in Pasadena, California). 2. Discriminatory measures mentioned : d. They had to drink from a fountain for Blacks only; f. They could not

use the swimming pool everyday.

3. Black soldiers did not have the same accommodations and facilities as White soldiers. When Jack applied to

become an officer, the army initially refused his application.

4. No, he was not discriminated at UCLA. 5. One day, they got a letter saying that Jack would be shot from the stands. 6. What did they ask for the first time? They asked for some measures to be taken to protect Jack. 7. Jackies hero was Martin Luther King, Jr. 8. Jack admired M.L. King for his non-violent protest and his faith in all that America promised. Transcription Did you experience racial discrimination? Did Jackie?

Well, where I was born and raised, in northern California, discrimination was not too bad. But when I went south for the first time in 1947, I was shocked. I had to use a drinking fountain for Negroes only; or a Negro womens bathroom. Where Jackie grew up, in Pasadena, California, discrimination was even more humiliating. For instance, he could not go to the swimming pool, except on a day for Negroes.
Did Jackie experience discrimination in the army?

Oh, yes. In the 1940s the armed forces were segregated. Black soldiers did not have the same accommodations and facilities to use as White soldiers. And when Jack applied to become an officer, the army initially refused his application.
Was there discrimination on the college teams he joined?

No, not at UCLA, fortunately. But some southern teams had vicious tactics.

Folder 5 Civil Rights 69

What was the worst experience you faced?

From time to time we received hate mail which we just ignored. But, one day, we received a letter saying that Jack would be shot from the stands in a particular city. That was scary. We asked for some measures to be taken to protect Jack. It was hard to believe that one could be killed because of ones race.
A lot of people admired Jackie. Who was Jackies hero?

In the early 1940s, Joe Louis, boxings world heavyweight champion, was our hero because we felt he was fighting for respect, opportunity, and our place in America. Later on Jack met Martin Luther King, Jr. in the early 1960s, when he began organizing for the Civil Rights Movement in the South. Jack admired Dr. King for his non-violent protest and his faith in all that America promised. Adapted from http://content.scholastic.com


Action Plan your journey

Manuel p. 83
p. 21

CECR niveau A2 Me dbrouiller dans des situations courantes de la vie quotidienne telles que dplacement, logement, repas et achats. Obtenir des renseignements simples pour un voyage, pour utiliser les transports publics, etc.

STRATEGY FILE Prononcer langlais

Les exercices enregistrs figurent sur le CD audio.

Manuel p. 84
p. 21

70 Folder 5 Civil Rights


Hard to Quit!

DOMINATION : synonyme de contrainte, de violence, de cruaut, mais aussi reflet dune soumission dlibrment accepte dans le cadre dun contrat social . INFLUENCE : synonyme de persuasion, de manipulation, de sduction, mais aussi reflet de pratiques culturelles plus ou moins volontairement acceptes . (BO n 7 du 28 aot 2003.)
Ce folder traite de diffrentes formes daddictions : addiction au tabac, lalcool, aux jeux de casino, aux jeux vido, aux achats compulsifs et mme au chocolat! Les documents en montrent les causes possibles, les effets et les questions qui se posent pour les victimes et leur entourage.

Deux textes qui traitent du tabagisme, en particulier chez les jeunes, et des jeux dargent.

SOUND FILE Chocoholics

Une mission de radio sur la passion du chocolat avec une chute pleine dhumour.

MOVIE FILE Thank You for Smoking

Un extrait du film qui dnonce lhypocrisie de lindustrie du tabac.

WORD BANK Champ lexical : laddiction et la dpendance TEXT FILE 1 When Games Stop Being Fun
Un texte qui prsente et analyse leffet ravageur de laddiction aux jeux vido.

GRAMMAR FILE Les subordonnes relatives EXPRESSION FILE

Des activits qui cherchent amener les lves rflchir au problme de laddiction.

TEXT FILE 2 I Can Quit Anytime!

Le tmoignage dun jeune qui a du mal reconnatre sa dpendance lalcool.

Loccasion pour les lves de profiter de ce quils ont appris dans le folder et de commencer sentraner pour le baccalaurat.


Folder 6 Hard to Quit! 71


CECR niveau B1 Deviner, laide du contexte, le sens des mots inconnus. Comprendre les vnements principaux dans un texte narratif.

Manuel p. 88/89
p. 6

Selon sa classe, le professeur fera travailler ces textes la maison et fera une mise en commun en classe; fera lire les textes en classe en les rpartissant entre des groupes dlves puis mnagera un temps dchange dinformations; renverra les lves aux pages de mthodologie de la page 54 pour les questions 1 et 2 du premier document.

1 Addicted to Smoking
Le texte montre la progression importante des jeunes fumeurs aux tats-Unis et la manipulation dont ils sont victimes de la part des fabricants de tabac et des publicitaires. 1. Compound nouns: tobacco-related (li la consommation de tabac); tobacco use (la consommation de tabac); tobacco companies (les fabricants de tabac); tobacco products (les produits base de tabac); tobacco advertising (la publicit pour le tabac); tobacco promotion (la publicit pour le tabac). 2. public health epidemic (problme de sant publique); health problems (problmes de sant); advertising campaigns (campagnes publicitaires). 3. Tobacco use has declined/has increased. 4. More and more teenagers smoke because they are influenced by cigarette ads. They are manipulated by the tobacco companies and advertising. They are easy preys to the tobacco companies and advertising.

2 Addicted to Gambling
Ce texte prsente une autre forme daddiction : les jeux dargent. Il expose les mesures de prvention et daide mises en place. 1. jeu (de casino) : gambling jouer : gamble joueur : gambler ont un besoin maladif de jouer : crave for gambling sen souciait : minded de prvention : preventive croupiers : dealers incapables de se contrler : compulsive pariez : bet numro tlphonique dassistance : helpline. 2. Words relating to medical practice : preventive, prescription, compulsive. 3. Bet with your head, not over it means you should think when you gamble, you should be aware of what you are doing and control yourself.

POD LECTURE Drug Use and Addiction

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.

Cette confrence expose les problmes lis aux addictions et la difficult de sen dfaire. Le professeur : demandera aux lves de prendre connaissance des affirmations avant de leur faire couter lenregistrement; pourra leur faire comparer leurs rponses avant de corriger; reviendra lenregistrement en cas de litige; essaiera de seffacer en donnant juste le numro de laffirmation ou demandera aux lves de sinterroger. Un lve transformera la proposition en question et un autre y rpondra. On jouera Choose your victim! 1. False: too many people die because of drugs. 2. False: drug use has existed since ancient times. 72 Folder 6 Hard to Quit!

3. True: it can lead to serious physical and mental problems. 4. False: if people decide to stop, they may find its very hard, harder than they thought. 5. True: addicts deprived of their drugs can become anxious and depressed. 6. True: drug addicts crave for the drug they take. 7. False: they think that if they use the drug all their problems will go away. 8. True: next week we will talk about legalizing drugs. Is that a good way to stop dealers selling drugs? Transcription

Theres one thing we can all agree on: too many people die because of drugs. Though using drugs to change the way one feels has been known among men since very ancient times, it can lead to serious physical and mental problems. What is really bad is that tobacco, alcohol, cannabis or heroin can become addictive this means that, even if people decide to stop, they may find its very hard, harder than they thought. Addicts deprived of their drugs can become anxious and depressed. Drug addicts crave for the drug they take which means they desperately need to take it. They have the impression that, if they use the drug, all their problems will go away. Drug abuse can have terrible consequences, and giving up can be an unpleasant and difficult process a good reason for not experimenting with drugs in the first place. Next week we will talk about legalizing drugs. Is that a good way to stop dealers selling drugs? Action Prepare a quiz
CECR niveau B1 Rendre compte par crit et de faon structure et claire dinformations transmises oralement ou par crit.

Cette activit permet de faire rutiliser de faon plus personnelle les informations qui viennent dtre prsentes et donc de permettre aux lves de se les approprier dans une tche sociale. Lchange de questionnaires ne sera pas nglig car il constitue lintrt mme de la tche.

SOUND FILE Chocoholics


Manuel p. 90
p. 8

Ce document en forme dmission radiophonique o les auditeurs ont la parole expose les qualits et les risques du chocolat. Lentretien se termine sur une note qui prlude le prochain sujet : la politesse!


Les tches danticipation sont essentielles pour permettre aux lves de mieux accder au sens du texte en crant un contexte, en leur permettant de mobiliser du lexique et des ides, en les mettant en attente et en veillant leur curiosit. Les suggestions proposes ne se veulent en aucun cas des modles respecter. Pour la question 3 on pourrait encourager les lves mobiliser les expressions permettant dexprimer des conseils : you should + V, you had better + V, why dont you + V, you could + V. Pour stimuler la prise de parole, on pourrait ventuellement imaginer de proposer un jeu dquipe pour la formulation de conseils (question 3); lquipe gagnante serait lquipe qui a trouv le plus de conseils. 1. People who love chocolate and eat it without moderation. 2. You can put on weight, get sick, ruin your teeth 3. She would say, I have to eat chocolate. Its become a drug and I cant do without it. I am afraid, Im putting on weight and my teeth are deteriorating. Could you help me and advise me what to do to stop eating so much chocolate? She could be advised to chew gum instead or to find a substitute or to do sport or take up an activity she enjoys to keep her mind off chocolate.

Folder 6 Hard to Quit! 73


Guidage dans le Workbook.

CECR niveau B1 Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.

La fiche labore par les auteurs est une fiche daide. Elle vise entraner les lves reprer le ton, les lments priphriques au message lui-mme et les mots ou expressions porteurs de sens puis les mettre en relation pour btir le sens du document. Ce travail mthodique et progressif est ncessaire pour donner des techniques aux lves et les mener graduellement vers une plus grande autonomie et une meilleure comprhension des messages oraux.

(Jingle, Hello Hello, ringing sounds, etc.) Johnny Welcome to Down the Line, the greatest phone-in show on Radio 6. Im Johnny Rooney. Our subject today is chocolate I crave it, you crave it, we all do! Is it time to ban it completely, like other drugs? Or should there be a super tax on chocolate? What do you think? Call me on 0800 067 54 32 or e mail at downtheline@radio6.com * Johnny Hello? Kathy hello Kathy? Kathy Hello Johnny. My problem is, I crave chocolate all the time. When I start a bar I have to finish it. I just love the texture as it melts in your mouth You know, its like that first morning cup of tea or coffee or cigarette. Johnny We have Doctor Anna Minelli in the studio. Anna, I think you have a suggestion for Kathy. Anna I really understand her problem. Kathy, how much chocolate do you eat? Jenny Uh, Im not sure. May be two bars a day thats 200 grams. Anna Well, thats over three pounds a week. Much too much. The average consumption in the US is 11 pounds annually and many doctors say that is too much. Eat two small squares every night. Or you could go and do some exercise to burn the calories after eating chocolate. Or you could eventually Johnny Thank you Anna. These are very useful suggestions. * Johnny Bill hello Bill I believe you are also a doctor. Do you have a suggestion for Kathy? Bill Yeah! She should realize the effects of chocolate on her body are not good. Chocolate can cause migraines, acne, obesity, heart problems, dental cavities, all your teeth can fall out. Johnny (cuts him off abruptly) Do you agree with Bill, Anna? Anna Well, not really. Chocolate also contains a chemical which gives you an energy boost, and reduces anxiety and pain. Johnny Bill certainly sounded like he could use some chocolate. Thats it folks. Keep off the chocolate! Speak to you all tomorrow morning when our provocative and controversial subject will be POLITENESS: Should rude people be sent to prison? Action Act out a conversation
CECR niveau A2 Poser des questions et rpondre sur des thmes familiers quand ces rponses nexigent pas des interventions longues ni des prises de position personnelles. Inviter quelquun et ragir si on minvite.

Grce cette tche, les lves peuvent rutiliser et sapproprier les arguments dvelopps dans le document sonore et rinvestir les expressions mobilises dans la question 3 de Before you listen. Le professeur essaiera de dissuader les lves dcrire la conversation et les encouragera parler de faon spontane. Il proposera aux lves de se reporter au Practical File de la page 39, On the Phone, pour trouver des expressions utiles. Il veillera donner une tche au reste de la classe de faon obtenir plus dattention des 74 Folder 6 Hard to Quit!

lves lors de la phase o ils jouent leur jeu de rle devant leurs camarades. Il demandera la classe dvaluer le groupe selon des critres connus de tous. Ces tches peuvent tre diversifies et choisies en fonction des capacits des lves : vrifier la prononciation, relever les formulations du conseil utilises ou les arguments, observer la gestuelle, etc. On invitera les lves utiliser la fiche de critres qui est dans le rabat de la couverture.

MOVIE FILE Thank You for Smoking


Manuel p. 91
p. 10

Les questions crent des attentes et un cadre de rfrence qui vont aider les lves entrer dans le document et mieux en percevoir le sens ds le premier visionnage. 1. The poster of the film. 2. The opinion of the tobacco companies. 3. Smoking is not more dangerous than any other type of addiction. Smoking in moderation cant harm you especially if you get some physical exercise. Enjoy life or make the most of life and do what you like! You should not listen to doctors and researchers. You should ignore what people say, what prophets of doom predict. Life is too short not to do what you feel like.


Guidage dans le Workbook.

CECR niveau B1 Mettre en relation les personnages ou les lieux cits avec les informations donnes. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document.

Comme pour la comprhension orale, le guidage se veut une aide. Grce ce type de fiche, les lves prendront peu peu lhabitude de reprer les mots porteurs de sens, dutiliser ce qui est priphrique au message luimme, de mettre les informations en relation La vido, par la complmentarit des images et du son, permet un accs plus facile linformation, au message, do lintrt dutiliser les canaux sparment certains moments.
Thank You for Smoking lcran Step 1 Son

Plateau TV, prsentation des invits.

Step 2

Me. Nick + public furieux.

Robin Williger. He is a 15-year-old freshman from Racine, Wisconsin. He enjoys studying history. Hes on the debate team. Robins future looked very, very bright, but recently he was diagnosed with cancer, a very tough kind of cancer. Robin tells me he has quit smoking though, and he no longer thinks that cigarettes are cool. [Applause] Boo. Few people on this planet know what it is to be truly despised. Can you blame them? I earn a living fronting an organization that kills 1,200 human beings a day.

Folder 6 Hard to Quit! 75

Thank You for Smoking lcran Step 3 Son

Nick explique son plan.

Step 4

Nick et Robin se serrent la main. [Document entier] Act out a radio spot

Nick, do you have a question? Joan, how on earth would Big Tobacco profit off of the loss of this young man? Now, I hate to think in such callous terms but if anything wed be losing a customer. Its not only our hope; its in our best interest to keep Robin alive and smoking. Thats ludicrous. Let me tell you something, Joan, and please let me share something with the fine concerned people in the audience today. The Ron Goodies of this world want the Robin Willigers to die. What? You know why? So that their budgets will go up. This is nothing less than trafficking in human misery and you, Sir, ought to be ashamed of yourself. I ought to be ashamed of myself? As a matter of fact, were about to launch a $50 million campaign aimed at persuading kids not to smoke. Because I think that we can all agree that there is nothing more important than Americas children. [Music + applause]


CECR niveau B1 Expliquer une opinion en donnant des arguments. Faire un expos sur un thme familier en mettant en relief les points qui me semblent essentiels, quand je peux me prparer.


Manuel p. 91
p. 12

1. a. banned; b. aimed; c. addicted; d. quit; e. increased . 2. a. addiction; b. manipulation; c. recovery; d. dependence; e. failure. 3. a. on charge of drug possession; b. an increase in the number; c. an appeal to the public; d. their aim is.

TEXT FILE 1 When Games Stop Being Fun

Before you read

Manuel p. 92
p. 12

Les tches visent crer des attentes et un cadre de rfrence qui va permettre aux lves de mieux apprhender le texte. la question 2, le professeur encouragera les lves exprimer la capacit. 76 Folder 6 Hard to Quit!

1. The photo comes from the game. We can see some of the characters of the game called Everquest. 2. I enjoy playing video games because, thanks to them, I can forget my problems, my worries. Video games

enable me to live in a world of fantasy.

3. The text must be about game addiction. Games stop being fun when they end up in death or disaster, when

they ruin your life and your relatives.

Read the text

Le professeur encouragera les lves apprendre reformuler les phrases du texte. Il les incitera rutiliser les mots vus prcdemment et rpondre par des phrases entires. Il pourra introduire de nouvelles formulations exprimant lindiffrence (question 6) et lobsession (question 7). 4. Dennis Bennet: from Southern Indiana/married/one child (one year old)/a student/an Everquest fan/has been feeling better since he stopped playing the game/has recovered/has saved his marriage/has had better results since he gave up playing. Madrid: a character in Everquest. A young man from Wisconsin/21/obsessive Everquest player/dead/committed suicide. The infant from Tampa, Florida/neglected by his dad who was an obsessive Everquest player. 5. Everquest is an online role-playing game/a computer and video game. 6. One player, Dennis Bennett, was indifferent to/oblivious to/didnt care about/the world around him. He was unconcerned by what was going on around him. He would neglect his son (and wife) and his studies/the game nearly ruined his married life/he wasnt himself any more. He got addicted to the game because through it he could gain power and status through it. Another player, the young man from Wisconsin, committed suicide. The third player was so busy playing the game/was so engrossed in playing/indulged so much in playing/was so obsessed by the game that he didnt take care of his baby child and let it die of hunger/he probably didnt feed the child properly which caused its death. 7. They show how dangerous video games can be when the players get addicted to them/are hooked on them. 8. a. Computer and video games can become really addictive and ruin lives. b. People enjoy interacting with other people through the chats involved in the games. They derive a sense of belonging, they feel they are part of a social group. c. Fantasy games are particularly attractive to shy people because they can do what they usually cant do in ordinary life: they can be more assertive/they can assert themselves and become leaders. 9. Personal answer.

1. Addict (2):

when you are an addict you devote all your time to your passion. Addictive (3): something that acts like a drug is addictive; something that makes you dependent is addictive. Addiction (5): an obsessive habit you cant break is an addiction. 2. a. he has recovered nicely; b. his reputation is totally ruined; c. he was an obsessive fan; d. I neglected my wife. 3. a. a devotee; b. to proliferate; c. safely; d. experiment with; e. vocal; f. opportunity.

CECR niveau A2 Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe. Rdiger un texte simple relatant un vnement entendu ou lu racontant la succession des vnements, leurs causes et leurs effets.

Comme son nom lindique, cette activit se situe la charnire de loral et de lexpression crite. La tche de llve est de reproduire, le plus fidlement possible, un court rsum de ce quil a entendu et dont nous lui donnons les lments cls. Le professeur pourra oprer des allers et retours entre oral et crit. Il incitera les lves reprer et corriger leurs erreurs.

Folder 6 Hard to Quit! 77


Dennis played every day to upgrade his character in the online role-playing game and he neglected his family and his job. Game addiction is proliferating and has become a serious issue. In fantasy games, people interact with each other and get a sense of belonging. In some cases, the game provides the only friends they have. What is good is that people can safely experiment opportunities that they dont have in real life. Action Act out a conversation
CECR niveau B1 Exprimer mon opinion pour trouver une solution un problme ou pour prendre une dcision pratique. Exposer poliment un dsaccord sur un avis formul par mon interlocuteur.

Cette tche donne loccasion aux lves de rutiliser tous les arguments dvelopps dans le texte. Elle leur propose une situation dchange authentique et raliste.

GRAMMAR FILE Les subordonnes relatives

1. a. who was an obsessive EverQuest player: sujet/her son.

Manuel p. 94
p. 14

b. which requires you to cooperate with other players: sujet/a game. c. people interact with: complment indirect/friends. d. that destroy marriages and careers: sujet/very real addictions. e. that can practice magic or sorcery: sujet/a character. f. whose family life have recovered nicely since he stopped playing the game: complment dattribution/ Bennett. g. where limitations do not exist : complment de lieu/world. h. which may not be an opportunity they have in real life : sujet/proposition (prcdente). i. What is addictive is the sense of belonging : sujet/proposition (suivante). j. they were talking about : complment/the game. 2. Antcdent humain : who, that. Antcdent non humain : which, , that. Lieu : where. Proposition entire : which, what. Possesseur : whose. 3. On ne peut omettre un pronom relatif que lorsquil est complment. 4. On peut remplacer un relatif par that quand il est complment. 5. Which reprend la proposition prcdente et what annonce la proposition suivante. 6. Bennett, dont la vie de famille sest bien amliore depuis quil sest arrt de jouer, se considre dlivr de sa dpendance au jeu Everquest. Le jeu dont ils parlaient tait un prolongement (une suite) dEverquest.

1. a. an online role-playing game which/that was released in 1999.

b. for those who wish to experience c. a fantasy world where/in which they fight monsters d. whick makes Everquest a very social game. e. The game, which/that has run f. James Corvet, whose shaman which is strictly forbidden. 2. a. Dennis, who sometimes spent as long as 9 hours a day on his computer, had put on 15 kilos. b. Jane made her daughter, who was addicted to WoW, consult a doctor. 78 Folder 6 Hard to Quit!

c. The players from a guild sometimes join in a house where they spend hours talking d. Nothing is impossible in a virtual world, which is enthralling. e. When you play online games, you can talk with people who live all over the world. f. One day, I defeated the Great Sorcerer from the 9th cavern, which was the most fantastic day of my life. Action Get experience points
CECR niveau B1 Raconter sans difficult une histoire ou effectuer une description, en en numrant les diffrents points.

Ce jeu ancr dans la ralit de la vie de nos lves leur permet dapprendre construire des phrases complexes et de sapproprier lemploi des relatifs. Le professeur gardera les procdures proposes, la dernire partie de la tche visant stimuler la richesse et la qualit de lexpression des lves. Elle rend lactivit beaucoup plus communicative.


Manuel p. 95
p. 16

Les activits proposes sur cette page visent amener les lves sexprimer dans des situations sociales et sentraner soit en continu, soit en interaction. La tche de production crite est intimement lie celle qui prcde et qui permet aux lves de mobiliser tous les outils dont ils ont besoin pour la raliser. Le professeur veillera respecter et faire respecter les procdures qui permettent aux lves de mobiliser et partager leurs ides et de les exprimer grce lentraide trouve au sein du groupe. On prvoira des groupes htrognes pour que les lves puissent saider mutuellement. On circulera pendant la ralisation des tches pour veiller leur bon droulement et apporter les aides dordre mthodologique ou linguistique ncessaires. Action Debate
CECR niveau B2 Participer activement une conversation dans des situations familires, prsenter et dfendre mes opinions. changer avec une certaine assurance un grand nombre dinformations dans des domaines familiers.


Make a presentation
CECR niveau B1 Transmettre, sans notes, une information simple, et rendre vident le point qui me semble le plus important.


Write a dialogue
CECR niveau B2 Prendre position par crit propos davis diffrents, en faisant apparatre clairement les prises de position.

Le guidage est dans le Workbook.

Folder 6 Hard to Quit! 79

TEXT FILE 2 I Can Quit Anytime!


Manuel p. 96
p. 18

CECR niveau B1 Comprendre les vnements principaux dans un texte narratif. Comprendre dans un texte rdig dans une langue standard, les descriptions de sentiments ou de souhaits. 1. Apparently a young man is drinking but saying he can quit anytime, which means he is convinced he can get

rid of his addiction/he can stop/quit/give up drinking when he wants.

2. He has a problem with alcohol: he is a heavy drinker. 3. His addiction makes him do stupid things. He cant control himself, for example he steals, sells his own

things, fights, and even has sex with girls he doesnt know.
4. He is ashamed of himself and feels sorry because his family have lost their confidence in him, they dont

believe him any more. They also seem to reject him. Moreover he is scared because he can be dangerous for himself and for others. He feels he is a failure. 5. Thomas says he knows he has a problem with alcohol and claims he can stop drinking anytime/whenever he feels like it but he adds he just doesnt want to because alcohol makes him feel good. He is under the impression he can try out new things and be different from what he is the rest of the time. 6. In paragraph 1, the journalist aims at showing that Thomas is a very bright attractive young man with everything going for him. We feel surprised when we read later on how foolishly he behaves when he is under the effect of alcohol. 7. Personal answer. Suggestions: he wants to forget his worries and everyday life, he wants to experiment with different sensations, he tries to make his life more exciting, maybe he wants to show off or he is so deeply unhappy that he does so to feel better and more powerful Action Write a letter
CECR niveau B1 Rdiger des lettres personnelles dans lesquelles je rends compte de ce que jai vcu et de mes sentiments. Rendre compte par crit et de faon structure dinformations transmises par crit.

Cette tche permet aux lves de rinvestir les ides du texte mais aussi dimaginer une ouverture.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Les relatives

1. a. 2; b. 2; c. 1; d. 6; e. 3; f. 4; g. 5; h. 1. 2. Peuvent tre remplacs par that : a et c. Peuvent tre omis : b et c. 3. a. The girl who is standing over there is a heavy drinker. / A girl who is a heavvy drinker is standing over there.

b. Addiction, which is characterized by the repeated use of substances, is a mental disorder. c. Thomas goes to school, where smoking is forbidden. d. Thomas, who does not smoke, is addicted to alcohol. e. He has a lot of friends who are often drunk too. 4. a. The man who wrote this book is a former alcoholic. b. The book, which only costs $12, is very useful for those who want to stop drinking. c. What is surprising is that the advice he gives is very simple. d. The first thing to do is never to drink when you are alone, which does not surprise me. e. The day when you realise you are drinking daily is the most important.

80 Folder 6 Hard to Quit!

PICTURE FILE The Horse and the Cowboy


Manuel p. 97
p. 21

Les tudes de document iconographiques nous paraissent indispensables lentranement en vue de lpreuve orale du baccalaurat. Dans le cas prsent, il nous a sembl que le document principal que nous avions choisi ncessitait des rfrences culturelles que nos lves nont peut-tre pas en raison de leur ge. La prsence du premier document, le Marlborough Cowboy, nous semble donc constituer un passage oblig pour accder au message de la publicit principale, Second Hand Smoke Kills. Le professeur pourra envisager de mettre les lves par deux ou en groupes pour la prparation, surtout en dbut danne, mais lenregistrement propos dans laction se fera individuellement de faon ce que le professeur puisse valuer la production orale de chaque lve. On pourra faire prcder cette sance dune initiation la prparation de notes (et non de phrases entires) et on pourra recourir des logiciels tels que Audacity (tlchargeable gratuitement) pour que les lves senregistrent. 3. The cowboy is synonymous with virility, manliness, strength and freedom, qualities that potential customers crave for/are eager to have. 6. The mans bending his head and holding his hat as if he were wondering what to do. Actually he seems to be at a loss what to do next or to find it hard to understand what killed his horse. 7. It is an advertisement that denounces the dangers of passive smoking. 8. The colours are far more vivid in the large document maybe to stress the seriousness and acuteness of the problem and of the cowboys feelings. The majesty of the setting stands in sharp contrast with the horror of the scene and the cowboys hopelessness and despair. 9. It means that the horse inhaled the cowboys smoke and that it killed it. The cowboys tobacco addiction is responsible for the horses death and we can wonder if the man was aware he was endangering/harming/ impairing his horses health. Action Comment on the pictures
CECR niveau B1 Faire un expos sur un thme familier en mettant en relief les points qui me semblent essentiels, quand je peux me prparer. Parler de manire comprhensible et sans trop dhsitations, mais en faisant des pauses pour planifier ce que je dis.


1. a. The inflence of food on youth crime in Japan; b.eating vegetables. 2. a. False: a full-time job (l. 3-4).

Manuel p. 98
p. 32

b. True: leaving her son to make his own instant noodles each morning (l. 4-5). c. True: she attends evening classes (l. 10). d. True: dinner is a cheeseburger and soda from some takeout joint (l. 10-11). e. True: Japanese children consume incredible amounts of soft drinks and junk food (l. 11-13). f. False: a retired professor (l. 14). g. True: There is a connection between diet and violence (l. 15) and Junk-food is the latest explanation for Japans alarming juvenile crime wave (l. 16-17). h. False: Their survey of 270 young delinquents found them 25 percent more likely than other children to eat junk food and three times as likely to skip breakfast (l. 26-29).

Folder 6 Hard to Quit! 81

i. True: A recent editorial in the Asahi Shimbun called on the entire society to pay attention to how children eat (l. 32-34). j. True: the Tokyo Shimbun recently published "menus to prevent snapping (l. 35-36). 3. For a survey, researchers and police have studied young delinquents. In Hiroshima, teachers have studied 12,000 students. 4. 1: prepare/fix working mothers/salary-moms pasta/noodles. 2: rarely/seldom quantity/amounts what you eat/diet. 3: founded/grounded. 4: worked together/teamed up with connection/links miss/skip. 5: tormented/harried healthy/wholesome. 5. 1. b; 2. c.; 3.a.



Manuel p. 99
p. 21

Lobjectif de cette page est de faire prendre conscience aux lves que les habitudes et rgles de politesse varient dun pays lautre et quil est essentiel de les connatre pour tablir des relations avec les gens du lieu, les codes socioculturels faisant partie intgrante de la communication. Les lves auront ainsi le moyen de raliser les tches sociales et authentiques quils rempliront dans le cadre dun voyage ou dun stage en pays anglophone. Action Act out a polite conversation
CECR niveau A2 Commander quelque chose boire ou manger. Aborder quelquun de faon polie.

82 Folder 6 Hard to Quit!


Children at Work

DOMINATION : synonyme de contrainte, de violence, de cruaut, mais aussi reflet dune soumission dlibrment accepte dans le cadre dun contrat social . INFLUENCE : synonyme de persuasion, de manipulation, de sduction, mais aussi reflet de pratiques culturelles plus ou moins volontairement acceptes . (BO n 7 du 28 aot 2003.)
Ce folder aborde le problme du travail des enfants. On estime que 8,4 millions denfants travaillent dans des conditions effroyables, asservis dans diverses formes desclavage (prostitution, pornographie, conflits arms ou autres activits illicites). Il existe peu de donnes officielles sur ce sujet et le public ignore tout de sa nature et de son ampleur. Nous aborderons aussi des tmoignages de jeunes qui travaillent pendant les vacances pour gagner un peu dargent mais aussi pour acqurir une exprience du monde du travail.

Une vue densemble du travail des enfants partout dans le monde.

SOUND FILE Earning Extra Money

Jason est un adolescent qui travaille pour payer ses tudes.

MOVIE FILE Sixty Hours a Week

Un reportage sur le travail des enfants en Grande-Bretagne.

WORD BANK Champ lexical : les conditions de travail TEXT FILE 1 We Wont Leave Our Jobs!
Un jeune Indien ne veut pas arrter de travailler car sa famille dpend de ce quil gagne.

Une jeune fille raconte dans son journal intime larrive dune fillette abandonne, recueillie par sa famille pour travailler comme domestique.


Loccasion pour les lves de profiter de ce quils ont appris dans le folder.

PRACTICAL FILE On Holiday STRATEGY FILE Comprendre un document oral

Folder 7 Children at Work 83


QUOI ? POURQUOI ? COMMENT ? 1 A Worldwide Problem

Manuel p. 102/103
p. 6

Des statistiques sur les enfants qui travaillent travers le monde. 1. Children haul water, collect firewood and work in the house. Some work in agriculture and on construction sites, others work as domestic servants, as prostitutes and soldiers. 2. The students must read the figures aloud. 3. 175 million children work in agriculture; about 500 million children live in Asia. 4. Many of the children live in poorer parts of the world.

2 Four Myths about Child Labour

On entend souvent les mmes remarques concernant les enfants qui travaillent. On pense que cest lapanage des pays en voie de dveloppement par exemple. Ceci nest pas toujours vrai. 1. dangerous: hazardous continue: last longer becomes: grows into place where people work in poor conditions: sweatshops football: soccer hurt: harm. 2. Children in agriculture are mostly from migrant families because the work is seasonal and their families are constantly moving around. 3. Child labour can make poverty last longer as a working child grows into an adult who will only get a poorly paid job. 4. Boycotting can have long term consequences by stopping the people in developing countries form working. The countries will not be able to sell their products.

POD LECTURE Where was your T-shirt Made?

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document.

Nous sommes nombreux tre contents de trouver des vtements bon march. Mais quel prix? Il ny a pas de secret nous ne payons pas cher parce que les producteurs sont trs peu pays. 1. False (China India Mauritius). 2. True (wages are so low in developing countries). 3. False (wages are low in developing countries). 4. False (children are protected by government legislation). 5. False (they are supposed to but they dont). 6. True (in reality, they work a 60-hour week). 7. False (they are not paid any overtime). 8. False (they are not even paid the basic minimum wage).

Today, I want you to look at what you are wearing. Yes, go on, look at your clothes and check each others labels. Where were your T-shirts made? Student voices: China India Mauritius So, no one is wearing something made in the USA. Why not? Because you bought it cheaply. Im sure you dont buy expensive T-shirts. I dont either! Do you ever wonder why your T-shirt was so cheap? Its because wages are so low in developing countries that most manufacturers have moved their factories over there. Your T-shirts and mine were probably made by 12-year-old children who never had a chance to go to school. 84 Folder 7 Children at Work

In these countries, children are protected by government legislation for example, theyre supposed to get time off to go to school, and theyre supposed to work a maximum of 35 hours a week. But in reality, they work a 60-hour week. They are not paid any overtime and, in some cases, they are not even paid the basic minimum wage. As for medical care forget it! Action Make a one-minute presentation
CECR niveau B1 Collationner des lments dinformation issus de sources diverses et les rsumer pour quelquun dautre. Parler de manire comprhensible et sans trop dhsitations, mais en faisant des pauses pour planifier ce que je dis.

Cette tche demande aux lves de faire la synthse des documents quils ont lus et entendus.

SOUND FILE Earning Extra Money


Manuel p. 104
p. 8

Many youngsters in the UK work in the summer holidays to earn some extra money. Jason is no exception and enjoys working in his burger bar on Boscombe Pier, near Bournemouth. He wants to go to university and thinks he should help his parents to pay for his studies. All universities charge 3,000 a year for the studies payable once you have finished your studies and have started earning 15,000 a year. Jason is not just doing it for the money. He also feels he is learning to work in teams and relishes the responsibility he is entrusted with. He hopes to have a successful career in forensics once he finishes his studies.


Avant dexploiter les photos, on fera travailler les lves sur les mots de faon leur permettre de les reprer ensuite dans la chane parle. 1. It looks like Jason is working in a burger bar. He is frying chips. 2. SAUSAGE AND CHIPS CHEESE BURGER JUMBO HOT DOG BACON SANDWICH. 3. Jason has to cook. He has to fry chips and make hamburgers. He probably has to sell ice-creams and other sundries. 4. All types of teenagers do this job. Teenagers who want to be independent and have enough money to buy themselves extra things, teenagers who want to pay for their studies and teenagers who perhaps want to save for the future. 5. Judy might ask: Jason, what is your job? How long have you been working here? Why are you working here? Do you like it?, etc. Les possibilits sont nombreuses. On encouragera la diversit des interventions.


Guidage dans le Workbook.

CECR niveau B1 Mettre en relation les personnages ou les lieux cits avec les informations donnes. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts. Transcription Judy So here I am at Boscombe Pier and Im with Jason who works at a burger bar. Hello Jason. Jason Hello how are you today?

Folder 7 Children at Work 85

Judy Im fine. Now you work in this burger bar is this your full time job? Jason No its just a part time job in between my courses at college. Judy And what do you do in the burger bar? Jason I serve people burgers, chips, hot dogs, any ice cream and stuff like that, drinks and little gifts and

souvenirs that they wish to buy.

Judy How busy do you get? Jason It can get quite busy its at the end of the summer season now, so its getting quieter. But in July,

August time it gets really busy. Judy And how much do you earn an hour? Jason Around about five pounds. Judy And do you feel you are being exploited earning that? Jason No thats fine with me. Im not forced to do the work. I pick my hours. Im in no way forced to do any hours I dont want to do. I dont feel exploited by it at all. I feel that the atmosphere in my job is a nice friendly calm atmosphere get breaks whenever I want. Judy When did you start? How old were you when you started? Jason 15 nearly 16. Judy And now you are what age? Jason Nearly 18 17 nearly 18. Judy Why do you need to earn the extra money? Jason Its just to help me with money really, because my parents they give me money they used to give me money but I didnt really like taking it from them. I just wanted to get out in the world and earn my money be my own man if you will. Judy Are you still at school or are you going to university? Jason Going to university soon hopefully if I get the right grades and stuff. Judy Do you think its a good idea to do a job like that? Does it prepare you in any way for work later on? Jason Yes it does. Starting at an earlier age I think helps you to get into the work you get into the work place. You learn responsibilities you learn how to work as a team all that sort of stuff. Its good to get out there. Judy Well Jason thank you for talking to us and good luck with your career in forensic science. Action Write a short article
CECR niveau A2 crire un rapport en transmettant une information. Supprimer facilement, en me relisant, les erreurs de langue les plus importantes.

Les lves devront rdiger un court article rsumant ce quils ont entendu en changeant de point de vue. On passe dun tmoignage un rapport.

MOVIE FILE Sixty Hours a Week

Ce document de la BBC aborde la question du travail des enfants en Grande-Bretagne.

Manuel p. 105
p. 10


1. The boy in the picture is probably a paper delivery boy. He delivers papers to peoples homes in the morning. 2. He has a job, so he must make money (maybe his pocket money or he needs to help out his family). He certainly

goes to school as well. He must be very busy and probably does not have a lot of time or energy for schoolwork.
3. Personal answer. 4. In France, teenagers are not allowed to work until they are 16. In the UK, the minimum age for part-time work

is 13; for full-time work, it is 16; and for night work, it is 18. 86 Folder 7 Children at Work


Guidage dans le Workbook.

Sixty Hours a Week lcran Son

Step 1

Enfant qui met un journal dans une bote. Jeune garon qui livre le lait.

Step 2

Scott qui mange. Arrive du fermier. Trajet en voiture, arrive la ferme. Le garon trait les vaches. Interview du fermier.

Scott qui trait + interview. La mre. Vue sur larrive du bus lcole.

Step 3

lcole, enfants qui lvent le doigt. Journaliste devant lcole.

Six oclock in the morning and its still dark in February. Most of us expect to find a newspaper and a pint of milk on the doorstep, not thinking how they got there. Theyve probably been delivered by children like Vince in the Rossendale Valley. But children are not supposed to be out working before 7 in the morning, its against the law. After school, 14-year old Scott sits down with his family for tea. At 6:40, a neighbouring farmer picks him up to take him a short distance to his farm. Scott helps milk the cows for an hour and a half every evening, 7 days a week. He gets paid 15. Do you know its illegal to employ children after 7 in the evening? (Rires) Im serious. No, I dont know, I dont know anything about that. For his part, Scott isnt bothered by the rules either. Do you feel exploited? No, not at all! And his mother positively encourages him to work. No, really it keeps him off the streets. At least hes doing something responsible. It all sounds quite reasonable. Scott enjoys work, his mother approves, so does it matter if children like Scott and the boys on the paper rounds and the milk floats are illegally employed? How many of you work? Any thing at all? Anything at all, you all work, right. A recent report says they are over 2 million in Britain so-called hidden army of child workers, of whom a quarter around the twelve, and a third admits that their school work suffers. If you calculate the number of hours that Britains children are expected to spend at school, the number of hours the government want them to spend on their homework, and the number of hours paid work they are allowed to do, it adds up to a 60 hours a week. The critics say something must give, and it should be the paid work.


Write a leaflet
CECR niveau B1 crire un essai ou un rapport en transmettant une information (ou en exposant des raisons pour ou contre une opinion donne).

Folder 7 Children at Work 87

1. a. There are illegal sweatshops.

Manuel p. 105
p. 12

b. Working on a construction site can be hard. c. Most factories in Europe now have more robots than workers. d. The advantage of robots is that you dont have to pay them wages. e. A group of people who work together makes up a team. 2. a. He has a very good job. b. He says its very hard work. c. Labour day is on the first Monday in September. d. With its cheap labour, China is a favourite location e. He is out of work. f. Skilled jobs are well paid. g. There is a labour shortage. 3. a. He has a part-time job. b. He prefers team work. c. The workers want a wage increase. d. They also want to get overtime pay. e. They want to have a shorter lunch break.

TEXT FILE 1 We Wont Leave Our Jobs!


Manuel p. 106
p. 12

Geeta Pandey is the New Delhi correspondent for the BBC. She is often to be heard broadcasting on the radio and television. She brings up an interesting issue here: do the children working at such a young age really want us to interfere and stop them from working? She talks about the terrible conditions of children working in unhealthy conditions and says that even if we want them to stop, they definitely do not want to stop they need the money and sometimes their homes are even worse than the places where they work.

Before you read
1. These children probably come from very poor families, otherwise they would not be working in such difficult

2. This situation could be explained by their parents lack of work and money. 3. The text probably explains that, even though their work conditions are so bad, the children dont want to stop

as they need the money.

Read the text
4. Number of children: 500 were rescued, aged: 5 to 14, place: Delhi, occupation: child labourers.

500 child labourers in Delhi, aged between 5 and 12 years of age, were rescued by the authorities.
5. Personal answer. 6. The paradox is that these children do not want to be rescued. They are happier working than living in the

7. The children are worried about their clothes and belongings that they left behind them in the factories where

they were working.

8. The sentence about Mohammad implies that he is much older than he looks. This could be because he is

undernourished. 88 Folder 7 Children at Work

9. His working conditions are extremely hard and he earns very little money. He is a good example of the

paradox explained above as he would rather go on working as his family count on him for money.
10. The situation is probably the same all over the world. If childrens families are too poor and their homes are

not good they might prefer working in a factory to living at home or in a shelter.

1. a. you must help rescue them.

b. child labour concerns an estimated 246 million children. c. in a factory. d. unhealthy diets. e. poorly educated. f. no home. 2. a. embroidery; b. crippling; c. rupee; d. earnings; e. depend on; f. handicraft

CECR niveau A2 Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe. Rdiger un texte simple relatant un vnement entendu ou lu racontant la succession des vnements, leurs causes et leurs effets.

Comme son nom lindique, cette activit se situe la charnire de loral et de lexpression crite. La tche de llve est de reproduire, le plus fidlement possible un court rsum quil a entendu et dont nous lui donnons les lments cls. Le professeur pourra oprer des allers et retours entre oral et crit. Il incitera les lves reprer et corriger leurs erreurs.

Although employing children below the age of 14 is illegal in India, millions of children work in homes and factories. Parents say crippling poverty forces them to send their children to work. These children often work in unhealthy conditions for very long hours and low pay. Their families often depend on their earnings, so the children have no choice. When the authorities want to rescue them from the factories, many children try to escape. Action Write a letter
CECR niveau B1 crire une lettre personnelle dcrivant en dtail expriences, sentiments et vnements. crire en faisant peu derreurs de syntaxe et les corriger en me relisant.

Cette tche amne les lves se dcentrer pour adopter un point de vue diffrent du leur, et ainsi dvelopper leur comptence culturelle.

GRAMMAR FILE La contrainte

1. Les trois verbes utiliss pour exprimer la contrainte sont : force, oblige et make.

Manuel p. 108
p. 14

a. Parents > exercent une contrainte sur > their children. b. Destitution > parents. c. Firm managers > children.

Folder 7 Children at Work 89

2. Les verbes dans les phrases a et b sont suivis dun complment (pronom ou nom) dun verbe linfinitif. Dans

la phrase c, le verbe make est suivi du complment (nom) et de la base verbale.

3. Le mot children est repris par them. Ce pronom remplace children pour viter la rptition. Il est la forme

4. Dans les deux cas, on trouve le verbe make. La forme de lnonc c est active. La forme de lnonc d est

passive. la forme passive, la base verbale est prcde de to.

1. a. makes him work

d. make children work b. made the factory owners pay e. makes her scrub all the floors c. makes rescued children escape 2. a. made the young boy stand. d. made Mohammad tell them why b. made Nishani undo e. made Banjara pick up all the pieces c. made the workers clean up 3. a. They make Jeff do the garden. d. Debbie is made to clean the house. b. Jeff is made to clean the windows. e. They make Jeff and Debbie baby sit. c. They make Debbie walk the dogs. f. Jeff and Debbie are made to go shopping. 4. a. In the 19th Century, as many parents did not want to make their children work in textile factories, bosses started buying children in orphanages. b. Employers made children sign contracts so that they would work for them until they were 21. c. Shop floor stewards hit their young workers to make them work faster. d. Child exploitation made a lot of people react, but progress was slow. e. They made us sign a petition against the exploitation of children. Action Separate the truth from the lies
CECR niveau B1 Me servir avec une correction suffisante dun rpertoire de tournures et expressions frquemment utilises et associes des situations prvisibles. Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe.

La tche demande doit se faire sur un rythme rapide et ne pas prendre plus de 10 minutes. Le professeur tirera parti de son aspect ludique pour rviser le point de grammaire travaill, sans lasser les lves. Elle a pour objectif de permettre tous les lves, mme les plus faibles, de participer.

Action Discuss who will do what

Manuel p. 109
p. 16

CECR niveau B2 Faire comprendre mes opinions et ractions face des solutions possibles ou la suite donner en donnant brivement des raisons et des explications. Inviter les autres donner leur point de vue sur la faon de le faire.

Cette activit de ngociation sera loccasion de rebrasser la langue acquise dans le folder. On encouragera les lves scouter mutuellement et svaluer avec les critres indiqus dans la grille qui figure dans le rabat de la couverture.

90 Folder 7 Children at Work


Recite a poem
CECR niveau A2 La prononciation est en gnral suffisamment claire pour tre comprise malgr un net accent franais.

On utilisera la version karaok qui figure sur le DVD. Le pome y est lu par son auteur, Wes Maggee. Ce pome donnera du contenu au sujet dcriture. Action Write a diary entry
CECR niveau B1 Apporter de linformation et exprimer des points de vue par crit. Faire une description ou un rcit clair en dveloppant et en argumentant les points importants laide de dtails et dexemples significatifs.

Cette tche est en liaison avec lactivit orale qui prcde, les lves rutilisent et reformulent le pome. Le guidage est dans le Workbook.

TEXT FILE 2 The Home Girl


Manuel p. 110
p. 18

At the turn of the 20th Century, Dr. Thomas Barnardo, an English philanthropist, sought to give orphaned children a second chance in the New World. These children home children as they were called came to work in Canada as farm laborers and domestic servants. Victoria Copes family takes in a home child, a sad and quiet girl named Mary Anna. Victoria soon discovers the reason for Mary Annas silence she was separated from her younger brother. Victoria vows to help Mary Anna find her brother. As Victoria confides her hopes and fears to her Dear Diary, she reveals herself as a born writer. This book is part of the Dear Canada series, which invites readers into the intimate worlds of girls throughout different times in Canadian history. The author of the book this extract comes from, Dear Canada: Orphan at my Door, is award-winning author Jean Little. 1. A Home Child was an English orphan sent by Dr. Barnardo, the philanthropist, to go and work in Canada. He hoped they would find good homes there and pay for their keep. 2. Victoria is the author of the diary. She comes from a rich Canadian family who has agreed to take on a Home Child from England. Mary Anna Wilson is the Home Child. She is very unhappy because she has been separated from her brother. Dr. Alistair Cope is Victoria Copes father. The lady who accompanied Mary Anna to Canada doesnt sound very nice. Jasper is Mary Annas brother who she is separated from. Four children on the platform. Emily Rose (only mentioned) is their sister they have been separated from. Dr. Copes wife is mentioned. The father also mentions his two boys. The horses name is Bess. 3. Mary Anna is small and shy and very thin. She does not look strong which worries the doctor. 4. Victorias parents had decided to hire a Home Girl to help his wife around the house. First, Victorias father was not very pleased because he didnt think the girl looked very strong. But the girl said she was strong and healthy. Marys Annas brother reminded her that she had promised their mother she would take care of him. She explained she couldnt do anything about it but promised that when she was old enough they would be together again.

Folder 7 Children at Work 91

5. Victoria feels very sorry for Mary Anna.

Victorias father is disappointed in the girl. Mary Anna is very upset about her brother. The lady at the station is very strict and wants to get rid of Mary Anna. Jasper is very, very unhappy.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Les relatives

1. a. The boy was told to hold the bridle.

b. Poverty forced Mary Annas parents to abandon their children c. Ma made Mary Anna promise to take care of her brother. d. Mary Anna was made to raise her head and speak louder. e. Mary Anna will be obliged to work for Dr. Copes family.
2. Structure verbale Suivie de

> (exerce une contrainte sur) Agent non cit > the boy Poverty > Mary Annas parents Ma > Mary Anna Agent non cit > Mary Anna Agent non cit > Mary Anna

Phrase a Phrase b Phrase c Phrase d Phrase e

was told forced made was made will be obliged

to + V (hold) to + V (abandon) V (promise) to + V (raise/speak) to + V (work)

3. a. Thousands of British children were forced to emigrate

b. The farmers made them work as farm hands. c. They were obliged to work. d. They were sometimes forced to live e. They were made to keep their identity a secret. 4. a. In 1826, a man called Robert Chambers said that London has got too full of children, and thousands of children were forced to emigrate to Canada to work. b. Farmers made the children work on the farm in exchange for lodging, a modest allowance and schooling. c. Until the late 18th Century, children were made to work to contribute to the family economy. Action Turn the story into a dialogue
CECR niveau B1 Participer sans trop de difficults une conversation, mme propos de thme auxquels je ne mtais pas prpar(e), mais je dois parfois chercher mes mots et demander de laide. Rapporter oralement et de faon simple de courts passages dun texte, en utilisant, si besoin est, la formulation et lordre du texte original.

Les lves rinvestissent ce quils ont compris du texte en adoptant de nouveaux points de vue.


1. Name: Lisa Rahman. Age: 19.

Manuel p. 112
p. 20

Place of residence: Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2. They work for Disney. 3. She earns $30 (1,750 taka a month). 92 Folder 7 Children at Work

Social background: poor family. Education: never went to school.

4. She works seven days a week. She gets one day off each month. 5. Three examples showing that her working conditions are very harsh:

there is constant pressure for them to work faster despite the heat; the supervisors call them names and yell at them, or sometimes push them; they are not allowed to talk. If they are caught they are hit. 6. The supervisors treat them very harshly: they call them names, they push them, they hit them sometimes. 7. The factory managers have two sets of time cards: one which respect the legislation and the time limits and the real one. 8. No, because the firm does not know that their working conditions are so bad. 9. What she wants is to see her rights respected and to be treated as a human being. (She wants a little dignity.)

My name is Lisa Rahman. Im 19 years old and I live in Dhaka, in Bangladesh. My family is very poor. I had to start working in the garment factories when I was 10 years old. I never had a chance to go to school. For the last three years I have worked at the Shah Makhdum factory. We make clothes for Disney. My salary is 1,750 taka a month, that is to say less than $30 and no raise in three years! We work seven days a week, with no regular holiday. At most we get one day off a month. Conditions at the factory are very harsh. There is constant pressure for us to work faster despite the heat. I must do 200 pieces an hour. If we fail to meet the targets the supervisors call us names and yell at us, or sometimes they push us. We are not allowed to talk. If we are caught they hit us. We get only two breaks in the entire day, one hour for lunch and a 10-minute break at 8:00 p.m. when the company gives us a banana and a piece of bread. Even if you have not finished eating you have to rush back to work. They only allow us to use the bathroom once or twice a day. We are forced to work till 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. every day. The people at Disney do not know about our working conditions because the company keeps two sets of time cards. The one for Disney shows that we finish work at 6:00 p.m. and that we have every Friday off. But the real time card shows us working seven days a week until 10:00 p.m. or later. And we are not paid for these hours! And if they say we made a mistake, they deduct more money from our wages. What we want is to see our rights respected and to be treated as human beings. I wish I could live with a little dignity. Adapted from Testimony of Lisa Rahman Shah Makhdum Factory, September 2002, www.mirrorimage.com/iqbal/updates/2-03update.html

Subject 1

Last summer, I decided to do some babysitting. I really needed some money to buy a new computer. I chose baby sitting as it left me free to work on my school work during the day and just took up a few nights a week. I even thought I would be able to work or watch films whilst looking after my neighbors babies. How wrong I was; my neighbor had one little boy aged two and little girl twins aged four. The little boy was adorable and very good but the twins were terrible. I couldnt control them and they broke everything in the house. I ended up not earning any money at all as I had to pay for all the broken stuff. I never bought my computer.
Subject 2

I am horrified by the working conditions of children in both the developed and developing worlds. It is not right that children should have to work such long hours. Children should be at school learning subjects all children should know. If they dont go to school they will never get the qualifications they need to earn a good living when they grow up. All countries should get together and defend the rights of children. I used to think it was a good idea to boycott goods made by children but today I realize that this is not helpful. The whole country suffers from boycotts. There must be another way. I think teenagers should go and work in developing countries and teach the young children. This is only one solution.

Folder 7 Children at Work 93

Subject 3

In the photo we can see children demonstrating. We know they are demonstrating because they are holding up banners saying that they want to go to school. This means that they are probably working and are not allowed to go to school and get a decent education. One banner is asking for justice this could be referring to both education and fair pay. Another banner says they want less hospital. We can imagine that they live and work in such terrible conditions that they get very ill. Perhaps they dont have enough to eat and spend a lot of time in hospital. This photo was taken a long time ago, fortunately the situation is much better today.


Action Decide where youll go

Manuel p. 113
p. 21

CECR niveau B2 Participer activement une conversation dans des situations familires. Prsenter et dfendre mes opinions. Commencer, soutenir et terminer une conversation tout en distribuant la parole.

STRATEGY FILE Comprendre un document oral

Transcription An Interview with Brandon, a Columbia University student.

Manuel p. 114
p. 21

C.U. Snacks. Judy How did you start C.U. Snacks? Brandon C.U. Snacks was actually started the business plan was started for a business plan competition offered to Columbia University Center for Career Education. So, we designed a business plan, we submitted it into the competition, and we were prize-winner in the competition. Then Columbia University gave us a $1,000 grant to continue developing the idea. Judy And have you made money from it, Brandon? Brandon Me, personally, not yet, but actually we are breaking records every night. Last night actually, yeah, we did have a ton of deliveries and the night before that as well. The last two nights weve had the most deliveries we have ever had. Judy Really how many was that? Brandon In the range of 40 40 orders in a night. Judy And is that hard to manage? Brandon Its very difficult. The challenge is having the right amount of delivery people on staff because, if we are particularly slow, the delivery people can get bored and they dont have anything to do and it kind of it hurts morale. Judy How do you get around? Brandon One of the great things about the university and about this business plan is that weve got a market of about five to ten thousand students. And they are all within a five block radius so really all we need is bicycles and we can get to any building on campus in less than fifteen minutes. One thing that we have over the other local restaurants that deliver is that we have our whole menu on line and people can communicate with us over the internet and, especially at a college like Columbia University, the students are always on the Internet. They much prefer using the Internet than any other source of communication. 94 Folder 7 Children at Work


United We Stand!

REBELLION : expression dune contestation plus radicale, voire violente, mais aussi reflet des engagements humains au cours de lhistoire. OPPOSITION : expression dune contestation non violente, pouvant se traduire dans des structures politiques et sociales institutionnalises. (BO n 7 du 28 aot 2003.) Les programmes prsentent les nouveaux outils dopposition mais mentionnent aussi les moyens de revendication plus traditionnels, tels que laction politique et/ou syndicale . Mme si ces moyens de revendication sont en dclin aujourdhui, ils ont construit nos socits et sont lorigine de bouleversements qui ont marqu lEurope et lAmrique du XX e sicle.

CULTURE BLOG Stronger Together
Les raisons de lexode rural la fin du XVIIIe sicle en Grande-Bretagne. Lpret des luttes ouvrires et la naissance du syndicalisme en Grande-Bretagne et aux tats-Unis.

SOUND FILE No Need for a Union at Semco

Une interview dun patron moderne et atypique qui contrebalance lide que les lves peuvent avoir du patronat ou quils peuvent stre faite aprs ltude du Culture Blog.

MOVIE FILE Animal Farm

Un extrait du dessin anim qui correspond au mme passage que le texte dOrwell : la harangue de Old Major, le cochon.

WORD BANK Champ lexical : le syndicalisme TEXT FILE 1 Rebellion!

Le clbre passage dAnimal Farm o le cochon Old Major invite les autres animaux de la ferme se rvolter contre leur fermier qui les exploite et les maltraite.


Des activits qui permettent dancrer le problme abord dans la vie et le vcu des lves.

TEXT FILE 2 There is Power in a Union

Une chanson de Billy Bragg chanteur engag sur limportance des syndicats.

PICTURE FILE A Demonstration

Tableau dune manifestation devant une usine.


Une preuve de baccalaurat pour que les lves se prparent lchance de lexamen et se rendent compte des attentes.

PRACTICAL FILE At a Venue Folder 8 United We Stand! 95

CULTURE BLOG Stronger Together


Manuel p. 118/119
p. 6

CECR niveau B1 Deviner, laide du contexte, le sens des mots inconnus. Comprendre les vnements principaux dans un texte narratif. Rendre compte par crit et de faon structure et claire dinformations transmises oralement ou par crit.

Selon sa classe, le professeur fera travailler les textes la maison et rservera laction pour le travail en classe; proposera chaque moiti de classe de lire un des deux textes puis mnagera un temps dchange dinformations entre les lves; fera lire les textes en temps limit pour entraner les lves la comprhension crite.

1 British Labourers
Ce texte traite de lindustrialisation de la Grande-Bretagne et de la naissance dun proltariat urbain. 1. The turning point in the history of workers was in the early 19th Century, when Britain became the first industrial power thanks to the invention of machines and the building of factories and mills. 2. Before that, people worked either on farms or in small workshops. After that, they left the countryside to work in factories and mills where they were exploited (they worked very long hours in horrible conditions). 3. Dissatisfied workers could not do anything because they had no right to vote, and no political power to exert pressure on their bosses and change the system.

2 British Labour Movements

Ce second document montre la prise de conscience des travailleurs et les rvoltes ouvrires qui ont conduit la naissance du syndicalisme et aux actions de revendication massives du XXe sicle. 1. Machine breaking riots: des meutes au cours desquelles des machines ont t dtruites ; wage reductions: rductions de salaires ; cotton mills: fabriques de coton; trade unions: syndicats; child labour: le travail des enfants. 2. The workers salaries had been cut down/decreased; as a result, they broke the machines to express their discontent and anger. 3. In those days conducting actions was very risky for workers. In 1811, 23 men were executed and 13 transported to Australia. In Manchester, in August 1919, the authorities dispersed the demonstrators, killing 11 and injuring 400. 4. The 1926 strike was important because 1,8 million workers decided to support the miners and joined their strike for nine days.

POD LECTURE Unions in the USA

Cette mini-confrence apporte des informations sur la naissance du syndicalisme aux tats-Unis. Le professeur pourra demander aux lves de sinterroger mutuellement pour la mise en commun. Le professeur pensera vrifier que les lves connaissant le mot fire car ils ne peuvent gure en infrer le sens. Un brainstorming pourra tre envisag aprs ltude du texte prcdent. 1. True: we do not think of the Unions as being strong in the USA. 2. False: they played an important part in society at the beginning of the 20th Century. 3. False: in 1794, at the end of the 18th Century. 4. True: the first African-American union was the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, founded in 1925. 5. False: Ford first introduced the 8-hour day. 6. True: in fact, the motor car industry has always played in important part in the evolution of working conditions. 96 Folder 8 United We Stand!

7. False: they are often dealt with in a very strict way. 8. True: air controllers who went on strike in 1981 lost their jobs, they were fired. Transcription

We do not think of the Unions as being strong in the USA. However, there was a time when they played an important part. The first union was formed in Philadelphia by shoemakers in 1794. The IWW, Industrial Workers of the World, which was to be one big union for all workers, was founded in Chicago in 1905. The first African-American union was the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, founded in 1925 and later known for its civil rights activism. In 1868, workers went on strike to demand the 8-hour day, but employers refused and stuck to the 10-hour day. The 8-hour day was finally adopted by Henry Ford in 1926to reduce overproduction and unemployment. In fact the motor car industry has always played in important part in the evolution of working conditions. Cost-of-living raises were first introduced by General Motors in 1948. Strikes have often been dealt with in a very strict way. For example, in 1981, President Reagan fired all of the 11,600 air controllers who had been on strike. Action Make up a timeline
CECR niveau A2 Rdiger un texte simple relatant des vnements lus et racontant leur succession, leurs causes et leurs effets.

Cette tche permet aux lves de revoir et de mieux sapproprier les connaissances acquises lors de ltude des documents. La seconde partie de la tche nous semble particulirement importante dans la mesure o elle permet de mettre en uvre lapproche comparative prconise dans les textes officiels. En apprenant lhistoire de lAutre, les lves revoient, reprcisent ou dcouvrent leur propre histoire.

SOUND FILE No Need for a Union at Semco


Manuel p. 120
p. 8

Les exercices de la rubrique Pronounce permettent aux lves de frquenter un certain nombre de mots avant de les entendre. Ainsi, ils les reconnatront mieux lors de lcoute. Par ailleurs, le dernier exercice, qui porte sur laccent de mots et les liaisons, devrait les aider produire un anglais mieux rythm et plus authentique en vue de lpreuve orale de lexamen venir.


Ces tches crent des attentes chez les lves et leur permettent de mobiliser le vocabulaire, les ides et les rfrences qui vont les aider mieux apprhender linterview. Le professeur pourra introduire les mots ou expressions qui risquent de faire cran la comprhension. 1. One of them must be the boss/the manager whereas the other one seems to be a worker. 2. The man on the left hand side probably gives the other one orders. He may be very exacting/demanding and unwilling to give his workers pay rises or to allow them to have time off work. 3. Dans les mots termins en < -ion > ou < -ious >, on accentue la syllabe qui prcde. 4. Roberto Semler has transformed Semco into a democratic firm. Maybe there is no need for a union because the boss shares power with his workers, associates the workers in the decisions he has to make. Mr Semler may be very understanding and humane. He may have bought a lot of robots to make his workers jobs easier. He may offer his employees very good working conditions and salaries/wages.

Folder 8 United We Stand! 97


Guidage dans le Workbook.

CECR niveau B1 Comprendre globalement le point de vue des protagonistes. Comprendre globalement les arguments utiliss. Transcription

Roberto Semler transformed Semco, the company his father left him, into a strictly democratic firm. He travels the world telling people about his new way of running companies. Listen to his interview to find out why there are no unions in it. Interviewer Roberto, you dont believe in hierarchies do you? Roberto No, I do not. I think they are destructive. Everybody should have power in a company. We are stronger when we are equal. Interviewer But isnt that just a Utopia? Roberto No, it is not. When I took over Semco from my father 12 years ago, it was a traditional company. There was a traditional hierarchy and lots of rules. But today our factory workers are all equally responsible. They set their own production schedules and even stay longer in the evenings to make sure they meet them. They help redesign the products they make and formulate the marketing plans. They even elect their bosses and determine business strategy. And they set their own salaries. Interviewer They set their own salaries! But dont they ask for enormous amounts? Roberto Of course not. Everyone knows what everyone earns they all know what profit the company makes. Everybody, even messengers and cleaning people can read all the financial information about Semco and talk about it together. Interviewer I believe you involve all the workforce in important decision-making, dont you? Roberto Yes, even for truly big decisions, everyone at Semco gets a vote. Interviewer I was surprised to see there was no receptionist when I came here today. Roberto We dont have receptionists. We dont think they are necessary. We dont have secretaries either, or personal assistants. Everyone at Semco, even top managers, welcomes visitors, stands over photocopiers, sends faxes, types letters, and dials the phone. We dont have executive dining rooms or reserved parking spaces. Its all part of running a natural business. Interviewer So there are no privileges at Semco? Roberto At Semco, there are no unnecessary privileges. Action Write a letter
CECR niveau B1 Rdiger des lettres personnelles dans lesquelles je rends compte de ce que jai vcu et de mes sentiments. Rendre compte par crit et de faon structure et claire dinformations transmises oralement ou par crit.

Le professeur encouragera les lves utiliser la fiche de comprhension orale pour rdiger la lettre. Les lves peuvent rinvestir ce quils ont retenu du document oral dans cette tche crite qui leur permet de se dcentrer et dadopter un nouveau point de vue.

98 Folder 8 United We Stand!

MOVIE FILE Animal Farm


Manuel p. 121
p. 10

Il sera intressant de faire comparer le traitement simplifi du dessin anim avec le texte original dOrwell. Cest pourquoi nous recommandons de faire lire le texte avant daborder le dessin anim.


2. We are going to see the secret meeting of animals organized by Old Major in the barn. 3. Given the fact that the video seems to be a cartoon it must be aimed at children. On the contrary, the text

must be aimed at adults.


Guidage dans le Workbook.

CECR niveau B1 Comprendre globalement le point de vue des protagonistes. Comprendre globalement les arguments utiliss.

Cette fiche comme toutes les fiches de visionnage ou dcoute est une fiche daide. Elle permet daider les lves construire des comptences de rception. Le professeur amnera les lves comparer lextrait dOrwell p. 123 et le texte du dessin anim.
Animal Farm lcran Step 1 Son

Old Major dans sa bauge. Old Major devant le public danimaux. Exemple des poules, des agneaux et des cochons.

Step 2

Cochons mcontents. Old Major qui parle. Fin sur la porte de la grange. Patte de Old Major. Public qui manifeste.

Step 3

[Document entier] Make a speech

My dear friends! I wont be with you much longer, and before I die theres something I want to tell you. Whatever we produce is taken from us, stolen from us and sold. Our children are born to cold and hunger. Look at them while you can! You, porkies, do you know what the future holds for you? Do we deserve such a fate? Is this farm too poor to support us all? No, Comrades, the farm is rich! But well never get our rightful share from Farmer Jones! Overthrow this evil tyrant, and we shall be rich and free! Comrades revolt! (Cris danimaux) But remember, when you have got rid of Jones, dont adopt his vices. We animals are brothers, large or small, clever or simple, fur or feathers, now and forever. All Animals are equal! [Document entier]


CECR niveau B1 Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe. Expliquer mon opinion en donnant des arguments. Faire un expos sur un thme familier en mettant en relief les points qui me semblent essentiels, quand je peux me prparer.

Folder 8 United We Stand! 99

1. a. everyone was happy when he retired.

Manuel p. 121
p. 12

d. Nobody dared stand up to him. b. he ran the company. e. workers soon stood up to the hierarchy. c. the rules that they had to comply with. f. The people refused to be oppressed, so they rebelled. 2. a. surrender; b. march; c. milestone; d. ban; e. opinion poll. 3. Verbs: agree censor demonstrate march produce. Nouns: ban involvement oppression rebellion.

TEXT FILE 1 Rebellion!


Manuel p. 122
p. 12

Le professeur pourra, selon le niveau de sa classe, introduire ou rebrasser ces fonctions langagires : la supposition, la persuasion, le but ou lintention. On pourrait faire faire des recherches sur le roman qui est une caricature politique du communisme; cf. les sites www.swingmachine.org/issue6/communism.htm ou www.sparknotes.com/lit/animalfarm. Ces recherches pourraient tre menes au CDI en relation avec le professeur documentaliste ou en crant une fiche de recherche documentaire faire pendant le cours de langue en salle informatique. De faon rendre lactivit communicative, on pourrait imaginer que le professeur divise sa classe en plusieurs quipes et leur fasse faire des recherches diffrentes qui aboutiraient une activit orale dchanges dinformations par deux ou en groupes.

Before you read
1. In the picture on page 122 we can see a lot of animals protesting and demanding happiness, freedom,

leisure and milk. There is no doubt they are deprived of those rights and cant stand it any more. They have had enough of their life and of the way they are treated. In the picture on the right hand side we see the same animals at a meeting. They seem to be listening to a pig. We dont exactly know what the pig is saying but we can imagine he is giving them orders or urging them to revolt, to rebel against their master, a human being. 2. Considering the title and the cartoons the text must be about the rebellion the animals are staging, the plot they are organizing. 3. The pig, Old Major, must be trying to convince them that they are exploited, that their rights are flouted and that they should not accept this any longer. He is talking them into revolting against the farmer and into requesting better living conditions.
Read the text
4. The three adjectives: miserable, laborious, and short; the two nouns: misery and slavery. Old Major explains

that they are hardly fed and that they are made to work very hard. As soon as they get too old to work they are killed. They cant be happy. 5. According to him, Man is responsible for their problems. 6. According to Old Major, the main difference between Man and animals is that Man consumes without producing: he cant do anything without the help and work of the animals on the farms. Old Majors aim/intention is to name a culprit and to make the other animals aware of their unacceptable living conditions/of their plight. 7. He tries to get the animals to rebel. 8-9. The problem explained 1 : lines 8 to 11. Proofs against the culprit 4 : lines 25 to 27. No natural causes 2 : lines 15 to 18. Solution 5 : line 30. The culprit 3 : line 22. 100 Folder 8 United We Stand!

10. We could answer: You are exaggerating because Man cleans your stables, feeds you, gives you water to

drink/quenches your thirst, looks after you. You are usually well looked after because you are a source of revenue/you bring money or provide man with meat, milk. Besides, what work do pigs do? They are lazy animals that spend their time sleeping or sniffing/scratching the soil Old Major you are right, it is true that man exploits you all and makes you work very hard. 11. Old Major represents Karl Marx. Old Major expresses himself in a powerful way and inspires people. Old Major also represents the generation who were not happy with the old regime and inspired the younger generations to rebel against the regime under which they were living.

1. a. strength; b. slaughtered; c. slavery; d. afford; e. inhabit; f. steal; g. lay; h. prevent from. 2. a. laborious; b. leisure; c. soil; d. misery; e. meaning; f. weak; g. rebellion; h. starving.

CECR niveau A2 Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe. Rdiger un texte simple relatant un vnement entendu ou lu racontant la succession des vnements, leurs causes et leurs effets.

Comme son nom lindique, cette activit se situe la charnire de loral et de lexpression crite. Elle est en relation directe avec la lecture qui vient dtre faite. La tche de llve est de reproduire un court rsum quil a entendu et dont nous lui donnons les lments cls. Le professeur pourra oprer des allers et retours entre oral et crit; il incitera les lves reprer et corriger leurs erreurs.

The life of an animal is miserable, laborious, and short. It is born, it is forced to work, and it is finally slaughtered. The produce of its labour is stolen by human beings. Man is the only creature that consumes without producing and yet he is lord of all the animals. It the animals got rid of Man, they could become rich and free. So Old Majors message to the animals is simple: Rebellion! Action Write a pamphlet
CECR niveau B1 Rendre compte par crit et de faon structure et claire dinformations transmises oralement ou par crit.

Grce cette activit llve pourra sapproprier le type de discours tudi et le transposer en sexprimant sur un problme plus actuel ou plus personnel, faisant partie de sa sphre proche.



Manuel p. 124
p. 14

Le professeur pourra mener la rflexion en classe ou pourra la faire prparer par les lves la maison en leur demandant de se reporter au n 31 du prcis grammatical. Il pourra aussi travailler partir dun corpus construit avec les lves lors de ltude du texte et prsent dans la trace crite. Dans ce cas, il pourra amener les lves voir demble quOld Major prsente les animaux en victimes et trouver la forme qui traduit le mieux cette situation parmi celles qui seront au tableau. Il pourra se reporter aux sites ci-dessous car lexercice 2 du Practise est bas sur des faits histotiques rels. Les exemples visent dvelopper les connaissances apportes dans le Culture Blog. www.tolpuddlemartyrs.org.uk www.thedorsetpage.com/history/Tolpuddle_Martyrs/tolpuddle_martyrs.htm

Folder 8 United We Stand! 101

1. Le sujet de lnonc a, we, se rfre aux animaux de la ferme incluant Old Major. 2. Our masters slaughter us with hideous cruelty. La phrase a du corpus attire davantage lattention sur les ani-

3. Dans la phrase c, on sait que ce sont les humains qui volent le fruit du travail des animaux. Le groupe nomi-

nal human beings est complment dagent et est introduit par by. Il est prsent dans dans cette phrase et non dans les autres car Old Major tient dsigner leurs bourreaux. 4. On nous donne juste assez de nourriture . On utilise une tournure impersonnelle en franais.

1. a. George Orwell was born (in 1903).

b. I have been fascinated (ever since I read the first one). c. The pupils will be given a test (next week). d. When trade-union leaders are asked about membership (general fact). e. the demonstrations will be cancelled (if the government withdraws the law). 2. a. In Dorset, in 1834, six workers were arrested b. They were sentenced to 7 years transportation c. protest meetings were organised and the six workers were given d. they are known as the Tolpuddle Martyrs. e. A celebration will be held. 3. a. were defeated; b. by Old Major; c. will be shattered; d. Propaganda has always been used; e. Orwells books can be read. 4. a. Animal Farm, which was written in 1944, was turned into a film in 1999 by John Stephenson. b. Although the character of Napoleon is inspired from Stalin, it represents any political tyrant. c. Boxer, the horse that had been exploited by Mr. Jones, the farmer, will have the same fate under the pigs regime. d. This novel has been translated in fifteen different languages. e. The French are said to be rebellious. Action Test your friends culture
CECR niveau A2 Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe.

Ce jeu permet aux lves de produire des noncs personnels dans une activit communicative.


Manuel p. 125
p. 16

Le professeur a le choix entre deux activits orales. Il essaiera sur lanne dentraner ses lves aux divers types de prises de parole et de formes dexpression (orale ou crite) de faon ne pas crer la lassitude, ne rien ngliger et ne pas mettre toujours les mmes lves en difficult. Action Debate
CECR niveau B2 Prsenter et dfendre mes opinions. Interrompre une discussion pour rsumer les prises de parole des participants et mettre en relief les avantages et inconvnients des diffrentes positions reprsentes.

102 Folder 8 United We Stand!

Ce sujet polmique a t choisi pour dclencher la prise de parole, susciter des prises de position et favoriser linteraction. Le professeur fera prendre connaissance de la procdure propose (individuellement dabord, en groupes ensuite). Le dbat a lieu en groupes restreints de faon impliquer plus dlves. La phase Report to the whole group permet denrichir la rflexion et de donner la classe un vcu commun. On passera dans les rangs pour aider les lves mobiliser leurs ides et les outils langagiers ncessaires. On envisagera de choisir un modrateur qui alors dveloppera les comptences du CECR cites en second. Ces activits sont celles auxquelles on essaiera damener les lves pour quils apprennent tenir leur rle dans le quotidien de la vie et dans les situations professionnelles qui les attendent. Action Give a speech
CECR niveau B2 Construire un raisonnement logique et enchaner mes ides.

Voici une situation proche du vcu des lves qui doivent tous les ans lire un dlgu et qui, pour certains, sont dj lecteurs. Le professeur respectera la procdure. Il donnera une tche la classe pendant que les candidats sexpriment pour forcer les autres lves les couter attentivement. La prise de notes pourra constituer un entranement utile la rdaction des notes lors des preuves de baccalaurat. On pourra aussi demander certains lves dobserver le langage corporel des candidats, ce qui sensibilisera la classe limportance de la posture et de limage que lon donne de soi, parfois diffrente de celle que lon pense donner. On ne ngligera pas la dernire partie de la tche qui rend lactivit plus authentique. Action Write an essay
CECR niveau B2 crire un essai ou un rapport en transmettant une information ou en exposant des raisons pour ou contre une opinion donne.

Le sujet dactivit crite est prpar par le dbat. Les lves trouveront des aides dans le Workbook.

TEXT FILE 2 There Is Power in a Union


Manuel p. 126
p. 18

Stephen William Bragg (born December 20, 1957), known as Billy Bragg, is an English musician renowned for his blend of folk, punk-rock, and protest music, and his lyrics dealing with political as well as romantic themes. He has been active for over 20 years, and has collaborated with many other leading musicians. In 2006 he published a book, The Progressive Patriot, in which he expanded on an argument he has long defended namely, that he feels English socialists can reclaim patriotism from the right. He also supports Scottish independence. Bragg often plays and speaks at the Tolpuddle Martyrs festival (see Grammar File). He is an outspoken opponent of fascism, racism, bigotry, sexism and homophobia and a supporter of a multi-racial Britain. Le professeur renverra les lves aux vnements sociaux ou politiques dont ils peuvent avoir entendu parler. Il pourra emmener ses lves faire des recherches sur des conflits qui ont lieu dans les pays anglophones dans les dernires dcennies (grve des mineurs, poll tax riots, marches contre labolition de la chasse courre, manifestations contre la guerre en Iraq, etc.). On encouragera les lves mobiliser ce quils ont vu dans les autres pages du folder. On les incitera utiliser les expressions du reproche. 1. The text is a song. 2. We are going to read about demonstrations, protests, about workers expressing/voicing their discontent and criticizing either their boss or the government (cf. p. 119).

Folder 8 United We Stand! 103

3. L. 6: The mistakes of the bosses we must pay for. L. 7-8: From the cities and the farmlands to trenches

full of mud/War has always been the bosses way, sir. L. 13-15: Now I long for the morning that they realise brutality and unjust laws cannot defeat us. L. 16-17: When the bosses send their lackeys out to cheat us? Money speaks for money, the Devil for his own. 4. Bosses are shown as devils, as the cause of the workers problems. Bosses are blamed for/reproached for/ criticized for/accused of exploiting workers/lying to them/being devilish/being brutal/being unfair/having nothing but bad intentions regarding their employees. They are also held responsible for wars because financial interests are at stake. 5. L. 5: workers blood. L. 11: With our brothers and our sisters from many far-off lands. L. 15: But wholl defend the workers who cannot organise. L. 14: brutality and unjust laws cannot defeat us. The workers are presented as victims. According to the singer, they have always been victimized by their bosses and their governments (described as sharing the bosses interest and ideals/as siding with the bosses). Billy Bragg seems to assume that the workers have the same problems worldwide and that they sometimes find it hard to organise and fight against the powers of money. Yet, he adds that they are determined to fight for their rights at any price. 6. The power in the hand of the worker (l. 2) is what makes the existence of a union legitimate in a factory because the workers are those who produce and create wealth. 7. We can say they are left wing ideas, communist ideas. 8. Personal answers.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Les relatives

1. a. Passif : agent inconnu.

e. Passif : agent connu de tous. b. Actif. f. Passif : agent connu de tous. c. Passif : agent exprim. g. Passif : agent connu de tous. d. Passif : agent sans intrt. h. Passif : agent inconnu et sans intrt. 2. a. The British Trade Unions were significantly weakened by the miners strike of 1984. b. British society was deeply divided by the dispute. c. A pit was threatened to be closed in Yorkshire in 1981 (by the government). d. Ian Mac Gregor was appointed by Margaret Thatcher as head of the National Coal Board. e. Several individuals were inflicted serious injuries when the miners were charged by the police in Orgreave. f. In 1991, South Yorkshire police was forced to pay out half a million pounds to thirty nine miners who had been arrested in the events at the Battle of Orgreave. 3. 1. a. Ian was offered a job in Sheffield. b. A job in Sheffield was offered to Ian. 2. a. He was shown his new house. b. His new house was shown to him. 3. a. He would be given 1,500 a month. b. 1,500 a month would be given to him. Action Recite the lyrics of the song
CECR niveau A2 La prononciation est en gnral suffisamment claire pour tre comprise malgr un net accent franais.

On utilisera la version karaok qui figure sur le DVD. La chanson y est excute par son auteur, Billy Bragg.

PICTURE FILE A Demonstration

Manuel p. 127

Les documents commenter sont de nature diffrente et nous avons choisi, pour ce folder, un tableau auquel les couleurs trs contrastes donnent beaucoup de vie et de luminosit. Le professeur reverra les diffrents plans dun document iconographique et encouragera les lves utiliser lexpression de la supposition. 104 Folder 8 United We Stand!

1. A painting dating back to the late 19th Century or early 20th Century. 2. In the background a factory/a plant. In the middle ground a wall behind which we can see a few more chim-

neys and in the foreground a large number of men, most probably the factory workers who have decided to stop work to protest against their working conditions. 3. It could be a steel mill. There are many buildings and workshops. Black smoke is coming out of the tall chimneys, undoubtedly polluting the atmosphere. 4. They are wearing caps and blue jackets which must be their working clothes. They are marching, demonstrating and waving red flags. We can see two of the workers shouting and raising their hands in the air to express their anger. They all seem to be walking in a very determined way. 5. The main factory building, the chimneys and the red flags catch our attention first because of their vivid colours. 6. The row of chimneys makes us think of the bars of a prison cell, and we immediately associate them with imprisonment and loss of freedom. The row of chimneys could also remind us of tall poplar trees but their bareness evokes pollution and death. 7. The flags and some of the workers jackets. 8. The workers may be demonstrating because they want to have a pay rise or work fewer hours. They may find their working conditions unacceptable, not to say unbearable. They may feel that they are being exploited by the factory owners and that they do not get their fair share of the profits they contribute to. They may also find their job physically dangerous or harmful for their health. They may be reacting against some new regulations they do not agree with. They could also fear their job might shorten their life expectancy. Maybe they also want to work shorter hours to be able to enjoy family life or have some spare time to devote to their friends or pastimes. 9. The painter wants to show that workers need to express their disapproval when they want to and especially that they have good reasons to complain. Action Comment on a painting
CECR niveau B2 Faire une description claire et dtaille. Construire un raisonnement logique et enchaner mes ides. Expliquer mon point de vue sur un sujet dactualit, en donnant les avantages et inconvnients de diverses opinions.

Le professeur encouragera les lves suivre la dmarche propose, sans rdiger compltement leurs rponses. Il encouragera les lves svaluer mutuellement en utilisant la grille de critres qui est dans le rabat de couverture de faon ce quils restent attentifs. On pourra emmener les lves senregistrer en salle multimdia.



Manuel p. 128
p. 32

1. a. 1; b. 1; c. 2; d. 3; e. 2; f. 1. 2. a. Right (l. 3-7); b. Wrong (l. 17); c. Right (l. 20-21); d. Wrong (l. 24-25); e. Wrong (l. 29); f. Right (l. 42-43). 3. a. Line 13: I said quietly.

b. Line 23: they saw Rubineks face go crimson. c. Line 30: you were insubordinate. d. Line 36: You dont like it, theres the door. Line 46: Eighteen units or youre out of here." e. Lines 48-49: Its not fair. I do know it. And I dont care.

Folder 8 United We Stand! 105

4. Bossy furious bad-tempered. 5. a. coworkers; b. whenever; c. crimson; d. refocused their eyes; e. to lighten things up; f. fair.

Les lves seront encourags rutiliser les arguments et les outils langagiers prcdemment vus puisque le sujet est en relation troite avec le thme trait dans le folder.


Le questionnaire a pour objectif de faire merger les reprsentations des lves. Action Make a reservation

Manuel p. 129
p. 21

CECR niveau A2 Obtenir des renseignements simples. Au tlphone, demander mon interlocuteur de rpter ou de parler moins vite pour que je puisse prendre des notes. peler efficacement un nom ou un numro de tlphone.

Lobjectif est de donner aux lves le moyen de communiquer de faon adquate et de raliser les tches sociales et authentiques qui se prsenteront eux lors dun voyage ou dun stage en pays anglophone.

106 Folder 8 United We Stand!


Of Guns and Arms

DOMINATION : synonyme de contrainte, de violence, de cruaut, mais aussi reflet dune soumission dlibrment accepte dans le cadre dun contrat social . INFLUENCE : synonyme de persuasion, de manipulation, de sduction, mais aussi reflet de pratiques culturelles plus ou moins volontairement acceptes . OPPOSITION : expression dune contestation non violente, pouvant se traduire dans des structures politiques et sociales institutionnalises. (BO n 7 du 28 aot 2003.)
Le peuple amricain est profondment divis sur la question du port darmes. Ce folder abordera la position de la NRA (National Riffle Association), dirige autrefois par Charlton Heston. Ce lobby sappuie sur le deuxime amendement de la constitution qui dcrte que le port darmes est un droit qui ne peut pas tre enfreint. Il existe galement des lobbies contre le port darmes; par exemple, la Million Mom March (en rfrence Martin Luther King et sa Million Man March), le jour de la fte des Mres.

CULTURE BLOG Guns in America
Pourquoi beaucoup dAmricains rclament-ils le droit dtre arms? Y aurait-il moins de morts sil y avait moins darmes?

SOUND FILE At the Restaurant

Une mini-pice qui met en scne un fait divers.


Document 1 : Childs Play Document 2 : A Brief History of America

Une publicit pour Guns Cease Fire, association qui lutte contre les armes. Le dessin anim extrait du film de Michael Moore, Bowling for Columbine.

WORD BANK Champ lexical : les armes TEXT FILE 1 High School Shooting
Lhistoire glaante dun lycen qui dit son ami, I want to pull a Columbine .

GRAMMAR FILE Le discours indirect EXPRESSION FILE TEXT FILE 2 Against the Gun Ban
Des tmoignages de citoyens qui dfendent le droit de possder une arme.


Loccasion pour les lves de profiter de ce quils ont appris dans le folder.

PRACTICAL FILE At the Airport STRATEGY FILE Rendre compte dun document Folder 9 Of Guns and Arms 107

CULTURE BLOG Guns in America

QUOI ? POURQUOI ? COMMENT ? 1 A Nation of Gunfighters

Manuel p. 132/133
p. 6

The right to bear arms dates back a long way and has to be understood before passing judgement on the United States of America. 1. No one can stop people from carrying guns if they want to. 2. The frontier tradition refers to how the Americans used to cross many frontiers on their way West. It was very dangerous to cross America at that time and the people needed arms to defend themselves. 3. Outlaw, robber and murderer are the three words that develop the idea of a bandit. 4. A gunfighter could be someone who is very bad, like a robber or murderer, or it could be someone very good like a sheriff who wants to protect the people from the bad gunfighters. 5. The right to own a weapon symbolizes liberty and freedom for the Americans. It dates back to pioneer times when everyone had the right to carry a weapon because they needed one.

2 Guns and Violence

The figures are alarming. So many children in the States feel safer carrying guns that one wonders how the vicious circle can ever end. 1. You can buy, carry, steal, fire, shoot, aim, sell, find, hide, load, use guns. 2. Weapons. 3. 1 Gun Victims, 2 Influence on children, 3 Gun carrying at school, 4 Feeling safe. 4. Children are most often referred to. 5. The number of children carrying weapons is extremely high, as is the number of deaths. It is awful to think one child dies every ninety minutes as a result of firearms.

POD LECTURE A Very Powerful lobby

The NRA is one of the most powerful lobbies in they USA. This Pod Lecture just gives us the plain facts. 1. The NRA is a pressure group defending the right of all Americans to carry a gun. NRA is short for the National Rifle Association. 2. The NRA wants everyone to carry a gun if they want to. 3. The NRA provides gun training for the public, including children. 4. The NRA claims that guns are no more dangerous than swimming pools and everyday electrical apparels. 5. To counterbalance their position they say they are very tough on punishments for gun-related crimes. 6. The NRA donates a lot of money to political candidates who support the right to carry guns.

We cannot talk about gun control in the USA without looking at The National Rifle Association. The NRA is the most formidable pressure group in the USA. They provide gun training for the public, including children. They run special programs for women to advertise these programs, they say that three out of four American women will be victims of violent crime at some time in their lives. They claim guns are a fact of everyday life. Guns, they say, are no more dangerous than swimming pools, electrical apparels, matches or all sorts of poisons everybody has in their kitchens or bathrooms. To those who say there are too many gun crimes, they answer that they are very tough on punishments for gun-related crimes. The NRA is a very powerful lobby. They donate a lot of money to political candidates who support the right to carry guns, and they are always on the alert when they feel the right of citizens to carry guns is threatened. 108 Folder 9 Of Guns and Arms


Make a one-minute presentation

CECR niveau B1 Faire un expos sur un thme familier en mettant en relief les points qui me semblent essentiels, quand je peux me prparer. Parler de manire comprhensible et sans trop dhsitations, mais en faisant des pauses pour planifier ce que je dis.

SOUND FILE At the Restaurant


Manuel p. 134
p. 8

What would you do if you were working in a fast food restaurant and a robber came in and ordered you to put up your hands? This mini play is based in this true story: The Ann Arbor News crime column reported that a man walked into a Burger King in Ypsilanti, Michigan at 7:50 a.m., flashed a gun and demanded cash. The clerk turned him down because he said he couldnt open the cash register without a food order. When the man ordered onion rings, the clerk said they werent available for breakfast. The man, frustrated, walked away.


Avant dexploiter les photos, on fera travailler les lves sur les mots. 1. Menu: hot dog, pizza, hamburger, jumbo-sized hamburger. Side dishes: onion rings, salad. Drinks: milkshake, coke, sparkling water, soft drinks. 2. On the right we can see a man running along the street. He is pointing a gun at someone perhaps a policeman or a passer-by. He is carrying a large bag over his shoulder. Maybe there is a lot of money in it that he has stolen. He could be a robber who has just held up a store or a restaurant. 3. If I were the cashier and the robber came into the restaurant I would give him he what he wanted! I would rather give him the money from the till than be killed.


Guidage dans le Workbook.

CECR niveau B1 Mettre en relation les personnages ou les lieux cits avec les informations donnes. Comprendre les informations essentielles dun document. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts. Transcription

Bruitage Fast food restaurant. Customer 1 Good morning, Id like an enormous omelette sandwich, 6 muffins and 2 cups of coffees extra large. Waitress To eat here, or to go? Customer 1 To go, please. Waitress That will be $4.99, then. Customer 1 Here you go. Waitress Thank you. Can I help you, Sir? Customer 2 Yeah, you can help me. You can help me get rich fast!! Stick em up!! Waitress Oh no youve got a gun! Customer 2 Hey you are very smart!! Yeah Ive got a gun and Im gonna use it if you dont give me what I want!

Folder 9 Of Guns and Arms 109

Waitress (a bit nervous) What do you want?

* I can recommend the enormous omelette sandwich it is extremely popular, sir. Customer 2 You arent as smart as I thought you were. I want money not your lousy omelette. Waitress Its not really an omelette its in a bun like a burger but instead of meat Customer 2 (cuts off blabbering server) Open the register and gimme the money. Waitress I can only open the register if you give me an order. Otherwise the register wont open. Please stop waving your gun at me. What would you like sir? * Customer 2 Okay, okay! Gimme some onion rings. Waitress We do not do onion rings for breakfast! THAT IS WHY I RECOMMENDED THE OMELETTE. If you want onion rings and they are good you will have to come back for lunch. Have you seen the time? Its 8:45 a.m. Customer 2 This is a lousy place. The register doesnt open no onion rings for breakfast Im taking my business elsewhere. Action Write a short news item

Pour acclrer le travail, on encouragera les lves travailler deux ou trois. Quand ils auront produit leur propre brve, on pourra leur donner celle qui a figur dans The Ann Arbor News (cf. introduction au document, ci-dessus).

Document 1 Childs Play

Manuel p. 135
p. 10

1. The little girl is playing with a gun. Perhaps her parents own the gun and they had hidden it in a shoebox under

the bed so their child wouldnt find it. This is extremely dangerous as the gun could go off and kill the girl or someone with her. 2. First I would ask her parents why they had a gun. Is it really necessary to keep a gun when there are children around? They might say they need a gun to protect their family in case someone breaks in. I would tell them that they should put the gun in a place that would be very hard for the child to get to.
Document 2 A Brief History of America

Everyone knows Michael Moore especially in France. This is an extract from his film, Bowling for Columbine. Moore has made documentary films very popular. It must be remembered that he has his own way of presenting things and edits to back up his opinion.

Comprehension Document 1 lcran Step 1

Guidage dans le Workbook.

Childs Play Son

Enfants qui jouent la guerre dans le jardin. Mother Outside! Un enfant entre dans la maison, se cache sous le lit, trouve un pistolet, le prend. Dernire image : les copains sapprtent entrer.

110 Folder 9 Of Guns and Arms

lcran Step 2


Enfants qui jouent la guerre dans le jardin. Un enfant entre dans la maison, se cache sous le lit, trouve un pistolet, le prend. Les copains entrent, le garon les vise. Carton: One quarter of American homes contains at least one handgun . Mre au tlphone. Carton: Cease Fire: A Home is no place for a handgun .

Mother I said Outside! Off If you think you can hide your handgun from your child, please think again. Child OK, were coming in! [Noise of a gun shot.]

Document 2 lcran Step 1

A Brief History of America Son

Affichage du titre sur cran. TV, enfants devant TV +. Les Pilgrims Fathers. Massacre des indiens. American revolution. 2nd Amendment.

Step 2

Bullet devant la maison. Kidnapping des Noirs; esclavage.

Noirs devant leur village. Dveloppement des Noirs. Type genoux. Samuel Colt. Noirs qui acclament Lincoln. Sous-titre : 1865. KKK + NRA

Once upon a time [1620], there were these people in Europe called pilgrims, and they were afraid of being persecuted so they all got on a boat and sailed to the New World, where they wouldnt have to be scared EVER AGAIN. Oh, I am so relaxed, I feel so much safer. But as soon as they arrived, they were greeted by savages and they got scared all over again so they killed them all. In 1775, they started killing the British, so they could be free and it worked, but they still didnt feel safe so they passed the Second amendment which said that every white man could keep his gun I love my gun, love my gun. Which brings us to the genius idea of slavery. You see, boys and girls, the White people back then were also afraid of doing any work, so they went to Africa, kidnapped thousands of Black people, brought them back to America, and forced them to work very hard for no money. Doing it that way made the USA the richest country in the world! So, did having all that money and freedom help calm the White people down? No way! They got even more afraid and thats because after 200 years of slavery, the Black people now outnumbered the White people in many parts of the South. I wanna live, no dont kill me big Black man. But, just in the nick of time came Samuel L. Colt, who, in 1836, invented the first weapon ever that could be fired over and over, without having to reload! But, it was too late the North soon won the Civil War, and all the slaves were free, yeap they were now free to go chop all their old masters heads off! And everybody was like Oh no, were gonna die! So, they formed the Ku Klux Klan. And, in 1871, the SAME year that the Klan became an illegal terrorist organization, another group was founded the National Rifle Association.

Folder 9 Of Guns and Arms 111

lcran Step 3


Step 4

Rosa Parks. Manifestations Civil Rights, police avec lances eau. Achats massifs darmes; gated communities; barbecue. Jeune livreur de journaux qui se fait tuer. [Document entier]

And thats the way it was all the way till 1955, when a Black woman broke the law by refusing to move to the back of the bus Black people everywhere started demanding their rights, and White people had a major freaky breakdown And they went and bought a quarter of a billion guns, and put locks on their doors, alarms on their houses, and gates around the neighbourhoods. And finally they were all safe and secure, and snug as a bug [Document entier]


Role play
CECR niveau B1 Exprimer mon opinion pour trouver une solution un problme ou pour prendre une dcision pratique. Participer sans trop de difficults une conversation, mme propos de thmes auxquels je ne mtais pas prpar(e), mais je dois parfois chercher mes mots et demander de laide.

1. a. They broke into my house.

Manuel p. 135
p. 12

e. There were no witnesses. b. This area is not at all safe. f. A man took out a gun and shot the policeman. c. threatened me. g. A woman was injured. d. He didnt look like a murderer. 2. Murderer thug outlaw robber witness. 3. You can have, buy, carry, shoot, load, fire, hide, clean, hold a gun, etc. 4. Injure injury blessure; load loading chargement; defend defence dfense; fear fear peur; fight fight lutte; threaten threat menace.

TEXT FILE 1 High School Shooting


Manuel p. 136
p. 12

This article appeared in Teen People Magazine and is an extraordinary account of how a teenager came close to pulling a Columbine with one of his friends. He did not actually take part in the killing, but the fact that he was unable to stop the massacre sent him into a spiral of depression.

Before you read
1. This cover of the world famous magazine, Time, is extremely frightening. It shows two armed young men in a

classroom. The headline tells us that it is about the Columbine shooting. It says they have found the tapes, so perhaps this is a photo from one of the CCTV cameras in the school. It is extremely frightening because it is real. 2. The article is written after the Columbine shooting which took place in 1999. Perhaps it refers to a similar shooting incident in an American school. 112 Folder 9 Of Guns and Arms

Read the text

3. The narrator is a high school student who tells us he had a friend who said he wanted to do a Columbine. He

tells us what happened in this article.

4. Andy Williams is a friend of the narrator. He is a ninth grader and likes skating, punk and heavy metal. Andy

can be very funny but is also suffering from depression. He didnt fit in at school.
5. On March the 5th, 2001, Andy took his fathers revolver and shot at the kids in the school hallway. He killed

two and injured 13.

6. Yes, his act was premeditated as he had been thinking about doing it for a long time. 7. The reasons for his act could include the teacher embarrassing him in class, being depressed and not being

tough like the other kids at school.

8. He is in a residential treatment centre where he is being treated for drug addiction. He is very depressed. 9. He regrets not having told people what his friend planned to do. He probably feels guilty about it. He intends

to prevent other violent acts from happening by being a spokesman for PAX.
10. Personal answers according to each students own experience.

1. a. kidding; b. ninth grader; c. struggled; d. fitting in; e. tough; f. yelled; g. a block; h. sprayed; i. hanging out;

j. go through.
2. a. sports park: terrain de sports; b. school dining room: rfectoire; c. city cars: voitures de ville; d. firearm

possession: port darmes feu; e. detention center: centre de dtention.


A teenager is telling us about the terrible experience he has gone through. His best friend, Andy Williams, shot two pupils dead and wounded 13 people in their school. Andy had told his friends about his plan but no one had taken him seriously. After the tragedy, the narrator became a drug addict to forget what had happened. He was arrested and sent to a rehabilitation centre where he is being treated. Now he wants to avoid another school shooting. He plans to become an active member of an anti-gun association. Action Give a speech
CECR niveau B2 Dvelopper mthodiquement une argumentation en mettant en vidence les points significatifs et les lments pertinents. Enchaner des arguments avec logique.

GRAMMAR FILE Le discours indirect

1. Discours direct : c et e. Discours indirect : a, b, d et f. 2. Phrase a. I want to take a gun and shoot people in the school hallway.

Manuel p. 138
p. 14

Phrase b. Get guns and do it with me. Phrase d. Are you serious? No, I was just kidding. 3. Say, ask, answer, yell, tell. 4. Say et tell se traduisent par dire mais avec tell linterlocuteur est cit : le nom ou le pronom est plac

Folder 9 Of Guns and Arms 113

immdiatement aprs tell (tell somebody something). Avec say linterlocuteur nest pas ncessairement cit; sil lest, on lintroduit par la prposition to (say something to somebody).

1. a. I had a bad day at school because a teacher embarrassed me in front of the class.

b. Do you want to pull a Columbine with me? c. Are you serious? No, I was kidding. d. Would you get me guns to shoot people in the school hallway. e. We cant imagine one of our pupils going on a shooting rampage. 2. a. I told the investigators d. My family said b. The police said e. The social workers said John c. My parents told me 3. John said a. that when he left in February, he planned to finish school. b. He also told me he wanted to become a spokesperson for PAX. c. He added that he hoped nobody would go through what he did. d. He said his parents and he had had a very hard time. John asked e. how many bullets Andy had fired. h. if we thought the school was going to take f. what had become of Andys parents. him back. g. if the thirteen wounded people had fully recovered. i. me if I would fight with him. Action Impress your friends
CECR niveau A2 Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe.

La tche demande doit se faire sur un rythme rapide et ne pas prendre plus de 10 minutes. Le professeur tirera parti de son aspect ludique pour rviser le discours indirect sans lasser les lves. Elle a pour objectif de permettre tous les lves, mme les plus faibles, de participer.

Action Participate in a talk show

Manuel p. 139
p. 16

CECR niveau B2 Exposer mes ides et mes opinions et argumenter avec conviction sur des sujets complexes et ragir de mme aux arguments dautrui.

Cette activit sera loccasion de rebrasser tout le contenu du folder. On incitera les lves sappuyer sur les lments quils ont acquis en travaillant les divers documents (ides et lexique). On les encouragera scouter mutuellement (cest pourquoi nous suggrons de choisir le discours le plus russi), se chronomtrer et svaluer avec les critres indiqus dans la grille qui figure dans le rabat de la couverture. Action Tell a one-minute story
CECR niveau B1 Parler de manire comprhensible et sans trop dhsitations, mais en faisant des pauses pour planifier ce que je dis. Raconter une histoire avec un rythme suffisant pour maintenir lattention de mes auditeurs.

Cette tche est articule avec le sujet dcriture. 114 Folder 9 Of Guns and Arms


Write an article
CECR niveau B2 Apporter de linformation et exprimer des points de vue par crit. Faire une description ou un rcit clair en dveloppant et en argumentant les points importants laide de dtails et dexemples significatifs.

Le guidage est dans le Workbook.

TEXT FILE 2 Against the Gun Ban


Manuel p. 140
p. 18

Here are the voices of two women affected by the ban on carrying weapons. They feel constantly threatened by violent drug dealers and thugs in their towns and have the impression that the government has shown itself to be on the side of the criminals by disarming ordinary citizens who should have the right to protect themselves. 1. The opinions of those in favour of gun carrying are expressed in these documents. 2. The three ladies: Shelly Parker, Mari Thompson and Deb Altrath. 3. Yes, they are ordinary citizens. 4. Their arguments: they live in high crime areas; they need to defend their homes or families; they are afraid the police wont arrive in time; thugs are taking advantage of the law; thugs can defend themselves, but ordinary citizens cant. 5. She faces arrest, prosecution and going to prison or having to pay a fine. 6. They say the authorities are disarming ordinary people and giving more rights to the criminals. 7. The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, where a mans home is his castle. 8. Depends on the students opinion. 9. I can understand everyones opinion but I dont think it is safer to carry guns.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Le discours indirect

1. La phrase 5 nest pas au discours indirect.

Les verbes introducteurs : said, wrote, complained, said, asked. Les formes verbales : has done (present perfect); wanted (prtrit); felt (prtrit); had been threatened (past perfect passif); join (infinitif). 2. Tell ncessite la prsence dun interlocuteur et peut uniquement introduire du discours indirect. Say peut introduire du discours direct ou indirect. Il peut semployer mme si linterlocuteur nest pas cit. Si ce dernier est cit, il est prcd de to. 3. b. I want to defend my property. d. I have been threatened. c. She complained that she felt too nervous being alone. e. Please, join me. 4. a. She said she was going to write them a letter. b. She said she had written them a letter. c. She said her neighbours house had been broken into. d. The mayor said he did not want anyone to have a firearm. Action Write a letter
CECR niveau B2 Apporter de linformation et exprimer des points de vue par crit. Faire une description ou un rcit clair en dveloppant et en argumentant les points importants laide de dtails et dexemples significatifs.

Folder 9 Of Guns and Arms 115

PICTURE FILE Guns Kill Peole

who got killed by a gun. The man looks very serious.

Manuel p. 141

1. The picture is a photograph. 2. They are in the street demonstrating against guns. 3. The young girl is wearing an armband saying no guns. She looks very sad. Perhaps she has known someone 4. The placard says guns kill people. It looks as if it has been written by children. The red drops represent

blood and black represents the colour of the guns. Black also stands out against the yellow background.
5. Perhaps it was taken at a demonstration or at a funeral or when a child got killed by gunfire. 6. The placard and the armband are to attract attention and tell people why they are demonstrating. 7. It is the opposite of the NRA slogan. I am tempted to think that it is the people who kill rather than the gun;

However the more guns there are the more likely people are to get killed.
8. Yes, it is a good idea to organize protests. If I knew someone who had got shot I would probably do the same.



Manuel p. 142
p. 20

1. Topic: measures against violence in schools. 2. They train students to react in a certain way when there is an emergency./They train students how to react

They require students to carry their books in transparent bags. They check students backpacks at random. They have installed metal detectors. 3. b. Some schools encourage students to report a school mate who is planning a violent act to an adult. 4. The right to free expression. 5. Debra Jacobs fight for civil liberties. 6. A student from Marble Hill was sent away from high school because he posted a Web Site on his home computer criticising the school. 7. Three other measures include: helping kids before trouble starts, reducing media violence and outlawing guns. 8. Teenagers should understand that whatever their problems are, shooting people is unacceptable.
Transcription What are schools doing to reduce violence after the numerous shootings?

Well, some are holding school-shooting drills when students learn what they should do in case of emergency. Others require students to carry their books in transparent bags so that they cant hide guns. Or others check students backpacks at random. In some schools, they even have metal detectors! Are these measures taken in all schools? No. Some schools have hot lines that students can call any time, or are encouraging students to tell a teacher if a classmate threatens to hurt himself or herself or others. Our kids are still our best eyes and ears, say some head teachers. Dont school security measures conflict with personal rights? They do. Debra Jacobs of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said the organization has received hundreds of calls from parents and students who complain that schools have been violating their rights to free expression. For instance, a high school student in Marble Hill, Missouri, was failed for a whole semester because he posted a Web site on his home computer that was critical of his high school. Is adding more security measures enough? Of course not. If we want to stop crime, there are three things we should do. We should help kids before trouble starts, we should reduce media violence and, above all, we should outlaw guns. And anyway, teenagers have to understand that, whatever their problems, shooting people is unacceptable. Adapted from an article by Alexandra Hanson-Harding, http://content.scholastic.com

116 Folder 9 Of Guns and Arms

SPEAKING (spoken production)

Subject 1

The poster is extremely effective. It shows a gun in the colours of the US flag so it is referring to the USA. The figures written on the top of the poster show the enormous amount of people killed by guns in the USA. Last year 10,728 people were killed by guns in the US, compared to 48 people in Japan. Even if you consider that the population is five times bigger in the States than in France or Great Britain, it is still a huge amount. The use of the slogan God Bless America is very ironic. At the bottom of the poster we can see the words Stop handguns before they stop you. This is very effective and makes people aware of the dangers involved in carrying guns. This is one of the best posters against firearms I have ever seen and I really agree with the philosophy behind it. I think if every American realized how many more people were killed in their country than in other countries they might stop making it so easy to purchase arms.
Subject 2

I would choose the slogan Stop the arms trade because I think if people did not make so much money by selling arms we wouldnt have the problem that we do with arms. The first slogan, Speak out! Dont Shoot! probably means that you should speak about problems instead of shooting. Or perhaps it means speak out against guns rather than shoot. Guns Save Lives is not a very good slogan to wear. Perhaps in war or if someone is being attacked, guns can save lives but it is not a good idea to encourage everyone to carry guns. They seem to take more lives than they save.

SPEAKING (spoken interaction)

Tom Look at that laser gun! Its perfect for Jordan. Danielle You must be joking. We cant buy him a laser gun. Its a violent toy and it will encourage him to be

more violent. Tom But Jordan is a very peaceful kid. He will love playing with it. I had tons of toys like this when I was a kid and Im not violent. Danielle Listen, Tom, there were so many killings in our country last year that I really think we should choose another toy for Jordan. Tom Perhaps you are right. What about a toy tank?


Action Check in your luggage

Manuel p. 143
p. 21

CECR niveau A2 Me dbrouiller dans les situations courantes de la vie quotidienne. Demander et fournir des renseignements propos dune quantit, dun nombre, dun prix.

STRATEGY FILE Rendre compte dun document

Manuel p. 144

Folder 9 Of Guns and Arms 117


10 South Africa

DOMINATION : synonyme de contrainte, de violence, de cruaut, mais aussi reflet dune soumission dlibrment accepte dans le cadre dun contrat social . REBELLION : expression dune contestation plus radicale, voire violente, mais aussi reflet des engagements humains au cours de lhistoire. (BO n 7 du 28 aot 2003.)
Comment lApartheid a faonn une socit puis a laiss des blessures qui se gurissent lentement; comment un tel systme a pu natre, vivre et mourir. En suivant le parcours propos, les lves prendront conscience des marques que ce systme, pourtant supprim, laisse encore dans lAfrique du Sud moderne.

CULTURE BLOG A Country in Black and White
Un rapide panorama de lhistoire de lAfrique du Sud qui donne aux lves les cls pour comprendre les autres documents du folder.

SOUND FILE A Journey to Joburg

Cette mini-pice de thtre nous fait dcouvrir lApartheid par lintermdiaire de deux enfants et de leur mre.

MOVIE FILE Truth and Reconciliation

Ces tmoignages montrent comme il est difficile la Commission de Rconciliation de reconstruire le pays.

WORD BANK Champ lexical : la discrimination et la rvolte TEXT FILE 1 Bitter Memories
Ilan Ossendryver relate son vcu et ses ractions contre lApartheid quand il a pris conscience de son horreur.


Les lves sentranent parler en continu, interagir ou crire et sapproprient les connaissances du folder en les transposant dans de nouvelles situations.

TEXT FILE 2 The Umuzi

Adaptation dune nouvelle dIlan Ossendryver traitant dune mprise tragique.


Une preuve en contexte.


118 Folder 10 South Africa

CULTURE BLOG A Country in Black and White

Manuel p. 148/149
Selon sa classe, le professeur fera travailler ces textes la maison et rservera laction pour le travail en classe; ou il divisera sa classe en deux quipes qui liront chacune un des deux textes, puis on changera les informations par deux ou en travail collectif. Le professeur pourra fournir des fiches sur lesquelles il inscrira des prompts que les lves pourront transformer en questions (exemples de prompts : First inhabitants? First European explorer?) de faon favoriser le questionnement sans perte de temps inutile; on pourra aussi demander aux lves de lire seuls, en temps limit, afin quils sentranent lpreuve de comprhension crite du baccalaurat.

1 The People of South Africa

Ce texte prsente le peuplement de lAfrique du Sud et la guerre des Boers qui a oppos les Hollandais et les Britanniques la fin du XIXe sicle et au dbut du XXe sicle. 1. Bushmen, Bantu Tribes, Zulu and Xhosa, Portuguese explorers, Dutch settlers, British settlers. This list shows the great variety of ethnic groups and nations that settled the country and shaped its history. 3. The rivalry between the Dutch and the British got worse and ended up in the Boer wars that took place between 1899 and 1902.

2 The Birth of Apartheid

1. The National Party enforced racial segregation and promoted Afrikaner culture. 2. Racially mixed marriages were prohibited. Blacks were not entitled to live in the same areas as Whites nor to

move freely into urban areas nor to use the same benches, cafs, shops, beaches as Whites. The Black population was pushed back into the most infertile part of the country. 3. They got poorer and lived below the poverty line since they could not grow much on their new territory. There, they could not have the same education opportunities and health care as the Whites.

POD LECTURE The End of Apartheid

CECR niveau B1 Reprer et comprendre des informations spcifiques dans un document informatif. Comprendre la trame des vnements raconts.

Cette mini-confrence fait rfrence au soulvement de Soweto, le 16 juin 1976, qui sest sold par le massacre de 332 personnes, pour la plupart des enfants. 1. 16 June, 1976: Soweto uprising. 332: number of victims/death toll. 18: confrontation between Black protesters and the White government. 1994: end of Apartheid. 63: percentage of votes in favour of the ANC. 1968: date of imprisonment of Nelson Mandela. 1990: release of Nelson Mandela. 46: duration of Apartheid. 2. Soweto is a township. On June 16, 1976, Black students staged a demonstration against the use of the Afrikaans language in Black schools. The South African police opened fire on them and killed 332 people. Nelson Mandela was the leader of the ANC and was imprisoned for 22 years. Soon after his release, he became the first Black president of South Africa.

Folder 10 South Africa 119

3. The

Reconciliation Commission was established by Nelson Mandela to settle peace between the two communities. It gave people amnesty it forgave them if they admitted the crimes they had committed during the 46 years of Apartheid.


The Soweto uprising took place on 16 June, 1976. The South African police opened fire on Black students who were demonstrating against the use of Afrikaans as the main teaching language in Black schools. They killed 332 people, many of them children. It was the beginning of an 18-year confrontation between Black protesters and the White government. Gradually, the government lost the fight. In the election of 1994, the African National Congress, the party of the Black majority, won 63 percent of the votes. It was the end of Apartheid. Nelson Mandela, the leader of the African National Congress, who had been imprisoned from 1968 to 1990, became the countrys first Black president. He faced a very hard situation: how could Blacks and Whites live together after 46 years of Apartheid? He established a reconciliation commission which gave people amnesty for the crimes they had committed, provided they admitted what they had done. Action Make up a timeline
CECR niveau A2 Rdiger un texte simple relatant des vnements lus et racontant la succession des vnements, leurs causes et leurs effets.

Cette tche permet aux lves de mieux sapproprier les connaissances acquises lors de ltude des documents et de mieux construire leurs connaissances culturelles.

SOUND FILE A Journey to Joburg


Manuel p. 150
p. 8

Les lves vont entendre une mini-pice. Les protagonistes principaux sont deux enfants, Naledi et Tiro, venus Johannesburg rejoindre leur maman, domestique chez des Blancs, pour lui annoncer que Dino, leur petite sur, est trs gravement malade. Arrivs dans la grande ville, ils dcouvrent la sgrgation dont ils ntaient pas conscients dans le village o ils habitent avec leur grand-mre. Le professeur incitera les lves utiliser lexpression de la supposition. Il pourra faire faire les exercices du Word Bank avant cette activit de faon ce que les lves aient le lexique ncessaire pour mettre un certain nombre dhypothses.


Ces tches mettent les lves en attente, leur permettent de mobiliser des ides et des outils langagiers qui vont leur permettre de mieux accder au sens du document. 1. In the picture on the left, we can see a lot of Black people queuing up/lining up to get on a bus. These people look fairly miserable and they are carrying bags. They may have done some shopping or they may be going home and taking a few things back to their children or old folks. As there are no Whites at all, we can infer this photo was taken under Apartheid laws. 2. The Homelands were the infertile lands where the entire Black population was relocated in the 1950s when Apartheid was in full swing (cf. p. 149). 3. Naledi and Tiros mother probably works in Johannesburg because there are no jobs available where the family lives. The place must be so infertile and the living conditions so bad that their mother went to Joburg to earn some money to feed her kids. She may be a single mother or her husband may have been killed by the police or may be imprisoned and she is the only breadwinner in the family. She may be a servant or a nanny for White kids. 120 Folder 10 South Africa


Guidage dans le Workbook.

CECR niveau B1 Comprendre globalement le point de vue des protagonistes. Comprendre globalement les arguments utiliss. Transcription

A bus pulls up. Tiro Come on Naledi lets get on this bus. Bus driver Hey, dont you know about the buses? Are you stupid? You cant get on my bus! This stop has a white sign you have to wait by the black one over there and look for the sign Non-whites only on the bus. Tiro Oh, sorry Sorry, we forgot to look. Naledi Its not us who should be sorry. Those stupid white people should be sorry. Why cant we use any bus? Our buses are always full and theirs are half empty. Dont be sorry. Bus sounds bus leaves. Another pulls up and they get on. The bus pulls up and they get off. Tiro Excuse me, Madam, do you know where we can find our mother? This is the address look! Woman passenger Its right there There it is. Your mother works in that house over there. They ring the door bell. Madam Joyce, see who it is. Tiro Mma, Mma! You must come home with us. Mma Whats wrong? Whats wrong? Madam Who is it Joyce? Mma Madam, these are my children. Madam What are they doing here? Mma I dont know, Madam. They havent told me yet. Tiro Dineo is very ill, Mma. Mma Oh! Madam, my baby girl is very sick. Can I go home to see her? Madam Well, Joyce, I cant possibly let you go today. I need you tonight. You know we have an important dinner party. Maybe you can go tomorrow if you have finished tidying up the house. Mma Yes, Madam. Thank you Madam. Madam leaves. Tiro Shes an awful woman! Dineo is very ill, she needs you right now! Mma Yes, I know, but what can I do? I need my job. Every day I must struggle to do everything how Madam wants it the cooking, the cleaning, the ironing all day. And its even worse when they have their parties. I never even have time to sit. But I keep quiet because if I lose my job I wont get another one. Then youll have no food, no clothes, no school. Tiro We must do something, Mma. Adapted from Beverley Naidoo, Journey to Joburg. Action Act out the scene
CECR niveau A2 Obtenir des renseignements simples pour un voyage. Mexcuser ou accepter des excuses. Poser des questions et rpondre sur des thmes familiers quand ces rponses nexigent pas des interventions longues ni des prises de position personnelles.

Les lves reprennent le dialogue et le mettent en scne, sans cration vritable. Ils pourront saider de la fiche daide la comprhension du Workbook pour retrouver les ides principales et certaines formulations.

Folder 10 South Africa 121

MOVIE FILE Truth and Reconciliation


Manuel p. 151
p. 10

Cet extrait de reportage montre la douleur qui perdure et la difficult rconcilier Blancs et Noirs.


Les lves auront besoin de repres pour comprendre le document : 1. Desmond Tutu, a Black archbihop, was one of the most famous opponents of Apartheid. Frederik De Klerk was the last State President of Apartheid-era South Africa, from 1989 to 1994. He is famous for engineering the end of Apartheid. He shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Nelson Mandela in 1993. Steve Biko was a nonviolent anti-Apartheid activist in the 1960s and early 1970s. He died while in police custody in 1977. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was a court-like body after the end of Apartheid. Perpetrators of violence could give testimony and request amnesty from prosecution. Victims of violence were also heard. The TRC was a crucial component of the transition to full and free democracy. 2. Desmond Tutu and Frederick De Klerk are shaking hands, probably when the TRC was launched.


Guidage dans le Workbook.

CECR niveau B2 Comprendre des explications assez dtailles, quand le thme mest familier. Truth and Reconciliation lcran Step 1 Son

Journaliste en cravate.

Step 2

Commission autour dune table. Commission. Carton : Archbishop Desmond Tutu, chairman of the commission, Peace Nobel prize . Tmoignage dune femme noire.

The Truth Commission is supposed to provide the final phase of the South African miracle, to draw a line under the violent Apartheid past and bring forgiveness and reconciliation. But the whole question of amnesty, to whom it must be granted and under what circumstances could prove complex and divisive. This commission has a formidable brief. The aim is to first find the truth, and then forgive. Unless we acknowledge that some horrendous things were done That some people are willing to confess that they were responsible for those acts, and until those who were victims are ready to say they forgive, we are for the birds. I hope this truth commission will help us, because when these policemen be punished, because my brother didnt do anything, and he was young. And what would you like to happen to the policemen after that? I want him to be punished. I want him to be punished. He said to me, Ive been shot by a shotgun get an ambulance. So David obviously saw his killers, he saw the weapon that killed him. And then he fell down on the pavement, and he died about half an hour later.

Step 3

Tmoignage femme blanche. Carton : Maggie Freedman, friend of pro ANC David Webster, shot dead in 1989 . 122 Folder 10 South Africa

lcran Step 4


Gens qui marchent dans un township.

Tutu dans le jardin.

But the Archbishops grand strategy for forgiveness has a mixed response of the townships. Some, like the family of murdered activist Steve Biko, oppose the idea of amnesty because they wouldnt be able to make civil claims against those whove been pardoned. When it succeeds, the impact, the result for our country is going to be enormous.


Make a poster
CECR niveau B1 Transmettre une information en mettant en vidence ce qui est important. Prendre position par crit sur des vnements ou propos d'avis diffrents, en faisant apparatre clairement les prises de position.

1. a. A strict separate-development policy.

Manuel p. 151
p. 12

d. At the Soweto uprising. b. They started an anti-segregation campaign. e. The long-time conflict came to an end. c. There were a lot of freedom fighters. 2. Arrest chase demonstration evolution fight oppression reconciliation repression solution struggle. 3. a. They were oppressed by the Whites. d. They fought/struggled against Apartheid. b. Many were arrested by the police. e. A commission tried to reconcile people. c. When they demonstrated with banners. 4. a. Propaganda protest campaign march. d. To protest demonstrate riot. b. Racism discrimination prejudice bias. e. Human rights civil rights freedom. c. Angry crowd violent demonstration riots uprising.

TEXT FILE 1 Bitter Memories


Manuel p. 152
p. 12

Ilan Ossendryver has been a photographer for over twenty years. He concentrated in the photojournalism field and has had his work published in many major newspapers and magazines throughout the world such as: The New York Times, International Herald Tribune, Der Spiegal, Forbes and many more. He has also been a journalist and short-story writer. loccasion de ce texte, le professeur pourra faire rebrasser lexpression de lopposition et de linterdiction.

CECR niveau B2 Comprendre dans un texte narratif ce qui est dit des raisons des personnages et des consquences de leurs actes.

Before you read

1. These

photos must have been taken in South Africa during the Apartheid era; yet they stand in sharp

Folder 10 South Africa 123

contrast. On page 152 we can see a Black man being bullied and arrested by two policemen. The one behind him seems to be searching him. The White policeman who is grabbing him looks threatening with a baton in his hand. The black and white photo shows a Black lady looking after two White children, she must be their nanny. They all look happy. The Black nanny is carrying a toddler on her back and is laughing. 2. Judging from the title of the text we could guess that a Black man or woman is speaking about his or her life before Apartheid was abolished.
Read the text
3. The text relates a White mans memories. 4. First period: his childhood when he could notice strange things.

Second period: his youth when he realized how unfair and horrible Apartheid was. Third period: his studies in the United States where he got a degree in journalism. Fourth period: his emigration to Israel because, as a journalist, he was forbidden to express his disapproval/ he was gagged. Fifth period: his return to South Africa and hope in the future of the country. 5. Lines 15 to 18: they had a luxurious privileged life at the expense of the Blacks. 6. Lines 4 to 7 and line 18 : they were segregated and were not allowed to mix with White people. They could not move freely and had to have permits. (cf. Culture Blog.) 7. Young Ilan realized how unfair Apartheid was when he called his Black nanny Kaffir, an insult, and he saw he had hurt her feelings very deeply. He saw the pain in her eyes and felt ashamed of himself. From that day onwards he became aware of the horror of the system, of how hard and unbearable it was for the Black community. He gradually became opposed to the Whites policy. 8. Line 11: the horrors of Apartheid. Lines 11 and 12: the race segregation system, the legal system, the health system, the transport system, all corrupted. Line 14: an evil practice. 9. The narrator felt he had to leave South Africa because he was forbidden to express his disapproval, he was forbidden to denounce the unfairness and horror of Apartheid. He did not have any freedom of speech. 10. He emigrated to Israel probably because he was of Jewish origin. 11. The narrator is hopeful today because South Africa is a free country; equality for all has been re-established and he knows his country has a lot of potential, given its labour force and natural resources.

1. a. unpleasant; b. large vehicles; c. failed; d. immoral; e. were picked up in a raid; f. anticipate with pleasure. 2. a. baton; b. whip; c. tease; d. servant quarters; e. emergency.

CECR niveau A2 Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe. Rdiger un texte simple relatant un vnement entendu ou lu racontant la succession des vnements, leurs causes et leurs effets.

Comme son nom lindique, la tche est en relation directe avec ltude du texte. Llve doit reproduire, le plus fidlement possible, un court rsum quil a entendu une fois et dont nous lui donnons les lments cls. Le professeur pourra oprer des allers et retours entre oral et crit; il pourra travailler partir des erreurs commises et les faire analyser pour que les lves en reprent lorigine et sen corrigent de faon plus autonome. Il pourra faire lire haute voix la transcription du texte.

Ilan grew up as a privileged White boy in South Africa. One day he called his Black nanny Kaffir. He was only teasing, but when he saw the pain in her eyes, he realized he had hurt her feelings. He was ashamed of himself. As he grew up, he understood that Apartheid was cruel and unfair. He emigrated to Israel and came back to South Africa only after the end of Apartheid. 124 Folder 10 South Africa


Act out a conversation

CECR niveau B1 Participer sans trop de difficults une conversation. Exprimer des sentiments tels que la surprise, la joie, la tristesse, la curiosit et lindiffrence. Demander quelquun dexpliquer nouveau ce quil vient de dire.

Cette tche donne loccasion aux lves rutiliser les arguments et les points de langue tudis. Selon le rle jou, les lves sentraneront certaines des capacits du CECR cites ci-dessus.

GRAMMAR FILE Le superlatif


Manuel p. 154
p. 14

1. Ces formes sont les superlatifs des adjectifs large, famous, good, bad, well-known. Elles servent compa-

rer une ou des personnes, des lieux, objets ou situations lensemble de leur catgorie.
2. Les adjectifs nont pas le mme nombre de syllabes. Large est un adjectif court et famous un adjectif long. 4. In ou of ; in est utilis lorsquil sagit dun lieu et of est utilis dans les autres cas. 5. Soweto et Alexandra sont deux ghettos noirs connus mais Soweto est le plus clbre. On emploie the + com-

paratif parce que lon ne parle que de deux lieux.

1. a. Kruger National Park is the largest conservation area in South Africa.

b. The most spectacular birds are the cranes, the crane being South Africas national bird. c. Football is the most popular sport among the Black majority. d. South Africa has the best infrastructure in Africa. e. The highest mountain in South Africa is Mount Njetsuthi. f. Bostwana has the longest border with South Africa. g. The countrys proudest moment came when South Africa won the African Cup of Nations in 1996. 2. a. The cheapest (plus de deux types de moyens de transport en commun). b. Taxis arent the fastest means of transport (plus de deux types de moyens de transport en commun). c. The more emblematic (on compare les deux prsidents noirs dAfrique du Sud). d. Buses are the best solution (plus de deux solutions sont possibles pour voyager en Afrique du Sud). 3. a. Their drivers are the most careless drivers on earth. b. It is the hottest city in South Africa. c. Mapungubwe has the largest population of white rhinos. d. You can see the most famous prison in the world there. 4. a. South Africa is the most developed country in Africa. b. Nelson Mandela is one of the greatest moral and political leaders of our time. c. A. Paton, A. Brink et J.M. Coetzee are the most famous South African writers. d. South Africa is the largest Coca-Cola market in Africa. Action Test your classmates knowledge
CECR niveau A2 Minspirer de phrases connues pour construire dautres noncs, tout en respectant la syntaxe.

Cette tche ludique, communicative et sociale vise non seulement faire acqurir le point de langue du folder mais aussi dvelopper les connaissances culturelles des lves sur les diffrents pays anglo-saxons.

Folder 10 South Africa 125

Action Share the inheritance

Manuel p. 155
p. 16

CECR niveau B2 Participer activement une conversation dans des situations familires, prsenter et dfendre mes opinions. changer avec une certaine assurance un grand nombre dinformations dans des domaines familiers.

Il sagit de rpartir les animaux laisss par une vieille dame sud-africaine. Les lves sont rassembls autour dune problem-solving activity. Ils apprennent expliquer leur point de vue et ngocier. Le professeur veillera imposer langlais comme langue de communication pendant cette activit. La dernire phase de la procdure sera observe par le reste de la classe qui aura une tche lcoute dfinie par lenseignant. Action Tell a love story
CECR niveau B1 Raconter une histoire avec un rythme suffisant pour maintenir lattention de mes auditeurs.

Les lves pourront utiliser leur vcu et sapproprier ce qui a t vu dans les pages prcdentes, tout en les transportant dans un univers diffrent du leur en partie imaginaire. Le professeur ne ngligera pas la dernire tape de la procdure car elle rend lactivit plus communicative et plus stimulante. Action Write a love story
CECR niveau B1 Rendre compte par crit et de faon structure et claire dinformations transmises oralement ou par crit.

Cette activit est prpare par lactivit orale qui prcde : les lves auront mobilis les ides et outils langagiers. Les phases 3 et 4 auront contribu la comparaison et lenrichissement des productions ou ides. Le guidage est dans le Workbook. Les exemples dtoffement analyser apprendront aux lves enrichir leurs productions et les sensibiliseront la ncessit de rendre leurs textes plus intressants et recherchs.

TEXT FILE 2 The Umuzi

Cette nouvelle abrge sera loccasion dentraner les lves la lecture cursive.

Manuel p. 156
p. 18

CECR niveau B2 Lire des nouvelles, des pices de thtre, des romans brefs en suivant le droulement de laction et le cours des ides et les comprendre jusque dans certains dtails. 1. The village of Lwako was very small (a tiny place) and the houses were plain, simple. The villagers, who were

farmers, had a pleasant way of life and they were deeply attached to their land and traditions.
2. The visitor was a White government official who had come to announce the village was going to be taken from

the villagers to be given to the Whites who claimed the land was theirs. The visitor told Indala, the chief of Lwako, they were going to be displaced and moved to another place near Pretoria. 3. The order to get ready to leave was not only a verbal one. The White official left a note. We can read that the visitor handed over an official envelope to Indala (l. 12). 126 Folder 10 South Africa

4. The men decided to resist and to fight against the White power that wanted to take over all the land. 5. The army and police arrived at sunset. As the sun sank slowly bringing in the night, the noise of a convoy

could be heard (l. 75-76). They came then because they thought that this event would go unnoticed or because they felt it would be easier to attack the village at night when it was dark. 6. At first the police asked the villagers to get out of their houses with their belongings but the Blacks refused to comply with the Colonels orders. Indala came out and declared they would not leave their land. As Indala was walking back to his house, refusing to stop, he was shot in the leg. Then, the Colonel ordered his men to attack and they beat or killed some villagers. Thirdly, as some villagers were attacking the policemen, the latter used helicopters and sharpshooters to destroy the Umuzi and its inhabitants. The Colonel even brought in the bulldozers to take down and flatten what was left of the houses. 7. By the end of the day, the Umuzi had been wiped out of the map. The assault was not kept secret because Indalas oldest son heard about the destruction in Johannesburg (l. 127). 8. Indalas son found the government officials letter intact, realized his father had not read it and found out, on reading it, that the village that was to be destroyed was not Lwako but another one. He was desperate because the destruction of his fathers village was a mistake and most villagers had died for nothing. 9. The text reveals the utter misunderstanding between Blacks and Whites and the gap that existed between the two communities.

GRAMMAR (in Workbook) Le superlatif

1. a. the bravest of all (brave); b. the villagers most important concern (important); c. the worst of all (bad);

d. the elder (old); e. the busiest port in Africa (busy).

2. Voir prcis grammatical n 2. 3. a. the largest; b. bigger than; c. the oldest; d. better known than. 4. a. Peter Magubane and Ilan Ossendryver are the two best known photographers in South Africa.

b. Peter Magubane is the better known of the two. c. His best photo dates back to 1995. d. The day when his village was destroyed was terrible. Its his worst souvenir. e. All the men were cruel but the Colonel was the worst of all. Action Make a movie
CECR niveau B1 Participer sans trop de difficults une conversation, mme propos de thme auxquels je ne mtais pas prpar(e), mais je dois parfois chercher mes mots et demander de laide. Exprimer mon opinion pour trouver une solution un problme ou pour prendre une dcision pratique.

Les lves pourront adapter cette nouvelle pour en faire un film. Ils pourront se rpartir les rles et imaginer les scnes seulement mentionnes dans le texte dIlan Ossendryver (par exemple ce qui est dcrit dans les lignes 37 39).



Manuel p. 158
p. 32

1. Right statements : c and d. 2. Acceptable titles : b and e. 3. a. Right. Lines 3-4: Most of the time when they ate out they went to a Hot Shoppe a few blocks away from

their house.

Folder 10 South Africa 127

b. Right. Lines 4 to 6: Daddy said the owners of this restaurant were always real nice whenever he went to the carryout window. c. False. Line 8: The four of them climbed out of the Buick. d. Right. Lines 8-9: dressed in their Sunday best. e. Wrong. Lines 15-16: Joshua preferred Gold finger. Not that she didnt like James Bond f. Wrong. Lines 19-20: the looks on their faces made Naomi and Joshua stop arguing. g. Right. Lines 46-49: I already know about em, Joshua said. Me too, Naomi said. 4. a. the carryout window; b. lagged behind; c. the drive-in; d. wiser; e. nodded. 5. a. He refrained from speaking. b. You dont want them to be hurt. c. They will he able to cope.



Manuel p. 159
p. 21

Le questionnaire a pour objectif de faire merger les reprsentations des lves et de tester leurs connaissances. Action Report a match on the radio
CECR niveau B1 Raconter sans difficult une histoire ou effectuer une description, en en numrant les diffrents points.

Les lves feront appel leur vcu pour raliser ce reportage, activit authentique pour sexprimer sur un vnement sportif.


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