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Debate Plan Definitions Withdrawal means the removal of all troops, contractors and interests, Bennis 2009, http://www.ips-dc.

.org/articles/1117 Reduce means to make smaller, State v. Knutsen, 2003 71 P. 3d 1065 - Idaho: Court of Appeals January 29, 2003, http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=4180324369703559674&q=%22red uce+means%22&hl=en&as_sdt=2002 Military presence includes: infantry, armor, airborne deployment, intelligence forces, security, logistics, and infrastructure, http://ww3.wpunj.edu/newpol/issue41/Boggs41.htm Substantial, in relations to US Military presence, is over 85% removal, Turkey is defined as a Eurasian country that stretches across the Anatolian peninsula in Western Asia and Thrace in the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. Topicality 1. There have been public expressions of resentment towards the US military presence in Turkey predating US war with Iraq. The United States insisted on the Turkish government allowing American troops to use Turkey as a staging post, despite overwhelming antiwar opinion in both the Turkish public and political spheres. Limited permission was granted U.S. troops after heavy debates and delay in the Turkish parliament, a. It took withering diplomatic pressure and billions of dollars in incentives. For Turkey to allow American troops to use its bases and facilities for a possible attack on Iraq, http://media.www.westerncourier.com/media/storage/paper650/news/20 03/01/29/News/Turkey.Seems.Ready.For.American.Troops-444016.shtml b. Turkey does not want the United States to be present in their country; United States plays a game that doesn't work. Washington does not understand that this is not the Turkey of 1990, 2. As of August 31st, 2010 all United States Armed Servicemen and women in combat roles were removed from Iraq. Seeing as there are no more combat roles in Iraq, we question the need for US troops to be stationed in Turkey, a. The 50,000 US Armed Servicemen and women are not in a combat role. They are only there are advisors. They will withdraw by the end of 2011, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10839342 b. The argument has been made that there is a need for troops in Turkey because the US needs a staging area or and area to retreat to. However this is now incorrect. There is no longer a war in Iraq and in turn this alleviates the need for a staging area and a military presence in s country bordering it, c. If the US were in need of an area for military operation in Iraq the hope would be the new pro-American Iraqi government would fulfill this requirement,

3. The amounts of resources, which are being squandered in Turkey, are obscene. 4,850 troops are sitting around twiddling their thumbs not making any significant contributions to complete the goals of the United States. a. Each day more than 4,850,000 $US are being thrown into the trash because of the inactiveness of the men and women stationed in Turkey, b. Servicemen and women are absolutely are valued members of the US and are not at all a waste. It is wasteful to have these important men an women sit and not be participating members of the United States Armed Services, The Plan 1. The United States Armed Forces and people consisting of US military presence would completely remove themselves from the political borders of Turkey. This includes but is not limited to, a. US Army soldiers, b. US Marines, c. US Air Force personnel, d. US Air Force logistics, e. US Naval personnel, f. All US Air Force Europe personnel, g. US Air Force materials, such as but not limited to; i. US fighter jets, ii. US bombing jets, iii. US refueling jets, iv. US attack helicopters, v. US ordinance, vi. US instillations, 2. The aforementioned US Armed Servicemen and women will be reassigned with the discretion of the United States and the United States Department of Defense, to areas such as but not limited, a. Afghanistan, under the command of ISAF, b. To Osan Air Force Base in South Korea, 3. The aforementioned supplies will be reassigned with the discretion of the United States and the United States Department of Defense, to areas such as but not limited, a. Afghanistan, under the command of ISAF, b. To Osan Air Force Base in South Korea, Solvency 1. Yes, withdrawing troops as previously stated would substantial reduce the amount of military presence in Turkey, 2. With the absence of US military presence in Turkey this would alleviate the problem of resent from the people and the government. There would be no frustration with US military presence if there were no US military presence. 3. The resources, which at this moment are being inappropriately used, would be used in a proper manner if they were relocated ton an area of the world, in which they would be affective.

Advantages 1. The servicemen and women will have the opportunity to serve their country and make use of their training. 2. The troops will no longer be a nuisance to the people of Turkey, and will not be idling away their time. 3. Military forces will be able to be reallocated from Turkey to other countries were additional troops are needed.

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