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Crayon Melting Art

Child: Sahra Date: August 2013 Written by: Teacher Eunjoo Kia Ora/ As salamu alaykum Sahra and whnau, When the children were sitting around the table I put a canvas which I had already glued some crayon to, a hot glue gun, crayons and a hair dryer. I asked the children what we could do with them. They had no idea so I suggested that we find out by watching a video. While watching it they sat nice and quietly. When the crayon was melting down with the heat the children said Wow. After the video clip I asked the children if they wanted to try the crayon melting art. All of them said Yes excitedly. I reminded them to be careful because we were using a hot glue gun and a hair dryer. I also told the children that they would only have a chance to join the making process if they sat nicely.

I noticed that Sahra, you showed me great concertration while watching the video clip. Your eyes were wide open and your facial expression told me that you could not wait to join in with the process. Some children helped me to put the crayons onto the canvas by using a hot glue gun. They seemed really happy to use the gun. When the crayons were glued on the canvas, the children named the colour. Some children said Rainbow. We also counted how many colours were on the canvas. Later, you joined in melting the crayon by using the blow dryer. Sahra, you were bravely holding the dryer and worked hard to direct heat at the section of crayons. Ka pai! When the crayons melted and the wax dripped down Sahra, you seemed so excited at the beautiful art you just created

Whats happening here? Sahra, I am so impressed that you contributed to the session actively and showed us that you were interested in art and capable of joining in the process of making melted crayon art. Te Whariki suggests the importance of an environment where children are affirmed as individuals. Sahra, I believe that this will develop skill for awareness of your own special strength, and confidence.

In addition to the above, during the session, you showed your positive learning disposition such as taking an interest in art, persistence and active participation. I am pretty sure that this exciting learning experience gives you an opportunity to learn alongside with your friends and to develop your social and communication skills such as turn taking, following instructions and listening to others.

Whats next for Sahras learning step? Sahra, our teachers will encourage you to develop your positive social skills for initiating, maintaining, and enjoying a relationship with other children. We will also continue to plan and provide for Sahra to delvelop exloring skills.

Child/Parents/Whnau Voice

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