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WEB SITE ADDRESS: www.hse.gov.org.uk www.craneaccidents.com malsw@yahoo.com (Dr.

Malcom Wright) Email Address: DEFINITION OF A HAZARDS : Anything with the potential to cause harm (Injury, ill health etc). DEFINITION OF RISK : Risk is the likelihood that the harm from one or more particular hazards is realized ( will occur) DEFINITION OF ACCIDENT : A n unplanned, unwanted sequence of events which result in loss of some kind. DEFI NITION OF INCIDENT : An unplanned, unwanted sequence of events which had the pot ential to result in loss of some kind. ALARP : SFAIRP : ILO : ELI: HSE in UK : I T IS : COMPETENT : AUDIT : JSA : MSDS : ERGONOMIC: As Low As Reasonably Practica ble. So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable. International Labour Organization Empl oyers Liability Insurance. Health and Safety Executive Information Training Inst ruction Supervising. Skill Systematic Job Safety Analysis Materials Safety Data Sheet The relationship between human and machine. The study of peoples efficiency in their working environment. Knowledge Formal Experience Independent NEBOSH Q&A 29/12/2012 & 11:47:30 Page 1

MATHAMATIC FORMULA OF RISK / HAZARD: Risk = Likelihood X Severity FIVE STEPS OF RISK ASSESSMENT: 1. Identify the Hazard 2. Identify Those at Risk 3. Evaluate the Risk 4. Record 5. Review HAZOP : ROPS : HAZard and OPerability Study Roll Over Protective M.E.E.P. (Safe System of Work SSW) : M E E P Materials Equipment and Plant Envir onment People BSAFE ( Common Hazards from Electricity ): B S A F E Burns Shock Arcing Fires Ex plosions SREDIM ( Job Safety Analysis ): S R E D I M Select Record Evaluate Develop Imple ment Maintain ERIC PD ( Risk Control Hierarchy ) : E R I C Eliminate Reduce Isolate Contain NEBOSH Q&A 29/12/2012 & 11:47:30 Page 2

P D PPE Discipline (IT IS) ENITICE ( Machinery Hazards Mechanical) : E N T I C E Entanglement Nips Trapping Impact Contact Eject FIAT ( Remember the hierarchy of machine control) : F I A T Fixed Interlocked Ad justable Trip Devices PPE : Personal Protective Equipment RPE : Respiratory Protective Equipment RCD i n UK ( Circuit Breaker ) : Residual Current Device The Spread of Fire : Details of Signage Color: Yellow Blue Green Red : : : : Warning Mandatory Safe Condition Danger Conduction Convention Radiation 4Cs The activities necessary to promote a health and safety culture are divided i nto the 4Cs Control Co-operation Communication Competence MUSCULOSKELETAL: Relati ng to the Muscular and Skeleton together e.g Repetitive Strain injury, Hernia, S lipped Disc HEALTH & SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS HS (G) 65: Successful Health & Safety Systems NEBOSH Q&A 29/12/2012 & 11:47:30 Page 3

OHSAS 18001: ILO / OSH 2001: HS (G) 65 ALL ELEMENTS: Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Specifications ILO Guidelines on Occupational Safety & Health Management systems.

Students Areas to concentrate on for the written Examination: It is important th at you read the questions very carefully, answer the questions you feel comforta ble with first and leave the other until you can formulate your thoughts. Rememb er the rules answer the question that is asked: e.g. Outline Give the mos tant features of (less in depth than Explain or Describe, but more in depth than List. Define Provide an generally recognized or accepted definition Describe Give a w ord picture Explain Give a clear account or reasons for Give Provide without exp lanation (used normally to give an example) Identify Select and Name List Provide a list without explanation Sketch Provide a simple line drawing using labels to identify specific features State A less demanding form of define or where there is no generally recognized definition. NOTE: Do not use word like Proper Use Sufficient / Suitable / Adequate. ord like Capable Person Use Competent Person Some Simple examples are: Q: List six items of PPE required on a construction si te? 29/12/2012 & 11:47:30 Page 4 NEBOSH Q&A Do not use w

A: Hearing Protection Respiratory Protection Eye Protection Protective Clothing Ski n Protection Safety Belts and Harness Define the acronym ALARP and give an examp le where you would use it? The acronym ALARP is As Low As Reasonably Practicable and an example of usage would be After completing the quantified risk assessmen t the team looked at extra control measure to ensure the risk was as low as reas onably practicable (ALARP) STATEMENT OF INTENT Q: A: POLICY : The Statement of intent is intended to communicate to all employees the importan ce of, and the commitment to health and safety. The statement should bear the sign ature of the owner, managing director, chief executive or other most senior perso n to give weight to the commitment being shown in what is a very important featur e of the policy. Q: A: Outline the three main reasons why manage health and safe ty and explain which is the most important of those reasons (6). Moral, Legal an d Financial are three main reasons for promoting good standards of health and sa fety within an organization. The most important reason is MORAL because, we all have moral obligation not to cause harm to others. Employers have a moral obliga tion toward, their employees and others. Explain the difference between Pro-acti ve monitoring and give and example of each (8). and Re-active Q: A: Proactive monitoring which monitors the achievement of plans and the degree of c ompliance with standards before an Accident, Incident on Ill Health. Reactive mo nitoring which monitors after accidents, ill health and incidents. Examples for Proactive Monitoring: Performance Reviews, Review of Training assessments, Recor ds and needs, Workplace Inspections, Management system audits & Safety Survey. NEBOSH Q&A 29/12/2012 & 11:47:30 Page 5

Examples for Reactive Monitoring: Accident / Incidence Rates, Ill Health Inciden t rates, Accident frequency rates, Accident severity rates & Sickness absence. Q : Name the three spheres of influence related to Safety Culture and explain how th ese three spheres of influence interact to ensure safety at work (8) The three s pheres of influence related to Safety Culture are The Organization (The Organiza tional controls from management) The People (Employees / Contractors etc) The Jo b (Tasks) The three spheres if influences are known to work together to influenc e and foster a positive safety culture. The organization that ensure a safe plac e of work, information, training, instruction, and supervision, together with go od risk controls sets the scene for employees to work in a secure and well motiv ated environment. With this the people within the organization and those connect ed to it should be competent and believe in the goals and preventative measures set by management, this forms a team of well-motivated employees. The third sphe re of influence is essential to complete the interrelation of the three spheres of influence. This is the ongoing tasks / jobs, which if well organized and cont rolled by management with good communication, consultation and supervision will go a long way to ensuring and reinforcing a positive safety culture. PAPER - I Q : An employee has been seriously injured after being struck by a reversing vehic le in a loading bay. I. Give four reasons why we should investigate accidents? ( 6) The reason this accidents should be investigated are numerous and they includ e Examining the direct cause of the accidents and the root cause of the accident to try to prevent future accidents by identifying and eliminating or reducing t he causes. Accidents also give use valuable information in relation to hazards t hat may exist in the workplace that have not been identified by a pro-active app roach. To ensure compliance with legislation and accident reporting internally T o ensure training and information can be targeted in the areas of concern and ma nagement controls can be strengthened. II. Outline the information that should b e included in an accident report (6) NEBOSH Q&A 29/12/2012 & 11:47:30 Page 6 A:

An accident report should be comprehensive to enable the direct and indirect (ro ot causes) to be identified. The report should ideally contain the events preced ing the accident, the date and time of the accident, the precise location inform ation on person(s) involved. A clear account of what was found at the accident s cene with the possible direct causes, together with witness statements. Initial injuries of person(s) if medical personnel are at the scene their initial findin gs should be included. Other information as required, e.g. weather conditions, r oad or ground conditions etc. If root cause analysis has been carried out this i nformation should be included. A conclusion by the accident investigation team i s important for clarity. III. Give four possible immediate causes of accidents a nd underlying (root causes). (8) Four possible causes of immediate caused of the above accidents may be slips on workplace surface on the level, employee not pa ying attention, no reversing alarm on the vehicle, fork lift truck operator not be attentive and looking around for pedestrians. The route causes for the above accidents could be: Slips on the workplace level may have a root causes of oil b eing split and not cleaned up immediately The root cause of a Fork Lift truck co uld be attributed to the driver being not properly trained and inadequate traini ng in reversing techniques. The root cause of the employee slipping may be that the housekeeping regime is in adequate and not monitored. The fork lift truck ma y not be well maintained to check the reversing alarm is working. SECTION : 2 Q: 2. Outline the factors you should consider when developing a safe system of work (8) NEBOSH Q&A 29/12/2012 & 11:47:30 Page 7

When developing a safe system of work you should consider the following, Materia ls how and what we will use and under what circumstances. Environment will the e nvironment in which the work is being carried out have sufficient heating, venti lation, lighting etc. will the activity or process have an impact on the environ ment? People are people competent trained to conduct the specific work / task Equi pment is the machinery / equipment to specification for the work and is it is go od condition, with guards where necessary Within the consideration risk assessme nts, inspection and accident reports should be consulted to ensure the safe syst em of work addresses all hazards and risk which are likely to arise. Also manufa ctures instruction and information and equipment, machinery and chemicals etc sh ould also be consulted. Q: 3. Explain why PPE should be considered as the last r esort in the control of occupational hazards? (8) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is considered the last resort in the hierarchy of control measures / preca utions, as hazards should be assessed by the risk assessment process and all haz ards where possible should be eliminated or controlled at their source e.g. redu ce the noise of a compressor by engineering controls by making it quieter with i nsulation etc, this will help reduce the level of noise at source prior to issui ng PPE (ear protection). If PPE is given without trying to eliminate or reduce t he hazard (s) we are not using a systematic method of permanent controls. PPE is a good method of control for various hazards, however, if we use PPE without fi rst trying to eliminate or reduce the hazard, the hazard may still exist in its full form and PPE may not be sufficient means of safe control, also different ty pes and ranges of PPE protect at varying levels so health may be compromised, mo re importantly PPE depends on the user to wear it and this is practice is diffic ult to ensure to enforce with consistent supervision and regular inspections etc . Q: 4. Describe the main components of a health and safety management system (10) Th e main components of a management system are: Policy, Organization, Planning and Implementation, Measuring Performance, Reviewing Performance, Audit and Continu ous Improvement. NEBOSH Q&A 29/12/2012 & 11:47:30 Page 8

The components are explained as follows: Policy should contain Protecting the sa fety and health of all members of the organization by preventing work related in juries, ill health, diseases and incidents. Complying with relevant OSH national laws and regulations, voluntary programmes, collective agreements on OSH and ot her requirements to which the organization subscribes. Ensuring the workers and their representatives are consulted and encouraged to participate actively in al l elements of the OSH management system: and Continually improving the performan ce of the OSH management system. Signed / endorsed by senior management and casc aded to all employees. Organization Section should ideally contain: a chart illustrating the management structure so far as health and safety is concerned. The section should also sho w details of employees from the lowest levels to the highest with key personnel identified by name as well as by job title. Also arrangements, procedures, instr uctions or other internal documents used within the framework of the OSH managem ent system. Planning and Implementation An effective planning system for health and safety requires organizations to establish and operate a health and safety ma nagement system that, Controls Risk Reacts to changing demands, Sustains a posit ive health and safety. Measuring Health and Safety performance must be monitored at all levels of the organization from day to day monitoring by line managers a nd supervisors to periodic audits of management systems. Performance measurement techniques fall into two broad categories: Reactive monitoring which monitor ac cidents, ill health and incidents Active monitoring which measure the effectiven ess of management systems and the extent of compliance with standards and the ac hievement of plans. Reviewing Performance Annual or periodic review of the perfo rmance to ensure the system is working on the ground and assess if any of the co mponents need more attention. Audit An audit is not intended to identify all of the hazards, it is intended as an evaluation of health and safety management sys tems, and is often independent. NEBOSH Q&A 29/12/2012 & 11:47:30 Page 9

Q: 5. Outline the topics that may be typically included on the agenda of a safety c ommittee meeting (6) A safety committee would normally include subjects which we re of concern to employees on various health and safety issues. The agenda would be made up of suggestions and issues which may have been brought up by employee s, contractors and others. The agenda items that may be typically included are a ny recent accidents, incidents and near misses, any problems arising from workpl ace inspections, e.g. housekeeping, blocked fire exits etc. Also areas such as t he identification of unsafe acts, conditions and hazards that have been reported and perhaps not suitably rectified. Other topics may include, stress at work, d ue to long hours, or environmental conditions, manual handling issues, worker di ssatisfaction with welfare arrangements, food and catering contractors etc. Q: 6 (a). Explain the reasons why young persons may be at a greater risk of acciden ts at work. (4) Young persons at work are more prone to risk due to various fact ors. They include their age and physical capability, their lack of knowledge and experience of the workplace. Also the young persons perception of risk has not d eveloped in the workplace setting. The general move from home/school and a tende ncy of young persons to take risks to respond to peer group pressures is also a factor. 6 (b). Outline the measures that could be taken to minimize the risks to young employees. (4) It is mandatory to conduct a risk assessment of the areas of work and activities where a young person is required to work. This should ens ure that all hazards are controlled to as low as reasonably practicable. Young p eople should not be subject to excessive hours of work, exposed to risks (such a s dangerous machinery, heavy lifting manual handling, excessive heat or cold etc .). Other control measure should include comprehensive safety orientation (which should include emergency procedures), PPE where required and competent supervis ion and monitoring. Q: 7. Outline the practical means by which a manager could involve employees in the improvement of health & safety (8) Management can involve employees in many pro jects and schemes which will enhance and improve health and safety in the workpl ace. NEBOSH Q&A 29/12/2012 & 11:47:30 Page 10

Some of the methods for involving employees in the improvement of health and saf ety include, active involvement in reporting of near misses, unsafe acts and con ditions this could be accompanied by and incentive scheme to encourage participa tion. Also the involvement of employees in Town Hall meetings and with safety comm ittee is a way of ensuring participation in health and safety improvements. Othe r methods include; training which outline the results of poor health and safety practices, involvement in the selection of PPE and other safety equipment and ma terials. Active participation in monthly campaigns such as the health hazards of smoking, and the benefits of wearing PPE are all helpful tools in improving emp loyee involvement in health and safety. Q: 8. Outline four active monitoring met hods that can be used when assessing health & safety (8) Active (Proactive) Moni toring is intended to reveal hazards that are not controlled to a standard. Reve al visible non compliance with standards relies heavily on visible evidence only When assessing health and safety in the workplace proactive (active) monitoring can be achieved by various methods. Those methods include: Documented workplace inspections which are conducted on a regular basis to spot immediate hazards, u nsafe acts and conditions and ensure action is taken for remedial measure as soo n as possible. Checklists are often used for inspections, but care should be tak en not to miss other hazards that are not part of the generic checklist. Risk asse ssments is a major active monitoring tool as this systematic method highlights h azards and risks and eliminates of or reduce them to ALARP. Auditing is also a v oluble monitoring tool as this method examines the health and safety management systems and outlines areas for improvement. Reporting near misses / incidents is very important as this can lead to prevention of major accident in the future. Q: 9 (a). Explain the purpose of the Statement of Intent of a health & Safety Policy (2) The statement of intent is intended to communicate to all employees the impo rtance of, and the commitment to health and safety. The statement should bear the signature of the owner, managing director, NEBOSH Q&A 29/12/2012 & 11:47:30 Page 11

Q: chief executive or other most senior person to give weight to the commitment being shown in what is a very important feature of the policy. 9 (b). Outline the cir cumstances which would require a health and safety policy to be reviewed. (4) A health and safety policy is not a static document and should be reviewed at regu lar intervals, those intervals can be determined by certain factors and they inc lude: The circumstance that may lead to a need to review the health and safety p olicy: Passage of time at least annually is there have not been organizational c hanges. Technological, organizational or legal changes when new technology has b een introduced into the workplace that may pose further hazards, the workface or management has been reduced or increased or new legislation required that chang es is area of health and do safety be reflected in the policy e.g. if a pattern accidents in a certain area have been highlighted. Q: 10. Giving reason in each case, identify FOUR categories of persons who may be c onsidered a useful member of an accident investigation team. (6) Accident team m embers must be chosen for their knowledge, skill and experience in certain areas . Four members who could be useful are: Health & Safety Manager the individual w ould bring the skills and knowledge of a health and safety professional and have in depth knowledge of accident investigation. Supervisor this individual would have first hand knowledge of the workers task and activities and the on the job h azards. Worker Representative this individual would bring the experience of the w ork and have information gained via interaction with colleagues on a range of is sues in the workplace. Worker and the Site Engineer This person would probably b e the most senior to lead the investigation, the professional engineering backgr ound would bring a systematic methodology of examining any mechanical failures e tc. Q: 11. Identify the factors to be considered to ensure the health and safety of per sons who are required to work on their own away from the work place. (8) NEBOSH Q&A 29/12/2012 & 11:47:30 Page 12

Risk assessment is essential to examine the hazards and potential risks of lone workers who are more vulnerable. Control measure include Procedures will need to be put in place to: monitor lone workers to see they remain safe. These may inc lude supervisors periodically visiting and observing people working alone; regula r contact between the lone worker and supervision using either a telephone or ra dio. Automatic warning device which operate if specific signals are not received periodically from the lone worker, e.g. systems for security staff; Other devic es designed to raise the alarm in the event of an emergency and which are operat ed manually or automatically by the absence of activity. Checks that a lone work er has returned to their base or home on completion of a task. Lone workers shou ld be capable of responding correctly to emergencies. Lone workers should have a ccess to adequate first aid facilities and mobile workers should carry a first a id kit suitable for treating minor injuries. NEBOSH Q&A 29/12/2012 & 11:47:30 Page 13

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