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Problema 1

entity circ is port (a,b,CLK,EN: in std_logic; sel: in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); Q: out std_logic); end circ; architecture comp of circ is begin process (CLK,EN) begin if EN=0 then Q<=0; elsif rising_edge(CLK) then if Sel=00 then Q<=a or b; elsif Sel=01 then Q<=a and b; elsif Sel=10 then Q<=(not a) xor b; elsif Sel=11 then Q<=(not a) or b; end if; end if; end process; end comp; TESTBENCH-UL entity circuittest is end circuittest; architecture testbench of circuittest is component circuit is port (a,b,CLK,EN: in std_logic; Sel: in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); Q: out std_logic); end component; signal CLK: std_logic; signal a,b: std_logic; EN: std_logic; Q: std_logic; Sel: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); begin UUT: circ port map (CLK,a,b,EN,Q,Sel); process begin CLK<=0; wait 5ns; CLK<=1; wait 5ns;

end process; process begin EN<=0; wait 17ns; EN<=1; wait 17ns; end process; process begin Sel<=00;wait 25ns; Sel<=01;wait 20ns; Sel<=10;wait 20ns; Sel<=11;wait 20ns; end process; process begin a<=0;wait 10ns; a<=1;wait 15ns; end process; process begin b<=0;wait 18ns; b<=1;wait 15ns; end process; end testbench; Problema 2

entity DFF is port (D,CLK,R,S: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic); end DFF; architecture beh of DFF is signal u: std_logic; begin process (CLK,R) begin if R=1 then u<=0; elsif rising_edge (CLK) then if S<=1 then u<=1; else u<=D; end if; end if; end process; Q<=u; end beh;

TESTBENCH entity DFFtest is; dffnsr architecture testbench of DFFtest is component port (D,CLK,R,S: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic); end component; signal: D,CLK,R,S,Q: std_logic; begin UUT: DFF port map (D,CLK,R,S,Q); process begin CLK<=0;wait for 5ns; CLK<=1wait for 5ns; end process; process begin S<=0;wait for 6ns; S<=1wait for 6ns; end process; process begin R<=1;wait for 7ns; R<=0;wait ; end process; process begin D<=0;wait for 10ns; D<=1wait for 10ns; end process; end testbench; Problema 3

entity JKFF is port (CK: in std_logic; JK: in std_logic_vector(10); Q: out std_logic); end JKFF; architecture comp of JKFF is signal u: std_logic; begin process (CK) begin if rising_edge(CK) then case JK is when 00 => u<=u; when 01 => u<=0; when 10 => u<=1; when 11 => u<=not u; when others => u<=-; end case; end if;

end process; Q<=u; end comp; TESTBENCH JK entity JKFFtest is end JKFFtest; architecture testbench of JKFFtest is component port (CK: in std_logic; JK: in std_logic_vector(10); Q: out std_logic); end component; signal CK,Q: std_logic; signal JK: std_logic_vector(10); begin UUT: JK port map (CK,JK,Q); process begin CK<=0; wait for 5ns; CK<=1; wait for 5ns; end process; process begin JK<=00; wait for 7ns; JK<=01; wait for 8ns; JK<=10; wait for 6ns; JK<=11; wait for 7ns; end process; end testbench; entity SRFF is port (CK: in std_logic; SR: in std_logic_vector(10); Q: out std_logic); end SRFF; architecture comp of SRFF is signal u: std_logic; begin process (CK) if rising_edge(CK) then case SR is when 00 => u<=u; when 01 => u<=0; when 10 => u<=1; when others => u<=-; end case; end if; end process; Q<=u; end comp; TESTBENCH SRFF entity SRFFtest is end SRFFtest; architecture testbench of SRFFtest is component

port (CK: in std_logic; SR: in std_logic_vector(10); Q: out std_logic); end component; signal CK,Q: std_logic; signal SR: std_logic_vector(10); begin UUT: SR port map (CK,SR,Q); process begin CK<=0; wait for 5ns; CK<=1; wait for 5ns; end process; process begin SR<=00; wait for 7ns; SR<=01; wait for 8ns; SR<=10; wait for 6ns; SR<=11; wait for 7ns; end process; end testbench; Problema 4 FSM architecture=>3process 1.process (starecrt, enable) 2.process (CK, reset) 3.process (starecrt)

entity FSM is port (Res,CK,INIT: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic_vector(10)); end FSM; architecture beh of FSM is type state_type is (S0,S1,S2,S3); signal starecrt, stareviit: state_type; begin process (starecrt, INIT) begin case starecrt is when S0=>if INIT=0 then stareviit<=S0; else stareviit<=S1; end if; when S1=>if INIT=1 then stareviit<=S1;

else stareviit<=S2; end if; when S2=>if INIT=0 then stareviit<=S2; else stareviit<=S3; end if; when S3=>if INIT=1 then stareviit<=S3; else stareviit<=S0; end if; end case; end process; process (CK, Res) begin if Res=>1 then starecrt<=S0; elsif rising_edge (CK) then starecrt<=stareviit; end if; end process; process (starecrt) begin case starecrt is when S0 => Q<=00; when S1 => Q<=01; when S2 => Q<=10; when S3 => Q<=11; end case; end process; end beh; TESTBENCH entity FSMtest is end FSMtest; architecture testbench of FSMtest is component FSM is port (Res,CK,INIT: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic_vector(10)); end component; signal starecrt, stareviit: state_type; begin UUT: FSM port map (Res,CK,INIT,Q) process begin CK<=0; wait for 5ns; CK<=1; wait for 5ns; end process; process begin Res<=1; wait for 12ns; Res<=0; wait; end process; process begin INIT<=0; wait for 8ns; INIT<=1; wait for 8ns; end process; end testbench;

Problema 5 Sincron cu CK asincron prioritar fata de ceas.

entity circuit is generic (n: natural=4) port (RS: in std_logic_vector (10); CK: std_logic; D: in std_logic_vector ((n-1)0); Q: out std_logic_vector ((n-1)0); end circuit; architecture beh of circuit is begin process (RS,CK) begin if RS=00 Q<=0000 elsif RS=01=>Q<=1111; elsif rising_edge(CK) then Q<=D; end if; end process; end beh; TESTBENCH entity circuittest is end circuittest; architecture testbench of circuittest is component circuit is port (RS: in std_logic_vector (10); CK: std_logic; D: in std_logic_vector ((n-1)0); Q: out std_logic_vector ((n-1)0)); end component; signal CK :std_logic; signal D, Q: in std_logic_vector ; signal RS: in std_logic_vector ; begin UUT: circuit port map (CK,D,R,S,Q); process begin CK<=0;wait for 5ns; CK<=1;wait for 5ns; process begin RS<=00; wait for 7ns; RS<=01; wait for 6ns; RS<=11; wait; end process;

process begin D<=1001; end process; Problema 6

library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity circ is port (CLK,EN,R: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic); end circ; architecture s_circ of circ is begin process (CLK,R) variable D: std_logic; variable Q1: std_logic:=1; begin D: =not(EN and Q1); if R=0 then Q1:=0; elsif R=1 then if CLKevent and CLK=1 then Q1:=D; else null; end if; end if; Q<=Q1; end process; end; TESTBENCH library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity tc is end; architecture test of tc is component circ is port(CLK,EN,R: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic); end component; signal CLK: std_logic:=0; signal EN: std_logic:=0; signal R: std_logic; signal Q: std_logic; begin UUT: circ port map (CLK,EN,R,Q); CLK<=not CLK after 10ns; EN<=not EN after 15ns; R<=1;

end test; Problema 7

library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity circuit is port (CLK,EN1,EN2,R: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic); end circuit; architecture fcircuit of circuit is begin process (R,CLK) variable temp1,temp2: std_logic; begin if R=0 then Q<=1; elsif R=1 then if CLKevent and CLK=1 then temp1:=EN1 nand temp2; temp2:=temp1; Q<=EN2 nand temp2; else null; end if; end if; end process; end; TESTBENCH library IEEE; use IEEE,std_logic_1164.all; entity tc is end; architecture driver of tc is component circuit port (CLK,EN1,EN2,R: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic); end component; signal CLK: std_logic:=0; signal EN1,EN2,R: std_logic:=0; signal Q: std_logic; begin UUT: circuit port map (CLK,EN1,EN2,Q,R); CLK<=not CLK after 5ns; EN1<=not EN1after 7ns; EN2<=not EN2 after 12ns;

R<=1 after 8ns; end; Problema 8

entity circuit is port (Di,CK,SHIFT: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic_vector (70)); end circuit; architecture comp of circuit is begin process (CK) begin if rising_edge (CK) then if SHIFT=0 then Q<= Di&(7 downto 1); else Q<=(6 downto 0)&Di; end if; end if; end process; end comp; TESTBENCH entity circuittest is end circuittest; architecture testbench of circuittest is component circuit is port (Di,CK,SHIFT: in std_logic; Q: out std_logic_vector (70)); end component; signal Di,CK,SHIFT: std_logic; signal Q: std_logic_vector (70); begin UUT: circuit port map (Di,CK,SHIFT,Q); process begin CK<=0; wait for 3ns; CK<=1; wait for 3ns; end process; process begin Di<=0; wait for 5ns; Di<=1; wait for 5ns; end process; process begin SHIFT<=0; wait for 20ns; SHIFT<=1; wait for 20 ns; end process; end testbench;

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