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Market access begins at home

Further reduction of trade barriers between developing countries is essential for sustained growth, according to an ITC report on market access, transparency and fairness in global trade. The report is the first of an annual series on market access issues and focuses on reducing global poverty by improving market entry and trade transparency for developing countries. In this report, ITC has applied a new methodology offering more accurate estimates of global poverty distribution and the impact of export growth on poverty. These new estimates avoid over-emphasizing the gains from globalization that occur when looking merely at gross domestic product growth per capita, rather than household income and consumption. ITCs key findings indicate that poverty reduction results from greater integration in the world economy. Poor countries cannot grow and reduce poverty without exports and, therefore, market access and market entry are critical.

At the reports launch, ITC Executive Director Patricia R. Francis said: Improving market access and market entry for developing countries will improve fairness in global trade because it will contribute to reducing global poverty. Developing countries need to export more in order to boost growth and reduce poverty and provide opportunities for wealth creation in their domestic markets, which are typically small. ITCs Willem van der Geest, lead author of the report, noted that:

Poverty reduction will require export development; Duties paid on imports from developing countries in developed countries markets still remain high in excess of US$ 50 billion in 2008, a sum greater than all aidfor-trade assistance; Tariff levels and structures continue to be a formidable barrier to trade in many sectors, while non-tariff measures are proliferating; and Improved trade transparency, especially about non-tariff measures and private standards, will be a major step towards greater fairness in global trade.

The ITC report highlights key market access issues for developing countries such as tariffs, non-tariff measures and the utilization of preferences. It examines the relationship between export development and poverty reduction, and outlines implications for both developing country policies and international measures to improve markets. It also calls for greater transparency on the outcomes and impact of fair trade voluntary standards on producers and exporters in developing countries.


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Future opportunities for Sub-Saharan African (SSA) trade growth exist both within the region and in new emerging markets. Diversification to markets within the region in particular offer the best prospects for moving up the value chain to reduce dependence on commodities, while emerging markets, particularly in Asia, also offer high growth potential to offset stagnation in traditional markets.

31.08.2012 Company contacts now in Trade Map ITC adds company data from more than 60 countries to Trade Map, improving the ability of companies to identify trading partners across the world.

06.07.2012 Barriers to trade focus of Thai visit to ITC Global trade and barriers to trade were the main topics at a visit to ITC by a delegation from Thailands Ministry of Commerce. 01.04.2012 Breaking barriers, building business Development as a global objective for improving the economic well-being of ordinary people is a relatively recent concept. It was first embodied in the Charter of the United Nations with: the United Nations shall promote higher standards of living,... 01.10.2011 Agri-business creating export value in Uganda and Senegal

Developing business in commodities such as coffee or tea or in fresh fruit and vegetables represents great potential for growth and employment in Africa. The challenge for these sectors lies in effective and efficient exporting to the right markets.... 01.10.2011 Agricultural commodity price volatility: How improved information and transparency can limit the swings The resurgence of high food prices in 2010 awakened fears of a repeat of the 2007-08 food crisis, threatening increasing food insecurity, rampant food price inflation and civil unrest. While, fortunately, the worst fears have not materialized generally,... 01.10.2011 Agri-environment as a market opportunity Through its Trade, Climate Change and Environment Programme (TCCEP), ITC is strengthening the competitiveness of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and trade support institutions (TSIs) in agri-environmental sectors in developing countries....

15.01.2011 Colombian Coffee - Challenges and Opportunities Ahead for the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation For many years Colombian Coffee has being recognized as one of the most important coffee producers in the world. In response to changes in the global coffee market, the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation has successfully adapted its supply chain... 10.01.2011 Market access begins at home, says ITC A new ITC report on market access, transparency and fairness in global trade concludes that market access begins at home. It argues that further reducing barriers to trade between developing countries needs to be an essential part of the way forward...

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