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MEDIA RELEASE ACT GOVERNMENT ACT Government to introduce same-sex marriage bill

Released 16/09/2013

The ACT Labor Government will this week introduce the Marriage Equality Bill 2013 into the Legislative Assembly to allow same-sex couples to marry, Attorney-General, Simon Corbell, announced today.

"The Marriage Equality Bill will establish a Territory based scheme which allows same sex couples to solemnise a same sex marriage before an authorised celebrant," Mr Corbell said.

"It will send a clear and unambiguous message that all people are entitled to respect, dignity, the right to participate in society, and to receive the full protection of the law, regardless of sexual orientation."

The Bill does not propose a residency requirement.

Mr Corbell said the introduction of the law responded to the broad support across the ACT community for the reform.

"Like the majority of Australians, a majority of Canberrans support the implementation of a legal framework for same sex marriage," he said.

"Because of the stalemate on the issue in the Federal Parliament, it now falls to the states and territories to assess their commitment to provide fair and equal recognition to people in committed relationships and to act accordingly."

The ACT Government's position is that the Bill is within the power of the ACT Legislative Assembly to make.

The Bill only applies to people who cannot marry under the Commonwealth Marriage Act. The Bill is therefore capable of operating concurrently with the Commonwealth law, as provided for in Section 28 of the Australian Capital Territory (Self Government) Act 1988.

"At least 15 countries have now passed laws to recognise same-sex marriages Canada, Spain, South Africa, Portugal, Mexico, Argentina, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, France, the United Kingdom and New Zealand," Mr Corbell said.

"The Marriage Equality Bill 2013, is similar to the New South Wales Marriage Equality Bill, and includes elements of existing ACT legislation, as well as provisions from other jurisdictions, to ensure the ACT bill reflects the Territory's established and comprehensive policies on relationship law.

"The Bill, which will be introduced into the Assembly on Thursday, will provide for requirements of eligibility, the process for notification of intention to marry and solemnisation. The Bill will also provide for ending marriages and regulatory requirements."

The Attorney-General announced the ACT Government's intention to legislate for marriage equality on 29 July this year.

- Statement ends -

Section: Simon Corbell, MLA | Media Releases

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