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USC VI'l'lll{l}|

J .A. D o ma ra d z k i

,:q!lIlg!1)F Atrgtrst 26,2007


Letter of recornmendation fbr Dr. Carlos da Silva

I have known Dr. da Silva for sev'eral years. I first niet hiur during rnv visit to
Grenoble in Spring of 2001 when we had a long ancl fruitful scientific discussiott
about ttrrbulence modeling techniques. F-ew ttionths later I served as a uretnber
Aerospaceand of his Ph.D. C'ornrnittee. I also had an o1>porttrnity to attend his preseutation at
Mechanical the meeting in Enschede, Direct and Large-Eddy Sirrrttlation IV. ancl srtbsecltrently
interacted rvith hinr cltrring nr.y visit to Lisbon in 200fi. In all instarrces I l-rav'efound
hinr an able ancl spiritecl scientist u'lio ha-s finnlv establisherl hinrserlf in the field of
turbulencre sinnrlation arrcl rnorJeling.

I u,a"sverry irnpressecl u'ith the cltralitl, of his Ph.D. research. The Ph.D. Thesis prt>
vicled a thorough description of the state-of-the-art in the jet flows. strbgrid scale
niodeling. and ntunerical techniques. [t was clear that Carlos had studier] in great
cletail three r,iistinct fields (jets. SCS rnodeling. arrd numerical metliods) achieving
cornpetence in each of thenr that provideci a proper foundatiou for independent
research efforts. His Thesis led to tu'o separate publications in journals witl-r the
highest irnpact in the fielcl: .Journal of Fltricl N'lechanics and The Physics of F lu-
icls. Inciclentalll'. these ptrblications appear pnrurinentll, 6rt a citation list in Google
Scl"rolar.rvhich is not al] ea^syachievement for any young scientist in a,n\' field. I am
also rluite fanriliar u'ith research that fcrllowed his Ph.D. He ha,scontintted his anal-
vsis of funclamentals of SGS rnoderling ancl. at the same tirne. pttrsuecl applications
of LES to t,urbulent flows of industrial iriterest. This balance betrn'eenftrnciantentals
and applications is \?r)' uniqtre and desirable; it gttarantees that his LES will be of
the frighr:st scientific qualitl' possible.

Over the tinre I have linown irirn ire shorved scientific tnatttritv. insight. and abilities
tliat guarantee that he nill be succtrssful irr his ftttttre scientific career. He is a
verv energetic persoll. full ,rf original ideas. and rvith liroad interests.
niy int,erar:tions u'ith Carlos I carr personalll' al,tr,rstthat he is on a par n'itli an.v
volut,g sr:ienl,istof'his age []rat r,l'orrlcl]re consir.leredfor a facrrltv J>ositiottsat a IIS
trrriversitv. Spert:ificallr'. he conlpares far'orablv u,ith t\ () persolls u'ho lvttrked u,ittt
111sltrrerltll'as Postdoc:toral Assoc:iatesand rnent on to fac:rrltv positions at tnaior
I-iS research {lnivel'sities: Darek BogLrcki and Peter f)iantessis, curretrtlv Assistant.
Professors at the {-tniversitv of \'lianri ancl (-onn'll t-,nivt:rsit\'. res;rer:tiv'elt,.

ln snnrnrart'. I could ttot rater irinr higlier.

\brrrs sincerel\'.

I r.ibwonu-tL
J.A. Domaradzki
Professorancl Assoc:iate('hair

In,f'orrrtation, abou,t t,h,eauth,or o.f the I'et'ter is atrtrloble rtt

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