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W 0 R k , P 0 W E R &
The aim of this feature is to prepare Class XI students for competition exams, like HT, AIEEE, NEET-UG, AIIMS, and other State Level Engineering/Medical Exams. Work Ordinarily by the term work we mean any activity resulting in muscular or mental exertion. However, in Physics/Mechanics, "work" is used for a specific purpose. Work is said to be done by a force on a body when the body gains some energy due to the action of that force. Mathematically, work is measured by the dot product of force and the displacement at the point of application of force. W = F.s = Fscos0, \ ; where 0 is the angle between the direction of applied force and the resulting displacement. If force applied is not constant throughout, then Work W = jF.ds If force and displacement are in same direction then W = Fs = JFi/S . However, for motion in a plane/space, W = | , . s = ( P j e i + P j r . y + F,js) Positive and negative work : If 0 between p and s is an acute angle then the work done by the force is positive. Positive work means that the force (or its component) is along the direction of displacement. On the other hand work done is negative if 9 is an obtuse angle. Negative wori^means that force (or its component) is opposite to the displacement. As an illustration, when a person goes upstairs he is doing positive work against the force of gravity but the work done by the force of gravity on that person is negative. Again when a body is pulled on a rough level surface, the work done by the pulling force is positive but the work done by frictional force is negative. An interesting result : If value of 0 between, p and s be exactly equal to 90, then inspite of the fact that a force is being applied and displacement is also taking place, the work done is zero. Work done by a coolie while carrying a load on a railway platform against gravity is zero. Again for uniform circular motion work done by centripetal force is zero because displacement is at right angle to the direction of force. Similarly work done by Lorentz magnetic force on a moving charged.particle, work done by a Coulombian force on electron revolving in its orbit, 'work done by gravitational force on motion of planets and satellites is also zero. Work depends on the frame of reference : With change of frame of reference (assuming it to be an inertial frame) force does not change. However, the displacement changes. Consequently work done will be different in different frames. Example. 1. Consider a man pushing a box inside a moving train. In the frame train the work done is F.s where S is displacement of box with respect to its initial position in - train. However, in the frame of earth the work done is F. (s + s0 ), where s0 is the displacement of the train relative to ground during that time. 2. Consider a porter with luggage on his head moving up a staircase. Work done by the lifting force relative to porter is zero but relative to ground work done is finite and positive. Conservative and, non-conservative forces : Conservative forces are the forces, work done by which are independent of the path followed; The amount of work simply depends on initial position and final position but is independent of the actual path followed. Moreover, work done by a conservative force for a closed path, where final position is same as the initial position, is always zero. Gravitational force, fqrce of gravity, electrostatic force are examples of conservative forces. Non-conservative forces are those for which work done depends on the actual path followed. Force of friction, viscous force due to fluids etc. are examples of nonconservative forces. Some special cases of work done : (f) Work done against gravity : If a body of mass m is raised to a vertical height h then work done against gravity W = mgh, where F = mg is the. force applied against gravity. (if) Work done against friction : If a vehicle is moving then a frictional f o r c e d u e to kinetic friction is acting on it. 'Vehicle has to apply an equal force against friction and in such a case, work done W = Fs = / t s = (XtNs, where N is the normal reaction. (iff) If a gas is expanding, then for a small increase in volume dV, the work done by the ga$ will be dW = l>dy, where P = pressure of the gas

(if) The yale of kinetic energy of an object depends For a finite change, W'JP .dV on the choice of frame of reference. Kinetic energy of a (iv) Work done against elastic'springforce: If a spring of ' person of mass m sitting in a bus/train moving with speed fprce constant k is either elongated or compressed by a 1 2 distance then work doive for this is p is zero in the frame of bus/train but is in the frame 2 W=-kx

(v) Work done front graph : If we plot a force-distance curve, then area'under F-s curve gives the work done by the force. Here area is to be calculated with proper algebraic signs. ' . For expansion of a gas if we draw an indicator diagram (P-V diagram), then-area under this P-V curve will give the total work done during that expansion. etc. ar acting on (vi) If a number of forces FF2,F3 a body then net work done W = j,.ds + |F2.ds + JF3 M +.... J^resullanf^An important point : Work done by a force depends on magnitude of force, magnitude of displacement and the angle 9 between directions of F and s, but the work does not depend on the time t during which that displacement has taken place. Units of work : SI unit of work is 1 joule (1 J) where 1 J= lN-m. C.G.S. unit of work done is 1 erg, where 1 erg - 10~7 J In atomic and subatomic physics we use a unit electron volt (1 eV) for work, where 1 V 1.6 * 1(H9 J.

of ground. (iff) By definition, kinetic energy of a body K = - mv2 and momentum of the body p = mv. ... K = or p = y/2mK 2m The relation shows that no object can have kinetic energy without having momentum and vice versa.

Work-energy Theorem
We can correlate the work done by all the forces acting on a body (or system) to the change in kinetic energy of the body (or system). The forces acting on the body may be conservative or nonconservative or pseudo force or of any other type. Thus, we have Total work done on a body by all the forces acting on it (W) = Increase in the kinetic energy of the body (AK) The result is universally true. ' " If work done on a b j d y is positive, i.e.,.body moves in the direction of force, its kinetic energy increases, i.e., AK is +ve. However, if work done on a body is negative i.e., body moves in a direction opposite to the force then its kinetic energy decreases, i.e., AK is -ve. As an example when a body moves vertically upwards, work done by force of gravity on it is -ve and hence kinetic energy of the body decreases. Again for a body moving on a rough surface, work done by frictional force is negative. As a result kinetic energy of moving body decreases.

Energy of a body is its capability! of doing work and is measured by total amount of work which the body can do . in all. Alternately, energy acquired by a body is equal to the total amount of work done on it. Energy is a scalar and its units and dimensions are same as that of work. Some other commonly Used units of energy are : 1 kilo Watt hour (1 kWh) = 3.6 x 106 J 1 Calorie = 4.186 J 4.2 J Energy appeals in many forms such as mechanical, i electrical, chemical, thermal, optical, acoustical, molecular, atomic, nucjear, etc. and may change from one form to another. According to Einstein's mass energy equivalence, even mass is a form of energy and the two are correlated as E = mc2.

Potential energy
The potential energy of a body (or system) is the energy stored in it by virtue of its position or its configuration. Let a body be located in a conservative force field i.e., it is acted upon by a force p which depends on its position. Suppose now an external force Fext is applied so that the body is slowly moved from its initial position through a displacement dr, then wrk done by the external force (against the conservative force F ) is , dW = extJr=-Jr This work is stored as 'potential energy' (or rather gain in potential energy) of the body, i.e. dV = -tJf and i.e., f

Kinetic Energy
It is the energy associated with state of motion of an object. Motion may be of any sort : translational or rotational. A body of mass m moving with velocity v has kinetic energy given by K = -mv2 2 Regarding kinetic energy we must remember that : (;) Kinetic energy is a scalar and is always positive. Negative value of kinetic energy is not possible.


i U ' = - f F.dr =-j*fxlr

U2 - U,

In case of a conservative force, change in potential energy is equal to rfegative of the work done by the, conservative force acting on it in displacing the body from some reference position to given position. If the body moves


opposite fo a conservativ force, work'done by the force will be negative and so change in potential energy will be positive, i.e., potential energy will increase. Regarding potential energy U, we must remember that : (i) Potential energy can be defined only for conservative forces. It doe's not exist for non-conservative forces. (ii) Potential energy, may be positive or negative, (ffi) Potential energy depends cm frame of reference. Types of potential energy : In Physics, we usually come across following types of potential energies (f) Gravitational potential energy: It is the usual form of potential energy and is the energy associated with the state of separation between bodies that interact via gravitational'force. If two particles of masses m, arid m2 are separated by a distance r, then their potential energy is planet. Conservation of mechanical energy : Let us apply work-energy theorem to a system on which only conservative forces are acting. Then, by definition change in kinetic energy Kj - K , = Wj= jF.rff and change in potential energy ...(ii) . U2-U,=-jF.dr => (K 2 -K,) + (U 2 -U 1 ) = 0 or K, + U2 = K, + U, or K + U - Constant = E Thus, ior an isolated system in the presence of . conservative forces, the sum of kinetic and potential energies at any point remains constant throughout the motion. In other words, ; A(K + U) = AE = 0, because E remains constant in a conservative field AK + AU = 0 It means that if the kinetic energy of the body increases its potential energy must decrease by an equal amount and vice versa. ...(f)

U= - G
r ' . 1 For a body of mass m at height h relative to the surface of earth (of radius R) the above relation is reduced to
TT _

Conservation Law of Energy

When both conservative as well as non-conservative forces are acting on an isolated system, it is not the mechanical energy alone which is conserved, but it leads to conservation of total energy. Thus, we conclude that energy may beT transformed from one kind to another but it can not be created or destroyed. The total energy of a _ system remains constant.

' If ft R then U= mgh. Gravitational potential energy may be positive or negative. (ii) Elastic potential energy : It is the energy associated with state of compression or expansion of an elastic spring (or springlike object) and is given by 'l * U = -JtAL 2 , ' ( 2 where k is force constant and AL is the elongation or compression. Elastic potential energy is always positive. (iff) Electric potential energy : It is associated with state of separation between charged particles interacting via electric force.

Mechanical Energy
Mechanical energy (E) of a body or system is defined as the sum of its kinetic energy (K) and potential energy (U),i.e. . E = K+U Regarding mechanical energy E, we must remember that (f) it depends; on the frame of reference. (ii) a body may have mechanical energy without haying either kinetic energy or potential energy. However, if both K and U are zero then the mechanical energy will also be zero. (iff) 'as E = K + U and K is always +ve, hence E > U. (iv) If U is +ve, E must be positive. (v) If U is -ve and IUI < K, then mechanical energy E willbe+i. (vi) If U is -ve and IUI > K, then E = -ve. Thus, a body can have negative mechanical energy if its potential energy U is negative and in magnitude it is more than kinetic energy K. Such a state is called the bound state e.g., an electron in an atom or a satellite revolving around a


1. A chain is held on a frictionless. table with one third of its length hanging over the edge. If the chain has a length L and mass M, how much work is required to pull the hanging part back on the table ? (a) MgL (c) 2. ^MgL (b) - M g L (d) ^MgL


17 -mg



(c) - mg

(d) %rng

A stone tied to a string of length L is whirled in a vertical circle with the other and of the string at the centre. At a certain instant of time, the stone is at its lowest position and has a speed u. The magnitude of the change in its velocity s it reaches position, where the string is horizontal, is . (a) ,Ju2 -2gL (c) J u ' - g L (b) V^L

A particl, which is constrained to move along x-axis, is subjected to a force in the saine direction which varies with the distance x of the particle from the origin as F(x) = -kx + ax3. Here k and a are positive constants. For x > 0, the functional form of the potential energy U(x) J of the particle is (a)

(d) y]2(u2 - L )


u, X


A ball, whose K.E. is E, is projected at'an angle of 45 to the horizontal. The kinetic energy of the ball at the highest point of its flight will be 9. (a) E E (c) _ (b) ^

(d) Zero



A 0,5 kg ball is thrown up with an initial speed 14 ms_1 and reaches a maximum height of 8m. How much energy is dissipated by air drag acting on th ball during the ascent ? (a) 19.6 J. (b) 4.9J. , ' (d) 9.8 J. (c) 10 J. A car moving with a velocity of 50 km/h can be stopped by brakes after at least 6m. If the same car is moving at a speed of 100 km/h, the minimum stopping distance is . : ' ' (a) 12 m. _ " (b) 18 m. ; (c) 24 m. ' (d) 6 m v A bucket tied to a string is lowered at a constant acceleration of g/4. If the mass of the bucket is m and is lowered by a distance y, the work done by the string will be (assuming the string to be massless) (a) (c) ~mgy ;mgy

If momentum of a certain body is increased by 50%, then increase in the kinetic energy of the body will be (a) 25% ' (b) 50% (c) 100%. (d) 125% 10. A particle is released from a height h. At a certain height its K.E. is two times its P.E. Height and speed of the particle at that instant are h fh fe) (*) 3 W ' i 2 h \2gh(c) - J ^ - f (d)

: mgy



A small sphere of radius r rolls without F slipping inside a large hemispherical bowl B of radius R as shown in the Fig. If the sphere starts from rest at the top point of the hemisphere, find the normal force exerted hy the small sphere on the hemisphere when it is at the bottom B of th hemisphere.

11. The effective length of a simple pendulum is 1.0 m and the mass of its bob is, 40 g. The bob is displaced through an angle of 60 and released. Find the kinetic ehergy when the string makes an angle of 30 with the vertical, (a) 0.14 J. '(b) 1.4 x 10- J. () 5.2 x J. (d) Zero. 12. 250 N force is required to raise 75 kg mass using a pulley. If rope is pulled 12 m, the load is lifted by 3 m. The efficiency of the pulley system will be (a) 25% ' (b) 33.3% (c) 75% (d) 90% 13. The kinetic energy of a particle continuously increases with time. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) The resultant force on the particle must be parallel to the velocity at all instants. (b) The resultant force on the particle must be at an angle less than 90 all the time. (c) Its height above the ground level must continuously decrease. (d) The magnitude of its linear momentum is increasing continuously.


14. A block of mass M is hanging over a smooth and light pulley through a light string. The other end of the string is pulled by a constant force p. The kinetic energy of the block increases by 20 J in Is. (a) The tension in the string is Mg. -, (b) Th tension in the string is F. (c) The work done by the tension on the block is 20J in the above Is. , (d) The work done by the force of gravity is -20 J in the above Is. 15. simple pendulum of length I and mass m is oscillating in a plane about a vertical with an angular amplitude < { > . For an angular displacement 0 (where 0 < < j > ) the tension in the string is T and v is velocity of pendulum body. Under the above conditions wliich of the following relations hold true ? (a) T c o s 0 = mg. (b) T-mg cos Q = mv1/l (c) Tangential acceleration = -g sin 0 (d) T = mg cos 0 16. When a body is moving vertically upward with a constant speed, work done by (a) lifting force is positive. (b) lifting force is negative. (c) force of gravity is positive, (d) force of gravity is negative. 17. When a man walks on a horizontal surface with constant velocity, work done by the . (a) friction force is zero. r . (b) contact force is zero. (c) gravity is zero. (d) man is zero. Dierection. Q.18-20: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Passage A block of mass m moving with a velocity vQ on a smooth horizontal surface strikes a spring of force constant k as "o shown in adjoining Fig. 5.25. k m T T T T T T T > The phenomenon is keenly obVVAVsVAWVV . W W served by two observers : standing on the smooth horizontal surObserver I face artd observer II standing on the block itself. On the basis of their likely observations answer the following questions : 18. For observer I, the work done by spring force is 1 ~mv\ (a) zero (b) 1 (d) None of these. (c) + 2- mv. ' 19. According to observer I. (a) the K.E. of .the block is converted into the potential energy of the spring. (b) the mechanical energy of the block-spring system is conserved. (c) the block loses its K.E. because of the negative work done by the conservative force of spring. (d) all the above statements (a), (b) and (c) are correct. 20. According to observer II the potential energy of the spring increases due to (a) positive work done by pseudo force. (b) positive work done by normal reaction. (c) decrease in kinetic energy of the block. (d) collision of block with it. 21. Match the columns Column I Column II I. Work done by (A) zero work done pseudo force II. Uniform circular (B) constant kinetic motion energy III. Work done by (C) change in kinetic frictional forces , energy IV. Force at obtuse (D) Negative work angle with displacement Codes : (a) I-C, II-A,B, III-C,D, IV-D (bj I-A,B, II-,C, III-C, IV-D (c) I-C, II-B, III-D, IV-C (d) I-A, II-C,B, III-D, IV-C,D ' 22. Assertion (A): The graph plotted between the elastic potential energy of a spring and its compression or elongation is a straight line graph. Reason (R): Elastic potential energy U = fo:2, where x = compression or elongation.

(a) Both (A) and (R) are correct and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both (A) and (R) are correct but R in not th correct explanation of A . (c) "A is true, R is false (d) A is false, R is true Direction. Q.23-Z5: Answer to these question are,integers from 0001 to 9999. 23. A train of mass 1560 tonne has a constant speed of 15 ms_1 while negotiating a track up a hill. The track rises 1 in 100 from the horizontal. The power supplied by \ the engine is 2400 kW. Find the resistance to the motion of the train, offered by frictional force. (Thke g 10 . ms~2). 24. A 10,000 kg engine is moving up a slope of a gradient - 5" at a speed of 10 kmh"V The coefficient of friction between the engine and rails is 0.1. If the engine has an efficiency of 12% for conversion of he a t into work, find the amount of coal, the engine has to burn up in one hour. (Burning of 1 kg of coal yields 250,000 joules). 25. A motorcycle, whose mass including that of its riderais 200 kg, can go at 10 ms~' up a plane of inclination 1 in 14 and at 20 ms -1 down the same plane If the resistive force varies as the square of the speed and the power developed by motorcycle engine is constant, find the power developed by the engine. (Given that g=9.8 ms2.) ___ through y distance W = Tscosl80 = ^ | m g j |:x y x ( - l ) = - - m g y Q.7.(a): When the ^olid sphere rolls down, Loss in G.P.E. - Gain in K.E. (translational and rotational both) mf?R = - mv1+-12 = - mv1 + - x - mR2 x r 6 2 2 2 2 5 R2 1 i 'I 7 2 10 =mv +mv 2 =mv 2 => v =s?R 2 5 10 7 At bottom point B, forces M A and mg are acting such that their resultant provides the requisite contripetal force i.e., mv2 m 10 D 10 kT, = = - . y s R =



Q.l.(d) Q.2.(d): From conservation law of energy T1 2 1 2 mghmv =mu 2 2 v = ^u2- 2gL Directions of v and u are mutually at right angles Hence as shown in adjoin-. ing figure

1 2

| z>-| = ^ W ) = J{u2 -2gV)+u2

= ^(u2-gL)


Q.3.(b): At starting point K.E. = | mu2 = E At its highest point v = ux = cos0=ucos45 2 E mil = J2


2 1

, y W N=mg+ m g = 17 ymg Q.8.(d): Here F(x) = -kx + ax3

Q.4.(d): Initial energy of ball E,=K.E. of b a l l - ~mv2 = |x0.5x(14)2=49J Final energy of ball E2 = G.RE. of ball at highest point mgh - 0.5 * 9.8 x 8 - 39.2 J .. E, - E2 Energy dissipated by air during ascent * = 49 - 39.2 = 9.8 J. Q.5.(c): Least distance covered by car before coming mv2 to rest s = , where F is the constant retarding force due

... U(*) = -jF(x). dx = -J(-fcc + ox3)dx =


For small values of x, the first term will have greater magnitude but for larger values of x, the second term will have more magnitude. Hence initially U(x) increases with x but then begins to fall with x and finally becomes negative, Thus, graph (d) is correct.

Q,9 (d): K =

'3 ^ P
9 9 = - => K, 2 = K, 4 4 1


to brakes. 100 km/h = 24 m 50 km/h Q.6.(c): As the bucket is moving downs2 Sj = 6x

V, \ , J

K2 _ L
\r U


ward with an acceleration Hence the

~~> 4' tension in

., T


=4_ = xl00%=125% K, 4 4

'O J^ string

Q.10.(b): Let at height h v K.E 2P.E. mg(h-hl)=2xmghl i.e., =

T = mg-mfl = m g - ,

in vertically Z.

upward direction. .-. Work done in lowering the bucket

2h the particle has fallen through "g"-

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