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The Bhagavad-Gita’s Royal Secret

The wise would always consider the Bhagavad-Gita as a text book of the Divine
Science that Yoga is. The book itself repeatedly affirms after the end of each chapter that it
is this Divine Science that is being presented in the form of a conversation between Arjuna
a devoted Yoga aspirant and Shree Krishna, the Yogeshwara.

Although all chapters instruct on some or other aspect of Yoga, Chapter Nine of
The Bhagavad-Gita is most intriguing as it talks of direct perception of God through what
is mysteriously worded as “Raja-Vidya” i.e. Royal Science and “Raja-Guhiyam” i.e.
Royal Secret.

One can roughly understand what this Royal Secret is by visualizing a situation
wherein electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. of all atoms in this Universe were to completely
dissociate from each other. What would then exist? The answer is “Mother Energy”.
Surely, this Mother Energy must possess intelligence of the highest order to cause the
manifestation of a Universe that is simultaneously so orderly and diverse.

This exercise in imagination approximately simulates verses 4, 5 and 6 in Chapter

IX of the Gita, which read as, “I, the Unmanifested, pervade the whole Universe. I alone
am the Creator and Preserver of all. Just as air exists in space but is different from space,
so do all creatures exist, merely as My modifications”. The “I” here refers to the Absolute,
from whence all manifestation emanated.

If one dwells on these three verses, then from amongst the “Pancha-Tattwas” or
the five elements, viz. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space, Space is the most that can be
logically and mentally perceived. It is thus that Gateway which the Mind or ordinary
awareness must cross, to enter more subtle realms.

While the ordinary mind experiences the five Tattwas only through their effects on
the sense of smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing respectively, classical Hatha-Yoga texts
such as Gheranda Samhita contain instructions on engaging in Dharana (intense
contemplation) of the five Tattwas to experience them in their own states.

However, to progress further, the role of the Mind must end at the Gateway of
Heaven viz. Space / Ether or “Akash-Tattwa”.

The question is, if the role of the Mind has to end, then who or what is to take
over? If this happens, do we lose our Mind? The answer to both these questions is readily
available if we study our sleeping state. While asleep, we are not even aware that we exist.
However, as soon as we wake up, we “come back to our senses”. We do not permanently
lose our mind. Conclusively, a far superior, and an intrinsically intelligent energy must
have kept us alive even while we were asleep.

The Cosmically Intelligent Mother Energy above referred to is known as Prana-

Shakti in Sanskrit, or as Pneuma in Greek or as Rûh in Urdu. It is also referred to as The
Holy Spirit by Christ. Jews know it as Shekkina and the Sumerians called it the Mother
Goddess Inanna.
The “Royal (Easy) Way” to attain the “Royal (Supreme) Secret” simply consists of
allowing the mind to surrender to this Prana-Shakti or Mother Energy. In practice, this is
most easily attained by following the three simple steps given below:

(a) sitting relaxed to the maximum (as if body is not there),

(b) closing the eyes with serene devotion, in which one would at once
experience a wave-like feeling rising through the spinal column and
(c) allowing the mind to mutely witness the divine aspect of Prana, viz. THE
AUTOMATIC BREATHING for 3 minutes or more.

The writer exhorts all readers to let this become a part of one’s daily “must”
routine. Such daily routine may lead to blissful, divine calmness, not ordinarily

This practice is the introduction to Siddha Maha Yoga, further leading to Kudalini
awakening or Shakti-Paat Initiation by Grace of Guru, if desired by the aspirant.

From conception, till birth, Mother Prana-Shakti is spent in forming the body and
also the mind in conformation with one’s karmic past. This process is a downward journey
of the Prana-Shakti from subtle to gross. After birth, this energy is ordinarily further
channeled for the activities prompted by the desire-bound mind. However, for the
spiritually initiated, another channel opens up for the reverse, upward journey of Prana,
from gross to subtle.

Once initiated, the aspirant experiences further purification during daily Sadhana,
as the upward-moving Prana-Shakti ensnares and dissolves into it, all the karmic
tendencies. This happens in the form of apparently automatic, Kriyas caused by the
Prana-Shakti who is the doer and corrector of all aberrations which are in fact, effects of
deep-rooted Karmic Samskaras. Needless to say that such purification would lead to direct
perception of Divinity as all the limitations caused by the senses, mind and ego would one
day be cauterized.

The unique feature of this Yoga is that, it is Prana Shakti that is the doer of the
Sadhana, while the aspirant remains only a mute witness.

In today’s world, it is difficult to find a genuine Guru. In the opinion of the writer,
the best way is to examine the tradition of the Guru lineage. When it is said that Guru is
Shakti-Incarnate, one must understand that since the authentic Guru lineage has
maintained the sanctity required for the Shakti, it serves as the body medium for Divine
Shakti and its transmission.

Once initiated, the aspirant should forever remain receptive to the Divinity that the
Guru represents. Towards this end, The Gita in Ch. IV, v.34 & 35 prescribes
(a) Pranipata i.e. attitude of full surrender to the Guru.
(b) Pariprashna i.e. ardent prayer-like conversation with the Guru for attaining
true knowledge and
(c) Seva i.e. serving the Guru as desired by him. Requirement of adherence to rules
set out by the Tradition of the Guru Lineage is implicit here.
May Almighty imbibe in every human being, this simplest and highest way of
Yoga at no cost!

A.M.Kulkarni: mahayogi@vsnl.com

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