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... i n n e r v o i c e
by tanka pd. chaulagain

a kakhar
kakharaa publication
supported by dr. sundar mani dixit
;f}/esf] syf SAURAV’S STORY
cfh ;f}/esf] cf7f}F hGdlbg xf] . cyf{t\ cfhb]lv pm cf7 jif{ Today is saurav’s eighth birth day. It means he reached
nfu]sf] 5 . c¿x¿n] hGdlbg dgfPsf], hGdlbg dgfpg w]/} dfG5]x¿ eight years old since today. He prefers celebrating birth day,

af]nfPsf], lgDtf?x¿n] hGdlbgsf] pkxf/ NofOlbPsf] / s]s sf6]sf] by inviting guests and receiving different gifts and souvenir by
others. Birthday of his and the son of his house owner fall on
p;nfO{ v'a dg k5{ . p;sf] / p;sf 3/e]6Lsf 5f]/fsf] hGdlbg
the same day. Today in the house of his owner there is a grand
Ps} lbg k5{ . p;sf] 3/e]6Lsf df w'dwfd;Fu hGdlbg dgfpg] celebration of birthday. But he has no any single penny to buy
tof/L rNb} 5 . t/ pm;Fu cfˆgf] hGdlbgdf rSn]6 lsg]/ and distribute chocolates to his friends.
;fyLx¿nfO{ afF8g\ ] k};f klg 5}g .
Now, saurav is studying in class three in a government
;f}/e clxn] sIff tLgdf ;/sf/L :s'ndf k9\b} 5 . p;sf] k9fO school. He is an average guy of his class. There is no good
Tolt /fd|f] 5}g . :s'ndf klg Tolt k9fO x'Gg . lstfa geP/ k9fO teaching in his school. It is said that he has no books to study

/fd|f] gePsf] eG5g\ . p;nfO{ k|yd x'g] u/L k9\g dg nfU5 . t/ well. He wants to read to deserve first position, but he has to
work so, couldn’t read as he wished. He has four sisters and
sfd klg ug{k' g{] ePsf]n] k9\g g;s]sf] xf] . p;sf rf/ lbbL / rf/
four brothers. Anyhow they all have got opportunity to read.
hgf bfOx¿ 5g\ . ;a}n] h;f]t;f] k9\g kfPsf 5g\ . stf–stf
All of them have studied in freeship by appealing here and
eg;'g u/]/ ;a}n] lgMz'Ns k9]sf x'g\ . gq afa'cfdfn] ;a}nfO{ there. Otherwise their parents were unable to admit them in
k9fpg ;Sg'xG' g . t/ s;}sf] klg k9fO /fd|f] 5}g . the school. But none of them have done best in study.

4 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 5

dfwj bfO c¿eGbf /fd|f] k9\5g\ . pgL SofDk; k9\5g\ . Madav dai is better in study among all. He is studying
;a}eGbf lalu|Psf] z+s/ bfO xf] . pm 6\ofk] s]6fx¿;Fu ;Ët u5{ . pm in campus. The worst among them is Shankar dai. He
accompanies with drug addicts. He even drinks sometimes.
slxn]sfxLF /S;L klg vfG5 . h]7L lbbLsf] lax] ePs} jif{ ;f}/esf] hGd
Saurav was borned at the same year of his eldest sister’s
ePsf] xf] . kl/jf/df pm sfG5f] xf] t}klg p;n] eg]hlt /dfpg kfPsf]
weeding. Though he is the youngest brother, he has not
5}g . c¿x¿ lel8of]ud ] v]N5g\ . p;nfO{ klg v]Ng dg nfU5 t/ enjoyed as he wished. Others play videogames, but he couldn’t
kfpFbg} . p;nfO{ ;fOsn u'8fpg ;a}eGbf dg k5{ t/ k};f gePsf get in spite of great desire. He prefers cycling the most but
sf/0f Tof] klg c;Dej 5 . ;fyLx¿n] lel8of]ud ] v]ns
] f a]nf lack of money made it impossible. Sometimes he plays
slxn]sfxLF pm dfu]/ v]N5 . videogames by requesting and begging with his friends.

pgLx¿sf] klxnfsf] 3/ cf]vn9'Ëf xf] . ToxfF af9Lklx/f]n] ;a} Their ancestral home is in Okhaldhunga. They became
homeless when flood swept away their home and land. Now,
3/hUuf aufPkl5 pgLx¿ ;'sD' af;L eP . clxn] pgLx¿ sf7df8f}s F f]
they live in a small village of Kathmandu. They are living there
Pp6f ufpFdf a:5g\ . pgLx¿ Tof] 7fpFdf b'Mv u/]/ a;]sf] klg kGw|
poorly since fifteen years ago. During election, a political
jif{ eO;s]sf] 5 . Pp6f dfG5]n] r'gfjtfsf pgLx¿nfO{ a:g ;/sf/L leader had used sweet words of arranging public land to settle
hUuf ldnfOlbg] cfZjf;g lbPsf] lyof] . t/ r'gfj lhlt;s]kl5 jf:tf them. But dammed care after winning election. Familial
u/]g . kl/jf/sf] cfly{s cefjsf sf/0f pgLx¿ lgs} ul/a 5g\ . ul/ economic crisis made them poorer. Due to poverty saurav
a ePsf sf/0f ;f}/en] cfˆgf afn/x/ k"/f ug{ kfPsf] 5}g . k9]/ ls couldn’t fulfilled his childish desire. He still brings up the
cfdL{ ls lx/f] aGg] /x/ pm;Fu 5 . p;n] d}gf rnlrqdf clego klg desire of being either army or hero of monies. He has also
acted in the nepali movie “maina” . He has earnest desire to do
u/]sf] 5 . ;f}/esf] dgleq s]xL ug{] OR5f 5 . t/ ul/aLn] p;nfO{
something. But poverty always gives him frustration.
lg/fzfdfq lbG5 .
Saurav has never got chance to bring Tiffin for his
p;n] :s'n hfFbf clxn];Dd vfhf nUg kfPsf] 5}g . c¿ school. His friends have Tiffin in the break time but he has not
;fyLx¿ :s'ndf vfhf vfG5g\ t/ pm;Fu x'bF g} . Tof] ;DemFbf p;nfO{ such experiences. Thinking all of there, he feels unhappy. He
g/dfOnf] nfU5 . p;nfO{ klg vfpmF vfpmF nfU5 k};f x'bF g} . s;}n] longs to eat but have no money. None of them give him tiffin.
p;nfO{ vfhf lbFbg} g\ . 5'§L ePkl5 pm 3/d} cfP/ laxfgsf] af;L After the school, he returns home and devours left over stale

6 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 7

food to quench his hunger. He knows well about what his

eft vfG5 . af;L eft vfg' x'Gg eg]/ :s'ndf u'?n] k9fpg'ePsf] s'/f teachers suggested in school for not to eat stale food. But he is
compelled to have it. Avoiding all these preaching of his
p;nfO{ /fd|/L yfxf 5 t/ klg pm afWo 5 . u'?sf pkb]znfO{ cfFvf
teacher he devours stale food.
lrDn]/ pm ksfks af;L eft vfG5 .
His elder brother sometimes works as a helper in
p;sf bfOx¿ slxn]sfxLF 6]Dkf]df vnf;L sfd u5{g\ . autoriksha. They use the money they have earned according to
pgLx¿nfO{ dg nfu] sdfPsf] k};f 3/df lbG5g\Ù gnfu] lbb}gg\ . their wish and rarely give to their parents. His madav dai
dfwj bfOn] rflxF k};f sdfPsf a]nfdf p;nfO{ klg s]xL lbg'xG' 5 . sometimes gives him some money. But rest of his brothers
c¿ bfOx¿n] eg] Tof] klg lbFbg} g\ . never gives him.

pgLx¿n] /f;g Nofpg] k;ndf w]/} C0f ltg{' 5 . ;f}/enfO{ They have to pay a great deal of dues to the store of
foodstuff. Saurav sometimes feel sad for doubting to pay all
slxn]sfxLF cfˆgf afa'cfdfn] Tof] C0f ltg{ ;Sg] xf] ls xf]Og eGg] lk/
the dues by his poor parents. After paying the udes, he hopes
nfU5 . C0f ltl/;s]kl5 p;nfO{ dg nfu]sf s'/f afa'cfdfn] lslglbg]
of buying thing he prefers by his lovely parents. He likes to
x'g\ ls eGg] cfzf 5 . p;nfO{ klg km';b{ sf ;dodf bfOx¿n] h:t} work as his brother in his leisure’s time so that he sometimes
sfd ug{ dg nfU5 . o;}n] slxn]sfxLF pm klg afa'cfdf;Fu O{6+ f carry bricks with his parents. His sister also helps him in this
af]S5 . pm;Fu} p;sL lbbLx¿ klg O{6+ f af]S5g\ . clxn] pgLx¿;Fu work. Now, they have a small cart. His parents sells fruits and
Pp6f uf8f 5 . p;sf afa'cfdf uf8fdf t/sf/L / kmnkm"n Jofkf/ vegetables by keeping in the same cart. But both of them are
u5{g\ t/ b'jh} gf /f]uL 5g\ . o;}n] pgLx¿ /fd|/L uf8f 7]Ng ;Sb}gg\ / severely diseased. Hence, they can’t pull the cart and further
going to sell it.
a]Rg] eGb} 5g\ .
Saurav loves his parents very much. He is also much
;f}/enfO{ ;a}eGbf a9L cfˆg} afpcfdfsf] dfof nfU5 . p;nfO{
loved by them. He finds his lovely mother even in his dream.
klg afa'cfdfn] dfof u5{g\ . pm ;kgfdf klg cfdfnfO{ b]V5 . s]xL He even cried for the love of mother when he left his for four
lbgcl3 rf/lbg lbbLsf] 3/df uP/ a:bf pm cfdfsf] dfofn] /f]of] . days and lived with sister.

8 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 9

There is e great movement of dashain in the village.
There is heard a huge noise of player of “Langur Burja” at
ufpFdf b;}s
F f] rxnkxn eO/x]sf] 5 . 6]Dkf]kfs{df nË'/a'hf{
tempo park. The game is played on there, four sites. Times and
v]Ng]x¿sf] xNnf ;'lgG5 . v]nfpg]x¿ rf/kfFr 7fpFdf 5g\ .
again they are quarreling and fighting. There is the crowd of
a]nf–a]nfdf ltgLx¿ emu8f u5{g\ . dfG5]x¿sf] cf]xf]bf]xf]/ a9]sf] 5 . travelers the members of tempo is increased than before and
6]Dkf]x¿ klg c¿ lbgeGbf a9L rn]sf 5g\ . ltgn] gofF–gofF dfG5] they are carrying new-new passenger and visitors. Plenty of
cf];fl//x]sf 5g\ . lrof k;ndf Sof/]daf]8{ v]Ng]x¿ klg k|z:t 5g\ . players of carramboard are around the tea shops.

;a}hgf gofF n'uf nufP/ /fd|f eP/ 3'Dg lxF8s ] f 5g\ . ;f}/enfO{ All the people are wandering here and there by wearing
klg gofF n'uf nufpg dg k5{ . sf]xL v;L 8f]¥ofP/ lxF8s ] f 5g\ . new and smart dresses. Saurav also likes to wear new clothes.

sf]xL v's/' Ldf wf/ nufpFb} 5g\ . ;f}/enfO{ v;L sf6]sf] x]g{ dg k5{ . Some people are dragging goats on the road. Some are
sharping the edge of knife. Saurav likes to see slaughtering of
pgLx¿sf] 3/df eg] v;L klg sfl6Fbg} lsgls pgLx¿;Fu v;L lsGg]
goats from his own eyes. There is no act of scarifying goat in
k};f 5}g . his home because they don’t have enough money to buy goats.
bfOx¿n] slxn]sfxLF sfd u/] klg 3/df k};f lbFbg} g\ . o;}n] Sometimes his elder brothers work but never give
p;sf] kl/jf/ ul/a 5 . c¿x¿ /dfO{–/dfO{ v]N5g\ t/ p;nfO{ oL money to parents. So that his family is poor. All the children
;a} s'/f;Fu s]xL dtna 5}g . pm afa'cfdfnfO{ t/sf/L / kmnkm"n play happily but he has no interest at all. He assist to his
Jofkf/df ;xof]u u5{ . pgLn] cfkm" a;]sf] 3/df Pp6f s's/' kfn]sf parents for selling fruits and vegetables. They have kept a

5g\ . 3/e]6Ln] To;nfO{ s'v/' fsf] x8\8L NofOlbG5g\ . ;f}/en] tL tamed dog in their home. The owner of the house brings bones
of chickens to it. Saurav gives these bones one by one to the
x8\8Lx¿ Pp6f–Pp6f u/]/ s's/' nfO{ lbG5 .
;f}/en] kfPb]lv h:tf];s
' } sfd klg u5{' egL ;f]R5 . p;nfO{
Saurav thinks, he is ready to do any kind of work if he got. He
sfd u/]/ k};f sdfpg] /x/ 5 . p;nfO{ k9\g dg nfU5 / k9]/ wgL has a dream to earn money by working hard. He likes to read
dfG5] aGg] p;sf] /x/ 5 . hard and became a rich man.

10 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 11

pgLx¿ Pp6f ;fgf] sf]7f ef8fdf lnP/ a;]sf 5g\ . p;sf They are living in a small room on rent. His parents talk
about their village at night. They talk about their land and
afa'cfdf /ftL ufpFsf af/]df s'/f u5{g,\ hUufsf af/]df s'/f u5{g\ /
children. All these things influence saurav very much. He
5f]/f5f]/Lsf af/]df s'/f u5{g\ . oL ;a} s'/fsf] k|efj ;f}/edf k5{ . pm
understand everything, they talk. He has understood all these
;a} s'/f a'‰5 . ;fg} pd]/df p;n] w]/} s'/f a'lem;s]sf] 5 . things in such a young age.

pm lgs} uDeL/ k|sl[ tsf] 5 t/ 5 lgs} rnfv . ;fg} pd]/df He is very serious of nature but very prudent. He is very
klg pm lgs} a'l4dfg\ 5 . pm /fd|f-/fd|f s'/f ;f]R5 . cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf] mature and wise in such a little age. He always thinks well. He
cfly{s cj:yf h]–h:tf] eP klg p;n] k};f sdfpg] ;kgf ;fFrs ] f] has a dream of earning a lot of money in spite of having poor
5 . k};f sdfP/ w]/} k9\g] / k9]/ lx/f] aGg] ;kgf p;n] ;fFrs ] f] 5 . family background. He has dreamt of reading well and earning
a lot of money and become a hero of film. Moreover he has the
cfˆgf a'9f afa'cfdfnfO{ v';L lbg] ;kgf p;n] ;fFrs ] f] 5 .
dream of cheering the face of his old parents.

áàá áàá

12 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 13

;'lznfsf] syf SUSILA’S STORY
pgsf] gfd ;'zLnf lj=;L xf] . pgsf] hGd @)%$ ;fndf Her name is Susila B.C. She was borned in 2054 B.S. at
kfNkfsf] /fdk'/ eGg] ufpFdf ePsf] xf] . pgL clxn] !! jif{sL eOg\ . Rampur VDC of Palpa. Now, she is eleven years old.
Palpa is one of the very important historical places of western
b]zsf] klZrddf cjl:yt kfNkf P]ltxfl;s b[li6sf]0fn] dxTjk"0f{ 5 .
nepal. There are many heart touching places in Palpa. Many
kfNkfdf w]/} /d0fLo 7fpFx¿ 5g\ . ToxfF w]/} ko{6sx¿ 3'Dg hfG5g\ .
tourists come to visit there. Having borned in such a beautiful
o:tf] /d0fLo 7fpFdf hlGdPsL ;'zLnf clxn] sf7df8f}s F f] places, now susila is compelled to live at old baneshwor of
k'/fgf] afg]Zj/df al:5g\ . pgsf afaf, ddL, bfO / alxgL klg ;Fu} ktm. She is living with her father, mother, brother and a
a:5g\ . /fdk'/df pgn] tLg sIff;Dd kl9g\ . pgnfO{ ;x/eGbf ufpF younger sister. She used to read in class three at village school.
g} dg k5{ . s;}n] lsg egL ;f]Wof] eg] 8fF8fsfF8f ePsfn] ufpF dg She prefers to live village than town. If any body asked the
k/]sf] xf] elG5g\ . reasons, she would answer for having beautiful hills and
hillocks in village.
ufpFdf ;a}lt/ 3'Dg kfOG5 . pgnfO{ ufpFsf ;fyLx¿sf]
We can take around in the village. She remembers of her
;Demgf cfpF5 . o;sf ;fy} pgnfO{ xh'/a'af / xh'/cfdfsf] klg w]/}
village mates. She also remembers of her lovely grand parents.
;Demgf cfpF5 . pxfFx¿ b'jh } gf lalt;Sg'eof] . ;fgf] 5Fbf xh'/a'afn] Both of them are expired. Her grand father used to love her
pgnfO{ lgs} dfof ug{x' G' Yof] . xh'/a'afsf] k]G;g cfpFYof] . pxfFn] very much. He was pensioner. He used to give some money to
;'zLnfnfO{ dfof u/]/ k};f lbg'xG' Yof] . pgnfO{ ufpFsf ;a} dfG5] cfˆg} Sushila. She finds all the people of village are as her own but of
h:tf] nfU5 t/ ;x/sf dfG5] glrg]sf] h:tf], 5'Rrf] / af]Nbf klg the town are naughty, aggressive and heartless.

16 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 17

lk6\nfh:tf] nfU5 . She started to read at Ratna Rajya School after arriving
in kathmandu. Now, she is reading in class six. Her brother
sf7df8f}F cfPkl5 pgL afg]Zj/sf] /Tg/fHo :s'ndf k9\g sagar and younger sister Samundra are also reading in the
yflng\ . clxn] pgL sIff ^ df k9\l5g\ . ToxLF pgsf bfO ;fu/ / same school. Sushil is very discipline. She believes that a
alxgL ;d'b| klg k9\5g\ . ;'zLnf cg'zfl;t l5g\ . pgL cg'zf;g person becomes bad without discipline. She is very hard
ePg eg] dfG5] v/fa x'G5 elG5g\ . pgL Hofb} ldlxg]tL / kl/>dL worker and laborious. She believes that, without hardworking

l5g\ . ldlxg]tL geP 7"nf] dfG5] aGg g;Sg] pgsf] ljrf/ 5 . pgL one can’t be a great person. She also requests her friends to
believe on discipline and hard working. She reads well in the
c¿ ;fyLx¿nfO{ klg cg'zfl;t / ldlxg]tL x'g cfu|x ul5{g\ . pgL
school and speaks sweet words. Her behavior is very good and
:s'ndf /fd|f] k9\l5g\ / ld7f] af]lN5g\ . pgsf] afgLAoxf]/f klg /fd|f] impressive. She always smiles while talking with friends.
5 . pgL ;a} ;fyLx¿;Fu d';S' s xfF;/] dfq} s'/f ul5{g\ . To;}n] Hence, she has many intimate friends.
pgsf ;fyLx¿ w]/} 5g\ .
She finds maths hard and science easiest subjects. But,
pgnfO{ lx;fa ufx|f] / lj1fg k9\g ;lhnf] nfU5 . t/ k/LIffdf she secures highest marks in mathematics. She further tells that
;a}eGbf a9L gDa/ lx;fadf g} cfpF5 . ufx|f] ljifonfO{ a9L ldlxg]t she secured highest marks in hard Subject due to her habit of

u/]/ k9]sf]n] a9L GDa/ cfPsf] xf] egL pgL elG5g\ . pgn] :s'ndf laboring more for harder one. She is never punished by her
teachers in the class.
clxn];Dd lzIfs–lzlIfsfaf6 ;hfo kfPsL 5}gg\ .
She has never stepped outside the valley but she likes to
pgL clxn];Dd st} 3'Dg uPsL 5}g t/ kf]v/f 3'Dg hfg dg
visit pokhara much. She has never stepped in spite of hearing
k5{ . pgL kf]v/f guP klg ToxfFsf af/]df c¿n] eg]sf s'/f ;'gs ] L much about pokhara. She plays less. She likes to play dolls
5g\ . pgL sd v]lN5g\ . v]Nbf pgnfO{ k'tnL v]Ng dg k5{ . pgsf] while playing. She has habit of regular reading. She always
lgoldt k9\g] afgL 5 . 3/df ;w}F laxfg b'O{ 306f / a]ns ' f b'O{ 306f read two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening.
k9\l5g\ . ;'zLnf k|ltefjfg\ l5g\ . k9fOafx]s cltl/Qm lqmofsnfkdf Sushila is very intelligent girl. She also takes part in extra-

klg pgL efu lnlG5g\ . pgnfO{ gf6sdf clego ug{ dg k5{ . curricular activities expect reading. She likes to act in drama.
As she has won the heart of audience by acting in many
;fg}bl] v y'k}| gf6sx¿df clego u/]/ pgn] bz{ssf] dg lhlt;s]sL
dramas since her childhood. Her acting and performance in

18 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 19

l5g\ . gf6sdf pgsf] clego /fd|f] 5 . pgL gfRg klg l;kfn' l5g\ . drama is superb. She is talent on dancing too. She is soft
hearted girl. She feels pity when she finds poor’s and helpless
pgsf] dg sdnf] 5 . af6fdf c;xfo / b'MvLnfO{ b]vL eg] pgsf] dg
people. She likes to go forward to help them. She remember
klUnG5 . pgLx¿sf] ;xof]usf nflu clu ;g{ pgnfO{ dg nfU5 .
what her grand father had told when she was child.
cfkm" ;fgL x'bF f xh'/a'afn] eGg'ePsf s'/f klg pgL ofb ul5{g\ . Her grand father used to say that there is no any religion better
pgsf xh'/a'afn] ul/ab'MvLsf] ;]jfeGbf 7"nf] wd{ c¿ s]xL x'bF g} than serving poor and helpless. It is imbedded in the core of
eGg'xG' Yof]] . of] s'/f pgsf] dgdf u8]/ a;]sf] 5 . To;}n] pgL her heart. So, she wants to identify herself as an angel by
bLgb'MvLsf] ;]jf u/]/ c;n dfG5]sf] kl/ro lbg rfxlG5g\ . pgn] helping poor and homeless people. She has also understood
csf{] Pp6f s'/f] klg a'em]sL l5g\, Tof] xf] cfkm";uF h] 5 To;d} lrQ one thing that we should satisfy ourselves on whatever we
have otherwise, we will be the poorest person of the world.
a'emfpg'k5{, xf]Og eg] b'Mv kfOG5 .
She does almost all works inside home. She assists other
pgL 3/leqsf k|foMh;f] sfd ul5{g\ . k9fOafx]s pgL 3/
in household works except reading. Father loves her very
leqsf sfddf c¿nfO{ ;3fpFl5g\ . afafn] pgnfO{ a9L dfof much. Mother scolds her even in trivial matters but her father
ug{x' G' 5 . ddLn] eg] ;fgf] s'/fdf klg ufnL ug{x' G' 5 t/ afafn] convinces her. In spite of all these thing, they have no
pgnfO{ ;DemfO{–a'emfO{ ug{x' G' 5 . olt x'bF fx'bF } klg pgsf afaf–ddLn] discriminating between son and daughter.
5f]/f / 5f]/Ldf s'g} e]befj ug{e ' Psf] 5}g .
She has poor familial life. It is difficult to run family
pgsf] kl/jf/ b'MvL 5 . afafsf] dfq} sdfOn] 3/vr{ wfGg lgs} only by father’s income source. It is insufficient to manage
room fare, food and study expenses for three of them. She is
ufx|f] 5 . pgLx¿nfO{ sf]7fef8f, vfgf / tLghgfsf] k9fO vr{
always scared about; whether her familial economic status will
k'¥ofpg ufx|f] 5 . kl5;Dd kl/jf/sf] cfly{s cj:yf ;'lw|g] xf] ls
improve of remain as usual.
o:t} /lx/xg] xf] ls eGg] lrGtf pgnfO{ 5 .
Sushila has heard about falling the people of towns in
;'zLnfn] ;x/sf dfG5]x¿ s'ntdf km;]sf] b]vs ] L 5 . To;}n] bad habits. So, she always suggests her colleagues to walk on a
pgL ;a} ;fyLnfO{ /fd|f] af6f]df nfUg'k5{, em}emu8f ug{' x'bF g} / good path, not to fight each other and not to take bad habits.
s'ntdf km:g'xbF' g} elG5g\ .
áàá áàá
20 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 21
INTRO KAKHARA KaKhaRa Movement: Creative Archives
Art for All & History
Kakhara conducts various Nepalese art realm has got many
sv/f : the biginners... trainings and workshops based on excellent and valuable, prolific
art and communication like music, artists some of which have got
KaKhaRa works for Children and As there is growing concern on the painting, acting, and personality right place and opportunities to
youths through the medium of art, Concept of “New Nepal”, development for the school expose their talents while the
litrature and communication. KaKhaRa respects children and students, youths and community creative potentialities of many
This organization is established youths’ growing political at risk. Regarding this movement , other artists have been confined
in 2064 B.S. in a join efforts and awareness and is committed to within themselves only. KaKhaRa
KaKhaRa has already organized
participation of artists, writers and make active participation of them believes that such artists are to be
various workshops on Collage
in creative activities to make this given due opportunities, respects
media persons working in the field making, play production and and encouragement. Therefore, it
of art, litrature and media since a concept a reality. personality development for is always willing to bring such
long period for genuine creative school students and youths. talents in light and encourage
activities. them. Regarding this, it has a
Work Children for Nation movement to publish their
KaKhaRa has forwarded its biography and produce
activities through the medium of KaKhaRa organizes different documentary, teledrama based on
art, litrature and communication instruction classes and workshops Art and media plays important their real life.
like painting, music, drama, film based on litrature, acting, painting role in the development of a
and print media (newspaper and and music in different occasions nation. Similarly, the participation This is dedicated in constructing a
books).We strongly believe that the focusing children and youths . of children and youth is very glorious history of fine art.
different aspects of art alone are This also publishes literature necessary in creative activities.
only the right means for social books and other materials. It Keeping this fact in consideration,
transformation. prepares and produces drama, KaKhaRa organizes different
film, documentary, docudrama, programs and workshops focusing
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

music video, newspaper, brochure, them.

Objective pamphlets & books and organizes
We strongly believe that creative
painting workshops and
The main objective of KaKhaRa is exhibitions on contemporary
activities of children and youths
who have participated in such
to present its creations through art, issues and events, in the name of
programs play vital role in the
litrature and media. This believes social transformation. KaKhaRa
progress of nation. Many of them
art and media are not only for can collaborate with other helping
have been keenly devoting to
entertainment but also a right organizations for this work. KaKhaRa-Nepal
theatre (performing art) painting,
means for social transformation. Gothatar-08, Kathmandu, Nepal
music and other creative activities
Therefore, KaKhaRa will work for Ph. no.: +977-01-4991066, 9841-364543
after the completion of such
the welfare of communities at risk.
trainings. (Tanka), 98032-10196 (Mahesh)
8Dd/]sf] syf DAMBARE’S STORY
8Dd/] clxn] !! jif{sf] 5 . p;sf] 3/ lqz"nL xf] . p;n] Now, Dambare is eleven years old. His home is in
;fg}bl] v k9\g kfPg . p;sL tLgj6L cfdf lyP . p;sL sfG5Lcfdf Trishuli. He didn’t get opportunity to read since his childhood.
ufpFdf / dflxnLcfdf sf7df8f}s F f] gf/fgyfgdf 5g\ . p;sL cfdf He has three mothers. His youngest mother is in village and

h]7L x'g\ . pg}af6 8Dd/] / p;sL alxgL hGdL . b'js } f] hGdkl5 second mother is at narayanthan of kathmandu. His own
mother is the eldest one. He and his sister are from her. After
p;sL cfdf cs{; } uF lxF8L . hfFbf alxgLnfO{ cfkm";uF } lnP/ uO{ . 3/df
the birth of both of them she is eloped with another man. She
sfG5Lcfdfn] p;nfO{ b]vL;lxg .
has also taken his sister with her. At home his youngest cruel
8Dd/] c;fWo} ;f]emf] 5 . pm Odfgbf/ / cg'zfl;t 5 . p;nfO{ mother couldn’t tolerate him.

w]/} af]Ng cfpFbg} . To;sf/0f s;};uF w]/} af]Nbf klg af]Nb}g . c¿n] Dambare is very gentle guy. He is honest as well as
p;nfO{ nf6f] eG5g\ t/ pm uDeL/ 5 . discipline. He doesn’t talk more. So, he can’t talk much with
others. He is called dumb and uncivilized by people but he is
p;sf afa' sf7df8f}dF f sfd uy]{ . pgn] 8Dd/]nfO{ klg very sober and gentle.
sf7df8f}F lnP/ cfP . sf7df8f}F cfPkl5 pm v';L eof] . p;sf afa'
His father used to work in kathmandu. He also brought
;fgf]ltgf] 7]Ssfk§f;DaGwL sfd uy]{ . 8Dd/] klg afa';uF ToxL sfd
dambare with him. Dambare was happy after brought him
ug{ yfNof] . p;n] l;d]G6Lsf af]/f, O{6+ fsf ef/L, afn'jfsf] 8f]sf] af]Sg
with father. His father was a simple contractor of mason.
yfNof] . o;sf ;fy} p;n] xyf}8f / ;fa]n klg rnfpg yfNof] . Dambare also started to work with his father. He carried sacs

24 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 25

p;sf] k9\g] pd]/ xf] . p;n] klg sf7df8f}F cfP/ k9\ga] f/] of cements, bricks and sand and other heavy loads. Including
] f] lyof] t/ cj;/ kfPg . pgsf afa'n] snd ;dfpg all there, he started to use hammer and shovels.

l;sfpg'kg{] xf] t/ ;fa]n rnfpg l;sfPÙ emf]nfdf lstfa af]Sg It’s his age of reading. He has dreamt of reading after
l;sfpg'kg]{ xf] t/ 8f]sf]df O{6+ f af]Sg l;sfP . ;x/df cfPkl5 pm arriving Kathmandu but didn’t get such opportunity. His
lbgel/ sfddf vl6G5 . p;n] laxfg–a]ns ' fdfq vfg kfpF5 t}klg father should teach him to read on the contrary he taught to

l/:6k':6 5 . use shovel. He should teach to carry books and pens on his
tender hands but taught to carry bricks in basket. Whole the
p;sf] zl// km';f| ] 5 . zl//df nufPsf sk8fx¿ kmf]xf]/ 5g\ . day he is busy on work since the day of his arrival. He has
p;nfO{ ;kmf;'U3/ ul/lbg] sf]xL 5}gg\ . p;n] /ftL e'OdF f ;'Tg'k5{ . robust body, despites of only getting chance to eat onlt
p;nfO{ o; ;x/ / oxfFsf dfG5]sf af/]df s]xL yfxf 5}g . p;nfO{ morning and evening.

cfˆgf afa'n] NofPsf tLgj6L cfdfsf af/]df klg Tolt /fd|f; ] uF yfxf He has dry and rough skin. His worn clothes are dirty.
5}g . s;}n] p;nfO{ 3/ sxfF xf] eg]/ ;f]Wof] eg] lqz"nL;Dd eGg Nobody is there to keep him clean. He sleeps on the floor at
;S5 t/ ufpF3/sf af/]df /fd|f; ] uF yfxf 5}g . night. He is unknown about the city and the people. He is also
ignorant about his three mothers brought by his father. He
Pslbgsf] s'/f] xf] . 8Dd/]nfO{ ;fyLsf] sf]7fdf 5f8]/ p;sf doesn’t know well about his own village but if anybody asked
afa' ufpF uP . p;sf afa' kf]On uPsL 8Dd/]sL cfdfnfO{ vf]h/] him about it, he only can tell them that he was from trishuli.
NofpF5' egL lxF8s
] f x'g\ . afa' lxF8k] l5 pm clxn] afa'sf ;fyLsf]
It’s an event of a day. His father went to village leaving
sf]7fdf a:5 . pm lbgel/ sfd u5{ / laxfg–a]ns ' fdfq vfgf vfG5 . him in his friend’s room. His father has gone there to bring
sfdaf6 slt k};f cfpF5 / s;n] lnG5 < p;nfO{ yfxf 5}g . cfdf back his eloped mother. Now, he is living with his father’s
vf]Hg uPsf p;sf afa' w]/} dlxgf;Dd kms{g] g\ . clxn] Psjif{ mate room. Whole the day he works hard by taking food only
eO;Sof] p;sf afa' gkmls{Psf] klg . morning and evening. He doesn’t know about how much
money he earns and who takes his wage. His father who was
kl5dfq p;n] yfxf kfof] p;sf afa'n] sf7df8f}d F f w]/h
} gfsf] gone to search his mother didn’t return many months from his
k};f ltg'k{ g{] /x]5 . To;}n] gkms{s
] f x'g\ ls < clxn] p;sf ;fydf g village. Now, one year passed but his father hasn’t returned,
26 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 27
Later, he knows that his father had to pay debts to many
persons in kathmandu. Perhaps he was not returning for that
reasons. Now, neither his father nor his loving mother is with
afa' 5g\, g cfdf . clxn] pm 6'x/' f]h:t} 5 . afa'sf ;fyLdfq p;sf
him. He is like orphan. There he recognizes only to his father’s
lrghfgsf dfG5] x'g\ . pg}nfO{ pm cfKkf eG5 . afa'sf ;fyLsf
friend. He calls him “appa”. His “appa” has three children. He
tLghgf 5f]/f5f]/L 5g\ . pgLx¿n] cfKkf eg]sf] ;'g/] p;n] klg cfKkf used to call “appa” as he heard the word “appa” from the
eg]sf] xf] . pm ToxL kl/jf/df ldn]/ a;]sf] 5 . ToxfF pm laxfg–a]ns
' f children of his father’s friend. He is living with the family
efF8f df‰5, n'uf w'G5 / lbgel/ n]a/ sfd u5{ . p;nfO{ ca afa' happily. He cleans the pots and dishes, washes clothes and
kms]/{ cfpF5g\ h:tf] nfUb}g . work as labor whole the day. He doubts about the return of
father back to him.
p;sf xftdf 7]nf p7]sf 5g\ . lbgx'F sfd u/]sf sf/0f p;sf
There are scars and wounds on his palm. He has strong
xftkfv'/f alnof 5g\ . pm c;fWo} ;f]emf] ePsf]n] c¿n] klg p;nfO{
hands and legs due to his daily hard work. He is very honest
cfˆgf] 3/df sfd ug{ eG5g\ t/ pm dfGb}g . pm cfKkfnfO{ ;f]Wg'k5{
so many people call him to work in theirs home but he always
eG5 . pm cfKkfn] h] eGof] ToxL dfG5 . denies. He replies, he should ask the permission of “Appa” for

pm vfg lbP klg af]Nb}g / glbP klg af]Nb}g . s;}n] lk6] klg it. He honestly obeys, whatever told by “Appa”.

k|ltlqmof hgfpFbg} g\ t/ a9L eof] eg] k|ltjfb eg] u5{ . c¿ a]nf He never complains whether he was given food to eat
l/; p7\bf / ef]s nfUbf gaf]nL 3f];] d'G6f] nufP/ a:5 . or not given. He never reacts if anybody beat him but protest if
severely beaten. Rest of the time, he just remain quite and
w]/} ;do;Dd p;sf afa' gkmls{Pkl5 cfKkfnfO{ cK7\of/f] bows down his head if he is very angry and hungry.
k/]sf] 5 . csf{sf] 5f]/fnfO{ slt ;do;Dd kfNg'kg]{ xf] h:tf] nfu]sf]
It’s very difficult to “Appa” due to the absent of
5 pgnfO{ . pgn] p;nfO{ lqz"nL k'¥ofOlbg] ;f]rs] f 5g\ t/ lqz"nLdf
Dambare’s father for a long time. “Appa” complains about
klg p;sf afa' sxfF a:5g\ eGg] pgnfO{ yfxf 5}g . glrg]sf] 7fpFdf how long time, he should bear the child of others. “Appa” has
sxfF lnP/ hfg] xf] eGg] pgnfO{ nfu]sf] 5 . thought about sending him to Trishuli with his father but he
doesn’t know, where does his father live in Trishuli? He
realizes where to take him in such an unknown place.

28 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 29

cfhef]ln 8Dd/] Pp6f 3/df sfd u5{ . Tof] 3/ cfKkfn] sfd Nowadays Dambare is working in a house. That is the
u/]sf] / lrg]sf] dfG5]sf] xf] . To; 3/sf dfG5]n] p;nfO{ kl5 same house where “Appa” used to work and it is the house os
a person whom “Appa” recognizes well. The owner of house
sfnLdf6Ldf sfd ug{ nfg] eg]sf 5g\ . ToxfF sfd ubf{ klg k};f
has promised him to send to work in kalimati, later on. He
cfpF5 ls cfpFbg} < p;nfO{ yfxf 5}g .
doesn’t know clearly whether he gets money for working there
or not.

áàá áàá

30 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 31

lbkssf] syf DEEPAK’S STORY

/fd]5fk lhNnfdf l;DkfgL eGg] Pp6f ufpF 5 . bLks ToxL There is a small village, simapni in Ramechhap.
ufpFdf hGd]sf] xf] . Tof] ufpF g} p;sf] k'vf{n
} L ufpF xf] . clxn] p;sf Deepak was borned in the same village. It was the village of
his ancestors. Now, his family is living in Kathmandu for six
kl/jf/ ^ jif{bl] v sf7df8f}dF f a:5g\ . pm clxn] !@ jif{sf] eof] / &
years. He is now 12 years old and reading in class Seven. In his
sIffdf k9\5 . p;sf] kl/jf/df ddL / lbbL 5g\ . sl/a tLg
family, there is mother and his elder sister only. About three
jif{cufl8 p;sf afa' lat] . To;kl5 bLks / p;sL lbbL 6'x/' f eP . years ago his father died. Since then, Deepak and his sister

klxn] pm ;/sf/L :s'ndf k9\Yof] t/ clxn] af]l8{ªdf k9\b} 5 . became orphans.

p;nfO{ k9\gsf nflu :s'n / ;fdflhs ;+:yfn] ;xof]u u/]sf 5g\ . He used to read in public school but now he is reading
k9\gdf pm t]h 5 . p;n] n]Vg] cIf/ /fd|f 5g\ . pm lbbLnfO{ klg in a boarding school. He is helped by the school and a social
l;sfpg ;S5 . p;nfO{ lx;fa / g]kfnL ;lhnf] nfU5 . klxn] p;n] organization for his study. He is brilliant in study. He could
even teach to his sister, too. He prefers maths and nepali
;/sf/L :s'ndf k9]sf]n] p;nfO{ cª\uh
]| L cln ufx|f] nfU5 . k/LIffdf
subjects. He finds English a bit difficult because he was from
pm /fd|f] cª\s NofP/ kf; u5{ t/ klxnf] x'g] p;sf] OR5f k"/f x'g
government’s school background. He secures good marks in
;s]sf] 5}g . examination but his earnest desire to be first in class is

34 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 35

pm cg'zfl;t / Odfgbf/ 5 . pm ldng;f/ klg 5 . p;n] w]/} He is very honest and discipline. He is friendly and co-
;fyLx¿ agfPsf] 5 . c;n / ldng;f/ dfG5]sf w]/} ;fyLx¿ x'G5g\ . operative too. He has made many friends as honest persons
have many friends. He speaks less and never quarrels with
pm sd af]N5 / s;};uF emu8f klg ub{g} . pm 3/sf] sfd klg
others. He helps on household works too.
;3fpF5 .
Deepak has gone his home. He likes village than town
bLks ufpF uPsf] 5 . xfjfkfgLsf sf/0f p;nfO{ ;x/eGbf ufpF due to its pleasant climate. After being passed grade six, his
dg k5{ . ^ sIff kf; ePkl5 dfdfn] p;nfO{ lel8of] u]d lslglbP . maternal uncle bought him a videogame. Sometimes he plays
clxn] pm a]nfa]nfdf ToxL v]N5 . & sIff kf; ePkl5 p;nfO{ dfdfn] the same videogames. His uncle has promised to buy a bicycle
;fOsn lslglbg] eg]sf 5g\ . To;sf/0f klg pm ldlxg]t u/]/ kl9/ after he passed grade seven. So that, he is reading with hard
x]sf] 5 . x/]s jif{ p;sf] k9fO /fd|f] x'bF } uPsf] 5 . k9fOsf cltl/St labor. Every year his study is getting better. He likes to play

p;nfO{ km'6an v]Ng dg k5{ . km'6an v]Nbf pm ls t lsk/ a:5 ls football except reading. While playing football he either plays
from the position of goal keeper or choose to be a defender.
t AofsLsf ¿kdf v]N5 .
Today’s, there is a grand celebration of tihar festival. All
cfh ;a}lt/ ltxf/sf] /demd 5 . ;a}hgf gofF n'uf nufP/ the people are shone with new dresses on the street. Some of
lxFl8/x]sf 5g\ . sf]xL /dfpFb} v]Nb} 5g\ . af6fel/ ;okqL / dvdnL them are playing and enjoying. On the street, the garlands of
km"nsf dfnf a]Rg /flvPsf 5g\ . /ftL ;a}sf 3/df aQL an]/ marigolds and Amaranth are kept for sale. The colorful lights
lemlnldnL x'G5 . ljleGg lsl;dsf k6sf k8\lsPsf] cfjfhn] jftfj/ are shone on everyone’s house at night. Different types of
0f u'Ghfodfg 5 . rf/}lt/ pHofnf] 5 . crackers are blasted and the Environment around it is just a
commotion of huge sound. All the sides there are lights.
p;nfO{ k6sf k8\sfP/ laTyfdf k};f vr{ u/]sf] dg kb{g} .
He doesn’t like extravagance of buying and blasting
o;af6 b'36{ gf klg x'g ;S5 eGg] pm ;f]R5 . ltxf/df hyfefjL
crackers. He believes that it may come accident sometimes. He
k6sf k8\sfpFbf cfunfuL x'g ;S5Ù To;}n] xf]l;of/ x'gk' 5{ egL pm
further suggests that we must be cautions while playing
eG5 . ;a}sf 3/df lemlnldnL x'bF f klg p;sf] 3/ cGwsf/df 5 crackers randomly otherwise it may case firing. All the house
lsgls pgLx¿nfO{ pHofnf] dg kb}g . cfkm"nfO{ dfof ug{] dfG5]sf] are bright with lights but his is dark and gloomy because he

36 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 37

d[To' ePsf]n] o:tf] ePsf] xf] . o;}n] rf/}lt/ lemlnldnL eP klg doesn’t like bright lights. He is so due to the unexpected
p;sf] dg b'MvL 5 . demise of his near and dear one. So that now he is sad and
gloomy despite having bright light outside.
bLkssf w]/} /fd|f afgL 5g\ . To;dWo] p;nfO{ lrq agfpg dg
Deepak has very good habits. Among them, he likes to
k5{ . p;n] w]/} lrq agfPsf] 5 . p;n] agfPsf lrqx¿dWo] ;a}eGbf
draw pictures. He has made many pictures. Among his
/fd|f] lrq eLd;]g yfkfsf] xf] . k9fO ;lsPkl5 snfsf/ aGg] /x/ 5 pictures, he likes the picture of Bhimsen thapa very much.
p;sf] . After completion of his study he has thought to be a Artist.
His sister reads in class ten. She is very weak in study. The
p;sL lbbL !) sIffdf k9\l5g\ . lbbL k9fOdf sdhf]/ l5g\ .
study expenses of his sister are also funded by a social
lbbLsf] k9fOvr{ klg Pp6f ;fdflhs ;+:yfn] a]xf]/s
] f] 5 . lbbL organization. Every morning his sister goes to take tuition
' g k9\g ;w}F laxfg hflG5g\ . pgn] vfgf ksfP/ cfkm" vfO{ classes. In the morning, she cooks food, eats herself and keeps
p;nfO{ /flvlbP/ :s'n hflG5g\ . it for him and goes to school.

p;sL ddL Pp6f :s'ndf sfd ul5{g\ . pgL laxfg} kfFr ah] His mother works in a school. Early in the morning at
sfddf hflG5g\ / ;fFemdf cfpFl5g\ . ddL sfdaf6 l9nf cfpFbf 5am she goes t office and returns after sun set. Deepak worries

bLksnfO{ lrGtf nfU5 . slxn]sfxLF ddLn] ufnL ubf{ p;nfO{ afa'sf] when his mother returns late evening from office. Sometimes
he remembers his expired father when he is scolded by his
;Demgf cfpF5 . afa' ePsf eP ddLnfO{ ufnL gug{ ;DemfpFy] xf]nf
mother. He thinks that if he had his father, he would convince
eGg] pm ;f]R5 . :s'ndf ;fyLx¿ afa'sf df]6/afOs r9]/ cfpF5g\ /
his mother for not to scold him again. In the school, his friends
cf]n/]{ æafO–afOÆ eG5g\ . To:tfa]nf p;nfO{ cfˆgf afa'sf] ;Demgf come on the bike of their father and gat off with greeting
cfpF5 . them. At that time he remembers of his father.

ddL PSn}sf] sdfOn] 3/vr{ rn]sf] 5 . p;n] ddLsf] b'Mv The whole expense of his house is only by toil of
a'em]sf] 5 . ddL PSn}n] sdfPsf] k};fn] vfg / sf]7fef8f ltg{ klg mother. He has understood his mother’s problem. It’s not

k'Ub}g . To;}n] bLksnfO{ eljiosf] lrGtf nfU5 . p;sf afa' ePsf sufficient to pay the rent of the room only by mother’s income.
So that he always scares about of his future. If he had father, he
eP Tolt lrlGtt x'gk' g{] lyPg . afa' / ddLsf] sdfOn] 3/vr{ ;lhn}

38 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 39

rNYof] . o;}n] p;nfO{ /fd|f;
] uF k9]/ 7"nf]dfG5] aGg'k5{ eGg] s'/fn] wouldn’t have to worry about his future. Both of father and
3f]lr/xG5 t/ k9\g kfpg] xf] ls xf]Og eGg] lk/ klg 5 . c¿n] mother would earn enough money to run the family smoothly.
He wants to be a great person by reading hard which disturbs
;xof]u gul/lbPsf eP p;n] k9\g kfpFbg} Yof] . h] xf];\ /fd|/L k9]/
him very much. He further doubts that he could get such
ddLsf] ;kgf k"/f ug{' p;sf] hLjgsf] p2]Zo xf] .
opportunity to study or not. It is the matter of his great

áàá trouble. If he was not assisted by others, he wouldn’t have to

get chance to read. However, his goal of life is to fulfill the
dream of mother by reading hard.


40 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 41

42 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 43
gjLg / gjLgfsf]] syf NABIN & NABINA’S STORY

gjLg / gjLgf e'hn] bfh'alxgL x'g\ . gjLg clxn] !) jif{sf / Nabin and Nabina bhujel are brother and sister. Now,
gjLgf ^ jif{sL l5g\ . pgLx¿sf] k'vf{n } L 3/ /fd]5fk xf] . clxn] Nabin is ten and Nabina is six years old. Theirs ancestral home
pgLx¿ sf7df8f}d F f a:5g\ . gjLg /fd]5fkdf hGd] klg gjLgfsf] is in Ramechhap. Now they are living in kathmandu. Nabin

hGd sf7df8f}s F f] u'hw'{ f/fdf eof] . tLgjif{cufl8 pgLx¿sf] hLjgdf was borned in Ramechhap but Nabina was borned at
Gurjudhara of kathmandu. Three years ago, an important
Pp6f 36gf 36\of], h'g rnlrqsf] syf h:t} 5 . of] jf:tljs 36gf
event has occurred in their life which is just like a story of a
gjLgn] cfkm}F eg]sf] xf] . p;n] klg afafn] eg]kl5 ;a} s'/f yfxf
film. This real story is told by Nabin himself. It seems just like
kfPsf] xf] . gjLgn] u/]sf] j0f{g ;'Gbf syf h:tf] nfU5 . a story from the narration of Nabin.

ætLgjif{cufl8 ;Dd afafn] gfO6 uf8L rnfP/ k};f “Three years ago our father used to earn enough money
sdfpg'xG' Yof] . xfdLnfO{ klg dL7f–dL7f vfg]s/' f Vjfpg'xG' Yof] . by driving night taxi. He used to feed us delicious food. The
afafn] sdfpg' ePsf] k};f hDdf u/]/ ddLn] /fVg'xG' Yof] . /ftL alxgL money earned by is kept and managed by mither. At night we

/ d e'Od F f ;'TYof}F . cfdf vf6df ;'Tg'xG' Yof] . afaf / cfdfsf] emu8f used to sleep on the floor and mother used to sleep on the cot.
Father and mother used to fight every day. Due to regular
kYof{] . emu8f a9\b} uPkl5 cfdf cs{; } uF hfg'eof] . dnfO{ clncln
quarrels and fight, mother is eloped with another man. I know
yfxf 5 . Tolta]nf alxgL tLg jif{sL lyO{ . ddLn] cfkm";uF } hDdf
little bit about it. During the time my sister was just three years
44 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 45
u/]sf k};f klg lnP/ hfg'eof] . xfdLnfO{ klg ;Fu} nfg'eof] . kl5
afafn] xfdLnfO{ kmsf{P/ Nofpg'eof] . clxn] xfdLnfO{ cfdfsf] dfof old. Mum has taken all the money she had. She has also taken
clnslt klg nfUb}g t/ afafsf] w]/} nfU5 . xfdLnfO{ klg afafn] w]/} us with her. Later father has brought us back from her. Now,

dfof ug{x' G' 5 . ddLn] lng cfP klg ghfg" egL pxfFn] eGg'ePsf] we are not missing our mother but we love our father very
much. We are also loved very much by him. Father has warned
5 .Æ o;/L gjLg cfˆgf 36gf ;'gfpF5 .
us not to go with her even if she comes to bring us back.” This
clxn] pgLx¿ cs{} 7fpFdf sf]7fef8fdf a;]sf 5g\ . cfhef]ln is the story by Nabin.
pgLx¿sf afaf vf]nfdf afn'jf lemSg] sfd u5{g\ . pgL laxfg kfFr Now, they are living in a new place on rent. Nowadays,
ah] sfddf hfG5g\ . pgLx¿ lbpF;f] :s'n hfG5g\ . afaf sfdaf6 their father is mining sand in the river. Early in the morning at
/ftL cfpF5g\ . pgLx¿ afafnfO{ efF8f df‰g, kfgL Nofpg, t/sf/L sharp five, he gets out for work. Nabin and Nabina go to
sf6\g / sk8f w'g ;3fpF5g\ . gjLgf cln lh4L 5] . slxn]sfxLF school on the day time. Their father returns from work only at

afafn] gjLgnfO{ lk6\5g\ t/ gjLgfnfO{ ;Sb}gg\ . afafsf] dfofn] night. They help father in household work. Nabin is a bit
stubborn. Sometimes their father beats to Nabin. Nabina is
gjLgf cln k'nk'lnPsL 5 . pm afafn] eg]sf s'/f klg dflGbg .
slightly doted due to sheer love of father. Sometimes she
slxn]sfxLF t :s'n klg hfGg .
doesn’t obey even to her father. Sometimes she doesn’t go to
gjLg :s'n hfg slxNo} 5'6fpFbg} . pm k9]/ 8fS6/ aGg] eG5 . school.

clxn] pm tLg sIffdf k9\b} 5 / gjLgf lzz' sIffdf . gjLgf Nabin never miss his school. He wants to be a doctor
;fyLx¿nfO{ sf]7fdf NofP/ v]N5] . Pslbg p;n] cfkm"n] nufpg] after reading well. Now, he is reading in class three but Nabina
u/]sL gofF k|ms sf6]/ v]nL . p;sf afafnfO{ lk/ k¥of] t/ ufnL reads in Nursery class. Nabina calls her friend and plays in her

{ Pg / lk6\g' klg ePg . room. One day she played by cutting her new school frock.
Her father was very sad but didn’t scold and beat her.
pgLx¿ b'jn} fO{ c;n dfG5] aGg'k5{ eGg] yfxf 5 . cab]lv
They both know well that they should be a good man.
rsrs gug]{ egL b'jn} ] jfrf u/]sf 5g\ . afafnfO{ b'Mv glbg] klg
They both have promised not to do nonsense activities. They

46 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 47

eg]sf 5g\ . afafn] cfkm"n] gvfP/ pgLx¿nfO{ VjfPsf 5g\ / /fd|f have also promised not to trouble their father any more. Father
sk8f lslglbPsf 5g\ . sfddf sf/0f afafn] pgLx¿nfO{ ;do lbg, has fed them well by making his stomach empty and he has
bought good clothes to them. Due to work, theis father
:s'n uP ls uPgg\ egL x]g,{ vfgf vfP ls vfPgg\ egL x]g{ / n'uf
wouldn’t have enough time to watch, whether they are going
kmf]xf]/ eof] ls egL x]g{ klg EofpGgg\, t}klg gjLg / gjLgf lg/fz
school or not, they are having food or not and they have
5}gg\ . washed their clothes or not, etc. Having such many problems

pgLx¿ cfˆgf sfd cfkm}F u5{g\ t}klg afnaflnsfnfO{ Nabin and Nabina are not sad and frustrated.

cleefjssf] cfjZostf kbf]{ /x]5 . cfdf gePsL sf/0f pgLx¿ They do their works themselves, however children need
6'x/' f ePsf 5g\ . pgLx¿n] ;fg} pd]/b]lv plrt :ofxf/;';f/ kfPsf their guardian. Due to the absence of mother they became
5}gg\ . orphans. They are not getting proper care and protection since
their childhood.
pgLx¿ b'j} ;/sf/L :s'ndf lgMz'Ns kl9/x]sf 5g\ . pgLx¿n]
Both of them are studying free in government school.
kl5;Dd k9\g kfpg] x'g\ ls xf]Ogg\Ù yfxf 5}g . st} afafn] klg 5f8]/
Whether they get chance to study further or not, it is not sure.
lxFl8lbg] x'g\ ls < afafnfO{ s]xL eP pgLx¿sf] eljio s] xf]nf < If father also left them… if any disaster occurred to the father,
;f]lrlbg] sf]xL 5}gg\ . pgLx¿nfO{ eljiosf af/]df yfxf 5}g . o;}n] who would save their future ? No one is there to think about
pgLx¿sf] jt{dfg /dfOnf] eP klg eljio clglZrt 5 . their future. So, even if they have happy present, they have
uncertain future.
pgLx¿sf afafnfO{ st} cfdf cfP/ pgLx¿nfO{ n}hfg] kf] xf]
ls eGg] lrGtf 5 . cem tLgrf/ jif{ x'sf{pg kfP pgLx¿ a'‰g] x'Gy] Their father worries about, one day their mother will
come and takes them away from him. He worries if he could
eGg] pgsf] ;f]rfO 5 . pgLx¿sf afafn] st}af6 ;xof]u kf] kfOG5
bring up them for three-four years; they would be independent
ls eGg] cfzf klg /fv]sf 5g\ . pgLx¿sf afafsf] ;kgf 5, gjLg /
and understand everythings. Their father has expected and
gjLgfnfO{ k9fP/ qmdzM 8fS6/ / OlGhlgo/ agfpg] . Tof] k"/f x'g] xf] hoped the assistance for the better future of them. Their father
ls xf]Og < cfh;Dd o; k|Zgn] pQ/ kfpg ;s]sf] 5}g . has dreamt of making Nabin, a docotr and Nabina a enginner
in future. Their father dream will be fulfilled or not, it is not
áàá sure. We are not getting the answer of the question till now.
48 cGtcf{jfh ...inner voice 49
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Literate children of today is definately an infrastructure for tomorrrow.
Ph. no.: +977-01-4991066, 9841-364543 (Tanka), 98032-10196 (Mahesh) Let’s provide them suitable environment to be educated.

cfh afnaflnsfnfO{ k9\g] cj;/ lbO{of] eg] ef]ln b]z ;d[4 aG5 .
ISBN 978-99946-2-616-8
b]zel/sf afnaflnsfnfO{ z}lIfs jftfj/0f k'¥ofp“ .
Text by Tanka Prasad Chaulagain

©2009 by KaKhara-Nepal. All rights reserved. Our attempt to make children literate.
Someone heard the inner voice of Saurav. He got the Scholarship.
Cover by Jitendra Lama
Every year all the money collected from the sold books
Photographs by Nawaraj Wagle go es to the KaKhaRa Scholarship Fund.

Edited by Dhirkumar Shrestha afnaflnsfnfO{ lzlIft agfpg] xfd|f] k|of; .

Translated by Khagendra Guragain o; lstfaleqsf ;f}/esf] cGt{syf s;}n] ;'g] . pgn] 5fqj[lt kfP .
Creative Director Mahesh Shrestha ‘Bhaju’ lstfa laqmLaf6 p7]sf] /sd x/]s jif{ afnaflnsfsf] 5fqj[ltdf vr{ ul/g] 5 .

First KaKhaRa printing, June 2009, 1000 pcs.


Printed in Nepal.

– k]|dk|;fb rf}nfuf“O{
– /]ts'df/L rf}nfuf“O{

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