Você está na página 1de 1

Arms power forward and back like a sprinter

ycur feeI Ic :huI cuI Ihe view

cf hcw much furIher ycu hcve
Ic gcl 8cIh cf Ihe:e wi|| cffecI
Ihe c|ignmenI cI ycur neck
cnc Iherefcre Ihe c|ignmenI cf
ycur enIire :pine. Ihink cLcuI
hcw ycu run cn Ihe f|cI: wiIh
ycur gcze |eve|, ycur pe|vi:
:|ighI|y Iuckec uncer cnc
ycur chin :uLI|y crcwn in :c
IhcI ycur hecc i: Lc|cncec cn
Icp cf ycur :pine rcIher Ihcn
pcking fcrwcrc: cnc ycur :ecI
i: uncernecIh ycu. Iry Ic keep
Ihi: c|ignmenI, rcIher Ihcn
c||cwing ycur neck cnc |cwer
Lcck Ic hyperexIenc. Ihi:
wi|| re:u|I in ycur gcze Leing
cirecIec inIc Ihe hi||, rcIher
Ihcn cI Ihe grcunc cr Icwcrc:
Ihe Icp cf Ihe hi||. /gcin, Ihi: wi||
he|p wiIh efficiency cnc LeIIer
cverc|| mechcnic:.

Next Issue:

Well tell you how to get down
the hill!

Funning up hi||: i: when ycu ccn
rec||y geI Ic grip: wiIh criving
ycur knee:. Iry Ic keep ycur
:ecI Iuckec uncernecIh ycu
cnc pcwer fcrwcrc: wiIh ycur
knee:, pu||ing ycur feeI up
Icwcrc: ycur LcIIcm u:ing
Ihe :IrengIh cf ycur hcm:Iring


Much cf Ihe infcrmcIicn ycu
finc cn Ihe neI regcrcing
Iechniue i: fccu:ec crcunc
running |cnger, re|cIive|y :|cwer
ci:Icnce:, :c Ihe ccvice i:
u:uc||y Ic keep ycur crm:
re|cxec cnc ncI c||cw Ihem
Ic inIerfere wiIh ycur |eg
mcvemenI. Cn hi||:, ycur crm:
ccn he|p ycu pcwer upwcrc:.
Ycu mcy finc iI u:efu| Ic wcrk
ycur crm: c: Ihcugh ycure
:prinIing, i.e. Lringing Ihem
fcrwcrc: cnc upwcrc: wiIh c
0 cegree cng|e cI Ihe e|Lcw
cnc Ihen Lringing Ihem Lcck
cnc |eIIing Ihem :IrcighIen
cuI Lehinc ycu mcre.

Ihe Iencency when ycure
Irying Ic |ifI" ycur:e|f up c hi|| i:
Ic |ifI ycur :hcu|cer:. Ihi: wcnI
cc much gccc: in fccI, iI wi||
prcLcL|y Le ceIrimenIc|. Cne
cf Ihe gc|cen ru|e:, wherever
ycur running, i: Ic remcin
re|cxec, :c crcp ycur :hcu|cer:

S pr i n g 2 0 1 2 l : : u e 4 P age 3 1
The revolutionizing running coach
and guru Percy Cerutty and Herb
Elliott training on sand dunes.
cwcy frcm ycur ecr: cnc mcke
:ure ycu mcinIcin c regu|cr
LrecIhing rhyIhm.


/im fcr :hcrIer :Irice: c: ycu
run up hi|| - Ihi: :hcu|c hcppen
ncIurc||y c: iI: very cifficu|I Ic
cver :Irice, pcrIicu|cr|y if Ihe
grccienI i: :Ieep. Iry ncI Ic |eI
ycur fccI Iurncver :|cw ccwn -
mcinIcin c 180+ cccence if
ycu ccn. /|| cf Ihi: wi|| he|p
ycur efficiency up Ihe hi||,
keeping ycur feeI LenecIh
ycur cenIre cf grcviIy.

Spinal alignment

When ycure heccing up c
:Ieep hi||, iI: IempIing Ic
eiIher fccu: cn Ihe Icp cf iI fcr
in:pircIicn cr Ic |cck ccwn cI

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