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W. Ray Mings Family

1152-3 Nokoburi, Hirakoto-shi,

Forwarding Agent Mrs. Elmer Fry

Oakford, Indiona

Osaka, jopan


Dear Christian Friends,

Again we v/snt to thank you e&ch and every one for

your continued help in the v/ork here in Japan. We h.ve not been acie to write to you S often as v;e would liice to hcve done, -ut

many things keep us busy and we hope you v/ill bear with us in this delay. "^'remhr'^ier to meet thein at seven "t>.irty in the ^lorning and were told that the ; ship would not dock until tvo thirty in the afternoon. We left and csine back to the pier at two only to learn that the ship had dockcd at neon. This was a . ig disappoint-Eent to us but w.r, soon for^jotten in the Joy of seeing thaa ac;,in. These pictures
v/ere made on board in Yokohana.

On r%rch 5th Lonnie and Coral ^.rrivsd in Japan airoarc the

^ericaCSea"!?, We

Vfailc we were in Tokvo to zseet Lonnie and Coral, v,'e visited vrith the Sill v/alker

been ^i^le to ^et away frcn our schedule for a lon tr^e end it cid us .nucn 300a. Ra/ preached twice on Sunday' I'liorning at the Kaciiochiai Giurcn-for the iJiiglish service
at nine and the Japanese service ten thirty,

fanily, the Harold Sins

Velr^a Held and others. It was the only ti::.e we have^

A few days later our preacher's fa:-.her<Kr. Niiro) died in his sleep. He had csncsr of the lung or bronchial tu-:e anc hac 'ceen having siuch pain. For wnile hr, Niiro had his hands fullpastoring Naka'jruri aiurch, working full schedule for an Oil Cor.pcny,

taking caro of his sick father, and runninc. to the hosipital to see his wife and new ha'c}'? Tho wife and baby ca--,e hor.e just a day or sc after his father's ostth,

Our v/crship service on roaster v/as v/ell attended end the preacnor crouLht a nood nessr.ge on The Resurrection, "ut th^e vero no confessions. We know there are several that have reen seriously ccnsid-iring it, tut for sor>e roascn xney nold -ack. Pray
with us that v;e will *ce able to do or
the decision.

cay the thing that will cause tha^ to make

"^dj'isted. Trey are studyinc; lancuage and teaching the Jfoung People's Group on Sat urday night, Coral is teaching Dale, Lonnie is helping Isabelle Dittenore nake radio
..programs 3 (ho pla3rs), anc, "any other tnings, iney

Lonnie and Coral have been welcor^ed by several of the cnurches a.ac. tnes" are getting

v/ill be toaching soiae Bible classes in other places

D.onnie and Giarlotte are available for speaking

dates, hoping to ccne about the end of this year. 'Their address is 2700 Glenway Ave, Cincinnati it,
vOiiio, until further notice.
God bless all of you.
In His Service.

Ray and Kattic Tlings

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