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Facilitar al estudiante con dificultades acadmicas en el segundo perodo. La adquisicin de los logros pendientes.

En este plan se favorecer la competencia gramatical. Para ello se verificar la adquisicin de los siguientes logros: Estructuracin de textos teniendo en cuenta elementos formales del lenguaje como la puntuacin, la ortografa, la sintaxis, la coherencia y la cohesin

Estimado (a) estudiante, en las tablas encontrars explicaciones a los contenidos vistos en clase. Lelas y luego haces los ejercicios. Debes entregarle al profesor los ejercicios resueltos y presentar una sustentacin.

Este taller tendr un valor del 40% La sustentacin tendr un valor del 60%

escriba al frente de cada oracin si es activa (A) o pasiva (P) (10 puntos) 1. Mark was eating an apple. _____ 2. The picture was painted by Bob._____ 3. Tina opened the present._____ 4. The phone was being used by Mr Thomas.______ 5. The card was made by Fred._____ 6. James hit the tree with his stick.______ 7. The man jumped off the step._____ 8. Daniel was watching the birds._____ 9. The key was used to open the door._____ 10. The crisp packet was thrown away._____

1. cambia las siguientes oraciones a vos pasiva (10 puntos) 1. A bird ate the seeds.________________________________________ 2. The girl cleaned the house.________________________________________ 3. Three firemen rescued the cat._______________________________________ 4. Sam and Paul baked a big cake.______________________________________ 5. Fred had told Alice a lie. ___________________________________________

1. cambia las siguientes oraciones a vos activa (10 puntos) 1. The box was opened by Lucas._______________________________________ 2. The book was left on the desk by Ann._________________________________ 3. The milk has been drank by a cat._____________________________________ 4. The ambulance was driven by a policeman._____________________________ 5. The windows had been washed.______________________________________

2. Lea el siguiente texto y encuentre 10 oraciones que estn en vos pasiva, luego escrbalas abajo y explique su significado en espaol. (20 puntos) SOCCER Soccer is probably the most popular sport in the world. It was started in England, and in 1863 the first set of rules were put together by the London Football Association. All major innovations in soccer were English, such as international matches, the introduction of professionalism, and the first full-time league. Soccer was carried to continental Europe, South America, and India by British sailors and settlers, and it gained instant appeal wherever it was demonstrated The FIFA was formed in 1904 with the objective of organizing championship matches between professional teams of different nations. The first World Cup was played in 1930, and it had the participation of 13 countries. In 1994, the 52 matches played in the U.S. were watched on TV by over one billion spectators all over the world. Professional soccer has become big business, and very often key players are sold by one club to another for eight, ten, and twelve million dollars. In Europe and South America, star players become celebrities for life. The passion that soccer fans have for the game can sometimes result in violence. The worst soccer riot in history was began when a goal was not given by the referee in a 1964 qualifying match in Lima between Argentina and Peru: 309 people were killed and 1,000 were injured. A 1970 World Cup qualifying match between Honduras and El Salvador led to a border war between those two nations.

Example: It was started in England: comenz en Inglaterra__________ 1. __________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________________________ 9. __________________________________________________________________ 10. __________________________________________________________________

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