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Kingsland C.E.

Primary School Autumn Term 2013 Information For Parents in Class 5

For further information please contact Mrs Pritchard or Ms Hughes. DATES Fri 20th Sept Mon 28th October Fri 1st November Sat 23rd Nov Fri 20th Dec Meetings for Parents:Mon 9th Sept Weds 25th Sept Tues 15th Oct Weds 23rd Oct Thurs 24th Oct Whole School Events:Mon 11th Nov Weds 11th Dec Worship:Fri 11th Oct Fri 20th Dec Individual and sibling photographs Half term Auction of Promises Term ends Meet your childs new class teacher; 2.30pm Maths meeting for parents 6-7pm e-safety 7pm Parents Evening Parents Evening Museum on the Move; Numbers Pantomime Cinderella School Harvest Festival at 2pm Christmas Carol Service at 1.30pm

English Texts: Much of the work this term will be based on our class text based on our history topic of Victorian children: Street Child by Berlie Doherty Genres covered: play scripts, diary entries, persuasive letters and posters, narrative, interviews, poetry, recount, explanation and description. Some genres will be covered through our history topic.

Sentence Construction, Grammar and Punctuation Grammar will be taught daily as a starter to our English lesson and will cover all aspects of the new grammar curriculum for Y5 and 6. A separate punctuation lesson will take place on a Thursday afternoon when children will undertake exercises at their own level to improve their punctuation understanding and use within their everyday writing. This is in addition to punctuation focus within daily lessons where appropriate for different text types. Spelling Children will take part in daily spelling exercises for 10-15 minutes before the start of the English lesson. Their spellings will be based on the Read Write Inc KS2 programme Get Spelling! and will be set at their level. In addition to this children will be expected to practise and improve on their own personal spellings taken from their dayto-day work.

Kingsland C.E. Primary School Autumn Term 2013 Information For Parents in Class 5
For further information please contact Mrs Pritchard or Ms Hughes.

Maths Number: Ordering numbers, including decimals and place value Mental and written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Understanding and using fractions and percentages Understanding and applying knowledge of ratio and proportion Reasoning and explaining skills Solving problems Carrying out mathematical enquiries

Shape, Space and Measures: Area and perimeter of simple and compound shapes Properties of 2D shapes and 3D solids Angles- measuring, naming, estimating, angles in triangles, quadrilaterals and straight lines Data Handling: Interpreting frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts and line graphs Mental maths skills- please refer to the attached KIRFS sheet

Science Electricity and Circuits: review of prior learning, where does electricity come from? how do circuits work? how to change a circuit to produce different outcomes switches and dimmer switches researching alternative sources of electricity Skillschoosing correct equipment making observations using materials and equipment that are right for the task recording observations appropriately using appropriate scientific language fair testing repeating a test to ensure validity of results evaluating benefits and disadvantages of different sources of electricity Micro-Organisms: micro-organisms, the work of eminent scientists and their contributions to a field of knowledge Skills using appropriate scientific language recognising applications of specific scientific ideas describing positive and negative consequences of scientific developments

Kingsland C.E. Primary School Autumn Term 2013 Information For Parents in Class 5
For further information please contact Mrs Pritchard or Ms Hughes.

Religious Education (R.E.):Sacred Texts- What makes some books sacred and what influence do they have on believers lives? Knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to how sacred texts in Christianity, Islam and Sikhism have special significance and act as sources of guidance and authority. Christmas- How and why do Christians celebrate this religious festival and how does it affect families and communities? In particular looking at what Christians believe about incarnationGod becoming human in Jesus through his birth at Christmas time. Information and communication Technology (I.C.T.):e-safety- learning to use the internet and social networking sites safely using the Thinkuknow programme for KS2 pupils. Art and Design:William Morris- Learning about and from the renowned Victorian designer and printer. Using observations from nature to produce detailed drawings which will be incorporated into repeated pattern designs for printing. History:Children in Victorian Times:- Learning about significant events in Victorian history that have shaped the lives of children today, including developments in: child labour, education, home life, health, leisure and childrens rights. Learning how to choose and use evidence from the past and present findings, showing historical understanding, for an audience in appropriate ways. Music:- Within whole school, group or class sessions the children will cover elements including: -Sing with clear diction, pitch, phrase and musical expression. -Improvise, developing rhythmic and melodic material when performing. -Talk about ideas and feelings in relation to music using musical vocabulary. -Know how the combined elements of pitch, duration, tempo, timbre, texture and silence can be organised to communicate different moods and effects. French:- Continuing to develop basic everyday vocabulary and conversation skills and some written focus about ourselves and our lives. Physical Education (P.E.):Y6 first half term: Sports Leaders Award training and assessment. Learning to deliver safe and affective PE activities in primary schools to earn a nationally recognised qualification that can be built on in Y7. Y5 first half term: Gymnastics- partnerwork, canon and synchronisation - to travel rhythmically and develop timing with a partner or small group using synchronisation and canon and to develop sequences Y5 and 6 second half term: Street Dance- six sessions led by an expert dance teacher from Dancefest- who has worked successfully with our school a number of times over the last few

Kingsland C.E. Primary School Autumn Term 2013 Information For Parents in Class 5
For further information please contact Mrs Pritchard or Ms Hughes.

years. The children will learn street dance moves and related vocabulary and develop sequences to combine motifs, first led by the teacher and then choreographed by the children.

Please ensure that you have the correct games kit, including sturdy trainers with good soles, jogging bottoms and extra sweatshirt (any colour), to wear as it gets colder. Children will be encouraged to take home Games kit every Friday to wash. Long socks and shin-pads will be required straight after half-term. Ist half-term: Netball Working on basic and more advanced footwork, developing ball skills, sending and receiving the ball using different drills and approaches, movement and awareness of space on court, decision-making and tactical awareness in various small-sided games and match-play. 2nd half-term: Hockey Working on basic technique, control of stick and ball, pushing and hitting the ball using correct technique and body position. Movement skills at different speeds, passing and receiving the ball. Small-sided games.

Teacher Assessment The table below summarises the attainment levels and what is expected for children nationally at the END of the academic year.

Below age-expected level Low Fair 1B 2C 2B 3C 3B 4C

At age-expected level

Exceeding age-expected level Extremely Good 2B 3C 3B / 3A 4C / 4B 4A / 5C 5+ Exceptional 2A 3B+ 4C+ 4A+ 5B+ 6+

Good 1A 2B 2A 3B 3A 4B

Very Good

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

1C 1A 2C 2A 3C 3A

2C 2A 3C 3A 4C 4A

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