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Q Green future

Word Power in Spotlight 8/07 (page 65) is about renewable
sources of energy. On the following two pages you can learn
how to talk about these alternatives to fossil fuels, and about
other ways to save energy.


Which renewable energy source is referred to in each example below?

biomass • geothermal power • hydropower • solar power • wind power

a) There’s hot water in aquifers underground. The geysers we saw in the US are like natural
steam engines. _____________________
b) People say they’re ugly and loud. But wind farms can be built offshore. They’re more expen-
sive to install and service there, but more effective. _____________________
c) It sounds so simple: burning organic waste as fuel; and crops like corn or sugar cane can be
converted into biofuel. _____________________
d) There’s a dam on one side of the reservoir. When they open the sluice gates, the water is chan-
nelled through and turns the turbines. _____________________
e) We get plenty of sun here. We sell the electricity to the power grid and will recoup our invest-
ment in about ten years. _____________________


Combine words from the two boxes below to form common expressions in discussions
about the need to reduce greenhouse gases. Write the expressions next to their definitions.

climate energy change footprint

ecological sustainable conservation trading
emissions development

a) __________ __________ = Managing energy resources to avoid waste.

b) __________ __________ = The total impact a person has on the environment.
c) __________ __________ = Warmer, colder or more extreme weather.
d) __________ __________ = Managing natural resources to ensure their preservation.
e) __________ __________ = Countries or companies buying the right to pollute more
from others who pollute less.


Choose the correct words to complete the environmental tips below.

a) Choose products with less packeting / packaging.

b) Use energy-saving / -sparing light bulbs.
c) Buy a hybrid car or one with better fuel effectiveness / efficiency.
d) Buy household appliances with low energy consumption / consummation.

4 Spotlight July/August 2007

One way to save energy in the long term is to build a house that is environmentally friend-
ly. Choose the correct words from the box to complete the dialogue below.

absorb • aspect • certified • circulate • collect • cross-ventilation • fans

• generate • insulation • investment • land • overhanging • utility
• You’re thinking of building a low-energy house? What are you planning?
• We’re looking into different options. First we’ll need the right piece of a) __________, maybe
with a slope and trees for wind protection. Then the orientation of the house will be important.
A long side with thermally glazed windows and a southern b) __________ is best.
• What materials are you going to use?
• We’ll use a lot of c) __________ wood from sustainable forestry. And we’ll have walls with
thermal mass made of materials that d) __________ heat during the day and release it into
the house at night.
• I’ve heard there are passive and active solar houses. What’s that all about?
• A passive solar house uses no conventional energy to power mechanical equipment for heat-
ing, cooling or ventilation. Instead, heat from the sun is stored and used to e) __________
warm or cool air around the house. An active solar house might use some machines like
pumps or f) __________. We’ll certainly try to g) __________ rainwater and have photo-
voltaic modules on the roof to h) __________ electricity. We’ll see what we can afford.
• I’m sure the house design is important, too, when it comes to saving energy.
• Of course. An i) __________ roof to the south, for example, would block out summer sun but
let in the lower winter sun. Windows should be positioned for good j) __________ — so they
will allow the air to circulate. And proper k) __________ is crucial, making the house airtight.
You don’t want heat to escape.
• Is this going to be really expensive?
• Our initial l) __________ might be higher than for a conventional house. But we’ll save on
m) __________ bills later. And we’ll have a clear conscience and enjoy the “feel-good fac-
tor” for the rest of our lives.

Using words you’ve learned in the above exercises, translate the following sentences:

a) Treibhausgase von fossilen Brennstoffen verursachen Erderwärmung.

b) Wir sollten alle unseren Energieverbrauch reduzieren.
c) Ich investiere viel jetzt, werde aber später niedrigere Nebenkosten zahlen.
d) Ich kaufe nur Holzprodukte aus nachhaltiger Forstwirtschaft.
Answers on pages 22–23
July/August 2007 Spotlight 5

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