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Is socialism better than capitalism? | Debate.org

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Is socialism better than capitalism?

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Industrial Liberal Socialism is much better. Under capitalism things might work Socialism is stealing. Imagine living in a world where you work as hard as you

at first, however it is unavoidable that money, will end accumulating on a few, and these will dominate the society, many might be genial, and make the society progress for the whole justifying their power, but sons are not like their parents, and might be incompetent for the job, of course they might fall, and be replaced by better people, that is what usually happens, but the system is self degenerative, and the incompetent monopolizers, sooner or later, find ways to keep themselves on top, and trough lobbyism, blackmail, etc, their overpassed businesses on top, backwarding society. The quality of Democracy degrades, as the elite chooses the politicians, people might elect, people get poorer and poorer, and can only get richer indirectly and directly trough them, many have miserable lives, have to resort to stealing to feed their families, there must exist a giant police force, hundreds of thousands in jail, having to be feed producing nothing. Resources are distributed only tough capital, capital allocation is deficient, as the rich end getting the resources, often for unneeded superfluous ends, for "bad economy", while resources would be better employed elsewhere, for the "good economy"in other words productive enterprises. Thats why Socialism is better, recognizes differences, and that certain people deserve to have more due to their merits, yet it attempts to even society, giving equal chances to everyone, only trough equality the quality of democracy is kept safe, institutional quality is large, corruption is low, quality of services is giant, no lobbyism preventing progress, little criminality and police, lots of people in universities in research centers, making the wealth and well being of all increasingly greater, as the taxes for the government, to fund even more services, creating even better infrastructures, generates entrepreneurism, and a excellent public-private network of small medium enterprises, people might attempt to have its own industry, fail, lose all their money, yet not a drama, because of the state safety net, pick himself up, return later on, examples of this Scandinavian countries.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

can, and no matter what you do, a portion of the money you earned with your own hands is taken away and given to somebody else. This is unfair for hard workers, and a blessing for the lazy. In socialism, you don't need to work, and will still receive money for it. Also socialism always seems to end in dictatorship or communism. And communism always ends in dictatorship, so really there's no way around it. And this is because people are not to be trusted. Nobody wants to believe that they are equal to everybody else, nor do they hold everyone else in the same regard as themselves. People always fight for selfpreservation. It is in our nature. Capitalism, on the other hand, is a system in which people keep what they earn, and have the option to do what they want. In capitalism, the harder you work, the greater your profit. However, if you choose not to work, then you end up homeless and the government takes pity upon you and pays for your things. This is why capitalism is regarded as a poor system by many, because it has social classes. Some people are more financially situated than others. And this is because they work hard and do not squander their money to fuel their addictions. And if they do, then obviously they have enough money to do so because they worked for it. So in the end, socialism is a good thing if you are lazy and wish to not work as hard as you could and achieve better profits for it. And capitalism is good if you like working for your own self-gain and not being forced to give money to other people at gunpoint by the government. Hope this helped.
Posted by: Bathy Like Reply Challenge

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Capitalism is better Just study a little bit of economy and do not dismiss

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capitalist ideas based on cheap philosophy from Michael Moore documentaries. To always think socialism has higher moral standpoint denotes poor understanding of how economies work, and what is better for a country as a whole. I do not wish to expand more because there is neither the time nor the energy, and I just want to read other peoples responses.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Socialism is better! BUT ONE DIRECTION IS BETTER haha.Jk! Socialism is better

because it cares not only for one, but all in whole. Capitalism has no scope for people who are poor. Capitalism is where the rich are having the benefits. In capitalism there is starvation, where the rich people are having extra food, somewhere there are kids starving for each morsel. Pollution,waste and more.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

Because in Socialism, there is no motive to work harder. I attend a common

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high school. So what if no matter HOW hard I worked, I would receive a C+ at the end of the year, would I strive to achieve an A? Or would I just say F*** it I don't need to work because ill only get a C+. But in Capitalism, I have the opportunity to work hard and get that A+.
Posted by: Strikerwyatt Like Reply Challenge

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Yes socialism is better than capitalism Socialism is a set of a left-wing political

principles whose general aim is to create a system in which everyone has a equal opportunity to benefit from a countries wealth. Under socialism, the countries main industries are usually owned by the state. As in capitalism property, business and industry are owned by private individuals and not by the state. So in capitalism we cannot question the government as we can in socialism. Therefore socialism is better than capitalism
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

Depends on type of socialism If by socialism one just means social welfare, then

there's nothing wrong with such socialism. We've had publicly funded roads and a postal service from the beginning of the country, and a moral country should care for its weakest and poorest with healthcare and welfare. NEW



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POLLS But from an economic standpoint, which this question is categorized as, Sign Up socialism inevitably fails miserably. Economic socialism means government taking over industry and results in poorer quality of care because government

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Is socialism better than capitalism? | Debate.org

Free market Economics vs Mixed Economics Capitalism keeps on failing and

having to be more and more regulated. Public housing, Public Education, and Universal Health-care while giving the power back to small business is the way to go. The Guilded Age was a time of oppression and tyranny, the anti-trust act is what makes 67% Teddy Say Roosevelt Yes one of our best presidents. And now we're in another economic crises, because of capitalism
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

Is socialism better than capitalism?

employees have no incentive to work well, and have no promotional opportunities or threat of firing; subsidized as they are by taxpayers. This results in increased expense as well. The only way to avoid this is using a block grant system imitating the private sector where consumers vote on the quality of the government service in determining its funding. Allowing government to take over the private sector harms the economy and results in low employment, see e.G. Cuba. You get bankrupt economies like Greece and bankrupt states like California. However, anarchic capitalism is equally wrong. Whether giving government or business a monopoly to do whatever they feel like will result in harm to consumers, workers, small businesses, and the economy itself. The proper medium is minimal regulation ensuring the protection of workers, small business, consumers, and the economy. There are problems caused by too much regulation and too little, you need a middle ground. It's like a classroom, too many rules and too few are both problematic to student success.
Posted by: Jzyehoshua Like Reply Challenge

33% Say No

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Its Unfair and undemocratic George Carlin told it best and i wish he was still

here. Capitalism is a political model based on keeping rich people strong and making the the middle class work for the upper class. In the scariest ways, capitalism allows for a small group of people (upper class) to enslave the lower classes because capitalism is based on financial strength. Capitalism allows for untold secrets and the reason being is that people with authority also have money and thus they can control the media. The media is bought by companies so you cannot say it has freedom to speech. Socialism is a political model based on creating a small difference in the authority of different people. It allows for services that can help the poor reach the middle class by taxing the rich more so the power of money is dispersed. The government does not want socialism because they make money from people being in debt so if the lower class becomes more stable it will no longer create revenue for the government The US is a capitalistic country and most say it is successful yet if you look up the US debt clock. The amount that the us owes is overwhelming. Some time in the near future i truly think that the US is soon to destroy itself. Thank you capitalism for what you have given us. Lies, debt, corruption, dogma, greed, social groups, war, and the reduction of power of a person no matter how valuable.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Not now, not ever. For those who are saying socialism isn't communism, here

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are some definitions of socialism for you: 1. A political and economic theory of that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by government. 2. A transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism. If it isn't communism, it will be soon -- too soon. Capitalism/lassiez faire has never failed, socialism/communism has. The government needs to focus on keeping the people safe and guarding its borders *cough cough*.

Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply


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Of Course it is! Capitalism keeps the rich richer, and the poor poorer. Capitalism

runs on greed and socialism is for everyone. Socialism runs best when the people work efficiently together so instead of a few people having all the power and wealth, in socialism if everyone works together we can all be wealthy.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

Socialsim is an anchor on all people not a boost Simply put, if there is no

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incentive to excel no one will. While Capitalism has its flaws it creates wealth. Socialism will never create the total wealth possible in a capitalist system because it destroys production and growth incentives. Capitalism is just simply a pure system of creating wealth and opportunity for all people.
Posted by: Anonymous Report Post
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In my oppinion Socialism seems better for the human species. Im also very

capitalistically educated if that makes sense. I see alot of people take advantage of eachother for money. I have a friend whos always talking about how him and his aunt do not get along. They both tell the father/grandfather that the other one is just using him for his money and that that person should not be in his will. Imagine if they didnt have money and a sense of should i say economic dependence to fight about. Feeling like the devil won the war.
Posted by: dwillson08 Like Reply Challenge



People living in capitalist democracies have a better chance to experience a high quality of life. According to the Central Intelligence Agency, people living

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Fails in Sweden???? Socialism is a truly magnificent idea. Communism is going

too far. Utopian Socialism provides true economic equality. Yes, everyone pays a whole ton of taxes, but the government provides magnificent education, health care, roads, public transportation and welfare. The money made by the individual supports the entire country like a never-ending charity. Less money is owned by the individual to buy cheap, plastic objects imported from Asia and - as is shown in the Nordic Countries- a higher national happiness, literacy rate and life expectancy can be achieved by the population. The happiness and comfort of the country as a whole is more powerful then the happiness and comfort of a handful of wealthy persons.
Posted by: mamzypig99 Like Reply Challenge

in North America, Europe and Japan have experienced an extreme improvement in their standard of living over the past century. It is no coincidence that the types of government in these areas are mostly open systems that allow enterprises to operate freely and allow innovation with few limitations. On the other end of the spectrum there are closed governments, mostly communist or socialist states, where authority is centralized, and there is no private ownership of property or capital. Without these, innovation is largely controlled by the government, and does not flourish since the required private investment is nonexistent. There are also developing countries that have been very poor for so long that innovation is not within their reach since they lack the purchasing power required to obtain it. There is definitely a link between economic systems and politics, innovation, and the quality of life experienced by the people living in these different forms of government. Countries where innovation can be seeded by higher education, available private capital, and governments that permits free enterprise provide a solid foundation for their people. People living in capitalist democracies have a better chance to experience a high quality of life compared to those living in communist states and developing countries.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Because it takes away from those who have actually worked. If you notice,

Socialism encourages helping each other out. Evolution is basically the survival

of that which the system most likes. In capitalism, being a bully is the most efficient way to achieve your goals, which is in this case maximizing profit. As a direct result, almost all free markets, like those in developing countries, lead to a few bullies making the lives of everyone else miserable for their personal benefit, even if there is almost no more benefit, it is the benefit the system recognizes, and it is therefore the ultimate goal. To achieve that goal, people

when it comes to Socialism, EVERYONE is treated equally. I hear people state "Oh, well Capitalism is unfair because Bob has more money than Jim." Oh, hate to say it, but 9 times out of 10, people like Jim actually earned his money through work. By taking more and more of his money and giving it to Bob, and others like Bob, then Jim loses the incentive to work because he can't progress in this life under Socialism. Then, he decides to quit working and just let the Government take care of him. Boom: Just more meat for the grinder, so-to-say. With the Government in control, it all falls on them, which is bad in 2 ways. 1st) If



bully other people.

Is socialism better than capitalism? | Debate.org

supplies are shortened, or anything else cripples the ability for Govt to take care of it's citizens, there could be bad things that happen. 2nd) This gives the government almost complete power, and they basically regulate the life of every human being that falls under their jurisdiction. Complete power? Hmm, sounds sort of like what runs through the mind of a Dictator, wouldn't you say? In Conclusion, there have to be different ranks within this life, but everybody has a chance to earn their own money, and if they do they should have the right to keep every penny, rather than have too much given to those not willing to work.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

In contrast, the encouraged behaviour of socialism is assistance. Helping each other out is the way it works. The recognition that your accomplishments come from assistance, direct or indirect, by your surroundings, compels the assisting of other people, for they recognize that together both achieve more than double each would have achieved on his/her own. This positive feedback loop completely makes up in efficiency and progress what competition achieves in capitalist systems. Helping as much people as possible it the primary goal. That is something capitalism does not do. Capitalism does not recognize that helping each other out leads both to be better off in the end. Because everything is on a short-term basis, nobody cares for anybodies future. The entire population together is much better off with socialism, even though some individuals are better off in capitalism, mostly because they take advantage of others.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Socialism just doesn't work. The socialists' need to wake up and realize that

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socialism is just a short step away from communism. In all of the countries that have or had socialism, it either isn't working or didn't work at all. There have always been violent revolutions in socialist countries too. You've never heard of a capitalist country having a violent revolution or anything close to it. WAKE UP.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Pretty simple really... Socialism - What's best for the whole. Capitalism - What's

best for individual. Socialism works far better all across the world. Look at Europe, people live much more moderately there. Healthcare is free, crime is a lot lower, education is better. There is no evidence to support we are the greatest country in the world. We do however rank #1 in number of criminals incarcerated per square capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, more defense spending than than the next 26 countries combined, highest total crime rate, number or rapes, divorce rates, teen birth rate, heart attack, McDonald's restaurants, and plastic surgery. But I'm sure none of that is due to capitalism right?
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

Capitalism is better Capitalism is better that socialism because the premise of

capitalism is that those that work hard get more than those that don't work hard. Socialism allows all to have the same regardless of how hard they work. Therefore, under socialism there is not incentive to work hard. Socialism, Communism, etc. all have a naive view that if they hope strongly enough, then human nature will change itself
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Capitalism recognizes human nature, and justice. Humans are greedy. Definitely- It really is a moral issue. I was at the museum the other day, and do

you know what I saw in the food court? I saw the museum unscrupulously selling slices of pizza to hapless consumers for $4.09 a slice- in fact, a whole eight slice pizza under this exorbitant price would go for over $24.00 dollars-- A higher price that Chicago's famous stuffed pies. What if one of these customers fancied a drink? A water bottle? That mustn't be too heavy on the wallet, really? Well, to hell with that assumption. A bottle of water went for nearly $3.00 dollars, a horrific price. I've always had a die-hard, fervently anti-capitalist mindset. But this offense really fired me up. This all stems from the mindset that symbiotically accompanies capitalism. The money made by a special few, the "new nobility", enforced this mindset. They aim to make money by any means necessary. This food system in the museum is a monopoly. No, it isn't as large as a Gilded Age steel firm's iron fist, but it is spread across America, across the world. There are many, many, many, examples of the abuses of capitalism. But this one, I think- something that appears harmless, almost ingrained in our culture (there are parallels in baseball parks, amusement parks- we accept this), that we have become utterly oblivious to the extent of this abuse. Capitalism spawns greed, and we have become accepting of this-- we are house elves from Harry Potter--- this is our culture, this is our way of living--- and we cannot keep on this path. The time has come to change things, all around the world. Socialism is much more morally right, much better for the masses. The capitalists will not forfeit so easily. It will be a long, hard fight, yes, but in the end, what is good will succeed.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

Capitalism, to my knowledge, is the only economic system that takes into account, and therefore checks, the propensity to take whatever one can get their hands on. Socialism, Communism, etc. all have a naive view that if they hope strongly enough, then human nature will change itself. The power given to the people/person running the government will attract ruthless psychopaths. Capitalism is also a more just system. As humans, we have two ideas of justice/equality. Equality of outcome, and equality of opportunity. One cannot have both, as we would have to give people different things to have the same outcome. To achieve equality of outcome(the goal of socialism), you would have to force some to work for the benefit of others, which is slavery, which I think we all agree is unjust. Capitalism (ideal capitalism), gives equality of opportunity, where everyone can work for himself, or if he chooses to, others. Socialism also can not create wealth. In capitalism, you are able to trade something for something you value more, as can the other person, thus creating a net gain of value. Socialism just moves it around, taking from those that create to those that do not.
Posted by: JDodson Like Reply Challenge

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Socialism eliminates the competition between small businesses If you want to

Capitalism equals lies Capitalism is a lie, the rich people choose the candidates,

we choose their group of thieves that will steal the least from us. People are lazy and greedy, everywhere if full of those types of people. Socialism is for the pure of heart you Capitalist idiots, you steal and suck the life out of us middle class and below. Socialism and Communism have bad reputation thanks to corrupt politicians and the news media that only cares about celebrities and fads. We got to war thanks to the upper class deciding for us, you idiots supporting Capitalism screw the entire world. Now go swim in your pulls of filthy money you bloody corrupt jerks.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

have a successful economy, you need to have competition between small business. The redistribution of wealth, a key socialist idea, allows businesses to stay in operation, allowing for cheaply made products and a poor work ethic. This, in turn, eliminates the idea of business competition because of the fact that if a business is faltering, the government will take care of them. Without government protection, however, it results in better quality goods more readily bought by private citizens, and spending is good for the economy. Therefore, the idea that socialism is better for the economy that capitalism, which does support business competition, is absolutely preposterous.
Posted by: ZacharyDamon Like Reply Challenge

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How is this even tied? Socialism always fails, the only "success" has been in

Socialism encourages cooperation. Socialism is clearly better than capitalism. It

ensures that people are truly rewarded fairly for the work they perform, and it puts all people at an equal level. Fundamentally, capitalism works to divide humans and forces them to compete amongst each other, leaving only the lucky to survive. Capitalism is thoroughly barbaric. Socialism the opposite. It

Sweden. *note the rest of the quasi-socialist countries are failing... A good example: Venezuela* now, Sweden used to be a free market haven. Their growth rate from 1870-1970 was impressive. Starting as a underdeveloped nation, they grew to one of the wealthiest and fastest growing countries in the world. After adopting socialist policies, economic turmoil occurred, wealth stagnated, and international competitiveness fell. They now have one of the lowest growth rates in the developed world. Sweden has always had good unemployment rates, it went from 1-3 after socialism (compared to their free




Is socialism better than capitalism? | Debate.org

market days, that sucks). New studies keep ranking their wealth lower then other countries and falling. It fails in Sweden, and in Europe, why would it work anywhere? http://mises.org/daily/955 http://www.cato.org/publications/policy-analysis/sweden-capitalist-successwelfarestate-sclerosis
Posted by: 16kadams Like Reply Challenge

encourages humans to work together to achieve magnificent things, and to live off of their labor. Socialism is likely to replace capitalism, if humans care for each other.
Posted by: Sartax123 Like Reply Challenge

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Democracy is better than Fascism Most people would agree that a government

which is Democratically controlled by its people, held accountable for its actions, and restricted is far superior to one that is in complete authoritarian control and the people have no power to influence it. Democratic socialism is the belief that this superior system of Democracy should be extended to our economic lives. Employees of a company should have a voice in how the company is run not some authoritarian boss who can make decisions that drastically impact the lives of hundreds maybe even thousands of people. Capitalism and especially capitalism with no regulations is a system that incentives greed and exploitation and benefits the few at the expense of the many!
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

Capitalism is Superior Competition between private owners of production

creates lower prices, greater efficiency, and improved quality. People are motivated to do their best when they see the results of their effort. Capitalism aligns the incentives, and people thus are motivated to work hard and overall help the economy. People have economic liberty. Socialism removes these incentives, if John works twice as hard for the commune, he doesn't see another dime. In Capitalism, John would benefit from his work. Capitalism has lifted far more people out of poverty, and raised standards of living higher than any other economic system. The evolutionary force of the market inspires innovation and ingenuity. Over time, this system ensures economic liberty, prosperity, and human progress.
Posted by: Contra Like Reply Challenge

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Voting on individual policies fir the longterm good of all Capitalism is about

greed ,and people working on their own instead of together. If you could do a set of accounts at the same point in time every debit would not have a credit..Also its time to end party politics and people to be able to vote on individual issues to the common good not hsving to agree on any one parties views in total that 5 years latter is reversed.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Economy is based off of competition, if everyone receives the same income there is no one to compete with. Now while I do not argue that communism

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Yes, we owe everything to capitalism. Your computer, phone, house, food, bed,

sounds like a fair idea on paper with out the back-stabbing corporations we know and love today. No one would make an attempt at providing a better service because they would make the same as the next slacker. Its a proved failure, that's why you don't see many countries doing it anymore.
Posted by: Skylark_Funderberg Like Reply Challenge

everything material you own, is because of capitalism. Competition makes things cheaper, better, faster. Self healing system. People demand more green tech, companies provide it, people want "organic" food, companies provide it, capitalist countries live the highest quality of life, anyone who thinks communism or socialism can work does not know their history.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Socialism improves quality of life. Capitalism allows the rich to remove money

from the economy, making the quality of life for everyone else worse. Socialism takes the excess that people do not need, and gives it to those who do. This increases quality of life, the economy and improves the country and world all at the same time. Robin Hood was a socialist hero.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Socialism is superior to capitalism. A capitalist society incorporates that

everything is about "me" and not about everyone else. This obviously does not work due to the fat that capitalism is a pyramid: there is only so much room at the top. The slogan "if you work hard you can succeed" is a lie as well because, yes, you can succeed, but at what price? There can't be rich without the poor, nor a top without a bottom. Socialism promotes equality in a way that isn't Communist.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Capitalism is unfair. Yes, socialism does give everyone absolute equality in pay

and in social classes (as in there are none). People can not grow poor in a socialist country. Yet in the United States, a country that has incorporated capitalist ideas such as the free market, hundreds and thousands of homeless and unemployed citizens are all over. However, you can also fight that capitalism is better because people work for their money and can spend it anyway that they want, where in socialism, standing around and doing nothing will get you enough money for the basic necessities. In theory, socialism is much better than capitalism but in the real world where socialism has failed countless times before, capitalism seems like the better option.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Capitalism is based only on personal interest, and not the interest of humanity,




Is socialism better than capitalism? | Debate.org

or any given countries population. Socialism, when organized correctly, has a

base of progression, and is in the interest of the entire population of any given country. Capitalism on the other hand, only supports the idea that someone is working for personal interest or gain. This becomes especially dangerous when these capitalists, become politicians. Capitalism is obsolete, and should be denounced.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Socialism promotes equality Socialism is better than Capitalism because it

promotes equality and peace. All races, religions and genders living in harmony, no war, no money and no private ownership. Capitalism promotes greed self interest and violence. If Karl Marx's dream of a Socialist utopia were realized there would be no nations hence no nationalism, no greed, no poverty and no war.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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a Have you noticed that the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Finland,

Norway, and Sweden) are almost always in the top 10 best nations? They have a high standard of living, high education system, free health care, and low crime rates. Socialism only works if the society follows the same morals. The more you put in to it, the more you get out from it. There's no "hoping" in this system, it's either contributing to do your role or not. The more people contributing, the better the outcome it is for the society. It's not communism nor democratic, it's better. That's why it actually works.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Socialist countries are succesful Have you noticed that the Scandinavian

countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden) are almost always in the top 10 best nations? They have a high standard of living, high education system, free health care, and low crime rates. Socialism only works if the society follows the same morals. The more you put in to it, the more you get out from it. There's no "hoping" in this system, it's either contributing to do your role or not. The more people contributing, the better the outcome it is for the society. It's not communism nor democratic, it's better. That's why it actually works.
Posted by: JustKeepSwimming Like Reply Challenge

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Gives all equality under the law and god With socialism; all of society can

prosper. People can go to school and work in careers that they desire; not have to work in a job that they hate to pay the bills. People will also have more "personal" time. No one will be in want for basic life essentials; such as housing, food and water, utilities and the right to basic human entertainment. Homelessness and hunger would be completely eliminated, Most crime would be virtually non-existent and war would no longer be a first-case scenario. Capitalism holds back innovation; without the limiting factor of money; research and development can excel without limits; things like cancer would be no longer and issue; as well as the means of feeding the mass population. Capitalism holds back innovation, as being a slave to the system has to be one of the least motivating factors for social growth.
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Libertarian Socialism is superior because it levels the playing field and because it is not as exploitative. I would like to start by pointing out that they are two

different ideologies, and that each one is superior depending on what you base "superior on". Why do I believe it is superior? I believe it is superior because it strives to level the playing field so that we, regardless of what social class you where born in, can succeed by our own mediums. It also is great because it gives aid for those in need and because it gives the standard worker what the actual value of his work is.
Posted by: Javier.Cabrera Report Post



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Is socialism better than capitalism? | Debate.org

1 0

Libertarian Socialism not State Socialism The term "socialism" is thrown about

often. Originally it was taken to mean that the people who work in corporations own the corporations. Libertarian Socialism would advocate decentralization as well, as centralization (both bureaucratic and corporate) is often used as a tool for greed. Capitalism has not necessarily "failed", but one can't exactly say it has succeeded either. It evidently requires rectification by government, and both government and capitalist enterprises promote to some extent exploitation and this exploitation means that wealth is placed in a pyramid where the top gets thinner and thinner, until it becomes the one corporate imperialist and everyone else is at the bottom of the pyramid.
Posted by: Numidious Like Reply Challenge

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Socialism is the superior of the two based on different importances. Capitalism

favors those having preferred skills and abilities. The benefits to those who avail in the market forces a disadvantage to those who fail. Social inequality is the result of a unfair and unreliable system that rewards some people more than others. In socialism, everyone is equal because if they work hard, they get the proportional value back. However let me say something clear. Government does not run the economy in socialism. It doesn't take away people's money and gives it others. It can but that's called communism. This is equality with fair taxes and no class warfare because everyone sticks up for each other in the economy. Unfortunately there are people who mistake the two different beliefs and think that someone will not benefit from from socialism but only benefit from capitalism.
Posted by: Viper-King Like Reply Challenge

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There is no superior of inferior; they are two different ideologies. First of all,

don't use the innovation argument because the soviets made it into space first before the US. Clearly innovation and hard work is not an issue. Now to address everyone who thinks that soviets were communists; they weren't. No one political system in the world to this date has achieved what true communism is all about. It is just a difference of morals and principles. Socialism looks out for everyone. The system picks you up if you get knocked down. In a capitalist world, it's essentially everyone for himself. People who work harder may achieve more, it is true, but then you have people who sit on money from the day they were born and corrupt hard working values. Socialism is more likely to fail though because the power is in the people. As soon as the people divides itself through nationalistic feelings or religion, you get what happened to Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was the only neutral country post WW2 involved in WW2 that did not pick either the soviets or the american as primary allies; it chose both.
Posted by: FreeThePeople Like Reply Challenge

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Sometimes I just don't want to live on this planet anymore. Another poster

writes, "if John works twice as hard for the commune, he doesn't see another dime. In Capitalism, John would benefit from his work." And I sigh. It seems that nobody even knows what socialism is because they have been brainwashed by their McDonald's-eating, flag-waving history teacher. Please read up. Socialism is not communism. Under socialism, the idea is to reward people exactly proportionally to the work that they put in, unlike capitalism which is brutally exploitative and grants wealth disgustingly disproportionately. "To each according to his contribution;" they wrote, "He who does not work, neither shall he eat." It astounds me how many have bought into the brainwashing that capitalism rewards based on merit alone.
Posted by: FR Like Reply Challenge

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If the community as a whole is more significant! Socialism is based off of

communal ideas, hence why America doesn't get it. Because we care only about ourselves and our own income, while pretending that it has to be that way. I believe socialism is a more advanced in its understanding of human nature and it requires a legitimate sacrifice (Americans hate to sacrifice anything unless for their own betterment). So it is feasible only once the population comes to an understand that you are helping the community as a whole. Socialism is not communism, it usually supports capitalism whereas communism supports the




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command theory of market control. Socialism just wishes to regulate the problems a capitalist economy will have, think Obama Care and finance regulations. Socialism is perfectly feasible once proper financing procedures and regulations are designed that don't cause enormous budget deficits influenced from the ever changing capitalism economic system!
Posted by: Anonymous Like Reply

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Is socialism better than capitalism? | Debate.org

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