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Kepa Antric Associates

He Tu Rangatira Te Tuhauora

Auckland & Tauranga


The Role of the Accident Compensation Corporation in

the Prevention of Family Violence in Aotearoa New
Zealand and promising practices to reduce the
incidence and severity of injuries from Family Violence-
related assaults.

Tim Antric

Friday, 13th May 2005

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Abstract 2
Acknowledgements 3
Introduction 3
The Accident Compensation Corporation 3
Family Violence in Aotearoa New Zealand 5
The Cost of Family Violence to the Accident Compensation Corporation 9
Health Promotion 10
Injury Prevention 11
Family Violence Prevention 13
Primary Prevention 13
Secondary Prevention 14
Tertiary Prevention 15
Prevention of Family Violence 15
Parenting Programmes 16
Universal Home Visits 16
Social Marketing 17
Universal Screening 19
Education of Children and Young People 19
Community Development and Action 21
Working with Witnesses of Family Violence 23
Working with adult female victims 25
Working with Perpetrators 26
Government Legislation and Strategy 27
Health promotion: An approach to the prevention of family violence. 28
The Role of ACC in family violence prevention 30
Conclusion 34
References 36

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Family violence has been found to affect families from all cultures, backgrounds

and socio-economic situations. It can occur in all close personal relationships,

wherever individuals are part of a family or fulfilling the role of family.

The Accident Compensation Corporation of Aotearoa New Zealand funds the

care and rehabilitation costs of all New Zealanders injured within the confines of

Aotearoa New Zealand. The huge cost of family violence to the Corporation

requires ACC to act to reduce the impact of family violence on its claim costs.

Through supporting agencies working to reduce family violence at primary,

secondary and tertiary levels, ACC will impact its own costs and thus the levies

to its funders while contributing to making Aotearoa New Zealand a safe place for

all, in line with the New Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy.

Approaches to reducing family violence include parenting programmes, universal

home visits, social marketing, universal screening, education of children and

young people, community development and action, working with victims,

perpetrators and witnesses of family violence and implementing Government

legislation and strategies.

Health promotion theory provides an ideal framework to ensure that family

violence is being addressed at every level. Through identifying effective

interventions and placing them with a health promotion framework,

recommendations for the Accident Compensation Corporation’s role can be


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Acknowle dgement s

My thanks go to my colleagues at the Accident Compensation Corporation and

the members of the Te Rito Advisory Group for their support and advice in

preparing and writing this paper.


This paper will examine the role of the Accident Compensation Corporation in

reducing the incidence and severity of family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand.

It will also provide an overview of family violence and effective health promotion

and injury prevention models to reduce the effect of family violence on society

(Ministry of Social Development 2002, Department of Child, Youth and Family

Services 2001, Ministry of Health 2001).

I will begin by introducing the New Zealand accident compensation scheme and

providing an overview of family violence and its cost to the Corporation. I will

then look at the most common approaches to health promotion and injury

prevention in Aotearoa New Zealand before moving on to explore examples of

initiatives that have taken place both locally and internationally to prevent family

violence, showing how these fit within a health promotion framework and finally,

providing recommendations for the Corporation’s future involvement in this field.

The Accident Compen sation Corporation

The Accident Compensation Corporation / Te Kaporeihana Äwhina Hunga

Whara (ACC) was established on 1st April 1974 to administer a no-fault coverage

against injury scheme for every New Zealander (ACC 2004). The accident

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compensation scheme administered by the Corporation came into being as a

result of a 1967 Royal Commission looking into workers’ compensation; in 1972

Parliament adopted the recommendations of the Royal Commission and passed

the Accident Compensation Bill into law. The original system had three parts:

• Compensation for work injuries, funded through levies paid by workers and

their employers;

• Compensation for road injuries, funded through levies paid by owners of

motor vehicles;

• Compensation for everyone else, funded through the New Zealand


There have been many changes in the scope and structure of the Accident

Compensation Corporation since its inception, primarily as a result of changing

legislation. The scheme is now primarily governed by the Injury Prevention,

Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2001 (IPRC). The IPRC is essentially a set

of regulations governing who is entitled to compensation, what is covered by the

scheme, how the scheme is funded and how much can be paid out to claimants.

A major change brought about by the introduction of the IPRC has been an

increased focus on injury prevention. Section three of the Act provides the

Corporation with the responsibility “to enhance the public good and reinforce the

social contract represented by the first accident compensation scheme by …

minimising both the overall incidence of injury in the community, and the impact

of injury on the community (including economic, social, and personal costs)”

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(IPRC 2001). Section 263 of the IPRC requires that the Corporation undertake

injury prevention work if this is likely to result in a cost-effective reduction in either

levies or the government contribution to the scheme. The Corporation is also

required to co-ordinate activities with other government agencies to increase the

efficiency and effectiveness of its injury prevention activities.

In addition to its interest in assault as a result of the IPRC, the Corporation is a

key stakeholder in a number of strategies which impact on family violence.

These include:

• Te Rito: New Zealand Family Violence Prevention Strategy (Ministry of Social

Development 2002);

• Crime Reduction Strategy: Action Plan to Reduce Community Violence and

Sexual Violence (Ministry of Justice 2002A).

• New Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy (Minister for ACC 2003);

• Opportunity for All New Zealanders (Office of the Minister for Social

Development 2004).

Whilst not a major stakeholder in the area of assault within these strategies, the

Corporation as a result of its interest in the prevention of intentional injury has the

potential to play a major part in operationalising these strategies.

Family Violen ce in Aotea roa New Zealand

Family violence is a significant issue in Aotearoa New Zealand; it creates major

social and economic costs for our society. Family violence has been found to

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affect families from all cultures, backgrounds and socio-economic situations. It

compromises the safety of children, adults and elders and its effects are broad

and multi-dimensional. The need to understand and address family violence is

not new, however identifying effective best practice can be problematic. A broad

range of controlling behaviours falls under the banner of family violence. These

typically lead to fear, intimidation and emotional deprivation through

psychological, sexual and emotionally abusive behaviours. Family violence can

occur in all close personal relationships, wherever individuals are part of a family

or fulfilling the role of family. Common forms of violence within the family include:

• Spouse or intimate partner abuse (violence and abuse between adult


• Child abuse or neglect (abuse and neglect of children by an adult);

• Elder abuse or neglect (abuse and neglect of people over the age of 65 by a

person or persons with whom they have a relationship of trust);

• Parental abuse (violence perpetrated by a child against a parent);

• Sibling abuse (violence perpetrated between siblings).

(Ministry of Social Development 2002, Ministry of Health 2001)

Family violence is a major social problem, estimated to cost Aotearoa New

Zealand between $1.187 billion and $5.302 billion per year (Snively 1994). It

further contributes to the continuation of the cycle of abuse within families and in

society in general (Ministry of Social Development 2002). The perpetrators of the

most severe and lethal cases of family violence are predominantly men; their

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victims are predominantly women and children. Tangata whenua1 are

significantly over represented as both victims and perpetrators of family violence.

The best available population-based estimates of partner abuse suggest that 15 -

35 percent of women are hit or forced to have sex by their partners at least once

in their lifetime, while seven percent of men report experiencing this type of

abuse. A 1995 study revealed that one in five New Zealand men admitted

assaulting their partners in the previous year (Leibrich, Paulin & Ransom 1995).

Men assaulting their women partners comprise between 86 percent (New

Zealand Police Statistics for 1996/97 operational year, men were the offenders in

86.7 percent of Family violence incidents) and 98 percent (Hamilton Abuse

Intervention Project database, 1991-1994).of family violence-related arrests. New

Zealand studies found that 35 percent of men reported physically assaulting their

partners (Leibrich, Paulin & Ransom 1995) and 33 percent of women reported

physical or sexual abuse from their male partner (Morris 1996).

According to the Ministry of Health (2001), lifetime estimates of child abuse

suggest that between four and ten percent of New Zealand children experience

physical abuse and approximately 18 percent experience sexual abuse.

Between 1996 and 1997, 38,000 children were present during the 30,340 family

violence incidents attended by New Zealand Police; 28,621 were under 10 years

Whilst the term Māori is more commonly used to refer to the indigenous peoples of Aotearoa New Zealand, the author
uses the term Tangata Whenua as this is a term used by these peoples as opposed to the term Māori, introduced by the
European colonisers of this land.

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old, and 9,844 were aged between 10 and 16 years (New Zealand Police 1997).

From interviews with children, researchers found that almost all can describe

detailed accounts of violent behaviour that their mother or father never realised

they had witnessed (Jaffe, Wolf & Wilson 1990).

In the year to June 2000, the Department of Child, Youth & Family Services

assessed 6,833 children as abused or neglected (Ministry of Social Policy (now

Ministry of Social Development) 2001). Further, in the four years to 2002, over

1,600 children under the age of 10 years were sexually abused. Given the

nature of this issue, the number of child victims (as with women) is considered

grossly underrepresented.

Research indicates that there is considerable overlap between physical,

psychological and sexual abuse, and children who are subject to one form of

abuse are significantly more likely to suffer other forms of abuse (Briere & Runtz


There are significant overlaps between male violence against female partners

and child abuse and neglect. A comprehensive review of studies in this area

indicates that in 30 to 60 percent of families where either child abuse or partner

abuse is found, the other type of abuse occurs also (Edelson 1999). The

likelihood of co-occurrence of child abuse increases with increasing frequency of

partner abuse.

Most research estimates that between two and five percent of the older

population are victims of elder abuse. In Aotearoa New Zealand, based on the

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1996 census, this means there could be between 8,453 and 21,133 older New

Zealanders suffering from some form of abuse and neglect. Most elder abuse

victims are aged 70 to 84 years, with psychological abuse considered the most

common type of elder abuse (Age Concern New Zealand 1992).

For the purposes of this paper, family violence will be assumed to include

intimate partner abuse and child abuse or neglect. The prevention of parental,

elder and sibling abuse are beyond the scope of this discussion, primarily due to

the lack of clear evidence that these present significant cost to the Accident

Compensation Corporation. It should also be noted that these three areas are

not currently being prioritised within either Opportunity for All New Zealanders or

Te Rito: New Zealand Family Violence Prevention Strategy.

The Cost of Fam ily Violence t o the Accident

Compen sation Corporation

The costs to ACC of providing treatment and entitlements in respect of assault

(excluding sexual abuse) cannot be easily identified, particularly as many claims

are processed through the bulk funded emergency departments of public

hospitals2. Recent estimates of the cost of assault to the Corporation suggested

a possible 6,660 cases at a cost of over NZ$21 million (Stephenson, Trotter &

Langley 2004). According to Statistics New Zealand (2001), “male assaults

female” (i.e., intimate partner abuse) is the most common type of violent crime

Public hospital acute services (i.e., emergency departments) within Aotearoa New Zealand are funded by a bulk
payment from ACC to the New Zealand Government. The Ministry of Health is then funded by the Crown to purchase
these services from the District Health Boards on behalf of ACC.

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recorded by New Zealand Police and thus the most common reported assault.

We can therefore assume that family violence is the most common form of

assault, with intimate partner abuse alone accounting for half the cost of assault

to the Corporation.

Health Promot ion

The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion defines health promotion as “the

process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health”

(World Health Organization 1986). The three strategies for health promotion

identified in the charter are advocacy, enabling and mediating, these are

explained within the Health Promotion Glossary (World Health Organization

1998) as “advocacy for health to create the essential conditions for health...

enabling all people to achieve their full health potential; and mediating between

the different interests in society in pursuit of health”.

The three strategies of health promotion are supported by five key areas for


• Building healthy public policy;

• Creating supportive environments for health;

• Strengthening community action for health;

• Developing personal skills; and

• Reorienting health services.

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There are many other models for health promotion and a range of theories to

support the different facets of this emerging discipline however, with the

exception of its failure to recognise the social contracts of indigenous peoples

(Lane & Gardiner 2003), the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion is sufficient to

provide a working definition of health promotion.

Under the IPRC, the Corporation clearly has a role to play in reducing the level of

family violence within society and thus reducing its own costs. Section 263 of the

IPRC recognizes that in fulfilling its primary function to reduce personal injury, the

Corporation should seek to:

• Create supportive environments that reduce the incidence and severity of

personal injury; and

• Strengthen community action to prevent personal injury; and

• Encourage the development of personal skills that prevent personal injury.

Clearly health promotion is a role of the Accident Compensation Corporation.

Injury Pre vention

ACC has traditionally involved itself in the prevention of unintentional injury,

mostly in the areas of sport, traffic, workplace and falls. Within these areas, the

Corporation has adopted an injury prevention approach.

Injury prevention is a subset of health promotion, using educational, engineering

and enforcement approaches to reduce injuries within society. Whilst injury

prevention makes use of the models of health promotion, specific models have

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also been developed. The Spectrum of Prevention (Cohen & Swift 1999)

provides a framework for delivering comprehensive injury prevention


Level of Spectrum Definition of Level

Strengthening Individual Knowledge and Skills Enhancing an individual’s capability of preventing injury or

illness and promoting safety

Promoting Community Education Reaching groups of people with information and

resources to promote health and safety

Educating Providers Informing providers who transmit skills and knowledge to


Fostering Coalitions and Networks Bringing together groups and individuals for broader

goals and greater impact

Changing Organizational Practices Adopting regulations and shaping norms to improve

health and safety

Influencing Policy and Legislation Developing strategies to change laws and policies to

influence outcomes

Spectrum of Prevention (Cohen & Swift 1999)

Injuries can be prevented at a primary, secondary or tertiary level. Primary

prevention aims to reduce the risk of injury at a population level, secondary

prevention reduces the risk to those in high risk groups whilst tertiary prevention

aims to reduce the reoccurrence of injury.

Whilst acknowledging the above and other models of injury prevention as a

subset of health promotion, this paper will consider primary, secondary and

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tertiary injury prevention activities as they fit into the framework for health

promotion action proposed by the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (World

Health Organization 1986). The various activities will be considered as they fit

into a matrix considering healthy public policy, supportive environments for

health, community action, personal skills and health services.

Family Violence Prevention

Given the limited access to University facilities provided by the author’s remote

location, the internet has been utilized to identify and obtain the literature relating

to the prevention of family violence. Initial searches were undertaken using

www.google.com and the key words “family violence” and “primary prevention”,

“secondary prevention” or “tertiary prevention”. The author has also made use of

his substantial connections within the family violence sector in Aotearoa New

Zealand to gain access to documents and research papers produced by the

various government ministries.

Primary Prevention

It is recognised that primary prevention strategies based on risk factors have

limited effectiveness; in common with many health promotion programmes it is

necessary to use broadly based social programmes (Bethea 1999, Edelson

2000). Programmes should be focused on society and not individuals. It should

also be noted that whilst much research has been done on the prevalence of

family violence within Aotearoa New Zealand and elsewhere, little sound

research into the most effective practices is available (Bethea 1999, Family

Violence Prevention Fund 2004).

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Common features of effective programmes include (Bethea 1999, Family

Violence Prevention Fund 2004):

• Strengthening family and community connections;

• Raising awareness of the unacceptability of family violence;

• Developing networks of agencies and community leaders;

• Changing the social and community conditions which foster violence;

• Making services accountable to the needs of families and communities.

Secondary Prevention

The secondary prevention of family violence is largely concerned with the

potential victims in homes and families in which family violence is already

occurring. This will include child witnesses of intimate partner violence, siblings

of abused children, and so forth. Initiatives here will focus on:

• Addressing the needs of the perpetrator to ensure they do not widen the

scope of their violence given that there is between a 30 and 60 percent

chance of families where either child abuse or partner abuse is found, also

experiencing the other form of abuse (Edelson 1999);

• Working with child and adult witnesses of family violence to develop safety

behaviours and to break the cycle of violence, particularly given the strong

correlations between witnessing family violence as a child and experiencing

family violence in adult intimate relationships (Strauss, Gelles & Steinmetz


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• Providing key workers with the skills to recognise and respond appropriately

to families at high risk of violence.

Tertiary Prevention

There are a range of interventions offered within Aotearoa New Zealand to assist

families who have experienced family violence. These include education

programmes for perpetrators and victims delivered by Non-Government

Organisations under the Domestic Violence Act, legislation and systems to

protect women and children from abuse by family members (i.e., Protection

Orders and specific offences relating to family violence) and programmes such

as Strategies with Kids, Information for Parents (SKIP), the Ministry of Social

Development programme to provide parents with non-violent means of

disciplining children along with strategies to raise happy and healthy children.

It is recognised that many initiatives and practices to address family violence will

cross all three levels of injury prevention, this was evidenced most recently in the

Family Violence Funding Circuit Breaker Project, where attempts to categorise

grass root projects to address family violence failed due to linkages between the

levels of prevention (Opie 2004).

Prevention of Family Violen ce

There are a wide range of strategies and programmes operating within Aotearoa

New Zealand to prevent or minimise the occurrence of violence within families. I

shall consider those which have been evaluated here. It should be noted that

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many potentially effective programme running throughout the world have not

been evaluated due to funding limitations.

Parenting Programmes

A huge diversity of parenting programmes are available throughout the world,

most programmes within Aotearoa New Zealand operate from a parenting skills

development base rather than addressing parenting issues (Dalziel). Parenting

programmes do not fit neatly into a primary, secondary or tertiary prevention

model as they vary considerably in scope, some are aimed at all parents, some

at high risk parents and some at parents who have already abused their children.

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Programme (Sanders, Turner & Markie-Dodd

2002) is an example of a programme that covers a broad range of familial need,

this was the only programme identified that had been evaluated.

The programme reported having a strong theoretical and research base, clear

methods for using learning to inform practice, being specific about parenting

skills and making use of a wide variety of referral routes. Weaknesses of the

programme included a failure to engage with families in greatest need for the

length of a programme and a lack of awareness of gender related power and

control issues (Sanders, Turner and Markie-Dodd 2002)

Universal Home Visits

Bethea (1999) reports that of the range of supports offered to parents, including

long term home visitation, short term home visitation, early and extended

mother/child contact, intensive GP contact, drop-in centres and parenting

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classes, only long-term visitation has been found to be effective in reducing the

incidence of child abuse as measured by hospital admissions. Results of studies

included improved parental attitude towards children, increased interactions

between parents and children and reduced incidences of child abuse. However

the high costs associated with a universal home visiting programme have

prevented such programmes

Social Marketing

Social marketing is the application of commercial marketing techniques to

achieve social change (i.e., to influence social and health behaviours and

attitudes). It is intended to influence how people think and behave (Nutbeam &

Harris 1999); examples of social marketing materials include television and radio

commercials, advertisements in print media, posters and mailouts.

Many programmes to raise awareness of family violence have been undertaken

throughout the world, examples include the Family Violence Prevention Fund

There’s No Excuse for Domestic Violence, (Fullwood 2002), Freedom From Fear

(Donovan, Francas, Paterson & Zapelli 2000), Aktiv gegen Männergewalt / Active

Against Male Violence (Women Against Violence Europe), Zero Tolerance

Campaign (Women Against Violence Europe) These campaigns largely operate

from the premise that it is necessary to change social norms that allow family

violence to exist. A range of media have been utilised, including posters, print

and broadcast media, information pamphlets, CD ROMs, large scale events and

the internet. The target groups for the campaigns have included the general

public (Fullwood 2002, Women Against Violence Europe), adult males (both

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perpetrators and non-perpetrators) (Donovan, Francas, Paterson & Zapelli 2000),

boys and young men (Reid Howie Associates Ltd 2001)

The components that contributed to successful social marketing campaigns

included integration of all aspects of the campaign (Donovan, Francas, Paterson

& Zapelli 2000, Reid Howie Associates Ltd 2001), the use of research in

campaign development, the use of a conceptual framework working with relevant

stakeholders throughout the campaign (Donovan, Francas, Paterson & Zapelli

2000), creating critical discussion around the issue of family violence (Reid

Howie Associates Ltd 2001, Women Against Violence Europe) and consistent

use of appropriate promotional strategies (Donovan, Francas, Paterson & Zapelli


For social marketing campaigns to have maximum effect, they must be

supported by other initiatives able to create and sustain dialogue within

communities, peer groups and families (Women Against Violence Europe). The

evaluations of the programmes discussed above have all claimed increases in

knowledge however few gains have been identified relating to long term

attitudinal and behavioural change. Public awareness campaigns often increase

awareness of services and thus referrals (Hall & Stannard 1997), a useful result

but often not the purpose of these campaigns. Mass media campaigns are of

little use in isolation but rather make up an important component of a

comprehensive strategy to address family violence (Women Against Violence


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Universal Screening

Universal screening of families for family violence has been common in many

countries for some years now, whilst it is only now being introduced to Aotearoa

New Zealand thanks to the recently developed Ministry of Health Family Violence

Intervention Guidelines (Ministry of Health 2002) and associated workforce

development. Evaluations of health care professional training in the USA

(Edelson 2000) have shown that universal screening does increase the

identification of adult-female victims of intimate partner abuse. Edelson does

however caution on the lack of knowledge of the effects of this screening on

those who are not exposed to family violence and the lack of clear evidence of

behaviour change as a result of these interventions

Education of Children and Young People

Edelson (2000) suggests that it is in the area of school-based prevention

programmes that the greatest primary prevention activities relating to family

violence have occurred. Many programmes have been evaluated and results

indicate that young people participating in these programmes have greater

knowledge of family violence and hold more desirable attitudes to violence in

general. However, it must be noted that the longest follow-up period for any

programme has been 16 months and, as such, it is not possible to comment on

any long-term behavioural or attitudinal changes.

The lack of any long term follow up of education programmes noted above

makes it difficult to assess whether programmes within schools and other

education settings are successfully reducing the acceptability of violence and,

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ultimately, the levels of family violence within society. Programmes addressing

child abuse, young people’s intimate relationships and family violence as a whole

are being delivered in many territories throughout the world however the lack of

long term outcome evaluations makes it impossible to identify the factors that

create successful projects. The projects discussed here report some gains and

attempt to identify factors that contribute to their success however; the short-term

nature of any attached research is problematic.

The school activities contained within the Aktiv gegen Männergewalt (Women

Against Violence Europe) campaign were deemed successful in that they

initiated ongoing activities within schools however, the campaign did note the

considerable support required for teachers at implementation, this need for

support and training was also reported by the Zero Tolerance Young Person’s

Campaign (Reid Howie Associates Ltd 2001).

The Australian YouthSafe Peer Support Programme (Partnerships Against

Domestic Violence 2000), consisting of one-day awareness raising sessions

within schools and other learning institutions reported increased awareness of

pertinent issues amongst young people, including the nature and extent of family

violence, alternatives to violence within relationships and assistance available to

young people in the community. Factors considered important in the success of

this project included community involvement, staff training and development,

level and quality of planning work and the support available to staff delivering the


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Evaluation of the New Zealand Police Keeping Ourselves Safe programme

reported that teaching staff believed it to be an “excellent programme” (Briggs

2002). The programme reported an increase in the number of children reporting

abuse of themselves or their peers, with parents reporting that students who had

participated in the programme successfully stopping incidents of sexual abuse

and reporting it to their caregivers. Important factors in the success of this

programme have been identified as Police Education Officers working with

teachers around the more sensitive issues, parallel information sessions for

parents and strong links to the relevant curriculum documents.

Community Development and Action

Community development is “is a process of enabling communities to develop

their capacity to address the issues that they identify. Core components of

community development are self-help, mutual support, community integration,

capacity development, problem solving and self-representation and the

promotion of collective action” (Antric 2005) whilst “community action is a

process involving the linking of groups and individuals to develop collective

action to tackle an identified issue (Antric 2005). Both are valid approaches to

addressing the prevention of family violence and have been utilised in many


The Aotearoa New Zealand Sure Start programme is based on a British model

aimed at “improving health and emotional development for young children” (Sure

Start 2005). This model is described as community development although given

that it is implemented in Government defined areas with core services including

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outreach and home-visiting, support services for families and children, quality

childcare and children’s facilities, community healthcare, and support for children

with special needs, it can more accurately be called community action. Given

that local governance bodies, including parents and community leaders, exist to

guide the local priorities (Davies, Wood & Stephens 2002).

Campaigns to mobilise communities to address family violence issues have been

undertaken in many communities. Core strategies have included raising

awareness of family violence, connecting those at high risk to support services,

developing community leaders able to advocate for healthy families, changing

the conditions that support family violence and making services accountable to

their communities (Fullwood 2002). Additionally campaigns have sought to

ensure community ownership at the most local level (Maciak, Guzman, Santiago,

Villiabob & Israel 1999).

An Australian project aimed at mobilising schools and communities to address

family violence highlights a number of key considerations to be addressed in this

area (Sidey 2001, Ridge & McLeod 1997). First and foremost any definition of

violence must be negotiated locally and must include a local definition of the

problem, including race, gender, ability and sexuality issues. Preventative action

should make use of a positive, strengths-based community development

approach and should be aligned with policy, education, community networking

and environmental changes where possible.

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Working with Witnesses of Family Violence

As will be appreciated by the reader, children have active emotional and

psychological lives from the moment of birth and providing children with the

opportunity to talk about any negative experiences will support their present and

future health (Kelly, Anderson & Dawson 2003). Any intervention undertaken

with child witnesses should be appropriate to the children’s gender, culture,

ethnicity, spirituality, ability, etc. Programmes undertaken with child witnesses of

family violence will deal with both the short term needs of the children and

breaking the pattern of aggressive behaviour associated with the cycle of abuse

(Bennett, Coggan, Fill & Lee 2004).

Many programmes to address the needs of child witnesses of family violence are

run in Aotearoa New Zealand under the Domestic Violence Programmes

regulations administered by the Department for Courts. These programmes aim

to assist “children to deal with the effects of domestic violence” (Ministry of

Justice 2004A), they are provided for the general population and for Tangata

whenua; Tangata whenua programmes incorporate indigenous models of health

(i.e., Te Whare Tapa Whā (Durie 1994)) and Whakawhanaungatanga (i.e.,

indigenous concepts around family and relationships).

Three of the Ministry of Justice approved programmes for children were

evaluated (Ministry of Justice 2002B), the evaluations found that the programmes

assisted children to manage with the effects of domestic violence through an

effective educational programme, and that programmes helped children to

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express their feelings about family violence and develop strategies to protect


The uptake of Protection Orders has declined in recent years (Jacobson 2005)

and whilst the Ministries of Justice and Women’s Affairs are undertaking

research regarding this, any results are not yet available. Alongside the low

uptake of Protection Orders has been low uptake of Ministry of Justice approved

programmes (Jacobson 2005). This results from both the low use of Protection

Orders and a lack of awareness by parents of the effects of witnessing family

violence on children (Bennett, Coggan, Fill & Lee 2004).

A programme to raise awareness of the effects of witnessing family violence, the

benefits of Protection Orders and the available services to families has been

undertaken by Preventing Violence in the Home, formerly the Auckland Domestic

Violence Centre (Bennett, Coggan, Fill & Lee 2004). Evaluation of this project

indicates that completion of the programme leads to reports of increased

wellness from child participants, the development and implementation of safety

plans by children and an increased awareness by parents of the effect of

witnessing family violence on children. Further research is being undertaken to

determine whether this and similar projects have a significant effect on the

uptake of Protection Orders and Ministry of Justice approved programmes

although anecdotal evidence suggests that participation in the Domestic Violence

Centre programme quadruples the likelihood of children attending Ministry of

Justice approved education programmes.

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Working with adult female victims

In Aotearoa New Zealand, education programmes to meet the needs of adult

victims of family violence are provided under Section 28 of the Domestic

Violence Act to promote the protection of victims of domestic violence through

education, information and support (Ministry of Justice 2004B). The programmes

are delivered either in groups or with individuals depending on personal

circumstances. The preferred means of delivery is in groups however, where the

victim is male, gay, bisexual or has other special needs, individual programmes

are often used.

The Ministry of Justice has produced research to establish “whether programmes

for adult protected persons contribute to the protection of victims of family

violence” (Maxwell, Anderson & Olsen 2001). Maxwell et al found that the

programmes produced significant gains for participants with 88 percent of women

reporting that they had learned how to keep themselves safe, 92 percent

reporting that they had learnt how to keep their children safe and 91 percent

reporting that they had a safety plan in place for themselves and their children.

The participants in the research also reported a significant reduction in the

reporting of abuse during the programme when compared with previous

experiences of abuse. Participants in the programmes “believed that the

programme had actively contributed to them feeling safer and being more able to

keep children safe” (Maxwell, Anderson & Olsen 2001).

The study by Maxwell, Anderson and Olsen (2001) attempted to identify best

practice, although it should be noted that this was not done by comparing the

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programmes but based on feedback from participants. The most effective

programmes met the needs of women to understand family violence, were

culturally responsive and appropriate, had appropriate staffing and were

delivered by organisations with effective infrastructures. Weaknesses of

programmes included not being able to meet the broader needs of participants

(i.e, if a woman did not have secure accommodation for herself and her family

she would be unlikely to prioritise attending the programme), referral to the

programme via the Family Court was considered inadequate and further support

in accessing the programme was required, and accessing programmes was also

difficult in some areas.

Working with Perpetrators

In Aotearoa New Zealand, programmes for perpetrators of family violence are

one facet of the array of legal responses to family violence. The primary

objective of these programmes is the “stopping or preventing domestic violence

on the part of the respondent” (Ministry of Justice 2004C). The Department of

Corrections evaluated four approved community-based family violence

prevention programmes for perpetrators in Porirua, Takapuna, Wanganui and

Wellington (Ministry of Justice 2004D). The evaluation reported a number of

positive results. The participants in the programmes reported a reduced

frequency of violence and abusive behaviour, a reduction in their involvement in

the criminal justice sector, and significant improvement in their wellbeing. The

partners of the men also reported a reduction in the frequency and nature of

physical abuse although no similar reduction in emotional abuse and controlling

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behaviour was reported. It should be noted that behaviour change was only

monitored for a maximum of 13 weeks following completion of the programmes

and even here there was some decline in participants’ sense of wellbeing and

further follow up may find that any behaviour change was not maintained

(Ministry of Justice 2004D).

The evaluation undertaken by the Department of Corrections identified a number

of issues which impacted on the effectiveness of the programmes; these included

a failure to meet the cultural needs of men from backgrounds other than Tangata

Whenua or Pākehā3 and a completion rate of approximately half (Ministry of

Justice 2004D). Research into the effectiveness of these programmes indicates

that 70 to 80 percent of men who complete the programmes do not return to

using physical violence. This compares to a success rate of around half reported

overseas (Gondolf 1998 cited in Ministry of Justice 2004D) however given that

Aotearoa New Zealand studies have not been undertaken over a longer period it

may be that the rate of non-violence fall over the longer term.

Government Legislation and Strategy

The legislation relating to family violence within Aotearoa New Zealand is largely

encompassed within the Domestic Violence Act 1995 (DVA) and the Children,

Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989 (CYPFA). These acts provide for

the safety of victims of family violence, support to at-risk families and the

prosecution and treatment of perpetrators of family violence. The major

New Zealand European

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weakness of these Acts is their failure to provide for the mandatory reporting of

family violence.

The two key government strategies relating to family violence are Te Rito: New

Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy and Opportunity for All New Zealanders. The

former represents the New Zealand Government’s response to family violence

prevention while the latter identifies violence within families as one of five priority

areas for government. Te Rito identifies the key areas for action in preventing

family violence whilst Opportunity for All represents the largest ever commitment

from the New Zealand Government towards the eradication of family violence.

As noted earlier, family violence is also addressed through the New Zealand

Injury Prevention Strategy and the Crime Reduction Strategy.

Health promot ion: An a pproach to the pre vention

of family violen ce.

I have outlined a number of key areas in the prevention of family violence:

• Parenting programmes;

• Universal home visits;

• Social marketing;

• Universal screening;

• Education of children and young people;

• Community development and action;

• Working with witnesses of family violence;

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• Working with adult victims of family violence;

• Working with perpetrators; and

• Government legislation and strategy.

There are many other areas which will impact on the prevalence of family

violence in our society and reductions in the frequency and intensity of that

violence however, these are either too broad to consider in a targeted approach

or lie too far beyond the scope of ACC to be considered in this paper. The

following table considers how these approaches to the prevention of family

violence fit within the health promotion framework provided by the Ottawa


Ottawa Charter Area for Family violence prevention activities

Building healthy public • Government legislation and strategy;
• Education of children and young people (school policies);
• Universal screening (organisational policies).
Creating supportive • Parenting programmes;
environments for health
• Universal home visits;
• Education of children and young people;
• Community development and action.
Strengthening community • Parenting programmes;
action for health
• Social marketing;
• Education of children and young people;
• Community development and action.

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Ottawa Charter Area for Family violence prevention activities

Developing personal skills • Parenting programmes;
• Universal home visits;
• Education of children and young people;
• Community development and action;
• Working with witnesses of family violence;
• Working with adult victims of family violence;
• Working with perpetrators.
Reorienting health services • Parenting programmes;
• Universal home visits;
• Universal screening;
• Working with witnesses of family violence;
• Working with adult victims of family violence;
• Working with perpetrators.

Prevention of family violence and the Ottawa Charter

Clearly all the family violence prevention activities outlined in this paper fit within

the health promotion framework provided by the Ottawa Charter. Family violence

prevention is most clearly health promotion but what is the role of the Accident

Compensation Corporation within this area?

The Role of ACC in family violence prevent ion

As stated above, ACC has a requirement to undertake health promotion work if

this is likely to result in a cost-effective reduction in either levies or the

government contribution to the accident compensation scheme. Conservative

estimates place the cost of family violence to ACC as approximately NZ$7 million

per annum although according to research conducted by the Injury Prevention

Research Unit, this may be as high three times this figure (Stephenson, Trotter &

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Langley 2004). Preventing injuries as a result of family violence will result in

savings for the Corporation and its funders.

Whilst secondary and tertiary prevention of family violence presents the

Corporation with opportunities to reduce immediate costs through preventing re-

victimisation of women and children and increasing the safety of at-risk families,

it is in primary prevention that the greatest long-term gains can be made.

Challenging the acceptance of family violence at an individual, family, whānau4,

community and societal level, and supporting the development of a violence free

society will see the greatest gain for ACC.

Services for victims and perpetrators of family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand

are already provided by the Department of Child, Youth and Family, Ministry of

Justice and various Non-Government Organisations. These include

comprehensive services for persons covered by a Protection Order (i.e.,

respondents and their families), services for at-risk children and education

programmes for perpetrators of family violence. As has already been identified,

uptake of Ministry of Justice programmes for children who witness family

violence has been low. This may be due to the lack of awareness of these

services, the lack of understanding of the effects of witnessing family violence

and the barriers to accessing Protection Orders. Research is currently underway

to explore this. Given this situation, ACC should explore the means by which the

Corporation can support families in crisis to take out Protection Orders, access

Extended family, the basic unit of indigenous society within Aotearoa.

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Ministry of Justice approved programmes and increase caregivers understanding

of the effects of children witnessing violence. This will provide a cost effective

means of increasing the support for families given that Ministry of Justice funding

for programmes is uncapped and relies only on a Protection Order being in

place. Thus the Corporation can ensure that child witnesses and adult victims of

family violence are better supported and that the cycle of violence is broken.

There is insufficient evidence of the effectiveness of education programmes for

perpetrators to justify ACC’s investment in this area.

ACC does not involve itself in home visits or in working with families however, as

a provider of rehabilitation and care services for people with injuries it does have

significant contact with up to 1.6 million New Zealanders each year (ACC 2004)

through the Corporation’s staff and external contractors. ACC should therefore

develop policies and procedures to ensure that the claimants it, and its agents,

have contact with are screened appropriately to identify families experiencing, or

at risk of, family violence. The Corporation should also explore funding major

Non-Government Organisations with significant contact with families (e.g., Royal

New Zealand Plunket Society, Barnados New Zealand, etc.) to undertake similar

policy and procedure development.

Through identifying families at-risk of family violence and supporting access to

programmes to break the cycle of violence in families, ACC will see a reduction

in the severity and incidence of family violence. However, these strategies need

to be reinforced with population based initiatives to challenge social norms

relating to violence.

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Major national social marketing campaigns have been launched in various

territories throughout the world, including Aotearoa New Zealand. For these to

be effective they need to be sustained over a long period of time and to combine

with local awareness raising and community action. The Corporation should

therefore develop a primary prevention programme that includes national and

local social marketing along with community action. It is recommended that ACC

work with the lead stakeholders in the area to develop messages and social

marketing collateral whilst using its unique knowledge of communities and

community action to draw together the many initiatives addressing family

violence at a local level and to develop a toolbox for communities to use to

strengthen awareness and action around family violence.

Social marketing and community action will begin to make changes in the diverse

communities of Aotearoa New Zealand. However, this needs to be reinforced

through work with children and young people. Changing the attitudes and

expectations of the young whilst working to target the whole population will

effectively impact the acceptance of family violence in our society. It is

recommended that ACC support the further expansion of the New Zealand Police

Keeping Ourselves Safe programme to reach all early childhood education

centres, primary and intermediate schools and colleges. This will ensure that the

same messages are received throughout a child’s scholastic career and that the

reputation of the existing programme can be used to roll out a more

comprehensive family violence prevention initiative.

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ACC must also maintain its involvement in the various national strategies relating

to family violence. The Corporation is the largest employer of health promotion /

injury prevention staff in Aotearoa New Zealand and has substantial opportunity

to reduce its costs relating to family violence through supporting the New

Zealand Government to create a society in which everyone can live free from



ACC has a role to play in the reduction of the severity and incidence of family

violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Corporation should take a role in

supporting the key Government agencies addressing family violence and its

prevention (i.e., Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Health, Department

of Child, Youth and Family Services, Ministry of Justice and New Zealand Police)

through identifying opportunities to support the work of these agencies and to

improve access to existing services. ACC is required to reduce its costs

associated with family violence related assault in a cost effective manner, the

Corporation is unable to compete with the considerable Government funding

available and as such must seek avenues to add value. The recommendations

made above such as increasing access to Ministry of Justice education

programmes, using the Corporation’s considerable expertise in social marketing

to support the lead agencies in developing social marketing campaigns and

supporting the expansion of existing programmes all provide opportunities for

ACC to make considerable gain with a relatively low investment.

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Through supporting the activities outlined above and aligning its strategies with

the key stakeholders in the sector, ACC can fulfil its obligations under the IPRC

and the relevant Government strategies, undertake appropriate health promotion

action, achieve substantial savings, reductions in levies and government

contributions to injury treatment and rehabilitation and thus contribute to a safer

and healthier environment for all New Zealanders.

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