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update about a new opportunity!!

About two months ago, a new Internet friend of mine wanted me to send him almost everything I had.
I e-mailed him more than I ever have done anyone else. Each e-mail with 7 articles. All of the PFHL
Bible studies. Since December 28. 2004, I have e-mailed over 25,000 Bible studies and articles. Then
finally, after I have requested one or two volunteer secretaries to help me keep up with such e-mailing,
reading and responding to e-mails, and keeping up with the Yahoo 360 messages and blogs and
comments to blogs, the Holy Spirit gave me the idea that I am sharing with you now. It is almost like I
am offering you a small extra harddrive or article/Bible study library for you to use for responding to
e-mail requests, doing Yahoo 360 blogging, and posting in Christian forum.

When I came to Germany in June 2003, I thought that I was going to have an Internet/e-mail Bible
correspondence school. But such never became past my new website for it and e-mail a few thousand
of the 89 courses to people in over 40 countries. Only one returned one of the courses with her
answers. Many wrote e-mails saying how much they liked what I sent and they sent them to friends.
Then I also got involved in Yahoo 360 (October 2005), and that consumed a lot of time and the world
news events required me to do more intercessory prayer too, so I was being overwhelmed even though I
had over 40 hours per week to be on the computer for the ministries. Then in the middle of a February
night, the Holy Spirit gave me the idea of using the Yahoo Groups software to make available almost
all that I have collected and rated since early January 2004. Each group can have 20 MB in the Files
section and members of the group can download any of the files they would like. These groups will not
be like the ones that I became turned off to early last year. They will be just sources of information and
the only commenting will be about the best articles and Bible studies of the group members. And if
anyone thinks some of the items should be rated higher or lower than I did, he or she can tell me in the
Message section. The Yahoo Group software orders the files differently than the way that is done by
Microsoft: the items with the tilde (~) in front of their titles fall to the bottom instead of going to the

I am sure that you will find at least a few of the following groups that you will want to do some
downloading from and share your best downloads with others if not the groups URLs. Now if an
individual request information about a certain topic, then you can give them the URL of the
appropriate group so that he or she can choose what they want and you don’t have to guess what to
attach to e-mails for them. The Holy Spirit helped me to do most of such guessing, but it was
sometimes stressful or tiring (usually the latter much more than the former). So I know that this now
will save me so much time and energy. You could even put the best articles and Bible studies that you
download into various subject files and eventually (when you get up to 20 MB of such) make your own
Yahoo group for the same purpose as I did. You could claim that it is the best of what I have shared
and I might refer others to it instead of mine. I believe that you will enjoy the “~” and the “1--”
articles and Bible studies “or you can have your money back”. I just want to do all I can to share
God’s wonderful truths and desires for us human beings. We may not have much more time in this Age
of Grace, so I hope that you will want to do more of such ministry. People make bad choices and other
decisions because of not having the right information.

I have put almost everything of spiritual nature I have in my computer into this group and the below
groups so that you and others could see if opposing views on some of the issues. You can pick the best
articles and Bible studies and then make a group or a few groups for sharing them with other people.
Form subject folders. You can do sub-folders too. Isn't this a neat way for sharing more than the e-
mail process than I was doing with you and others? The 60 PFHL took 11 e-mails. Now them and
much more will be available by me just giving the URL of the best relating group. I hope that this will
encourage you to become more part of sharing good spiritual information for others.

The five Urls are--


You can even do one of the following options so that you won’t be bothered by the messages e-mails:
* Special Notices - Receive only important email notices from the group moderator.
* Web Only - Don't get notified of the latest happenings. Read messages only on the web.

File Folders in New Groups:

A-- Jesus Christ
1.) relating to Jesus Christ 2.) controversies about Him

B-- God the Father

1.) in relating to God 2.) God and Suffering 3.) more of God's displeasures

C-- Prayer
1.) advice 2.) other examples 3.) controversies

D-- The Holy Spirit

Divine guidance

E-- Godhead

F-- Christian Salvation

1.) stories
2.) testimonies --
(a) from addictions (b) from religion or cults
(c) persecution related (d) responding to unexpected
(e) health challenges (f) with compassion
(g) about famous people (h) sports related
(i) my personal testimonies
3.) rejection of
4.) Baptism
5.) after death
6.) other controversies

G-- in relation to the Bible

1.) Bible Controversies 2.) My Bible studies 3.) Others' Bible studies

H-- Christian spiritual growth-- suggestions for born-again Christian
sanctification and consecration
1.) Advice 2.) beliefs for righteousness
3.) further commitment 4.) testimonies and stories

I-- local church & ministries

1.) for good goals 2.) for church leadership
3.) Basic doctrines 4.) church problems

J-- praise and worship
song words & sources

K-- witnessing
examples for handing out or e-mailing

L-- some of my spiritual communications

(a) God thinking about us

(b) bad & good counseling

not recommended
suggested types

(c) about confusing issues

1) self image problems 2) for grieving 3) for forgiving

(d) advice for thinking

1) for spiritual commitment 2) other positive
3) for overcoming negative 4) stress related

(e) advice for repentance

1) Thankfulness 2) Ambition and goals
3) 'How to's 4) Cautions

(f) laugher is good medicine

1) spiritual humor 2) humor about computering 3) other secular humor

(g) friendship advice

for positive
going against the negative
other suggestions

(h) love advice

(i) marriage advice

1) Ephesians 5 information 2) goals for couples
3) advice for husbands 4) advice for wives 5) for dealing with challenges

(j) family advice

(k) abortion and child abuse issues

(l) about the homosexual issue

1.) United States issues
Morals and ethics
Other politics and events

2.) Israel

3.) Islam
doctrine contrast to Biblical
Muslim to Christian testimonies
opinions and warnings

4.) Other International News

5.) Scientific Issues

(a) Creationism vs. Evolution (b) the World-wide Flood
(c) global warming

6.) Prophecy

about spiritual warfare
1) about Satan etc 2) other examples of warfare
3) other advice

discerning and judging

1) examples indicating need to 2) warnings 3) other advice

religious doctrines
1. Humanism and New Age
(a) Good Secular Stories (b) humanism
(c) against humanism (d) PDL and Warren

2. Charismatic
doctrine concerns specific famous preachers

3. Alpha Course
4. Church of Christ
5. Seventh Day Adventist
6. Roman Catholicism
7. the Episcopal Church
8. Greek Orthodox Church
9. Cults
Internet forums

Onward for whatever God wants,

Bible lover Bill
Romans 8:28, Philippians 4:4-8, & Proverbs3:5-6

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