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Leadership Expectations

Ability to network with other coordinators, managers, directors and E-Team Ability to build and maintain trust Ability to communicate effectively Ability to create win-win solutions Ability to build rapport Ability to follow through

KSAs/Behavior Indicators

Recommended Courses
Leading Teams: Building Trust and Commitment (team_03_a04_bs_enus) Connecting and Communicating (comm_08_a02_bs_enus) Communication Skills to Fast-track Your Career (PD0133) Communication Skills for Successful Management (MGMT0122) Effective Team Communication (team_02_a04_bs_enus) Leading Teams: Fostering Effective Communication and Collaboration (team_03_a05_bs_enus) The Mechanics of Effective Communication (COMM0002) Improving Your Cross-cultural Communications (COMM0023) Improving Your Image (PD0136) Interpersonal Communication: Communicating Assertively (comm_21_a04_bs_enus) Your Time and You (pd_01_a01_bs_enus) Techniques for Improved Time Management (pd_01_a02_bs_enus) Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork (comm_09_a03_bs_enus) Emotional Intelligence at Work Simulation (COMM009A) Increasing Emotional Intelligence (comm_09_a04_bs_enus) Leadership Essentials: Leading with Emotional Intelligence (lead_05_a04_bs_enus) Effective Intercultural Relationships (comm_12_a02_bs_enus) Diversity on the Job: Diversity and You (pd_07_a02_bs_enus) Workplace Ethics (lchr_01_a02_lc_enus)

Be available, visible and willing to help

Knowledge of your staffs jobs Ability to read body language to know when staff may need help Round on staff Ability to manage own time Ensure staff knows how to contact you Must be emotionally intelligent

Be Culturally Competent

Aware of and sensitive to her/his own cultural heritage and also respects and values different heritages; Aware of her/his own values and biases and how they may affect the perception of other cultures; Comfortable with differences that exist between her/his culture and other cultures' values and beliefs; and Sensitive to circumstances (personal biases, ethnic identity, political influence, etc.) that may require seeking assistance from a member of a different culture when interacting with another member of that culture. Demonstrate good understanding of the power structure in society and how non-dominant groups are treated; Acquire specific knowledge and information about the particular group(s) s/he is working with; and Recognize institutional barriers that prevent members of disadvantaged groups from using organizational and societal resources. Generate a wide variety of verbal and nonverbal responses (body language) when communicating with individuals of different backgrounds or culture; Send and receive both verbal and nonverbal messages accurately and appropriately; and Intervene appropriately and advocate on behalf of individuals from different cultures (i.e., serve as an ally). http://www.acha.org/about_acha/culture_comp_alist.cfm

Building Improved Work Relationships Simulation (COMM012A) Workplace Diversity Awareness (lchr_01_a03_lc_enus) Planning a Diversity Initiative (hr_02_a03_bs_enus)

Be Personally Accountable

Ability to Establish a clear Intention and Vision for your future (the talk part) Ability to Recognize the areas that you would like to improve Ability to Take ownership for the areas that you can influence Ability to Forgive yourself and getting back to your "walk" Ability to examine situations to look for innovative and creative solutions to make progress and solve old problems Ability to developing a support network to assist you Ability to assess results, celebrating wins and moving into your recovery plan when accountable actions don't achieve desired results Ability to anticipate problems Ability to think critically Ability to be flexible Ability to open minded

Working for Your Inner Boss: Personal Accountability (pd_05_a01_bs_enus) Doing Business Professionally Simulation (PD005A) Evaluating Internal Assignments (CONS0125) Evaluation and Review (CONS0115)

Be Proactive

Critical Thinking Skills for Managing (PD0254) Creating a Positive Attitude (pd_05_a04_bs_enus)

Build and Maintain Trust with Others

Ability to manage expectations Ability to establish and maintain boundaries Ability to delegate appropriately Ability to be consistent Ability to give and receive constructive feedback Ability to maintain confidentiality Ability to allow people to make decisions Ability to involve others and seek their input Ability to acknowledge peoples skills and abilities

Building Improved Work Relationships Simulation (COMM012A) Leading Teams: Building Trust and Commitment (team_03_a04_bs_enus) Delegating Effectively Simulation (MGMT007A) Delegation: the Personal Approach (mgmt_07_a02_bs_enus) Managing Delegation (mgmt_07_a03_bs_enus) The Basics of Delegation (mgmt_07_a01_bs_enus) Workplace Communication Skills (comm_02_a03_bs_enus) Successfully Coaching Relationships (mgmt_09_a02_bs_enus)

Coach Staff

Knowledge of different teaching methods, learning processes and training principles Ability to put the employee centered approach to your coaching Ability to prepare training programs to meet the needs of each employee Ability to communicate effectively

Business Coaching (mgmt_09_a01_bs_enus) Business Coaching: Building the Coaching Relationship (mgmt_14_a03_bs_enus) Business Coaching: Conducting Coaching Sessions (mgmt_14_a02_bs_enus) Business Coaching: Getting Ready to Coach (mgmt_14_a01_bs_enus) Business Coaching: Using Different Coaching Styles (mgmt_14_a04_bs_enus) Coaching Performance (lead_01_a06_bs_enus) Coaching Teams and Personalities Simulation (MGMT009B) Dynamics of Leadership (LEAD0126) Managing as Coach and Counselor (mgmt_04_a03_bs_enus)

Ability to evaluate an employees performance Ability to evaluate athlete/training and athlete/coach performance Ability to provide clear and effective instructions, explanations and demonstrations Ability to conduct effective observation and analysis Ability to provide clear and effective feedback Knowledge of effective questioning to determine what an employee knows or can do, their understanding and to develop their self awareness The Coaching Skillset (mgmt_09_a04_bs_enus) An Essential Guide to Giving Feedback (COMM0521) Giving Feedback: A Manager's Guide (COMM0525) Communicate Effectively (verbally and written) Ability to listen well Be supportive Be approachable Ability to have timely conversation Be open to feedback Be able to follow-up Ability to use Lotus Notes to get information to others Accept staff suggestions and input Ability to plan ahead Ability to speak in groups/1:1 Keep staff updated with changes Conduct meetings with an open agenda Knowledge of your audience Be emotionally intelligent Ability to use correct grammar Ability to clearly share thoughts and/ideas with others

Connecting and Communicating (comm_08_a02_bs_enus) Effective Listening Simulation (COMM003A) Higher Purpose Listening (comm_03_a03_bs_enus) Listening Basics (comm_03_a01_bs_enus) The Mechanics of Communicating Effectively (comm_02_a02_bs_enus) Facilitative Tools and Formats: Offering Options (mgmt_08_a05_bs_enus) Facilitating Meetings and Work Groups (mgmt_08_a03_bs_enus) Emotional Intelligence at Work Simulation (COMM009A) Leadership Essentials: Leading with Emotional Intelligence (lead_05_a04_bs_enus) Avoiding Grammatical Errors in Business Writing (COMM0013) Getting Started with Lotus Notes 8 and Using Mail (ia_lteu_a01_dt_enus) Lotus Notes 8: New Features for End Users (ia_lnnf_a01_dt_enus) Using Productivity Tools and Accessing Lotus Notes 8 Remotely (ia_lteu_a04_dt_enus)

Conduct Meetings

Ability to create an agenda and/or other meeting handouts Ability to use technology Be able to speak in public Ability to communicate effectively Be timely Ability to gather data Ability to set up meetings/check others calendars Be organized Ability to keep others on tasks Ability to effectively facilitate discussion Ability to help group come to a consensus Must be emotionally intelligent

Etiquette at the Business Meeting (comm_11_a03_bs_enus) Facilitating Meetings and Work Groups (mgmt_08_a03_bs_enus) Facilitating Successfully Simulation (MGMT008A) How to Work with Aggressive People (comm_04_a02_bs_enus) Leading an Effective Business Meeting (comm_06_a02_bs_enus) Participating Effectively in a Business Meeting (comm_06_a03_bs_enus) Planning an Effective Business Meeting (comm_06_a01_bs_enus) The Facilitator Role (mgmt_08_a01_bs_enus)

Create Win-Win Solutions

Ability to seek agreements and relationships that are mutually beneficial Ability to disengage from right/wrong debates by acknowledging the differences between people without judgment Ability to accept that sometimes the only workable, win/win solution may be to agree to disagree Ability to refocuses on the issue and what corrective action is going to be taken Ability to resist any impulses Knowledge of effective listening strategies

Effective Listening Simulation (COMM003A) Enhancing Listening Skills (comm_03_a04_bs_enus) Interpersonal Communication: Listening Essentials (comm_21_a03_bs_enus) Telecommuting Basics: Communication Strategies for the Remote Employee (pd_08_a02_bs_enus) Workplace Conflict: Recognizing and Responding to Conflict (comm_22_a01_bs_enus) Analyzing Workplace War Zones (TEAM0212) Conflict in the Workplace Simulation (COMM007A) Creating Change, Gaining Allies (comm_13_a04_bs_enus) Basic Business Skills to Get You on the Fast Track (PD0132) Delegating Effectively Simulation (MGMT007A) Delegation: the Personal Approach (mgmt_07_a02_bs_enus) Managing Delegation (mgmt_07_a03_bs_enus) The Basics of Delegation (mgmt_07_a01_bs_enus) Motivating Employees and Leading Change Simulation (LEAD005A) Effective Team-building Strategies (TEAM0171) Leading Teams: Motivating and Optimizing Performance (team_03_a06_bs_enus) Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork (comm_09_a03_bs_enus) Leadership Essentials: Creating Your Own Leadership Development Plan (lead_05_a08_bs_enus) Rational Decision-making and Problem Solving Simulation (PD004B) Group Problem Solving and Decision Making (pd_04_a06_bs_enus) Connecting and Communicating (comm_08_a02_bs_enus) Leading Teams: Building Trust and Commitment (team_03_a04_bs_enus) Leading High-performance On-site Teams (team_01_a02_bs_enus)


Ability to select the right people for the job Ability to motivate staff Ability to communicate clearly Ability to give feedback Ability to solve problems Ability to let go Ability to show appreciation Must be emotionally intelligent

Educate/Train Staff

Ability to develop Individualized Training Ability to establish and maintain trust Ability to be flexible Ability to communicate effectively Ability to listen effectively Ability to problem-solve

Effectively Lead Staff through Change

Ability to get buy in from staff Ability to build and maintain trust Ability to communicate effectively Ability to develop a vision of the future Ability to identify and remove obstacles to the change process Ability to identify and celebrate wins Ability to create and maintain momentum and continuous improvement Ability to listen effectively Ability to not take resistance personally

Communication during Organizational Change (pd_03_a03_bs_enus) Handling Organizational Change Simulation (PD003A) Leadership and Change (lead_01_a07_bs_enus) Leadership Essentials: Leading Change (lead_05_a07_bs_enus) Managing Change: Building Positive Support for Change (mgmt_13_a02_bs_enus) Managing Change: Dealing with Resistance to Change (mgmt_13_a03_bs_enus) Managing Change: Sustaining Organizational Change (mgmt_13_a04_bs_enus) Managing Change: Understanding Change (mgmt_13_a01_bs_enus) Motivating Employees and Leading Change Simulation (LEAD005A)

Establish and Maintain Boundaries

Ability to focus on work objectives even with people you dont like or with whom you are having personal conflict. Building Improved Work Relationships Simulation (COMM012A) Ability to effectively set limits with others who have poor boundaries. Harassment in the Workplace (lch_01_a03_lc_enus) Ability to clearly defining the consequences when a boundary is violated and sticking to it. Managing Workplace Harassment Complaints Simulation (LCO020T) Workplace Violence (lchr_01_a04_lc_enus) A Primer for Ensuring Accountability (mgmt_04_a05_bs_enus) Foundations for Business Execution (LEAD0151) Doing Business Professionally Simulation (PD005A)

Hold Staff Accountable

Differentiate between responsibility and accountability Describe how accountability is demonstrated Explain why accountability is important Explain the six step process for holding oneself and others accountable Identify your personal level of accountability Examine your personal communication style Describe how to use accountability language and behavior Knowledge of how to set accountability expectations Ability to hold staff accountable in a variety of work settings and situations Ability to promote accountability among peers Knowledge of conversation techniques for holding peers accountable Ability to apply methods to promote accountability from your manager or supervisor Ability to define expectations

Lead by Example

Be competent Desire to help others Be positive Knowledge of your staff (know them personally) Knowledge of the different learning styles Ability to take personal accountability/responsibility Ability to communicate effectively (including listening well) Knowledge of available resources Ability to anticipate the unexpected

Optimizing Your Work/Life Balance: Analyzing Your Life Balance (pd_06_a01_bs_enus) Optimizing Your Work/Life Balance: Taking Control of Your Stress (pd_06_a03_bs_enus) The Individual's Role in a Team (TEAM0173) Working for Your Inner Boss: Personal Accountability (pd_05_a01_bs_enus) Cross-generational Workers in the 21st Century (LEAD0236) Successfully Coaching Relationships (mgmt_09_a02_bs_enus)

Manage Time

Ability to set daily goals Effectively take notes Ability to plan ahead Ability to prioritize Ability to say no

The Key Stages of Coaching (mgmt_09_a03_bs_enus) Goals and Setting Goals (pd_05_a03_bs_enus) Doing Business Professionally Simulation (PD005A) Social Responsibility in Corporations (pd_02_a04_bs_enus) Time Management: Planning and Prioritizing Your Time (pd_11_a02_bs_enus) Developing Excellent Time Management Habits (pd_01_a03_bs_enus) Techniques for Improved Time Management (pd_01_a02_bs_enus) Time Management: Analyzing Your Use of Time (pd_11_a01_bs_enus) Time Management: Avoiding Time Stealers (pd_11_a03_bs_enus) Your Time and You (pd_01_a01_bs_enus)

Mentor Staff

Ability to maintain confidentiality Be accessible Ability to effectively Listen Ability to promote responsible decision making Be a role model Recognize when it is time to relinquish the mentoring role Ability to identify barriers to learning and have knowledge of the range of strategies, options and alternatives Ability to communicate, influence, persuade, motivate and engage with a wide range of people Ability to motivate others Knowledge of how to give and receive respect

Achieving Success: the Help of a Mentor (mgmt_10_a05_bs_enus) Implementing a Mentoring Program for the Organization (mgmt_10_a03_bs_enus) Mentoring as a Manager (mgmt_10_a02_bs_enus) Mentoring Effectively (mgmt_10_a01_bs_enus) Mentoring On-line (mgmt_10_a06_bs_enus) Mentoring Strategies for the 21st Century (mgmt_10_a04_bs_enus) The Essentials of Mentoring Simulation (MGMT010A) The Model Leader (lead_01_a08_bs_enus) The Mechanics of Communicating Effectively (comm_02_a02_bs_enus)

Motivate Staff

Knowledge of appropriate rewards Ability to reward Ability to recognize when to reward Ability to prepare staff for changes Understand motivation Knowledge of appropriate motivators Must be emotionally Intelligent

Leading Teams: Motivating and Optimizing Performance (team_03_a06_bs_enus) Managing a Customer-focused Department Simulation (CUST0170) Motivating Employees and Leading Change Simulation (LEAD005A) Business Coaching: Using Different Coaching Styles (mgmt_14_a04_bs_enus) Effective Team-building Strategies (TEAM0171) Integrity in the Workplace (lchr_01_a16_lc_enus) Managing and Rewarding Top Performers (mgmt_01_a01_bs_enus)

Resolve staff conflicts

Ability to reserve judgment Be empathetic Ability to listen effectively Be able to treat all staff equally Ability to create win-win solutions Ability to build and maintain trust Ability to follow through

Resolving Conflict with Communication Skills (comm_02_a06_bs_enus) Workplace Conflict: Strategies for Resolving Conflicts (comm_22_a02_bs_enus) Leading Teams: Dealing with Conflict (team_03_a07_bs_enus) Defining Emotional Intelligence (comm_09_a01_bs_enus) Emotional Intelligence at Work Simulation (COMM009A) Leadership Essentials: Leading with Emotional Intelligence (lead_05_a04_bs_enus)

Solve Problems

Identifies existing and potential problems/issues Obtains relevant information about the problem/issue, including recognizing whether or not more information is needed Objectively evaluates relevant information about the problem/issue. Identifies the specific cause of the problem/issue Develops recommendations, develops and evaluates alternative course of action, selects courses of action, and follows up

Critical Thinking Skills for Managing (PD0254) Effective Thinking and Creative Problem Solving Simulation (PD004A) Group Problem Solving and Decision Making (pd_04_a06_bs_enus) Problem Solving: Generating Alternatives (pd_04_a03_bs_enus) Rational Decision-making and Problem Solving Simulation (PD004B)

Speak Publicly

Ability to connect with the audience Ability to be flexible Ability to facilitate discussion Knowledge of group dynamics Knowledge of the subject Ability to make eye contact Ability to recuperate from mistakes/distractions Ability to listen effectively

Facilitating Difficult Situations (mgmt_08_a04_bs_enus) Facilitating Successfully Simulation (MGMT008A) The Facilitator Role (mgmt_08_a01_bs_enus) Enhancing Listening Skills (comm_03_a04_bs_enus) Interpersonal Communication: Listening Essentials (comm_21_a03_bs_enus)

Support Staff

Ability to value other peoples opinions Ability to get staff to participate Ability to motivate others Ability to communicate effectively Ability to network Ability to effective round on staff Knowledge of resources (internally and externally) Must be emotionally intelligent

Communicating for Contacts (comm_02_a07_bs_enus) Managing Your Career: Professional Networking Essentials (pd_10_a03_bs_enus) Emotionally Intelligent Leadership (comm_09_a05_bs_enus) Leadership Essentials: Leading with Emotional Intelligence (lead_05_a04_bs_enus) The Mechanics of Communicating Effectively (comm_02_a02_bs_enus)

Thinking Critically

Ability to consider all aspects of a subject with an open mind before forming an opinion Ability to use evidence skillfully and impartially Ability to organize thoughts and articulates them concisely and coherently Be able to understand the difference between reasoning and rationalizing Ability to attempts to anticipate the probable consequences of alternative actions Ability to see similarities and analogies that are not superficially apparent Ability to rid a verbal argument of irrelevancies and phrase it in its essential terms Ability to habitually question one's own views and attempts to understand both the assumptions that are critical to those views and the implications of the views Is sensitive to the difference between the validity of a belief and the intensity with which it is held Is aware of the fact that one's understanding is always limited, often much more so than would be apparent to one with a non-inquiring attitude Ability to recognize the fallibility of one's own opinions, the probability of bias in those opinions, and the danger of weighting evidence according to personal preferences

Critical Thinking Skills for Managing (PD0254) Critical Thinking Strategies Simulation (PD0250) Developing Fundamental Critical Thinking Skills (PD0252) Organizational Scope of Critical Thinking (PD0255) Strategies for Facilitating Critical Thinking (PD0253) The Role of Critical Thinking in Organizations (PD0251)

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