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5 Best Yoga Positions to Aid Fertility

The best yoga positions to aid fertility have a few key things in common: -Increase Circulation to the Reproductive Organs -Balance Hormones -Reduce Stress You made have already heard that inversions like headstand and shoulder stand are powerful fertility aids. Those positions didnt make our list for one simple reason: they should be done with proper supervision. These poses made our list of the five best yoga positions to aid fertility because they dont need supervision. In fact, they can be done in the safety and privacy of your home. 1. Reclining (aka Supta) Baddha KonasanaThis pose is one of my favorites and I almost always start my Fertility Yoga classes with this because of its ability to soften the internal organs, open the pelvis, unburden the heart and calm the mind. It is sort of a one-stop-shop to get all your needs met! I like to use one or two bolsters, but you can use a bolster and a block, four blankets or a combination of the above to create your own cozy haven for relaxation. Set up a block or bolster for height crosswise. Then lay (for the spine) a bolster or blankets perpendicular to the first. You should have a gentle sloping ramp where the head is highest, then heart, then pelvis on the ground. If you have neck issues, occasionally using blankets instead and rolling the top one under to support your cervical spine feels good. The key is that your torso is supported at an angle, your hips are on the floor and you can lean back, draw your heels in, soles touching, and relax. If your groins are overly tight or loose, you may benefit by a block, or pillow under each knee to soften the groins and support the pelvis in relaxing. If your shoulders are tight, you can elevate the elbows in the same manner with pillows or a block at each elbow. The key is that once you are settled to stay and breathe deeply, allowing the mind to scan the body for tension and release it breath by breath. I also like to infuse the internal organs with white light as you inhale, and allow yourself to release any tightness on the exhale, creating more space internally with each breath. You can stay for 5-15 minutes in this pose for the greatest benefit. 2. Double Pigeon

Pigeon pose is one of my personal favorites, because I have tight hips. If your hips are very tight see Reclining half pigeon below as an alternate pose. Double pigeon helps to release stored emotional trauma in the periformis muscle, which guards the gateway of energy in the hips. The hips are the sister hinge to the jaw and when released, tension, emotional pain and chronic holding get released, allowing increased blood flow, and energy to the reproductive organs in the pelvis. Double pigeon is a seated pose where one shin stacks perfectly on top of the other, and creates an equilateral triangle from the shins to the pubic bone. Feet are flexed, spine long and pubic bone threads back so that the hips can release up and over the bent legs. Breathing is key in honoring your bodys edges of resistance and allowing it to open when its ready, establishing trust. You can extend the arms straight in front, with your elbows on the floor and create prayer pose with your hands and place your thumbs at your third eye, fore fingers on the forehead or extend the fingers on the ground and walk the hands out until your arms are straight. Breathe until the discomfort softens, and then change sides, alternating opposite foot on top of knee. Shins parallel.
*There tends to be unexpressed emotion in the hips. If you are in double pidgeon you can sit on a bolster and work at simply lifting up through your heart and gently leaning forward. In 1/2 pidgeon can you get your ankle to cross your knee? If so, then use the elbow on the knee to gently press it away from you to open the hips. If doing this doesn't help, try sitting in a chair and crossing you ankle over your knee and let gravity take it down to soften the hip. Hinge forward from the hips and breathe.*

Reclining Half Pigeon (thread the needle)

A safer version for the knees is to lay on your back. Hug both knees into your chest. Lower your left foot to the floor and stack your right ankle on top of your left knee. Reach through the center hole and clasp your left shin. Flex the top foot and soften the bottom ankle. Gently pull the leg in to activate the periformis on the right side. Breathe deeply and visualize more space where you feel the tightest. Breathe until it softens. Change sides. Be aware of added unnecessary tension in shoulders, jaw and face, keep breathing deeper to soften any reactions to the sensation. [Obviously you will not be on a island in a koi pond. : ) Make sure you're resting your head on the floor] 3. Baddha Konasana "Cobblers Pose" According to B.K.S. Iyengar this pose is a blessing to women. It stimulates the abdominals and ovaries.

Sit comfortably on a rug or yoga mat. Draw your heels together in front of your pubic bone, allowing your knees to open outward. *If your knees won't open fully, this just means your pelvis isn't open yet. For your comfort, you can sit on a blanket or firm pillow to elevate your hips, this will help. [see picture below]* Close your eyes a moment and tune into your breath. Soften your belly and allow your inhale to fill the space between your belly button and pubic bone, as if you could breathe into your womb. As you exhale draw the belly gently in toward the low back, massaging your internal organs. Press your feet firmly together to allow your inner groins to stretch as you elongate the spine up and out of the hips. Stay here a few breaths. As you breathe, your body will soften into the pose. If you feel you can lean forward without collapsing the lower back, extend forward over your heels reaching up through the crown of the head. Hold onto your feet with your hands, and gently press your knees toward the floor with your elbows. Breathe into the sensation in your hips. Keep your shoulders and face soft. This pose helps to open the hips and increases circulation in the pelvis, it has been known to help balance irregular menstruation and helps the ovaries to function properly. 4. Upavistha Konasana (seated angle pose) This asana stretches the hamstrings and helps the blood to circulate properly in the pelvic region and keeps it healthy. Sit on your mat or rug, and open your legs wide. *If your legs won't open fully, this just means your pelvis or hamstrings aren't open yet. For your comfort, you can sit on a blanket or firm pillow to elevate your hips. This will help.* Flex your feet back toward your face and make sure your feet are straight up and down, perpendicular to the floor. Lift up through your heart and extend your spine on an inhale. With a long spine, slowly walk your hands forward until you feel the first sensation in your groins and hamstrings. Stop here and breathe. Inhaling as if you could breathe into your womb, allowing the belly to soften and swell then exhale drawing your belly in. When you feel the body has opened, walk your fingers forward until your next edge of sensation. Stop and breathe, and then continue. Once you are fully extended (this will be different for every woman), you can slowly rise, lead with the heart and gently shake out your legs.

This Yoga asana (or pose) is beneficial because it helps regulate menstrual flow and also nourishes the ovaries. One of the wonderful benefits of Yoga is it teaches you to respect your journey. It requires that you approach everything as a process. Treat yourself gently as you approach these poses, knowing that mastery doesn't occur overnight. Treat yourself just as gently as you proceed on your path toward parenthood. 5. Viparita Karani This pose is restorative and helps to calm the nervous system and the heart rate. It is powerful for women because of its inversion qualities and ability to focus on the 2nd chakra, which houses the reproductive organs. Find space at a wall. Place a bolster or thick firm cushion, a couple of inches from the wall. Sit on the cushion and walk your legs up the wall until your hips are level and your back is on the floor. Put one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart or the arms can lay open, creating space in the heart. This pose is about receiving. Let your breath be soft and deep, allow your mind to quiet and let the pose "do" you. You will feel the circulation in your body shift. Imagine a waterfall starting at your legs, pooling at the hips and slowly spilling down into the heart and the brain. This visual will follow the natural flow of energy as it cultivates a calm nervous system. This pose can be done while you're menstruating as long as the hips are level. This pose has great healing qualities and is a gem for women.

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