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Resource Routes (in config/routes.


map.resources :users, :sessions


map.resources :teams do |teams|

p C o
teams.resources :players

map.resources :articles,
:collection => {:sort => :put},
:member => {:deactivate => :delete},
:new => {:preview => :post}, REST Screencast $9 at http://peepcode.com
:controller => 'articles',
:singular => 'article', 85 minutes of RESTful goodness
:path_prefix => '/book/:book_id',
:name_prefix => 'book_'

Including the default route (/:controller/:action/:id) will allow any verb to access any action. This is usually
not what you want, so you should probably delete it from routes.rb

Standard Methods Verb Path Action Formats in the URL Path

plural_path GET /teams index formatted_plural_path(:xml) /teams.xml

singular_path(id) GET /teams/1 show formatted_singular_path(id, :rss) /teams/1.rss

new_singular_path GET /teams/new new formatted_players_path(@team, :atom) /teams/1/players.atom

plural_path POST /teams create formatted_player_path(@team, @player, :js) /teams/1/players/5.js

edit_singular_path(id) GET /teams/1;edit edit formatted_player_path(:team_id => 1, /teams/1/players/5.js

:id => 5,
singular_path(id) PUT /teams/1 update :format => :js)
Any URL-generating method can take a hash of options instead of bare arguments. This is the only way to
singular_path(id) DELETE /teams/1 destroy
generate a URL with extra querystring params.
Each method also has a counterpart ending in _url that includes the protocol, domain, and port.
There is also a hash_for_ version of each method that returns a hash instead of a string.

button_to "Destroy", team_path(@team), :confirm => "Are you sure?", :method => :delete

link_to "Destroy", team_path(@team), :confirm => "Are you sure?", :method => :delete

link_to_remote "Destroy", :url => team_path(@team), :confirm => "Are you sure?", :method => :delete

form_for :team, @team, :url => team_path(@team), :html => { :method => :put } do |f| ...

Nested Resources Path Useful Plugins

players_path(@team) /teams/:team_id/players
/teams/1/players ➥ Beast Forum (an app built with RESTful design)
player_path(@team, @player) /teams/:team_id/players/:id ➥ RESTful Authentication Plugin
/teams/1/players/5 ➥ Simply Helpful Plugin
Nested resources must be defined in routes.rb. See above for an example.

Custom Methods Path Action Map Options

sort_tags_path /tags;sort sort :collection => {:sort => :put}
deactivate_tag_path(id) /tag/1;deactivate deactivate :member => {:deactivate => :delete}
preview_new_tag_path /tags/new;preview preview :new => {:preview => :post}
tags_path(book_id) /book/:book_id/tags – :path_prefix => "/book/:book_id"
tag_path(book_id, id) /book/:book_id/tags/:id (You get this for free with nested resources)

book_tags_path(book_id) Usually used in a nested block or with – :name_prefix => "book_"

book_tag_path(book_id, id) a path_prefix (Should be used with a :path_prefix or in a nested resource
book_new_tag_path(book_id) declaration)
book_deactivate_tag_path(book_id, id)
Repeated resource names in routes.rb will overwrite previous declarations. Use :name_prefix to preserve dynamic method names for multiple declarations of the same resource.

respond_to { |wants| wants.all | .text | .html | .js | .ics | .xml | .rss | .atom | .yaml }

Add New MIME types (in config/environment.rb) Scaffold Resource Generator

Mime::Type.register "image/jpg", :jpg ./script/generate scaffold_resource
Mime::Type.register "application/vnd.visa+xml", :visa Episode
Types listed here can be used in a respond_to block and as a forced format extension description:text
at the end of urls. program_id:integer
Use a singular word for the model/resource name. The other arguments will be used to pre-populate the
database migration and fields in view templates.

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