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Saturday 2nd of May 2009

during 4th EuroSpeleo Forum
in Urzulei, Italy

Reported by Ged Campion

Present participants

Bureau members : Juan Carlos Lopez (President, Spain), Ged Camion (Vice-
President, Great Britain), Olivier Vidal (Secretary General, France), Manuel Freire
(Treasurer, Portugal).

Others : Andy Eavis (UIS President, Great Britain), Sofia Reboleira (ECPC Secretary,
Portugal), Gianpietro Marchesi (President SSI, Italy), Riccardo Dall’acqua (FSE
Delegate, Italy), Antonio Gutierrez–Gameroes (interpreter, Spain).

Excused : Alexey Zhalov (Vice-secretary, Bulgaria)

Meeting starts at 9.30am

Before starting the meeting, the FSE President warmly thanks the SSI President for
welcoming the FSE Bureau and for the good organisation of the 4th EuroSpeleo

1. Outstanding Reports

There were two Bureau meetings in Vercors. Jean-Claude Thies has completed the
first report and Olivier Vidal (OV) will complete the second. It was acknowledged that
only brief notes were taken on the second meeting. OV to complete the final draft of
the General Assembly Meeting (GAM), also from Vercors.

Ged Campion (GC) raise the issue of the last Bureau report completed in Paris that
was still to be placed on the website. Manuel Freire (MF) will put it on the website.

2. UIS-FSE Political Balance

Discussion took place regarding the place of the UIS and FSE. Vercors 2008 had
been a very positive experience and had highlighted the spirit of co-operation
between these two bodies. There were a number of projects that both organisations
could work on together. The possibility of a FSE rep in the UIS Bureau was also
raised and this could be discussed at the UIS Congress in Texas. Andy Eavis (AE)
said it was important that commissions in both organisations are active.

Bureau – 2 May 2009 - Page 1

F.S.E. – BP.3067 – L-1030 Luxembourg - Email : contact@eurospeleo.org - http://www.eurospeleo.org
The FSE Protection Commission has been particularly effective in 2008 and this was
highlighted as very progressive work.

There is a project of expeditions database that is currently being supported by both

FSE and UIS. The meeting agreed that it was important to build in common the
database and Manuel Freire is nominated as project leader to work on this on behalf
of the FSE with the agreement of the UIS President. It is acknowledged that
sometimes it is difficult to get expedition reports from expeditions. Some are quite
precious about their work and don’t always share it. However, FSE and UIS should
encourage sharing the data.

The building of the Expeditions database online interface is discussed and could be
put on the agenda of the different interested national organisations. An agreement
between UIS and FSE needs to be signed in Texas on the way of cooperation and
whether further money should be invested in the database. Links with Peter
Matthews and BBS will be vital. It is also agreed that this should be placed on the
agenda of the GAM at Hidden Earth in September. It is felt that it would be important
to start with a list of all the existing expedition databases and proceed from there.
The vote is unanimous.

3. UIS Congress at Texas

The FSE should be well represented including Juan Carlos Lopez (JCL), Manuel
Freire (MF) and Ged Campion (GC). It is agreed that an FSE stand should be
available and a banner and a poster could be made up to the cost of 200 euros. In
view of the secretary being unable to attend, there will not be Bureau Meeting.

4. EU Commission Meetings

* Sports Unit in EU Commission

GC and JCL report back that no further information has been provided and JCL
agreeds to send a letter to Brussels asking what the outcome of the decisions has
been about this commission.

* Protection directorate in EU Commission

It is generally agreed how much energy has been put into by the ECPC although the
outcome had not been achieved. A meeting of the Protection Commission will be
held at the Balkan Camp on 24th June in Antalya, Turkey. It is not clear at this stage
how many people would attend from the FSE.

5. Newsletter

JCL has not been able to progress this any further because of other work demands.

Bureau – 2 May 2009 - Page 2

F.S.E. – BP.3067 – L-1030 Luxembourg - Email : contact@eurospeleo.org - http://www.eurospeleo.org
6. Greek Situation

No change has been informed since last GAM in Vercors. It is felt that it was an
internal problem that needs to be resolved by the cavers in their own country. Andy
Eavis explains that such tricky situations occurs in several countries around the
world. These are very difficult to be dealt by the UIS too.

7. Membership Status

MF is able to report that the following were paid up members :

France, Italy, Sweden, Morocco, Switzerland, Greece.
Austria has asked to be Observers in the process and has donated 20 euros as they
did in 2008.

There are currently 21 countries as members and the new coming ones are Norway
and Armenia. Turkey has asked to wait for the reform of their national union.

AE ask what are the boundaries of Europe. It is answered that according to article 1
of the FSE statutes, every country member of the Council of Europe is authorised to
become a member of the FSE.

Action : MF agreeds to send all data regarding Bureau Members and financial status
by the end of May.

8. FEALC / FSE Relationships

Discussions take place about the bilateral agreement that Italy has signed with Brazil
concerning expeditions and additional financing of their expeditions.

It is decided by the FSE Bureau that speleological projects including at least 5

countries members from FEALC and FSE can apply to the ESP funding. This is an
illustration of how Euro-Speleo projects can extend it reach and benefit speleo
projects in countries outside of Europe.

9. EuroSpeleo Projects

The meeting covers a number of the projects that have been financed in 2008.
• Remapping of Tabara Humplau in Romania (CH)
• Special edition of International Journal of Speleology (IT)
• Expedition to Iran

The expedition visiting Iran has received no money up to now because no report was
submitted. A delay up to end of June is given to them.

Four new requests for projects has been received for 2009 :
• Laos expedition (DE)
• Alps Speleo Camp (FR)
• Cave Rescue Meeting (HU)
• Expedition to Georgia (LT)

Bureau – 2 May 2009 - Page 3

F.S.E. – BP.3067 – L-1030 Luxembourg - Email : contact@eurospeleo.org - http://www.eurospeleo.org
It was agreed that 2000 to 2500 euros could be awarded as ESP budget for the
second semester. This will be decided with the building of the 2009-2010 budget that
will be voted during next GAM at Hidden Earth in September.

Additional money (8500 euros) for Euro-Speleo projects will arrive from the French
Federation coming from the contribution of Vercors 2008. It is encourage that future
EuroSpeleo Forums should include a contribution of 1 euro per day and per
participant to participate to the financing of the ESP funding.

It is also agreed the minimum amount awarded will be 400 euros with no ceiling on
the maximum amount awarded, starting from the ESP projects of the 2nd semester
of 2009.

10. Delegate and Vice Delegate

A directory is to be prepared by the Secretary by the end of June.

11. Euro-Speleo Protection Label

Sofia Reboleira raised main issues. It is agreed by the meeting that the label was
very good and the idea of a European Cave Day was proposed. There are however
difficulties about a European Cave Dave and how cleaning up caves could be
perceived by the general public. However, a day will be organised for Oct/Nov
depending on further information being available. Discussion about the need for more
lectures and events (Earth Day). It is decided that a debate is needed before we can
have a European Cave Day.

12. Financial

MF to provide budget. The Treasurer proposes that we go to an annual budget and

accountancy from January to December instead of from July to June.

• So after GAM, call for second semester of 2009 (half fee).

• 2010 full membership fee.

13. General Assembly Meeting

General Assembly Meeting will take place at Hidden Earth, at Churchill School, near
Bristol on the 26th September 2009 at 2pm preceded by a FSE Bureau meeting in
the morning.

14. Euro Speleo Protection Budget

It was decided that money could be found through the developpment of T-shirts. MF
to approach Decathlon for sponsorship. Beal currently give 500m of free rope to all
Euro-Speleo projects.

Bureau – 2 May 2009 - Page 4

F.S.E. – BP.3067 – L-1030 Luxembourg - Email : contact@eurospeleo.org - http://www.eurospeleo.org
15. Official Registration of FSE

Official registration at Luxembourg Youth Hostel Association has been completed

end of December 2008 by Jean-Claude Thies.

16. Statutes

To be placed on website by Manuel Freire.

17. Internet Sites

It is reported back on development of FSE internet site :

• Need to create table for speleological events around Europe

• Reports from old website to be transferred
• Need to find new webmaster

MF to make contact with potential new webmasters from France & UK. AE to speak
to Rob Eavis.

18. Miscellaneous

5th EuroSpeleo Forum in 2010 : Spain did not receive any money from two
provinces. So Sofia Reboleira informs that 2010 EuroSpeleo Forums could be held in
Azores and in 2012 will be held a scientific event in Portugal.

19. Date of next bureau meeting

Next Bureau meeting will be held on the 26th September morning, at Hidden Earth,
Somerset, England, just before the GAM.

Meeting ends at 1pm.

Bureau – 2 May 2009 - Page 5

F.S.E. – BP.3067 – L-1030 Luxembourg - Email : contact@eurospeleo.org - http://www.eurospeleo.org

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