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Automating HPLC and GC

Analytical Method Validation
Patrick Lukulay and Richard Verseput

et h od va l i d a ti on activi ties en compass the planning
and ex peri m ental work invo lved in veri f ying the fit-
ness of an analytical method for its intended use.
These activi ties often are captu red in company stan-
dard opera ting procedu re (SOP) documents that usu a lly incor-
porate US Food and Drug Administrati on and In ternational
Conference on Harmonization (ICH) requirements and guid-
ances(1–3). Met h od validati on SOP doc u m ents de s c ri be all as-
pects of the method validation work for each experiment type
(e.g., accuracy and linearity) within a framework of three gen-
eral exec uti on sequ en ce steps: ex peri m ental plan, i n s trumen-
tal procedures, and analysis and reporting of results. The indi-
vi dual el em ents within these three gen eral steps are det a i l ed in
the following paragraphs.
Step 1: experimental plan. An ex peri m ental plan should spec-
ify a n a lyte concen tra ti ons, i n s trument para m eters , and envi ron-
m ental para m eters . The plan also should inclu de the nu m ber of
levels per variable, the number of preparation replicates per sam-
ple, and the nu m ber of i n j ecti ons per prep a ra ti on rep l i c a te . An
The chromatographic analytical method
integra ti on of standards, i n clu s i on of s ys tem su i t a bi l i ty injec-
validation process involves a series of activities ti on s , and the accept a n ce criteria also are part of the plan.
that are currently conducted in separate Step 2: instrumental procedures. The instru m ental procedu re s
“technology islands” using tools that exist for s tep invo lves making the requ i red transform a ti ons of the ex-
each activity.This article describes a software peri m ent plan into the native file or data formats of the instru-
program that provides an overarching m en t’s con trolling ch rom a togra phy data sys tem (CDS) sof t-
ware (con s tru cti on of sample sets and met h od sets or sequ ence
automation technology for analytical method
and met h ods files). In ad d i ti on , the fo ll owing are specified: the
validation and brings together the individual nu m ber of injecti ons (rows), the specific type of each injecti on
activities under one integrated-technology (e.g., sample or standard ) , and the requ i red modificati ons to
platform that is adapted to multiple the analytical method (robustness).
instruments and data systems. Step 3: analysis and reporting of results. This step includes analy-
sis calculati ons, report con tent and form a t , compari s ons to ac-
ceptance criteria (FDA and ICH requirements), and graphs or
plots that should accompany the analysis.
Patrick Lukulay, PhD, is the
Analytical R&D Group Leader at Pfizer Method validation technology platforms
Global R&D (Ann Arbor, MI). Richard The executi on steps in met h od va l i d a ti on activities gen erally
Verseput is President of S-Matrix
Corporation (Eureka, CA),
invo lve manual opera ti ons carri ed out on uncon n ected tech-
tel. 707.441.0405, fax 707.441.0411, nology platforms. The met h od validation ch emist works in wh a t
richard.verseput@smatrix.com. are essentially isolated technology islands with manual opera-
tions providing the only bridges.
66 Pharmaceutical Technology MAY 2005 w w w. p h a rm t e ch . c o m
To illu s tra te , an SOP guidance of ten is an el ectronic doc u-
m ent in MS Word . The experi m ental plan (step 1) within the
SOP guidance must be tra n s ferred to the high perform a n ce liq-
uid ch romatogra phy (HPLC) or gass ch rom a togra phy (GC) in-
s trument for exec uti on (step 2) by manu a lly re keying the ex-
periment into the instrument’s controlling CDS software. In a
few cases, the stati s tical analysis of re sults (step 3a) can be con-
ducted within the CDS, but it is most often performed within
a sep a ra te stati s tical analysis software pack a ge or spre ad s h eet
program such as MS Excel. This process also requ i res manu a lly
transferring the results data from the CDS to the analysis soft-
ware package. Reporting of results (Step 3b) is usually carried
out in MS Word and therefore requires the manual transfer of
a ll results, tables, and gra phs from the sep a ra te stati s tical analy-
sis sof t w a re pack a ge . The manual opera tions within the three
gen eral exec uti on sequ en ce steps are de s c ri bed in the fo ll ow- Figure 1: Methods validation: isolated technology islands.
ing step s , and the isolated tech n o l ogy islands
are illustrated in Figure 1.
Step 1: experimental plan. The va l i d a tion
plan is developed in MS Word, and the ex-
perimental design protocol is developed in
off-line DOE software.
Step 2: instrumental procedures. Sequ ences
or sample sets are manually built in the CDS
and the raw peak (x, y) data reduction cal-
culati ons are performed by the CDS (e.g.,
peak area and concentration).
Step 3a: statistical analys i s. Calculated re-
sults are manually tra n s ferred from the CDS
to MS Excel. Statistical analysis usu a lly is
carried out manu a lly in MS Excel. Som e
gra phs are gen erated manu a lly in MS Excel ,
and some are obtained from the CDS.
Step 3b: Reporting results. Reports are man-
u a lly con s tru cted from tem p l a tedocuments
in MS Word. Gra phs and plots are manu a lly Figure 2: Integrating the technology islands.
integrated into a report document.

Strategic Validation Technology Initiative program tech- t h erefore , would have to be manually ad a pted to instruments
nology goals con troll ed by different data sys tems. Al s o, the SVTI sof t w a re
The overall goal of the Strategic Validation Technology Initia- would not be able to autom a ti c a lly ad d ress instru m ent con f i g-
tive (SVTI) program was to fully automate the analytical met h od u ra ti on differences to allow for the cre a ti on and dissem i n a ti on
validation work, which required integrating the isolated tech- of workflow automation templates.
nology islands. The SVTI team clearly understood that adopt- The SVTI project also was required to address the following
ing the final software program into standard use requ i red min- related analytical R&D technology development goals:
imizing the drudge work. Therefore, su ccessful technology • Implem ent easy setup of DO E - b a s edex peri m ents and fac i l-
transfer hinged on the automation goal. The two most critical itate statistically rigorous practice.
and ch a llenging technical elements of the autom a ti on effort • E s t a blish 21 CFR 11 com p l i a n ce su pport too l s et and help
were autom a ting the data exch a n ge bet ween the off-line de s i gn maintain compliance across integrated platforms;
of ex peri m ents (DO E ) s of t w a re and the CDS and making the • Devel op method con n ectivity. Early methods devel oped
data exch a n ge tech n o l ogy gen eric and adaptable to the targeted manually or using other software tools should be able to be
data sys tems. Im portant target instru m ent platforms were con- optimized and validated using the new software.
tro lled by va rious instru m ent data system s . E ach target CDS • Generate final reports that are simple to review, communi-
had a different data arch i tectu re and different functionality cate, and defend.
within its re s pective software devel opm ent kit (SDK, third - p a rty • Establish standardized reporting. Report form and content
s of t w a re devel opm ent interf ace ) . Wi t h o ut a gen era l i zed tech- should be indepen dent of the specific instru m ent, CDS, and
n o l ogy, data exch a n ge would be limited to a single CDS. SOPs, facility. Reports should meet all FDA and ICH guidelines.
67 Pharmaceutical Technology MAY 2005 Pharmaceutical Technology MAY 2005 67
search and Manufacturers of
Am erica’s (PhRMA’s) analytical
technical group recom m ends a
phased approach to analytical
method validation in which
early-phase validation ef forts
are done upstream on a reduced
set of validation el em ents ap-
propri a te to the stage of devel-
opment(4). This process in-
volves method performance
ch a racterizati on ex peri m ents to
define the “validatability” of the
current met h od . The need for
this is obvious wh en one con-
Figure 3: An example of custom software interface. siders that analytical met h od s
a re being used in drug discov-
ery and devel opm ent well before the point at wh i ch final
va l i d a ti on is usually con du cted.
SVTI sof t w a re devel opm ent ad d re s s ed the need for and
va lue of a ph a s ed approach in terms of both ex peri m en t
or ga n i z a ti on and ex peri m ent stru ctu re . Met h od va l i d a ti on
experiments were partitioned into early phase (character-
ization) and final phase (FDA and ICH su bmittal qu a l i ty).
Some experiments are contained within both phases (e.g.,
acc u racy and lineari ty ) . In these cases, the sof t w a redef a u l t
s et ti n gs in terms of number of sample prep a ra ti on rep l i-
cates, nu m ber of i n j ections per prep a ra ti on rep l i c a te, nu m-
ber of concentra tion level s , and so forth wi ll result in small er
ex peri m ents with less time and resource burden in the early
ph a s e , while the final-phase co u n terp a rt has the defaults
set to those defined in the FDA and ICH guidances.
Required complement of validation experiments. The com-
p l em ent of method va l i d a ti on ex periments built into the
Fusion AE software (S Matrix) is categorized as follows.
Early-phase method validation (characte r i z at i o n ) . Early-phase va l-
Figure 4: An automated software solution. idation includes system suitability; filter validation; accu-
racy; linearity and ra n ge ; repe a t a bi l i ty (intra - a s s ay preci-
The main tech n o l ogy integra ti on goals and the rel a ted tech- sion); and sample soluti on stabi l i ty (stabi l i ty for a given ti m e
nology development goals are illustrated in Figure 2. peri od under pre s c ri bed conditions). Repe a t a bi l i ty is affected
by both sample prep a ra ti on error and instru m ent error (injec-
SVTI program: product feature requirements tion precision). Therefore, to demonstrate the repeatability of
The SVTI program goal was the devel opment of a cen tral sof t- the method as documented, all repeatability experiments were
ware envi ron m ent for all analytical met h ods va l i d a ti on work . required to include sample preparation replicates.
To facilitate acceptance and widespread use, the resulting soft- Final-phase method validation (FDA and ICH submittal quality ) . Final-phase
ware program was requ i red to inclu de four specific fe a tu re set s : va l i d a ti on inclu des sys tem su i t a bi l i ty; acc u racy–linearity and
a custom user interf ace specific to met h od va l i d a ti on ex peri- ra n ge – repe a t a bi l i tycom bi n ed design (ICH Q2A states that ac-
mentation, a phased approach to method validation, the FDA curac y, lineari ty, and repe a t a bility can be perform ed toget h er
and ICH requ i red com p l em ent of m et h od va l i d a ti on ex peri- as a single com bi n ed ex periment); robu s tn e s s ; ru ggedness (in-
ments, and a full com p l em ent of a utom a ti on su pport fe a tures. termediate precision and reproducibility); and specificity.
C u s tom user interf a c e. The custom user interf ace required of Full complement of auto m ation support fe at u r e s. The central
method va l i d a ti onsof t w a re is illu s trated in Figure 3. An ex per- software environment developed under the SVTI program re-
i m ent setup wi n dow contains con trols for incorpora ting sys- qu i red many custom su pport fe a tu res to fully enable and auto-
tem su i t a bi l i ty ch eck standard injecti ons into the de s i gn and m a te the method validati on ex periment de s i gn su i te just de-
defines accept a n cecriteria for eva lu a ting suitability re sults su ch s c ri bed. The requ i red su pport featu res natu ra lly group into five
as peak capacity factor (k') and peak resolution (Rs). fe a tu re sets: a s s ay types, com po u n d s , a n a lysis and reporti n g,
Phased approach to method validation. The Pharm aceutical Re- acceptance criteria testing, and workflow management.
68 Pharmaceutical Technology MAY 2005 w w w. p h a rm t e ch . c o m
• filter validation: % bias limits (6X)
• accuracy: % bias (,X)
• linearity and range: % bias (<X)
• repeatability: %RSD (<X)
• sample solution stability: % recovery limits (6X)
• robustness: % effect (,X)
• ru ggedness: % ef fect (,X); i n term ed i a te prec i s i on %RSD
(<X); and reproducibility %RSD (<X)
• specificity: difference of practical significance (<X).
Wo r k f l ow management. The workflow managem ent fe a tu re set
enabled con s tructi on of work templates, sof t w a re - b a s ed ad-
m i n i s tra ti on , and control of the work. Compon ent fe a tu res in-
clu ded an abi l i ty to cre a te and distribute workflow tem p l a tes;
an abi l i ty to con trol fe a tu re access with user perm i s s i ons and
a ut h ori ties set ti n gs ; and an abi l i ty to control work f l ow with re-
view and approve e-signing control loops.

Figure 5: Automated method validation workflow. SVTI program: results

Fusion AE software devel opm ent was carried out at the S-Ma trix
facility in Eureka, Ca l i fornia. Proj ect managem ent and ben ch-
m a rking were carri ed out at Pfizer ’s fac i l i tyin Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan. Ben ch m a rking involved using the software to condu ct “live”
m et h od validation ex peri m ents in the walk-away mode with full
instru m ent con trol and automated data exch a n ge with the CDS.
The work culminated in the delivery of a com m ercial release of
the Fusion AE software program that met all SVTI project require-
ments. The Fusion AE software solution is illu s trated in Figure 4.
The corresponding automated met h od validation workflow is il-
lustrated in Figure 5. No t a ble fe a tu res of the software program
include the fo ll owing:
• a cen tral software environment for all analytical met h od va l-
idation work
• f l ex i bility to su pport “m et h od va l i d a t a bi l i ty” s tudies done
as part of method development
• tra n s ferable el ectronic tem p l a te gen era tor for work stan-
Figure 6: Efficiency gained by automation. dardization
• management workflow control
• rigorous DOE methods and practice integration
As s ay types. The assay types feature set ad d re s s ed the four main • automated data exchange between the target technology is-
assays ro uti n ely ad d re s s ed in met h od va l i d a ti on . Com pon en t lands
features included potency (drug content), content uniformity, • 21 CFR 11 compliance su pport ac ross all technology islands
dissolution, and determination of impurities. • data exchange with the target instrument data sys tems:
Compounds. The com pounds featu re set all owed mu l tiple com- PerkinElmer “To t a l Ch rom”; Varian “G a l a x i e” ; and Waters
pounds (active ingred i ents or impuri ties) to be inclu ded in the “Millennium32” and “Empower.”
same ex peri m ent (must accommodate as many as 10 active in- As final proof of proj ect, a sen i or analytical ch emist at Pfizer
gredients or impurities). u s ed the Fu s i onAE system to carry out all early - phase and final-
A n a l ysis and reporting. The analysis and reporting featu re set pro- phase met h od validati on ex periments (except robustness, wh i ch
vided the stati s tical analysis and gra phing re sults reports re- was done su b s equ en t ly at a different lab) in the fo ll owing seven
qu i red by the FDA and ICH guidance s . Com pon ent fe a tu re s work steps:
inclu ded autom a ted analysis (on e - button click); a utom a ted • Prep a re a series of HPLC injecti on samples and standard s
gra phics cre a ted as part of a utom a ted analys i s ; and autom a ted containing two active compounds.
report construction to meet all FDA and ICH guidances. • Generate all experiment designs within Fusion AE.
Acceptance criteria testing (user defined value = X). The accept a n ce cri- • Use the automated data exchange feature to export the de-
teria testing feature set enabled the analysis and reporting fea- s i gns to the CDS as re ady - to - run met h ods and sequ en ces in
tu re set to automatically com p a re actual re sults with predef i n ed the native file format of the CDS.
pass–fail acceptance criteria and report the results of the com- • Set up the HPLC (prepare the mobile phase reservoirs and
parisons. Component features included l oad injecti on samples and standards into the autosampler).
70 Pharmaceutical Technology MAY 2005 w w w. p h a rm t e ch . c o m
opera ti ons (steps 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7) is minimized . As the
Table I: Key project goals, challenges, and results. f i g u re shows , u n der these circumstances the minimu m
Project goal Principal challenge Final result ef f i c i ency gain is sti ll at least 60% (20% gain in data
analysis and 40% gain in report generation).
A unique complement An intuitive, DOE-
of on-screen user transparent interface
User interface: Conclusion
settings controls is that displays required
easy setup of A proj ect of this com p l ex i ty pre s en ted several sof t-
needed to generate design settings in
DOE-based ware devel opm ent ch a ll en ges in each of the four main
each of the required logical order and layout
experiments sof t w a reprogram el ements: user interf ace , ex peri m ent
validation experiment for each experiment
design, data exchange, and reg u l a tory compliance. Th e
designs design type
most cri tical project goal in each of the four main pro-
Lack of standardized gram el em ents is pre s en ted in Table I. The table also
Experiment design: Ability to set all
nomenclature and pre s ents the principal technical ch a ll en ge assoc i a ted
transform DOE required run types
settings structure for with accomplishing the goal as well as the result
software generated within DOE designs
run type designations achieved at the conclusion of the project.
designs into file exported for automatic
such as suitability, The final Fu s i on AE deliverable en a bles the tra n s-
and data formats execution by each
standard, sample, or formation of written SOPS for all required analytical
of the target data of the target data
unknown between method validation experiments into transferable au-
systems systems
target data systems tom a ted templates in a ti m ely manner and with full
CGMP com p l i a n ce . It also all ows harmonizati on of
Data exchange: A dynamically
Lack of standardized the work ac ross mu l tiple sites and can be ex ten ded to
flexible data updatable instrument
data formats and con tract re s e a rch orga n i z a ti ons with full managem en t
exchange control driver set that
instrument control con trol of all work . Moreover, the con n ectivi ty to mu l-
adaptable to adapts a generic data
structures within and tiple instru m ent data systems means that the work en-
several target exchange engine to a
between instruments vi ronment is tra n s p a rent to the instru m ent and the
instruments target instrument and
and data systems CDS. This will enable gre a ter flex i bi l i ty in selecti n g
and data systems data system
instru m ent platforms as needs ch a n ge and tech n o l-
Regulatory ogy improves.
The instrument data Use of compliant data
system software tracking values in all
maintaining 21 Acknowledgments
platforms provided data exchanges to
CFR 11 compli- The authors would like to thank the following Pfizer
little or no support 21 CFR 11
ance support Team sponsors and colleagues whose hard work and
programmatic compliance (e.g., data
across multiple con tributi ons were direct ly re s pon s i ble for the un-
access to their identity and audit trail)
instrument data qualified success of the SVTI progra m : Gera rd Ho k a n-
internal 21 CFR 11 across the different
system software son, PhD, John Twist, PhD, Steven Hagan, PhD,
support features software platforms
platforms Th omas MacNeil, Steve Pri ebe, PhD, James Sabatowski,
James Spavins, PhD, and James Mor gado. S - Ma trix
• Run all nine experiment design sequences on the HPLC in has full ownership and responsibility for the Fusion AE prod-
walk-away mode. uct and should be contacted for all future inquiries.
• Use the automated data exchange feature to import the re-
sults data sets from the CDS into Fusion AE. References
• Use the autom a ted analysis, gra ph i n g,and reporting fe a tu res 1. FDA, CDER (CMC 3), “Reviewer Guidance: Va l i d a ti onof Ch rom a to-
to gen era te su bmittal-qualityreports for all nine ex peri m en t graphic Methods,” Nov. 1994.
2. ICH Q2A, “Gu i deline for In du s try: Text on Validation of An a lyti c a l
designs that meet all FDA and ICH guidances. Procedures,” Mar.1995.
The analyst began the proof-of-project work on a Thursday 3. ICH Q2B, “Gu i deline for In dustry: Q2B Validation of An a lytical Pro-
m orning at 9:00 am. All work was completed by noon of the cedures: Methodology,” Nov. 1996.
fo llowing day. Ruggedness te s ting was limited to analyst and 4. S.P. bo u d reau et al., “Met h od Va l i d a ti onby Phase of Devel opment: An
day. The work took less than 12 hours of the analyst’s time. Work Accept a ble Analytical Practi ce ,” Ph a rm . Technol. 28( 1 1 ) , 54–66, 2004.
5. L. Torbeck , Co m plying with ICH and FDA Re q u i rem ents for As s ay Va l-
records showed that, on avera ge , the same amount of work— idation (Suffield Press, Evanston, IL, 2002). PT
from SOP planning and ex peri m ent de s i gncon s tru ction to final
reports—using manual approaches and ex i s ting tools took more
than two weeks of an analyst’s time. Thus the proof-of-project Please rate this article.
work repre s en ted an 85% redu cti on in time and ef fort ([12 h On the Reader Service Card, circle a number:
/80 h] 3 100%]. F i g u re6 illu s tra tes a minimum ex pect a ti onof 345 Very useful and informative
the efficiency gain possible with the automated software solu- 346 Somewhat useful and informative
347 Not useful or informative
tion in wh i ch only a few of the simpler ex peri m ents are required
Your feedback is important to us.
and the time requ i red for manually carrying out the automated
71 Pharmaceutical Technology MAY 2005 Pharmaceutical Technology MAY 2005 71

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