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Michael Lim
Dr. Julian Hunt-Smith

Intensive Care Centre

St. Vincent’s Hospital
Victoria 3065

For Fibreoptic Assisted Endotracheal Intubation via the Laryngeal Mask Airway
• The cuff of the endotracheal tube
might be above or over the vocal
In the event of an unexpected difficult cords.
laryngoscopy the Laryngeal Mask A standard endotracheal tube will
Airway (LMA) has been advocated by
many prominent authorities as a conduit
only protrude for 8cm beyond the
grille of the LMA. If the distance
1. Insert the Laryngeal Mask
for the fibreoptic laryngoscope1. In an
anaesthetised patient, this approach offers
from the grille to the vocal cords is Airway
then more than 3cm, the
advantages over attempting either a blind endotracheal tube cuff will be Meanwhile load the Aintree Intubation
intubation via a LMA or a fibreoptic- situated over the vocal cords. This
assisted endotracheal intubation. could result in an incomplete seal
Catheter over the fibreoptic intubating
However, even this approach has and damage to the vocal cords bronchoscope
drawbacks, which are eliminated through
the use of the Aintree Intubation Catheter. • The smaller endotracheal tube may
not allow adequate ventilation.
A Size 4 LMA will accept a 6.5mm
Problems with Blind internal diameter endotracheal tube,
whilst a Size 5 LMA will accept a
2. Pass the bronchoscope
Intubation Through the 7mm endotracheal tube. When with the Aintree Intubation
Laryngeal Mask Airway considering the appropriate body
Catheter through the
weights for which these LMAs, then
The ease of correctly positioning a LMA
is independent of the difficulty of
it may be difficult to achieve an
adequate minute volume without Laryngeal Mask Airway
laryngoscopy. This confers a significant
advantage in the difficult airway
unacceptably high airway pressures. into the trachea
situation. The logical next step would • Risk of extubation if removing the
then seem to be to insert a gum-elastic LMA
bougie through the LMA, as its aperture
should be directly over the glottis if the
LMA is positioned correctly. However, The Aintree Intubation
even if the LMA is providing a clinically Catheter
acceptable airway, it may not be in an
This is an adaptation of the Cook Airway
anatomically correct position. Hence the
blind passage of a bougie through the
Exchange Catheter® with a larger 3. Remove the fibreoptic
LMA may be unsuccessful. Furthermore,
internal diameter (4.8mm) to allow it to
be pre-loaded onto a 4.0mm fibreoptic
intubating bronchoscope
it is as likely that the bougie may pass
through one of the lateral slits as it would
laryngoscope 5. Its external diameter leaving the Aintree
(6.5mm) allows its use with endotracheal
pass between the two central slits. Clearly,
if it passes through one of the lateral slits,
tubes whose inner diameter is 7mm or Intubation Catheter in the
it will deviate away from the laryngeal
larger. It is 56cm long so that once loaded
onto the fibre-optic laryngoscope, the trachea
outlet. In one study, the success rate with
directable distal 3cm of the laryngoscope
this technique was only 28%2. First-time
is left free. The catheter also has
insertion rates via the Intubating LMA
3 removable Rapi-Fit connectors, which
have been found to be 80% .
allows the use of a ventilatory device if
In addition, the blind passage of a bougie necessary during the exchange procedure.
has the potential for trauma to the upper As can be seen from the figures on the
airway in a similar way to the injuries right, it allows full control of the airway
caused by repeated attempts at throughout the intubation procedure.
laryngoscopy. Clearly, a larger endotracheal tube can be
inserted without being impeded by the
LMA. The risk of accidental extubation
4. Remove the Laryngeal
Problems with Fibre- if the LMA is removed is also eliminated Mask Airway then load the
optic Endotracheal as the LMA is removed before the
endotracheal tube onto
endotracheal tube is actually inserted.
Intubation in an
Anaesthetised Patient
In summary, the Aintree Intubation the Aintree Intubation
Catheter offers an elegant solution to the
Whilst awake fibreoptic laryngoscopy is problems associated with fibreoptic- Catheter
generally considered to be the gold guided endotracheal intubation using a
standard for difficult intubations, by laryngeal mask airway as a conduit.
providing a high success rate with a low
level of complications, once the patient
is anaesthetised and so loses tone in the References
upper airway, it becomes considerably
1. Benumof JL. Laryngeal mask airway and the
more difficult. This loss of upper airway
tone will result in the walls of the upper
ASA difficult airway algorithm.
Anesthesiology 1996; 84(3): 686-99.
5. Railroad the endotracheal
airway opposing each other, preventing
a clear passage for the fibreoptic
2. Gabbott DA, Sasada MP. Tracheal tube over the Aintree
intubation through the laryngeal mask using
laryngoscope and obscuring its view. a gum elastic bougie in the presence of
cricoid pressure and manual in line
Intubation Catheter and
stabilisation of the neck. Anaesthesia 1996;
51(4): 389-90.
pass into the trachea
Problems with Fibre- 3. Baskett PJF, Parr MJA and Nolan JP. The
optic Endotracheal intubating laryngeal mask. Results of a
multicentre trial with experience of 500
Intubation through the cases. Anaesthesia 1998; 53(12): 1174-1179
Laryngeal Mask Airway 4. Asai T, Latto IP, Vaughan RS. The distance

Fibreoptic assisted endotracheal

between the grille of the laryngeal mask
airway and the vocal cords. Is conventional 6. Remove the Aintree
intubation through the laryngeal mask safe?
intubation through the LMA overcomes Anaesthesia 1993; 48(8): 667-9. Intubation Catheter,
the problems mentioned above by
providing an airway for the fibreoptic
5. Atherton DPL, O’Sullivan E, Lowe D,
Charters P. A ventilation-exchange bougie leaving the endotracheal
laryngoscope, whilst the fibreoptic
laryngoscope can act as a “directable
for fibreoptic intubations with the laryngeal
mask airway. Anaesthesia 1996; 51: 1123- tube in the trachea
bougie” once it exits the LMA. Indeed,
this technique has a success rate as high
The fibreoptic bronchoscope can then be
as for awake fibre-optic intubation. Acknowledgements used to confirm correct endotracheal tube
However, this technique also has its placement in the trachea
Dr DY Williams and the ICU nursing staff, St.
pitfalls4: Vincent’s Private Hospital, Melbourne.

These recommendations are intended to serve as a general guideline only. Please refer to the manufacturer’s instructions prior to use

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