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Verb Tenses


Verb Tenses

de verbos)

simple present

(Presente Simples) to play I You He She It We You They play play plays plays plays play play play

simple past

(Pretrito) to play

Nota: Todas as inflexes so iguais.

I You He She It We You They

played played played played played played played played

Este tempo indica uma ao que se completou no passado, como no portugus. Exemplos: She played the violin very well. (Ela tocou (o) violino muito bem.) The radio played my favourite song. (O rdio tocou minha msica favorita.) Nota: Este tempo de verbo no implica ao que se estenda do passado (remoto ou recente) at o presente. No se pode dizer em ingls, por exemplo: I am playing the piano since 10 oclock in the morning. (Eu estou tocando piano desde as 10 horas da manh.) Neste caso, necessrio usar o Present Perfect, explicado mais adiante. O Present Continuous, portanto, indica ao que est em andamento. Exemplos: I am writing a letter to my uncle. ([Eu] Estou escrevendo uma carta para meu tio) She is cooking rice and beans. (Ela est cozinhando arroz e feijo.)

present continuous

(Presente Contnuo) to play I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are playing playing playing playing playing playing playing playing

past continuous

(Passado Contnuo) to play playing playing playing playing playing playing playing playing

Este tempo indica uma ao no passado, em andamento, quando foi interrompida ou complementada por outra. Exemplos: I was reading the newspaper when my cousing came in. (Eu estava lendo o jornal quando meu primo entrou.) John was crossing the street when the accident happened. (John estava atravessando a rua quando aconteceu o acidente.)

I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were

present perfect

(Presente Perfeito) to play played played played played played played played played

I have You have He has She has It has We have You have They have

No passado simples, I hurt my hand e I opened the door significam que eu machuquei minha mo e abri a porta em qualquer poca do passado (h 5minutos, na semana passada, em 1990 etc.), ficando em aberto a pergunta: quando? Outros exemplos: You cannot (cant) see the Director, he has (hes) gone to Santos. (Voc no pode ver o Diretor, ele foi a Santos. [e continua l, presumivelmente.]) I have (Ive) lost my pen. ( Perdi minha caneta [e ela continua perdida].) Quando se usa o advrbio already (j) para reforo, a compreeenso deste tempo de verbo fica mais fcil. The train has already arrived at the station. (O trem j chegou estao. [logo, continua l.]) You have already told me that joke. (Voc j me contou essa piada. [portanto, no preciso repeti-la.]) No exemplo dado no Presente Contnuo acima, o correto I have been playing the piano since 10 oclock in the morning. Nota: already no poder ser usado com o Pretrito Simples. No se pode dizer, por exemplo, The train already arrived at the station, You already told me that joke.

Um dos tempos de verbo mais importantes da lngua inglesa e que no tem similar no portugus. I have read that book. No Eu tenho lido aquele livro. O Present Perfect indica uma ao no passado, remota ou recente, que tem conseqncias no presente. Exemplos: I have hurt my hand. (Eu machuquei minha mo.) Indica que minha mo ainda est machucada. I have opened the door. Significa que eu abri a porta e ela est aberta.


simple future

(Futuro Simples) to play play play play play play play play play

perfect future

(Futuro Perfeito) to play

I shall You will He will She will It will We will You will They will

I shall (will) You will He will She will It will We will You will They will

have played have played have played have played have played have played have played have played

Nota: coloquialmente usa-se I will em lugar de I shall.

future tenses

(auxiliares do futuro)

futuro do presente shall/will

Shall o futuro simples de I e We. Will o futuro simples de He, She, It, You e They. Todavia, em conversa e texto informais, Will tambm usado como futuro de I e We, em lugar de Shall.

futuro do pretrito should/would

Usa-se no futuro do pretrito quando a situao indica uma condio, e tambm utilizado com todos os pronomes pessoais. Exemplos: He would study, if he had money. (Ele estudaria, se tivesse dinheiro.) - Condio




Os tempos condicionais expressam graus diferentes de certeza sobre uma ao. Exemplos: If John comes Ill talk to him. (Se John vier, eu falarei com ele. Neste caso, acredito que John realmente vir.) I could try. (Eu poderia tentar. provvel que eu tente.) If the mayor came, Id talk to him (Se o prefeito viesse, eu falaria com ele. Estou imaginando a situao mas no sei se o prefeito vir ou no.) If I were you, Id take the train. (Se eu fosse voc, tomaria o trem. Novamente, estou imaginando a situao. Na realidade eu no poderia ser voc, mas estou me colocando no seu lugar.) If you should see the janitor, tell him to call me. (Se voc (por acaso) vir o zelador, diga a ele para me telefonar.) Esta frase equivale a: If you see the janitor... (Se voc vir o zelador...). Mas usando should, o narrador expressa menor certeza de que a ao ocorrer.


Auxiliar Verbs

(Verbos Auxiliares)

am, is, are, was, were



I am you are he is she is it is we are you are they are

I was you were he was she was it was we were you were they were

have, has, had



I have you have he has she has it has we have you have they have

I had you had he had she had it had we had you had they had

do, does, did



I do you do he does she does it does we do you do they do

I did you did he did she did it did we did you did they did

short forms of auxiliar verbs

(contrao dos verbos auxiliares)

forma afirmativa

forma negativa

Ive: Id: Ill:


I am I have I will I would, I should, I had you are you have you will you would, you had he is, he has he will he would, he had she is she will she would, she had it is it will we are we have we will we would, we had they are they will they would, they had here is there is that is that will how is what will ? what is ? when is ? where is ? who is ? who would ? who will ?

arent: cant: couldnt: darent: didnt: doesnt: dont: hasnt: havent: hadnt: isnt: maynt: mightnt: mustnt: neednt: oughtnt: shant: shouldnt: wasnt: werent: wont: wouldnt:

are not cannot could not dare not did not does not do not has not have not had not is not may not might not must not need not ought not shall not should not was not were not will not would not

youve: youd: hes: hell: youll:




shed: its: itll:


weve: wed: well:







thats: thatll:

wheres: whod: wholl: whos:






anomalous verbs

(verbos anmalos)

Os verbos can, may, must, should e ought to so sempre seguidos de outro verbo no infinitivo, sem o to, exceto ought que sempre aparece seguido de to. No se pode fazer uma interrogao ou uma negativa em ingls sem um destes verbos, a no ser que j haja um verbo auxiliar na frase. preciso no confundir o do, does, did auxiliares com o verbo to do (fazer). Estes anmalos so tambm empregados para evitar a repetio do verbo utilizado na frase. Exemplo: She doesnt like Bach, but I do. isto , I like Bach. (Ela no gosta de Bach, mas eu sim [gosto de Bach].)


No se conjuga. Indicam habilidade ou grande possibilidade e no devem ser confundidos com may, que indica permisso. May I have a piece of cake? o correto e no: Can I have a piece of cake? (Posso ter [pegar] um pedao de bolo?) Could equivale ao passado ou ao futuro do pretrito (condicional) de Can: I could not write because I broke my wrist (Eu no pude escrever porque quebrei meu pulso.)

I could write a book if I had time (Eu poderia escrever um livro se tivesse tempo. [O que indica que no posso escrever]) To be able (poder, no sentido de ser capaz) pode ser usado tanto para expressar o passado de can (was/were able to) quanto o seu futuro, na forma will be able to: I am glad I was able to help you. (Estou contente de t-lo ajudado.) The baby will be able to walk soon. (O nen poder (ser capaz de) andar em breve.)



No se conjuga. Should usado em qualquer declinao quando queremos expressar surpresa ou indiferena. Tambm (e muito) usado para sugestes e conselhos. Why should I pay for your lunch? You have much more money than I. (Por que devo pagar pelo seu almoo? Voc tem muito mais dinheiro do que eu.) - Surpresa Exemplo:

How should I know? (Como devo saber?)

- Indiferena

Would expressa o esperado. Exemplo: You would forget to post my letter! (Voc tinha de esquecer de colocar minha carta no correio!)


No se conjuga. Tem quatro nuances de significado: 1. Obrigao sem alternativa: You must open the door to get out. (Voc tem de abrir a porta para poder sair.) 2. Necessidade: I must leave early tonight, because I want to see my girlfriend. (Eu preciso sair mais cedo hoje noite, porque quero ver minha namorada.) 3. Algo recomendvel: You must see that new film with Tom Hanks.

(Voc tem de ver esse novo filme com o Tom Hanks.) 4. Deduo: He is very pale, he must be sick. (Ele est muito plido, deve estar doente.) Must not no o negativo de Must. uma proibio: You must not smoke in church. (Voc no pode fumar na igreja.) He must not try to jump from that high wall. (Ele no pode tentar pular daquele muro alto.)

ought to

No se conjuga. Ought to expressa dever ou deduo, no tem declinao e usado somente no presente. Exemplo: You ought to visit that poor old lady.

(Voc precisa visitar aquela velhinha.) - Dever moral He ought to be here by now, he left the office at 4 oclock. (Ele j deveria estar aqui, saiu do escritrio s 4 horas.) - Deduo



No se conjuga. Expressam permisso ou possibilidade. Exemplos: Take your umbrella, it may rain. (Pegue o seu guarda-chuva, pode chover.) - Possibilidade

May I see your new car? (Posso ver seu carro novo?) - Permisso Migth muitas vezes expressa remota possibilidade: Do you think he might be interested in your suggestion? (Voc acha que ele poderia estar interessado em sua sugesto?)

verbal expressions (Expresses Verbais)


No se conjuga. Dare expressa coragem e ousadia. Exemplo: How dare you open my purse!

(Como ousas abrir minha bolsa!)

- Ousadia

She dare not smoke in front of her father. (Ela no ousa fumar na frente do pai.) - Coragem

used to

No se conjuga. Este verbo sempre usado no passado e indica costume, hbito, algo que fazamos mas que no mais fazemos. Exemplos: I used to go to the football match every Sunday. (Eu costumava ir ao jogo todo domingo.) I know Aclimao very well, I used to live there.

(Eu conheo bem Aclimao, eu morava l. [tinha o costume de morar]) To be used to, seguido de gerndio, indica algo a que estamos acostumados no presente. Exemplos: Im used to getting up early. (Estou acostumado a levantar cedo.) Shes used to eating late at night. (Ela est acostumada a comer tarde da noite.)


had better

No se conjuga. Had better parecido com ought to (um dever moral), mas indica que algo desagradvel acontecer se no seguirmos a recomendao. Exemplos: If you dont feel well, you had better go home.

(Se voc no est se sentindo bem, melhor voc ir para casa.) You had better call up your wife and tell her that youre going to be late. ( melhor voc ligar para sua mulher e dizer que vai chegar tarde.)

had rather/had sooner

No se conjuga. Estes dois verbos indicam preferncia. Exemplos: Dont come if you had rather not.

(No venha se voc preferir no faz-lo.) She said she had sooner die than marry that man. (Ela disse que prefere morrer a casar com aquele homem.)



am, is, are, was, were

So usados para expressar uma ordem superior. Exemplos: The police said that nobody is to leave the city. (A polcia disse que nigum deve sair da cidade.) Your boss said that you are to be there at 7 oclock. (Seu chefe disse que para voc estar l s 7 horas). You are not to mention this in public. (No para voc mencionar isto em pblico.)

Irregular Verbs

Irregular Verbs



Verbos irregulares, em ingls, so todos aqueles em que o pretrito e o particpio no terminam em -ed. Enter e invigorate, por exemplo, so verbos regulares, porque o pretrito e o particpio so entered e invigorated, respectivamente. Os verbos irregulares no obedecem a nenhuma regra fixa. preciso, pois, conhecer cada um deles de cor.





to abide (abid) to arise (ariz) to awake (aweik) to be (bi)

abode (abd) arose (arz) awoke (awk) was (wz) were (wr)

aboden (abden) arisen (arzen) awoken (awkenn) been (binn) born (brn) borne (brn) beaten (bten) become (bikm) befallen (biflen) begotten (bigten) begun (begn) bent (bnt) besought (bisst) bet (bt) bidden (bden)

morar, habitar surgir despertar ser, estar suportar, levar, dar luz bater, pulsar, derrotar tornar-se acontecer, suceder gerar, produzir comear entortar, curvar-se, inclinar implorar, rogar apostar ordenar, saudar

to bear (br) bore (br) to beat (bit) to become (bikm) to befall (bifl) to beget (bight) to begin (bigin) to bend (bnd) to beseach (bisstsh) to bet (bt) to bid (bd) beat (bit) became (bikim) befell (bifl) begot (bigt) began (beghn) bent (bnt) besought (bisst) bet (bt) bade (bid)






to bid (bd) bid (bd) bid (bd) to bind (bind) to bite (bait) to bleed (blid) to blow (blou) to break (breik) to breed (brid) to bring (brng) to build (bld) to burn (brn) to burst (brst) to buy (bi) to cast (kst) to catch (ktsh) to choose (tchuz) to cling (cln(g)) to come (km) to cost (kst) to creep (krip) to cut (ct) bound (baund) bit (bt) bled (bld) blew (blu) broke (brouk) bred (brd) brought (brt) built (blt) burnt (brnt) burned (brnd) burst (brst) bought (bt) cast (kst) caught (kt) chose (tchz) clung (cln(g)) came (kim) cost (kst) crept (krpt) cut (ct) bound (baund) bitten (bten) bled (bld) blown (bloun) broken (brouken) bred (brd) brought (brt) built (blt) burnt (brn) burned (brnd) burst (brst) bought (bt) cast (kst) caught (kt) chosen (tchzn) clung (cln(g)) come (km) cost (kst) crept (krpt) cut (ct)

fazer uma oferta, dar um lance ligar, encadernar morder, picar (inseto) sangrar soprar, ventar, dinamitar quebrar, interromper criar, educar trazer construir queimar* arrebentar, irromper comprar arremessar, lanar apanhar, agarrar, pegar escolher aderir, unir-se, apegar-se vir, chegar custar rastejar, arrastar-se cortar lidar, negociar, dar as cartas (baralho) fazer, efetuar, executar desenhar, puxar, sacar [dinheiro do banco] sonhar* dirigir, impelir morar, residir, insistir* comer cair, despencar

to deal (dil) dealt (dl) dealt (dlt) to do (d) did (dd) done (dne) to draw (dr) drew (dr) drawn (drn) to dream (drimm) to drive (driv) to dwell (dwl) to eat (it) to fall (fl) dreamt (drmpt) dreamed (drimd) drove (druv) dwelt (dwlt) dwelled (dwld) ate (it) fell (fl) dreamt (drmpt) dreamed (drmd) driven (drvn) dwelt (dwlt) dwelled (dweld) eaten (tenn) fallen (flen)






to feed (fid) to feel (fil) to fight (fit) to find (faind) to flee (fli) to fling (fln(g)) to fly (fli) to forbid (forbd) to forgive (forgv) to forget (forght) to freeze (friz)

fed (fd) felt (flt) fought (ft) found (faund) fled (fld) flung (fln(g)) flew (fl) forbade (forbid) forgave (forghiv) forgot (forgt) froze (fruz)

fed (fd) felt (flt) fought (ft) found (fund) fled (fld) flung (fln(g)) flown (floun) forbidden (forbdn) forgiven (forghvn) forgotten (forgten) frozen (fruzn) got (gt) gotten (gten) given (ghven) gone (gnn) ground (graund) grown (grun) hung (Hn(g)) hanged (Hangd) had (Had) heard (Hrd) hidden (Hden) hit (Ht) held (Hld) hurt (Hrt) kept (kpt) knelt (nlt) knit (nt) known (nun) laid (lid) led (ld) leant (lnt) leaned (lind)

alimentar sentir brigar, lutar achar fugir, escapar atirar, arremessar voar proibir perdoar esquecer gelar, congelar conseguir, ganhar,obter dar, conceder ir moer, pulverizar crescer, cultivar pendurar, suspender, enforcar (na forma regular) ter, possuir ouvir esconder bater,acertar, abalroar segurar, manter, conter machucar, ferir guardar, permanecer ajoelhar-se unir, entrelaar, tricotar saber, conhecer pr, colocar, botar (ovos) guiar, conduzir, apoiar (se), inclinar (se)*

to get (ght) got (gt) to give (ghv) to go (gou) to grind (grind) to grow (grou) to hang (Han(g)) to have (Hav) to hear (Hir) to hide (Haid) to hit (Ht) to hold (Hld) to hurt (Hrt) to keep (kip) to kneel (nil) to knit (nt) to know (nu) to lay (lei) to lead (lid) to lean (lin) gave (ghiv) went (wnt) ground (graund) grew (gru) hung (Hn(g)) hanged (Hangd) had (Had) heard (Hrd) hid (Hd) hit (Ht) held (Hld) hurt (Hrt) kept (kpt) knelt (nlt) knit (nt) knew (ni) laid (lid) led (ld) leant (lnt) leaned (lind)






to leap (lip) to learn (lrn) to leave (liv) to lend (lnd) to let (lt) to light (lit) to lose (luz) to make (mik)

leapt (lpt) leaped (lipt) learnt (lrnt) learned (lrnd) left (lft) lent (lnt) let (lt) lit (lt) lighted (lited) lost (lst) made (mid)

leapt (lpt) leaped (lipt) learnt (lrnt) learned (lrnd) left (lft) lent (lnt) let (lt) lit (lt) lighted (lited) lost (lst) made (mid)

pular, saltar* aprender* sair, deixar, abandonar emprestar deixar, permitir acender, iluminar* perder fazer, produzir, fabricar significar, pretender, intencionar suplantar, vencer, superar pagar pr, colocar abandonar, desistir ler livrar, desembaraar montar, cavalgar, andar (de carro, nibus etc) soar, tocar (campainha, telefone) nascer, surgir, elevar-se correr, administrar dizer ver procurar, buscar vender mandar, enviar, remeter fixar, pr, arrumar sacudir, agitar derramar, verter brilhar, lustrar atirar, fuzilar

to mean (mnn) meant (mnt) meant (mnt) to overcome (overcm) to pay (pi) to put (put) to quit (kut) to read (rid) to rid (rd) overcame (overkim) paid (pid) put (put) quit (kut) read (rd) rid (rd) overcome (overcm) paid (pid) put (put) quit (kut) read (rd) rid (rd)

to ride (rid) rode (rd) ridden (rden) to ring (rn(g)) rang (ran(g)) rung (rn(g)) to rise (riz) to run (rnn) to say (sei) to see (si) to seek (sik) to sell (sl) to send (snd) to set (st) to shake (shik) to shed (shd) to shine (shin) to shoot (shut) rose (rz) ran (rnn) said (sd) saw (s) sought (st) sold (sld) sent (snt) set (st) shook (shuk) shed (shd) shone (shn) shot (sht) risen (rzen) run (rnn) said (sd) seen (sn) sought (st) sold (sld) sent (snt) set (st) shaken (sheiken) shed (shd) shone (shn) shot (sht)






to show (shu) showed (shud) to shrink (shrnk) to shut (sht) to sing (sn(g)) to sink (snk) to sit (st) to slay (slei) to sleep (slip) to slide (slid) to slit (slt) to smell (sml) to smite (smit) shrank (shrnk) shut (sht) sang (sn(g)) sank (snk) sat (st) slew (sl) slept (slpt) slid (sld) slit (slt) smelt (smlt) smelled (smld) smote (smut)

shown (shun) showed (shud) shrunk (shrnk) shut (sht) sung (sn(g)) sunk (snk) sat (st) slain (slin) slept (slpt) slid (sld) slit (slt) smelt (smlt) smelled (smld) smitten (smten) sowed (sud) sown (sun) spoken (spuken) spelt (splt) spelled (spld)

mostrar, exibir* encolher fechar, tapar cantar afundar, naufragar sentar matar, destruir dormir escorregar, deslizar rachar, fender cheirar* ferir, castigar semear* falar soletrar* gastar, pass`ar (tempo, frias etc.) derramar, entornar* rodar, girar, tecer cuspir rachar, fender estender, espalhar, divulgar brotar, nascer, saltar, jorrar suster, ficar em p, aguentar roubar fincar, aderir, grudar picar, arder feder cavalgar, galopar

sowed (sud) to sow (sou) to speak (spik) to spell (spl) spoke (spuk) spelt (splt) spelled (spld)

spent (spnt) spent (spnt) to spend (spnd) to spill (spl) to spin (spn) to spit (spt) to split (splt) spilt (splt) spilt (splt) spilled (spld) spilled (spld) spun (spn) spat (spat) split (splt) spun (spn) spat (spat) split (splt)

spread (sprd) spread (sprd) to spread (sprd) to spring (sprn(g)) to stand (stnd) to steal (stil) to stick (stk) to sting (stn(g)) to stink (stnk) to stride (strid) sprang (spran(g)) stood (stud) stole (stl) stuck (stk) stung (stn(g)) stank (stank) strode (strd) sprung (sprn(g)) stood (stud) stolen (stlen) stuck (stk) stung (stn(g)) stunk (stnk) stridden (strden)






to strike (strik) struck (strk) struck (strk) to strive (striv) strove (strv) striven (strven) to swear (swr) to sweep (swip) to swim (swmm) to swing (swng) to take (tik) to teach (ttsh) to tear (tr) to tell (tl) to think (thnk) to throw (throu) to trust (trst) swore (swr) swept (swpt) swam (swmm) swung (swn(g)) took (tuk) taught (tt) tore (tr) told (tld) thought (tht) threw (thru) trust (trst) sworn (swrn) swept (swpt) swum (swmm) swung (swn(g)) taken (tikn) taught (tt) torn (trn) told (tld) thought (tht) thrown (throun) trust (trst) trod (trd) trodden (troden) understood (understud) undertaken (nderteiken) woke (wk) waked (weikd) worn (wrn) woven (wven) wept (wpt) wet (wt) wetted (wted) won (wnn) wound (waund) wrung (wrn(g)) written (rten)

brigar, golpear, fazer greve, badalar (relgio) procurar, empenhar-se, competir jurar, blasfemar varrer nadar balanar tomar, tirar, pegar ensinar rasgar, romper relatar, dizer, contar pensar, criar atirar, jogar confiar, crer pisar compreender, entender empreender, comprometer-se acordar, despertar* vestir, usar (vesturio) tecer chorar molhar* vencer, ganhar, obter dar corda, torcer puxar, arrancar escrever

to tread (trd) trod (trd) to understand (nderstand) to undertake (nderteik) to wake (weik) to wear (wr) to weave (weiv) to weep (wip) to wet (wt) to win (wn) to wind (wind) to wring (wrn(g)) to write (rit) understood (nderstud) undertook (ndertuk) woke (wk) waked (wikd) wore (wr) wove (wv) wept (wpt) wet (wt) wetted (wted) won (wnn) wound (waund) wrung (wrn(g)) wrote (rut)

* Tambm empregados como verbos regulares.

**H pronuncia-se com h aspirado.


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