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Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section This is the Home page for Dr Ron Knott's multimedia web

site on the Fibonacci numbers, the Golden section and the Golden string hosted by the Mathematics Department of the University of Surrey, UK. The Fibonacci numbers are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... (add the last two to get the next) The golden section numbers are 061803 39887... and 161803 39887... The golden string is 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 ... a sequence of 0s and 1s that is closely related to the Fibonacci numbers and the golden section. There is a large amount of information here on the Fibonacci Numbers and related series and the on the Golden section, so if all you want is a quick introduction then the first link takes you to an introductory page on the Fibonacci numbers and where they appear in Nature. The rest of this page is a brief introduction to all the web pages at this site on Fibonacci Numbers the Golden Section and the Golden String together with their many applications. What's New? - the FIBLOG 4 February 2011

Fibonacci Numbers and Golden sections in Nature Ron Knott was on Melvyn Bragg's In Our Time on BBC Radio 4, November 29, 2007 when we discussed The Fibonacci Numbers (45 minutes). You can listen again online or download the podcast. It is a useful general introduction to the Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section.

Fibonacci Numbers and Nature Fibonacci and the original problem about rabbits where the series first appears, the family trees of cows and bees, the golden ratio and the Fibonacci series, the Fibonacci Spiral and sea shell shapes, branching plants, flower petal and seeds, leaves and petal arrangements, on pineapples and in apples, pine cones and leaf arrangements. All involve the Fibonacci numbers - and here's how and why. The Golden section in Nature Continuing the theme of the first page but with specific reference to why the golden section appears in nature. Now with a Geometer's Sketchpad dynamic demonstration.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 ..More..

The Puzzling World of Fibonacci Numbers A pair of pages with plenty of playful problems to perplex the professional and the part-time puzzler!

The Easier Fibonacci Puzzles page has the Fibonacci numbers in brick wall patterns, Fibonacci bee lines, seating people in a row and the Fibonacci numbers again, giving change and a game with match sticks and even with electrical resistance and lots more puzzles all involve the Fibonacci numbers! The Harder Fibonacci Puzzles page still has problems where the Fibonacci numbers are the answers - well, all but ONE, but WHICH one? If you know the Fibonacci Jigsaw puzzle where rearranging the 4 wedge-shaped pieces makes an additional square appear, did you know the same puzzle can be rearranged to make a different shape where a square now disappears? For these puzzles, I do not know of any simple explanations of why the Fibonacci numbers occur - and that's the real puzzle - can you supply asimple reason why?? The Intriguing Mathematical World of Fibonacci and Phi The golden section numbers are also written using the Greek letters Phi and phi .

The Mathematical Magic of the Fibonacci numbers looks at the patterns in the Fibonacci numbers themselves: the Fibonacci numbers in Pascal's Triangle; using the Fibonacci series to generate all right-angled triangles with integers sides based on Pythagoras Theorem. An auxiliary page: More on Pythagorean triangles If you want to look like a number wizard to your friends then try out the simple Fibonacci numbers trick! The following pages give you lots of opportunities to find your own patterns in the Fibonacci numbers. We start with a complete list of...

The first 500 Fibonacci numbers... completely factorized up to Fib(300) and all the prime Fibonacci numbers are identified up to Fib(500). A Formula for the Fibonacci numbers Is there a direct formula to compute Fib(n) just from n? Yes there is! This

page shows several and why they involve Phi and phi - the golden section numbers. Fibonacci bases and other ways of representing integers We use base 10 (decimal) for written numbers but computers use base 2 (binary). What happens if we use the Fibonacci numbers as the column headers? The Golden Section The golden section number is closely connected with the Fibonacci series and has a value of ( 5 + 1)/2 or: 161803 39887 49894 84820 45868 34365 63811 77203 09179 80576 ..More.. which we call Phi (note the capital P) on these pages. The other number also called the golden section is Phi-1 or 061803... with exactly the same decimal fraction part as Phi. This value we call phi (with a small p) here. Phi and phi have some interesting and unique properties such as 1/phi is the same as 1+phi=Phi. The third of Simon Singh's Five Numbers programmes broadcast on 13 March 2002 on BBC Radio 4 was all about the Golden Ratio. It is an excellent introduction to the golden section. I spoke on it about the occurrence in nature of the golden section and also the Change Puzzle. Hear the whole programme (14 minutes) using the free RealOne Player.

The Golden section and Geometry The golden section is also called the golden ratio, the golden mean and the divine proportion. Two more pages look at its applications in Geometry: first in flat (or two dimensional) geometry and then in the solid geometry of three dimensions. Two-dimensional Geometry and the Golden section or Fantastic Flat Facts about Phi See some of the unexpected places that the golden section (Phi) occurs in Geometry and in Trigonometry: pentagons and decagons, paper folding and Penrose Tilings where we phind phi phrequently! An auxiliary page on Exact Trig Values for Simple Angles explores the many places that Phi and phi occur when we try to find the exact values of the sines, cosines and tangents of simple angles like 36 and 54. The Golden Geometry of Solids or Phi in 3 dimensions The golden section occurs in the most symmetrical of all the threedimensional solids - the Platonic solids. What are the best shapes for fair dice? Why are there only 5?

The next pages are about the numbers Phi = 161803.. and phi = 061803... and their properties.

Phi's Fascinating Figures - the Golden Section number All the powers of Phi are just whole multiples of itself plus another whole number. Did you guess that these multiples and the whole numbers are, of course, the Fibonacci numbers again? Each power of Phi is the sum of the previous two - just like the Fibonacci numbers too. Introduction to Continued Fractions is an optional page that expands on the idea of a continued fraction (CF) introduced in the Phi's Fascinating Figures page. There is also a Continued Fractions Converter (a web page - needs no downloads or special plug-is) to change decimal values, fractions and square-roots into and from CFs. This page links to another auxiliary page on Simple Exact Trig values such as cos(60)=1/2 and finds all simple angles with an exact trig expression, many of which involve Phi and phi. Phigits and Base Phi Representations We have seen that using a base of the Fibonacci Numbers we can represent all integers in a binary-like way. Here we show there is an interesting way of representing all integers in a binary-like fashion but using only powers of Phi instead of powers of 2 (binary) or 10 (decimal). The Golden String The golden string is also called the Infinite Fibonacci Word or the Fibonacci Rabbit sequence. There is another way to look at Fibonacci's Rabbits problem that gives an infinitely long sequence of 1s and 0s called the Golden String:1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 ... This string is a closely related to the golden section and the Fibonacci numbers.

Fibonacci Rabbit Sequence See show how the golden string arises directly from the Rabbit problem and also is used by computers when they compute the Fibonacci numbers. You can hear the Golden sequence as a sound track too. The Fibonacci Rabbit sequence is an example of a fractal - a mathematical object that contains the whole of itself within itself infinitely many times over. Fibonacci - the Man and His Times

Who was Fibonacci? Here is a brief biography of Fibonacci and his historical achievements in mathematics, and how he helped Europe replace the Roman numeral

system with the "algorithms" that we use today. Also there is a guide to some memorials to Fibonacci to see in Pisa, Italy. More Applications of Fibonacci Numbers and Phi

The Fibonacci numbers in a formula for Pi ( ) There are several ways to compute pi (314159 26535 ..) accurately. One that has been used a lot is based on a nice formula for calculating which angle has a given tangent, discovered by James Gregory. His formula together with the Fibonacci numbers can be used to compute pi. This page introduces you to all these concepts from scratch. Fibonacci Forgeries Sometimes we find series that for quite a few terms look exactly like the Fibonacci numbers, but, when we look a bit more closely, they aren't they are Fibonacci Forgeries. Since we would not be telling the truth if we said they were the Fibonacci numbers, perhaps we should call them Fibonacci Fibs !! The Lucas Numbers Here is a series that is very similar to the Fibonacci series, the Lucas series, but it starts with 2 and 1 instead of Fibonacci's 0 and 1. It sometimes pops up in the pages above so here we investigate it some more and discover its properties. It ends with a number trick which you can use "to impress your friends with your amazing calculating abilities" as the adverts say. It uses facts about the golden section and its relationship with the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. The first 200 Lucas numbers and their factors together with some suggestions for investigations you can do. 2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123, 199, 322, 521, 843 ....

The Fibonomials The basic relationship defining the Fibonacci numbers is F(n) = F(n 1) + F(n 2) where we use some combination of the previous numbers (here, the previous two) to find the next. Is there such a relationship between the squares of the Fibonacci numbers F(n)2? or the cubes F(n)3? or other powers? Yes there is and it involves a triangular table of numbers with similar properties to Pascal's Triangle and the binomial numbers: the Fibonomials. General Fibonacci Series The Lucas numbers change the two starting values of the Fibonacci series from 0 and 1 to 2 and 1. What if we changed these to any two values? These General Fibonacci series are called the G series but the Fibonacci series and Phi again play a prominent role in their mathematical properties. Also we look at two special arrays (tables) of numbers, the Wythoff array and the Stolarsky array and show how a these two collections of general Fibonacci series contain each whole number exactly

once. The secret behind such clever arrays is ... the golden section number Phi! Fibonacci and Phi in the Arts

Fibonacci Numbers and The Golden Section In Art, Architecture and Music The golden section has been used in many designs, from the ancient Parthenon in Athens (400BC) to Stradivari's violins. It was known to artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and musicians and composers, notably Bartk and Debussy. This is a different kind of page to those above, being concerned with speculations about where Fibonacci numbers and the golden section both do and do not occur in art, architecture and music. All the other pages are factual and verifiable - the material here is a often a matter of opinion. What do you think? Reference

Fibonacci and Phi Formulae A reference page of about 300 formulae and equations showing the properties of the Fibonacci and Lucas series, the general Fibonacci G series and Phi. Also available in PDF format (21 pages) for which you will need the free Acrobat PDF Reader or plug-in for your browser. Links and Bibliography Links to other sites on Fibonacci numbers and the Golden section together with references to books and articles 10JUN/104 Fibonacci: Kesenian Nombor Penulis: Nurfatiah binti Hamzah Nurul Syahida binti Muhamad Taufi Elyna Fatinie binti Jamil Nur Izzah Farhana binti Mohamad Azhar Nur Fadhillah binti abd Ghani Pernahkah anda membaca novel The Davinci Code atau menonton drama bersiri NUMB3RS dan Criminal Mind? Di dalam novel The Davinci Code hasil tulisan Dan Brown, lapan nombor pertama Fibonacci dalam keadaan bercampur aduk muncul sebagai salah satu tanda yang ditemui dalam kes pembunuhan pegawai penyelenggara muzium Jacque Sauniere. Begitu juga seperti yang terdapat dalam drama bersiri NUMB3RS, Charli e Eppes seorang genius matematik menyebut tentang struktur Fibonacci yang terdapat pada kristal. Manakala agen Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) dalam drama bersiri Criminal Mind berdepan dengan pembunuh bersiri yang menggunakan turutan Fibonacci untuk menentukan bilangan mangsa untuk setiap siri. Apa itu Fibonacci atau nombor Fibonacci? Nombor Fibonacci mendapat nama daripada pengasasnya Leornado Pisano yang menggelar dirinya Fibonacci hasil singkatan daripada Filius Bonacci yang bermaksud anak Bonacci kerana bapanya bernama Guglielmo Bonacci. Beliau merupakan seorang warganegara Itali dan ahli matematik yang terkenal di Eropah semasa zaman pertengahan. Fibonacci telah menemui formula untuk satu siri nombor bagi

menjawab permasalahan berkaitan pembiakan semula arnab. Siri ini terbentuk dengan menambahkan dua nombor berturut yang dimulai dengan 0 dan 1 dan membawa kepada penghasilan urutan nombor berikut; 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987Sejak itu, siri nombor ini dikenali sebagai Nombor Fibonacci dan banyak membantu menjawab pelbagai masalah matematik dan misteri alam semula jadi.

Nombor Fibonacci dapat ditemui pada banyak objek semula jadi disekeliling kita contohnya, pada cengkerang siput dan siput pilin. Bilangan pusarannya adalah berturutan mengikut siri nombor Fibonacci. Satu perbezaan antara siput dan siput pilin ialah siput mempunyai pusaran cengkerang tiga dimensi manakala siput pilin mempunyai pusaran cengkerang dua dimensi. Selain itu pernahkah anda mengira kelopak yang terdapat pada kuntuman bunga yang pelbagai jenis? Jika diperhatikan susunan kelopak bunga kebiasaannya didapati adalah 5 dan 8 kelopak. Namun jika kita perhatikan pelbagai jenis bunga, setiap jenis bunga kebiasaannya mempunyai bilangan kelopak bunga yang mengikut siri Fibonacci seperti 3, 5, 8, 13 dan 21.

Contoh lain dapat dilihat pada struktur bijij pinus. Semua biji pinus tumbuh dalam bentuk pusaran, bermula daripada tangkainya ia tumbuh berpusar hingga ke bahagian paling hujung. Tubuh manusia juga adalah salah satu contoh Nombor Fibonacci secara semula jadi. Nisbah kepanjangan lengan kepada panjang tangan adalah sama dengan 1.618 iaitu nilai nombor prima atau had kepada siri Fibonacci. Antara contah lain yang terdapat pada tubuh manusia ialah nisbah antara panjang muka dengan lebar muka, nisbah antara jarak bibir dan kedudukan kening sesuai dengan kepanjangan hidung dan nisbah antara jarak pusat ke lutut dengan jarak antara lutut ke hujung kaki adalah bersamaan dengan 1.618. Cuba anda lihat pula pada anggota badan anda. Anda akan menemukan turutan Fibonacci pada tubuh anda yang mempunyai 1 hidung, 2 mata dan 2 tangan yang masing-masing memiliki 5 jari yang terdapat 3 ruas.

Sebagai kegunaan dalam kehidupan juga, nombor Fibonacci banyak membantu dari segi meramal naik turun nilai mata wang, digunakan dalam pelbagai bentuk seni seperti seni bina, muzik dan lukisan. Siri nombor Fibonacci ini sangat unik apabila kita membahagikan mana-mana nombor Fibonacci dengan nombor berikutnya, kita akan mendapat nombor 0.618.Sebagai contoh,34 dibahagikan dengan 55 akan memberikan jawapan nombor 0.618. Ini adalah salah satu nombor prima fibonacci.Seterusnya,apabila kita bahagikan dengan nombor selang satu daripada nombor tersebut, kita akan mendapat 0.382. Contohnya, nombor 21, nombor selang satu satu selepasnya ialah 55 dan apabila kita bahagikan 21 dengan 55 kita akan mendapat nombor 0.382. Mengapa nombor Fibonacci sangat penting dalam bidang pemasaran? Hampir setiap benda didunia ini dipengaruhi oleh siri nombor Fibonacci seperti kelopak bunga dan anggota badan, begitu juga dengan bidang pemasaran yang turut terpengaruh dalam siri nombor ini. Namun ,beberapa nombor sahaja yang telah dipraktikkan oleh peniaga-peniaga. Nombor yang biasa digunakan 0.382(38.2%), 0.50(50%) dan 0.618(61.8%), ini adalah beberapa nombor 'Magik' dalam analisis teknikal pertukaran matawang asing (forex). Siri Fibonacci ini sangat bermakna bagi penganalisis kewangan dan ahli perniagaan. Dengan merujuk kepada teori Fibonacci ini peniaga-peniaga pertukaran mata wang asing (forex) dapat meramalkan pergerakkan nilai sesuatu matawang. Ia dapat dilihat apabila pasaran yang sedang meningkat naik, kebiasaannya nilai akan menurun sedikit pada satu ketika. Nilai tersebut selalunya akan berhenti pada nombor-nombor Fibonacci. Bagi kegunaan dalam bidang seni reka, siri Fibonacci dapat dilihat pada banyak rekaan bangunan seperti Parthenon, kuil purba Greek yang terletak di Athenian Acropolis,Greece, rekaan Piramid Agung di Mesir, Taj Mahal di India dan Masjid Kairouan. Merungkai senibina kuil Parthenon yang mula dibina pada tahun 447 SM dan siap pada tahun 438 SM, masyarakat Greek purba sebenarnya sudah mengetahui tentang segitiga yang mempunyai nisbah perkadaran yang betul iaitu 1: 1.618 bersamaan dengan nombor prima. Piramid Agung Giza pula menerap terus penggunaan nisbah prima 1.618 dalam ukuran 4 Hasta Diraja (unit kiraan Mesir Purba) bagi landaian tertinggi menjadi 89 dan separuh dasarnya menjadi 55. Kedua-dua nombor ini adalah berturut dalam siri Fibonacci. Manakala karyawan Renaissance sekitar 1500-an ketika zaman Leornado Da Vinci mengenali nombor prima sebagai Nisbah dari Tuhan. Di India, ia digunakan dalam pembinaan Taj Mahal yang siap dibina sepenuhnya pada 1648 sebagai lambang cinta agung Shah Jahan kepada isterinya Mumtaz Mahal. Ciri Fibonacci juga dapat dilihat dalam senibina Islam seperti yang terdapat pada reka bentuk Masjid Kairouan. Binaan ini menurut Boussora dan Mazouz, mengaplikasikan nisbah prima yang dapat dijumpai pada keseluruhan pelan dan pengukuran ruang solat, mahkamah dan menara masjid. Boussora dan Mazouz juga memeriksa teori arkeologi tentang masjid ini dan membuktikan binaan geometrik berdasarkan nisbah prima telah digunakan dalam pembinaannya. Hebat bukan binaan-binaan ini kerana ada antaranya yang telah disenaraikan sebagai tujuh keajaiban dunia iaitu Piramid Agung Giza dan juga Taj Mahal.

Tidak ketinggalan juga,Siri Fibonacci turut terdapat didalam aspek seni muzik. Siri nombor ini dapat didengari dalam karya penggubah muzik terkenal seperti Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart dan juga penggubah muzik moden. Mozart membahagikan sejumlah sonatanya menjadi dua bahagian yang panjangnya mencerminkan nombor prima. Alat yang paling banyak digunakan dalam muzik Mozart ialah piano, yang memaparkan penggunaan nombor Fibonacci. Misalnya, ada 13 rekod yang memisahkan setiap oktaf dari 8 nota dalam skala. Dasar dari skala didasarkan sekitar 3 dan 5 nada. Keduadua lapangan adalah nada keseluruhan, yang 2 langkah dari nota skala 1, juga disebut akar. Kunci-kunci piano juga menggambarkan nombor Fibonacci. Dalam skala yang terdiri daripada 13 mata piano, 8 dari mereka adalah putih, 5 berwarna hitam, yang dibahagi menjadi kumpulan 3 dan 2. Bagi pengubah muzik moden pula seperti Brian Wayne Transeau (BT) yang merupakan seorang penerbit muzik Amerika yang terkenal dewasa ini. Beliau yang pernah menggubah muzik untuk filem The Fast and The Furious telah merekodkan sebuah lagu yang bertajuk Fibonacci Sequence. Bersesuaian dengan tajuk lagunya, BT telah menelusuri siri nombor Fibonanci di dalam lagu yang dicipta olehnya. Lebih menarik lagi apabila sekumpulan pemuzik rock Amerika Syarikat yang menggelarkan diri mereka sebagai Tool telah menampilkan sebuah lagu yang bertajuk "Lateralus" yang juga menjadi judul bagi album tersebut. Ciri-ciri urutan Fibonacci yang merupakan simbolik dalam ayat-ayat dari lagu tersebut. Suku kata dalam hitungan ayat, pertama 1 ,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 5, 3, 13, 8, 5, 3. Selain kegunaannya dalam seni bina dan muzik, nombor Fibonacci juga dapat dilihat penggunaannya dalam seni lukis. Karya Leonardo Da Vinci yang cukup terkenal, The Mona Lisa banyak mengetengahkan konsep Segitiga Prima. Beliau yang juga dikenali sebagai seorang ahli matematik mengaplikasikan teori ini dalam lukisannya dengan menjadikan lengan sebagai dasar dan kepala sebagai hujungnya. Seperti yang terdapat dalam potret Mona Lisa ini, anda akan dapat melihat hujung bagi setiap segi empat muncul pada setiap titik tumpu penting iaitu mata, hidung, dagu dan hujung mulutnya yang misteri.

Kesimpulannya , bagi mereka yang percaya bahawa alam ini diciptakan dengan suatu rancangan khusus, maka siri Fibonacci mungkin boleh dijadikan sebagai bukti kebenarannya sebagaimana yang dikatakan oleh Plato, "Angka, pada saatnya nanti, akan memandu kita menuju kebenaran." Rujukan http://www.techcenter.davidson.k12.nc.us/group2/music.htmhttp://en.wi kipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_numbers_in_popular_culturehttp://atofx.blogsp ot.com/2008/11/fibonacci.htmlhttp://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/inde x?qid=20091025004045AAlPQtFhttp://www.maths.surrey.ac.uk/hostedsites/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibInArt.htmlhttp://goldennumber.net/architecture .htmhttp://library.thinkquest.org/27890/applications6.htmlhttp://www.bib lebelievers.org.au/pyramid.htm

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