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1. When does the full moon rise? a. sunset 2. Why do we see different constellations in different seasons? a. 3.

What is the reason for the seasons? In other words, why is summer warmer than winter, etc. a. because the Earths axis is tilted about 23.5 degrees 4. What are the approximate dates of the equinoxes and solstices? Summer Solstice June 21 Winter Solstice December 21 Autumn Equinox September 21 Spring Equinox March 21 5. What season is the Sun seen highest in the sky at noon? Lowest? a. Highest June 21st Summer Solstice- at noon b. Lowest December 21 Winter Solstice- (at noon?) 6. Suppose you see a certain star rising in the east at 9pm tonight? When will it rise tomorrow night? a. 4 minutes earlier -8:56 pm the next sidereal day 7. What does the word sidereal mean? what is a sidereal day? a. Anything relative to the stars The time is takes for a start to come up in the same position in the sky the next day (approx. 23 hours 56 minutes) 8. Are we closer to the sun in winter or in summer? a. Winter 9. What is the ecliptic? What are the two ways of using it to describe Earth or the Sun seen from the Earth. a. The path of the suns motion as seen from the Earth throughout the year b. Its the plane of Earths orbit is space 10. Define heliocentric and geocentric. a. heliocentric- Sun was center of the solar system proposed by Copernicus b. geocentric earth-centered model, idea that moon, sun, stars, revolve around earth 11. What is the celestial sphere? What are the major lines (circles) and important points on it? a. its as if we expanded the earths equator and north/south poles out into space. b. Celestial equator, North Celestial Pole, South Celestial Pole 12. When is the Sun north of the celestial equator? What change in seasons occur when the sun passes from north to south of the equator? South to North? a. North Spring and Summer b. South Fall and Winter 13. After the winter solstice, which way (N or S) is the sun shifting each day? a. North 14. When does the Sun rise and set almost directly E and W in this part of the world? a. Equinox? 15. Describe the apparent motion of the stars as seen from the North pole. what about the Sun in summer at the N. Pole? Winter? a. Summer Stars are not seen b. Winter- Stars continuously rotate in the sky

16. Why is the Sun right in your face so often on an E-W road this time of the year? a. Close to an Equinox 17. What happens to the Moon in a Lunar eclipse? Describe the sequence of events in a total lunar eclipe. a. The moon is in the earths shadow 18. What happens to the Moon in a Solar eclipse? Describe the sequence of events in a total lunar eclipse. a. The Eath is in the moons shadow 19. Which type of eclipse is easy to see over a large part of earth at once? a. Lunar 20. Which type of eclipse is very rare to see unless you travel? a. Solar 21. What are the umbra and penumbra? How do they relate to eclipses? a. 22. What was the geocentric model of the universe? a. Earth Centered 23. Who first proposed a heliocentric model in the 1500s? a. Copernicus 24. Who determined the three laws of planetary motion that are still used today? Whos data did he use? a. Keplar used Tychos 25. Who was the most important early user of the telescope? what did he see that confirmed his Copernicanism? a. Galileo 4 moons of Jupiter, phases of Venus 26. What is the shape of a typical closed orbit? a. Ellipse 27. What law of planetary motion les use precisely calculate speeds in an elliptical orbit at differing distances? What does it say about areas? a. 2nd law of Keplar. Describes how planets move faster nearer the Sun. 28. Be able to name and describe briefly the major personalities of the Copernican revolution we have discussed so far: Copernicus, Galileo, Tycho, Brahe, Kepler. a.

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