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MESSAGE #3071 from the Blessed Mother April 3, 2008

My daughter, Be confident of Gods mercy and love. God will not abandon his children.
All must come to know God's mercy and love in order to move forward. Doubt will only
pull you backwards.

Tell my children to pray so they stay strong, strong for Jesus. Tell my children to strive to
do good deeds, for this is all part of doing God's Will.

Time is precious now, so please be true believers. Be light to the world so you are ready
to meet God. Do not be foolish children, for God may call you at any time.

Prepare your soul and use your hands and voice for Christ. Imitate Christ and follow the
Saints' example, for they truly, truly, honored and loved Almighty God. Be truly sorry for
your sins now, so that on the Day of Judgment you have peace in your heart. Be loving,
humble, patient, and forgiving so you are purified on this earth. Discipline yourself and
do penance for your sins, for this is what truly pleases God.

Dear children, love and serve God. Give up your pleasures and be more willing to be
persecuted for living your faith. You will not fear death or punishment, if you truly love
and serve God with your whole heart. It is time to truly examine your conscience, for the
day will come and you will each have to answer to God.

Now please, trust in the Lord and do all that you can to truly serve Christ. Live your
vocation and strive to imitate Jesus Christ. Amen.
MESSAGE #3072 from the Blessed Mother April 7, 2008

My daughter, I see behind closed doors and much evil is taking place all around the
world. So many children choosing to live in sin. So many children ignoring God’s laws.
Violent storms will shake the earth to wake mankind. Those who are choosing darkness
will have but little time to decide whose side they want to be on. Those who are
disobeying God’s laws will suffer, suffer tremendously. They will not have peace when
God shakes this earth. They will not know which way to turn because of their refusal to
come to know God.

I say to my children, get down on your knees and pray, pray more. Come to know Our
Lord so you have peace through all trials and storms. Repent and cleanse your soul so
you have the grace needed to persevere. Let go of your selfish desires so you have more
time to pray. Begin today if you are not praying together as a family. Come to Mass more
often and pray, pray the Rosary. Join hands and pray in those groups that I have formed.
Pray and live the Beatitudes. Obey, obey each Commandment. Do not allow the world to
distract you. Keep your focus on My Son, Jesus.

Dear children, I am warning you. Respond, respond now to Heaven’s call. You must
begin today to build your relationship with God. You must repent and get down on your
knees and pray. Amen.
MESSAGE #3073 from the Blessed Mother April 11, 2008

My daughter, Each time you speak to my children, my messages will flow from your
heart. When my messages end, my children will need to be fully prepared. If my children
do not respond now they will not be prepared. Now is the time to practice all that I am
teaching my children.

Prayer is so important for it truly moves you closer to God. You cannot be taught if you
do not pray and turn to God. You will give in to the enemy if you are not obeying God.

If your focus is on your material wealth, then you are living a lukewarm life. You must
give up your worldly ways so you have more time to be with God. Please live more
simply and learn to do without. Be more giving of yourselves and use your hands and
voice for Christ. Be true servants by truly imitating my Son, Jesus Christ. In times to
come you will need to be strong in your faith. You will not have peace if you are clinging
to your wealth.

Storms will arise and much will be taken away. Do not be foolish children. Take heed to
the Gospel. Repent and prepare your soul so you have peace through all trials and storms.
Please begin today. Take refuge in my Immaculate Heart, so that I can truly help you
remain strong on those difficult days. It is time now to truly open your hearts and
abandon yourselves to Almighty God. Amen.
MESSAGE #3074 from the Blessed Mother April 14, 2008

My daughter, Trust, trust in God, for He truly hears your prayers. Those who come for
prayer will have peace. They will feel God's love for them. God knows what is best for
each soul, so please continue to pray, and trust in His love, and mercy.

So many today do not trust that God hears their prayers. So many do not turn to God, due
to lack of faith, or belief that God can truly heal them. Please dear children, believe that
God truly loves each of you. Believe in the power of prayer and turn to God for all your
needs. Do not doubt when your prayers are not answered, for God truly knows what is
best for your soul. Believe that when you open your hearts and pray, the answers will be
given to you. God knows the most perfect time; all you have to do is trust.

Now please be true believers and pray, pray the Rosary every day. Pray for all your
brothers and sisters, and invite them to pray in those groups that I have formed. It is time
to truly trust God. Please, please open your hearts, and trust in my Son. Amen.
MESSAGE #3075 from the Blessed Mother April 17, 2008

My daughter, My children need to listen and respond to my heavenly pleas. The whole
world will suffer if my children continue to disobey God’s laws. Prayer, conversion and
penance are truly needed in this time of God’s mercy. All must awake from their slumber
and repent of their evil ways. I have but little time to keep reminding you.

Meditate on Our Lord’s Passion and be truly sorry for your sins. Spend time in prayer so
you truly feel God’s love for you. Let go of your worldly ways and I promise you, your
desires will change. Your love for Jesus will grow and you will have peace through all
trials and storms. When earth shaking events happen, you will cling to God instead of
your material wealth.

Punishment is near to wake mankind. God will not have mercy on those who are listening
to Satan. Time is running out, so please, please dear children, stop offending God.
Amend your ways and then light the way for others. Believe in the Gospel and truly live
it. Be faithful followers of Jesus Christ.

It is time now to turn to Jesus and renew devotion to My Son’s Most Sacred Heart.
MESSAGE #3076 from the Blessed Mother April 21, 2008

My daughter, Pray for unbelievers, for so many are on the wrong path. Begin your day
with prayer, for so many are in need of prayer. Conversion cannot happen if my children
do not pray. Each time you gather and pray, include those souls who are furthest away
from Jesus.

Please, please dear children, light the way and bring others to My Son, Jesus. Light the
way by truly imitating My Son. Love all your brothers and sisters including those who
have hurt you. Be forgiving and God will truly bless you. Do not harbor hate in your
hearts. Be loving, humble and forgiving. Pick up your cross and follow Jesus every day.
Live in harmony, in love and pray for peace. Live as a holy family and pray, pray
together. Live the Gospel and walk with Jesus each new day. Amen.
MESSAGE #3077 from the Blessed Mother April 24, 2008

My daughter, I love all my children and I truly want to lead each child closer to Jesus.
Please tell my children to accept my motherly assistance so more turn to God before it's
too late. Please trust in my motherly intercession and begin today to live, live these

I am asking that my children let go of fear, for I am truly here to assist you. I am asking
that you take refuge in the Sacred Heart of my Son, and my Immaculate Heart, so that
you can be guided in the right direction.

The world is falling deeper into sin, so please turn away and turn to my Son. Let go of
your selfish desires and spend more time with God. You cannot grow in holiness if you
do not make more time to be with Our Lord. You cannot grow in holiness if you are
disobeying God's laws. You must obey each commandment and this cannot happen if you
keep giving in to the world.

The United States will suffer for so many are living in sin. A greater war will happen if
man continues to harbor hate in his heart. Many, many will suffer when the sirens blow.
Many will not have peace because they did not come to know God. Peace comes from
knowing Jesus, so please, please use this time more wisely.

Be dependent on God, not the economy. Learn to do without and place your trust in God.
Pray, pray more so you stay strong through all trials and storms. Stay close to Jesus so
you are not tempted to give in to the world.

My daughter, today I ask that you pray and do your part in reparation for the sins of the
world. Amen.

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