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Andrea Aguilar Per.6 English 4 The Villain Some stories have their heroes and villains.

They let you know who they are by the beginning and or middle of the story. In the story Paradise Lost the character Satan is the villain. You can automatically assume this by his character traits. Satan is selfish, conniving, and evil. He wasnt made like this by God it was his own choice that made him like this. Although some believe he is not the real villain in this story, I believe he is.

God has always been above Satan. Satan has always had to obey him and be under his command. He was very close with God but was not equal to him. When Satan realizes that, he tells God why he should be equal to him and not have to obey him. This is an example of what a villain would do. Satan then became mad and didnt want to have to obey him anymore. To set himself in glory above his peers, He trusted to have equal the Most High, If he opposed; and with ambitious aim Against the Throne and monarchy of God p.368. This is what shows that Satan is selfish. He wants to be in control have the power. He disobeyed God and God kicked him out of Heaven and sent him to Hell, where he became the leader of. He got what he wanted to be in control so now he has the power all to himself.

Satan is also conniving. He disguised himself as a snake and went into Paradise. At the time that is where Adam and Eve were at. They had it all good. But when God told them to not eat any of the Forbidden fruit Satan came along and ruined everything. While Eve was alone sitting by the tree, Satan, as a snake, came along and persuaded Eve to eat the fruit. Of mans first disobedience, and the fruit of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste brought death into the world and all our woe. P.367 This is what shows that Satan is conniving. When Eve ate the fruit, Adam came along and ate some too. God got mad and kicked them out of paradise. As you can see this is why Satan is the Villain.

I could easily say that Satan is a Villain because he is the definition of evil. He has done so many things like disobey god, get Adam and Eve kicked out of Paradise, and also start war with God. We may with more successful hope resolve to wage by force or guile eternal war irreconcilable to our grand foe p.371. Satan is not going to give up on trying to win the war. Even though no matter what he does he is not going to win against God. He is going to stick to

conniving people and being selfish. Satan also doesnt know Go d already knows his every move which means evil will never win. Clearly, Satan is a villain. All of the traits that he has like selfishness, evilness, and conniving ways, lead up to what a real villain is. Even though God lets him be as he is and doesnt get rid of him, he is still evil. God has to let him be how he is for reasons he only knows. Now the villains of today are as bad as or even worse than Satan. But we all know who started this world of villains in which we see today. Paradise Lost was a good story and Satan proves how all villains really are supposed to be.

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