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General Bibliography

his brief bibliography includes mainly recent works in English. References on specic chapters or sections of Hegels Phenomenology may be found in the chapter References. Comprehensive bibliographies are listed below, 7.

1 Introductions to Hegel
Beiser, F. C. (2005) Hegel. London: Routledge. Burbidge, J. (2007) Hegels Systematic Contingency. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Fulda, H.-F. (2003) Hegel. Munich: Beck. Hartnack, J. (1986) From Radical Empiricism to Absolute Idealism. Lewiston, ME: Mellen. Houlgate, S. (2005) An Introduction to Hegel: Reason, Truth and History. Oxford: Blackwell. Pinkard, T. (2000) Hegel: A Biography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Plant, R. (1973) Hegel. London: Routledge (rpt. 2007). Taylor, C. (1979) Hegel and Modern Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2 Introductions to Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit

Lauer, Q. (1993) A Reading of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, 2nd rev. ed. New York: Fordham University Press. Marx, W. (1975) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, Its Point and Purpose: A Commentary on the Preface and Introduction. New York: Harper & Row. Shklar, J. N. (1976) Freedom and Independence: A Study of the Political Ideas of Hegels Phenomenology of Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Stern, R. (2001) Hegel and the Phenomenology of Spirit. London: Routledge. Westphal, K. R. (2003) Hegels Epistemology: A Philosophical Introduction to the Phenomenology of Spirit. Cambridge, Mass.: Hackett Publishing Co.
The Blackwell Guide to Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit Edited by Kenneth R. Westphal 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-405-13109-4

general bibliography


3 English Translations of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit

Baillie, J. B. (1949) The Phenomenology of Mind. London: George Allen & Unwin; New York: Humanities, 2nd rev. ed. Miller, A. V. (1977) The Phenomenology of Spirit. Oxford: The Clarendon Press. Pinkard, T. (forthcoming) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Walker, N. (in preparation) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit. London: Routledge.

Also see:
Hegel, G. W. F. (1978) The Phenomenology of Spirit (Summer Term, 1825), German transcript with English translation in M. J. Petry (ed. and tr.), Hegels Philosophy of Subjective Spirit (pp. 271357). Dordrecht: Reidel. Hegel, G. W. F. (1981) The Berlin Phenomenology, ed. and tr. M. J. Petry. Berlin: Springer. (English edition of previous item.)

Partial translations:
Kainz, H. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: Selections. College Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. Kaufmann, W. A. (1966) The Preface to the Phenomenology: Translation with Commentary on Facing Pages, in W. A. Kaufmann, Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts, and Commentary (pp. 363459). London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Rauch, L. and Sherman, D. (1999). Hegels Phenomenology of Self-Consciousness. Albany: State University of New York Press. Shannon, D. E., ed. (2001) Spirit, tr. The Toronto Translation Group. Cambridge, Mass.: Hackett Publishing Co. Stepelevich, L. S., ed. (1990) Preface and Introduction to the Phenomenology of Mind. New York: Macmillan; London: Collier Macmillan. (Includes extensive editorial introduction, pp. 156.) Yovel, Y. (2005) Hegels Preface to the Phenomenology of Spirit. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

4 Advanced Studies of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit

Forster, M. (1998) Hegels Idea of a Phenomenology of Spirit. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Harris, H. S. (1997) Hegels Ladder, 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass.: Hackett Publishing Co. Hyppolite, J. (1974) Genesis and Structure of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, tr. S. Cherniak and J. Heckman. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. Kojve, A. (1969) Introduction to the Reading of Hegel, ed. A. Bloom, tr. J. Nichols. New York: Basic Books. Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology: The Sociality of Reason. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Stewart, J. (2000) The Unity of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: A Systematic Interpretation. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. Westphal, K. R. (1989) Hegels Epistemological Realism. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer.


general bibliography

5 Hegels Science of Logic

Burbidge, J. (2006) The Logic of Hegels Logic. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview. Butler, C. (1996) Hegels Logic: Between Dialectic and History. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. Hartnack, J. (1998) An Introduction to Hegels Logic, ed. K. R. Westphal, tr. L. AagaardMogensen. Cambridge, Mass.: Hackett Publishing Co. Houlgate, S. (2005) The Opening of Hegels Logic: From Being to Innity. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.

6 Handbooks
Burbidge, J. (2008) Historical Dictionary of Hegelian Philosophy, 2nd rev. ed. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press (Rowman & Littleeld). Cobben, P. G., Cruysberghs, P., Jonkers, P., and de Vos, L. (eds.) (2006) Hegel-Lexikon. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftlichen Buchgesellschaft. Inwood, M. (1992) A Hegel Dictionary. Oxford: Blackwell.

7 Bibliographies
Harris, H. S. (1997) Hegels Ladder (op. cit.), 2:784868. Steinhauer, K. (1980) Hegel Bibliographie, vol. 1. Munich: K. G. Saur. (Lists editions of Hegels works and secondary materials world-wide from 1802 to 1975, with indices.) Steinhauer, K., with H.-D. Schlter and A. Sergl (1998) Hegel Bibliographie, vol. 2. Munich: K. G. Saur. (Lists editions of Hegels works and secondary materials worldwide from 1980 to1989, with indices.)

8 Additional References
Beiser, F. C. (ed.) (2008) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel and Nineteenth-Century Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Houlgate, S., and Baur, M. (eds.) (2009) The Blackwell Companion to Hegel. Oxford: Blackwell. Kainz, H. (1986) Some Problems with the English Translations of Hegels Phnomenologie des Geistes, Hegel-Studien 21: 17582. Malabou, C. (2004) The Future of Hegel: Plasticity, Temporality and Dialectic. London: Routledge. Moyar, D., and Quante, M. (eds.) (2008) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: A Critical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Riley, P. (1981) Introduction to the Reading of Alexandre Kojve, Political Theory 9.1: 548. Rockmore, T. (1995) Hegel as a French Master Thinker, in T. Rockmore, Heidegger and French Philosophy: Humanism, Anti-Humanism and Being (pp. 2739, 2006). New York: Routledge.

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