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Communication Networks Assignment 1 1. List the different types of physical topologies.

Mention 2 advantages & disadvantages for each topology. 2. Draw a hybrid topology with a star backbone and 4 ring networks. 3. Differentiate between: (a) Connection oriented and connectionless services. (b) OSI and TCP/IP model. (c) Optical fiber, co-axial cable and twisted pair. (d) Circuit and packet switching. (e) TDM and FDM. 4. Match the following to one or more layers of the OSI or TCP/IP model: (a) Error correction and retransmission. (b) Route selection (c) Supports ARP and IP. (d) Supports SCTP and UDP. (e) Format and code conversion services. (f) Mechanical, electrical and functional interface. 5. With a neat diagram explain ATM reference model. 6. A channel has 1MHz bandwidth. The SNR of the channel is 63. What are the appropriate bit rate and signal levels? 7. If a binary signal is sent over a 3kHz channel whose signal to-noise ratio is 20db, what is the maximum achievable data rate? 8. Write a short note on wireless transmission media. 9. Represent the data 00110011 in NRZ-I, AMI, Manchester, 2B1Q. 10. Sixteen bit messages are transmitted using hamming code. How many check bits are needed to ensure that the receiver can detect and correct single bit errors? Show the bit pattern transmitted for the message 1101001100110101. 11. A bit stream 10011101 is transmitted using the standard CRC method. The generator polynomial is x3+1. Show the actual bit string transmitted. Suppose the third bit from the left is inverted during transmission, show that this error is detected at the receivers end. 12. The following character encoding is used in a data link protocol:A:01000111;B:11100011;FLAG:01111110;ESC:11100000. Show the bit sequence transmitted in binary for the 4character frame: A FLAG ESC B ESC FLAG when each of the following framing methods are used(a) Character count (b) Flag bytes with byte stuffing (c) Starting & ending flag bytes with bit stuffing 13. A sender needs to send the 4 data items 0x3456,0x02BC and 0xEEEE. (a) Find the checksum at the sender site. (b) Find the checksum at the receivers site if there is no eror. (c) Find the checksum at the receiver site if the second data is changed to 0xABCE.. 14. A channel has a bit rate of 4Kbps and a propagation delay of 20ms. For what range of frame size does stop and wait protocol give an efficiency of atleast 50%. 15. Explain HDLC frame format. 16. Match the following features w.r.to the protocols: (a) no error control nor flow control. (b) sender sends one frame, stops till it receives confirmation from the receiver and then sends the next frame. (c) Sequence numbers are modulo 2m (d) The window slides when a correct frame has arrived; sliding occurs one slot at a time. (e) Window size is 2m-1. (f) Retransmits only one frame.

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