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Armas Seg, 23 de Agosto de 2010 00:03

Aqui listamos todas as armas de FFVIII, e todos os itens para obte-las. Abaixo da tabela de armas de todos os personagens a uma lista de todos os itens itens listados e como consegui-los. Ir direto para os itens. Squall Leonheart Revolver Shear Trigger Cutting Trigger Flame Saber Twin Lance Punishment Lion Heart Zell Dinchit Metal Knuckle Maverick Gauntlet Ehrgeiz Selphie Tilmit Flail Morning Star Crescent Wish Strange Vision Rinoa Heartilly Pinwheel Valkyrie Rising Sun Cardinal Shooting Star Irvine Kinneas Valiant Ulysses Bismarck Exeter Quistis Trepe Chain Whip Slaying Tail Red Scorpion Save the Queen Requerimentos 2 M-Stone Pieces, 2 Screws Steel Pipe, Screw Mesmerize Blade, 8 Screws Betrayal Sword, Turtle Shell, 4 Screws Dino Bone, Red Fang, 12 Screws Chef's Knife, 2 Star Fragments, Turtle Shell, 8 Screws Adamantine, 4 Dragon Fangs, 12 Pulse Ammos Requerimentos Fish Fin, 4 M-Stone Pieces Dragon Fin, Spider We Dragon Skin, Fury Fragment Adamantine, 4 Dragon skins, Fury Fragment Requerimentos: 2 M-Stone Piece, Bomb Fragment 2 Steel Orbs, 2 Sharp Spikes Inferno Fang, Life Ring, 4 Sharp Spikes Adamantine, 3 Star Fragments, 2 Curse Spikes Requerimentos: 3 M-Stone Pieces Shear Feather, Magic Stone Saw Blade, 8 Screws Cockatrice Pinion, Mesmerize Blade, Sharp Spike 2 Windmills, Regen Ring, Force Armlet, 2 Energy Crystals Requerimentos: Steel Pipe, 4 Screws Steel Pipe, Bomb Fragment, 4 Screws Steel Pipe, 4 Dynamo Stones, 8 Screws Dino Bone, Moon Stone, Star Fragment, 18 Screws Requerimentos: 2 M-Stone Pieces, Spider Web 2 Magic Stones, Sharp Spike 2 Ochu Tentacles, 2 Dragon Skins 2 Malboro Tentacles, 4 Sharp Spikes, 4 Energy Crystals Revista March April May Jun July Ago Special Revista: March April July Ago Revista: March June July Special Revista: March April June July Ago Revista: April May July Special Revista: March May June Ago

Adamantine - Adamantine, BGH251F2 Betrayal Sword - Forbbiden. Blitz Bomb Fragment - Bomb Chef-s Knife - Mug em Tonberry Cockatrice Pinion - Mug de Cockatrice (Trabia planices)

Curse Spike - Creeps (level 20-29), Imp, Malboro, Forbidden, Grand Mantis (level 1-29), Tri-Face Dino Bone - Mug em T-Rexaur Dragon Fin - SAM08G (level 29-100), Grendel (G-Wasteland) Dragon Skin - Anacondaur, Blue Dragon, Grendel (level 1-19) Dynamo Stone - Blitz (planices de Centra) Energy Crystals - Elnoyle (Esthar City), Behemoth, Ruby Dragon (level 35-100) Fish Fin - Fastitocalon Force Armlet - Ochu (level 30-100), Forbidden (level 30-100), Edea (2nd) Fury Fragment- Red Dragon, Blue Dragon, Grendel (level 20-10) Inferno Fang - Red Dragon (Isle Hell) Life Ring - Turtapod, Torama (level 1-19), Mesmerize Magic Stone - Bite Bug, Funguar, Buel, Jelleye, Glacial Eye, Creeps, Belhelmel, Blobra, T-Rexuar, Bomb Malboro Tentacles - Malboro (Grandidi Forest) Mesmerize Blade - Mesmerize (regies de Trabia) Moon Stone - Elnoyle (level 1-29), Imp (level 40-100), Torama (level 40-100) M-Stone Piece - Belhelmel, Blobra, T-Rexuar, Bomb, Vysage, Lefty, Righty, Elastoid e outros... Ochu Tentacle - Ochu (Timber forest) Pulse Ammo - Refina 2 Emnergy Crystal com a habilidade Ammo RF Red Fang - Mug em hexadragon ou Quimera Saw Blade - Mug de Belhelmel Screw - Geezard (G-Area), GIM47N Sharp Spike - Great Mantis (planices), Death Claw Shear Feather - ganhe de Thrustaevis nas ares gramadas de Gabaldia Spider Web - Caterchipillar (Balamb Forest) Star Fragment - Iron Giant, T-Rexaur(raro), Chimera(Level 20-100, raro), Hexadragon(level 30-100) Stell Orbe - Wendigo, GIM47N (level 1-29) Steel Pipe - Mug em Wendigo, GIM47N (level 1-29) Turtle Shell - Armadodo (Brother's Tomb), Adamantoise (level 1-29)

Guardian Forces Dom, 22 de Agosto de 2010 23:56

Em Final Fantasy VIII, os monstros que podem ser invocados por sua equipe se chamam Guardian Forces (GF). Fique atento, pois so poucas as GFs que voc consegue no curso normal do jogo. Muitas GFs so adquiridas em sidequests e outras voc s tem uma chance de pegar. No entanto, no ltimo CD possvel adquirir todas as GFs usando Draw nos chefes do Ultimecias Castle. O nvel: As GFs ganham experincia do mesmo jeito que os personagens, com a Exp ganha em batalha. No entanto, a Exp que o personagem ganha na luta tem que ser dividida por todas as GFs a que est associado. Afinidade: Quanto mais tempo voc deixar uma GF associada e usa-la com um personagem, mais cresce a Compatibility entre o personagem e a GF. Com isso, o tempo de invocao diminui significativamente. As habilidades: As GFs aprendem as habilidades com os Ability Points (AP) que voc ganha nas batalhas. Dependendo da habilidade que voc escolhe para a GF aprender, voc pode precisa de mais AP. Algumas habilidades tambm podem ser aprendidas atravs de itens.

Existem 7 tipos de habilidades que a GF pode aprender: Junction Ability: so habilidades que permitem ao personagem usar o Junction Magic para melhorar seus diversos status. Command Ability: so os comandos que podem ser usadas pelo personagem durante a batalha. Character Ability: so habilidades que beneficiam o personagem durante a batalha. Party Ability: so habilidades que so vlidas para toda a sua equipe e ficam ativas fora das batalhas, enquanto sua equipe anda pelo mapa ou pelas cidades. GF Ability: so as habilidades para aumentar o poder da GF ou sua energoa. Menu Ability: so as habilidades usadas fora de batalhas, acessadas do menu principal pelo menu Ability. As GFs: Quezacotl Ataque: Thunder Storm Efeito: Dano de Eelemento Thunder em todos os inimigos. Onde adquirir: Na sala de aula em Balamb Garden checando as opes do computador. Shiva Ataque: Diamond Dust Efeito: Dano de Eelemento Ice em todos os inimigos. Onde adquirir: Na sala de aula em Balamb Garden checando as opes do computador. Ifrit Ataque: Hell Fire Efeito: Dano de Eelemento Fogo em todos os inimigos. Onde adquirir: Vena-o na Fire Carvern. Siren Ataque: Silent Voice Efeito: Dano no elemntal + status Silence em todos os inimigos. Onde adquirir: Na sala de aula em Balamb Garden checando as opes do computador. Brothers Ataque: Brotherly Love Efeito: Dano de Eelemento Earth em todos os inimigos. Onde adquirir: Tomb of The Unknown King. (ande somente pela direita derrote Minotaur e acione os switches nas outras duas salas (a do norte e a da esquerda), depois v na sala central e derrote a dupla. Diablos Ataque: Dark Messenger Efeito: Dano de elemento Gravit em todos os inimigos. Onde adquirir: Use a Magical Lamp dada por Cid e derrote Diablos. Carbuncle Ataque: Ruby Light Efeito: Causa Reflect em toda a sua equipe Onde adquirir: Use Draw em Iguion (um dos demnios que Edea envoca em sua parada em Deling City).

Leviathan Ataque: Tsunami Efeito: Dano de Eelemento Water em todos os inimigos. Onde adquirir: Use Draw em NORG aps quebrar sua proteo (Balamb Garden). Pandemona Ataque: Tornado Zone Efeito: Dano de Eelemento Wind em todos os inimigos. Onde adquirir: Use Draw em Fujin no combate da cidade de Balamb. Cerberus Ataque: Counter Rockets Efeito: Causa Doubl e Triple em todos da sua equipe. Onde adquirir: Derrote Cerberus no hall central de Galbadia Garden (fim do 2 CD). Alexander Ataque: Holy Judgement Efeito: Dano de Holy em todos os inimigos. Onde adquirir: Draw em Edea na ultima luta de Galbadia Garden (fim do 2 CD). Doom Train Ataque: Runway Train Efeito: Dano no elemental + todos os status negativos possiveis em todos os oponentes. Onde adquirir: Junte 6 Steel Pipe, 6 Marlboro Tentacle, 6 Remedy e use o Solomon Ring que pode ser achado no cho de Tears Point. Bahamut Ataque: Mega Flare Efeito: Dano no elemental em todos os inimigos. Onde adquirir: Derrote Bahamut em Deep Sea Research Facility. (ande somente quando o Crystal estiver apagado e cheque o Crystal, responda a 1 opo, enfrente o inimigo, responda a segunda opo, enfrente outro inimigo e ento responda a terceira opo que esta escondida para enfrenta-lo) Cactuar Ataque: 1000 Nedles Efeito: Dano no-elemental de acordo com o level da GF. Onde adquirir: Derrote o Jumbo Cactuar na Cactuar Island. Tonberry Ataque: Chef`s Knife Efeito: Dano no-elemental em um inimigo randmico. Onde adquirir: Mate 20 Tonberrys em Cetra Ruins e em seguida derrote o Tonyberry King. Eden Ataque: Eternal Breath

Efeito: Dano no-elemental em todos os inimigos e as vezes impoe status negativos. Onde adquirir: Use Draw em Ultima Weapon no fim de Deep Sea Deposit.

Existem ainda algumas GFs que no aprendem habilidades e no fazem parte do comando junction e so invocadas de maneira diferente. Odin Ataque: Zantetsuken Efeito: Mata todos os inimigos no comeo da batalha. Onde adquirido: Derrote Odin em Cetra Ruins. Como invoca-lo: Odin aparece aleatoriamente no inicio das batalhas. Gilgamesh Ataques: Zantetsuken, Masamune, Excalibur, Excalipoor. Efeito: Pode matar todos os personagens, causar dano considervel ou dano de 1 de HP. Onde adquirido: Tenha Odin ao final do 3 CD. Como invoca-lo: Gilgamesh aparece aleatoriamente nas batalhas. Chicobo Ataque: ChocoFire, ChocoFlare, ChocoMeteor, ChocoBuckle. Efeito: Dano no elemental. Onde adquirido: Vena um minigame em cada uma das Chocobo Forests. Como invoca-lo: Use um Gysahl Greens em batalha para invoc-lo. MiniMog Ataque: Moogle Dance. Efeito: Recupera HP de todas as GFs equipadas durante a batalha. Onde adquirido: Voc precisa resgata-lo no Chocobo World (mini-game do PocketStation, aparelho lanado somente no Japo) e ensinar uma GF o comando MiniMog. Como invoca-lo: Use o comando MiniMog. Moomba Ataque: MoombaMoomba. Efeito: Reduz o HP do inimigo a 1 se o inimigo tiver at 10,000 de vida. Se o inimigo tiver mais que isso, Moomba causa dano de 9,999 de HP. Onde adquirido: Obtenha o item FriendShip no Chocobo World (mini-game do PocketStation, aparelho lanado somente no Japo). Como invoca-lo: Use o item Friendship. Phoenix Ataque: Rebirth Flame. Efeito: Revive todos os seus aliados mortos Onde adquirido: Adquira o item Phoenix Pinion na sidequest de Shumi Tribe ou transforme 3 Mega Phoenix em 1 Phoenix Pinion usando a habilidade Tool-RF. Como invoca-lo: Use o Phoenix Pinion em batalha. Aps usar o item, Phoenix aparecer randomicamente em batalhas quando todos estiverem mortos.

Limit Breaks Dom, 22 de Agosto de 2010 23:55

Limits so movimentos especiais disponiveis quando seu personagem esta com pouco Hp (Hp em cor amarela, personagem agachado, status Near-Death, etc...). Cada personagem tem Limit Breaks diferentes com caracteristicas de execuo e aprendisagem diferentes.... Aqui listamos todos os Limits, como se pode obte-los e todas as peculiaridades em relao a isto. Squall Leonheart Em seu Limit Break, Squall ataca o inimigo varias vezes com sua espada, com a chance de apertar o gatilho durante os golpes, causando mais dano. Aps a seqncia de golpes, Squall pode tambm realizar aleatriamente um ataque especial (Finishing Blow), dependendo de sua arma. Essa a lista dos possveis Finishing Blows e a arma necessria para realiza-lo. Rough Divide Arma: Revolver Descrio: Squall corre em direo ao inimigo e o corta de cima para baixo. Fated Circle Arma: Shear Trigger Descrio: Squall gira sua arma no ar, emanando um crculo de energia que atinge todos os inimigos. Blasting Zone Arma: Flame Saber e Punishment Descrio: Squall aponta sua arma para o cu, gerando um raio de energia que se ergue at as alturas para depois atira-lo em direo a todos os inimigos. Lionheart Arma: Lionheart Descrio: Uma bola de energia se concentra na espada de Squall, que ataca o inimigo cerca de 15 vezes causando um dano astronmico a cada golpe. Zell Dinchit O Limit Break de Zell muito poderoso se usado corretamente. Nele, voc tem um limite de tempo para realizar o mximo de golpes que puder. Os golpes podem ser executados por combinaes de botes que aparecem na tela. H golpes que podem ser executados em seqncia normal, e outros que necessitam que se realize uma certa seqncia de golpes para poder usa-los e que voc possua tambm a revista que os habilita. Esses so os golpes disponveis e como aprendelos: Punch Rush: golpe inicial Booya: golpe inicial Heel Drop: golpe inicial Mach Kick: golpe inicial Dolphin Blow: Combat King 001 Meteor Strike: Combat King 002 Burning Rave: golpe inicial Para execut-lo realize a sequencia: Punch Rush, Mach Kick, Punch Rush, Heel Drop Meteor Barret: Combat King 003 Para execut-lo realize a sequencia: Punch Rush, Dolphin Blow Different Beat: Combat King 004 Para execut-lo realize a sequencia: Punch Rush (ou Booya), Meteor Strike, Booya My Final Heaven: Combat King 005 Para execut-lo realize a sequencia: Punch Rush (ou Booya), Heel Drop, Meteor Strike

Selphie Tillmit No Limit Break de Selphie, aparecer randomicamente opes de uma magia e quantas vezes voc poder lana-la, voc pode optar por usar a magia ou tentar outra que lhe sirva melhor . No entanto h tambm 4 habilidades especiais que podem aparecer entre essas opes, so elas: Full Cure: Recupera totalmente o HP de sua equipe Wall: Usa Shell e Protect na sua equipe Rapture: Retira um inimigo da batalha. The End: Elimina todos os inimigos instantaneamente (inclui chefes e excetuando Undeads). Rinoa Heartilly Seu Limit Break um ataque combinado com sua cadela, Angelo, e possui ataques com os mais diferentes efeitos. H ainda alguns eventos que acontecem randomicamente quando Rinoa estiver na sua equipe. Para aprender essas habilidades, voc deve achar as revistas Pet Pals durante o jogo, e ento acessar o Status de Rinoa pelo menu e selecionar qual habilidade voc quer que ela aprenda. Tendo Rinoa na equipe, aps algum tempo a barra se encher e Rinoa ter aprendido a habilidade. Essas so suas habilidades: Limits do comando Combine: Angelo Rush Angelo ataca um inimigo. Requerimento: Habilidade Inicial Angelo Cannon Rinoa atira Angelo no campo do inimigo, causando uma exploso que causa dano a todos os inimigos. Requerimento: Habilidade Inicial Angelo Strike Angelo d um empurro em um inimigo Requerimento: Pet Pals 1 Invincible Moon Angelo uiva para a lua tornando sua equipe invencvel por um curto perodo. Requerimento: Pet Pals 3 Wishing Star Angelo e Rinoa atacam inimigos randmicos repetidamente, causando grande dano. Requerimento: Pet Pals 6 Limits randmicos: Angelo Recover Recupera o HP de um membro da sua equipe com baixo HP. Requerimento: Pet Pals 2 Angelo Reverse Revive um aliado morto. Requerimento: Pet Pals 4 Angelo Search Angelo aparece e d um item para a sua equipe. Requerimento: Pet Pals 5 Angel Wing

Esse o outro comando que fica disponvel no fim do 3 CD. Causa em Rinoa um tipo de Berserk s que usando magias aleatrias sem gastar a de sua lista ao invs de ataques fsicos. A potencia das magias tambm maior. Irvine Kinneas O Limit Break de Irvine efetivo somente se voc puder comprar ou refinar as melhores munies. Cada munio realiza um tiro diferente. Esses so os tiros possveis, a munio necessria para realiza-los e seu efeito. Normal Shot: Ammo Dano no elemental em um inimigo. Scattered Shot: Shotgun Ammo Dano no elemental em todos os inimigos. Dark Shot: Dark Ammo Causa Blind em um inimigo. Canister Shot: Demolition Ammo Dano no elemental, 3 vezes mais forte que o Normal Shot. Quick Shot: Fast Ammo Diversos tiros causando dano no elemental ao inimigo. Armor Shot: AP Ammo Tiro que ignora a armadura do inimigo para causar maior dano. Hyper Shot: Pulse Ammo Dano no elemental, 3 vezes mais forte que o Normal Shot. Quistis Trepe O Limit Break de Quistis resgata um pouco do passado da srie. Ela pode usar habilidades de monstros selvagens. No entanto, Quistis aprende essas habilidades atravs de itens, e no recebendo o golpe de monstros, como era normal nos episdios anteriores onde eram usadas as blue magics. Esses itens podem ser adquiridos aps matar algum monstro, pode roubar dele (comando Mug) ou refinando uma carta atravs da habilidade aprendida pelo Gf Quartzecotal. Essas so as magias que podem ser aprendidas por Quistis, e como obt-las: Laser Eye Magia inicial Ultra Waves Item: Spider Web Derrotando/Mug: Caterchipillar Card: Caterchipillar Electrocute Item: Coral Fragment Derrotando/Mug: Blitz, Creeps, Cockatrice Card: Creeps LV?Death Item: Curse Spike Derrotando/Mug: Forbidden, Imp, Malboro, Tri-Face Card: Tri-Face

Degenerator Item: Black Hole Derrotando/Mug: Gesper, Wendigo Card: Diablos, Gesper Aqua Breath Item: Water Crystal Derrotando/Mug: Chimera, Fastitocalon-F, Fastitocalon, Grand Mantis Card: Fastitocalon-F, Fastitocalon Micro Missile Item: Missile Derrotando/Mug: Death Claw, GIM52A Acid Item: Mystery Fluid Derrotando/Mug: Gayla Card: Gayla Gatling Gun Item: Running Fire (Fang Machine Gun) Derrotando/Mug: Iron Giant, SAM08G Card: SAM08G Fire Breath Item: Inferno Fang Derrotando/Mug: Hexadragon, Ruby Dragon Card: Ruby Dragon Bad Breath Item: Malboro Tentacle Derrotando/Mug: Malboro Card: Malboro White Wind Item: Whisper (Wind Whisper Derrotando/Mug: Adamantoise Homing Laser Item: Laser Cannon Derrotando/Mug: Belhelmel, Elastoid, Mobile Type 8 BIS Mighty Guard Item: Barrier Derrotando/Mug: Behemoth Card: Behemoth Ray-Bomb Item: Power Generator Mug (raro): Blitz Pode ser achado em Lunatic Pandora Shockwave Pulsar Item: Dark Matter Refine: 100 Curse Spike (somente quando G.F Siren estiver no level 100)


: BEST MAGIC JUNCTION GUIDE: The chart below features the list of spells and the statistics boosting effect when used on the statistics junction - HP-J, Str-J, Vit-J, Magic-J, Spr-J, Spd-J, Eva-J, Hit-J and Luck-J. For elemental and status junctions, you can refer to our Junction Guide for more information. The spells are arranged in alphabetical order. Spell Statistics Name of spell essential for boss fights Best statistic boost - considering other spells junction.

Name Aero Apocalypse' Aura Berserk Bio Blind

HP 300 4200 3400 300 700 100

Str 17 80 70 13 24 6

Vit 10 80 22 8 15 5

Mag 16 80 24 14 24 12

Spr 10 90 24 8 15 10

Spd 20 30 10 5 5 3

Eva 8 12 2 2 2 2

Hit 22 30 50 4 4 30

Luck 25 30 40 3 4 2

Blizzard Blizzara Break Cure Cura Curaga Confuse Death Demi Dispel Double Drain Esuna Fire Fira Firaga Flare Float Full-Life Haste Holy Life Meltdown Meteor Pain Protect Quake Reflect Regen Scan Shell Sleep Slow Stop Thunder Thundara

100 200 1000 200 500 2200 700 1800 1600 1000 200 400 500 100 200 1400 3200 200 4800 500 3800 1200 1500 4600 2800 400 2600 2000 2600 100 400 100 500 800 100 200

10 15 20 4 8 20 22 22 34 12 15 13 6 10 15 30 56 8 20 12 55 8 24 75 42 6 40 14 18 5 6 6 12 18 10 15

4 8 20 15 28 65 18 22 18 36 6 30 36 4 8 16 26 15 80 16 28 50 80 34 36 40 20 46 70 5 18 5 16 20 4 8

10 15 34 4 8 20 28 38 36 16 18 20 12 10 15 30 44 8 20 20 45 10 20 52 60 10 40 20 18 5 10 8 20 30 10 15

4 8 35 15 28 65 18 58 18 60 6 24 36 4 8 16 26 15 85 20 48 50 20 34 45 18 20 72 60 5 40 10 20 24 4 8

8 12 10 3 4 10 18 10 12 8 10 6 3 8 12 14 12 16 8 50 10 4 3 30 4 3 7 10 8 3 3 4 40 48 8 12

3 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 2 2 12 2 2 3 4 4 2 2 4 8 10 3 4

10 16 10 2 3 10 8 10 14 8 40 5 3 10 16 20 26 12 8 10 24 3 12 40 4 3 30 8 12 3 3 3 10 20 10 16

8 12 12 2 3 10 8 38 10 14 2 4 10 8 12 14 12 20 20 10 14 4 8 22 40 14 12 16 8 3 14 2 10 10 8 12

Thundaga Triple Tornado Ultima Water Zombie

1400 2400 3000 6000 300 800

30 70 48 100 20 15

16 10 24 82 14 24

30 70 42 100 18 15

16 10 24 95 14 12

14 70 33 60 12 2

4 16 13 24 4 1

20 150 38 60 18 2

14 30 14 64 13 2

' Cannot be gotten before the final battle of Final Fantasy VIII - Use a Gameshark. Obtain the Magic List: Below is a table that features the best spell for the junction and a short tip on how to get it. If you observe carefully, most of the spells can be draw from BOSS fights. Aura can only be drawn from the final boss fight of Disc 3... Spell HP Str Full-Life Ultima Abilities L Mag-RF Refinement 1) Regen Ring to 20x Full-Life 2) Phoenix Spirit to 100x Full-Life 5x Pulse Ammo to Ultima Ultima Stone to Ultima Energy Crystal to 3x Ultima Dark Matter to 100x Ultima Other Methods Draw from Draw Points found at Island closest to Hell/Heaven Draw from Draw Points found at Island closest to Hell / Heaven

Forbid Mag-RF 1) 2) 3) 4)


Meltdown Supt Mag-RF

Mystery Fluid to 10x Meltdown

Trabia - Bika Snowfields Island closest to Hell Draw from Draw Points found at Island closest to Hell / Heaven.

Mag Meteor

Forbid Mag-RF 1) Meteor Stone to Meteor 2) Star Fragment to 5x Meteor



L Mag-RF

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Wizard Stone to 5x Curaga Whisper to 50x Curaga Healing Mail to 20x Curaga Healing Ring to 100x Curaga Tent to 10x Curaga Cottage to 20x Curaga

Hi- Mag-RF Spd Triple Hi-Mag-RF Time Mag-RF

1) 5x Cura to Curaga 1) 10x Double to 1x Triple 1) Rocket Engine to 30x Triple 2) Samantha Soul to 30x Triple 3) Three Stars to 100x Triple

Caterchipillar Balamb - Accauld Plains Mesmerize Trabia - Bika Snowfields Draw from Grendel. Refine Double to Triple using HiMag-RF. Draw from Draw Points found at Island closest to Hell/ heaven Thrustaveis Great Plains of Galbadia Grendel Island closest to Hell Blue Dragon Trabia - Winter Island Mug the enemy for Fury Fragmenet and refine it via Supt Mag-RF. Draw from Draw Points found at Island closest to Hell / Heaven.



Hi Mag-RF T Mag-RF

10x Aero to Tornado Windmill to 10x Tornado Dragon Fin to 20x Double Fury Fragment to 5x Aura



Time Mag-RF Supt Mag-RF

Luck Aura




Origin of the Concept Arranging GFs among characters is really tough. I was always stunned when a friend asks me about this. As there are a lot more people asking me about this, I decide to do something about it and that is to conduct a research. From my research, I have come up the chart below:It features list of Junction Abilities for a GF by default upon mastering all abilities. This means that the GFs are not being customized yet.


HP-J Str-J Vit-J Mag-J Spr-J Spd-J Hit-J Luck-J Eva-J Ability No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No 2 2 Yes Yes Yes (2) No Yes (2) No No No












Yes (2) No














Yes (2)











Yes (2) No



























Yes (2)











Yes (2) No












Yes (2) No














Yes (4)











Yes (4) No












Yes (4) Yes

Yes (4)





















































Before I continue with my ideal setup, I proceed to give a breakdown on what chart explains... Ability Slots Abilities slots refer the number of available slots that a characters can equip upon junction the GF. If you junction Quezacotl and Shiva to one character, you will find number of abilities available is still 2. If you junction a GF with Ability x3 such as Cerberus to the list, the character will have 3 ability slots. There are cumulative effect of ability slots as a character can equip between 2 to 4 abilities. GF Bahamut, Eden, Cactuar and Tonberry can only be recruit after sometime late in the game. Thus you can only utilize the remaining 12 GFs. 12 GFs can be divided evenly about 3 characters and that means you can have 4 GFs per character. Please take note about this guide. You just need to setup the GFs with 3 characters. Always bring your GF into battles along with your character by junction. GF need to gains experience and AP to in order to learn abilities. Some of the abilities seems to be unlocked upon the GF reaching a certain level. It is impossible to give every character a single set of GFs. 16 GFs is not sufficient to delegate among 6 characters... Disc 1 [1] Shiva, Carbuncle [2] Ifrit, Diablos [3] Quezacotl, Siren, Brothers Disc 2 [1] Shiva, Carbuncle, Pandemona, Alexander [2] Ifrit, Diablos, Leviathan, Cerberus [3] Quezacotl, Siren, Brothers Disc 3 onwards [1] Shiva, Carbuncle, Pandemona, Alexander [2] Ifrit, Diablos, Leviathan, Cerberus [3] Quezacotl, Siren, Brothers, Doomtrain All GFs gotten [1] Shiva, Carbuncle, Pandemona, Alexander, Tonberry, Cactuar [2] Ifrit, Diablos, Leviathan, Cerberus, Bahamut [3] Quezacotl, Siren, Brothers, Doomtrain, Eden




Importance of GF GF has been extremely important compared to the previous Final Fantasy. GF has the backbone of the Junction System and you need them to have abilities equipped on the character. When junction a GF to a character, the character is not be able to summon the GF, but he/she is also able to equip the abilities found in the GF. Customize A GF - Use of Amnesia Greens. By default, the abilities are not evenly spread out and you will find replicas. For example, Elem-Def-J will be useless when you gotten its perquisite Elem-Def-J x2. The GF need to master Elem-Def-J before it can learn Elem-Def-J x2. Therefore it is logical to customize a GF after it has acquired all its 22 default abilities. For the list of abilities, you can refer to our GF profiles for more details. Once a GF has fully mastered its default set of abilties, it is time to customize them and utilize the 22 slots. As a GF can only hold up to the maximum of 22 abilities, you can remove the ability with an Amnesia Greens, that can bought from the Esthar or Timber Pet Shop. Once an existing ability has been removed, you can replace it by using a GF ability item on the GF to allow it to learn. When an item is used on a GF, the GF will fully acquired but cannot progress better abilities from the ability unless there are additional slots. These ability items can be obtained from defeating/mugging bosses. You can

get these item easily by refining your rare cards or play the Choco World mini-game. You can also obtain them via GF Eden's refinement ability - GF Abl Med-RF. WARNING ON AMNESIA GREENS Once an ability is removed by using an Amnesia Greens, the ability cannot be retrieved or the process cannot be reversed. If a perquisite ability has not been mastered, you will also lose its subsequent ability. For example:If GF has not yet acquired the ability, the advanced ability will be also be lost! If you remove an unmastered SumMag +20% from GF Quezacotl, GF Quezacotl will lose the SumMag +20% along with the SumMag +30%! So use this items only after you have fully mastered the ability set for the GF! Below are some handy tips on customizing GFs 1) Do not remove menu abilities! They cannot be recovered elsewhere! 2) Watch for "perquisite abilities"! Some GFs need to acquire a certain ability or condition before they will learn the ability. Most of the time, once you recruited a GF, you will find a GF has a couple of empty slot. You need to have these additional slots in order to acquired those uncovered abilities. So do not use any GF items on GFs other than GF Medicine such as G-Returners, G Potions, etc. Do not use GF Ability Items. For example, GF Alexander will not have Med LV Up at time you have gotten it via [Draw] on BOSS Edea on Disc 2. You will need to master its Med Data [200 AP] before you will find Med LV Up ability available for learning. 3) Pay attention to GFs with Str Bonus and Vit Bonus! So that you can make use of "Bonus effect". Str Bonus allows your characters to get a +1 for Str when the equipped character levels up. The best place for training is Island closest to Hell and Heaven, however they are extremely tough...

Some Useful tips...

What abilities to remove and what to keep... 1) Remove redundant Item, Draw, GF and Magic Commands If you are observant enough [Item], [Draw], [Magic] and [GF] abilities are available for all GFs. In other words, if you equip 4 GFs to a character, you will have 12 extra slots for other abilities. 2) Do not drop GF Abilities GFs that carries an elemental in their offense, are mostly like to have Boost and a couple of menu abilities. Do not remove Boost or SumMag+10% to 40%, as doing this will weaken the GF's summoned attack. Besides, you cannot have two or more SumMag +30% for a GF. Removal of GF HP +10%~40% will also weaken the GF in terms of lowering HP. However, it is okay to add GF HP +40% or Sum Mag +40% for GFs. In short, do NOT remove GF abilities. 3) Remove Elem-Def-J and ST-Def-J if GF has Elem-Def-J x2 or ST-Def-J x2 Remove Elem-Def-J/ST-Def-J as they will be covered by Elem-Def-J x2 or ST-Def-J x2 respectively. Best still get at least 3 GFs with Elem-Def-J x4 and ST-Def-J x4. 4) Have 3 GFs with Ability x4 These GFs must be placed on the different characters. This is to utilize the number of character and Party Abilities. I would normally add a Str +60% (Learnt from Power Wrist), Vit +60% (Learnt from Adamantine), Auto-Haste (Learnt from Accelerator) and any extra ability for support. Initative or AutoProtect are good abilities for equipping too. 5) Arrange all GF among 3 members with all junction abilities covered Arrange your GFs in a way that you will have maximum number of Junctions available. Every character MUST have HP-J, Mag-J Str-J, Vit-J, Spd-J, Spr-J, Elem-Def-J x4, ST-Def-J x4, ST-Atk-J, and Elem-Atk-J to be effective. Normally, I will not junction any magic to Elem-Atk-J unless the enemy has some elemental weakness. 4) Do not remove Menu Abilities Do not remove any of the Menu Abilities as you cannot learn them elsewhere in the game.

Character Power Up Guide

Author: Scott Ong Original Concept: Aya Brea The idea of retaining low levels prior getting GF Cactuar is to utilize the "bonus effect" of statistics bonus abilities such as Str Bonus, Vit Bonus, Mag Bonus and Spr Bonus. This concept is originally originated from Aya Brea, a FAQ writer for GameFAQs. As soon as you have gotten GF Cactuar, it is time to start to do some power-up. Get Ability x4/x3 for that character. Equip him with Str Bonus, Vit Bonus and Spr Bonus for the effect. If Squall is at level 20+ - choose to train at Trabia Area, equipped them with 100x Firaga for Elem-Atk-J and 100x Blizzarga for Elem-Atk-J If Squall is at level 50+ - choose Island closest to Hell/ Heaven. Junction 100x Ultima to Str-J, 100x Curaga to Spr-J, 100x Full-Life to HP-J and 100x Meteor to Vit-J. If you have Spd-J, junction 100x Triple to it. Using these spells will give Squall the best effect of the Junction. Equip Vit +20~60% and have a lot of Aura spells. Aura spells can be easily obtained via refining Fury Fragments mug from Blue Dragons. Use Limit Breaks such as Renzoukuken [Squall], Duel (interchange between Booya and Punch Rush) [Zell] along with Degenerator [Quistis]. I would recommend you give Squall Str Bonus from Ifrit and equip GF Cactuar on Zell/Quistis, which ever character you preferred. Leave Rinoa/Selphie/Irvine in the bay for future training... Although this power-up process takes up a lot of time, the result will be rocking unstoppable party!

Attack: Thunder Storm (thunder elemental damage against all enemies) Boost: Yes BACKGROUND The greek mythical bird can charges up lightning bolts that could easily electrocutes its surrounding. Quezacotl has replaced the god of Thunder Ramuh in this installment of Final Fantasy. Boost Compatibility: Dynamo Stone [+3],

LuvLuv G [+20]

OBTAIN You can obtain this GF from accessing the Balamb Garden Network in Disc 1- Tutorial Menu before Squall heads for the Fire Carven to do his field test. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Quezacotl starts off the game with 5 abilities learnt. Ability 1 Magic 2 Draw 3 Item 4 GF 5 Card 6 Vit-J Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 40 AP 50 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

7 Mag-J 8 Elem-Atk-J 9 Elem-Def-J 10 Elem-Def-J x2 11 HP-J 12 SumMag +10% 13 SumMag +20% 14 SumMag +30% 15 Boost 16 GF HP +10% 17 GF HP +20% 18 Mag +20% 19 Mag +40% 20 T Mag-RF 21 Mid Mag-RF 22 Card Mod-RF

Complete! 160 AP 100 AP 130 AP 50 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 10 AP 40 AP 70 AP 60 AP 120 AP 30 AP 60 AP 80 AP

n/a All Junction Abilities All Junction Abilities Elem-Def-J n/a n/a SumMag +10% SumMag +20% n/a n/a GF HP+10% n/a Mag +20% n/a T Mag-RF Card Command



To improve the character's compatibility with GF Quezacotl, you can either summon it frequently or use Dynamo Stone to boost the compatibility. Dynamo Stone can be obtained by defeating Blitz encountered in Centra - Lenown Plains. There is also a slight likehood of getting this item from Cockatrice.



Getting It: Defeat Mayor Dobe of FH in a card game. You can start playing cards with only after FH has been saved from the "crisis". Card Elemental: Thunder North 2 Card Mod-RF West 4 East 9 : 100x South 9 Dynamo Stone

Attack: Diamond Dust (ice elemental damage against all enemies) Boost: Yes BACKGROUND The ice queen of Final Fantasy makes it way to this installment of Final Fantasy with more elegance and style. Charging all her energy to her freezing palms, Shiva charges a barrage of icicles towards her targets.

Boost Compatibility: North Wind [+3], Artic Wind [+3],

LuvLuv G [+20]

OBTAIN You can obtain this GF from accessing the Balamb Garden Network in Disc 1- Tutorial Menu before Squall heads for the Fire Carven to do his field test. You will get this GF along with Quezacotl. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Shiva starts off the game with 5 abilities learnt. Ability 1 Magic 2 Draw 3 Item 4 GF 5 Doom 6 Vit-J 7 Spr-J 8 Elem-Atk-J 9 Elem-Def-J 10 Elem-Def-J x2 11 Str-J 12 SumMag +10% 13 SumMag +20% 14 SumMag +30% 15 Boost 16 GF HP +10% 17 GF HP +20% 18 Vit +20% 19 Vit +40% 20 Spr +20% 21 Spr +40% 22 I Mag-RF Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 60 AP 50 AP Complete! 160 AP 100 AP 130 AP 50 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 10 AP 40 AP 70 AP 60 AP 120 AP 60 AP 120 AP 30 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a All junction abilities All junction abilities Elem-Def-J n/a n/a SumMag +10% SumMag +20% n/a n/a GF HP+10% n/a Vit +20% n/a Spr +20% n/a



To improve the character's compatibility with GF Shiva, you can either summon it frequently or use North Wind to boost the compatibility. North Wind can be obtained by defeating Snow Lions found in Trabia - Bika Snowfields or the Winter Island where you find Shumi Village.



Artic Wind is another compatibility item for GF Shiva. This item can be obtained by defeating Glacial Eye, which is found at Balamb - Accauld Plains. You need to move Squall close to the mountains to have a random battle in order to face it.



Getting It: Exchange the Girl Next Door with Zone at the White SeeD Ship in Disc 3. The Girl Next Door can be found at Timber Maniac's building - the receptionist area. Card Elemental: Ice North 6 Card Mod-RF West 9 East 7 : 100x North Wind South 4

Attack: Hell Fire (fire elemental damage against all enemies) Boost: Yes BACKGROUND The beast of Fire has make its comback with a huge barrage of fire balls. Isolated in the Fire Cavern where the ground are surrounded with molten lava. Ifrit fends off its enemies with a huge fire ball that causes heat and burns on its opponents. Boost Compatibility: Bomb Fragment [+1], OBTAIN To get this GF, you need to defeat it at the Fire Cavern as part of Squall's field test in Disc 1. In other words, you will definitely not miss this one. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Ifrit starts off the game with 5 abilities learnt. Ability 1 Magic 2 Draw 3 Item 4 GF 5 Mad Rush 6 HP-J 7 Str-J 8 Elem-Atk-J 9 Elem-Def-J Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 60 AP 50 AP Complete! 160 AP 100 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a All junction abilities All junction abilities

Red Fang [+3]

LuvLuv G [+20]

10 Elem-Def-J x2 11 SumMag +10% 12 SumMag +20% 13 SumMag +30% 14 Boost 15 GF HP +10% 16 GF HP +20% 17 GF HP +30% 18 Str +20% 19 Str +40% 20 Str Bonus 21 F Mag-RF 22 Ammo-RF

130 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 10 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 60 AP 120 AP 100 AP 30 AP 60 AP

Elem-Def-J n/a SumMag +10% SumMag +20% n/a n/a GF HP+10% GF HP+20% n/a Str +20% Str +40% n/a F Mag-RF



To improve the character's compatibility with GF Ifrit, you can either summon it frequently or use Red Fang/ Bomb Fragment to boost the compatibility. Red Fang can be obtained by defeating Hexadragon found at Great Plains of Esther (before you have gotten Ragnarok) or the Island closest to Hell.



Bom Fragment is another item that boosts compatibility with GF Ifrit. You can win them by defeating Bomb encounter in the Fire Cavern. Other encounters, like the one in Centra continent, will bring more rarer item such as Bomb Spirit.



Getting It: Defeat GF Ifrit in the Fire Cavern of Disc 1. Card Elemental: Fire North 9 Card Mod-RF West 8 : 3x East 6 Elem Atk South 2

Attack: Silent Voice (non-elemental damage against all enemies + Boost: Yes BACKGROUND Siren's voice can causes its target audience to speechless and refrains them from using magic. With its magical harp, Siren plays a song whose sound ]

waves causes enemy to fumble into its music. Boost Compatibility: Silence Powder [+3],

LuvLuv G [+20]

OBTAIN GF Siren can be obtained via [Draw] from boss Elvoret during the SeeD examinations at the communication towers in Disc 2. You can also draw it from Tri-Point found in the wine cellar of the final dungeon in Disc 4. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Siren starts off the game with 4 abilities learnt. Ability 1 Magic 2 Draw 3 Item 4 GF 5 Treatment 6 Mag-J 7 ST-Atk-J 8 ST-Def-J 9 ST-Def-J x2 10 SumMag +10% 11 SumMag +20% 12 SumMag +30% 13 Boost 14 GF HP +10% 15 GF HP +20% 16 Mag +20% 17 Mag +40% 18 Mag Bonus 19 L Mag-RF 20 Tool-RF 21 ST-Med-RF 22 Move-Find Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 100 AP 50 AP 160 AP 100 AP 130 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 10 AP 40 AP 70 AP 60 AP 120 AP 100 AP 30 AP 30 AP 30 AP 40 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a All junction abilities All junction abilities ST-Def-J n/a SumMag +10% SumMag +20% n/a n/a GF HP+10% n/a Mag +20% Mag +40% n/a n/a n/a n/a



To improve the character's compatibility with GF Siren, you can either summon it frequently or use Silence Powder to boost the compatibility. Silence Powder can be obtained by defeating Grat found at Balamb Garden Training Center. You can also get Silence Powder by defeating Fungaur found at Dollet Hasberry Plains or Timber - Vaunly Canyon. SIREN'S CARD

Getting It: Revisit Dollet Town while at Galbadia Continent. Defeat the man, who is found in the second floor of a pub in the card game . Squall will be brought to the Card Master's secret room. Defeat the Card Master in a card game for the card. Card Elemental: N/A North 8 Card Mod-RF West 2 : 3x East 9 Status Atk South 3

Attack: Brotherly Love [earth-elemental damage against all enemies] Boost: Yes BACKGROUND GF Brother comprises of two GFs - Minotaur and Sacred. They resides in the Tomb of Unknown King as they wants to avoid people. They could be healed when their feet are on gone based the earthly power. When combined forces, the Brothers are almost invinicble against grounded enemies. Boost Compatibility: Dino Bone [+3], LuvLuv G [+20] OBTAIN You need to defeat them in the Tomb of Unknown King. For the location of the tomb, you can refer to our World Map section. Before you can fight them, you need solves the problems in fixing the bridge that leads to their hideout, which is located in the center of the Tomb. Defeat Sacred in the east wing and activate the water gate. Enter their hideout to defeat them. You can find more information by clicking here. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Brothers starts off the game with 5 abilities learnt. Ability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Magic Draw Item GF Defend HP-J Str-J Spr-J Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 100 AP 50 AP 50 AP 50 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


160 AP 100 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 10 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 100 AP 60 AP 120 AP 240 AP 100 AP

All junction abilities All junction abilities n/a GF HP +10% GF HP +20% n/a n/a SumMag +10% SumMag +20% HP +80% n/a HP +20% HP +40% n/a

10 Elem-Def-J 11 GF HP +10% 12 GF HP +20% 13 GF HP +30% 14 Boost 15 SumMag +10% 16 SumMag +20% 17 SumMag +30% 18 HP Bonus 19 HP +20% 20 HP +40% 21 HP +80% 22 Cover



To improve the character's compatibility with GF Brothers, you can either summon it frequently or use Dino Bone to boost the compatibility. Dino Bone Thorn can by obtained by defeating T-Rexaur, which can found at B-Garden Training Center or forests in Balamb area.



Getting It: Win it from the battle against GF Brothers Card Elemental: Earth North 5 Card Mod-RF West 9 : 100 East 1 Dine Bone South 9



Getting It: The ghost of the Tomb of Unknown King gives to Squall upon the defeat of GF Brothers Card Elemental: Earth North 9 Card Mod-RF West 9 :5 East 5 Adamantine South 2

Attack: Dark Messenger [Cast Demi (reduces current HP to 3/4) on all enemies] Boost: No BACKGROUND

Diablos is put into sleep under a spell found within the Magical Lamp. Once it activates, it will bring the messenger of darkness awake thus fighting the opposition. Diablos is a dark devil who has the ability to summon a huge Graviball that damages opponents with its gravitional potential force. Boost Compatibility: Steel Orb [+3], LuvLuv G [+20] OBTAIN You need to defeat it when you have used the Magical Lamp via the Item Menu. If you sell away the Magical Lamp, you can only retrieve if you have a Pocketstation, a Playstation peripheral that allows you to play Choco World. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Diablos starts off the game with 6 abilities learnt. Ability 1 Magic 2 Draw 3 Item 4 GF 5 Darkside 6 Mag-J 7 HP-J 8 Hit-J 9 Ability x3 10 GF HP +10% 11 GF HP +20% 12 GF HP +30% 13 Mag +20% 14 Mag +40% 15 HP +20% 16 HP +40% 17 HP +80% 18 Mug 19 Time Mag-RF 20 ST-Mag-RF 21 Enc-Half 22 Enc-None Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 100 AP Complete! 50 AP 120 AP Complete! 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 60 AP 120 AP 60 AP 120 AP 240 AP 200 AP 30 AP 30 AP 30 AP 100 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a GF HP+10% GF HP +20% n/a Mag +20% n/a HP +20% HP +40% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a



To improve the character's compatibility with GF Diablos, you can either summon it frequently or use Steel Orb to boost the compatibility. Steel Orbs can be won by defeating Wendigo found at the deserts outside Deling City. You can also win it from defeating the GIM-47N found in D-District Prison.

D I A B L O S'


Getting It: Defeat GF Diablos in order to get this card. Card Elemental: N/A North 5 Card Mod-RF West 3 : 100 East A Black Hole South 8

Attack: Ruby Light [Casts Reflect on all allies] Boost: No BACKGROUND Carbuncle has a red jewel on its forehead, which causes magic to be reflected. When the ruby jewel shines, Carbuncle casts Relfect onto all characters. Resembles a rabbit, the Carbuncle founds it hole in a barrow which leads to a hidden dimenison. Boost Compatibility: Dragon Skin [+3],

LuvLuv G [+20]

OBTAIN Carbuncle can be drawn from Iguions - statues that are brought alive by the Sorceress in Disc 1. If you miss to draw it in Disc 1, you can also regain this GF by drawing from Krysta, which is located in the balcony of the final dungeon in Disc 4.

ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Carbuncle starts off the game with 6 abilities learnt. Ability 1 Magic 2 Draw 3 Item 4 GF 5 Vit-J 6 HP-J 7 Mag-J Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 50 AP 50 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

8 Ability x3 9 ST-Atk-J 10 ST-Def-J 11 ST-Def-J x2 12 GF HP +10% 13 GF HP +20% 14 GF HP +30% 15 HP +20% 16 HP +40% 17 Vit +20% 18 Vit +40% 19 Vit Bonus 20 Counter 21 Auto-Reflect 22 Recov Med-RF

Complete! 160 AP 100 AP 130 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 60 AP 120 AP 60 AP 120 AP 100 AP 200 AP 150 AP 30 AP

n/a all junction abilities all junction abilities ST-Def-J n/a GF HP +10% GF HP +20% n/a HP +20% n/a Vit +20% Vit +40% n/a n/a n/a



To improve the character's compatibility with GF Carbuncle, you can either summon it frequently or use Dragon Skin to boost the compatibility. Dragon Skin is an item that will only be drop when the Grendels are LV 40 and above. At the Island closest to Hell, you will encounter two of them. Defeat both without using Mug on any of them.



Getting It: Defeat the Heart (Xu) of CC Group at the bridge upon Balamb becomes a mobile ship. Card Elemental: N/A North 8 Card Mod-RF West 4 :3 East 4 Glow Curtain South A

Attack: Tsunami (water elemental damage against all enemies) Boost: Yes BACKGROUND The water snake swims in huge tidal waves and has the ability to call upon a waterfall that floods its enemies with the tidal wave, eventually breaking bodies with the force. Boost Compatibility: Fish Fin [+2], LuvLuv G [+20]

OBTAIN You need to use Draw on NORG found in the basement of Balamb Garden in Disc 2. The basement will only uncovered when Balamb Garden has turned into a mobile ship. You can also Draw from Trauma found in the art gallery of the final dungeon in Disc 4. You can only fight it when you have solved the password in art gallery.

ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Leviathan starts off the game with 9 abilities learnt. Ability 1 Magic 2 Draw 3 Item 4 GF 5 Recover 6 Mag-J 7 Spr-J 8 Elem-Atk-J 9 Elem-Def-J x2 10 SumMag +10% 11 SumMag +20% 12 SumMag +30% 13 Boost 14 GF HP +10% 15 GF HP +20% 16 GF HP +30% 17 Spr +20% 18 Spr +40% 19 Spr Bonus 20 Auto-Potion 21 Supt Mag-RF 22 GF Recov-RF Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 200 AP 50 AP Complete! 160 AP Complete! 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 10 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 60 AP 120 AP 100 AP 150 AP 30 AP 60 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Mag-J n/a n/a SumMag +10% SumMag +20% n/a n/a GF HP+10% GF HP+20% n/a Spr +20% Spr +40% n/a n/a n/a



To improve the character's compatibility with GF Leviathan, you can either summon it frequently or use Fish Fin to boost the compatibility. Fish Fin can be obtained easily from defeating Fastitocalon-F encountered in the shores of any continent in the world.



Getting It: Defeat CC Group Card Joker in Card Game. Card Elemental: Water North 7 Card Mod-RF West 7 : 3x East A Doc's Code South 1

Attack: Tornado Zone (wind elemental damage against all enemies) Boost: Yes BACKGROUND Pandemona or Pandemonium is a huge beast that carries a huge balloon on its back. When Pandemona inhales, the balloon stores in countless galloons of wind energy before releasing it as a gust of wind that spins enemies around in the air. Boost Compatibility: Windmill [+3], Shear Feather [+1]

LuvLuv G [+20]

OBTAIN You need to use Draw on Fujin during the second battle inside Balamb hotel in Disc 2. The battle will be fought immediately after you have defeat Raijin and two G-Soldiers at the frontyard outside the hotel.You can also choose to draw it from Red Giant found at the Prison Cell of the final dungeon in Disc 4. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Pandemona starts off the game with 5 abilities learnt. Ability Magic Draw Item GF Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 100 AP 120 AP Complete! 160 AP 100 AP 130 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 10 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 60 AP 120 AP 60 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Spd-J Spd-J Elem-Def-J n/a SumMag +10% SumMag +20% n/a n/a GF HP+10% GF HP+20% n/a Spd +20% n/a

1 2 3 4

5 Absorb 6 Spd-J 7 Str-J 8 Elem-Atk-J 9 Elem-Def-J 10 Elem-Def-J x2 11 SumMag +10% 12 SumMag +20% 13 SumMag +30% 14 Boost 15 GF HP +10% 16 GF HP +20% 17 GF HP +30% 18 Spd +20% 19 Spd +40% 20 Str +20%

21 Str +40% 22 Initiative

120 AP 160 AP

Str +20% n/a

SHEAR FEATHER To improve the character's compatibility with GF Pandemona, you can either summon it frequently or use Shear Feather to boost the compatibility. Shear Feather can be obtained via defeating Thrustaveis encountered on the green plains surrounding Deling City. WINDMILL There is another compatibility item - Windmill. This item can be obtained via defeating the Abyss Worm, which is found in Dingo Desert surrounding the D-District Prison or Esthar Khashabald Desert. You can also win Windmill from Thrustaveis by mugging it with Mug character ability equipped.

PANDEMONA'S CARD Getting It: Defeat the hotel owner of Balamb Hotel in Disc 2. He is located at the walkway in front of the hotel. Card Elemental: Wind North West East South 7 A 7 1 Card Mod-RF : 100x Windmill

Attack: Counter Rockets [Cast Triple and Double on all allies] Boost: No BACKGROUND The three headed dog from Hell has make its first appearance in Final Fantasy VIII. Following through the gates of the netherworld, Cerberus summons a beam of holy light that amplifies the character's magic casting power. Boost Compatibility: Dragon Fin [+3], LuvLuv G [+20] OBTAIN You need to defeat it in the main hall while at Galbadia Garden in Disc 2. If you miss it, you can retrieve via Draw by using the Draw command on Garguntua which will makes it appearance after you have defeated the Vysage, Lefty and Righty at Armory room of the final dungeon in Disc 4. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Cerberus starts off the game with 8 abilities learnt. Ability Magic Draw Item GF Ability x3 Hit-J Spd-J Spr-J Mag-J Str-J ST-Atk-J ST-Def-J ST-Def-J x2 ST-Def-J x4 Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 120 AP 50 AP 50 AP Complete! 160 AP 100 AP 130 AP 180 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a All junction abilities All junction abilities ST-Def-J ST-Def-J x2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

GF HP +10% GF HP +20% GF HP +30% Spd +20% Spd +40% Expend x2-1 Auto Haste

40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 60 AP 120 AP 250 AP 150 AP 200 AP

n/a GF HP +10% GF HP +20% n/a Spd +20% n/a n/a n/a

22 Awarness

DRAGON FIN To improve the character's compatibility with GF Cerberus, you can either summon it frequently or use Dragon Fin to boost the compatibility. Dragon Fin is a more common item that you can win upon defeating Grendels.

CERBERUS' CARD Getting It: You will get the card when you defeat the GF in Disc 2 Card Elemental: N/A North West East South 7 A 4 6 Card Mod-RF : 100 Lightweights

Attack: Holy Judgement (Holy-elemental damage against all enemies) Boost: Yes BACKGROUND The GF from the ancient ruins are back in this installment Final Fantasies. Alexander's Holy Judgment animation had improved a lot more compared to Final Fantasy VII. It's attack does holy-elemental damage to all enemies. Boost Compatibility: Holy Stone [+3], LuvLuv G [+20] OBTAIN GF Alexander can be obtained via [Draw] from Edea during your visit to Galbadia Garden in Disc 2. You can also draw it from Katolepas, which is located in the treasure vault of the final dungeon in Disc 4. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of prequesities [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Alexander starts off the game with 15 abilities acquired. Ability Magic Draw Item GF Revive Spr-J Ability x3 Elem-Atk-J Elem-Def-J Elem-Def-J x2 Elem-Def-J x4 SumMag +10% SumMag +20% SumMag +30% Boost Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 200 AP Complete Complete! 160 AP 100 AP 130 AP 180 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 10 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Elem-Def-J Elem-Def-J x2 n/a SumMag +10% SumMag +20% n/a

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 HOLY

GF HP +10% GF HP +20% GF HP +30% Spr +20% Med Data Hi Mag-RF Med LV Up

40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 60 AP 200 AP 120 AP 120 AP

n/a GF HP+10% GF HP+20% n/a n/a n/a Med Data

To improve the character's compatibility with GF Alexander, you can either summon it frequently or use a Moon Stone to boost the compatibility. You obtain this item by defeating Torama with Bahamut's Rare Item character ability equipped. This monster is found at Great Plains of Esthar / Esthar City right after Squall had gotten the Ragnarok. You can choose to fight a tougher enemy, Elynole where you can just mug it with the Mug ability equipped. ALEXANDER'S CARD Getting It: Defeat Piett in a card game during your visit to Lunar Base on Disc 3. Card Elemental: Holy North West East South 9 2 4 A Card Mod-RF :3 Moon Curtain


Attack: Runaway Train [Poison elemental on all enemies] + Boost: Yes BACKGROUND Doomtrain, known as Grasharaboras, is a devil train that attacks enemies with its poisonous smoke that it exhales from its chimmey. Travelling along a never-ending train tracks, Doomtrain does a variety of status ailments to all enemies while causing Poison. Boost Compatibility: Venom Fang [+3], OBTAIN This is the hardiest GF that you can obtain from playing Final Fantasy VIII. To get this GF, you must get the Solomon's Ring, which can activated upon finding 6x Steel Pipes, 6x Malboro Tentacles and 6x Remedy+. Refer to our walkthrough for information. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Doomtrain starts off the game with 8 abilities learnt. Ability 1 Magic 2 Draw 3 Item 4 GF 5 Absorb 6 Darkside Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 80 AP 100 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Poison Power [+1],

LuvLuv G [+20]

7 Elem-Atk-J 8 Elem-Def-J x4 9 ST-Def-J 10 ST-Def-J x4 11 SumMag +10% 12 SumMag +20% 13 SumMag +30% 14 SumMag +40% 15 Boost 16 GF HP +10% 17 GF HP +20% 18 GF HP +30% 19 GF HP +40% 20 Auto Shell 21 Call Junk Shop 22 Forbid Med-RF

Complete! 180 AP Complete! 180 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 200 AP 10 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 200 AP 250 AP Complete! 200 AP

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SumMag +10% SumMag +20% SumMag +20% n/a n/a GF HP +10% GF HP +20% GF HP +30% n/a n/a n/a



To improve the character's compatibility with GF Doomtrain, you can either summon it frequently or use Venom Fang / Poison Powder to boost the compatibility. Venom Fang can be won by defeating Anacondaur encounter in Dollet -Hasberry Plains.



Poison Powder is another item that boosts compatibility with GF Doomtrain. You can win them by defeating Imp that can be encounter in Esthar area after you have gotten the Ragnarok. Imp are very strong magic users. So remember to take note of it.



Getting It: Obtain via the Card Queen's Card Quest. Card Elemental: Poison North 3 Card Mod-RF West A : 3x East 1 Status Guard South A

Attack: Mega Flare (Non-elemental damage against all enemies) Boost: Yes BACKGROUND

The legendary GF Bahamut is a flying dragons that could shoot beams as its key arsenal. The Bahamut is also known as the King of GFs for its destructive power. It posses the greatest abilities and can wipe out enemies in minutes. Boost Compatibility: Shaman Stone [+3],

LuvLuv G [+20]

OBTAIN You need to defeat it at the Deep Sea Research Center. Pilot the Ragnarok airship & landed the airship on the helipad. Upon entering the isolated building, Squall find a glowing light tower in the middle. Just move while the light from the tower is off. Once Squall reached the tower and contacts it, pick the first option for the prompt and your party will be forced to battle the Ruby Dragon. Next you will be given another problem, pick the 2nd option. Your party will be forced to fight another Ruby Dragon, this time with a Back Attack status. Once you are back at selecting an answer for prompt, pick the 3rd (bottom most) option which is hidden. Defeat GF Bahamut. You can refer to this quest for more details. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of prequesities [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Bahamut starts off the game with 7 abilities learnt. Ability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Magic Draw Item GF Ability x4 SumMag +10% SumMag +20% SumMag +30% SumMag +40% Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 200 AP 10 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 200 AP Complete! Complete! 200 AP 250 AP 200 AP 250 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SumMag +10% SumMag +20% SumMag +30% n/a n/a GF HP +10% GF HP +20% GF HP +30% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

10 Boost 11 GF HP +10% 12 GF HP +20% 13 GF HP +30% 14 GF HP +40% 15 Str +60% 16 Mag +60% 17 Mug 18 Auto-Protect 19 Move HP-Up 20 Expend x2-1

21 Forbid Mag-RF 22 Rare Item

200 AP 250 AP

n/a n/a



To improve the character's compatibility with GF Bahamut, you can either summon it frequently or use Shaman Stone to boost the compatibility. To get a Shaman Stone, you need to get at least 100x Curse Spikes, which can obtained by defeating Tri-Face. Using Tool-RF, refine them into a Dark Matter. Refine the Dark Matter using the same refinement menu (RF) to Shaman Stone. BAHAMUT'S CARD

Getting It: Defeat GF Bahamut in Deep Sea Research Center. Card Elemental: N/A North A Card Mod-RF West 6 : 100 East 8 Megalixir South 2

Attack: 1,000 Needles [non-elemental damage against all enemies] - multiplier effect Boost: No BACKGROUND GF Cactuar is an unique GF. Cactuar uses its thorns as a basis of attack. GF Cactuar is actually the Jumbo Cactuar that resides on the Cactuar Island. Boost Compatibility: Cactus Thorn [+3],

LuvLuv G [+20]

OBTAIN You need to defeat it at the Cactuar Island in Disc 3. Pilot the Ragnarok airship & landed the airship on the island. Once the island, move Squall around the Cactuar Island. You will find a green Cactuar icon occasionally on the map. Refer to our side quests section for more details. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Cactuar starts off the game with 9 abilities learnt. Ability Magic Draw Item GF Kamikaze Defend Eva-J Luck-J GF HP +10% GF HP +20% GF HP +30% Auto Potion Eva +30% Luck +50% Initiative Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 100 AP 100 AP 200 AP 200 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 150 AP 200 AP 200 AP 160 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a GF HP +10% GF HP +20% n/a n/a n/a n/a

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Move HP-Up Expend x2-1 HP Bonus Str Bonus Vit Bonus Mag Bonus Spr Bonus

200 AP 250 AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete!

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

CACTUS THORN To improve the character's compatibility with GF Cactuar, you can either summon it frequently or use Cactus Thorn to boost the compatibility. Cactus Thorn can by obtained by defeating Cactuar, which can found at Cactuar Island found southwest of the Khashabald Desert.

JUMBO CACTUAR'S CARD Getting It: Defeat a card player such as Dr. Kadowaki or CC Card Group. Card Elemental: N/A North West East 8 4 8 Card Mod-RF :1 Cactus Thorn

South 4

Attack: Chef Knife (non-elemental damage against all enemies) Boost: Yes BACKGROUND The housekeeper of dead people carries a lantern and a short knife. Although it moves slowly, its eerie-glowing lantern can cause tremedous damage to all enemies. Its short knife has a curse spell which can kill an enemy instantly. It will do more damage as it is based on the number of enemies that Squall and his party have killed. Boost Compatibility: Chef Knife [+3], LuvLuv G [+20] OBTAIN Visit the Centra and get GF Odin first. Enter the main compound and have Squall and his party kill off 20 Tonberry. You can save your game at intervals. Upon defeating the 20th Tonberry, the 21st Tonberry or King Tonberry will make its appearance. Defeat it to get this GF. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Tonberry starts off the game with 4 abilities learnt. Ability Magic Draw Item GF LV Up LV Down Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 10 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP Complete! Complete! Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SumMag +10% SumMag +20% n/a n/a GF HP +10% GF HP +20% n/a n/a

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 SumMag +10% 8 SumMag +20% 9 SumMag +30% 10 Boost 11 GF HP +10% 12 GF HP +20% 13 GF HP +30% 14 Eva +30% 15 Luck +50%

16 Initiative 17 Auto Potion 18 Move HP-Up 19 Haggle 20 Discount 21 Call Shop 22 Familiar CHEF

160 AP 150 AP 200 AP 200 AP 150 AP 150 AP 150 AP

n/a n/a n/a Discount n/a Discount n/a

KNIFE To improve the character's compatibility with GF Siren, you can either summon it frequently or use Silence Powder to boost the compatibility. Chef Knife can be obtained by defeating or using mug on Tonberry that is encountered in the main compound of Centra Ruins.

TONBERRY KING'S CARD Getting It: Defeat a card player such as the CC Group or Dr. Kadowaki. Card Elemental: N/A North West East 4 4 6 Card Mod-RF : 1x Chef Knife

South 7

Attack: Eternal Breath - Non-elemental damage against all enemies Boost: Yes BACKGROUND Eden is the last legitimate GF of Final Fantasy VIII. Possesing the most destrutive power and the ability to connect to Solar System for its energy to blast off its enemies with a huge beam of energy. Eden is the first GF that is able to does damage over 9999 HP. Boost Compatibility: LuvLuv G [+20] OBTAIN To get GF Eden, you need to go an uphill task of collecting all the 15 GFs befroe you can initates a shot to get it. You can draw it from the boss - Ultimate Weapon located in the ruins of Deep Sea Deposit from Disc 3 onwards (after you have gotten the Ragnarok) or draw it from the Tiamat found at the Clock Tower in Disc 4. ABILITIES Learning abilities is one of the toughest concept in Final Fantasy VIII. You need to understand the concept of perquisite [or criteria]. All GFs have a total of 22 abilities each. GF Eden starts off the game with 9 abilities learnt. Ability Magic Draw Item GF Mad Rush Type AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 60 AP 100 AP Complete! Complete! Complete! Complete! 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 200 AP Perquisite n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SumMag +10% SumMag +20% SumMag +20%

1 2 3 4 5

6 Darkside 7 Devour 8 Spd-J 9 Eva-J 10 Hit-J 11 SumMag +10% 12 SumMag +20% 13 SumMag +30% 14 SumMag +40%

15 Boost 16 GF HP +10% 17 GF HP +20% 18 GF HP +30% 19 GF HP +40% 20 Luck +50% 21 Expend x3-1 22 GF Abl Med-RF

10 AP 40 AP 70 AP 140 AP 200 AP Complete! 250 AP 30 AP

n/a n/a GF HP +10% GF HP +20% GF HP +30% n/a n/a n/a

EDEN'S CARD Getting It: Defeat Ultimate Weapon at Deep Sea Deposit from Disc 3 onwards. You have the Ragnarok airship along with all 15 previous GF in order to fight Ultimate Weapon Card Elemental: N/A North West East South 4 A 4 9 Card Mod-RF : 3x Monk's Code

Safe Select of Selphie Slots The tricks require Selphie to be the current party. Enter a random battle. The trick involves the opening of Playstation lid, which may be a bit risky. 1) Have a character with 100x Sleep/Blind junction to . Attack the enemy. 2) Next you need to get Selphie to Limit Break. To do this, cast Aura/ use Aura Stone on her. 3) Tap to switch turns, have the next member cast a magic. Have Selphie to execute her Limit Break. 4) Just before the other member cast a spell, open the Playstation lid immediately! 5) The character, whom is casting the spell, freezes in her/his casting pose. 6) Select the spells from Selphie at the mean time with the "Do it Over" command. 7) After you are done with selecting the desired spell(s) to cast, pick "Cast" on Selphie's Limit Break. 8) Shut the Playstation Lid and the 'frozen' member will start to cast the spell. 9) Selphie will casting her Limit Break as what you have choosen earlier... Multiple Rare Cards This trick will only works in Disc 4. First of all, defeat all members of the CC Group in Disc 2. Proceed onto the game till Disc 4. After the party have defeated all the sorceresses of the past, you will be brought to a huge chain connecting the final dungeon and Edea's house. There will be three doors on the left of the chain. Make your way up the chain to most top-left hand door and hit while facing the door. Squall jump to the doorway from the chain. Enter the door and you will brought back to teh World Map. Squall will be at the World Map - Esthar:- Grandidi Forests. Make your way through the thick and smoggy forest, the enemies encountered within the forest is tough if your party is unprepared. Equip GF Diablos' Enc None to avoid the random battles. Make your wayto the Chocobo Holy Region, which is located northwest from the door. Inside the Chocobo forest, board a Chocobo. Get out of the forest and make back to the door. Cross the shallow waters found along the right side of the Esthar Continent. Keep on doing this, until you have reached southern area of the Centra Continent -Khashabald Desert. To get to the desert, it involves a lot of turning but it should not pose much a problem. At the center of the desert, you will find the Ragnarok there along with the fourth door to the great chain. Board onto Ragnarok, press and hold down . If you have fulfil the critera listed above, you should have a cutscene of Squall meeting up the CC Group Heart, Xu. The CC Group will be challenging your party for the final card showdown. They are found in all parts of the Ragnarok Airship. Any cards that you have failed to collect from Card Queen Quest, you can get them from the CC Group Diamonds. They have the entire collection of cards. Whenever you refine a rare card into items via Card Mod-RF, you will be able to retrieve back the card once again by defeating the CC Group Diamonds for the card. The cheat works for infinity. There is a one point to take note of:- You are only entitled to have one rare card each time in the inventory. Missed GF Recovery In Final Fantasy VIII, GFs can be obtained from bosses via Draw. Once you have drawn a GF from the boss, the GF will be keep in the party's magic inventory for safe keeping. After the battles end, the GF will be released and be able to use for Junction.


Initial Boss Method: Draw Elvoret - Found at Communication Towers in Disc 1. Method: Draw Iguion - Found at Deling Presidental Residence in Disc 1. Method: Draw NORG - Found at Balamb Garden Basement in Disc 2. Method: Draw Fujin - Found at Balamb Hotel in Disc 2. Method: Defeat Cerberus- Found at Galbadia Garden Main Hall in Disc 2. Method: Draw Cerberus- Found at Galbadia Garden Auditorium in Disc 2. Method: Draw Ultima Weapon - Found at Deep Sea Deposit in Disc 3/Disc 4. You need to get all previous 15 GFs.

Boss in Final Dungeon (Disc 4)


Tri-Point - Found at Wine Cellar - Ultimecia Castle.


Krysta- Found at the Balcony- Ultimecia Castle.


Trauma - Found at the Art Gallery - Ultimecia Castle. Red Giant - Found at the Prison Cell - Ultimecia Castle. Gargantua - Found at the Armory Room - Ultimecia Castle.




Catolepas - Found at the Treasury Vault - Ultimecia Castle.


Tiamat - Found at the Clock Tower - Ultimecia Castle. You need to get all previous 15 GFs

The above table shows the respective GFs and the bosses that you can draw from them. To draw the GF, you need to use the Draw command. If you miss a GF from the inital boss, you can recover the GF in Disc 4 from the corresponding boss. Please take note of the additional criteria concerning GF Cerberus and Eden.

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