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14 Common Symptoms of Parasites


Over half of all Americans will be infected with an intestinal parasite at some point in their lives. Yet, many of us do not recognize the signs and symptoms of a parasite infection because they can occur weeks or even years after the initial infection, and because a parasitic infection often mimics other similar conditions. The most common symptoms of a parasite infection include constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, joint and muscle aches, anemia, allergies, skin conditions, tumors, nervousness, sleep disorders, teeth grinding, chronic fatigue, and immune dysfunction.

1) Constipation
Some parasitic worms are actually large enough to physically block the passage of nutrients and waste at certain points in the digestive system. Severe parasitic infections in the bile duct or the intestines can make bowel movements difficult, leading to worsened symptoms of constipation.

2) Diarrhea
Another common symptom of parasites, is the development of diarrhea, or frequent, loose, watery stools. Many parasites produce a prostaglandin that leads to a sodium and chloride loss in the body. This in turn can causes diarrhea. This process is especially true in the case of protozoan infection.

3) Gas and Bloating

Parasites that live in the upper small intestines can cause intestinal symptoms such as inflammation that leads to gas and bloating. Frequent occurrences of gas and bloating are classic signs of a parasite infection. The discomfort is aggravated by the consumption of hard to digest foods such as beans and non-organic meats.

4) Irritable Bowel Syndrome

One of the more common symptoms of parasites, is irritable bowel syndrome. It is not uncommon for IBS to be caused by an intestinal parasite, because they can dig in and attach themselves to the intestinal wall. This often causes irritation and inflammation that can in turn lead to muscle spasms, intestinal blockage, and a malabsorption of nutrients. Fatty substances in particular can be difficult to digest.

5) Joint and Muscle Aches

Intestinal parasites can also move and migrate throughout the body. It is not uncommon for them to become encysted in joint fluids or even in the muscles themselves. This causes pain, aching and irritation that are often mistaken for arthritis. Joint and muscle pain can also be caused by the bodys own immune system response to the parasite infection.

6) Anemia
There are several types of parasites that attach themselves to the lining of the intestines and divert nutrients away from the human body. In severe infections, these parasites can lead to blood loss sufficient enough tocause anemia.


7) Allergies
Intestinal parasites cause irritation and inflammation. This in turn can make it difficult to digest certain types of foods. The bodys response to these undigested food particles may be to produce increased levels of eosinophils, which are one of the bodys immune system defenders. These eosinophils then inflame the bodys tissue and cause an allergic reaction.

8) Skin Conditions
Intestinal parasites can cause the release of hormones and immune system defenders that can in turn irritate the skin. Hives, rashes, weeping eczema, and other allergic reactions are common with intestinal parasites. Protozoan infections can also cause ulcers, swelling, sores, lesions, and dermatitis.

9) Tumors

The body may develop a tumor like mass in response to the parasitic infection that is also known as agranuloma. The tumor is developed to encase parasitic larvae or eggs. Granulomas most often develop in the colon or on the rectal wall, but they are also found in the lungs, liver, peritoneum, and the uterus.

10) Nervousness
Intestinal parasites release waste products and other toxic substances into the bodys system. In chron ic or severe parasitic infections, these toxins may irritate the central nervous system resulting in restlessness, nervousness, and anxiety. These are all common symptoms of parasites in your body.

11) Sleep Disorders

Intestinal parasites can cause irritation that can disturb sleep patterns making it difficult to fall asleep and to stay asleep. In the night, the body works to eliminate toxins via the liver. Parasitic infections can interrupt this process and upset the rhythms of the body. In fact, some parasites may try to migrate out of the anus at night causing itching, discomfort, and irritation.

12) Teeth Grinding

This symptom of parasite infection can also cause a condition known as bruxism, or the abnormal grinding, clenching, and gnashing of the teeth. This condition occurs most often at night, and it may be linked to the restlessness and anxiety caused in the body by the parasites release of waste and other toxins.

13) Chronic Fatigue

Parasites can exhaust and deplete the body, on physical, mental, and emotional levels. It can lead to the mal-absorption of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins, draining the body of both nutrients and energy. As a result, another common symptoms is the development of chronic fatigue, with symptoms such as exhaustion, aches, apathy, depression, difficulty concentrating, and impaired cognitive ability.

14) Immune Dysfunction

Oftentimes, when you have a parasite living inside of you, it will leech vital nutrients from the body, forcing the immune system to operate with a poor supply of vitamins, minerals, and energy sources. Parasites also stimulate the production of immunoglobulin A, which is a defender against foreign substances. Over

time, this over stimulation can exhaust the bodys supply of immunoglobulin A, leaving the body susceptible to attacks from bacteria, yeast, fungus, virus, and other foreign invaders.
article written by: Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM


Signs & Symptoms of Parasites

By Denise Stern, eHow Contributor


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Parasites can affect anyone--children or adults. Most cases of parasites in children are caused by worms. Pathogenic organisms account for most cases of parasites in adults and can include those caused by streptococcus bacteria to those caused by giardia. Understanding the symptoms of parasites or parasite infestations should prompt individuals to seek immediate medical treatment. Have a question? Get an answer from a Medical Professional now!

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Signs & Symptoms of Parasites in Women

1. Abdominal Discomfort

Common signs and symptoms of a parasite infection or infestation include abdominal discomfort such as pain or cramps. Pain can be dull and throbbing or sharp and stabbing. Bloating or abdominal distension or swelling might also be noted.

Changes in Diet and Appetite


Some people experiencing parasites will gain or lose weight for no obvious reason. Others notice a distinct change in appetite, depending on the parasite and its effect on the body. For example, in the case of worms that ingest blood from the intestines, a person might feel nauseated or listless because of anemia. Poor digestion, dizziness and shakiness caused by low blood sugar levels often occur in those infected with tapeworms.
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Digestive Issues

Many types of parasites, including worms or single-celled protozoa, will cause digestive problems such as diarrhea, irritable bowel disease, abdominal cramping, bloating and constipation. Bloody stools are always a sign that something is wrong. Rectal bleeding can also occur as irritation to mucous lining in the anal canal caused by the presence of worm activity becomes apparent.

Skin Changes

One of the most common signs of many worm infestations, especially roundworms and pinworms (threadworms), is intense itching. Many children will itch around the genitals and anal area as worms naturally travel downward. Some children and adults also experience skin rash.

Additional Symptoms of Parasites


Additional symptoms of parasite infections or infestations include chronic fatigue if the condition is not addressed in a timely manner, as well as headaches and a low-grade fever. For some, general aches and pain are common as parasites make themselves at home and deplete many necessary nutrients from the body.


Read more: http://www.ehow.com/about_5124379_signs-symptoms-parasites.html#ixzz2hTo6myJ0



Aug 16, 2013 | By Shawn Mihalik

Photo Credit children image by Orlando Florin Rosu from Fotolia.com Because of their tendency to touch things they otherwise shouldn't, coupled with their still-in-development hygiene and hand-washing habits, children are easily susceptible to parasites. These parasites reside in the intestines and feed off the host's body. Common intestinal parasites include tapeworms, pinworms, roundworms and single-celled protozoa, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Symptoms vary depending on the parasite, but are generally easy to spot and identify.

A loss of appetite is a common symptom children display for a variety of different parasitic infections. Because parasites feed off and take nutrients from the host's body, noticeable and sometimes severe changes in appetite can occur. In severe cases, this can lead to weight loss. Along with a loss of appetite, a child may also experience malabsorption of certain nutrients. For example, if a child has the parasitic infection giardiasis, he will be unable to absorb fats. As a consequence, an infected child's diarrhea contains unabsorbed fats, and floats, smells very bad and is shiny, according to KidsHealth from the Nemours Foundation.
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One of the most noticeable symptoms of parasitic infection in children are changes in both the frequency of bowel movements and the appearance of the stool. As waste passes through the intestines, it can pick up some of the

parasites that live in the intestines, and worms or eggs may be visible in a child's stool. Diarrhea, often accompanied by blood in the stool, is also a common symptom.

The presence of parasites in the intestines and stomach can cause a child to have nausea accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain and weakness.

If a child's parasitic infection is left undiagnosed and untreated, more severe symptoms can begin to manifest, including fever, allergic reaction to larvae and even neurological symptoms and seizures.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/236337-what-are-the-signs-of-parasites-in-children/#ixzz2hTtg55xx


Parasites in Children
By Laura Latzko, eHow Contributor


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A parasite is a type of organism that needs to live off another organism to survive. Parasites such as protozoa and worms can cause health problems in children by secreting toxins in and/or taking nutrients from their bodies. Have a question? Get an answer from a Medical Professional now!

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How to Rid Children of Parasites

1. Common Parasites

Giardia lamblia is a type of protozoa, spread through contaminated water and feces, which infects a child's intestines or gallbladder. A pinworm enters the body through dirty hands, bed sheets or clothes and infects the colon. A roundworm is a parasite that is spread through food and infects the small intestines and other organs, according to Allergyescape.com. Flea and mites are parasites that can be spread through direct human contact and animals and feed on humans' blood. Head lice, other parasites that take human blood, are only spread through direct human contact.


Many parasites are spread through animal feces, insect bites, contaminated water or food and hand contact. Children who go to a day care or swim in a public pool often get parasitic infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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People with parasitic infections often have symptoms such as diarrhea, chest pain, changes in bowel habits, rumbling in the stomach, nasal congestion, anal or nasal itching, headaches, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, dizziness and nausea.

Diagnosis and Treatment


Doctors often take samples of stool, blood and phlegm to look for the presence of parasites in children's bodies. The Being Alive Newsletter states that children are often given prescription drugs as treatment for parasitic infections, including Flagyl for amoeba infections and Atabrine for a giardia lamblia infection.


It is possible to prevent parasitic infections in children by having them wash their hands regularly with antibacterial soap and water and keeping them from eating unwashed raw foods.
Read more: http://www.ehow.com/facts_5503293_parasites-children.html#ixzz2hTxdizXz

Parasites Infestation in Children

And the Havoc They Create

Sage M., Yahoo Contributor Network Mar 18, 2009 "Share your voice on Yahoo websites. Start Here."

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Parasites in children are no fun; they create havoc in the intestine causing various medical issues to occur. Some parasites live in the bowels and can reside there for a long time before being detected; they tend to multiply at a rapid rate and can spread up into the stomach cavity causing parasite infestation in children. The parasites that infiltrate children occur when the conditions are unsanitary, the children may consume dirty drinking water, eating unwashed fruits and vegetables and playing with infected pets, Children are easy prey to parasites since they enjoy playing outside and in the dirt, they are not fond of washing their hands so, all the little peaky parasite just await to infiltrate their bodies. There are over 100 types of parasites, but there are four common types that seem to bother children and cause parasite infestation in them: Trichinae which causes trichinosis and is usually found in the intestine, whipworm is usually in the large intestine where infection occurs when there is an accidental swallowing of the eggs, hook worms are intestinal parasites which causes mild diarrhea and other stomach ailments, roundworms or nematodes parasites that occupy in the intestine and can be contracted through the skin or accidental ingesting. These worms live off other organism in the body and multiply by causing infection then, go on to leave their waste in the intestine, this is the start of symptoms leading to greater problems. Trichinae is the same worm that is found in pigs. They are round in shape and causes intestinal disorders and other factors such as fevers and muscle ache, when eating pork ensure that it's cooked thoroughly. Hookworm is a small round worm the infiltrates the small intestine and lungs. They usually enter the body through the skin or by ingesting the lava. However, the chances of contracting hookworm in the US are uncommon due to the advance sanitary conditions. Tapeworms are one of the parasitic family that needs a host to continue

multiplying. Tapeworms are both male and female and are able to produce and fertilize their own eggs. They live in the small intestine and once they start multiplying they migrate through the intestine wall and lodges into thebody cavity causing parasite infestation in children Symptoms of parasite infestation includes leaky gut syndrome, where food is leaking through the intestinal wall into the body and causing serious illness. It also causes different types of bowel problems from constipation to diarrhea, lack of energy, anemia, and anal itching. Lets not forget the abnormal weight issues that occur both loosing and gaining. In order to rid the body of parasites it's best to do a semi annual parasite cleanse of the body. In order to eradicate the infestation an eight week parasite cleanse is recommended and for children two weeks. It's best if children practice washing their hands after playing outside and before they eat. Pets that are infected should be treated immediately as the pose a threat to children. The use of pills and liquid medicine are available to start the process of treatment. Most times it helps to use two products when cleansing since many times there are more than on parasite infecting the person. Common use parasite cleanse are Citricidal Liquid, Black Walnut Liquid and Para Cleanse, please read all instructions carefully. Source http://www.cdc.gov/NCIDOD/dpd/kids.htm


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