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Desenvolvida por RJ Ladle e ACM Malhado
Esta caixa de ferramentas tem trs partes: 1. Uma lista de frases e palavras teis que voc poder usar para melhorar o seu artigo. Esta lista no completa, e ns recomendamos que voc adicione frases e palavras dos jornais que voc usa com mais frequncia. 2. Modelos de cartas (Enquiry Letter, Email request for PDF, Cover Letter). 3. Um checklist de todas as partes do seu artigo e, tambm, do processo de publicao.


i. Geral
a. Advrbios Thus group: thus, therefore, then, hence, consequently, in consequence, as a result, because of this Also group: also, in addition, furthermore, similarly, moreover, too, further, equally, in the same way However group: however, still, in contrast, instead, yet, rather, by contrast, nevertheless, nonetheless, despite, this, in spite of this, on the other hand, the exception is, the exception, however, is... Firstly group: firstly, respectively, secondly, first, finally, now, already, later, second, third, next, then, lastly, earlier Generally group: generally, usually, in general, typically, as a whole Indeed group: indeed, in fact, actually, in practice Clearly group: clearly, of course, obviously For example group: for example, for instance Particularly group: particularly, in particular b. Estrutura Coordenadas Addition: and, both ...and Contrast: but, not only...but also Alternative: or, either...or Subordinadas Purpose: in order that, so, so that Reason: because, as, since, in that Condition: if, on condition that, providing/provided that, in case, as long as, unless, given that Contrast/concession: although, though, even though, while, whilst, whereas, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that d. Para comear um pargrafo Theory predicts that... It should also be recognised that... It is interesting to note that... Recently, ... / Historically,... Finally, ...

c. Frases (impessoais) The results show that...... It was found that...... Of course, this involves....... It seems likely that...... It is difficult to analyze....( It is difficult to conclude that...) Care should also be taken not to.... One cannot exclude the possibility that... Viewed in this way...

Caixa de Ferramentas
(para receber as ltimas atualizaes contate anaclaudiamalhado@gmail.com )



ii. Hedges
a. Hedges: (indicando a falta de preciso, clareza) Substantivos: tendency, estimative, approximation Verbos: indicate, suggest, appear, propose, seem, report, predict, assume, tend, estimate, approximate Adverbios: roughly, approximately, largely, for the most part, partially, as a whole, generally, to a certain extent, usually, typically, in general, Adjetivos: rough, approximate, partial, general, usual, typical, estimated, preliminary b. Hedges (indicando a falta de confiana) Substantivos: doubt, indication, likelihood, possibility, probability, suggestion, suspicion Verbos: may, can, might, could, should, ought, appear, claim, indicate, seem, suggest, suspect Adverbios: apparently, conceivably, perhaps, possibly, probably, presumably, seemingly, essentially, relatively, generally, rarely, partially, almost, approximately, about, some Adjetivos: apparent, conceivable, doubtful, likely, possible, probable, unlikely, consistent with c. Hedges (estrutura grammatical) it it seems that, is it thought that, it is likely that, it is consistent with there there is a suspicion that

iii. Frases para partes especficas

a. Introduction In this paper we [state aim of paper] The aim of this paper is... The present work gives an... We address the following hypotheses: We address the following questions: We examined x through y b. Methods Here, ... e.g. Here, we explore... / Here, we investigate... We investigated the.... We assessed the.... Here, we make the assumption that... We collected data from... There are several caveats to the data we examined. [list problems with data] c. Statistical methods We tested for an association between x and y using [insert statistical test] d. Discussion The existence of XXXXXX suggests that YYYYYYYYYYYYY The evidence does not support the hypothesis that... On the basis of these findings.... Our analysis suggests... e. Conclusions The evidence of this study provides strong/weak support for the hypothesis that... Our analysis suggests that....[descreva o resultado mais importante] Our analyses have x implications for the current debate about y.

Caixa de Ferramentas
(para receber as ltimas atualizaes contate anaclaudiamalhado@gmail.com )



iv. Alternativas para uso do not (Fonte: Weiss and Newmanb. 2011. A guide to writing articles in energy science. Applied Energy.)
Exemplo do not account for do not allow do not have much confidence in do not meet the requirements not always straight forward not constant not clear not economically viable not explicitly discussed/ not taken into account/ not used not feasible/ not the case not important not included in not just/ only [] but also [] not sufficiently reliable not too distant Sugesto exclude/ neglect Prevent Distrust are insufficient complicated/ difficult/ problematic alternating/ changing unclear/ unresolved uneconomical/ unprofitable Excluded unfeasible unimportant/ negligible excluded from both [] and [] unreliable close/ near

v. Palavras e frases que so tipicamente desnecessrias (Fonte: Weiss and Newmanb. 2011. A guide to writing articles in energy science. Applied Energy.)
Exemplo a considerable amount/ number of a decreasing amount/ number of a (great/ vast) majority of a small number of as a consequence of/ as a result of as to whether at a rapid rate at an earlier date during/ in the course of first of all for the reason that/ the reason why is that from the point of view in a number of cases in case in a small amount of cases in the absence of in the last/ past analysis it is apparent that it is worth pointing out that on the basis of one of the most important regardless of the fact that the fact that the question as to whether this is a subject that through the use of would seem to indicate Sugesto (para usar) much/ many less/ fewer Most Few Because Whether Rapidly Previously While First Because For Some If Rarely Without Previously Apparently note that By an important even though because/ although Whether this subject by/ with Indicates

Caixa de Ferramentas
(para receber as ltimas atualizaes contate anaclaudiamalhado@gmail.com )




i. Enquiry Letter
Editor: (Coloque o nome do Journal) Editor-in-Chief: (Coloque o nome do editor chefe) Assistant Editor: (Coloque o nome do editor assistente) 3 May 2011 (Atualize a data) Dear Professor XXX We have recently completed a research project with the objective of XXX. The results demonstrate XXX. We believe that these findings have a general significance to our understanding of XXX and would therefore be best placed in a high profile general science/biology/environmental science journal such as [insert name of journal]. We are attaching the abstract of our paper and would appreciate your advice on whether you think that it is appropriate for [insert name of journal]. We look forward to your response in due course. Yours faithfully, Seu nome/endereo/email/telefone

ii. Cover Letter

Dear Professor X, Please find attached a copy of my/our manuscript XXXX. I/we would be grateful if you could consider the submission for publication in your journal XXXX. The work is original and has not been published or submitted elsewhere. All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript. The paper tests the [hypothesis that/ examines the theory that/ provides a new model of/ etc..]. We believe it will make an important contribution to the field and will be widely read and cited by your readership. I/we look forward to hearing from you in due course. Yours Faithfully, [Your name]

iii. Solicitao de artigos

Tema de email: Reference request ----------------------------------------------Dear Professor [insere sobrenome], I am a Brazilian PhD student / Post-doc doing research on [insere titulo da tese / tema da sua pesquisa]. Please could you send me a PDF of your paper [insere full reference], which would be a huge help for my research. Yours Faithfully, [Your name]

Caixa de Ferramentas
(para receber as ltimas atualizaes contate anaclaudiamalhado@gmail.com )



Categorias Antes de comear Pesquisa realizada e analisada Jornal escolhido? >>> Enquiry Letter? Instructions for Authors lido e re-lido (especialmente limite de palavras!) Literatura mais importante localizada e lida Artigo planejado/estruturado (normalmente uma pgina incluindo uma narrativa completa) Ttulo Descreve o contedo do artigo com preciso? Evita abreviaes, frmulas e jarges? Evita palavras de baixo impacto, por exemplo: 'effect of,' 'study of,' and 'influence of'? Contem menos de 15 palavras? (ou o limite do jornal?) Palavras-chave Palavras-chave no aparecem no titulo? So mencionadas no resumo? Contem menos de oito palavras? (Ou limite do jornal?) No so muito gerais? Resumo/ abstract Objetivo da pesquisa includo? Relatrio dos mtodos utilizados includo? Relatrio dos principais resultados includo? Principais concluses includas? Palavras-chave includas? Dentro do limite de palavras? Introduo Introduziu as referncias mais importantes (e mais citadas)? Identifica a lacuna / questo da pesquisa? (=Explica por que a pesquisa foi realizada) Relaciona a pesquisa aos trabalhos anteriores? Define todos os termos especializados usados no artigo? Explica os objetivos ou questes ou hipteses da investigao? (pargrafo final) Mtodos Escrito no passado? (pretrito?) Existe a possibilidade de repetir o estudo, seguindo exatamente as informaes da seo? Precisa uma seo separada chamada Statistical Methods? O local de estudo est bem descrito? Todas as plantas ou animais so descritos com descries exatas? Os materiais utilizados so descritos com as especificaes tcnicas? Os mtodos seguem uma ordem cronolgica e lgica? Todas as quantidades esto em unidades padro? No h detalhes desnecessrios? Resultados Segue um formato semelhante aos mtodos? No d nenhuma interpretao? (exceo quando os resultados e discusso so apresentados juntos) Redigido no tenso pretrito? Descreve apenas os dados representativos/importantes? Repetem no texto apenas as descobertas mais importantes? Nmeros at 10 escrito em palavras? (se o numero no estiver seguido por uma unidade) Elementos de apoio (figuras/tabelas) so citados entre parnteses? O texto dos resultados compreensvel sem as figuras e tabelas? Figuras e Tabelas Todas as tabelas e figuras so citadas no texto? Todas so necessrias?

Caixa de Ferramentas
(para receber as ltimas atualizaes contate anaclaudiamalhado@gmail.com )



As legendas so bem claras e descreve a figura/tabela com suficiente detalhe? No necessrio ler o texto dos resultados para entender as legendas? As legendas no contem unidades? As cores das figuras so necessrias? Legendas so apresentadas numa pgina separada? Cada figura / tabela apresentada numa pgina? Medida de tendncia central usam barras de erro? Fundos (background) so evitados? possvel combinar figuras? Todas as figuras conformam com as regras do jornal? (resoluo, tamanho, cores, nmero) Discusso Sintetiza cada uma das principais concluses? Interpreta todos os resultados mais importantes? Refere aos conceitos e literatura que voc introduziu na Introduo? Relaciona os resultados com as perguntas que foram definidas na introduo? Mostre como os resultados e interpretaes concordam ou no concordam com artigos publicados anteriormente? Apresente as implicaes tericas do trabalho? Concluses Resumo das principais concluses do artigo? Faz referncia direta aos objetivos do trabalho? Descreve como o seu estudo pode avanar o conhecimento cientfico? Identifica questes pendentes e futuras reas de pesquisa? Agradecimentos Menciona todas as bolsas/projetos que apoiaram a pesquisa? Agradece aos pesquisadores e colegas que fizeram comentrios, revisaram e deram sugestes ao seu trabalho? Referncias Tem um programa para organizar as suas referncias? Todas as referncias so reproduzidas corretamente? Seguem as regras do jornal exatamente? No usou referncias vazias? Demonstraes generalizadas so apoiadas com fontes de informao geral? H clareza sobre qual declarao a citao apoia? Tem PDFs de todas as referncias que voc usou? Depois que o artigo foi redigido Todas as instrues no Instructions for Authors so seguidas risca? A Cover Letter est pronta? Depois da submisso Aceito: Todos os comentrios dos revisores foram respondidos? Aceito: A Response to Referees Comments est pronto? Aceito: Referncias novas foram adicionadas a lista de referncias/artigo? Aceito: Uma nova Cover Letter foi redigida? Rejeitado: Comentrios teis dos revisores foram incorporados? Rejeitado: Um jornal novo foi escolhido? Rejeitado: Uma nova Cover Letter foi redigida/revisada? (no se esquea de mudar o nome da revista no manuscrito e na cover letter!!!) Rejeitado: Todas as instrues Instructions for Authors do novo jornal so seguidas risca?

Caixa de Ferramentas
(para receber as ltimas atualizaes contate anaclaudiamalhado@gmail.com )


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