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Java Syllabus

Java Features
Object Oriented Programming Language. Platform Independence. Compiled and Interpreted. Portable.

Object Oriented Programming Language

Class. Object.

Types of Variables and Types of Methods

VARIABLES Instance variable Class variable Local variable

METHODS Instance method Class method

Java Basics
About java.lang.*; package Object and System class. Creating sample applications for types of variable and methods.

Inheritance and method Basics.

Type casting. Class casting (up casting and down casting). Methods with arguments. Methods with passing Class reference as arguments. Methods with passing Sub Class reference as arguments. Methods with return type. Methods with return type (Class reference). Methods with return type (Sub Class reference). Methods Overloading. Methods Overriding. Constructor. Constructor overloading. Calling base class constructor using super keyword. Types of Inheritance. Abstract class. Interface. Implementing multiple inheritance using Interface. Arrays and its types. Creating arrays using Class types. User defined Packages Generics. Boxing, Auto-boxing and Un-boxing. For each() loop statement . Variable-args.

Exception Handling
Types of Error. What is exception handling? Types of Exception. Keywords to handling exception. About throw and throws. Handling exceptions using try, catch, and finally.

Creating User-defined exception.

What is Multitasking and Multithreading? Different Ways to create a Thread? Thread Life cycle. Creating Thread using Runnable interface. Creating Thread using Thread class. Thread Priority. void join() function. Synchronization.

Java. Lang Package

Wrapper Classes (Integer, Float). Math class String , StringBuffer, and StringBuilder.

Collections Framework
Collection Interfaces (Collection, List ,and Set). Collection Classes (ArrayList, LinkedList, TreeSet) Handling collection of objects using ArrayList (Dynamic Array). Mapping classes (HashMap, TreeMap, Properties) Calendar Operations using Date class. Regular Expression.

CharacterStream (Reader and Writer class). Serialization.jsnnxnwnsj

Graphical User Interface (AWT)

AWT Class Control flow. AWT Control components. AWT Event Handling Layout manager. Applet. Swings.

Types of Driver. About java.sql.*; package. Creating Sample application. Calling stored procedures using CallableStatement.

What is Distributed Application? Creating Server and Client application. Implementing Serialization in distributed application.

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