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1. Botany is the study on Botani adalah kajian tentang A B microorganisms C animals D ecosystem plants Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu sel tipikal haiwan


2. What is the step after planning the experiment? Apakah langkah selepas merancang eksperimen? A B C D Controlling the variables Mengawal pembolehubah Conducting the experiment Mengendalikan eksperimen Making a hypothesis Membuat hipotesis Collecting data Mengumpul data

Diagram 1 / Rajah 1 What is X? Apakah X? A. Lysosome Lisosom B. Golgi Apparatus Jasad Golgi C. Rough endoplasmic reticulum Jalinan endoplasma kasar D. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Jalinan endoplasma licin 7. Question 2 are based on Diagram 1. What is the function of Y? Apakah fungsi Y? A synthesise lipids mensintesis lipid C synthesise protein mensintesis protein B synthesis energy mensintesis tenaga D synthesise DNA mensintesis DNA

3. Which of the following can be used to present data? Yang manakah antara berikut boleh digunakan untuk persembahan data? I II A B C D Graph Table I and III I, II and IV II, III and IV I, II, III and IV III IV Chart Diagram

4. When drawing a graph, the y-axis represents the Apabila melukis graf, paksi-y mewakili A B C D fixed variable Pembolehubah dimalarkan manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas controlled variable Pembolehubah dimalarkan

8. The following information refers to structure P of a cell. Maklumat berikut merujuk pada struktur P pada satu sel. A membranous sac which occupies a large part of a mature plant cell Sebuah kantung yang memenuhi sebahagian besar sel tumbuhan yang matang Contains water, stores food, salts and waste substances. Mengandungi air,menyimpan makanan dan bahan-bahan kumuh What is structure P? Apakah struktur P? A Nucleus Nukleus C Vacuole Vakuol B D Chloroplast Kloroplas Lysosome Lisosom

5. Which of the following is the correct sequence after conducting an experiment? Yang manakah antara berikut adalah turutan yang betul selepas mengendalikan eksperimen? A Collect data interpret data analyse data Mengumpul data mentafsir data menganalisis data B Analyse data collect data interpret data Menganalisis data Mengumpul data mentafsir data C Interpret data collect data analyse data mentafsir data Mengumpul data menganalisis data D Collect data analyse data interpret data Mengumpul data menganalisis data mentafsir data 6. Diagram 1 shows a typical animal cell

9. Diagram 2 shows one of the human tissues Rajah 2 menunjukkan salah satu daripada tisu manusia.

Diagram 2 Rajah 2 What is the tissue? Apakah tisu tersebut? A C Nervous tissue Tisu saraf Connective tissue Tisu penghubung B Epithelial tissue Tisu epitilial D Muscle tissue Tisu otot

10. The following informations are about organelles and its function. Which of the following is matched correctly? Maklumat berikut adalah berkaitan organel dan fungsinya. Manakah yang berikut dipadankan dengan betul? Organelle Organel Ribosome Ribosom Lysosome Lisosom Rough endoplasmic reticulum Jalinan endoplasma kasar Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Jalinan endoplasma licin Function Fungsi synthesise lipids mensintesis lipid synthesis energy mensintesis tenaga transport protein to Golgi apparatus mengangkut protein ke jasad Golgi synthesise protein mensintesis protein

Which of the following statements is true about structure X? Antara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang struktur X? A It allows only water to pass through it Ia membenarkan hanya air melaluinya B It does not allow any substances to pass through it Ia tidak membenarkan mana-mana bahan melaluinya C It allows only selected substances to pass through it Ia hanya membenarkan bahan-bahan terpilih sahaja melaluinya D It allows all substances to pass through it Ia membenarkan semua bahan melaluinya 12. Diagram 3 shows a human organ. Rajah 3 menunjukkan organ manusia.


Diagram 3 / Rajah 3 In which human system the organ can be found? Dalam sistem manusia yang manakah organ ini boleh didapati? A Excretory system Sistem perkumuhan C Reproductive system Sistem pembiakan B Nervous system Sistem saraf D Endocrine system Sistem endokrin

11. The diagram shows an animal cell. Rajah menunjukkan sel haiwan.

13. Which of the following are plant organs? Antara berikut, yang manakah merupakan organ tumbuhan?

I Leaf Daun III Epidermis Epidermis A I and II C II and IV II Root Akar IV Xylem Xilem B I and III D III and IV

14. The blood glucose level is regulated by the Paras glukos dalam darah dikawalatur oleh I digestive system sistem pencernaan III endocrine system sistem endokrin A I and II only I dan II sahaja C I, II and III only I, II dan III sahaja II circulatory system sistem peredaran IV excretory system sistem perkumuhan B III and IV only III dan IV sahaja D II, III and IV only II, III dan IV sahaja Diagram 5 / Rajah 5 What is the process ? Apakah proses tersebut ? A Meiosis B Binary fission Meiosis Belahan dedua C Osmoregulation D Conjugation Pengosmokawalaturan Konjugasi 18. Which of the following are the main components of a plasma membrane? Manakah antara berikut merupakan komponen utama bagi membran plasma? A Protein and carbohydrate Protein dan karbohidrat B Phospholipid and carbohydrate Fosfolipid dan karbohidrat

15. The tissue that lines the internal organs is the Tisu yang melapisi organ dalaman ialah A nerve cell tisu saraf C connective tissue tisu penyambung B epithelial tissue tisu epitelial D muscle tissue tisu otot

16. Diagram 4 shows one of the human tissues. Rajah 4 menunjukkan salah satu daripada tisu manusia

C Protein and D Protein, phospholipid phospholipid and Protein dan fosfolipid carbohydrate Protein, fosfolipid dan karbohidrat

Diagram 4 / Rajah 4 What organelle is found abundantly in the tissue? Apakah organel paling banyak terdapat dalam tisu tersebut? A Golgi Apparatus Jasad Golgi C Ribosomes Ribosom B Mitochondria Mitokondria D Endoplasmic reticulum Jalinan endoplasma 19. Diagram 6 shows the plasma membrane that consists of molecules arranged in a double layer. Rajah 6 menunjukkan membran plasma yang terdiri daripada molekul yang disusun dalam dua lapisan.

17. Diagram 5 show a process carried out by an Ameoba sp. Rajah 5 menunjukkan suatu proses yang dijalankan oleh Ameoba sp.

Diagram 8 / Rajah 8 Diagram 6 / Rajah 6 What is the characteristic of X and Y? Apakah sifat X dan Y? A B C D X Hydrophilic Hidrofilik Hydrophilic Hidrofilik Hydrophobic Hidrofobik Hydrophobic Hidrofobik Y Hydrophilic Hidrofilik Hydrophobic Hidrofobik Hydrophilic Hidrofilik Hydrophobic Hidrofobik What substance can cross through P? Apakah bahan yang boleh merentasi P? A Glucose Glukosa C Amino acid Asid Amino B Sodium ion Ion sodium D Fatty acids Asid Lemak

22. Which of the following terms explain a process of water movement from a hypotonic solution to a hypertonic solution through a semi-permeable membrane? Manakah antara istilah berikut yang menerangkan proses pergerakan air daripada larutan hipotonik kepada larutan hipertonik melalui membran separa telap? A Osmosis Osmosis C Difusion Resapan B Active transport Pengangkutan aktif D Passive transport Pengangkutan pasif

20. The structure labelled Z in Diagram 7 is known as a Struktur berlabel Z di dalam Rajah 7 adalah Z

Diagram 7 / Rajah 7 A cholesterol kolesterol C phospholipid fosfolipid B pore protein protein liang D carrier protein protein pembawa

21. Diagram 8 shows the structure of a plasma membrane. Rajah 8 menunjukkan struktur membran plasma.

23. Diagram 9 shows the movement of molecules through plasma membrane. Rajah 9 menunjukkan pergerakan molekul melalui membran plasma.

B) The rate of water molecules diffusing from B to A is higher than from A to B Kadar molekul air meresap daripada B ke A lebih tinggi daripada A ke B C) No water molecules diffuses from A to B Tiada molekul air meresap masuk daripada A ke B. D) The rate of water molecules diffusing from A to B and from B to A is the same Kadar molekul air meresap daripada A ke B dan daripada B ke A adalah sama. 25. Diagram 11 is a graph which shows the changes in mass of potato strips immersed in different concentrations of sucrose solution. Rajah 11 merupakan graf yang menunjukkan perubahan jisim ubi kentang yang telah direndamkan dalam larutan sukrosa yang berlainan kepekatan.

Water molecule s
Diagram 9 / Rajah 9

Sucrose molecule s

Which of the following is true about the movement of the water molecules? Di antara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang pergerakan molekul air tersebut? A The movement occurs due to osmosis Pergerakan tersebut berlaku disebabkan osmosis B The movement requires ATP energy Pergerakan tersebut memerlukan tenaga ATP C The movement occurs with the aid of carrier protein Pergerakan tersebut berlaku atas bantuan protein pembawa D The movement occurs against the concentration gradient Pergerakan tersebut berlaku menentang cerun kepekatan.

24. Diagram 10 shows an experiment to investigate the movement of water molecules across a semi permeable membrane from A to B Rajah 10 menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji pergerakan molekul air merentasi satu membran separa telap dari A ke B.

Sucrose molecule molecule A B

water A B

Diagram 11 / Rajah 11 Based on the graph, which of the following concentrations of sucrose solution should be used so that a flaccid potato strip regains its turgidity? A 1.5 g per 100 ml C 3.5 g per 100 ml B 2.5 g per 100 ml D 4.5 g per 100 ml

Beginning of experiment

End of experiment 26. Diagram 12 shows the net flow of water molecules from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution through a semi-permeable membrane.

Diagram 10 / Rajah 10 Which of the following is true about the movement of water molecules at the end of the experiment? Antara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang pergerakan molekul air pada akhir eksperimen? A) The rate of water molecules diffusing from A to B is higher than from B to A Kadar molekul air meresap daripada A ke B lebih tinggi daripada B ke A

Diagram 13 / Rajah 13 What will be observed after thirty minutes if the potato is cooked before being used in the experiment? Apakah yang akan dapat diperhatikan selepas tiga puluh minit sekiranya kentang tersebut dimasak terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan dalam eksperimen ini ? A The amount of sugar in the cavity decreases Kandungan gula di dalam lekuk berkurangan B The amount of sugar in the cavity increases Kandungan gula di dalam lekuk bertambah. C The level of water in the dish decreases Aras air di dalam takung berkurangan D The level of water in the dish remain the same Aras air di dalam takung kekal 30. The following information refers to a condition of a red blood cell after being immersed in a solution. Maklumat berikut merujuk kepada keadaan sel darah merah selepas direndam ke dalam sejenis larutan The cell shrinks Sel mengecut The plasma membrane crinkles up Membran plasma berkedut

Diagram 12 / Rajah 12 What is this process called? A Osmosis B Active transport C Simple diffusion D Facilitated diffusion 27. Which of the following solutions has the lowest osmotic pressure? Antara larutan berikut, yang manakah mempunyai tekanan osmosis yang paling rendah? A Pipe water Air paip B Distilled water Air suling C 0.1% sucrose solution Larutan sukrosa 0.1% D 0.5% sucrose solution Larutan sukrosa 0.5% 28. The movement of molecules across the plasma membrane depends on Pergerakan molekul merentasi membran plasma bergantung kepada I the solubility of the molecules in lipid kelarutan molekul di dalam lipid II the shape of molecules bentuk molekul III the polarity of the molecules kekutuban molekul IV the size of molecules saiz molekul A I and III only C I, III and IV B III and IV D I and II

What is the process that has occured to the red blood cell? Apakah proses yang telah berlaku terhadap sel darah merah? A B Crenation Krenasi Plasmolysis Plasmolisis C Haemolysis Hemolisis D Deplasmolysis Deplasmolisis

29. Diagram 13 shows a potato osmometer. Rajah 13 menunjukkan satu osmometer kentang. Cavity filled with sugar Half of a potato

31. Diagram 14 shows the appearance of an epidermal cell which was placed in solution P at the beginning of an experiment and then transferred to solution Q at the end of the experiment. Rajah 14 menunjukkan rupabentuk sel epidermis yang telah diletakkan ke dalam larutan P pada peringkat permulaan dan dipindahkan ke larutan Q di akhir eksperimen.

Dish containing water

Cut surface

What structure will help to maintain the osmotic concentration of the body? Apakah struktur yang akan membantu ia mengekalkan kepekatan osmotic tubuhnya? A C K M B. D. L N

R Diagram 14 / Rajah 14

What are the conditions observed at R and S? Apakah keadaan yang boleh diperhatikan pada R dan S? A B C D R Deplasmolysis Deplasmolisis Crenation Krenasi Plasmolysis Plasmolisis Deplasmolysis Deplasmolisis S Plasmolysis Plasmolisis Haemolysis Hemolisis Deplasmolysis Deplasmolisis Haemolysis Hemolisis

34. The main carbohydrates food reserve in liver cells is Simpanan karbohidrat di dalam hati ialah A. C. glucose Glukosa lactose Laktosa B. D. Glycogen glikogen starch kanji

32. A student soaked an egg in a saturated salt solution. A few days later, he found that the egg tasted salty. Which of the following statements explain this observation? Seorang pelajar merendam sebiji telur di dalam larutan garam. Selepas beberapa hari didapati telur itu berasa masin. Manakah antara kenyataan berikut menerangkan pemerhatian ini? I The eggshell is permeable to salt solution. Kulit telur adalah telap terhadap larutan garam II Salt particles enter the egg by active transport. Partikel garam memasuki telur secara pengangkutan aktif. III The saturated salt solution is hypertonic to the content of the egg Larutan garam tepu adalah hipertonik terhadap kandungan telur. IV Salt particles can diffuse through the eggshell and plasma membrane. Partikel garam boleh meresap melalui kulit telur dan plasma membran. A I and III B I and IV C II, III and IV D I, III and IV 33. Diagram 15 shows a type of fresh water unicellular organism. Rajah 15 menunjukkan sejenis organisma unisel air tawar.

35. Which of the following are reducing sugars? Yang manakah antara yang berikut adalah gula penurun? I. III. A. C. Glucose Sucrose I and II only B. I, II and IV only D. II. IV. Fructose Lactose

III and IV only I, II, III and IV

36. Which of the following elements is not present in carbohydrates? Antara elemen berikut, yang manakah tidak hadir dalam karbohidrat? A Carbon C Oxygen B Nitrogen D Hydrogen

37. Which of the following carbohydrates is disaccharide ? Yang manakah antara karbohidrat berikut merupakan disakarida? A Fructose B Lactose Fruktosa Lactosa C Starch D Galactose Kanji Galaktosa 38. The equation shows process X in the formation of disaccharides. Persamaan menunjukkan proses X dalam pembentukan disakarida. Glucose + Glucose Maltose + Water What is process X? Apakah proses X? A Hydrolysis Hidrolisis B Condensation Kondensasi C Reduction penurunan D Evaporation Evaporasi

Diagram 15 / Rajah 15

D. They are derived from other amino acids. Boleh dihasilkan daripada asid amino yang lain. 43. Amylase is a protein. Which of the following protein structure forms the amylase? Amilase adalah protein. Antara struktur protein berikut, yang manakah membentuk amilase?

39. What is the importance of nucleic acids? Apakah kepentingan asid nukleik? A Build cells during growth Membina sel semasa pertumbuhan B Main source of energy in cells Sumber utama tenaga dalam sel C Synthesis of antibodies Mensintesis antibodi D Carry genetic material Membawa bahan genetik 40. Which of the following statements is true about DNA and RNA? Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang DNA dan RNA? I II III IV Both have pentose sugar Kedua-duanya mempunyai gula pentosa Both can be found in a nucleus Kedua-dua boleh didapati dalam nukleus Both form double helix structure Kedua-dua membentu struktur heliks Both consist of nucleotides Kedua-dua terdiri daripada nukleotida B II and IV only D III,III and IV only

A I and III only C I, II and IV only

41. Which statement is true about the function of lipid in the cell? Pernyataan manakah yang benar tentang fungsi lipid dalam sel? A It gives a structural support to the cell wall. Ia memberi struktur sokongan kepada dinding sel B It plays a major role in the structure of the cell membrane Ia memainkan peranan utama dalam struktur membran sel C It forms a hormone which controls the growth and metabolism. Ia membentuk hormon yang mengawal pembesaran dan metabolisma. D It contains genetic information of the cell. Ia mengandungi maklumat genetik sel. 42. Which of the following statements are true about essential amino acids? Pernyataan yang manakah betul tentang asid amino perlu? A. They can be synthesised by human body from other compounds. Boleh disintesis oleh badan manusia daripada sebatian lain. B. They must be taken in with food. Boleh diambil dari makanan. C. There are 11 essential amino acids. Ada 11 asid amino perlu.

44. Which organelle involves in the synthesis of extracellular enzymes? Organel yang manakah terlibat dalam sintesis enzim luar sel? A Centriole Sentriol B Golgi Apparatus Jasad Golgi C Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Jalinan Endoplasma Licin D Lysosome Lisosom

45. The diagram shows three types of protein structure. Rajah menunjukkan tiga jenis struktur protein.

Which of the following is the correct example? Antara berikut, yang manakah contoh yang betul? X Y Z

A B C D Enzyme Enzim Keratin Keratin Enzyme Enzim Keratin Keratin Keratin Keratin Haemoglobin Hemoglobin Haemoglobin Hemoglobin Enzyme Enzim Haemoglobin Hemoglobin Enzyme Enzim Keratin Keratin Haemoglobin Hemoglobin

48. What is the role of enzyme cellulase in food industry ? Apakah peranan enzim cellulase dalam industri makanan ? A Soften vegetables, extract seed husks such as wheat, and extract agar from seaweed Melembutkan sayur, mengupas kulit biji seperti gandum dan mengekstrak agar daripada rumpai laut. Decompose and separate fats during the processing of canned fatty foods Mengurai dan mengasingkan lemak semasa proses pengetinan makanan berlemak Produce lactic acid that causes milk to turn sour. Menghasilkan asid laktik yang menyebabkan susu menjadi masam It converts glucose into ethanol in the beer and wine-making industry Menukarkan glukosa kepada etanol didalam industri penghasilan bir dan wain.

46. Which of the following is true about the formation of a triglyceride molecule? Manakah antara berikut benar tentang pembentukan molekul trigliserida? A It consists of three molecules of glycerol and one molecule of fatty acid Ia terdiri tiga molekul gliserol dan satu molekul asid lemak B It involves one molecule of glycerol and three molecules of fatty acid Ia melibatkan satu molekul gliserol dan tiga molekul asid lemak C It involves three molecules of glycerol and two molecules of fatty acids Ia melibatkan tiga molekul gliserol dan dua molekul asid lemak D It involves two molecules of glycerol and three molecules of fatty acids Ia melibatkan dua molekul gliserol dan tiga molekul asid lemak

49. Which of the following are the effects of the uncontrolled logging? Antara berikut yang manakah merupakan kesan pembalakan tidak terkawal? I Flash flood Banjir kilat II Landslide Tanah runtuh III Global warming Pemanasan global IV Thinning of the ozone layer Penipisan lapisan ozon A I, II and III only C II, III and IV only B I, II and IV only D I,II,III and IV

47. Diagram 16 shows the structure of enzyme N change to structure R when being heat above 60oC through the process P. Rajah 16 menunjukkan struktur Enzim N yang berubah kepada struktur R apabila dipanaskan melebihi 60oC melalui proses P.

Diagram 16 / Rajah 16 Name P. Namakan P. A Hydrolysis Hidrolisis C Denaturation Penyahaslian B Deamination Pendeaminasi D Condensation Kondensasi

50. Which of the following can be used as an alternative source to replace nonrenewable energy sources? Antara berikut, yang manakah boleh digunakan sebagai sumber alternative bagi menggantikan sumber tenaga yang tidak boleh diperbaharui ? A Coal Arang batu C Wind energy Tenaga Ombak B Fossil fuels Bahan api fosil D Oil Minyak

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