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Tranquilizer Rifle Reload speed Target leading system The saved game files location C:\Users\Safari\Documents\ALI213 Deus Ex:

Human Revolution "How To Save Malik" Walkthrough In Deus Ex: Human Revolution, your pilot, Malik, is in trouble as she has been s hot down by the Chinese authorities. It's up to Adam Jensen and you to save Mali k and help her escape before the chopper explodes, but doing that may get you ki lled. However, G4tv gives you a walkthrough video on how to save Malik without k illing a single solider. No need for acrobatics all you need is the sniper rifle and an EMP granade. Snip e the enemies from the original platform and dispatch the robot with the EMP. BT W kind of woosy to do it on easy. On normal, Malik is killed in half the time. Basically, that whole incident is hyped up to be really difficult. Provided you' re walking into it with plenty of Cybercandy bars, maxed cloak and energy, it's a piece of cake. You'll also need one EMP grenade. You basically cloak and run around slapping everyone. You 'nade the bot as soon as it appears, and there will be one body you need to move so it doesn't get kil led by the bot's explosion. Took me like 10 minutes to figure it out, and once I did, I beat it without taking a single hit of damage. Don't change the difficulty! Before you leave Detroit a second time, get a Revolver with Explosive rounds mod + an EMP grenade / mine. The magnum will kill all enemies in 1 shot except the heavies that require 2 sho ts on the hardest difficulty. Then use the EMP mine / grenade to kill the sentry bot that drops == less than 1 minute and "Good Soul" achievement unlocked. Then load your save, cloak and run striaght towards the elevator in front of you ... which will trigger a mini-cutscene with Malik to proceed on your Pacifist r un. Note that your Pacifist achievement may already be failed if: a) you used non-lethal weapons or takedowns on any gang members in Detroit b) you killed any enemy soldiers in the prologue before you got augmented The strategy for this section involves getting behind the enemies' line of sight and flanking them from behind. Saving Malik on the hardest difficulty setting w hile going for the Pacifst, Foxiest of Hounds, and Legend trophies. Completed al l trophies in my first playthrough. NOTE: Make sure the Robot's explosion radius is away from all other nearby enemi es, otherwise it counts as a kill and you can no longer obtain the Pacifist trop hy. The robot can be quickly taken out with an EMP grenade or EMP mine. Biasanya yang paling bawah yang paling high... (MLAA) Klo saya MLAA Lalu VGA setting AA setting 8x Lalu Filternya ganti dari Standard ke Edge-Detect Total sample jadi 24x Kyknya itu dach limit dech... Dach ga bisa bikin gambarnya lbh bagus dari itu...

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