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Simulado ENEM Texto 1 Over the past 30 years, marriage and family life have been irreversibly transformed

across the industrial world. Two-provider households are now the norm. New social freedoms have eroded societys ability to penalize people who remain unmarried, cohabit outside marriage or choose same-sex partners. The ability to have sex without getting pregnant and to get children without having sex has shattered the old links between intercourse, childbearing and marriage. Despite all this, marriage will survive, and may even improve as couples adjust to women's new power and influence. But it will never again be the only place where commitments are forget and dependents taken care of. The competing demands of job and home will never again be balanced on the backs of stay-at-home moms. COONTZ, Stephanie Marriage and Families, In Ali Their (New) Forms. American Sexuality Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 1 (http://nsrc.sfsu.edu/HTMLArticle.cfm...)

1) "Two-provider households are now the norm" significa: A) Hoje em dia a casa deve ser sustentada por dois provedores. B) Hoje em dia a casa no mais sustentada por apenas uma pessoa. C) Hoje em dia a casa no mais sustentada por dois provedores. D) Hoje em dia a casa deve ser sustentada por apenas uma pessoa. E) Nenhuma das alternativas anteriores. Texto 2 English today Looking at the past is an important step towards understanding the future. Any serious study of English in the 21st century must start by examining how English came to be in the state it is and spoken by those who speak it. What factors have ensured the spread of English? What does this process tell us about the fate of languages in unique political and cultural contexts? In what domains of knowledge has English developed particular importance and how recently? English is remarkable for its diversity, its propensity to change and be changed. This has resulted in both a variety of forms of English, but also a diversity of cultural contexts within which English is used in daily life. The main areas of development in the use and form of English will undoubtedly come from non-native speakers. How many are there and where are they located? And when and why do they use English instead of their first language? We need to be aware of the different place that English has in the lives of native speakers, second-language users and those who learn it as a foreign language. []
The Future of English? The English Company (UK) Ltd.http://www.english.co.uk/FoE/contents/cont.html

2) De acordo com o texto (linhas 1-2), qualquer estudo srio sobre a lngua inglesa no sculo 21 deve comear por examinar: A) quando um ingls mais moderno comeou a aparecer. B) como este idioma se desenvolveu at chegar a sua presente forma. C) em qual estado a lngua inglesa se originou. D) quais circunstncias levaram formao do ingls. E) razes pelas quais a lngua mudou ao longo dos anos. Texto 3 Museo Participativo de Ciencias

The museo offers some groovy science tips and tricks for kids and adults that are game. Though the space is limited to a few rooms they manage plenty of cool, hands-on exhibits on subjects like optics, nature, music, electricity, and magnetism to name a few. There is also a crowd-pleasing feature named (appropriately): No me mates Matemtica! or Dont kill me, math! Young kids will be kept busy for a few hours here but travelers, beware,

as there are no brochures in English or English-speaking staff regularly on hand. Time is best served for bilingual kids or those with a patient Spanish-speaking guide. Either way, those in the Recoleta neighborhood should stop by and give it a whirl. De acordo com o texto de divulgao do Museo Participativo de Ciencias, o que possvel deduzir sobre a imagem ilustrativa do texto: A) preciso apertar um boto para que os itens possam funcionar B) No permitido a presena de crianas desacompanhadas pelo museu. C) proibido tocar nos itens do museu. D) permitido tocar nos itens do museu. E) Uma imagem de pare. Texto 4 City May Ask Restaurants to List Calories By THOMAS J. LUECK Without a doubt not all diners who order a Burger King Whopper or a Dominos pepperoni pizza or a Taco Bell chalupa really want to know exactly how many calories they are consuming. Whatever the amount, it is probably more than they should be eating. But the New York City Board of Health, the citys powerful arbiter of public health rules, is considering a plan to make it much harder to avoid the cold, hard numbers by requiring some of New Yorks 20,000 restaurants, including outlets of the nations fast-food chains, to list calories on menus and on clearly displayed menu boards. The idea is to give diners a dose of reality along with their fries.
Published: October 30, 2006 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/30/nyregion/30calories.html?pagewanted=2&_r=1&ref=health

De acordo com o ttulo da matria extrada do jornal The New York Times, possvel afirmar que: A) O Governo nem ao menos considera a ideia. B) O Governo certamente aceitar a ideia. C) possvel que o Governo considere a ideia. D) O Governo j aceitou a ideia. E) Nenhuma das alternativas anteriores. Texto 5

Na tirinha acima, a personagem principal Paige fica feliz com uma novidade, mas logo depois percebe que houve um problema. O que ocorreu? A) Ela ficou feliz, pois viu que seu celular tinha acesso ao Facebook, mas logo depois percebeu que perdeu a conexo. B) Ela ficou feliz, pois viu que Richie Thompson a adicionou como amiga do Facebook, mas ficou triste quando ele a excluiu da lista de amigos por ter visto que a adicionou por achar que ela era outra pessoa. C) Ela ficou feliz, pois viu que Richie Thompson a adicionou como amiga do Facebook, mas ficou triste quando ele a excluiu da lista de amigos por ter visto a comemorao que ela fez. D) Ela recebeu uma mensagem no Facebook dizendo que ganhou um prmio de Richie Thomson e comemorou o prmio, mas logo em seguida percebeu que era uma mensagem falsa. E) Paige est participando de uma brincadeira pelo Facebook em que ela tem que fazer o que as mensagens mandam. Gabarito A) B

B) B

C) D

D) C

E) C

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