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NeurobiologvofAging.Vol. 13, pp. 413-419, 1992 0197-4580192 $5.00 + .

Printed in the U.S.A.All fightsreserved. Copyright© 1992 PergamonPressLtd.

Evidence for Changes in the Alzheimer's

Disease Brain Cortical Membrane
Structure Mediated by Cholesterol

R. P R E S T O N M A S O N * i l l #~, W I L L I A M J. S H O E M A K E R t ¶ , L Y D I A S H A J E N K O # ,
T I M O T H Y E. C H A M B E R S ~ A N D L E O G. H E R B E T T E * : ~ § #

Departments of Radiology,* Psychiatry, t Medicine,$ Biochemistry, § The Travelers Center on Aging, II

Neurobiology Laboratory,¶ Biomolecular Structure Analysis Center,# University of Connecticut Health Center,
Farmington, C T 06030

R e c e i v e d 24 J u n e 1991; A c c e p t e d 20 N o v e m b e r 1991


the Alzheimer~" disease brain cortical membrane structure mediated by cholesterol composition. NEUROBIOL AGING
13(3)413-419, 1992.--Small angle X-ray diffraction analysis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) lipid membranes extracted from
cortical gray matter showed significant, reproducible structure changes relative to age-matched control samples. Specifically,
there was an average 4 A reduction in the lipid bilayer width and significant changes in the membrane electron density profiles
of AD cortical samples. There were no significant structure differences in the membrane bilayers isolated from an unaffected
region (cerebellum) of the AD brain. Lipid and protein analysis of 6 AD and 6 age-matched controls showed that the phos-
pholipid:protein mass ratio was unchanged but that the unesterified cholesterol:phospholipid(C:PL) mole ratio decreased by
30% in the AD temporal gyrus relative to age-matched controls. By contrast, the C:PL mole ratio in the cerebellum did not
change significantly. X-ray diffraction analysis of a cholesterol enriched AD sample demonstrated a virtual restoration of the
normal membrane bilayer width and electron density profile, suggesting that the cholesterol deficit played a major role in the
AD lipid membrane structure perturbation. Alterations in the composition and structure of the membrane bilayer may play
an important role in the pathophysiologyof AD by altering the activity and catabolism of membrane-bound proteins, including
the/3-amyloid precursor protein.

X-ray diffraction Alzheimer's disease Neural membrane structure and composition

A L Z H E I M E R ' S disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder how do proteases gain access to the APP695 intra bilayer cleav-
( 1) characterized by progressive loss of higher intellectual func- age site to form/3A in A D and (b) how does the hydrophobic
tion in the absence o f focal neurologic defects. A characteristic ~A peptide dissociate from the membrane to accumulate in ex-
neuropathological lesion in the cerebral cortex of patients with tracellular compartments? Previous biochemical studies have
AD is the neuritic plaque composed ofa/3-amyloid (#A) core suggested that the answer to these questions may be related to
surrounded by a ring of largely abnormal neuritic processes. changes in the composition and/or structure o f the AD neu-
Although the number of neuritic plaques generally correlate ronal membrane bilayer (26). These membrane changes in
with the degree of dementia, the mechanism underlying the turn may affect the cleavage and release of the 13A fragment
formation of these structures remains unknown. from neural membranes.
The ~A peptide is a small fragment of a large, membrane- To explore possible biophysical and chemical changes in
bound amyloid precursor protein (APP) that is broadly distrib- AD brain membranes, we examined reconstituted lipid mem-
uted in the cerebral cortex (7,21). The 38--41 residue f3A por- brane bilayers originating from AD, Parkinson's disease (PD)
tion of APP appears to have 11 to 14 ofits amino acids buried and age-matched control brains" temporal gyrus and cerebel-
in the membrane and 28 amino acids lying just outside of the lum using small angle X-ray diffraction. We correlated these
membrane (8). Typically, APP is cleaved outside of the mem- structural data with measurements of the protein, phospho-
brane, thereby preventing complete/3A formation (8). Neither lipid, and unesterified cholesterol content of the brain mem-
the primary sequence nor the level of expression of APP ap- branes. The results of this study showed significant, reproduc-
pears to be altered in AD (22,23). Two questions then arise: (a) ible changes in the structure and composition of membranes

tRequests for reprints should be addressed to R. Preston Mason, Ph.D., Biomolecular Structure Analysis Center, University of Connecticut
Health Center, Farmington, CT 06030.


isolated from affected regions o f t b e AD brain. These changes amined demonstrated a mild loss (approximately 10%) of neu-
may play an important role in the pathophysiology of this dis- rons and gliosis whereas only one case out of 6 age-matched
ease. controls showed this same histological change. There was no
evidence of any histopathology in either the AD or control cer-
ebellum samples.
There were no significant changes in the choles-
Samples of superior temporal gyrus and cerebellum were terol:phospholipid (C:PL) mole ratios and membrane widths
snap frozen in liquid nitrogen ( - 7 0 ° C ) and coded by the staff within the control and AD subject groups related to these his-
at the Institute for Biogerontology Research (Sun City, AZ). tological differences, in addition, there was no correlation be-
The 8 controls had no history of dementia prior to death. The tween these measurements and the cellular composition of all
diagnoses of the 9 AD patients were confirmed at autopsy. The twelve superior temporal gyrus samples, regardless of the clin-
sex ratio (AD: 5 males; 4 females vs. PD: 5 males: 0 females vs. ical diagnosis.
C: 5 males; 4 females) were similar for the AD and control Transmission electron microscopy on negatively stained
groups. The postmortem delay (AD: 3.20 + 3.01 vs. PD: 3.25 brain preparations from both the cerebellum and superior tem-
+ 1.30 vs. C: 2.28 + .84 h) was not significantly different poral gyrus (see Method section) showed a preponderance of
among the 22 patients. For comparative studies, there were 6 empty plasma membrane vesicles while myelin accounted for
AD, 5 PD, and 6 controls who had similar ages at the time of less than 10% of the total membrane preparation. This micro-
death (AD: 74 + 6 years vs. Control: 74 + 4 years vs. PD: 76 scopic appearance was independent of either the brain location
+ 5 years, mean + SD). Stained sections taken from both tem- for the tissue or clinical diagnosis.
poral gyrus and cerebellum were rated blindly by an experi-
enced neuropathologist for extent of cell loss and gliosis. Preparation ~?/Oriented Lipid Bilayers #~r X-ray D([lkaction
For X-ray diffraction studies, oriented lipid bilayers or mul-
Isolation o/Brain Membranes tilayers were prepared from multilamellar vesicles (2,5).
Gray matter from the superior temporal gyrus and cerebel- Briefly, brain lipids dissolved in choloroform were dried down
lum was dissected from the frozen brain tissue. The material as a thin film on the bottom ofglass 13 × 100 mm test tubes
was then weighed and homogenized in 30 volumes of 150 mM by vigorous mixing with the vortex TM mixer. A specified vol-
Tris-HCI of ice cold buffer, pH 7.4 and homogenized for 30 s ume of 0.5 mM HEPES. pH 7.3, 2mM NaCI was added to the
using a Tekman homogenizer. The homogenate was subjected dried lipid preparation yielding a final lipid phosphorus con-
to centrifugation at 20,000 × g for 25 rain at 4°C. The super- centration of 2 raM. The vesicles were then formed again by
natant was discarded and the final pellet was resuspended in 3 vigorous mixing with the vortex TM mixer.
volumes of Tris buffer prior to lipid extraction. Preparation of multilayers for X-ray diffraction were pre-
Membrane protein was determined using bovine serum al- pared as previously described (16). Briefly, 50 ul of the multi-
bumin as standard (15). The phospholipid phosphorus content lamellar vesicle preparation (2 mM) were added to methyl-
of the samples was determined by previously described meth- methacrylate sedimentation cells containing an aluminum foil
ods (3,5). Specifically, 50 ul of 72% percholoric acid was added substrate. The normal SW-28 rotor (Beckman Instruments,
to 1-40 nmol ofphospholipid phosphorus in borosilicate tubes Inc., Fullerton, CA) bucket caps were then replaced with "spin
and hydrolyzed for 1 h at 180°C in a sand block heater. The dry caps" (containing a 100 um hole in the center) and the pel-
following reagents were prepared for the phosphomolybdate leted vesicles were spin dried at 65,000 g for 3 h under centri-
complex color development: solution A, 1.58% ascorbate; so- fuge vacuum. On completion of the spin-dry process, the sam-
lution B, 5.09 g a m m o n i u m molybdate, 33 ml concentrated ples were mounted on curved glass supports and rehydrated in
H2SO,, and 84 ml distilled water; solution C, 21.0 ml reagent sealed brass canisters containing a saturated salt solution to de-
A, 2.0 ml reagent B. Reagent C (0.9 ml) is added to the cooled fine a specific relative humidity.
percholoric acid digest, color developed at 80°C for 15 min, The salts used for controlling relative humidity for X-ray
and absorbance determined at 820 rim. A colorimetric assay samples were K2CO~, 45%; Mg(NO3)2, 55%, NaNO2, 66%; Di-
was used to measure total cholesterol in native membranes by potassium salt of tartaric acid, 72%; (NH4)SO4, 81%; KBr, 84%;
a modification of the cholesterol oxidase method (4,10). Cho- ZnSO4, 93% and KNO3, 96%.
lesterol was extracted from native membranes using a chloro-
form:methanol:water system (9). The efficiency of cholesterol Small Angle X-ray DilJraction Data ('ollection and Reduction
extraction was quantitated with [3HI cholesterol (specific activ- Small angle X-ray diffraction studies were carried out by
ity of 93.8 Ci/mmol, NEN, Boston, MA) and determined to be aligning the samples at near grazing incidence with respect to
90%. the X-ray beam (see Fig. 1). The radiation source was a colli-
mated, monochromatic X-ray beam (CuK,, x-ray, wavelength
Electron Microscopy = 1.54 A,) from an Elliot GX- 18 rotating anode X-ray gener-
Small drops (5ul) of the brain membrane homogenate ( 150 ator (Marconi Avionics, Ltd., Borehamwood, UK). The ex-
mM Tris, pH 7.4) were placed on Formvar--carbon-coated perimental method utilized a single Franks' mirror defining a
specimen grids for one min. The grids were then blotted with line source where K,,~ and K~, are unresolved. Sample temper-
filter paper, and 5 ul of 1% phosphotungstic acid (pH 6.8) was ature was controlled for the diffraction experiments.
added. After 1 min., the grids were then blotted with filter The diffraction data from the multilamellar samples were
paper, and 5 ul of 1% phosphotungstic acid (pH 6.8) was added. recorded on both Kodak DEF-5 film (Eastman Kodak Co.)
After 1 rain., the grids were blotted, air dried, and then exam- and a Braun position-sensitive I-D detector (Innovative Tech-
ined and photographed in a Philips CM 10 tansmission elec- nologies, Inc., Newburyport, MA). Relative intensities for the
tron microscope operated at 60 kV. diffraction orders were obtained directly from digitized com-
Stained sections taken from both temporal gyrus and cere- puter plots of the detector data using an integration routine.
bellum were rated blindly by an experienced neuropathologist After repeated X-ray diffraction experiments with separate
for extent of cell loss and gliosis. Half of the 6 AD cases ex- .samples from control and AD tissue, the mean standard devi-


Electronic deteclo¢
Olf fr~cted x-rayS

1 t
Curved X.ray beam
- i
Electron densily otol,le

generalOr sa~'q~e

FIG. 1. Summary of the conditions for small angle X-ray diffraction experiments. The experimental method utilized a mono-
chromatic copper K° X-ray source (wavelength = 1.54 ~,). The brain lipid multibilayer sample was placed on a curved glass
mount such that the plane of the membranes were oriented around an axis perpendicular to the incoming X-ray beam at discrete
angles. The sample diffraction was collected on film or a one-dimensional position-sensitive electronic detector. The diffraction
order intensities were then integrated from the films with a densitometer or directly from digitized computer plots of the elec-
tronic detector data.

ation of the normalized integrated intensities, i, for each of the cerebellum did not change significantly. Moreover, the mass
diffraction orders h (h = 1-6) was determined (see Tables 4 ratio of protein to phospholipid was not significantly perturbed
and 5 later). in both the temporal gyrus and cerebellum of the AD and con-
Data reduction (background and other geometrical correc- trol tissue. The C:PL mole ratio values of fresh AD temporal
tions) has been described previously (I 6). The lamellar inten- gyrus (patient age at death, 73) prepared as synaptoneuro-
sity functions from the samples collected with the electronic somes (SNM) was similar to those obtained from frozen tissue
detector were corrected by a factor ofs = 2sin 0/;~, the Lorentz and homogenized. As a further control, we analyzed brain
correction. samples from 5 age-matched, Parkinson's disease (PD) brains.
To phase the lamellar reflections for each experiment, a hy- The C:PL mole ratios from the temporal gyrus (0.57 + 0.10)
dration series or swelling analysis was carried out (17). At least and cerebellum (0.48 + 0.06) of the Parkinson's disease brains
three sets of intensity data at different relative humidities each were not significantly different from the controls.
with unique unit cell repeat distances were used to assign an
unambiguous phase combination to the experimentally ob- Correlation Between Age and Membrane Cholesterol Content
tained structure factors. There was a significant correlation between age and the
The phased structure factors (presented in Tables 4 and 5) C:PL mole ratio in the temporal gyrus but not the cerebellum
were calculated directly from the experimentally obtained in- of both AD and control samples (Table 2). The average age of
tensity data corresponding to the measured D spaces. For fur- the 8 control and 9 AD patients was 75 + 9 years. A Pearson
ther analysis of the data, the continuous structure factor func- correlation coefficient (r) of 0.72 (p < 0.025) and 0.78 (p <
tion for both AD and control data sets were sampled at the 0.01 ) was calculated for 8 control and 9 AD samples, respec-
same D space. The result of this more stringent analysis still tively. The slope of the change (age versus C:PL mole ratio)
yielded a significant difference in the lipid bilayer electron den- was 0.01 for both control and AD samples. In these same sam-
sity profile structures consistent with Fig. 2 and lends further
support to the observed structural differences in the AD versus
control brain lipid membrane bilayer as reported in this article. TABLE 1
Analysis of Membrane Protein, Cholesterol BrainArea Control(n = 6) AD(n = 6)
and Phospholipid Content
The protein, phospholipid, and cholesterol content of brain Sup. Temporal Gyrus 0.66 + 0.05° 0.46 _+ 0.08b
membranes from the gray matter of superior temporal gyrus Cerebellum 0.45 + 0.08 0.50 _+ 0.08
and cerebellum were measured and compared. In Table I, the a versus b, p < .01, Wilcoxon two sample rank test (two-tailed).
C:PL mole ratios for control and AD brains are summarized. *Patient ages at time of death were: 74 + 4 years (control) and 74 +
The results of the analysis demonstrated a significant decrease 6 years (AD).
(p < 0.01, Wilcoxon two-sample rank test, two-tailed) of 30% The individual C:PL (age) values for the temporal gyrus were AD:
in the C:PL mole ratio of AD temporal gyrus when compared 0.46(68); 0.52(69); 0.38(71 ); 0.34(73); 0.54(78); 0.53(85).
with control samples. By contrast, the C:PL mole ratio in the Control: 0.64(67); 0.62(73); 0.68(73): 0.72(76); 0.71(77); 0.59(77).
416 M A S O N ET AL.

Control(n = 3) AD(n = 4)
Brain Area Control (n = 8) AD (n = 9)
1= .9727 z .0028 ~ I = -.9853 z .0024 h
Sup. Temporal G.vrus +0.72* ~ 0.78"l- 2 = .1615 4 .(X)49' 2 = -.0744 + .0144 ~
Cerebellum 0.27 - 0.07t 3 = +.0105 _~ .0148 ~ 3 = .t .0454 ± .0132 f
4 = .1591 + .0119 ~ 4 = -.1316 + .0124 h
The range in patients" ages was 20 years (55-77) tot control and 23
5 = +.0355 ~ .0049 5 = t.0272 ± .0265
years (68-91 ) for AD.
*p < .025, Student's one-tailed t test. i p < .01, Student's one-tailed 6 = -.(KI86 +_ .0185 6 = -.0338 + .0193
ttest.~n = 8 a versus b. p < .01, Student's two-tailed t test. c versus d, p < .01.
Student's two-tailed t test. e versus f. p < .05, Student's two-tailed t
tcst. g versus h, p < . 10, Student's two-tailed t test.
pies, the mass ratio o f p h o s p h o l i p i d to protein was similar for
control (0.70 + 0.05), A D (0.69 + 0.05), a n d P D patients
(0.78 + 0.06. n = 5) a n d did not correlate significantly with T h e difference in the m e a n s o f the D-space from the control
age. By contrast, the r values were - 0 . 2 7 (ns) a n d - 0 . 0 7 (ns) a n d A D samples in T a b l e 3 was 3.9 A. T h u s , the a d d i t i o n o f
in the c e r e b e l l u m o f control a n d A D samples, respectively. free cholesterol to A D m e m b r a n e s from the t e m p o r a l gyrus
was able to a c c o u n t for the difference in the D-space between
Small A ngh, X-ray Scattering o/Reconstituted Membranes control a n d A D m e m b r a n e s given in T a b l e 3.
M e m b r a n e multilayers o f reconstituted lipids from the su- T h e effect o f cholesterol o n m e m b r a n e structure was further
perior t e m p o r a l gyrus a n d c e r e b e l l u m gave clearly defined, re- d e m o n s t r a t e d in the electron density profiles. Diffraction pat-
producible, diffraction orders. T h e multilayer samples gave a terns were a n a l y z e d as described in the M e t h o d section. A rep-
single lattice diffraction p a t t e r n over a range of h u m i d i t i e s resentative X-ray diffraction p a t t e r n from A D a n d control
from 45% to 98% relative h u m i d i t y a n d low t e m p e r a t u r e s (5°C multilayer samples is s h o w n in Fig. 1. T h e square root o f these
to 15"C). For example, at 72% relative h u m i d i t y a n d 9"C, six intensities or s t r u c t u r e factors are s u m m a r i z e d in Tables 4 a n d
s h a r p lamellar diffraction orders were observed with a n average 5. T h e positive or negative signs c o r r e s p o n d to the phase o f the
unit cell repeat d i s t a n c e (the d i s t a n c e between the center o f t h e structure factor. C o n s i s t e n t with the D-space results, the nor-
interbilayer w a t e r space from o n e m e m b r a n e to the next re- malized s t r u c t u r e factors from control a n d A D m e m b r a n e
ferred to as the D-space for the m e m b r a n e ) o f 59 to 63 A, de- samples were significantly different from samples o b t a i n e d
p e n d i n g o n the b r a i n area from which the lipids were extracted from the s u p e r i o r t e m p o r a l gyrus b u t not the cerebellum.
(Table 3). Interestingly, the average variance in the 12 D-space C o m p a r i s o n o f m e m b r a n e electron density profiles calculated
values from the different regions o f the b r a i n was only 2% or from the structure factors revealed large differences in the
1.2 ,~. T h u s , the r e c o n s t i t u t e d lipids p r o d u c e d a m e m b r a n e m e m b r a n e bilayer width a n d h y d r o c a r b o n core electron den-
s t r u c t u r e that was highly preserved u n d e r b o t h n o r m a l a n d sity (Fig. 2).
pathological c o n d i t i o n s .
T h e r e were significant differences ( p < 0.01, S t u d e n t ' s two- I)ISCUSSION
tailed t test) in the m e m b r a n e bilayer width or D-space o f re- T h i s study describes structural changes in lipid m e m b r a n e s
c o n s t i t u t e d lipid m e m b r a n e s from A D t e m p o r a l gyrus but not r e c o n s t i t u t e d from the gray m a t t e r o f distinct brain regions
c e r e b e l l u m c o m p a r e d to c o n t r o l s (Table 3). T h e r e a p p e a r e d to from A D a n d control patients. Figure 2 a n d T a b l e 3 d e m o n -
be a c o r r e l a t i o n between t h e C : P L c o n t e n t o f the lipid extracts strate differences in the electron density profiles a n d d i m e n -
a n d D-space value that was i n d e p e n d e n t o f the b r a i n location sions o f A D versus control m e m b r a n e s . T h e b i o c h e m i c a l basis
o f the sample. T o test this correlation, free cholesterol was for these differences may, in part, be related to the significant
a d d e d to the organic p h a s e o f a n A D lipid extract from the su- decrease in the C : P L mole ratios m e a s u r e d in the lipid extracts.
perior t e m p o r a l gyrus prior to vesicle f o r m a t i o n . T h e a m o u n t F o r example, Tables 1 a n d 3 show a relationship between the
o f free cholesterol a d d e d b r o u g h t the A D C : P L mole ratio to a C : P L m o l e ratios a n d the m e m b r a n e D-space i n d e p e n d e n t o f
level similar to that o f the control. Multilayers were t h e n pre- the source o f the lipids. A d d i n g cholesterol to the A D superior
pared for X-ray diffraction. Analysis o f the diffraction p a t t e r n t e m p o r a l gyrus samples, to levels similar to control, was able
s h o w e d a n increase in the A D m e m b r a n e D-space by 3.9 A
from 58.3 A to 62.2 A following the a d d i t i o n o f cholesterol.
I = -.9782 # .0065 1= -.9691 ± .0091
Brain Area Control (n = 3) A D (n = 4)
2 = -.1114 ± .0315 2 = -.1415 ± .0330
Sup. Temporal Gyrus 62.6 ± 1.22A" 58.7 ± 0.4A b 3 = ~.0342 ± .0119 3 = +.0088 ± .0124
Cerebellum 59.1 ± 0.9A 58.4 ± 1.8Ac 4 = -.1517 ± .0244 4 = -.1848 ± .0238
5 = +.0531 ± .0178 5 = +.0577 ± .0018
a versus b, p < .01, Student's two-tailed t test. 6 = -.0433 ± .0185 6 = -.0477 ± .(X)56


I AD t*
~ , S A M P L E - - - ~ ~




) . . . . , . . . . i . . . . . . . . , . . . . , - - - ,
-30.0 -20.0 -I0.0 010 t0.0 20.0 30.O

FIG. 2. Comparison of a typical electron density profile from the superior temporal gyms
of an AD (dashed curve) and age-matched control (solid curve) subject. The two peaks of
higher electron density correspond to the electron-dense, phosphate headgroup and the elec-
tron density minima at the center of the figure corresponds to the terminal methyl groups
at the center of the membrane bilayer. The lipid bilayer width (i.e., D-space) of the AD and
control membranes were 57.8A and 62.2A, respectively. The C:PL mole ratios for these
samples were 0.38:1 (AD) and 0.64:1 (control).

to correct for the D-space difference (see Fig. 3). This is consis- solute levels were significantly lower in the AD cases. Increases
tent with the effect ofcholesterol on ordering the acyl chain re- in the C:PL mole ratio have also been reported in human
gion (i.e., decreasing trans-gauche isomerizations) in the mem- whole brain extracts (19), platelets (6), and lymphocytes (18)
brane bilayer hydrocarbon core resulting in an increase in the as a function of age. There was also a significant correlation be-
overall membrane width. tween the cholesterol:protein mole ratio but not the phospho-
The C:PL mole ratio is the main physiological determinant lipid:protein ratio, in the superior temporal gyrus as a function
of membrane fluidity. Increases in membrane fluidity have ofage. By contrast, there were no significant changes in the cer-
been related to a decrease in ligand binding to B-adrenergic, se- ebellum C:PL mole ratio or cholesterol:protein mass ratios as
rotonin, and opiate receptors in mouse brain membranes a function ofage.
( 12,13,14). In our laboratory, we have observed that changes Finally, changes in the composition and structure ofthe AD
in the C:PL mole ratio affect the partitioning of certain drug brain membrane may affect the cleavage of the amyloid pre-
molecules into the membrane. The partition coefficient for cursor protein (APP), resulting in elevated levels of/~A. Mu-
nimodipine, a 1,4-dihydropyridine Ca +2 channel blocker cur- tational analysis studies suggest that the cleavage site for ~-am-
rently being tested for the treatment of AD, increased three- yloid is buried in the membrane (8,22). However, alterations
fold as the C:PL mole ratio decreased by 10 mol% (unpub- in the AD membrane structure (e.g., a decrease in the D-space)
lished data). Nimodipine localizes near the hydrocarbon core/ may alter the tertiary structure of APP and increase the prob-
water interface, a region which overlaps the location ofcholes- ability for proteases togain access to this cleavage site. For ex-
terol (11). Thus, changes in membrane composition, particu- ample, the average 4 A decrease in the membrane bilayer D-
larly cholesterol, may strongly affect both endogenous (e.g., space could uncover amino acid residues otherwise inaccesible
neurotransmitters, hormones, second messengers) and exoge- to certain extracellular proteases. Figure 4 shows a molecular
nous (e.g., drug) regulation of brain cell function. model based on the X-ray diffraction data to illustrate how al-
This study also noted a significant correlation between terations in membrane structure may result in exposure of the
membrane C:PL mole ratios and age in the superior temporal BA cleavage site. The putative HA site indicated in the figure as
gyrus (Table 2). The rate of membrane cholesterol increase was an " X " is buried within the lipid bilayer under normal choles-
very similar in the AD and control cortical tissue; but the ab- terol conditions (Frame A) but is exposed in AD brain mem-
418 M A S O N ET AL.


z O0

"! .0

-~;o ~;.0 -t;., o?o ,*'.0 z,., 3,0


FIG. 3. (A) Comparison of lipid bilayer electron density profiles from cholesterol enriched A D (dashed curve) and control (solid curve) superior
temporal gyrus samples at 93% relative humidity and q*C. Following cholesterol enrichment of the AD sample to a C:PL mole ratio of ~0.7: I,
the D-space increased from 58.3~, to 62.2.,~. The control C:PL ratio was unchanged (D-space = 62.40A). (B) The profiles were correlated with
a space-filled model of a membrane bilayer showing the location of the cholesterol molecules.

b r a n e s ( F r a m e B) w h o s e lower cholesterol c o n t e n t m a y pro- pies. Joseph Rogers, Ph.D., of the Institute tbr Biogerontology Re-
duce the decreased m e m b r a n e bilayer width. F u r t h e r structure search (Sun City, AZ) provided frozen samples of human brain tissue
analysis o n the A P P p r o t e i n will d e t e r m i n e where the/3A cleav- for these studies. C. Hamann, MD. from St. Francis Medical Center
age sites are with respect to the m e m b r a n e in A D tissue. (Hartford, CT) assisted in providing fresh brain material for this pro-
This work was supported by the American Health Assistance
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Foundation and the John A. Hartford Foundation. R. P. M. is a John
A. Hartford Foundation Gerontology Scholar. LGH is an Established
We thank R. W. Besdinc, MD, for continual discussions relating Investigator of the American Heart Association. The Biomolecular
these data to the neuropathology of AD. We would also like to thank Structure Analysis Center acknowledges support from R JR Nabisco
Mr. H. Grazioso for his excellent technical assistance and M. Grunnet, Inc., the Patterson Trust Foundation. and the State of Connecticut's
MD, Department of Pathology. for analyzing the histology of the .sam- High -lechnology Programs.

Cleavage Site Cleavage Site "~
Buried ~--Amyloid Fragment Exposed ~ ~_.~^myloid Fragment


Average D~Spac e Average D-Space

62.6~ 5s.7~.

Cytoplasmic Side
Cytopltsmle Side

FIG. 4. Molecular model based on the X-ray diffraction data to rationalize how changes in AD membrane structure and
composition may result in exposure of the ~A cleavage site. The ~A cleavage site indicated by an X is buried within the lipid
bilayer under normal cholesterol conditions (control membrane), (A) but is exposed in AD brain membranes (B) where a
depressed cholesterol content results in a decreased membrane bilayer width.
C H A N G E S IN A D B R A I N D U E T O C H O L E S T E R O L 419

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