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CQJ..sGe or UnrveRSAL,'WisooM
A Non-sectarian and Non-profit Organization
for Religious and Scientific Research.
0 mortal man, each part I limit in the destiny of
My doing. I place the boundary on your skin. The
bark of tree, to limit Me within the life of each
of My created beings. I place the limits on the
speed of rivers to the sea. I place the limit on
the height, or every tree would grow unbounded.
Though the bone may fracture and skin may carry
scar. Though all My species bear the marks of
time within their destiny, I control the limits of
My parts, or else My parts would have control of
Me. And though the barriers of confinement hold
My creatures in the form, and though one looks to
distances beyond the furthest sea, I limit all
My beings, except for one direction, which is
within to Me.
If you would reach another, to ease an aching
heart, you must forget the past, for the present
has at last released the light to thee, of Me.
The future destiny makes thee one with Me.
0 mortals, though you search for Me within the
blazing sun, you must reverse the course. The
race is never won, though the reflection reaches
the finish first. The light that is My track was
there before the race began.
Message from the "Golden Density".
P R 0 C E E 0 I N G S
Yucca Valley, California
A branch of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc.
Volume 9 January - February - March 1972 Number 9
page 3
THE FALL OF BABYLON .................
NEW BOOK o o o o o
REPRINT ...... "I"
The "Proceedings" is mailed free to those people who
request it and financially support its printing by
contributions. There is no subscription rate. All
donations, checks, money-orders, contributions and be-
quests should be made to the Ministry of Universal
Wisdom. Incorporated.
"PROCEEDINGS" are published by the Ministry of Univer-
sal Wisdom, Inc., at Yucca Valley, California. Printed
in U.S.A. Business and Editorial offices: College
Utility Building. George W. Van Tassel, Director;
Darlene J. Wing, Secretary-Treasurer; G.W.Van Tassel,
Editor. All rights, including translation, reserved.
Manuscripts and photographs from our members or friends
must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped
envelope. As we do not employ solicitors nor representa-
tives, please address all correspondence concerning
"Proceedings", contributions, donations, bequests, etc.,
directly to:
P.O. Box 458, Yucca Valley, California, 92284
Eighteen Years In Publication
Orthodox science is now beginning to find that the
energy we have been writing about for 18 years, really
exists. In the scientific research conducted by
Dr. Luis Alvarez, who won the Nobel prize in physics
in 1968, standard scientific principles were usedo The
idea was that cosmic rays passing through the pyramids
would reveal any chambers that have not been found yeto
A cosmic particle recording device would show less loss
of energy on passage through a hidden room than it would
through solid stone. This research involved several
institutions as well as governmental agreement between
both the United States and the United Arab Republic.
Magnetic tapes, which recorded the data, were run
through the most modern computer to analyse the results.
The tapes revealed that a pattern could not be esta-
blished from which to establish a stable zero point of
reference, and every time the tapes were re-run, they
gave a different pattern of readings. Not only were
the patterns different, but certain data disappeared
from the tapes. The final conclusion was that what
was occurring was not only impossible, but some energy
was being registered that does not conform to the laws
of science. ---- ---- --- -- --- ----
Vern Cameron, of Elsinore, California, was conduct-
ing experiments 30 years ago in order to try to under-
stand what this energy is that does not conform to
known scientific laws. Vern found out that meat could
be preserved for an indefinite period of time, after
being subjected to this unknown energy generated by a
small pyramid. He also found that a razor blade could
be used to shave with over a hundred times, before it
lost it's sharp edge, when placed under his small
In collaborating with Vern, we not only verified his
results, but also found that an egg in a saucer would
solidify under the pyramid in a week, while one outside
of the pyramid in a saucer remained fluid. Milk kept
in a carton with a pyramid shaped top will also keep
fresh for an indefinite period of time without refrig-
eration. This is now patented in France where cartons
are used for dairy products.
The common denominator in all of these findings is
tha t the shape induces the energyo It must be a four
sided pyramid, and the most energy result'Sfrom a 52
angle on the sides. The most powerful results are
obtained when the pyramid is oriented with the sides
parallel to north, south, east and west directions.
Tests we have conducted, over the years, prove that
the corners are the operational necessity as holes
in the sides do not detract from the generating force.
Another point that we is that in order to
achieve maximum energy, the pyramid must be fastened
down, so it cannot be disoriented. The maximum energy
requires 28 days, one magnetic month, to reach it's
peak. We also discovered that a quartz crystal peak
on the top, where the capstone should be Qn the Giza
pyramid, will produce other effects. We believe that
a laminated quar-t"ZC1m'aeri:SW, wtrn germanium separating
the quartz sheets, on top of the pryamid will produce
energy readings on present scientific instrumentso Due
to lack of money, we have not been able to conduct other
tests that should produce electric power for use.
It is our firm conviction, after years of analysis,
that the Great Pyramid of Giza, was used to produce
power, used for rejuvenation, used to make mummies,
used to restore life, and used as a launching power to
start space ships out of the earths gravity.
One of our associates in Park Ridge, Illinois, has
accomplished levitation with single pyramids and a
group of four pyramids. She has established a "norm"
where the point of levitation of either hand will ' occur.
She has established that some of the charge will re-
main for a period of three days; and that from the
original point of first levitation, that the time
diminishes from 7 minutes and 45 seconds, down to 45
seconds in five exposureso She also discovered that
"dowsing rods" activate over the pyramid in the lowest
level of her home, and activate equally as strong up-
stairs in the highest leYel of her home. This same
associate also discovered ancient Hebrew and Greek root
meanings to words in the bible, which we printed in the
"Proceedings" ten years ago, do translate into modern
English meanings. We printed this in offering a com-
parison between our "Integratron" and Mose's Tabernacleo
Capt. Bruce Cathie, in his first book "Harmonics 33"
a nd in his second book, "Harmonics 695" shows by physi-
c a l proof and mathematics that the power grid system of
the earth involves the Great Pyramid and the Stonehenge
circle in England.
Application of ''natural power" can be used to in-
crease crop growth, eliminate destructive insects; used
to diagnose disease and the treatment of it; used for
interplanetary communication, the preservation of food,
a power source for transportation and other things too
numerous to mention. The only requirement to use this
"free energy" is our ability to couple into it, store it
and transmit it. First of course it must be accepted
by the scientists, and an economic system of exchange
devised to permit it's use. These two requirements are
the barrier which loggerhead profit and power hungry
opponents will not accept to make a "heaven on earth"
In the drawing reprinted here, from the "Proceedings"
of February 1, 1954, we show the shaft of power and the
vortex which the shape and mass of the pyramid produceso
The builders of the Great Pyramid had to know
science beyond our present knowledge because the
Pyramid measurements incorporate the speed of light, the
mass of the planet, the acceleration of gravity,
weights and measures, the axis of polar rotation, the
distance to the Sun, the 26,000 year procession of the
equinoxes, the Earth's magnetic field, the Earth's orbit
around the Sun, the value of trigonometry, and latitudes
and longitudes among many other things.
The stones in the Great Pyramids structure weigh up
to seventy tonso Granite was used to encase the Kings
Chamber because granite produces a "piezo-electric"
effect due of quartz crystals, mica, and
feldspar. The bulk of the pyramid of Giza is lime-
stone which has no electrical ability. The granite
chambers above the Kings Chamber form a granite air
condenser for energy storage. The Kings Chamber was
built off center purposely to place it in the power
area of the energy generatedo
On the Great Seal of America, printed on the one
dollar bill, we see the pyramid with the capstone re-
moved upward. In the center of the capstone is the all
seeing eye and the capstone is surrounded with the
radiance of powero The spirit is supposed to go
ward at death. Pyramids apex upward as do cones and
church spires. Coils spiral. I.R.Io in sp i r i t is
the same as IRIS in the eye. The centering focus of
all seeing, Tight, and energy. Pyramid means fire, or
light, in the centero The word "spirit" comes from the
Latin Spirare. Spire is "a body that shoots upward to
a point". The Accadian word Pir, or Bir meant light.
All of nature spirals. Spiral nebula, spiral vines,
spiral rising smoke, spiral water running down .a drain.
The structure of cells in a hair are spiral, the D.N.A .
of life is spiral, as are coils to activate magnetism
in the cores. Pir-a-mid is to activate light energy
in the center.
If you look at the Sun in the morning as it comes
up, you will see a spiral cone s h ~ p e surrounding it.
This is the same spirit energy the pyramid, generates
which the ancients called the "Shekina Glory".
Electricity, magnetism, and gravity, are side-effects
of spirit energy.
The pyramid was called K-HU-TI by the Egyptians,
and K-HU in Egyptian means "The Luminous One"o HU is
HUE now, meaning a mixture of colorso
One of the peculiar puzzles, to those who have spent
any time in the Kings Chamber, is the intense bone-
chilling cold that is felt, like it was inside of the
In the secret alchemy of The Emerald Tablet, the
"formula of life" and the mathematics of the "mystery
laws" apply to the Great Pyramid. The four elements,
fire, water, earth, and air coincide with the four
faces. The three principles of alchemy, circulation,
fusion, and spagyric equasion are parallel to the three
sides of the triangular shape of each face. The
reciprocal action in a living instrument produces
Universal Harmony, or life energy.
The sarcophagus follows the "Node of Nature" which
doubles the cube, and produces cubical crystals in
gold, silver, and salt.
We are anxious to apply the pyramid principle to
ma ke a refrigerator. We believe a two story high
pyramid with a conveyor belt feeding it through one
si de, would shrink city garbage to one-quarter of its
volume and could be shipped dry as a land mulch to
ugr i cultural areas.

A pyramid shaped top on a storage shelf for food,
open on all four sides, would preserve fresh foods
and fruit without refrigeration. These principles
have already been proven on a small scaleo
Resonance of any object depends on its shape, the
same as the shape of an airfoil must correspond to
the airflow in order to prevent resonanceo Resonance
is the reciprocating action in spirit that makes things
live. In matter and physical things, resonance can be
in discord and cause things to breako This has
happened in the construction of new buildings, where
the city noise and traffic have caused buildings to
collapse because the structure in steel was a frame-
work of cubes. A resonance that might be in harmony
with a sphere might also be in discord with a cube.
Shapes are a science in themselves, long ignored by
scientists. Ancient symbols are each a separate
scientific principle of applications of energy for
different purposes.
The pyramid principle of power will create a "Cube
of Infinity", a "Cone of Silence", a "Capstone of
Eternal Youth", a "Sarcophagus of Preservation", and
a "Vortex of Cosmic Power". The transmutation of
matter can also be accomplished with the pyramid power.
It was found that the mummified flesh when ground
to a powder and taken internally served as a cure-all
for all internal ailments and caused broken bones to
heal back together in a matter of minutes. Therefore
mummy matrix was a common cure and sold in apothecary
stores. The energy that caused the body to mummify
was stored in the flesh and was the potent healing
Those of you readers who are interested in con-
ducting tests and making pyramids should remember that
the critical thing is to make the sides on a 52
angle. The best size is around a foot to 18 inches
high. The pyramid can be made of cardboard, hardboard,
metal, plastic, or any other materialo The corners can
be attached with tape, or gluedo Holes can be cut in
the sides without affecting the energy. The pyramid
should be fastened down on a fixed shelf, or bench,
with the sides oriented with a compass. The east ond
west sides should be parallel to north a nd s outh
If a series of pyrMJids are used and a wire is run
from the top of one to a nother with the end wire runn-
ing to a coil wrapped around a piece of iron pipe, it
will be possible to direct the energy in a cohesive
beam, like laser, to an undetermined distanceo The
beam can be turned, like light, by reflecting it off .
of a mirror. A plastic tube should be slipped over
the coil and pipe. Winding spacing and wire size are
not critical. The wire should be insulated. We would
be interested to see what this beam does when run
through a prismo r
There are an unlimited numbers of tests that can be
done which haven't been tried yet.
We believe this ' energy which responds to some
optical laws and some electrical laws, will be the
energy that replaces atomic, and fossil fuels for the
ultimate power for all purposes.
We are working on an instrument will detect
and measure this energy.
The Board of Directors, in the monthly meeting of
January 19, 1972, have agreed unanimously to recognize
and honor, those of our donors who help to speed the
completion of the "Integratron" up the "home stretch".
It has been decided to place a brass plate, on which
the donors name is stamped, around the circular cement
base of this giant machine, to stand for all time and
show that they are the foundation of this humanitarian
Their name will also appear on a list, under glass,
on the front of the office building in honor of their
benefi cent contributions.
It was agreed that anyone who extends a gift of
one hundred dollars, or more, will have their names
be h ind the glass and on their individual brass plates
uround the base of the "Integratron"o
We thank those of you who have brought
this Jlro jec t up to approximately 83% of being completed .
r?Joyf&' t}reafui g]wer-:Pl:mt;;

't - r -
The Great Pyramid* o Gizeh, Egypt, is the only exist-
ing structure on the Earth that remains intact after
25,816 years. It is the greatest power plant ever
on this planet. At the time of its use it could h
more power than the generators at Niagara Falls oou 4
produce in a thousand years.
If we follow the prophecies of the Bible, in
Revelation, we are in. the last two years of prepara-
tion before the "war involving all Nations".
Revelations 17:1 says, "And there came one of the
seven angels which had the seven vials, and taiked with
me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee
the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upQn many
waters". Revelations 17:15 says, "And he saith unto
me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore
sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and
tongues". Revelations 17:3 says, "So he carried me
away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a
woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names
of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns."
The seven heads has always been interpreted as being
the seven hills on which Rome is bui1t. The ten horns
are, according to Revelations 17::12; "And the ten horns
which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received
no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour
with the beast."
The alliance usually referred to as "The European
Common Market" is officially called "The Treaty of Rome."
On January 21, 1972, four nations, Denmark, Norway,
Ireland and England were accepted into the ~ ' c o m m o n
market". This completes the ten nations required in-
order to fill out the requirement of the record in
Since the "wage-price freeze", which we predicted
in the "Proceedings" of July-August-September 1969, on
page 14, people are beginning to realize that there is
a critical money situation throughout the world. The
"common market" is an anti-American alliance to gain
control of the world trade economy.
Great Britain in joining the "Common Market",
abandoned her role as "The Mother of America", clear
across the ocean, for closer bedfellows in Europe.
This was partly based on the business sense that the
U.S. now has only around $10,500,000,000oOO in gold
and owes foreign nations around five times that mucho
In other words we have gone broke financing the rest
of the world and fighting two "no win" economic wars
in Korea and Vietnam.
The "Connnon Market" has a population sales value of
well over 350,000,000 people in the Unified States of
Europe's ten nationso This is more buyers than the
United States has, and more than the Russian Alliance
of Nations has.
This makes the "Hol):" Roman Empire" the greatest
power in the world. To this aggregate of nations in
Europe the U.S. is only a poor cousin, with a four
hundred billion dollar national debt, around six million
unemployed, and about fourteen million people on wel-
fare. How did we get this way?
Well, it started with "The Federal Reserve Act", in
1913o This act was to make possible the flow of credit
and moneyo This is the downfall of nations and in-
dividuals - CREDITo Credit is a system of buying the
invisible infinite illusion of timeo Time is the thing
you pay interest, and carrying charges for, and get
nothing in return for this money.
Money was a medium of exchange until President Wilson
signed this act. After 1913 money became a commodity.
This commodity was what World War I, and World War II
were fought over. World trade is the life blood of
nations. Now with the "Connnon Market" the U.S . will be
a "Poor Richard" nation. Being No. 2, after being No.
1, is a hard pill to swallow. What does Revelations,
in the Bible, say further about this?
Revelations 18:21 says, "And a mighty angel took up
a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the
sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city
Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at
all." - ---
The "great city Babylon" represents the Babylonion
money system, where money is a commodity to make more
money on. It has been in existance as an interest,
and usury, system since the time of Nebuchadrezzar,
but was not an international system as such until 1913o
The present trade war between Japan, West Germany,
and the U.S. was a touch and go triangle, in which none
of the three could tell when the other two of them ., . -
might gang up on the other one. This made it necessary
for each of the three to pacify the other two constant-
Now since West Germany has nine partners, with
tariff-free borders, Japan has no choice but to join up
with the United States. This is evidenced by the
meetings between Nixon and Sato and Japans agreyment to
buy Alaskan oil. The collateral of the nations is oil.
The whore is money, the beast is power.
This now becomes a battle between the beast with the
ten horns and the rest of the world in an economic
battle over world trade. This is again the formula for
war on a large scale. The rest of the nations of the
world are now forced to join one side or the other.
There will be no fence sitters.
Oil runs the world. Japan and Great Britain have to
join up with their closest sources of oil supply. Both
being islands, they have to import their oil or collapse
as nations of power.
Satan cannot stand against Satan, anymore than
Catholicism can stand against Protestantism. Each
would be defeating itself. Most of the heads of nations
are pawns in the process, who have to do what the
economic whore says, or she will turn the power of the
beast on them.
Revelations 18:15 says, "The merchants of these
things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar
off for fear of her torment, weeping and wailingo"
In tieing up the Suez Canal, the world trade had
to shift and old enemies had to become buddies. Two
Pacific Coast dock strikes put the pressure on Japan,
as it is too far around Africa with the Suez Canal
blocked to profitably sell to the European marketo
This is a checker game between the nations in a
strategy to keep the economic whore from going hungry.
Jeremiah 51:58 says, "Thus saith the Lord of hosts;
The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken,
and her high gates shall be burned with fire; and the
people shall labour in vain, and the folk in the fire,
and they shall be weary."
' '
This prophecy says the economic system will fail
and there will be no money to pay labor.
This whole fiasco is the result of a money-mad,
power-hungry world slowly making the wrong moves in
the checker game of life; little realizing that sooner
or later the rules of the game require that one
opponent shall lose, when the laws of God jump all of
the checkers.
God made the laws of equal exchange. An abundant
life is the profit, not undermining others on the way.
Glory, is the feeling of self satisfaction in helping
others, not the raiment of riches and power.
If I lived in a major city and had the money, or
property to sell, I would be making fast tracks to
move before it is too late.
Revelations 18:4 says, "And I heard another voice
from heaven, saying, Come out of her, ~ people, that
ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive
not of her plagues."
E Pluribus Unum
Many of our readers have written to ask when the
book, "The Stars Look Down", will be available.
This book is the "meat" of 17 years of the "Proceed-
ings" compiled under one covero
Our printers have given us an approximate cost for
printing of $3000.00 for 4000 copieso
The book sales would provide an income for the
"Integratron" research from the difference in cost of
printing and the sale priceo
I have dedicated this income to the Ministry, as a
tithe, and will print the name of any donor in the
book, who makes the printing possible.
George W. Van Tassel
The Annual Board of Directors Election was held on
December 11, 1971. It was voted that the present
Directors would continue to serve another year.
Leo Lefebvre was added to the Board as an Asaociate
Director by unanimous voteo
The Board of Directors is now composed of the'
following people:
George W. Van Tassel - President
Nathan D. Councilman - Vice-president
Darlene J. Wing - Secretary-Treasurer
Mary Councilman - Office
Herbert Kelley - Superintendent and Maintenance
Eva Van Tassel - Social Director
Sandra Boone - Office
Elsie Jacobsen - Public Relations
Olive Kelley - Assistant Social Director
Leo Lefebvre - Associate Director
W. P ~ u l Wilson - Scientific Consultant
All Ministry, and research work and construction
on the "Integratron", is carried on within the Board
of Directors, as no outside help is employed.
The book "Religion and Science Merged" may be order-
ed directly from the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc.
The address is on the back page of this issue of the
"Proceedings". The donation is $3.50 postpaid.

Thou Inflnl te Creator of All. \'ihence cane l from, to
arrive .r.ere? .B'or what purpose? In wl:at part of Thy
endless plan am I now? 1 look upon the magnitude of
Thy creations. I see halos of sunset and flowers, yet I
cannot even color one petal of a rose. To what end am I
traveling thls path? Am l an extentton of Thee? I
comprehend not what I should do. I study Thy vast ex-
panse and that I . know not even that portion
of Thee which ls in myself. Who am 1 to study stars?
Where is there one so low that l cannot look up to h lm?
For all this puzzle comes to my awarenesB that I don't
even know where I am going and yet I would pretend to
advise others. To what extent can l command myself to
do Thy service? Am l lnexhauetable? Give me the word.
Give me The Word, that 1 may do, t hat I may say, that I
may command the result for whlch thou hast cr eated me,
Infinl te One.

I gather here from eons past those records written
ln the flame of eternal truth and from the future yet
to come. I gather events today, not to place them on
the altar to be sacrificed to needless thought,
aelther to be scattered 1n the winds that they may
bring to b1rth another time. Only has the future and
the past been gat hered for that you may be
aware trat yesterday ls tomorr ow to many, while yet
tomorrow ls to For time ls effaced by
eternity, only to be trampled ln the duet of material
things, and those who stars within the image of
themselves, have gathered more than intellects through-
out recorded time, for thvught ls not intelligence. It
is bounded on all sides by opinions expressed by others;
too, it will fall you when you need 1t most. For
thought ls but the to contact that infallible
Ever the vibration true to all and each, nor
rank nor social standing shall it favor. Ji'or when man
thinks within hls day, he sleeps wtthln hls ni ght and
from hls present he gathers words, expreselons and ac-
tions yet to come. Be not betrayed, for thoueht alone
is only a tlny line of li ght, connecting true recepti-
vity wlth Inner ccnscloua being. Many evenTs from the
can suar this line and lead you off the path.
Remember only can be eternally the of all
that is.
Reprint from the "Proceedings" of Octobe r 15 , J9GJ
S u;V} JV), r , NEw RS t:"f
P.O. Box 458
U.S.A . 92284
0'7 1 01

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