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. Human Brain Mapping 2r I ( 1994) .


Computational Approaches to Network Analysis

in Functional Brain lmaging

Functional brain mapping iechniques have the po- ing articles, specific applications focus on auditory
iential of revealing not only the activity of brain learning in rodents (Gonzalez-Lima and Mclniosh)
regions, but also the rclationships or interactions and chan8es in motor system functional interactions
between reSrons. UnderstandinS neural interactions in Parkinson's Disease before and after surgical inter
iequires the development of computational ap- vention (Grafton, et al.). The next three articles de-
proaches capable of analyzing brain aciiviiy in terms scdbe several other multivariate statisiical methods for
of funciional networks. Hufldr Brain Mapping has mpd-urrng funclional inlFrd,lion- rn neuroimdginS
devoied this special issue io highlighi the significant data. The concepts of funciional and effective connec-
advances in developing computational approaches to tivity aie defined and expressed in relation to brain
neiwork analysis in neuroimaging. The eight articles imaSingdaia setsin an articleby Fiiston. Th€ pdncipal
components-based scaled subProfile model is Pre-
in this issue are based on pr€sentations made at the
sented by Alexander and Moeller providint an inte$a-
international symposium on "Computational Ap-
proaches to Neiwork Analysis in Fun.tional Brain
tion between biain imagnt and neuropsychiatric
measures. clark et al. also use a pincipal comPonents
lmaging," h€ld in Austin, Texas on April 25, 1994. It
approach to examine patient variability in HuntinS-
r€prcs€nts the firsi collection of papers in this area; ton's Disease. Poline and Mazoyei piesent a method
and its purpose is to bring together ihe pioneerinS to enhance the sensitivity ofactivation analysis throuth
work done with ihese types of computational meth- quantification of conti$ous clusters of activated vox-
els. In the 6nal article, Horwitz compares activation
Th€ unifying theme of the various approaches and covariance analyses and suggests ways in which
presented is the focus on analyzing neiwork interac- neural modelint and neuroimaging maybe combined
tions to reveal the iichness ofbrain imaging data. The to yield a beiier undersianding of brain tunction-
articles also illustrate, with data from animals and Although functional brain imaging techniques such
humans, how these methods help to elucidate the as positron emissiorl tomography and autoradioSn-
complex funciional interaciions underlying normal phy have become central to brain research. relatively
and abnormal brain activities. Computational ap- few studi€s take full advantage of neuroimadng data
proaches aie illmtrated with various applications io to quantify functional inieractions among brain re-
normal sensorimotor and behavioral functjons using gions. Therefore, there has been a need to review
arditory, visual, and motor paradigms. In addiiion, siate-olthe art applications of computational ap-
ihe application of these approaches to investiSaie proaches to network analysis to provid€ a basis for
brain dystunciion is illustrated in diseases such as future res€rch in ihis area. It is hoped that this special
larl inson .. AlTheimer's. HuntinBton-. depre\cron, issue will fulfill ihis need, and will help to advance the
schizophrcnia, and othels. field of brain mapping into the realm of invesiigating
The first ihree articles deal with structural equation the complex network interactions underlyinS brain
modeling, a method designed to quantify functional
network interactions mediaied by specific neuroana-
tomical connections between brain regions. The a icle
by Mclntosh and Gonzalez-Lima presents the theoreii- F. Gonzalez-Lima, PH.D
calbasis for boih covariance analysis of neural systems A.R. Mclntosh, rH.D.
and neural strucrural equation modeling. ln the follorv- Peter T. Fox, M.D.

o l994 Wil€y-liss, Inc.

. Human Brain llaDpinS2t2-2211994) .

Structural Equation Modeling and lts Application

to Network Analysis in Functional Brain Imaging

A,R. Mclntosh and F. Gonzalez-Lima

I obonrctu ot Nru,u\ in, Nnt;onnt Ltaittt : on AR,t t. Nntu'trlt tn nu^ lo, Hcntth
Bethc.da. M0tutn d tA R M, ^.
l.t. nnd D, pn, t neat al p.ythotor| an4 ! stitLte to, Ncu,u" in,r.
Unioersity oJ Texas, Austin,Tdns, (F.G.-L.)

Abstracl: The analysis ofbrain imagingdata has recently focused on rhe examination of the covanances
etivity among neural regions during differenr behaviors. We present some of rhe rheorerical and
iechnical issues surounding one of rhese covarian.e-based meth;ds: structural equaiion modeling. tn
srruclural equation modelin& conneciions between brain areas are based on known nedroanarom, and
the.inieftegional oaiances of activity are used to calculare path coefficienrs represenring the magdruoe
of the,influence of a.h direltional parh. The togic behind the use of structural eqrarion;odeling stems
rrom ihe sug8e\hon thar bdrn functjon rs rhe resutr ofchanges in the covariances ofactivity amongneural
elements. The te.hnicaifoundations for neural strucrural equaiion modets are p.esenled, emphasizing the
ability to make inlercntial compansons ro evatuaie the experimentat changes in path coefficienrs.
Simulaled data sets were used io tesr the effecrs of omitted regions and orn ted-conn".iio".. rn",".o."
suggested that shuctural modelinS algorithns can give hints as to possible exrernat influences and
missingpaths, but that the finaldecision as ro modelmodifications requires rhe quidance of the .esealcher.
The utilit), ofanatomically based oodels to disringuish between the direct etfecl of one region on anorner,
and indirect effecis mediated through inte ening regions, is demonsrrated in an empin;al daia set that
examined the effects of darkness o! partemed light on rhe metabotic activiry In the rai v,suat sysrem. lhe
anatomical ffamework lor the structural equaiion models rcvealed that rhe rotat impaci of ascending
thalamoco.tical influences was modified by corticocortical inreraciions. Extensions ofsiructural eouation
modeling to human biain imaging erperimenrs are presenred. We con.lude by suggesting rhar neural
covanances may be a more accurare way to examine the dynamic functional ofsanizarion ;f ihe central
nervoussystem. !t9e4wilq.u$,rnc,

K€y words: path analysis, neural parhwav, neural systems, visual sysiem, rat, human, 2_deoxyglucose,
regional cerebral blood flow, positron ehission romography

INTRODUCTION neously the aciivity wiihin the eniire brain of a singl€

subject. New data analysis methods have also taken
Functional neuroimaSing techniques nave pro- ad\dnlaBe oJ ll-is opporlunrt). Imrge averaging a.rosr
vided a unique opportunity to examine simulta- subiecls. 5ubird,lion methods, stdlicli.dl pardmetric
maps [Fox et al., 1988; Friston et al., 1991j, and particle
Receiv€d forpubli.ationJune 23,1994; revision accepted A!8ust 24, or cluster analysis lPoline and Mazoyer,1993, Roland
et a1.,19931 represent a few of rhe innovarive methods
Addr€ss reprinr requests to A.R. Mclntosh, ar his presenl addiess: for increasing the sensitivity of data analyses to locate
Rotman Research Institute, Baycr€sr Centre for ceriabic Carc, 3560 chan$s in regonal metabolic activity. The use of
BathursrSkeet Toronto, Onrano, M6A 2E1 Canada more Eensitive analytic techniques is particulaily im-
o 1994 Wiley-tiss, Inc.
. Stmctural Modelins ofBrai. Inreractions .

portant for mappint studies of behavioral funciions in8 expedments. A contrast of daia-driven versus
when meiabolic changes are subtle. iheory-driven approaches to modeling is then dis-
Recent trends in the analysis of brain imaging data cussed. We conclude this paper by suggestinS that
have focused on ihe intera.tions amontbrain regions , o\ urid'rce baced melhods, b hich e\plain brain opprd-
lFriston et a1.,1993a,b; Horwitz et a1.,1992a,b, Colden tions in the context of funciional interactions, will
bert et al., 1989; La8rdze, et al., 1993; Mclniosh and provide a more realistic picture of the relationship of
Gonzalez-Lima, 1991r Moeller and Strother, 19911. brain activity and behavior.
They all extract informaiion about neural interactions
lhrouSh decomporrhon of inrerregronrl .ovdndac(- WHY STUDY COVARIANCES?
of activiiy. One of these methods is structural equa-
iion modeling or path analysis. It has proved to be a The iraditional form ofdata analysis in all neurosci
powerful way to combine functional neuroimaginB erce iechnique. h"s been to lool for differen,e. in
data with anatomical circuitry io determine the func Foup or condition means on the measured variable,
tional neuroanatomy underlying a particular iask. We whether behavioral (e.9., perlormance on a neuropsy-
have applied structural equation modeling to autora- chology test) or physiolodcal (e.9., action potentials
diographic 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) and fluorodeoxytlu- per second/ isotop€ incorporation). Brain imaging is
cose (FDG) data obiained from rats in difierent behav- ro e\ceplion lo lhi-. dnd focu5inS on (han8e\ in medn
ioral paradigms lMclntosh and Conza]ez-Lima, 1991, regional activity has been a successful approach. For
r992a, 1993, 19941. More recently, siruciural equatiorl co\ d,idnce-bJ-ed rnd\.e. ro be useful rn neurormaS-
modeling has been applied to human brain imaginS in& th€y must make a significant conidbution to the
data obtained from posiiron emission tomographic understanding of the daia seis beyond what could be
(PET) measures of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) deived from analysis of mean regional activity. Covari-
lMclntosh et al., 1994a,b1. The toal of ihis paper is to ance relationships can span many temPoral and sPa-
explain the application of structural equation model tial domains, from milliseconds to minutes and from
ing to tunctional brain imaging data. The theoretical .in8le npuronr lo neu'al en.emble. and brdin ireJ-.
and technical issues of siructural equation modeling T\lrdordinrr) in,i8hr. hdve bpen garned by e\dmin-
in its Seneral use have been extensively researched ing covaiancesat fine spaiialand temporal resolution,
le.g-, Bentler,1985; Berrt 1985; Bollen, 1989, Boomsma, in the case of sintle neuron electrophysioloSy [AeIt-
198s, Fr€edman, 1987; HayduK 1987, Jdreskot, 1973; sen et al., 1987i Opticon and Richmond, 19871 and
Jdreskog and Sdrbom, 1979, 1989; Loehlin, 19871, so across shori temporal intervals but larter spatial ex-
ihe focus here is on isslles felated to the application of tents using evoked potentials lcevins et al., 1985;
structural equation modeling to neural data Gevins and Cuiillo, 19931. Wiih brain imaging and
Since interegional covariances of activiiy are the siructural equaiion modeling, the issue is whether
basis of all network analytic techniques, we will begin 5imilar r'1riShrs . an be gJrned frol.l e\anininS covari
by suggesting that the fundamental organization of ances based on iime-iniegrated activity measur€s of
rhe cFnlral nervou..)slem mdle. ir ideal ior .ovdri- ensembles or brain regions.
ance analysis. From that we will present the basic Expressed in ierms of neural sysiems, a measure of
iheory underlying structural equation modeling as covaiarce represents the de$ee io which the activi
applied to the central nervous system. Our application ties of iwo regions are related to one another, or how
of structural equation modeling to neural systems they vary togeiher. Ahigh covaiance between areas A
mak€s us€ of the neuroanaiomy to define a network and B means that if area A increases its activity, so too
and io express the interactions among brain re$ons. will B (in the case of a positive covadance). Covari-
Since the method is a modeling iechnique, it often ances are studied in many scientific disciplines, but in
requires simplifyint assumptions about the anatomy neural systems, covariances of a€tivity have a special
ihai includes leaving out minor connections and, on meaning. The dependent variables (regional activity
occasion, brain areas. The effects of an incomplete of brain areas) are anatomically connected to one
anatomical model, and the omission of re$ons that another, while in oiher disciplines, such as social
have an impact on other regions included in the science, there may be no a priori connective relahon-
modelwillbe examined usint simulated daia sets. The ships between dependent variables.
utility of anatomically based models in the theoretical More formally, the central nervous sysiem is unique
inteipreiation of a neural struciural equation model in that ii is composed ofnumerous interconnected
will then be presented, followed by recent extensions elements ran8inS from single neurons to entire en-
of -lruclur"l equdlron modFlinB In hu rdn brdrn inaS sembles. These connections range from local intra-
. Mclblosh and Gonzalez-Lima.

regional connections among neurons, io inierregional where Y and X are measures of rhe aciivity in two
connections amongensembles of n€urons across brain interconnected bmin regions across a sample. Since
areas. ThouSh perhaps somewhat obvious, it is worth the measures are across a sample, Y and X also
nohng thai communication beiween neural elements represent the vadance in these two regions. Equation
lneurons or ensembles) is along these interconnec, (1) also contains the Y-intercepi for a line, d, and rhe
tions and these communications underlie brain func- slope of the line, B,/., indicarinS ihe size of the
iion. It iollo$'s from this that a change in the observed influence of X on y. The final rerm g is rhe residuat
activity of any element results from a change in ihe representing the variance in Y that is not determined
communication with one or more connected elements_ b\ X Thi. represenlation i\ \implp line.r regrescion.
In oiher words, an activity change at any central The value of B!, is computed directly ftom the covari-
newous sysiem site must come about throuSh a ance of Y and X and when the measures of Y and X
change in the influences of one or more affereni are standardized (transformed to z-scoies), the inter-
pathways. For peipheral sensory receptors/ activity cept, o, becomes zero and the slope pu, would be rhe
changes are the result of environmental stimulation zero-order correlation between Y and X. Equation (1)
except where central sites influence the receptors also represents ihe gdreral lineat nodel and forms Ihe
(olivocochlear bundle). Under physiological condi- foundation for almost all conventional statistical analy-
iions, possible exceptions might be found in the ses from simple l-tests to canonical correlations [Har-
diftuse cent'al ede\1. ot no.1 neurondl ofi8in reg. ris,19751.
peripheral hormonal or hemodynamic changes). Since A simple extension of equation (1) can represent
one neuml element can influence the activity of arld effects of an additional area Z on the regional activity
therefore th€ vadance of another, the relationship
b€tween neural elemenis can be quantified asa covari-
ance. Therefore, interaciions between neural elements y=a+Bltx+u.z+,1, (2)
can be detecied by examinnlg ih€ covariances of
measured activity within the central nervous system. Equation (2) represents the effe€ts of X and Z on y
The Seneral organizational prnrciples of the ner The p weiShts are the degree to which these two areas
vous system ouUined above suggest that l7mi, /lr rctrox influence ihe variance, or activity, of y. Because of ihe
is the rcsult af chatlges in the catrrianccs anang neural semi partiallinS of varianc€s sources in the compura-
clc,rerls. The traditional emphasis on the analysis of tion of the P weights, the influences of Z on y and j{
changes in regional activity alone is more in line with on Y are mathematically independent of each other
the contrasting view that brain functions are the
lcohen and Cohen, 19831. Equation (2) is a multiple
responsibility ofspecialized areas IHorwitz and Sporns, linear reSression.
19941. As will be demonstrated laier, covariance analy- Equation (2) shows how the eff€cts from mulriple
sis can coniribute more to the understanding of brain
influences on .egional activity can be derived from
operations since it implicitly assumes that the cenrral looking at covariances- The equation can be further
nervous system is a collection of parallel funciional expanded io include more regions and, if expressed as
networks rathel than segretated regions. The impor- matrices, can be used io define the interconnections 01
ldnce of covdndnce of .1eurdl J.lrvity hai been -e(og- an entire neiwork. The matri)( representation is the
nized by other researchers dealing with electrophysi- foundation for siructuml equation models.
olo$cal and imagint data lAertsen ei al., 1989, Ahissar
ei al./ 1992 Gersiein ei al., 1978, Horwitz et al., 1992a1
and impliedbysome theories o{brain function lDama-
sio,1989, Luda,1973; Tononi et a1.,19921.

Mathematical ext€nsion
iil ln, r illil.lll 3

In equation (3), the vaiiances ofall three regions,-X, Y,

and Z are represented as a vectoi that is determmecl
The relationship between brain aieas can be de- by the weighted influence of the other regio,rb trnanx
\imple linedr mdlhemali.al e\pre$ron
s' ribed u\rn8 a of ll weights) plus the residual influen€es contained in
of the variance of a region as influenced by the the vector {r. The zero values in the matrix ll iepresent
variance ofanother. The equation for this is: connections that do noi exist in the model. Equation
(3) can be represented graphically, as shown in Fig
v:@+pv,x+{i 0)
. Stroctoral Modelins ofBrain Inleractions.

the impact ofbrain area X and the experimental effect

A (XA). The interaciion assesses whether the relation-
ship between X and y changes because of the expei-
mental efJect. The B weights represent the deFee to
w\kh rhe-e rhree'acro.s irnuFn,e lhe \dridn.e, or
activity, of Y The influence of area X on Y, indepen-
dent of the experimenial effeci, is evaluaied by the
testint ihe statistical significance of pv.. The signifi-
cdn.e of e\perrmenidll) relaled regional differen.e. rn
the activity of Y, independent of th€ influences of
Fitur€ l. region X, is assessed by evaluatinS the siFificance of
Graphi< representation of strucrural equarion model from equation
B!.,. The siSnificance of the slope Py., indicates whether
( | ). Cir.les reprBent the meaured variance from re8ions X. Y, ad
Z. Unidirect onal arows represent the path for the inlluence of
the influence of region X changes depending on the
these solrces ol vriance on each other, the weightinS of the experimental condition,i.e., whether the covariance of
influence given by P. CuNed bi-direcrional arrows represent Xand ychanges because of ihe experimental manipu-
rsidua infllences whose size is indicated b/{. lation-
Neuroimatint can be used to assess experiment
relat€d functional changes -.ritlrt brain areas by exam-
Relationship between exp€rimental variance ining average activity levels and comparing ihese
and covariance levels across groups or task. In eqltaiions ( ) and (5),
this is represented by ihe evaluation of ihe eff€ct of A
Most of the results obtained from brain imaging on Y(p,/"). Funciional changesl,eh,ee, brain areas may
studies have been derived from the analysis of the be inferred ftom regional activity, bui some of the
differences in regional aciivitybetween task or groups. funciional changes may not be obvious fiom regional
It can easily be demonstrated thai this is the same as mean activity. For example, in eqmtion 5, ii is entirely
evaluating the covaiiance between brain activity and possible for the term repr€sentint the experimentally
experimenial manipulation. Using the general linear induced difference in regional aciivity (py.) to be
model presented in equaiion (1), the activjty in Y is nonsignificani, bui for the term representing the
e\Pres.ed ar beinS partly determrned by an e\perimen- change in the relationship between X and ydue to the
tal manipulation,4. experimental effect (pi,") to be siSnificant. This would
be missed if the covariance of X and y was not
Y=d+By"A+{, (4) evaluated. Civen the inierconn€ctions among neural
elemenis and that re$onal activity in the central
ln this equation, y represents a set of measures of nervous sysiem is mainly determined by ailerent
regional activity (variance) ftom two expefmental influences, ihe changes in functional relationships
condiiions, and A reprcsents a binary vector coding amongbrain regions can only be quantified by covari-
for an experimental or control condition (e.9., A = 1
for expeiimental condition. ,4 = 0 for conirol condi
tion, this is also referred to as dummy coding [Pedha, FOUNDATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL EQUATION
zur, 1982, Cohen and Cohen, 19831). Compuiation of MODELS OF NEURAL SYSTEMS
the influence of,4 on Y, repiesented by Py"/ indicates
whethei thereis a change in the activity ofYrelated io With the increasing interesi and application of
the iwoconditions, i.e.,whetherthe mean activityof y covariance-based analyses. new terminoloty has also
ir different rn {he lwo condrhons. Thi\ covarian,e been introduced. It is useful at ihis point to clarify
analysis is identical to a simple f-iest lPedhazur, 1982]. some of these terms and define their relation to the
A simple exiension of equation (a) can examne ierms we use to describe neural siructural equaiion
experimental €ffects on both regional activity and models. The term lunctiollil colinectkns (connectiLrity)
inierregional covariance. has been used to refer to the correlations of activity
between neural elements in both electrophysiology
Y= cr + pr.x + py"A + B!,,,xA + {, {5) lA€rtsen et al., 19871 and brain imaging lFriston et al.,
1993b1. To say that two neural elements (neurons or
Equation (5) represents the effect of area X on Y, the brain regions) have a functional connection is to say
experimenial effect of A on y, and the interaction of that these elemenis show siaiisiically significant corre
. Mclnlosh and Gonzlle2-Lina.

lated activity without reference to how that correla-

tion is mediated. Efrectile con ectil,itlt is a logcal Vo
Sression from functional connecti\.ity and can be ABC
defined as ihe influence or ef{ect one neural element
has on another lAerisen et al., 1989, Friston et al., B rAB
1993b1. The ierm i/,r.iio,ial ]let-.ro* has been applied to
the pattern of covaiances among evoked potential

siies [Cevins and Cutillo, 1993], but coul.t also be

applied to a patterrl of covariances obtained through
other measures of neural activity. For our application
Structural Equaiions
Path Equations
ofstructural equation modeling io neural systems, we
have applied ihe terms r atonidl model and futlctional
model [Mclniosh and Conzalez-Lima, 1993, Mclntosh
et al., 1994a1. The analonicul model simply represents .cD:y2 + vr r vw+ yw +yw
the n€uroanatomical connections beiween brain re-
gions used in ihe structural equation models. The Figure 2.
interreSional corelations ofactivity are used to assign Schematic rep.esentaton of merhods involved in s$uctural eq!a,
numerical weighis to the connections in the anatomi tion modelng of a neural ystem. A: Parh diagrm of a simple
cal model, leading io the funciional model. Afir.tio,rrl ietlvork with four bmin retions (A. B C D) and their anaromical
conne.tions (iidicated by afrowq. Br The infomation about the
,11od.1, therefore, represenis ihe influences of regions
corelations of activties between regions is used ii conjhcrion
within the model on each oiher through the anatomi- with the path diaSram (A) to calculate rhe srengrh of influen.es
cal conneciions.ln some respects, the functionai model
throuth the connections, known uthe path coefcients (v. w, L J/,
is close io ihe notion of effective connectivity since it z). C: Path equations show how rhe correlations between reSions
depicts the influence of one redon on another. The can be decomposed to solve tor the path coefllcients. O: Structu6
difference, as will be illustrated subsequently, is that equations show the Enan.e in acriviry in each region 6 a function
the influences in the functional model are depicted as ol the weighted Erlance of orher b6in reSions and a residual
direct and indirect effects through ihe anatomical influen.e (indi.ated by{) These residuals are iot shown in Aaid
model. Effective connections are typically not ex
Pressed in this manner.
There are many commercially available computer
packages that are specifically designed for structural tions provide a more comprtationally efficient meihod
equation modeling including LISREL Ucjreskog and to solve for the path coeficients as the complexity of
Sctrbom, 19891, EQS [Bentler, 1985] and AMOS IAr- the system increases,
buckle,1992l. The algorithms used in struciural equa
iion modeling have underSone some modifications 0 r +{ (8a)
since ihe initial developmeniby Wright [1920], bui the
procedure remains conceptually unchanged. All struc-
fAl fo o o
turdl equalion nodel- are de.i\ed llon co\i-id1ce
matrices and from a causat structure- Figure 2 illus
lBl =l' 0 :I;t. lY:t (8b)
trates the basic processes and feaiures of structural lc v o o llc | 1,r,.
equation models. The system, made up of four vali- LDI Lrz0 olLDl Lu"l
ables, has a causal Etructure indicated by the arrows
(Fig. 2A)- The regions and connections define the To construct a model it iE useful to rcfer to equation
analomiml madel lMclntosh and Gonzalez Lima, 1993; (8a and b). The model is expressed in maidx notation
Mclntosh et al., 1994a1. By using this anatomical (8a) and expanded as vectors and matrices in (8b). The
model, the correlation matrix (i.e., standardized cova - equaFon ha- a \ ector, tt, whi.h con rains rhe variancer
ances, Fig.28) canbe decomposed to assign functional of re$onal activity from A ihro!8h D a matfx p,
wFi8hlr or y'tl4,"erf,r,"15 gr\en b) lerrer- .: .ro which defines the network and contains ihe path
each of the arrows. The addition of the path coeffi- coefficients, and a vector of residual efJects, {,. Model
cienis defines Ihe lunctiollal ,iodcl lMclntosh and specification is done through indicating which ele-
Conzalez-Lima, 1993, Mclntosh et a1.,1994a1. The path ments in p and {, are ri"d at zero (indicating no
equations (Fig. 2C) and structural equations (Fit. 2D) anatomical connection), fixed at a non-zero value, or
ar€ mathematically equivalent, but the structural equa- tre io be estimaied. The zero elements ofpjn equation
. Structural Modelins of B.ain Int€ractions.

(8b) represent fixed coefficienis, while the others which residuals are included, the total effects would
represent coefficienis ihat are free. The vector {, is a be smaller than the correlation coefficient. Evaluatint
diagonal matrix in the form presented in equation influences within a system as direct, indirect, and iotal
(8b). It can also be expanded to a full matrix io allow effects is known as effects decomposition and is an
for correlations amonS iesidual influences. important characteristic of stru€tural equation model-
Solutions to ihe structural equations are typically ing. Ef{ecis decomposition can indicate how the influ-
obiained through iteraiive estimation. The mosi com- ence of a region is modified ihrough indirect influ
mon form is maximum-likelihood estimahon, al' ences and whether these change d€pending on the
though different leasfsquares methods have been expefm€ntal manipulation. Effective connectivity, as
1lsed lBentler, 1985; l6reskog and Sdrbom, 19891. definedby Aertsen et al. [1992], resembles most closely
Initial estimaies for ihe unknown parameters (paih total effects in that an ef{ective connection is the
coefficients and residuals) in the structural equations influen.e oi one neural elerrent on .nother irre<pe(-
are obtain€d and a set of implied variances and tive of direct or indirect influences. In structural
covariances arc computed llsing derivations similar to equation modelin& effective conneciions, or total
lho.e presented rn Figure 2C. The impliFd covdndnce effects. are further decomposed inio direct and indi-
mdln\ rs then Lompdred h rlh lhe ofltindl covananLe rect effects by use of the anatomical model.
matrix. On the basis of the difierences between these
twomatrices, modifications to parameter estimates are
F€edba€k loops
made usinS iierative fitting techniques (e.9., Davidon
Fletcher-Powell method used by LISREL lDavidon,
1959; Fletcher and Powell. 19631, a modified Causs- One characteristic of biological neural networks is
Newton method for EQS lBentler, 1985]). This daia that many anatomical connections are reciprocal. Struc-
fiiting procedure finishes when the differences be' turai equation models can solve for the functional
tween the observed and implied covariances matrices weiShts of reciprocal connections between neural
are in an acceptabl€ rante. The optimizaiion routines elements and show whether these loops are symmef
are surprisingly wellbehaved $ven a reasonable set of ric or asymmetric lBerry, 1984]. Symmetric relation-
equaiions and initial conditions for iterative estima- ships have equal influences in both diiections of the
tion, and the methods used for iterative fitting will loop, while a.yn'nelric reldlion\ willbe l.r8er in one
typically give the same results in data sets in which fte direction. Such information cannot be dedved from
covariance matrix is not singr ar l.loreskog and Sor- simple paiNise correlations since coffelations are
bom, 19891. Depariures in th€ final solution are likely symmetric, but can be determined usint structural
when the numbers of known and unknown param-
eters aie close to being equal or there is singularity in The abiliiy to solve these loops is relaied to ihe
the data set (one or more regions are perfecily related complexity of the system- At one extreme, ihere rs th€
to one another). The ultimate ability of the model to two-region model whereby ihe regions are connecied
reproduce the daia is given through a X, Soodness- by a loop. In this case there would be only one known
of-fit statistic (the X,valueis the minimum value of ihe quantity, the correlation coefficient. and two un-
maximumlikelihood fit function, multiplied by N - 1, knowns, the path coefficients. The system is undeter-
where Nis the total sample size Udresko& 19731). mined, as there are more rnknowns than knowns.
Only wiih additional information could this be solved,
so ihe most parsimonious solution would be to assign
Eflects decomposition
each path coefficient the same value equal to half of
the corielation beiween the two regions. On the other
The representation of the sysiem as a set of path hand, an example ofa determined system is presented
€quations (Fit. 2C) demonsirates the ability of struc- in FiSure 3, and explained below.
iural equation models to determine dir€ct, indirect, ln ihis sysiem, two areas (,4 and B)are connectedby
and total eftects. In Figure 2, the effects of region A on a loop, with each area receivint an additional proiec-
C consist of the direct effect. r,, and the indirect effects tion from anoiher area. There are six known correla-
through z, and y. The total of effects of A on C is the tion coefficients and four unknown path coef{icients
sum of the direct plus indiiect effects. The path io solve for. The added information provided by ihe
equations depicted in Fi$re 2C do not coniain a influence ofregions C and D mak€s it possible to solve
residual term, therefore, the toial effects would be the the siruciural equation. Moreover, the estimated val-
zero-ord€r correlation between,4 and C. In rne case rn ues foi the coefficients within the loop are not equal-
. Mcln(osh and Gonzalez-Lima .

/.\ w = 0.6r
l, \ influences in the model, thiswouldequal ihestandard-
(4.].---L=-a.s]l.(8) ized semi partial regression coefJicieni for ihe influ-
il ence of A on B, i.e., ?r. This coefficient will be differeni

=,0.6t4 z; -0.553
from r,(8.), which represenis the coefficient of ihc
influence of B on A, i.e., j!-, since the terms that are
tl partialled oui of !8, namely ri. and rsL, have different
ll valu€s. The standardized semipartial regression coct-
\./ {D)
\-/ ficieni for the influence of,4 on B (zr) is 0.616, and the
standardized semi-pariial regression coeffi.ient for the
ABCD influence of B on,4 (r) is 0.397 (y = 0.552, for C on A,
A 1.00 and: = -0.554 for D on B).'The ability to solve loops
a 0.48 1.00
c 0.52 0.16 1.00 is an important feature of structural equation model
D 0.24 .0.41 0.06 r.00 ing and highlights another important concept. Looped
frlufe r. influences can only be solved when ihe relaiionships
AfouFregion neuralnetwork with re.iproca connections, or loop, among all regions in a model are considered simulta-
between regionsA and I Correations coeffl.ients are siven below neously. The partialhlg procedure thai is used in
the neMoa, a1d tie aJes fo- each arroa a-e lhe m&irJn- structural equation modeling (and regression) reveals
likelihood estimates for the path coencients. Unlike the iitorma relaiionships ihat cannot be deduced from inierre-
tion der ved from the corelaton coemcients. the path.oefrl.ients gional correlaiions.
Ior the influenceswithin the loop are Aymmetnc.
Residual effects

The reason for this is il[rstrated in the structural

equations for regions A and B:
Structural equation modeling aiso allows for influ-
ence. rol mFa.ured or not med-urdble lo be in\orpo-
raied in the model as residuals [Hayduk,1987; Joreskog
,4=r:B+vC+'lr,r (e)
and Scirbom, 1979, 19891. Residual influences can be
represented in at leasi two forms. One representation
B= uA+zD+VB 00) ofresiduals is with variable (PSl) in LISREL terminol-
Thoush ,4 and B both influence each other, the ogy and is indicaied in equations (3) and (8) and
Figure 2D. These residual inflLrences are besi thought
structural equations for each one contain additional
influences that add information, i.e., the influence of
of as hcludint ihe combhed influences of regjons
re8ion C on A lequation (9)] and region D on B outside the model and the influence of a brain region
upon itself [McArdle and McDonald, 198,1, Mclntosh
iequation (10)1. Since path coefficients are similar to and Conzalez Lima, 1992ab1. It is important that
semi partial regression coefficienis, and since the cor
residuals be allowed to occur in the model for both
relations amonS regions are not homoSeneous, the
theoreiical and technical reasons. Bmh r€gions that
resulting path coefficients for the influence of A on B
l,u) dnd B on 4 {r) will nor be equJ The l.lJ.imunr do not have a residual influence imltv that all ihe
variance in that region is account€d iorb!'the connec-
likelihood estimates for the path coefficicnts ir1 Fi8xre
3 illustrate this. The derivatjon of a path coefficieni iions with other regiorls in ih€ mociel This is an
relie. nn partiallin8 and \(n'i pirtiallirS or.ovirian.e. unlikely siiuation in a neurals\.sieln Formodelfittin8,
fixing ihe residuals to zero forces that \ariance attrib
lfor a detailed expianation of pariial and semi-partial
coef{icienis see Cohen and Cohen, 19831. Semi-partial
coef{icienis can be obtained tfuough leasFsquarc eshma-
tion or by using the formula for a semi partial conelahon rThe vnl!.s nrr thr -rnn :r(rl resre$ion coetJicients and the
as followsl nartinrm lileilhooJ rn!rtr[- i,i rh. path coefficicnb (Fig 3) are
close, but not ideftriil (! rr.ir .lhei This is th€ result of the two
.stin .,,n r.Jhnri!e! +re.ificatly, least'squares for th€
r€grcsrnrn..ePirne.ri:i.j n1.r\iDum likelihood for thc path .o€fti
.,- -:- (11)
oerG Th. nrf r.:ai. rnr rh€ drrerenc€ is that th€ esliDales for
lean squnrrr \.r( fnirJr;:eF.rilely Ior each coefticientwhile the
narinun lLlelin!a,r .: nrlri \v.r. obtaincd sinrltaneolsly. lt h
ln the formula, r/tsr) represents the semi-parhal corre- usetul to .nrfi.-:2r :::( leinjquar€s €stimates ar€ oflen used as
lation coefficient for regions ,4 and B with D held 'r'Ir,L rs im.'.i!n nFrl ud ll m'\imln
constant or partialled out. Wiih ihe direction of thc
. Structural Modrlin! olBruin lnteractions .

uiable io residuals to be expfessed fron a sourcc tions or Sroups ofsubjects (e.9., clini.al popula tion). In
within the model, r'hich can seriously impair the struciuralcquation modelin8, it is possible to conplrte
ability to locate an appropriatc soluiion for the modet. the functional models wiihin cach condition and then
PSI values in LISREL are represenied as variances and provide a descriptive compa son of whcre the models
not path coefficients. They can be convertcd b a differ [e.9., Mclntosh and Conzalez Lima, 1991]. The
coefficient by taking its square root lLoehlin, 19871, but infereniial power of such a sirategy is, howevcr, rather
informaiion aboui the sign of ihe intluence (positive limited. Most structlrral modeling programs allow for
or negative) is not obtainable unless further model a ht ltiplt St tp or stackd nadds analysis/ where
modifications arc made lHayduk, 19871. instead of estimatinS a functional model for each
Another representation of residuals is as a variable condition separatell,, the models are combined in a
hrvrne " drre(l pd.h In.,ne or more .l rhe r,8inr. single proBram run. The process involves statistically
within the model. Conceptually, this influence would conparing functional models, using the xr index of
represent a region ihat has a stronginfluence on areas model fit, r4lereby path coefficienis are constrained to
within the model, but could not be included, in other be equal between conditions (null model) with ihose
words, an influence ihat is r-ms.ndrls io the lnodcl ard in whicir the coetficients are allorvcd to diSer (altemn
is unmeasured. In LISREL, exogenous variables are tivc nrodel). The comparison of mod€ls is mad€ by
rcferred to as t (KSI) variables, rvhose influence can be subtracting the Xr value for the alternative model from
represcnted by direct paths to the c,rdo.{?ro,ls variables the Xr value for the null model. If the alternaiive
(r) in the model (ihc brain regions in ihe systen). model, in which the coefficienis were allowed to differ
These exogenous paths can be given a lvcighi or path between groups, had a significantly lower Xr value,
coefticieni represented b)' I (GAMMA). Path coeffi ihcn the coefficienis ihai were allowed to vary be-
cients amongendogenous variables are represented as tr\een conditions were siaiistically different. This Xj r
B. KSIS can be useful in accounting for influences of is assessed with ihe degrees of freedom equal to ihe
PeriPheril \en-or) urd.rn- .Lch r. ll e relrnr or,o- difference in the degrees of freedom for ihe alterna-
chlea [forexamples, seeMclntosh and Gonzalez Lima, tive and null model. The procedure is sinnlar to a
1992a,19931.lt must be emphasized that wllile concep simple i-test for differences in group means in which
tually the residuai input reprcsenis a single sorr.e/ the ihe null hypoihesis is thai a single esiimate oi the
mathematical reality is ihat other comrnon residual mean is aclequaie for both groups (i.€., the group
sources are encompassed in this hnlrcnce. As a resuli, means do not differ). For the stacked mo.lels ap,
it is not a "pure" represeniation for the single source. proach, th€ null hypoihesis is thai a single estimaie kx
Esiimaiion of residual eftects wjll depend on the each path coefficient is adequate for both groups (i.e.,
complexity of the model. Our typicat approach for the the path coefficienis between groups do not difier).
estimation of residuals (KSI and PSI) ls to fix these This fcature of structural equation modeling has the
vdlue. ir 15 l. t0: of thp roral Iri.r.rce tor r gr\en ben€fit of noi only allowing for inferential evaluaiion
brain region depending on its connections within the of different models, but also improves the statistical
rnodel lMclniosh and Conzalez-Lima/ 1991, l992a,bl. fiiness of ihe models b), increasing degrees of frcedom
Regions receivnlg more inpnis will have a lorver IHayduk, 19871. When models are esiimaied simulta-
residual value and ior areas that do not receive neonsly, each covariance matrix operates as a ser of
influences from $'ithh the model, the efteci of residLr- observed valucs. By constrainint certain parameters
als is sct b 100%. These residual effects can be to be equal bet\^,een conditions, the ratio of knowns
modified if ii significanily improves the fit of the (obserued valuet to unknolvns (parameters to be
model. Values for PSI can also be estimaied directlv as esinnaied) is increased, making parameter identifica-
tuce parameters (but\ee simulaiion reslllis below).It is tion of the modcls more likely.
not advisable to free KSI and PSI in the \ame nodcl
since there is no way to differentiate the solrrce ot the Measurement model tor neural systems
greaiest residual variance ihat leads to indeterrninacv
in the final solution- As of yet, an undeveloped capacity of neural sttuc
iural equaiion modelhg is the ability to account for
Stacked models for statistical comparison errors of ncasurement in thc model. A complete
of structural equation modets struciural equation (Fig. 4) separates the vari,
ance ot the system'noclel
inio iwo main components, a
An issue in examinnlg neural interac tions is r\lhether measurcment mo.iel and a siructural model lloehlin,
there is a change dependcrlt on experincntal condi- 19871. The measureneni model is depicied as thc area
. Mclntosh and Gonzalellima .

anatomical organization. The measurement model

accounts for the reliability of ihe measudng device.
Such a depiction of a neural structural equation
ey modelin8 may help to stabilize ihe estimates of the
path coefficients, as it i{ould reduce the potential
amount of vadance to account for. This also cleans up
the sirlrctural motlel since the measurement ellor is
removed from ihe residual term of the struciural
model. lf a measurement model is not used, then pari
of ihe residual term in the siructural model would
include ihis measuremeni error.

The meanins ofa path coefficient

Dtision of cohplete strLctun equation model into a mesure- The technical definition of a paih coefficient (ex,
ment and structural model. The structlral model is dep cted by pressed in terms of neural pathways) is the direct
e ements conta ned ir shaded Srey box. The medurement modelis proporiional functional influence one region has on
those e ements oltside the box. A meslrement modelimplis that another region throu Bh iheir direct anatomical connec-
the activity obseNed in x,, and z (indicato.%riablet is a functioi
iion, irith all other regions in the model left un-
or theinfllence of the actual act v ty of the area (X Y. and Z. atent
eriablet plus some eror of medurement (<). The degree that a changed. A paih coedrcieni i, the expected change in
meaured variable reflects a atent variable is tiven b/ the valLes the activitv of one region gnen a unit change in the
reSion influencint it. Ii a path coetficieni for ihe
influeIl:. oI retio r,{ "r B .0.r rh n r r rir incrFd.F rr
the activity of ,4 $'ould l€ad to an increase of half of
outside the greybox inFigure4 and in matrix notation that unii in B; assuminS no other regions connecied to
is: B show any change. For instan.e, ii rCBF in region A
increases by i0 ml/100 I'mnl, ihen rCBF in region B
would increase by 5 lnl 100 g lnin.

[j] [i i :]l?l.l'l
i2 The path coefficient indicat€i the a\ erage influence
across the time intefval meaiurecl. If a structural
equation model was con:tru.ted ior nlulti siie single
The measurement model represents three vaiables, t neuron data, the path coeihcilnis $ ould be ihe influ,
y, and z, that aie directly measured by the researcher. ences on a nillisecond tiIne,cal€. For m€tabolic
These variables represent/ or ir,?i.dlc, some latent mappinS daia, acti\ii\ i. tim€ iniegraied and is the
variables (X Y, and Z) that cannot be directly ob- sum of acti\ii\ h .r rpgion. Path .oefficients, in this
served. The degree to which a lntent I'ntinblc (e.8., X) is case, sho\! the alefa{e Lniluence across that time
expressed in an irdia?tor 1)l? rirble (e.9., ir) is Siven by ihe interval. Coing ba.k tu ihe pr€vious example, if we
weithtinS, (e.9., I.). Since the relationships of ihe measure rCBF in 1 dnd 6. th€n the paih coefficient of
^ and indicator variables are noi perfect,
latent variabies 0.5 hdicat€\ th.ri a.ross the time inte al measured
part of each indicator variable will be composed of (e.9., i min) the influence oi area A accounted for25%
measurement error (€., €/ and €.). The structural (squar€ of path .oerricieni) of all the innuences on B
model for this system was presented in equation (3). (25% of the !arian.e in B).
In many senses, this depiction o{a neural structural The ph\siologr.dl interpretation of a nelral path
equation model tuom brain imagint data ls more coefficient, bried on L'rain imaginS data, is somewhat
accuraie, as ii implies ihat what is measured, whether less ob\iou: in relaiion to cellular electrical events-
?DC or {BF, is a function of the actual re8ional Since the ph\ rological inierpretation of a change in a
d.livil) plu: \ome er-or or ned\u emenl. In mrppinS meiabolic narker r€lated io cellular electrical aciiviiy
data this measurement ellor may represent every- depends.n ihe Lrrdin re$on undei consideration
ihint from errors in quantificaiion of ducose utiliza- lconzal€z-Lin1.r et al., 19921, tivint a purely physioloti-
iion or blood flow, machine drift, and recovery coeffi- cal interpre ia tion io a pathcoefficient is likely mislead-
cienis, to individual dil{erences in functional and ing. One i€mf.tation is io interpret a negaiive path
. Structural Modelinc of Brain Interaclions.

coefficient as an inhibitory influence and a posiiive thebounds of the actual physiological responsewould
path coeficient as excitatory in reference to eleciro be lost, and at woist the degree of linearity would be
phy{oln8-cal posl<) naphl evenr-. Howe\er, rn in- overestimated. However, some researchers have sug-
crease in metabolism carl result from gested that for metabolic mapping data, a linear
either postsynaptic excitation or inhibiiion depending approximation to the data is a reasonable one under
on the energy demands and cellular geometry of the most physiological conditions lFriston eI al., 7992,
region [e-8., Batini et al., 1983; H€il and Scheich, 1986; Nudo and Masterion,1986l. The ability to incoryorate
Nobrega and Coscina, 1983; Nudo and Masterton, feedback loops into structural equation models is a
19861. This does noi allow a direci translation of path step towards introducing nonlinearities. More formal
coefficients based on metabolic mappinS data as indi nonlinearities can be evaluated before modeling by
ces of postsynaptic excitation or inhibiiion. This diffi, examinint the sitnificance of nonlinear trends using
clrlty is not unique io meiabolic mapping. Similar polynomial expansions lPedhazur, 19821, and these
interyretaiive difficuliies existin evoked or field poten- nonlineariiies can be incorporated into the structural
tial work, in which a .hange in the electrical activity equation models lKenny and ludd, 19841. Ther€ are
cannot be accurately inierpreted as excitaiory or inhibi currently iwo m€thods by which this can be done. The
tory postsynaptic activity unless additional informa- first involves modifyint ihe measured activity before
iion about the specific cell populaiions recorded fuom modeling the system. and then addint an extra vari,
is obtained. The pure physiological interpreiaiion of a able into the model representinS this modification- For
paih coeficient therefore depends on the activiiy example, if it is suspected thatre8ion yis a function of
nedsure- from xhi(h lhp interreSio.ldl .orariance* both linear effect of X and the square of the effect oft
measures from X would be squared and an additional
If covadances between neural elements underlie variable would be added to the model torepresent the
brain operation, then path coefficienis may be inter- square of X lfor examples, see Kenny and Judd, 1984
preted as an indication of tunctional influences or and Hayduk, 19871. The second method involves
how much of lhe ob-erved vdriance in a brdrl reSion i. constraining the estimate of the influence of one
due to the direci effect of an interconnected region. re$on on another io b€ some nonlinear tunction,
Here the emphasis is on whether ihe path coefficients which could have significani utility in modelinS non-
show a change across tasks or beiween groups. If, linearoutputin response to alinearinpui. An example
across tasks, a path coelficient shows a large increase, would be constraining the ouiput ofX (its effect on y)
or decrease, in absolute magnitude, this suggesis a to be the inverse o{ the linear effect of input from
quantitative change in funciional influence. If the vaiable Z. This feature has been incorporated into
absolute matnitude remains the same, but the sign of many of the pro$ams for structuial equation model-
a coefiicient changes across iasks (e.t., positive to ing such as EQS and newer versions of LISREL
negaiive), this may imply a qualitative change across (version 8).
tasks. Dichotomies such as this are seldom complete,
so it is likely that both magnitude and sign changes
will o€cur. When evaluated in this manner, path SIMULATIONS FOR INCOMPLETE
coefficients can indicate whether there are task- or ANATOMICAL MODELS
group-rclated diflerences in functional influences
within ihe same anatomical pathways- One important feature in neural structural equation
modelinS is the use of anaiomical paths to define the
Nonlineariti€s in covariance analysis causal structure and assess functional inieractions.
The issue of the accuracy of the anatomical model and
A1l models discussed so far have assumed that the how this affects the utility of the model has not yet
relationship of the m€tabolic activity between brain been e)(plored. Moreover, neural structural equation
ar€as is piedominantly linear. MostbioloFcal systems, models are by necessity simplifications of reality since
including the central nervous system, have nonlineari- any given region can be influenced by numerous
ties in their r€sponses. The implications of applying a oiher areas, some of which may noibe included in the
linear model to a nonlinear sysiem, at a simple level, model. Simulations were car.ied out to provide some
would be a loss of information. Ph],siological re- indication of the impact of a missing pathway and of
sponses typically follow a sitmoidal function, which G regions ihat were noi included in the model. These
essentially a bounded linear function. By assuming a simulations were Brossly oversimplified and were
purely linear response, information about responses at meant only to illustrate the behavior of the structural
. Mclnlosh and Gonzalez-Lina.

equation modeling aLsorithms uncler the two co'1cli- TABIE ll. Results from simulations*
tions indicated above. VI v2 V3 V5

The model was construcied using EQS version 4 V2
lBeniler and Weeks, i980; Beniler,l9ssl Six v3
(variables V1 to V6) were simulated from a L'nii o.ror
normal distribution with a samPle size of 100 (io avoid V5 0..153 0.712 0.515 .,194
0.563 0.848
confounds due to sampl€ size issues lBoomsma, 19851).
ln the population siruciural equaiion model, regions PSI 1.00 1.00 0.382 0.211 0.24a 0.322
receiving influences from within the model had re- Tesi model ironission ofpath from v4 to V5
sidual variances equal io 0.25, and those not receivin8
input from wiihin the model had r€sidual variances V3 -.505
sei at 1.0. The samPle .ovaiance matrix used for the o.+or 10.18
analysis is presented in TabLe L Thc sPecific values tor V5 0.692 0.726
21.67 -.5rt4
the Dath coefficients and residuals arc siven in Table 0.601
tl. itre Uase model was essentially a feectforward -
neiworkwith one looP between V3 and V6 A graPhic
PSI 1.00 1.00 0.382 0.211 0.248 0.322
Test model2: omission of Vl
depiciion of the base model and the simlllation results V1
is presented in FiSure 5. V2
Three simulations were conducted to deiennine ihe V3
effect of region or path elimination The first test 45.31 20.13
moclel was an elimination of the Path from V'l to V5,
0.601 0.940
the second was an elimination of V1 from the model,
and the final was an elimination of the feedback from PSt 1.00 0.382 0.211 0.248 0.322
V6 io V3. The e(ects of these omissions lvere assessed 45 31 7.61

by examination of changes in path coefficients from Test odel3: omission of path from V6 to V3
the base model and by evaluation at nlotliftoturtt V1
n?dlccs [J6reskog and Sdrbom, 1989; HayduK 1987] 11.46 4.07 ,u.ot
Modification indices are comPuted from th€ firsi- and v4 O..ter
second-order pariial dedvatives for each possible pa- V5 0.453 a_v2 0.515 , .494
rameter in the model Path coefficicnts and residuals 0.489 0.374 4.28
They suSSesi Parameters thai should be freed to fsl 1.00 1.00 0.382 0.211 0.248 0.322
improve ihe fit of the model A high modification 1.07 4.26
index suggesis ihai allowing the estimate of the
pdrdmerer l. chdngL ru-udll) fInmzeror sould 'i8nih- " Each s€clion conttins Path coeffici.nts Rows lnt variables
."ntl1 'nprove llre iil ol rhc m'd.l They cdn bL afi..ted ind collnnslist sourcc ot e6€ct Th. t]{o 6nal rows (PSl)
show th. residual influ.n.€s oneach vari.ble.ltems lort€stmodek
evaluated as a xr value with l degree of freedom
(PSl) 1 :l rhorln in bold italics are thc modificatnrn indic€s roi ihe
Udreskog and Scirbom, lgS9l Residual influences crpecled improvement in th. model fit (cv.luated as itr with 1
were fixed at the values obtained from ihe basc model d€gree oi ireedon) if cstimate Ior thrt Parameter !{ere changed
to determine whether the most promising rmProve- Valucs are 8r!cn for all pahncte6 lthose modification 'ndex
.xc€eds n probability of 005 (381). Cells..nranrinS a dash ( )
indic.t. padr coeffici.nts lhal sere sct to zero
TABI-E L Covariance maftix used lor data simurations

V1 v2 V] V5 V6 ment to the fit of the model woutd come from

increasing a residual, or adding a Path lt has been
v] 0.9,t9 noied by other researchers that there is a iendency for
v2 .093 1.060 unaccounted variance to be expressed in ihe residual
v3 -.032 -.210 0.272 term if the estimate for that term is unconstrarned
v.1 0.438 -.057 -.005 0.413 because it is usually the fastesi way to minimize ihe fit
v5 0.585 0.466 .146 0.386 1.013
function lHayduk, 19871. Fixhg the residual influ-
va, 0.009 0.440 .001 .032 0.061 0..184
encesin the testmodels avoided this Possible Problem.
. StructuralModelinsof Brain Inreractions.

from V5 to V4 was higher than ihe modification index

9=a* for the residual innuence on V5. In ihis simulation,

only one missing element \\'ould have been accurat€ly
identi6ed, the residual iniluence on V4. The residual

influence on V5 would likelv have been missed since
ihe modification nrder for this was lower than that of
ihe path from V5 to V,1.

Test model 3: elimination of Path ftom V5 to V3

There was a reduction in the path coeficient for the

infiuence of V3 on V6 (0.848 in the base model to 0.374
in test model 3) as a result of the removal of the
negative feedback paih. The largest modification indi-
ces were for V6 to V3, a reciprocal pathbetween V2 to
V3, and the residuals of V3 and V6 (Fig. sD). The
Figure 5. reciprocal path likely represents an alternative way to
Ghphic depiction of results from datasimu ations to test rhe ef{ecrs account for the variance in V3 when ihe innuence of
of omitted paths or regions. A: 86e modelirom which the data set V6 is omitted. Though the modification indices identi-
ws tenented. A-D: Results from three tesr hodes in which a fied the omiited path, the differences between indices
part of the bse model wB omined. Elements that are shown by were noi as $eat as in test models 1 and 2.
segmented lina are omissions trom rhe model, while elements
hi8hllshted by a g€y box ue suggsted chantes to rhe test mode s
Conclusions from simulations
derived trom moditication indices (see text). Vaues for rhe path
.oeficients. residuas, and modifi.ation indices are presented in
It appears ihat ihe modification tudices obtained
from struciural equation modelinS algorithms are able
to indicate possible omissions from the anaiomical
Results model, and where regions are omitted. Consistent
with iniuition lMclntosh and Gonzalez-Lima, 1992b],
Test model I : elimination of po.h from V4 to Vs omitted regions will result in increased residuals.
However, the modification indices alone were noi
In the first test model (Fi8. 5B), the estimates for the completely accurate. In test model2, only one missing
path coefficients did noi appear to change substan- component was accurately identified, and in test
tially. The larSest modification index was for the path model 3 the differences among indices were not as
from V4 to V5 and the second largest was for ihe path greai as in models 1 and 2. Therefore, modification
from V5 to V4- For test model 1, ihe modification indices can provide clues as to possible omissions, but
indices accurately identified ihe missing path. the final decision ofwhether to add a path or mcrease
a residual should be made by ihe researcher. Usually
Test model 2: omission of V I the regions thatare included in the modelare selected
beforehand using either sia iistical criteda or a theoreti-
There was a large change in the path coefficient for cal guide (see section on data-driven versus iheory-
the influence of V4 on V5 (from 0.515 in the base driven modeling presented below). There was some
model to 0.995 in test model 2). This is likely a indeterminacy in the simplistic mo.iels used in these
rene,lion of lhe diiempr ro jclounr Jor the !arar.e -rmuldlron.. -o therL Bill Ikply be even more in
attribuiable to the missing variable (i.e., to 6t the complicated neural based models. In social science
original covariance matrix better). The larSesr modifi- applicaiions of structural equaiion modelhg, one of
cation ;ndices were for the residual influence on V,l the main concerns is the vatidiiy of data-driven modi-
(PSl and influence of V4 on itself) path from V5 ro V4, fications ofmodels, in which it is unclearhow much of
and the residual influence on V5 (PSl and influence of the data-driven causal struciure results from siatistical
V5 on iiself) (Fig.5C). Exarnination of the modification noise [Freedman, 1987, Maccallum et al., 1992]. The
indice\\u8ge\red hir aI e\tern"l innuen,e wd.mi,- uniqueness of neural structurai equaiion models is
in8, since ihe indices for the residual influences were less of a problem because the causal structure is
high. However, the modification index for ihe path estabtished by neuroanatomy. However, if modifica-
. MclDtosb aDd Gonzalez-Lima .

tions to the anaiomical modelare made from the data, influenc€ of indirect effects- The darkness model
the simulation results presented here sugsest that the showed skong corticofugal effects from both VC1 and
same concerns as in social sciercc applications should VC2,bui in the patt€rned lightmodel, the corticofugal
extend to the neural applications. effects were zcro and the thalamocortical ef{ects w€re
relatively stronger.
ANATOMICAL CONSTRAINTS The differences between direct and total effects in
Figure 6 suggested thai ihe indireci effects throlgh
ln the central nervous systcm there are numerous corticocortical connections and thalamocortical loops
ways one area can have a functional impact on acted to chan8e the nature of thalamocortical interac-
another. Many neuralsystems havca parall!'l anatomi- tions. For €xample, the sign of the direct ef{ect from
cal ortanization by which connections between areas LCNd to VC2 was netative for the pattemed liSht
can be both direct (hierarchical) and indirect. Effects model. The indirect effect of ihe LGNd would be
decomposition of anatomically based structural equa- through thc positive ascending path to VCl and the
tion models allows for the evaluation of whether the positive loop between VC1 and VC2. A positive loop
influence of one reSion on another is through a direct tends to amplify eafects transmitted through it and
ef{ect or is mediaied through one or more indirect therefore the indirect effeci of LCNd was large and
routes. Moreov€r, when €valuatinS experimental dif- posiiive (conversely, negative loops tend io dampen
ferences, it is entirely possible for the total effects of total effects). This, added to the relatively smaller
two regions to be th€ same while direct and indir€ct neSative direct effect of LCNd on VC2, resulted in a
effects differ, or for total effects to differ when direct larSe posiiiv€ total eftects from LCNd. Corticocortical
ef{ects do not. inieractions may have acted to modify the ascending
An empirical examplecomes from a 2-DC siudy thai thalamic siSnal in the patterned light model. Corticai
examined the effects of footshock on visual system modulation of ascending signals has been docu-
metabolic activity in patterned liShi and darkness mented in electrophysiological studies IMolot€hnikotr
IMclniosh et al., 1992, Mcintosh and Gonzalez-Lima, ei al., 1984; Wickelgrcen and Sterling, 19691. Though
1992a1. A 2-by-2 design was employed havinS a pat- much of this modulaiion is likely from descendin8
terned light footshock condition, patterned liSht no corticofugal influences, the functional models shown
shock condition, darkness-footshock condition, and here suggest that corticocortical interactions, espe-
darkness no shock condition. For full details of the cially feedback from secondary cortices, may also play
study and resulis, the interested reader is referred to an important role. Reversible lesiol experiments with
the primary papers. To illustrate the informaiion cortical cooling have suggested that feedback effects
obtained by constraining the expression of the covari- ar€ an important determinant of prinury cortical
ances by the neuroanatomy, portions of the functional responses [Sandell and Schiller,198]1. lvithout the use
models from patterned lighi-no shock and dark- of the anaiomy as thc foundatilrn to express the
ness no shockconditions will be presented. interregional covariance relationships, it would noi
Fiture 6 shows the direct and total effects for the have bcen po'srble 1,, JelermDrg ri the drfference* in
Seniculocortical portion of the rat visual systcm stluc- the ascending efiects behleen patterned liSht and
tural equation models. The full model contained ihe darkness models here simpl\'because of direct tha-
lateral posterior thalamic nucleus and thc superficial lamic influences or if the\' r€sulted from mediaiion
and intermediate layers of ihe superior colliculus. The through indirect efi€cis. The abiliiy to distinguish
Seniculocortical portion was selected to illustrate the between direct .1nd indirect ellccts is an important
difference between total and direct effects and how quality ot structural equ.ltion modeling that sets it
the anatomical model helps io interpret these effects. ,)pdrl from nlhF- L.\nr.rn(L' br\ed melhodc.
The upper poriion of the 6gure shows tirat the The example presenied above shows that the ana-
ascending thalamocortical direct effecis from the dor- tomi€al founddtion is ihe key feature for neural struc
sal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) to primary vi- tural equation moLiels. An immediate concern with
sual cortex (VCl) were stronSer in the patterned liSht the use ol the anaionrical constraint is the degr€e to
model. Descending corticothalamic direct effecis from which ihe anaiomic.rl model reflects realiiy. Any
secondary visual cortex (VC2) were weaker in the system of c'quations in which there are unknowns to
patterned light mod€l,and all other direct eftects were be solved L'enc'fit lronl constraints to possible so[r-
not statistically difterent between models. Evaluation tions. Usint d1e connective anatomy of the svstem
of the total effects within this iri-nodal loop (bottom of helps to consirain soluiions. However, ifall m.rjor and
Fig.6) provided additional information about the minor paths \!€re included, most models $olrlli con
Gen icu locortica I Circuits
Direct Effects
Darkness Patterned Light

Total Effects
Darkness Patterned Light

Positive Negative
0.1 to 0.3
-0.41o06 -
- Orrr.a
Schemati. of geniculocon@l luncnona mode s obiained for rars other regons. The s ze oI the dtrect or tota effect is ind <ared bI
presented wth pafterned light or darkness. Modek..e presented the relative width oI the arow. Values for the width tradient are
on a corona section ol the rar bran with rhe inreracling retions given in the etend the bottom ofthe f8!re Positive influences
shown n whte (top s do6al and r€ht s latera). The top vo are shown d solid afows. wheres nesative ones are shown 4
models represenr rhe dlrect efiects of the source region on the setmeited arows. LGNd, doroal late€ geni.uate nu<lelsr VCl,
target reSion. The boftom Mo models repretent the total effects, prima./ visual conexi VC2, s4ondarf vislalcodex-
which are rhe slms of d rect etrects and lndirect effe.B thfough
. Mclntosh and Gon?rle2-Llma.

tain reciprocal loops at nearlv every level, with somc stream started in areas 17l18, thcn went throu8h area
interconnections beiween levcls, both feedforwarci 19d and parietal arca 7 and ended in toontal area 46.
and feedback. Whcn all possible anaionlical connec- lnteractknls between the two streams were included
tionsare includlrd, it is likclt, ihai an und('rdetermined as the an.lbmical connections be,tween areas 37 and 7,
svsten of equations would result, in which there are and are.1s 7 and 21. There was also a feedb.lck path
either the same number of known and unknown inclu.led from area 46 to area 19v. The flrnctional
clcnr€nis or morc unknown elements. In either casc, models for the right hemisphere were consisient with
urliclue soluti(nrs are noi obtainable. A hierarchical the differences in nrcan iCBF. Arcas alonS the ventral
model building strateg]' could be used whereby a stream showed stronS interactions in the object vision
smaller part of the model is estimated 6rst, th€ param- task, relltive to spatial vision, while spatial vision
eters fixed at those estimates, and then more pathsanci funciional models showed stronSer interactions along
regions ad.led to complete the model [Mclntosh and the dorsal strean. Structural equation modeling ex-
Conzalez-Lima, l992al. In most cases, hor\'ever, some tendcd the results by showinS how processing fol-
conrpromise between anatomical accuracy .lnd inter- lo$'ed into temporal and lrontal cortices. The models
pretability may be needecl. Any mocleling efiort, added to the results by showinS ihat these iwo
whcther ba-ed on -irnularion. ,'r ddlr-filhnt i. nece* sireans were not functionally independent as there
.arly ,r rinpl6i,rliUn. and (.prc.p rl- rn dppro\im.r- rvere strong inieractions beiween them in both condi-
tion of .ealit),. It is the de8r!'e of simplification that tions. Also, the el{ects of ftontal lobe fe€dback were
determines th€ utility of th€ model.
task d€pcndent, where feedback was present only
in the spatial visior model.
Within the same anatomical Drodel, the left hemi-
sphere tunctional nrodels did not show the separation
ofprocessing streams present in the riSht hcmispher€.
Siructural equation modeling of animal 2-DC stud-
This seemed contrary to the activation results, which
re- h-tve provideJ rmpunanr in-iBhl. Inlo br.in opern-
showed equal activation in boih hemispheres. It was
tion. Recent extensions of structural equation model-
hypothcsized that the bilat€ral activation may have
in8 kr PET rCBF studi€s in humans havc also provided
arisen from transcallosal influences of the risht hemi
important information beyond what was concluded
sphere on the left lHorwiiz et al., l992al. Interhemi'
from examinaiion of regional activiiy changes [Mcln-
tosh et al., 1994a1. The nlitial application was to a spheric siructural equation models showed that this
visual perception study comparint cortical inier,tc- hypothesis was tenable. As illustrated schemaiically in
tions during match-to-sample tasks ior obiect visiorl Fiture 7, ventral arcas in the riSht hemisph€re had
(face matchinS) versus spatial vision (doClocation strongtr contralateral influences than did the lcft
matching). The object visnrn task showell relativelv hemisphere areas. In thc spatial vision models, dorsal
grcrl('r dcri\ rry rn ! enlrrl occiprtoremp.r,rl hrain drer. areas showed sinilar asymmeiric inflLlences. These
while the spatial vision task showed relntively greater aslrmmetries could only have bepn deduced from the
activity in dorsaloccipital and parietal cortices lHaxby covaflance analyses,
et al., 19911. Thcse results suggested a functional Wc have recently extended ihe obj€ct vision models
segre8ation of visual proccssing strearrs into dorsal to look at changes in this basic functional neiworkin a
and ventral patlrrvays similar to that observed in delayed maich-to-sample iask in which th€ delay
nonhuman prinrates IUnserleidcrand Mishkin, 19821. interval was paramctrically increased. In this study,
Using a principal components analysis, we were abl€ we werlr able to rcplicate the oriSinal obiect vis'on
to identify temporal and prefronial r{rgions showing network, and we showed chan8es in both right hemi-
task-relaied covariance patterns. Structural equatiol sphere and left heDlisphere interaciions as a function
models from anatomical models of dorsal and ventral ofincreasing delay IMclntosh ct al., l994bl. Across the
processing streams were constructed for both obicct delay interval, the functional models showed a dc'
ancl spaiiat vision tasks. The brain regions includcd crease in ihe right hemisphere inieractions along the
striaie and extrastriate area 17 and ]U, dorsal and veniral stream with strongef interactions among dor-
veniral areas 19 (19d and l9v), occipibtpmporal area sal areas into cingulate cortcx, and bilateral increased
37, temporal area 21, parietal area 7, and frontal area interactions arnong frontal, temporal, and cingulate
46. The ventral stream consisted of the connections areas. Collectirelv, the resrlts from th€se stLrdies show
from areas 17llil, through area 19v, then into area 37 that the aPplication of struciura I equatior nodelinB to
and area 21, and terminat!'d in area ,16. The dorsal brain ilnaging in hnmans will Sreatl), aid in thc
. Stru.lur.l Modelire ofBraitr Interacdons.

Object Vision Spatial Vision

as<- 46 46


19vi 19v

17 t18

Inte.hemspherlc ilnctona mod€s for obiect vGion and spatal nte.hem spher c nteractions n both rsks. The magnitlde ol the
vison taks (see tex9. Brodmann ares are shown on a schematc d rect efiect s iidcated by the relat ve wdth of rhe atrow. The
ora hor zonta sect on ofthe human bm n Gop is anteror. afd rert is va ues for the width gradient are $ shown in Fisure 6. Posir ve
eft within each section). More doEally ocated are6 7 and l9d are nf uences are shown s solid arrows. wheres neSative ones are
separated by gay boxes. The fi8ure llsrates the dymmet.c shown 6 segmented arrows.

intcrprctation of the distributecl ictiYity ch.lnges un, equation modeling is t),picallv thought of as a confir-
derlving cognitive opcrations. mabD'.pproach (confirmaiory factor anaLysis) sin ce a
causal modcl is uslrally bcing confirmed or discul
MODELING A purely data-driven appronch requi.cs adclitional
staiistical methods to construct a structural mod€I.
A concern with image based analyses is (41etheL an Thcsc nrcthods arc used to select regions that apPear
objcctivc or clata-driven mcthod is superior to a to be operating as n functiolal Lrnii. Some examPlcs
purcly thcoretic.l approach. Thi\ h.s been an rssue rn in.lude the use ol univariate analyses of reSnrnal
the anal],ris of l'ET daia and is demonsh.atcd by ihc actiYity beir{e€n condition, (e.8., t iesis, ANOVA), or.
drhFrpr"p.n p\ts1-b,\.., ,bi,, .p. r. -' - .,n.,i oihcr multivariate methods such as l'CA (and deriva,
intcreslbased (theoretical) approaches Ie.9., ',. fox €t al., ti!e5) nncl discriminani analysis. Univariate ditfer,
19i18 verslrs Peiit ct al., 19931. A snnilir clisiinclnrn can ences in reSional activity can provide clues for somc
be nade in covariancc analyris and is oilcn disiin, regions that need to be includcd h a struciural
guisheclasexploratory (objcctive) \'eLsLrsconfirnaiorY cquati.rn nodel. PCA based on ihe covariances b€-
'rh,1',ur('l Jr.,l\-,. fr r,ipal .,rrrpor err.-acah-i. tseen brain arcas sunrnrarize the potentinlly large
(IrCA) and fack,r analvsis arc e\reniiailv exploratory covariance nairices from the comrnon patierns oi
techniques since no constrainis afe placcd up hou' relauonlhips amont brain regions and suSsesi re-
the variance in the sysicnr is €xpresse.l. Shuctural gi(nls that mat, be part oi ditferent functional systems.
. clnro\h and Gonzalez-Limn .

This approach has been used in PET iCBF stndies of seldom useful in practice. Therefore, rather than assum-
visual perception to select retions for a structural in8 a posture ateither end of the continuum, it is more
equaiion model lMclntosh et al., 1994a,b]. A further productive to amalgamate qualities of both objective
extension of this, discriminant analysis, selects and theoretical approaches in to covariance-based mod-
weighted combinations of retions that differcntiate eling efforts. This represe^$ a data-dtutn bttt hypothcsis-
experimental conditions and serves as an indication of co,.5trniill,r] ltpproach to modeling. For experimental
the functional systems that distinguish cond;tions. conditions in which the functional systems involved
Discriminant analysis has been used for the selection are noi obvious, a data-driven approach can be adopted
of relevant reSions for inclusion in a model in a brain to select brain areas usinS such methods as a PCA or
mapping study of associative learnint [Mclntosh and discriminant analysis alonS with univariate regional
Conzalez-Lima, 19941. Other groups have also used analyses- Structural equation modelinS can provide
principal componenis analyses, but not in the context cllres as to possibLe functional influences (i.e., paths)
of build ing structura I equation models IGoldenberg et thatshould be added to the model toimprove explana-
al., 1989, Lagrize et al., 1993, Moeller and Strother, tory power. The data-ddven approach should be
1991; se€ also papers by Friston and Alexander and constrained by whether the functional influence can
Moeller in this issuel. theoretically exist whether there is an anatomical
Daia-driven approaches can be confounded by conneclion belwFen reSrons. For e\ample. cuppo:e in
sample-specific conditions that limit the generalizabil- modeling the cortical visual system there is a large
ity of the results. Forexample, heterogeneou s samples, modification index fora €onnection from striatecortex
outlier observations, and measurement error can all to prefrontal cortex. Since there have been no reports
influence covariances within a sample. All analysis of direci striatofrontal connections, this path would
algorithms cannoi distinglish these sources of vari- noi be included. This may be taken as a case in which
ance and therefore they may be expressed in what theinfluenceismediatedbyindirectconnections(e.9.,
appears to be strong changes in covariance. Principal occipito-temporal frontal) and suSgests that another
components anaLysis may be especially vulnerable region should be added to the model. E)amples ofthe
since it simply summarizes the covariance matrix and data driven theory-constrained approach are in FDG
therefore if some of the observed covariance patterns experiments dealing with Pavlovian conditioning in
are a result of noise, they will be reflected in the rats lMclntosh and Conzalez-Lima, 19941 and in hu-
principalcomponents IWidaman, 1993]. man PET rCBF studies of visual perception and
Theory-driven approaches usually eniail ihe selec- memory [Mclntosh et a1.,1994a,b].
tion of a "system of interest" befor€ the experiment. This combined approach has an additional benefit
This was the approach used in our initial application in developing theodes of brain operation. Because
ofstructural equation modeling to functional neuroim- each structural equation model combines empirical
aSint studies of the rai auditory and visual systems data with researcher intuition it forces ihe models to
lMclntosh and Gonzalez-Lina, 1991, 1992a1. The be explicitly descibed. Each anatomical connection
theory-driven approach is used when specific hypoth- needs to be confirmed. Any connections that are
eses are being tested about the nature of a Particular included without specific reference to neuroanatomy
neural system. For example, the choice of the auditory (e.9., effective connections) need concrete theoretical
system was ddven by ihe hypothesis that functional explanation as io whether the effective conneciion is
interactions in the auditory system could code for the mediated through brain areas not included in the
behavioral significance of acoustic stimuli as well as structural equation model. Neural structural equation
the pure physical characteristics IMclntosh andConza- models add a degree of exactness that is not often
lez-Lima, 199L, 1993l.'N hile the same potential statisti- present i)l brain imaginS siudies. With the ability of
cal prcblems with sample-specific chaiacteristics can brain imaging to measure activity through ihe entire
affect theory-driven models, a maior concern with brain it is often the case that numerous areas show
theory-driven approa(hes is whether the actual func- increases or decreases in activity in an experiment.
tional models for a given iask are ideniified. It is Brain imaginS researchers will often discuss the re-
possible that the system of interest does not show a sults in terms of "functional neiworks" without spe-
chanSe in the o(periment and that the functional cific references to how these network are form€d. By
model is actually composed of anotherset of regions. requi'in8 that the nelworki be e\pressed In a covari
As with most dichotomies, distinctions such as ance-based model, the assumptions of the researcher
da ta-d riven versus theory driven are uselulin discuss- as to the organization of the neiwork are more easily
ing seemingly opposinS views or approaches but are
. Structural Modeling ofAmin Inte.rctions.

The relative exactness of neural siructural equaiion tor reSiondl dclivr.y Junng tdsks of inlerest (e.9..
models also allows for the generation of testable electrophysiology). On ihe other hand, if the covari-
hypotheses. The functional models obtained from ance among neural elements is criiical to brain opera-
struciural equation models of the human cofiical tion, the role of any $ven region in a particular
visual system showed that feedback tuom prefronial behavior must b€ viewed in ihe contexi of its interac-
cortex was present in a match{o-sample task involv- tions wiih other regions. Network analytic approaches
ing spatial locatior! but not in ihe matching of faces have supported the idea that brain function involves
lMclntosh ei a1.,1994a1. This led to the hypothesis that the cooperative interaction among many neural re
the involvement of feedback from the prefrontal gions, and though it may be that a particular area is
cortex depends on the task difficulty. Moreover, rn.ne citical for a certain function, the performance of any
face-matching task there was a stronger influence of task is a result of the funciional interactions of many
the right hemisphere on left hemisphere than the left
regions llohn and Schwartz, 1978; Conzalez-Lima,
h€misphere on the ritht. This led to the hypothesis
1992, Mclntosh and Gon zalez Lirna, 79931.
that the right hemisphere was ensaged in most of ihe
The study of neural interactions will be important
taskand ihatleft hemisphere involvementwas through
for relating cognitjve theodes with brain operations. It
callosal influences. Our research on associaove redrrr
in8 involvint Pavlovian condiiioning of auditory is highly unlikely that ihe functional organization of
rhe brain follow. lhe rndependeni moduldr orgdni./d-
stimuli in the rai lMclniosh and Gonzalez-Lima, 19941
has suggesied ihai the sign (positive versus netativ€) tion of psycholo$cal construcis. Therefore, it is also
of the influences within a basal forebrain loop involv- unlikely that a single brain re8ion has only one
ingthe septalregions and the nucleus accumbens may co$itive function. lnstead, fhnctionally specialized
refl€ct ihe moiivational or affective property of the anatomical networks within the brain mav be more
acoustic stimulus. The associative value, on the other easily related io cognitive constructs. There may not
hand, may have been refle.ted by interactions within be a single brain area that represents "aitention" for
a limbic thalamocortical circuit of retrosplenial, perirhi instance, but there are more likely numerous brain
nal, and insular cortices and the antedor thalamus. areas whose int€ractions represeni atteniion opera-
The value of structuial equation modeling as a data tions. The imporiant point is that it may be possible for
analytic tool for brain ima8in8, and as a hypothesis- parts of the same anatomical network to be involved
generating hypothesis-testint tool has been discmsed. in anoiher function when the interactions change. For
There is anoiher potential role for neural structural example/ numerous behavioral brain studies have
equation models as a bridge between €xpedmental su8gested that primary auditory areas show activity
data and n€ural networkmodelingboth at the sysiems related both to ihe pereptual components of a stimu-
and neuronal level Isee Horwitz and Spoms, 1994, for lus and its learned behavioral relevance lconzalez-
a full discussion of these issuesl. Here, the functional Lima, 1992, Mclniosh and Gonzalez-Lima, 1993,
models can act as constraints for computational mod-
Scheich ei a1.,1992; Weinberger et al., 19901. Thus, the
els based on reSional interactions lotto ei al., 1992] or
same anatomical network can code, in parallel, the
neuronal interactions lTononi et a1.,1992]. This poten-
perceptual and behavioral properties of stimuli de-
tial will greatly expand the theoretical utility of siruc
pendingon the nature of the interactions between the
tural equation modeling in neuroscience.
parts of the network. The hippocampus has a well-
WHAT IS THE BENEFIT OF ANALYTIC established role in declarative memory piocesses
APPROACHES TOWARD THE STUDY OF lsquire et al., 1993], but its activity has also been
NEURAL INTERACTIONS IN NEUROSCIENCE? related to voluntary moior behavior and sensory
processing in high states of arousal lBland, 1986,
Many contemporary cognitive neuioscience theo Sainsbur), et al., 19871 and habituation or motivation
ries are based mainly on evidence obtained concern- Icray and McNaughton, 1983; lanard, 19931. These
ing the role a particular structure plays in a particular examples sutgesi ihat different brain areas can play
behavior. For example, researh on memoryhas dif{er- important roles in multipl€ functions beyond their
entiated between those memory piocesses thai are classical distinctions, and ihis may be a teneial prop-
"hippocampal dependent" and "hippocampal inde eriv of the ceniral nervous system rather than specific
pendent" IEichenbaum et al., 1992, Squire et al., 19931. ro orl\ d few brdin retion.. Indeed. lhFse viesr dre
These theoies incoryorate data from animal lesion consistent with ihe adaptive characieristics of the
studies, human clinical studies, and studies tna! monr, .L rtrcl nervous -v-rem. in whrch tun,lionrl orSanird-
. Mclnlosh and Gonzalez-Lima.

tion is viewed as dynamically related to the Particular Boonena A (1985): Nonconv.rgcnce, improper solutions, and
starting valu€s in LISREL maimum likclihood estination. Psy
environmenial demands rather than a static proPerty
chometry50:229 212
Uohn and Schwartz, 1978; Mclntosh and Conzalcz Cohen l, Coh.n P {1983): Applied Multiple R€gression/Cotrelation
Lima, 1993, 1994; Merzenich and Sameshima, 1993, Analvsis lor the B€havnrral Scienccs Hillsdale, NJ Lawren..
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