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PARTE 2. CONSTRUO DO EUROCENTRISMO: definies e conceitos de civilizao, evolucionismo cultural, teoria dos estgios, transferncia de conceitos etc.

GOODY, Jack. O roubo da histria. Como os europeus se apropriaram das idias e invenes do Oriente. So Paulo: Contexto, 2008. BLAUT, J. M. The Colonizers Model of the World. Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History. New York/London: The Guilford Press, 1993. Cap. 1 History inside out p. 1-30. 26.09.13 PERROT, Dominique & PREISWERK, Roy. Ethnocentrisme et Histoire. L'Afrique, l"Amrique indienne et l'Asie dans les manuels occidentaux. Paris: Anthropos, 1975. Cap. IV Lambiguit de la notion de civilisation. p. 105-121. Cap. V. Lvolutionnisme social. p. 123-147. LIAUZU, Claude. Race et Civilisation - LAutre dans la culture occidentale. Anthologie historique. Paris: Syros, 1992. Cap. I Mots fondateurs. III Europe. 1. Mythes dorigine et supriorit naturelle. 2. La libert, attribut de lEurope. 3. LEurope cest lanti-orient. 4. Une machine faire de la civilisation. 5. Les Lumires entre universalisme et euro-centrisme. p. 40-56. WOLF, Eric. Europa y la gente sin historia. Mxico: FCE, 1994 [1987]. Prefcio, Introduo p. 15-39. Concluso, p. 458-472. PARTE 3. ALTERNATIVAS CONSTRUO EUROCNTRICA DA HISTRIA. frica 03 e 10.01.13 LOPES, Carlos. A Pirmide Invertida Historiografia Africana feita por Africanos. Actas do Colquio Construo e ensino da Histria da frica. Reunio Internacional de Historia de frica, Lisboa, 1989, p. 21-29. FARIAS, P. F. de Moraes. Afrocentrismo: entre contranarrativa histrica universalista e o relativismo cultural. Afrocentrism: Between Crosscultural Grand Narrative and Cultural Relativism, Journal of African History, vol. 44, no 2 (2003), pp. 327-340. ASANTE, Molefi Kete. The Painful Demise of Eurocentrism. Asmara: Africa World Press, 1999. Prlogo e cap. 3. DIOP, Cheikh Anta. LAfrique noire pr-coloniale. Paris/Dakar: Prsence Africaine. [1960] 1987. Cap. V. Organisation tatique. p. 87-123. FAUVELLE-AYMAR, Franois-Xavier. Le rhinocros dor. Histoires du Moyen Age africain. Paris:Alma, 2013, cap. 7 p. 81-90; cap. 23 p. 201-207. Orientalismo 17.10.13 SAID, Edward. W. Orientalismo. O Oriente como inveno do Ocidente. So Paulo: Cia das Letras, 2001. Introduo. p. 13-39. IRVIN, Robert. For Lust of Knowing. The orientalists and their enemies. [Allen Lane 2006] London: Penguin Books, 2007. Cap. 9 An Enquiry into the Nature of a Certain Twentieth-Century Polemic, p. 277-309. Cap. 10 Enemies to Orientalism, p. 310-330. Isl 24.10.13 POMIAN, Krzysztof. Ibn Khaldn au prisme de lOccident. Paris: Gallimard, 2006. Cap. VII Le temps de lhistoire. p. 112-127. LAROUI, Abdallah. Islam et Histoire. Essai dpistmologie. Paris: Flammarion, 1999. Cap. 3 Histoire et orientalisme p. 69-90. ndia 31.10.13 GUHA, Ranahit. Las voces de la historia y otros estudios subalternos. Prlogo de Josep Fontana. Barcelona : Critica, 2002.

SEN, Amartya. The Argumentative Indian. Writings on Indian Culture, History and Identity. London, Penguin, 2005. Preface, p. IX-XVII. Cap. 6 Our Culture, Their Culture. p. 121-138. Cap. 7 Indian Traditions and the Western Imagination, p. 139-160. CHAKRABARTY, Dipesh. Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference. Princeton UP, 2007, 336 p. SUBRAHMANYAM, Sanjay. The career and legend of Vasco da Gama. Cambridge UP, 1997. BERTRAND, Romain. Lhistoire parts gales. Rcits dune rencontre Orient-Occident (XVIe-XVIIe sicle).Paris: Seuil, 2011 China 07.11.13 FEUERWERKER, Albert Ed. History in Communist China. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1968. Cap. 2. Albert Feuerwerker. Chinas History in Marxian Dress. p. 14-44. Cap. 11. James P. Harrisson. Chinese Communist Interpretations of the Chinese Peasant Wars. p. 189 -215. Cap. 14. Maurice Meisner. Li Ta-Chao and the Chinese Communist Treatment of the Materialist Conception of History. p. 277-305. FRANK, Andr Gunder. ReOrient: Global economy in the Asian Age. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1998. Preface, p. XV-XXIX. FERGUSSON, Niall. Civilization. The West and the Rest. London : Allen Lane, 2011, p. 1-49. BILLETER, Jean-Franois. Contre Franois Jullien. Paris: Allia, 2006. GRUZINSKI, Serge. Laigle et le dragon. Dmesure europenne et mondialisation au XVIe sicle. Paris: Fayard, 2012. Ocenia 14.11.13 SAHLINS, Marshall. Ilhas de Histria. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 1990. Cap. 4 Capito James Cook; ou o Deus Agonizante. p. 140-171. DENING, Greg. Clio in Oceania: Transformations That Present the Past. In BIERSACK, A. Clio in Oceania. Toward a Historical Anthropology. Washington: Smithonian IP, 1991, p. 347-81. Amrica Latina 21.11.13 e 28.11.13 ZEA, Leopoldo. Discurso desde la marginacin y la barbarie. Mexico: FCE, 1990 [Barcelona 1988]. Cap. VIII Eurocentrismo. p. 198-216. ZEA, Leopoldo. Filosofia de la histria americana. Mexico: FCE, 1978. Introduo + 1a parte: La histria em la consciencia occidental. Cap. I La filosofia de la historia a America. p. 15-75. 4. A CINCIA HISTRICA FRENTE AOS EMBATES DO EUROCENTRISMO 05.12.13 AMSELLE, J-L. LOccident dcroch. Enqute sur les postcolonialismes. Paris : Stock, 2008. C. 6, 7. SHOHAT, Ella, STAM, Robert, From Eurocentrism to Polycentrism. In Unthinking Eurocentrism: multiculturalism and the Media, London, Routledge, 2006. pp. 13-53. FONTANA, Josep. A Europa diante do espelho. Bauru: Edusc, 2005. BERTRAND, Romain. Mmoires dempire. La controverse autour du fait colonial. Paris: Ed. du croquant, 2007. LANDER, Edgardo. Marxismo, eurocentrismo e colonialismo. In BORON, Atilio A., AMADEO, Javier, GONZLEZ, Sabrina (Org.). A teoria marxista hoje. Problemas e perspectivas. Buenos Aires CLACSO/ Expresso popular, 2006, p. 201-234. WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel. European Universalism. The rethoric of power. New York: The New Press, 2006. Introduction : The politics of universalism today. Cap. I European universalism. Whose Right to intervene ? Universal Values against Barbarism. p. 1-29. MORRIS, Ian. Why the West Rules the Rest For Now. the patterns of history and what they reveal about the future. Profile Books Ltd, 2011.

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